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行政程序法典化及其內涵的分析檢討 / Administration procedure act

張春福, Chang, Chuen-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
於現今給付行政理念高唱入雲的時代,行政之機能與所涉及之領域隨之擴大,遂承擔諸多現實社會福祉之任務,而為確保行政之公正,以保障國民的權利,僅憑行政實體法,尚有未逮。而現代法治國家中所關注之焦點,乃集中於確立公正的行政程序上,如奧地利於一九二五年,美國於一九四六年,德國於一九七六年陸續制訂行政程序法,而鄰邦日本亦於一九九三年完成制定行政程序法的工作,故今日行政程序法之頒佈,成為戰後行政法學上之一股趨勢。另關於行政程序法之研究,亦為各國行政法學界之重大課題。 我國為因應此種行政程序法立法運動的趨勢,政府約在十餘年以前,即開始著手推動行政程序法草案的研擬工作,先後在民國六十三年及民國七十年由行政院研究發展考核委員會委託國立台灣大學林紀東教授組成專案小組進行比較研究,先後完成「各國行政程序法比較研究」及「我國行政程序法之研究」兩篇研究報告,為我國將來行政程序法典化奠定了良好的基礎。嗣後,行政院經濟建設委員會健全經社法規工作小組,於民國七十八年委託國立台灣大學法律學研究所進行行政程序法的專題研究,於民國七十九年十二月提出「行政程序法草案」研究報告。但上述兩種草案並未為政府所採用,而最後由法務部經過多年研擬於八十四年三月完成該部的「行政程序法草案」,報經行政院會通過後,送請立法院審議中。不過,有值 得吾人注意者,即近年來,國內、外行政程序法的發展已有大幅改變,加上國內自解嚴以來,社會快速變動,人民權利意識抬頭後,便衍生出許多社會問題,如勞工、環保等問題,而此等社會問題的解決方式,實有賴於行政機關具備健全的行政程序,為能澈底瞭解目前國內、外行政程序發展趨勢,並制定一套切合當前社會需要的行政程序法,故仍有針對行政程序法的相關問題加以探索的必要。 我國近年來已開始著手行政程序法草案的研擬工作,以因應國內、外行政程序法立法運動的發展趨勢,並希望藉此能制定一套切合當前社會需要的行政程序法。加上政府目前正積極推動以「發展台灣成為亞太營運中心計畫」為重心的國家建設,並列入行政院年度施政方針。因此,為有效達成行政革新及再造政府的目標,政府對行政程序法立法工作甚為重視,法務部已完成行政程序法草案的擬定,經行政院會通過後,業已送請立法院審議中,希望早日能夠完成立法程序。綜上所述,本論文主要內容分為七章二十九節,茲就各章要點分述如下: 第一章為緒論,係說明為因應國內、外行政程序法的制定趨勢,必須就行政程序法相關問題加以探討分析。說明本論文的研究動機係因鑑於戰後各民主國家,均甚重視行政程序法典化的發展趨勢,故認為有針對行政程程序法的相關問題加以探討的必要;又本論文的研究目的,係以整體觀點作一思考構想方向,希望經由前述研究流程之後,能夠提出有關健全行政程程序法的構想籃本。 第二章為行政程序法的基本概念,首先論述其意涵所在,及此種法制在一般民主國家所應發揮的實際功能,其次就行政程程序法與行政救濟制度兩者相互關係加以探討。 第三章為行政程序法的法理基礎與制定問題,用以說明行政程序法的基本理念與立法原則及其重要性,並論制定此項法典所面臨的困難問題。 第四章為外國行政程序法的發展,係以美國、日本及德國等三國為例,分析說明其行政程序法制定過程及內涵,並探討各國行政程序法共同的發展趨勢,以供我國行政程序法制定與施行的借鏡。 第五章為扼要說明我國行政程序法草案的研擬過程,並比較各時期所研擬草案的內容。 最後一章為結論,係以上述外國制定行政程序法的經驗與法理基礎作為探討的根據,陳述所獲得各項發現與心得,藉以對我國行政程序法的制定提供有關建議,希望有助於草案內容缺失的補充修正,並作為日後立法與執行時的參考。此外,筆者尚嘗試將本論文的研究心得予以具體化,擬定為一項符合法理原則與客觀標準的行政程序法草案,藉此顯示一部完備的行政程序法典所應具備的內容,並可供作政府草案版本比較的借鏡。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究的動機與目的 1 第二節 研究分析架構 3 第三節 研究方法與限制 8 第二章 行政程序法的基本概念 11 第一節 行政程序法的意涵 12 第二節 行政程序法的功能 14 第三節 相關名詞界定 19 第四節 行政程序法與行政救濟制度關係 32 第五節 本章結語 37 第三章 行政程序法的法理基礎與制定問題 39 第一節 制定行政程序法的必要性 39 第二節 行政程序法的立法原則 42 第三節 行政程序法典化有待克服的困難 51 第四節 本章結語 53 第四章 德、美、日等三國行政程序法的發展?56 第一節 德國聯邦行政程序法概述???????????56 第二節 美國行政程序法概述???????????????65 第三節 日本行政程序法概述???????????????82 第四節 主要國家行政程序法的共同趨勢?????91 第五節 本章結語??????????????????????????93 第五章我國行政程序法草案的立法過程與檢討96 第一節 立法背景與緣起???????????????????96 第二節 行政程序法草案的研擬過程?????????96 第三節 各種版本的比較分析??????????????123 第四節 本章結語?????????????????????????131 第七章 結論??????????????????????????????133 第一節 研究發現?????????????????????????133 第二節 建議與檢討???????????????????????135 第三節 建構完整行政程序法的思維????????137

行政程序重開之研究-以租稅程序為核心 / Study on resuming administrative procedures focused on taxing and leasing procedures

陳秀蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章「緒論」:主要說明本文之研究動機、目的、範圍及方法。 第二章「程序重開基礎理論」:本章首先探討程序重開之法理與法制化,先對程序重開之制度予以了解,並從程序重開之基本思想目的切入,再言及較實體之程序架構、要件因素。接著分析與探討我國程序重開之法制,並對程序重開之要件與審查程序、步驟加以詳細而深入之分析與探討。包括「持續效力之行政處分」內容及其實益、程序重開之審查決定與法律性質及歸納分析「經行政爭訟程序確定後」之程序重開於實務司法運用及爭議。再鑒於我國行政程序重開深受德國法之影響,德國法學處理相關爭議之經驗,本章擬一併介紹。 第三章「租稅返還請求權與程序重開」:稅捐稽徵法第28條所生爭議錯綜複雜,涉及諸多租稅法及行政法基本法理,為能全貌掌握,本章先從稅捐稽徵法第28條之本質為何切入,探討其租稅返還請求權與程序重開,並以此為主軸,展開一切相關議題之分析與探討,同時加以類型化。因此本章將介紹租稅返還請求權之法制,包括其法理、意涵、法律性質、返還請求權之法律原因及退稅請求權行使與核課期間之關係。接著深入論及申請退稅實體事由,基於「其他原因」溢繳稅款得否適用稅捐稽徵法第28條所生爭議之學說與實務見解分析,並擬提出意見。其次討論行政程序法施行前,租稅返還請求權時效究應適用稅捐稽徵法第28條之規定,或應類推適用民法不當得利返還請求權之規定。最後檢討98年稅捐稽徵法之修訂,是否已充分解決目前諸多面象之爭議。 第四章「租稅程序重開之設計」:稅捐稽徵法第28條長久以來,學說與司法實務最大爭議之問題「已確定之核課處分,是否應為稅捐稽徵法第28條適用之範疇」,並與行政程序法第128條程序重開之規定相當,屬於廣義行政救濟程序之一環,故有必要徹底探討租稅體系及法理。本章先由租稅核課制度之基本法理著手,包括租稅債務之成立、租稅之特質、核課處分之作成與效力,及租稅特有之核課期間、退稅期間、征收期間所綿密建構成之獨特時效制度。繼而再切入違法之核課處分之救濟途徑,以探討及了解是否有所謂「對人民保護不周」之法律漏洞。並比較分析稅捐稽徵法第28條與行政程序法第128條關係與要件。其次,歸納分析學說對「已確定之核課處分,是否應為稅捐稽徵法第28條適用之範疇」之分歧立論依據。同時針對司法歷年判決及最新之立論,亦歸納分析不同之主張,全盤了解見解轉折之始末,並提出本文主張。未了針對如何突破核課處分存續力之約束,擬提出本文建議。 第五章「結論與建議」:最後本文將針對稅捐稽徵法第28條租稅返還請求權之規定及現行運作下之租稅程序重開提出結論及建議。學說不能脫離實務,實務離不開學說,互為探索,更有助於問題之釐清。爰此,本章特別慎選代表性之案例,予以評析及提出意見。


張淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之研究主題為「行政處分理由之說明」,探討我國行政程序法施行後,行政機關作成處分時相關理由之說明現況,期能提供行政機關作為其製作處分理由之參考。 序章 說明論文之研究動機與方法 第一章 探討外國法處分理由說明義務法理之發展,由於各國法理發展、憲法法理基礎不同,造成各國要求處分理由說明義務之處分範圍與內容程度有所差異。且各國社會背景、法律文化、法制體系有異,實無法亦不宜直接根據各國法制評比其優劣。故處分理由說明義務基礎法理發展之引介,有助於理解各國要求行政機關說明處分理由之目的,並可分析處分理由說明義務之處分範圍與內容程度產生差異之基本原因。 第二章 根據各國之法理,分析其要求說明處分理由之行政處分範圍與行政機關履行處分理由說明義務應說明理由之內容與程度之具體內容。 第三章 根據外國法之學理、法令與實務,客觀分析整理作為正當行政程序之一環之處分理由說明義務之概念、意義、功能等相關原則之理論基礎,以補充解釋行政程序法規定不足之處。 第四章 整理我國處分理由說明義務相關之現況、學說、行政實務與司法實務之態度,並從前幾章分析外國法之理論基礎檢視我國處分理由說明瑕疵之判斷標準與處分效力等之問題點。 第五章 探討與處分理由有關之訴訟程序中處分理由之追加與變更之問題。 第六章 整理前五章之研究成果,試圖建構處分理由說明義務之說明模式,並針對整理現狀之問題點提出改善之意見。

從法制規範論中國聽證會制度 / A study on China’s hearing system based on the norm of legal system

黃傳智 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸從民主國家引進「聽證會」制度,是一種「有組織、有結構」的表達機制。要瞭解中國「聽證會」制度的全貌與意涵,首先掌握民主國家聽證理論,並在「民主政治」、「自然正義」、「正當法律程序」及「公開與公民參與」等立論原則,來加以探索民主國家對聽證之成因與面貌。另在文獻蒐集與探討中,從1993年至今,完整編織中國「聽證會」的發展背景動機和歷史演變,透過聽證理論與「聽證會」發展之比對分析,藉以說明中國與民主國家在「聽證」觀點上之差異。 在現行中國聽證會制度之法制規範上,從「聽證會」在中國大陸司法、行政立法過程之相關會議資料,和中央、地方近年來之施行情形,探求其制度正處於何種地位,瞭解中國「聽證會」之地位後,陸續歸納中國憲法內相關對聽證的立憲基礎,還有全國人大、全國人大常委會、國務院及地方等行政立法機關,在司法、行政立法聽證的法律規章之聽證法源依據,進而分析聽證在大陸的適法範圍及功能。另由司法賠償、行政立法及行政處罰之聽證個案實例,進一步深層瞭解「聽證會」實際操作面向。 文內採用文獻探討法,就已蒐集中國大陸司法、行政立法聽證之意涵、種類、政策基礎、規範原則、運作程序等百篇文獻,對與主題有關的縱向因素之因果關係加以整理、掌握,並藉以分析聽證之本質內涵,在透由探討與發現問題,將有系統對中國聽證會在司法聽證、行政立法聽證及民主政治等方面的問題影響加以整理說明。最後提出結論與建議,以提供問題解決方向。 / Communist China adopts the hearing system, a well organized and structured expression mechanism, from the western democracies in 1993. With this background, understanding the hearing theories of the western democracies becomes the prerequisite to study the full context and implications of China’s hearing system. Those who are interested in the creation of the western hearing system must realize that the system is based on theories such as democracy, natural justice, due process of law, and public civil participation. With thorough researches of documents and analyses, the motivation and history of China’s hearing system shall be studied and the differences between China and the western democracies shall be analyzed by comparing the theories and evolution of the two hearing systems. In order to identify with the role of China’s current hearing system, related materials collected from several important meetings carried out by China’s judicial and administrative-legislative authorities, as well as implementation of hearing at the central and local levels are investigated. When this investigation is concluded, how hearing system functions within the scope of China’s constitution will be induced. Furthermore, how hearings are functioned and supported by China’s existing laws when they are performed at National People Congress (NPC), NPC’s Standing Committee, State Council and local authorities will also be examined. Case studies of hearings regarding to judicial compensation, administrative-legislative and administrative penalties are provided to further help understand the real performance of the hearing activities in China. The literature review methodology is taken on in this thesis . Over one hundred periodicals, papers, and documents on the subject of hearing are collected and studied. These materials include the definition, types, principles, norms and procedures of China’s judicial and administrative-legislative hearings. By studying the literature and identifying the cause and effect, a systematic explanation of the correlation between China’s judicial and administrative-legislative hearing structure and democracy is concluded and possible solutions are recommended.


黃馥瑤 Unknown Date (has links)


高仁川 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

社會給付行政中行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊義務─ 兼論社會法地位回復請求權 / A Study on Administrative Agencies’ Consultation and Information Providing Obligations in Social Welfare Procedure─ Including a Discussion on the Right to Recover the Procedure Status

侯幸彤, Hou, Hsing Tung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 資訊時代下,要求國家對於人民提供資訊,係為行政程序要求公開透明化之國家重要任務。近年來,我國法制發展,主要著重在要求政府對不特定多數人公開資訊之相關法制建構。相較於此,課予行政機關於行政程序對特定人民提供資訊,無論是行政機關為單方面的資訊提供,或進一步以對話的方式提供意見的諮詢,為我國法制規範上未予關注之處。現代社會變遷下,行政任務內容朝向複雜及專業化發展,國家扮演的角色亦隨之重新定位,除了在消極方面,要求國家不得過度干預人民權利的行使外;在積極的面向上,國家負有提供人民生存照顧服務的義務。具體落實在一般行政程序當中,由於行政任務的變遷以及法規的繁雜,常使人民難於釐清之間的權益關係,除此之外,在社會行政程序中,程序相對人大多具有在資訊取得較為弱勢之特徵,為了有效落實並達成個別社會給付之目的,需透過行政機關在社會給付行政程序中,提供人民相關協助。 要求國家於行政程序中提供人民相關資訊,涉及正當行政程序在憲法上的定位。釋憲實務對於正當法律程序之發展,及對該概念所為的闡釋,說明程序在憲法上亦受到檢視。除了透過憲法明文規定之權利推導出程序的要求外,特別是在行政領域中,行政程序基本權的肯認,所能發揮人民權利保障的功能,係為近年來實務及學理上,就該權利主張之具體依據及內涵,於法制發展上關注的重心。而要求國家對個別人民提供資訊,足以作為行政程序基本權的具體內涵之一。 在法律的層次方面,基於公益的考量,課予行政機關於行政程序中踐履相關的義務,必須進一步探求系爭法規之規範意旨,透過保護規範理論的操作,探究人民是否具備主觀公權利。我國行政程序法中,並未就行政機關對人民之諮詢及提供資訊義務作一般性規定,然而,在個別社會相關專業法規當中,則存在許多課予行政機關負有諮詢及提供資訊之具體規範。對此,德國法上考量在一般行政程序中,相較於在社會行政程序中的不同需求,將行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊的內容作不同規範,甚至及於行政程序尚未開啟前之程序階段作討論。在我國未就社會給付行政程序另行規範一部專業法規的前提下,在社會給付行政程序中,說明行政機關對個別人民負擔諮詢及提供資訊義務之正當性,分別從行政程序法之一般性規定,及個別社會專業法規之規範作探討。 行政機關違反行政程序行為的法律效果,除了影響系爭行政決定作成的效力外,在國家責任制度方面,透過地位回復請求權之制度建構,俾使人民得請求回復到,如同行政機關已為正確資訊提供之程序地位,進而得為權利之行使及選擇。地位回復請求權對於人民權利保障所能發揮的功能,殊值作為未來我國相關法制度發展的思考面向。 關鍵詞:正當法律程序、正當行政程序、程序基本權、協助義務、良好行政、 諮詢、提供資訊、社會法地位回復請求權、社會行政程序、信賴保護。 / Abstract Under the information age, requiring the State to provide information to the people, is the important tasks for the procedural requirements of transparency. In recent years, the development of Taiwan’s legal system, mainly focused on asking the Government for disclosure of information to public. Compared to this, whether to ask administrative agency to provide information, further to provide advice on ways of dialogue to the specific people were not of the legal norms of the attention. Changes in modern society, the administration task definition faces complex and the specialized development. The role of the State is to reposition, except the negative side, requires that the State shall not interfere unduly with the exercise of the right of the people, on the positive side, the State have obligations to provide the life of care. Realization in general administrative procedure, due to the changes of the administrative tasks, as well as the complexity of regulations, often makes people difficult to clarify the relationship between rights and obligations. In the social administrative procedure, most people are more disadvantaged on the information obtained. In order to effectively implement and achieve social benefits purposes, asked the administrative agency to provide people to assist in the social welfare procedure. Require the State in administrative procedures to provide relevant information to the people, is related to administrative procedures in the positioning of the Constitution. Due process of law in the interpretation of the Judicial Yuan, to illustrate the procedure has also been reviewed in the Constitution. Except through the right of the Constitution provides to derive the requirements specification process, there is necessary to develop the procedural constitutional rights. Especially in administrative area, administrative practice and doctrinal in recent years, are committed to advocating the basis and content of the rights. Require the State to provide information to specific people, enough to serve as one of the content of the procedural constitutional rights. At the level of the legal aspects, based on public interest considerations, obligations of administrative agency in administrative procedures, must further explore whether people have the right of the legal norm. The Administrative Procedure Act of Taiwan, does not provide for the obligation of the administrative agency to consult and provide information to specific people. However, among the social regulations, provides that the administrative agency must provide consultation and information. In this regard, Germany considered the law of general administrative procedure, compared to the different needs in the field of social administrative procedure, provides consulting and providing information in different content, even before the stage has not yet been opened. In the case of social welfare are not standardized administrative procedures and regulations. The legitimacy of the administrative agency in social welfare procedures to provide advice and information to the people of the obligations, can be discussed separately from the general provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, and the requirements of social administrative regulations. If the administrative agency violated administrative procedures, in addition to affecting the validity of administrative decisions made. In the regime of State responsibility, through on the right to recover the procedure status, so that people will ask to return to, as administrative agency to provide correct information, for the exercise of the rights and choices, as the future development of Taiwan's legal system. Key Words:due process of law, due process of administration, the procedural constitutional rights, obligation to assist, Good Administration, consultation, information, the right to recover the procedure status, social administrative procedure, bona fide.

從正當行政程序論民間參與公共建設甄審與爭議處理 / A study on Evaluation and Dispute of the Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects from Due Administrative Process

蔡志明 Unknown Date (has links)
司法院釋字第520號解釋於理由書指出:「基於法治國原則,縱令實質正當亦不可取代程序合法」,即一語道出程序正義之重要性。 民間參與公共建設具專業性、複雜性及高風險性、隔代性、利益衝突等特性,在政府與民間合作理念的推動下,法律規定模式已呈現由「條件式」的模式轉向「目的式」模式,致使政府合作對象的甄審(選)成為一種高度專業趨向之判斷,並且可能陷於「決策於未知之中」的困境。民間參與公共建設的推動上,除技術層面之實體審查標準外,實應認真思考面對決策的程序問題,藉由程序之提升,用以補足實體規範的不足。據此,有關引進民間參與公共建設之法規,甄審程序選出的最佳締約對象、最優申請案件或最優申請人「是否即屬適當」,應思考甄審(或評選)程序與組織設計,是否妥適。 本文擬由正當法律程序於美國及日本之發展出發,藉以了解其規範基礎與發展情形,並分析我國司法實務有關正當法律程序原則之解釋,理解我國對於正當法律程序之內涵與要求。其後聚焦行政實務上經常引用作為民間參與公共建設案件辦理依據之獎參條例、採購法及促參法,就其甄審、評選或評審程序與爭議處理程序檢視正當法律程序實踐情形。 本於基本權保障意旨及法律承認權利之保障,基本上本文認同至少應有一最低限度之保障(即聽證權)。至於其他要求為何?本於民間參與公共建設之興建或營運,涉及政府有限資源之分配及申請人(營業自由、契約自由)與使用者(生命、身體、財產)之基本權保障相關,應可由司法院釋字第384號解釋及釋字第709號解釋推導出「組織」要求,而其他如公正作為(迴避、禁止程序外接觸)、受告知權、說明理由及資訊公開,亦正是落實組織適法與聽證權,所不可或缺之要素。

民辦都更之實施與救濟 / Urban renewal initiated by private sector-the implementation and remedies

蔡璧如, Tsai, PiJu Unknown Date (has links)
2012年3月28日爆發的文林苑事件,北市府對於王家的合法獨立建物執行強制拆除,該建物無礙公共安全,且由外觀上看來並無都更之必要。王家與其支持者誓死抵抗,同意戶因原有房屋早被拆除而返家無期亦備受煎熬,預售屋的買主亦稱自己才是真正受害者,同時間政府與實施者皆堅稱一切都是「依法行事」:依照「都市更新條例」。文林苑事件引起的質疑與辯論迄今未歇,公權力之發動是否與重要公益失去連結?都更法制之設計與運作是否向建商不當傾斜?民眾之權利救濟於實體或程序上是否有不當障礙? 2013年4月26日,司法院釋字第709號解釋宣告都更條例若干條款不符憲法要求之正當行政程序,相關機關應就違憲部分檢討修正。值此修法之際,正是對都更體制全面體檢的良好時機。本文將聚焦於民辦都更模式,依都更條例的多階段行政程序設計,深入檢視各階段中政府行政行為之法律性質與救濟途徑、分析造成重大爭議之條款所牽動之公法或私法關係、探究法規之實體與程序規定是否合宜、並歸納實務判決對於都更法律之適用與解釋原則,冀能提供修法之適切建議。 整體觀之,無論是採協議合建或是權利變換方式,民辦都更體制所採取的多階段行政程序,於一開始自行劃定更新單元時就與重要公益失去有效連結,而於「事業計畫」與「權利變換計畫」階段就個案之公益性與必要性亦無具體之檢驗標準。隨著程序之遞進,對於不同意者之基本權限制逐漸加深,但對不同意者權利之保護卻逐漸弱化,甚至在執行階段導致不同意者之財產權與居住自由被完全剝奪。此種法制之設計思維亦反映在實際運作上,政府傾向與實施者站在同一立場,在「大多數人之私益等於公共利益」與「加速都更」此理所當然之脈絡下,不同意者之權益經常被忽略,且被迫負擔不成比例的不良後果。 確實,就不同意者之權益保障,都更體制之設計於各階段中無論在實體與程序方面均有欠缺之處,尤其是執行階段,實施者得借用公權力之設計更讓整個都更體制朝實施者偏斜而去,致不同意者與實施者間所產生之私權關係嚴重失衡。而於行政救濟方面,法院傾向尊重審議會之判斷餘地而採寬鬆立場,故就行政行為對地主權益之侵害是否合理與正當,似易錯失再度檢驗之機會。 本文主要建議,政府劃定更新地區時,應確保民眾之程序參與並明白揭示其救濟之道;於事業計畫核定前,宜准許地主撤銷同意書;於權利變換階段,應增設同意機制,估價師之選定與委任宜讓地主參與,審議核復之救濟程序應予明文釐清;於執行階段,因強拆與強徵手段不符公益與比例原則,恐不宜適用於民辦都更案件。 總括而言,現行都更之法律體制一律以單純「國家與人民」之公法二維思維來規範都更事務,自對當事人間私益之權衡欠缺考量。尤其民辦都更主要涉及以私法為本質的私權關係,此種因循公法框架之制度設計,更無法平衡兼顧各方私益之調和。本文亦贊同,都更之實施應以公辦都更為主要之模式,俾能與上位的都市計畫產生有效的連結,並較可能基於公益之理由而發動公權力。至於民間發動之都更,因多以追逐私益為主要目的,政府之介入既無法確保權利人間利益之公平分配,又無法提供與公益之有效連結,在無都更必要性與急迫性之情形,則以回歸傳統私法自治之範疇,經全體同意為宜。 惟重要的是,無論是民辦與公辦都更,應訂定具體之公益檢驗標準,並區分都更之必要性與急迫性,以分級制度適用寬嚴不同的程序,且應於各階段設計針對個別建物公益性與必要性之評估機制。尤其,強制拆除與強制徵收都必須節制為最後手段,僅宜運用在情況最為急迫嚴重之案例。如此,始能期待各方當事人與社會大眾同享都更之果實。 / On 28 March 2012, the Taipei City Government exercised its authority to evict the homeowners and tear down the buildings, which were legally and exclusively owned by the Wang family refusing to take part in the urban renewal project. Neither did the buildings pose any existing threat to public safety, nor did it show any urgent need for urban renewal. Thus, the so-called “Wen-Lin Yuan Incident” sparked a series of confrontation: The Wang family and its supporters vowed to defend homes with their lives; the 36 households taking part in the project hoped to speed up the construction, because their houses have long been demolished by developer; the buyers of the pre-sale houses said they were also the innocent victims; meanwhile the private developer and the city government insisted that their handling in this case has been adhering to the law-The Urban Renewal Act. The debates and questions ignited in this dispute have sustained and continued till now: Does the exercise of official authority well connect with the purpose of important public interest? Are the Urban Renewal Act and the related regulations designed and used to favor developers? Is there unreasonable substantive or procedural obstacles on legal remedies for residents? On 26 April 2013, the Justices of the Constitutional Court issued J.Y. Interpretation No. 709, which declared some provisions of the Urban Renewal Act do not comply with the due process in administrative procedures required by the Constitution and the unconstitutional parts of the provisions should be reviewed and amended by the relevant authorities. It’s time to fully re-examine the current urban renewal laws. Based on the multiphase-administrative-procedural model, the Urban Renewal Act governs and facilitates the renewal projects initiated by both private and public sector. This thesis focuses solely on the issues of private-initiated renewal projects. Within each phase, by examining in detail the legal nature and remedies of government decisions or actions, analyzing how controversial statutes influencing the relationship between individuals and the government and the relationship between individuals, exploring if the substantive or procedural provisions are appropriate, and generalizing legal principles enunciated and embodied in judicial decisions, hope this thesis can make meaningful suggestions for the amendment of the law. From an overall perspective, no matter what the method taken- “Rights Transformation” or “Joint Construction Agreement”, starting from the early phase of “business summary”, in which the law allows property owners to designate the renewal units by themselves, the legal system on the private-initiated urban renewal causes great risk of losing effective connection to an important public-interest purpose. Moreover, in the “business plan” and “rights- transformation plan” phases, the law lacks clear standards or criteria to check if the specific case meets the proportionality principle and whether the public interest is best served. As each phase involves different government decisions, the restrictions on the property right of dissenting owners grow bigger, yet the mechanism for their rights protection becomes weaker, eventually in the final “execution” phase, the dissenting owners could be completely deprived of their property right and freedom of residence. When it comes to the practical application, following this legal structure’s line of reasoning, the administrative agency tends to act in concert with implementer (mostly private developer), both parties interpret public interest as the sum of most private interests and aim at speeding up the whole process, so that the dissenting property owners’ rights are usually overlooked and the dissents are forced to shoulder a disproportionate share of the negative effects. Actually, for the property owners refusing to join the project, the law fails to provide proper protection no matter substantively or procedurally. Especially in the “execution” phase, the implementers are entitled to request the government to demolish or expropriate the property. Thus, through the indirect transfer of public power to the implementer, the law impairs the supposed-to-be-fair balance between the rights of the property owners and the rights of the implementer. On the other hand, in administrative judicial proceedings, given that administrative courts often defer to the discretion of expert committee set up by administrative agency for the review of renewal projects, it is unsurprising that the courts tend to adopt administrative agency’s litigation interpretation. Thus, when property owners’ fundamental constitutional rights are infringed, the administrative action may not be under adequate scrutiny by courts. This thesis proposes that: in the first phase when designating the renewal area, the administrative agency should ensure an open and transparent public participation, and after decision made, especially for those most affected in the renewal area, including property owners and residents, the legal remedy should be clearly specified in the law; before the “business plan” approved and announced by administrative agency, property owners should be allowed to withdraw their letter of consent unconditionally; in “rights- transformation plan” phase, the consent mechanism should be added into the process, property owners should be entitled to participate in selecting and entrusting real estate appraisers, the special “disagreement inspection procedure” should be well-clarified and defined in law; in the last “execution” phase, the use of forced demolition or expropriation as a legal instrument to take private property for private-initiated renewal projects, cannot be justified under the principle of proportionality and public interest. Thus, the related unconstitutional regulations need to be modified. In short, the current urban renewal laws are designed under the framework of governing the relationships between government and individuals. As for the relationship between individuals, especially in the now dominating private-initiated mode, this original design is inherently flawed to balance the diverse and competing interests among different private parties. In essence, all urban renewal projects should conform to the overall urban plan adopted and formulated by the city government. Besides, the use of authority and power can be legitimate only when implementing public purpose and public benefits. Given that the government-initiated mode is more likely to be consistent with the comprehensive urban plan and be aligned with public interest, this thesis suggests that government take the responsibility to lead and initiate most urban renewal projects. As for the private-initiated mode, which mostly driven by short-term private profits, the current government intervention can neither ensure equitable distribution of benefit among stakeholders, nor can it provide a significant link to public interest, thus, better leave it to the traditional realm of private law, that is, if there is no necessity or urgency, reconstruction shall require the consent of all property owners. If the public and private modes are to be maintained and co-exist in the urban renewal system, both laws should contain concrete guidelines and standards on factors that should be taken into account in determining if the designation of renewal areas or units is in pursuit of important public interest. Besides, a priority rating system should be established based on the degree of need and urgency to categorize the different procedural implementation, aiming to ensure a direct correlation between the degree of government intervention and the degree of need and urgency. Furthermore, an assessment tool of the necessity and proportionality is required to be built in each phase, thus to help administrative agency decide whether in the particular case, the public interest outweighs the interests adversely affected. In all cases, the use of eminent domain and forced demolition should be reserved as the last resort for the most serious conditions. Hopefully, by the aforementioned amendments, the promised fruits of urban renewal can be available not only to the parties involved but also to the general public.

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