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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teisės į gerą administravimą įgyvendinimo teorija ir praktika / Theory and practice of right to good administration execution

Dervinytė, Ligita 09 January 2007 (has links)
Viešojo administravimo srityje keliamas gero administravimo reikalavimas, kad būtų garantuojamas konstitucinio principo „valdžios įstaigos tarnauja žmonėms” įgyvendinimas, užtikrinamos žmonių teisės ir teisėti interesai jų kasdieniuose santykiuose su valdžios institucijomis. Gero administravimo principai yra pamatinės nuostatos teisiniam reguliavimui, teisės realizavimui, teisinei praktikai viešojo administravimo sistemos veiksmingumo, atskaitingumo bei skaidrumo stiprinimo srityje. Gero administravimo standartų laikymasis ir įgyvendinimas viešojo administravimo srityje užtikrina, kad viešojo administravimo subjektai teisingai ir efektyviai tvarkys viešuosius reikalus, suinteresuotiems asmenims teiks kokybiškas administracines ir viešąsias paslaugas. Teisės aktų analizė leidžia daryti išvadą, kad teisės į gerą administravimą užtikrinimui sukurta pakankama teisinė bazė bei institucinis mechanizmas. Tačiau gyventojų apklausa bei teisės į gerą administravimą įgyvendinimo kontrolės funkcijas vykdančių institucijų veiklos analizė rodo, kad realizuojant šią teisę praktikoje neišvengiama jos pažeidimų. Darbe siekta atskleisti, dėl kokių priežasčių teisės į gerą administravimą teorija ne visada pasireiškia praktikoje, bei kokie galėtų būti šios problemos sprendimo variantai. / The requirement of good administration is put forward in the sphere of public administration in order to guarantee execution of the constitutional principle “authority institutions serve people” and people’s rights and legal interests regarding their everyday relations with authority institutions. The principles of good administration are basic provisions for legal regulation, law realization and law practice in the sphere of public administration system efficiency, accountability and transparency strengthening. Observation and execution of good administration standards in the field of public administration guarantee that public administration entities will handle public matters in a proper and efficient way and will render qualitative administrative and public services to interested persons. The analysis of legal acts allows us to draw a conclusion that a sufficient legal basis and institutional mechanism is established for guaranteeing the right to good administration. Nevertheless the survey of population and the analysis of the activity of institutions fulfilling the functions of good administration execution control show that while putting this right into practice no violations of it can be avoided. The thesis is aimed at revealing the causes why the theory of right to good administration does not always manifests itself in practice and what ways of this problem solution could be.

EU’s Proposed AI Regulation in the context of Fundamental Rights : Analysing the Swedish approach through the lens of the principles of good administration

Yıldız, Melih Burak January 2021 (has links)
AI has become one of the most powerful drivers of social change, transforming economies, impacting politics and wars, and reshaping how citizens live and interact. Nevertheless, the implementation of AI can have adverse effects on peoples’ lives. This dissertation first examines the relationship between artificial intelligence and public law, mainly in two domains, administrative law and criminal law. It also provides a clear insight into the potential impact of AI applications on fundamental rights in the legal context of the European Union. Four selected fundamental rights, Human Dignity, Data Protection and Right to Privacy, Equality and Non-discrimination, and Access to Justice, are examined. The dissertation further explores the European Commission's new proposed AI regulation, which was proposed in April 2021. The proposal aims to put forward a risk- based approach for a harmonized EU legislation by considering the ethical and human sides and without unnecessarily restricting the development of AI technologies. The study focuses on examples from Sweden throughout the study and lastly, examines the Swedish approach in the context of the principles of good administration.

Implementeringen av miljöansvarsdirektivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om förvaltningsförfarandet vid miljöskador utifrån principerna om god förvaltning och processuell autonomi / The implementation of the Directive on Environmental Liability in the Swedish legal order : A European legal study on the administrative procedure for environmental damage through the principles of good administration and procedural autonomy

Sundblad, Maria January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine how the EU directive 2004/35/EC on environmental liability impacts the Swedish administrative legal order. The thesis examines the directive through two main EU principles - the principle of good administration and the principle of procedural autonomy. The EU principle of good administration as a concept contains various procedural and substantive obligations that make up the subject for examination of the directive, both as regulated in the directive and as general principles of EU law. The directive is analyzed using a comparative method to determine to what extent the procedural and substantive principles of the directive impacts the Swedish administrative law, and weather or not the Swedish regulations comply with the EU principle of good administration. The results of the study shows that, althought there’s a general principle of national procedural autonomy, the EU principles of good administration do affect the Swedish administrative regulation in various aspects, through the implementaion of the directive on environmental liability as well as general principles of EU law. Furthermore the study shows that the Swedish regulations that are used to implement the directive don’t always act in accordance with the EU principles of good administration in certain areas, which potentially could restrain the impact of the directive in the Swedish legal order.

Los recursos administrativos en Cuba : fundamentos teoricos de su regimen juridico / Les recours administratifs à Cuba : fondements Théoriques de leur Régime Juridique / Administrative remedies in Cuba : theoretical grounds of their legal regim

Richards Martinez, Orisell 02 March 2016 (has links)
La thèse entend établir les fondements théoriques des recours administratifs en tenant compte des présupposés liés au contrôle de l'administration sur elle-même et à la garantie des droits des administrés. Elle confronte ensuite ces fondements à la situation juridique en vigueur aujourd'hui à Cuba, et propose des réformes pour rendre la réglementation cohérente avec ces présupposés théoriques. / This thesis aims to establish the theoretical grounds for administrative remedies, taking into account the presuppositions deriving from the control of public administration by itself, and the protection of citizen's rights. It faces those grounds with the actual legal organisation in Cuba, and propose reforms with the purpose to let the legal regulation be consistent with these theoretical grounds.

Institut ombudsmana v severní Evropě a jeho srovnání s institucí veřejného ochránce práv v České republice / A Comparison of the Ombudsman Institute in Northern Europe and the Public Defender of Rights in the Czech Republic

Kostelecká, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis creates a general model of the Ombudsman Institution in Northern Europe and draws a comparison to the Public Defender of Rights in the Czech Republic. This thesis introduces a theoretical framework of this topic including definitions for control of public administration, ombudsman, classification of ombudsmen and historical evolution of this institution in selected countries. Based on the analysis of legislation in Sweden, Finland and Denmark, the general model of the ombudsman institution in Northern Europe is created. The comparison between this general model and the Public Defender of Rights Institution brings recommendations for Czech modifications. These recommendations include anchoring ombudsman institution in the Constitution of the Czech Republic, specifying education requirements of the ombudsman in the Public Defender of Rights Act, or increasing the number of ombudsmen, thereby dividing responsibility among several people specialized in certain areas.

Evropský veřejný ochránce práv / European Ombudsman

Grmelová, Nicole January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a detailed and comprehensive view of the work of the European Ombudsman, in particular with respect to the way in which his office can help businessmen and economic operators. The thesis shall verify the following three hypotheses: First, the work of the European Ombudsman is not limited to the application of soft law, but also includes legality review related to maladministration of EU bodies and institutions. The second hypothesis claims that out-of-court protection of rights of individuals provided by European Ombudsman may be, under certain circumstances, more effective than judicial protection. Third, the instruments of out-of-court dispute settlement introduced by EU law are so numerous and complicated that they do not enable businessmen and economic operators to find their way in a satisfactory manner. This fact is the reason for a high number of inadmissible complaints addressed to the European Ombudsman and it wastes his resources for investigating individual complaints and launching his own inititative enquiries.

Implementeringen av EU:s tjänstedirektiv i svensk rätt : Principerna om god förvaltning i EU:s tjänstedirektiv och processuell autonomi vid implementering av direktivet i svensk rätt

Hajdini, Adelina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how Sweden has implemented directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market, in the framework of the member states procedural- and institutional autonomy. The study will focus on the contributions to the Swedish law in the form of expressions of the principle of good administration, as a result of the implementation of the directive. The expressions of the principle of good administration were found in the main law "Act (2009:1079) on services in the internal market" where the majority of the directive's provisions were implemented in Swedish law. The study focuses on two expressions of the principle that simultaneously are news in Swedish law induced by the implementation of The Services Directive: the principle of necessity and liaison points of the authorities. With basis in the study of the implementation of The Services Directive as an EU secondary law act in Swedish law and the new expressions of the principle of good administration in Swedish law to fulfill the directive - the purpose of the study will include an analysis of the EU-law's impact on Swedish Administrative Law with focus on the legislation's format. The analysis will, among other things, refer to the different administrative law traditions in the two legal systems regarding the status of general principles of law, mainly the principle of good administration, in the field of administrative law.

La performance en droit fiscal : un nouveau paradigme (perspectives comparées) / The performance in the tax law : a new paradigm (compared perpectives)

Gomes Filippo, Luciano 30 September 2013 (has links)
La réalité économique vécue aujourd’hui, principalement par les pays européens, apporte,en même temps qu’une naturelle préoccupation, un nouvel horizon de pensées, un souffle de nouvelles idées. La pratique a montré qu’une réduction des dépenses publiques n’est pas la solution la plus fiable pour répondre à la crise de la dette publique. La présente thèse se propose de démontrer que l’investissement dans la performance de la perception fiscale peut être une puissante prophylaxie. Au lieu de diminuer les dépenses générées par les plus divers services publics, la meilleure politique à adopter est le développement de la performance de l’Administration fiscale. Dans le texte, nous décrirons la performance d’une administration qui parvient à percevoir les ressources nécessaires au fonctionnementde l’État, avec un minimum de dépenses et en causant un préjudice moindre aux contribuables, dont les intérêts et les satisfactions sont préservés au maximum. Il s’agit d’une définition générale qui n’est pas restreinte à l’analyse d’une certaine ordonnance.Notre objectif est de construire une notion universelle, applicable en tout lieu. De la même manière, nous chercherons à identifier les moyens généraux qui promeuvent l’objectif de performance de l’Administration fiscale. Il ne fait pas de doute que cet objectif ne peut être atteint qu’en rendant le travail de l’administration plus pratique. Le « principe de praticité » aide exactement à la diminution des multiples tâches. Cet objectif est complété par la privatisation de certaines activités liées à la perception des impôts. Au-delà de la réduction du travail du Fisc, nous comprenons qu’il est nécessaire d’investir dans les mesures de contrôle et de diminution des litiges, qui en plus de dégrader la sensible relation entre administration et contribuable, retarde l’encaissement des impôts, ce qui a un impact négatif au niveau de la perception fiscale. Cet objectif peut être atteint par le biais du développement du consentement à l’impôt et de l’adoption de moyens alternatifs de résolution de litiges fiscaux. / The economic reality lived today primarily by European countries, along with a natural concern, brings a new horizon of thoughts, a breath of new ideas. The practice has already shown that cutting public spending is not the most reliable output to the Government debt crisis. What is intended to demonstrate with this thesis is that the investment in tax collection performance can be a powerful prophylaxis. Instead of reducing spending accomplished with the most diverse public services, the best policy to be adopted is the development of tax administration performance. In the text, we describe as performer the Administration which manages to raise the resources needed to perform its functions, the State with the least expenses for the minor nuisance caused possible for taxpayers, in which their interests and satisfactions to be preserved as much as possible. This is a general definition that is not restricted to a particular land-use analysis. Our goal is to build a universal notion applicable anywhere. Similarly, we seek to identify a general meanswhich promotes the objective of making the effective tax administration. There is no doubt that this goal can only be achieved if the work of the Administration becomes more practical. The "principle of practicality" helps exactly in the reduction of multiple tasks. This is complemented through the privatization of some activities related to tax collection. In addition to reducing the work of tax authorities, we understand that it is necessary to invest in control measures and reduction of disputes, which in addition to degrade the sensitive relationship between administration and taxpayers, slows the receipt of taxes, causing a negative impact on the level of revenues. This goal can be achieved, mainly through the development of consent to tax and the adoption of alternative means of dispute resolution.

Implementeringen av ICT-direktivet i den svenska rätten : En europarättslig studie om företagsintern förflyttning med hänsyn till principen om god förvaltning och den processuella samt institutionella autonomin

Janjon, Yasmin January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis examines Directive 2014/66/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on the conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer, the so-called ICT-directive and its corresponding rules in the Swedish legal framework with a main point on the principles of good administration. This issue is deliberated in relation to the direct effect of the European Union and the national procedural and institutional autonomy to determine whether the Directive’s procedural safeguards have been implemented satisfactorily. The principle of good administration has a wide comprehension and therefore, in this thesis, the focus is on the right to have his or her affairs handled impartially and fairly, an obligation of the administration to give reasons for its decisions and a right to be heard in the Directive and the corresponding rules of the Swedish utlänningslagen (2005:716) and utlänningsförordningen (2006:97) also with consideration to the Swedish förvaltningslagen (1986:223) and the new förvaltningslagen (2017:900). This master thesis is based on the legal-judicial and comparative law approaches to solve the legal problems that arise after the national implementation of this Directive. Finally, criticism has been directed towards the principle of good administration in the Union law and Swedish law. / I denna magisteruppsats analyseras Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2014/66/EU om villkor för inresa och vistelse för tredjelandsmedborgare inom ramen för företagsintern förflyttning av personal, det så kallade ICT-direktivet (Intra-Corporate Transfer) och de motsvarande reglerna i den svenska rätten med tonvikt på principen om god förvaltning. Ämnet behandlas i förhållande till Europeiska unionens direkta effekt och den nationella processuella och institutionella autonomin för att undersöka huruvida direktivets rättssäkerhetsgarantier har implementerats på ett tillfredställande sätt. Principen om god förvaltning har en bred förståelse och i denna uppsats sätts fokus på omsorgsprincipen, motiveringsskyldigheten och rätten att bli hörd i ICT-direktivet och de motsvarande reglerna i den svenska utlänningslagen (2005:716) och utlänningsförordningen (2006:97) samt med beaktande av förvaltningslagen (1986:223) och den nya förvaltningslagen (2017:900). Magisteruppsatsen tillämpar den rättsdogmatiska och komparativrättsliga metoden för att lösa de juridiska problemen som uppkommer vid den nationella implementeringen av ICT-direktivet. Slutligen har kritik riktats till principen om god förvaltning i unionsrätten och i den svenska rätten.

Fallstudie om förfaranderegel handläggning inom skälig tid

Susi, Ly, Trawén, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
Fair trials’ rights under Swedish law of public administration (FL) are regulated by Article 7 of the Statute. Similarly, fair trials’ right under the European Convention of Human Rights (EU Convention) is regulated by Article 6.1. The essay conducts a comparative study of the two legislations and seeks to determine whether Article 7 of the Swedish law of public administration is consistent and compliance with Article 6.1 of the EU Convention. The essay identifies and examines ten cases that have been handled in different courts in Sweden on a comparative basis with samples of other cases handled by Justitieombudsmannen. The objective is to compare and determine whether fair trial process as provided for under Swedish legislation are consistent, or in compliance, with the EU Convention. In the determination of the fairness or otherwise of the procedural process, including the time-line it takes to dispose of a given case and whether the Swedish Court’s procedure is consistent with speedy trials’ requirements stipulated in the EU Convention, the essay examines the modalities adopted in interpretation of the different laws, rules and regulations by the different courts in Sweden. Where errors are identified, the essay will examine what corrective measures, if any, may be taken to redress these possible mistakes that may have resulted in violations of the rights of an applicant as a result of incompetence, failure or mistake of an employee in the public administration.  The analysis is focused on cases that have been poorly handled in the sense that the process was slow or ineffective and did not meet the threshold of fair trial and good governance. The essay examines situation where, in event of a violation of the applicable law by a public administrator, there are no sanctions provided, or corrective measures in the statute that may be available to an aggrieved party. The essay considers whether, as a result of a violation, there needs to be a provision in the law for compensating that aggrieved party. In conclusion, the essay suggests possible remedies, including compensation or a re-hearing of the application before a different panel of judges. These proposals may be considered if deemed useful or relevant in amending the Swedish law to provide corrective measures to an aggrieved party. / Sveriges domstolar och myndigheter har genom åren fått kritik från domstolsverket och Justitieombudsmannen, (JO), angående långa handläggningstider. Under åren 1999-2008 har Sverige varit part i 25 domar hos Europadomstolen, där enskilda inte fått sin rätt till rättvis rättegång inom skälig tid enligt EKMR, artikel 6.1. uppfylld. Förvaltningslagen, (FL), som gäller för handläggning av ärenden inom förvaltningsmyndigheter och domstol, har under åren ändrats väldigt mycket. Just frågan om förvaltningsförfarandet, snabb, billig och effektiv handläggning, har på olika sätt blivit behandlats i propositioner och motioner. Syftet med lagen är att garantera enskildas rättsäkerhet, som är grunderna för en “god” förvaltning. Hur denna tidsaspekt och tidsfrist inom snabb, enkel och billig handläggning har tolkats, kommer vi med hjälp av olika lagar, förordningar, praxis m.m., behandla i denna uppsats.

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