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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡進良 Unknown Date (has links)
一、兩項基本問題 正當法律程序或正當程序作為一項規範概念,與民主、法治理念之生成與發展,息息相關。然而,起源於英美法的這項法規範,雖經由「普通法」、「判例法」體系或實定法,形成具有一定憲法規範內涵之程序權利或原則,但原本僅適用於「司法程序」(特別是刑事程序),其後才逐漸擴及「行政程序」。對於無此法律文化傳統之大陸法系國家而言,如我國,繼受此項程序規範於行政程序法律關係中,誠屬不易,雖然司法院大法官自釋字第三八四號解釋以來,多所引用與闡釋此項規範概念,但其如何融入於憲法基本權規範秩序上,以及其規範內涵與決定此內涵之標準何在,仍相當不明確。就此兩大適用上之基本問題,是為本文研究之重點。 二、規範基礎或性質 「正當法律程序」作為行政程序之規範概念,於我國憲法上之規範依據,何在?其在憲法上之規範性質,是否僅係一項憲法原則?抑或仍可能是人民之主觀程序基本權―正當程序權(公平聽審權/公正程序權)?就此,我國憲法雖未明文規定,但以往司法院大法官解釋,對於行政程序直接涉及人民基本權者,大體上係傾向於以憲法原則處理,或者更更具體地說,係為保障實體基本權而導出一定之程序要求,此尤其係有關人身自由權以外之解釋,為然,至於人身自由權部分,態度上則較為曖昧。學界多數之看法,似乎也是如此。這種類如德國法之理論模式,若再結合憲法第二十三條關於基本權限制之合憲要件(法律保留、比例原則及公益)規定之適用,很容易導致憲法基本公正程序規範要求之空洞化,甚至無形化,換言之,只是「必要」時,須以「法律」規定程序規範內涵而已。如此,背後之法哲學觀,基本上是程序為實體服務,行政程序之法本質,僅係工具性、利他性。 本文不贊同上開「程序為實體服務」之單一價值。故於第二章詳細論證行政程序,除利他性外,尚有公正性及民主正當性之法本質;而且,「正當法律程序」作為行政程序之一種規範,在我國憲法基本權之保障上,所彰顯之規範性質,應分別就第十六條保障之訴願權、第八條第一項人身自由權之程序保障以及其他實體基本權而論,前兩者應屬人民之主觀「程序基本權」(正當程序權/公平聽審權),後者則是一項憲法原則,因此,前兩者具有獨自之評價意義,後者尚須考慮其他規範(實體基本權)或事實因素。惟不管何者,均應具有一定之憲法上基本之公正程序規範要求,只不過後者顯現在個案適用上,其規範內涵變動性較大罷了。職是,本文在第三章,強調正當法律程序之規範內涵,並非完全屬於立法者之形成自由;同時,進一步論述正當法律程序作為一項憲法規範,其與法治、民主原則之關聯性。 三、規範之基本內涵及其判斷標準 然而,正當法律程序於行政程序法律關係中,其於憲法上之基本程序規範內涵,以及決定其內涵之法律標準何在?是另一項難解之問題。本文於第四章及第五章,分別就美國憲法及歐洲人權公約乃至歐盟法,予以研究,並以此為基礎,於第六章闡述我國憲法秩序下,行政程序中之正當法律程序應具何等規範內涵以及其判斷標準。首先,關於憲法第八條第一項規定之人身自由之程序擔保,人民就此具有一般之正當程序權,其內涵於行政程序上,至少為告知理由、合理期間內迅速進行、給予陳述意見等,惟此部份尚待司法解釋逐案確立。其次,為保障實體基本權而導出之公正程序規範要求,大法官係取向於重大限制或影響基本權之標準,本文則認為重大與否,僅係影響其應具何等之程序規範要求(密度),至於其內涵則較具彈性,惟須注意價值判斷標準之一致性。最後,就訴願權而言,因其屬行政救濟一環,解釋上應較一般之行政程序所需之公正程序擔保密度為高,其大體應包括(1)接近訴願裁決機關權、(2)受「公正之訴願裁決機關」裁決權,以及(3)公正訴願程序權(含程序不偏頗及公平聽審權)。

社會給付行政中行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊義務─ 兼論社會法地位回復請求權 / A Study on Administrative Agencies’ Consultation and Information Providing Obligations in Social Welfare Procedure─ Including a Discussion on the Right to Recover the Procedure Status

侯幸彤, Hou, Hsing Tung Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 資訊時代下,要求國家對於人民提供資訊,係為行政程序要求公開透明化之國家重要任務。近年來,我國法制發展,主要著重在要求政府對不特定多數人公開資訊之相關法制建構。相較於此,課予行政機關於行政程序對特定人民提供資訊,無論是行政機關為單方面的資訊提供,或進一步以對話的方式提供意見的諮詢,為我國法制規範上未予關注之處。現代社會變遷下,行政任務內容朝向複雜及專業化發展,國家扮演的角色亦隨之重新定位,除了在消極方面,要求國家不得過度干預人民權利的行使外;在積極的面向上,國家負有提供人民生存照顧服務的義務。具體落實在一般行政程序當中,由於行政任務的變遷以及法規的繁雜,常使人民難於釐清之間的權益關係,除此之外,在社會行政程序中,程序相對人大多具有在資訊取得較為弱勢之特徵,為了有效落實並達成個別社會給付之目的,需透過行政機關在社會給付行政程序中,提供人民相關協助。 要求國家於行政程序中提供人民相關資訊,涉及正當行政程序在憲法上的定位。釋憲實務對於正當法律程序之發展,及對該概念所為的闡釋,說明程序在憲法上亦受到檢視。除了透過憲法明文規定之權利推導出程序的要求外,特別是在行政領域中,行政程序基本權的肯認,所能發揮人民權利保障的功能,係為近年來實務及學理上,就該權利主張之具體依據及內涵,於法制發展上關注的重心。而要求國家對個別人民提供資訊,足以作為行政程序基本權的具體內涵之一。 在法律的層次方面,基於公益的考量,課予行政機關於行政程序中踐履相關的義務,必須進一步探求系爭法規之規範意旨,透過保護規範理論的操作,探究人民是否具備主觀公權利。我國行政程序法中,並未就行政機關對人民之諮詢及提供資訊義務作一般性規定,然而,在個別社會相關專業法規當中,則存在許多課予行政機關負有諮詢及提供資訊之具體規範。對此,德國法上考量在一般行政程序中,相較於在社會行政程序中的不同需求,將行政機關之諮詢及提供資訊的內容作不同規範,甚至及於行政程序尚未開啟前之程序階段作討論。在我國未就社會給付行政程序另行規範一部專業法規的前提下,在社會給付行政程序中,說明行政機關對個別人民負擔諮詢及提供資訊義務之正當性,分別從行政程序法之一般性規定,及個別社會專業法規之規範作探討。 行政機關違反行政程序行為的法律效果,除了影響系爭行政決定作成的效力外,在國家責任制度方面,透過地位回復請求權之制度建構,俾使人民得請求回復到,如同行政機關已為正確資訊提供之程序地位,進而得為權利之行使及選擇。地位回復請求權對於人民權利保障所能發揮的功能,殊值作為未來我國相關法制度發展的思考面向。 關鍵詞:正當法律程序、正當行政程序、程序基本權、協助義務、良好行政、 諮詢、提供資訊、社會法地位回復請求權、社會行政程序、信賴保護。 / Abstract Under the information age, requiring the State to provide information to the people, is the important tasks for the procedural requirements of transparency. In recent years, the development of Taiwan’s legal system, mainly focused on asking the Government for disclosure of information to public. Compared to this, whether to ask administrative agency to provide information, further to provide advice on ways of dialogue to the specific people were not of the legal norms of the attention. Changes in modern society, the administration task definition faces complex and the specialized development. The role of the State is to reposition, except the negative side, requires that the State shall not interfere unduly with the exercise of the right of the people, on the positive side, the State have obligations to provide the life of care. Realization in general administrative procedure, due to the changes of the administrative tasks, as well as the complexity of regulations, often makes people difficult to clarify the relationship between rights and obligations. In the social administrative procedure, most people are more disadvantaged on the information obtained. In order to effectively implement and achieve social benefits purposes, asked the administrative agency to provide people to assist in the social welfare procedure. Require the State in administrative procedures to provide relevant information to the people, is related to administrative procedures in the positioning of the Constitution. Due process of law in the interpretation of the Judicial Yuan, to illustrate the procedure has also been reviewed in the Constitution. Except through the right of the Constitution provides to derive the requirements specification process, there is necessary to develop the procedural constitutional rights. Especially in administrative area, administrative practice and doctrinal in recent years, are committed to advocating the basis and content of the rights. Require the State to provide information to specific people, enough to serve as one of the content of the procedural constitutional rights. At the level of the legal aspects, based on public interest considerations, obligations of administrative agency in administrative procedures, must further explore whether people have the right of the legal norm. The Administrative Procedure Act of Taiwan, does not provide for the obligation of the administrative agency to consult and provide information to specific people. However, among the social regulations, provides that the administrative agency must provide consultation and information. In this regard, Germany considered the law of general administrative procedure, compared to the different needs in the field of social administrative procedure, provides consulting and providing information in different content, even before the stage has not yet been opened. In the case of social welfare are not standardized administrative procedures and regulations. The legitimacy of the administrative agency in social welfare procedures to provide advice and information to the people of the obligations, can be discussed separately from the general provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, and the requirements of social administrative regulations. If the administrative agency violated administrative procedures, in addition to affecting the validity of administrative decisions made. In the regime of State responsibility, through on the right to recover the procedure status, so that people will ask to return to, as administrative agency to provide correct information, for the exercise of the rights and choices, as the future development of Taiwan's legal system. Key Words:due process of law, due process of administration, the procedural constitutional rights, obligation to assist, Good Administration, consultation, information, the right to recover the procedure status, social administrative procedure, bona fide.

我國核課處分程序重開之探討 / The remedy of tax administrative:Recommence the tax administrative procedure

翁培祐, Weng,Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
租稅行政是一種侵益行政,核課處分更具有大量行政處分之特性,而人民對於租稅法律並不熟稔,因此,核課處分必須有一套完善的行政救濟,以盡保障人民權益之最大可能。   我國在2001年開始實施的行政程序法中,參考了德國聯邦行政程序法第48條、第49條及第51條等規定,植入了行政程序重開的制度。但是在該法實施後,各行政機關對於該項制度應如何運用並無定見,甚有誤引誤用者。本論文就此一課題,嘗試從德國行政程序重開制度由來、理念,分析我國行政程序法相關規定之定位,並以侵益之核課處分為客體,整理我國相關判決及釋令,就核課處分重開程序之現行法制加以檢討,期能繪製出稅捐稽徵所涉行政程序重開之草圖。 / The tax administration disposition is one kind of rendered en masse and burden administration dispositions. People are not familiar to the law of the tax, so nuclear lesson is that it must have one perfect administration remedy system even more than to punish, in order to ensure people rights and benefits most heavily and possibly to ensure.   The legislators enacting the recommence administrative procedure in the administrative procedure law that Taiwan began to implement in 2001 had consulted the article 48, 49, and 51 of the administrative procedure law of Germany. However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. This thesis attempts to realize the origin and idea of the German recommenced administrative procedure, and analyse the recommence tax administrative disposition procedure of Taiwan . This thesis will also examine the current legal system of recommence the tax administrative dispositions by the relevant judgments and orders of Taiwan. Finally it is probable to draw out a better system of the recommence tax administrative disposition.

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