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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflektion över individanpassning : En intervjustudie om behandlarens bemötande av ungdomar med cannabismissbruk

Blomander, Hermansson, Josefin, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöker hur behandlare reflekterar över sitt bemötande av individer som missbrukar cannabis som primär drog. Vidare undersöks hur behandlaren individanpassar behandlingen för ungdomarna samt vilka egenskaper som är bra för en behandlare att besitta. Studien utgår från den hermeneutiska forskningstraditionen och har en kvalitativ ansats. Undersökningen gjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av fyra behandlare inom missbruksvården som arbetar medungdomar som främst brukar cannabis. Studien utgickifrån Moira von Wrights relationella teori om det relationella perspektivet som är ihop vävt med Donald Schöns teori om den reflekterande praktikern. Resultatet visar på att ett gott bemötandet gentemot klienten är viktigt för relationsskapandet. Detär avgörande för behandlaren att visar respekt och empati för klienten samt att inge förtroende, struktur och att behandlingen är individanpassad. Hos behandlaren är reflektionav stor betydelse för att denne ska utvecklas

Alkohol och riskbruk hos ungdomar - en litteraturstudie : Hur sjuksköterskor inom Hälso- och sjukvårdens öppenvård arbetar hälsofrämjande med unga och unga vuxna som har ett alkoholriskbruk

Puric, Amela, Vikström, Gisela January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskans yrkesroll omfattar att främja hälsa, förebygga sjukdom, återställa hälsa och lindra lidande för patienten. Med ett salutogent synsätt identifieras riskbruk av alkohol hos ungdomar och unga vuxna. Syfte: Att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor inom Hälso- och sjukvårdens öppenvård arbetade hälsofrämjande med ungdomar och unga vuxna mellan 13-24 år med ett riskbruk av alkohol, samt att granska de valda artiklarnas datainsamlingsmetoder. Metod: Den föreliggande litteraturstudien var av en deskriptiv design. Sökningar gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Medline mellan åren 2004-2015 och med sökorden adolescent, binge drinking,professional-patient relations, health promotion, text messaging, motivational interviewing ochalcohol.  Tretton kvantitativa artiklar valdes ut och bearbetades. Huvudresultat: Olika hälsofrämjande insatser framkom. Brief interventions och motiverande samtal erbjöds och genomfördes. Genom att identifiera riskfaktorer och riskbruk minskade en ohälsosam alkoholkonsumtion hos ungdomar och unga vuxna. Identifiering av riskbruk av alkohol utfördes med hjälp av SMS och web men även med hjälp av broschyrer. Internet påverkade effektivt ungdomars attityder och självkänsla. Med god självbekräftelse utvecklades en högre självkänsla hos både ungdomar och vuxna. Utvecklingen minskade alkoholintaget och oavsett hur självkänslan stärktes underlättade detta för implementering och genomförande av information kring alkohol och dess risker. Slutsats: I sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete ingår att tidigt identifiera en ohälsosam livsstil och att stärka ungdomar och unga vuxnas självkänsla. Genom att beslutsfattande faktorer påverkades kunde motivationen till förändring öka vilket minskade antalet berusningstillfällen. Med rådgivning och stärkande samtal kunde ungdomar och unga vuxna motiveras till en mindre alkoholkonsumtion. / Background: The nurse's professional role includes promoting health, preventing illness, restoring health and alleviate suffering for the patient. With a salutogenic approach will risk use of alcohol in adolescents and young adults be identified. Aim:The purpose of this study was to describe the health promoting efforts by nurses within non-institutional care regarding their work with young people and young adults aged 13-24 yearsold and a risky use of alcohol. Furthermore, the purpose was to review the data collection methods of selected articles referenced in this study. Methods:The present study has a descriptive design. Searches were done in the Cinahl and Medline databases, were limited between the years 2004-2015 and with the keywords adolescent, binge drinking, professional-patient relations, health promotion, text messaging, motivational interviewing, and alcohol. Thirteen quantitative articles were selected and processed. Result: Various health promotion emerged. Brief interventions and motivational interviewing were offered and implemented. Unhealthy use of alcohol in adolescents and young adults were reduced, this by identifying the risk factors that influence to a risky use of alcohol. To identify the risks, Short Message Service (SMS) and the Internet where used. Identification was also done by means of leaflets. Using the Internet was an efficient way to influence young people's attitudes and self-esteem. A good self-affirmation also developed a higher self-esteem among both youth and adults. This development reduced alcohol intake. An improvement to a higher self-esteem among young people, regardless how it achieves, eases the implementation and execution work of giving information about alcohol and its risks. Conclusion: In the nurse's health promotion work includes early identification of an unhealthy lifestyle and to strengthen youth and young adults' self-esteem. Influencing the decision-making factors increased the motivation to change. This reduced the number of binge occasions. With counseling and strengthening dialogues, adolescents and young adults are motivated to drink less alcohol.

Ungdomars attityder till brott i samband med upplopp : En kvantitativ studie

Kinnunen, Angelica, Wibergh, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to examine young peoples’ attitudes towards crimes related to riots. It also examines if there’s a difference in attitudes to different crimes and if there is a connection between these attitudes and friends experience of crime, gender, socioeconomic position or residential area. There is a lack of research in this area, most of the studies on riots focus on the reasons and driving forces leading to riots. The method used is quantitative. We collected surveys in upper secondary schools, both in riot affected areas and others. The result shows that there is a marginal more positive attitude to crimes related to riots than crimes in general. Boys have committed more crimes than girls, and also have a more accepting attitude to crime. It’s more accepted to use violence against the police than rescue personnel and other people. It’s also more accepted to use violence against polices than to vandalize. Young people living in areas affected by riots have the most accepting attitude to violence against polices. There is a clear correlation between young people who commit crime and their friends also committing crimes. Young people who often socialize in groups have a greater tendency to commit crimes.

Självskattning av tidshantering med ATMS-S, erfarenhet av relevans och användbarhet hos gymnasieungdomar med ADHD och arbetsterapeuter / Self-assessment of time management with ATMS-S, experience of relevance and usability among high school students with ADHD and occupational therapists

Törngren, Monica January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar hur den bristande förmågan att hantera sin tid hos personer med ADHD påverkar vardagslivet negativt. Instrument för att skatta och bedöma personers tidshantering finns utvecklade för barn och för vuxna. Gymnasieungdomar hamnar i ett mellanområde. Gymnasieungdomar ska klara sin tidshantering mer självständigt än vad som fångas upp i instrumenten för barn. Instrumentet Aktivitet i tid med Struktur (ATMS-S) som används för vuxna är testade på personer från 18 år. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva arbetsterapeuters och gymnasieungdomars erfarenhet av skattningsinstrumentet ATMS-S relevans samt användbarhet. En studie med kvalitativ ansats genomfördes där sju gymnasieungdomar samt deras tre arbetsterapeuter intervjuades, sammanlagt genomfördes14 intervjuer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes för att finna det manifesta innehållet. Fem kategorier framkom: Deltagarnas erfarenhet av nedsatt förmåga att hantera tid, ATMS-S användbarhet vid skattningssituationen, Relevant instrument men vissa påståenden saknas, Resultatet av skattningen synliggör svårigheter i vardagen samt Motivationshöjare samt förbättrat underlag för intervention. Resultatet visar att ATMS-S är ett relevant och användbart instrument för att skatta tidshanteringen hos gymnasieungdomar med ADHD. Instrumentet lyfter fram viktiga områden som tidigare ej berörts vid kartläggning, ett strukturerat material minskar risken att glömma något och en motivation till förändring finns hos gymnasieungdomarna. Arbetsterapeuterna ser att det är ett bra underlag till fortsatt intervention men märker också att ytterligare informationsinhämtning behövs. Resultatet visar dock på bristen med att de påståenden som ATMS-S består av behöver förtydligas för att alla som skattar ska ha möjlighet att tolka dem på samma sätt. Dessutom reagerade gymnasieungdomarna på hur svarsalternativen är procentsatta. Dessa hinder gjorde att skattningen ej kunde genomföras självständigt utan coaching behövdes från arbetsterapeuten. Arbetsterapeuterna saknade också en tydligare beskrivning av hur den detaljerade analysen ska tolkas. / Previous research shows how people with ADHD have an insufficient ability for time management and how it affects daily life negatively. Instruments for evaluating and assessing an individual’s time management exist for children and adults. High school students end up in between. High school students are expected to handle their time management more independently than what can be seen through the evaluating instruments for children. The evaluating instruments for adults are tested on individuals above 18 years old. The aim of this study is to describe Occupational Therapists and High School students experience of the estimation instrument Assessment of Time Management Skills (ATMS-S) relevance and usability. A study with qualitative approach was conducted where seven high school students and their three occupational therapists were interviewed, in total was 14 interviews conducted. A qualitative content analysis was conducted to find the manifest content. Five categories emerged: The participants experience of impaired ability of time management, ATMS-S usability during the estimation situation, Relevant instrument but some statements are missing, The result of the estimation highlights difficulties in daily life and Rises the motivations and foundation for intervention. The result shows that ATMS-S is a relevant and usable instrument for assessing high school students with ADHD’s time management. The instrument highlights important areas that have not appeared earlier during examination, a structured material reduces the risk of forgetting something and a motivation for change exists among the high school students. The occupational therapists note that it is a good base for the continual intervention but do also point out that additional collecting of information is needed. The result also highlights the lack of clarified descriptions of the statements in ATMS-S, which is needed to give all participants equal ability to understand them. The high school students also reacted to the percentage values of the answers. These obstacles made the assessment difficult to complete independently without coaching from the occupational therapist. The Occupational Therapists also missing a better clarification of how the detailed analysis should be interpreted.

Actitudes y procesos de pensamiento de los profesores de la Etapa Infantil ante las diferencias de sus alumnos y sus familias: una concepción preventiva.

Marsellés Vidal, M. Àngels 12 December 2003 (has links)
El contenido que hemos desarrollado en la tesis comprende: A,- El encuadre de un marco teórico que incluye las dimensiones relativas a los Procesos de Pensamiento de los profesores vinculados a la Diversidad Educativa y las Necesidades Especiales en el contexto actual y centrándonos especialmente en la detección; prevención de estas necesidades en las primeras etapas del desarrollo mediante la Atención Temprana y su relación con los centros de Educación Infantil. B,- El conocimiento de las actitudes, a partir de las opiniones expresadas por un grupo de docentes de la Estapa Infantil hacia la diversiad de sus alumnos y sus familias, utilizando la técnica del grupo de discusión y entrevistas y mediante un diseño cualitativo que nos permita obtener la información necesaria. C,- La construcción de un cuestionario de opinión, a partir de las opiniones manifestadas en el estudio cualitativo con el que podamos generalizar la información obtenida a la mayoría de docentes de nuestro contexto de estudio. D,- Como implicación directa de los resultados, el planteamiento de una serie de consideraciones que nos permitan mejorar las estrategias de intervención desde el CDIAP hacia los docentes de los centros de Educación Infantil de nuestro ámbito para que ello incida en la mejora de la coordinación y la atención a los alumnos más precoces

Split identity implications : perception of identity and future orientation of Maronite Christian adolescents in Israel

Eid, Jawdat January 2016 (has links)
This research examines the identity perception of Maronite adolescents in Israel as part of the Israeli Palestinian Arab Christian community. The research was carried out between the years 2009-2011, involving 25 Maronite adolescents ranging from ages 16 – 18 years. Views on identity were also sought from the parents of this group. The research looks at the implications of their identity perception on their future orientation, career, place of residence, culture and heritage amidst the ongoing unstable social and political situation in the region. The research is inductive in nature and follows a non-positivist, qualitative, ethnographic approach, seeking depth in capturing and presenting the elusive nature of the “soft data” of the self-identity construct. The data were gathered and triangulated by a variety of methods: adolescents’ in-depth interview, parents’ semi–structured ethnographic interview, narrative text tools and a focus group. Findings revealed that the two leading components in the identity perception of the participants were the “Israeli Arab” national component, and the “Christian” religious component. Findings also indicated that the identity perception influences the choice of the participants’ careers; choosing from what was offered to them, rather than pursuing what they liked, and their place of residence having to deal with the limitations imposed on minorities regarding where they can, or cannot live. The participants expressed their need for leadership, religious or secular, to strengthen their involvement in the social and political agendas, educate the younger generation about their identity and heritage, offer a supportive and empowering framework for their ambitions and future plans and improve their socio-political presence among the other communities. The outcomes of this research contribute to a better understanding of the identity perception among Maronite adolescents and constitute a basis for understanding how they can be better supported as a minority group within a multi-cultural society in an unstable region. Further research is required to gain a deeper understanding of how the unstable periods influence belonging and identity issues among Christians in Israel and the Arab world, and to consider gender, socioeconomic and place of living variables.


Schmidt, Denise Pasqual 26 September 2007 (has links)
In the contemporary capitalist society violence assumes the status of an expression of the social relations that take place in the society and that occur in several places - the school being one of them. Until recently, the matter of school violence was treated within the boundaries of the school. Consequently, a large portion of the studies about violence in schools and whereabouts were focused on the teachers, students and their parents. With the introduction of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente other public sectors such as Conselho Tutelar, Promotoria da Infância e Juventude and Delegacia de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente started to get involved with this issue. Therefore, we question how school violence has been perceived by these organizations. What are the expressions of school violence that come to them? The present study of school violence turned its attention to reveal the expression of this kind of violence from new and unprecedented sources of data. Hence, we present in this study expressions of school violence in the Santa Maria County from a point of view exogenous to the school. Our data sources were constituted by: documental analysis of inquiry transcripts from Delegacia de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente, semi-structured interviews with representatives from the three county Conselhos Tutelares and from Promotoria da Infância e Juventude of Santa Maria. The analysis of the collected data reveals that among several measures usually taken by the public schools and by parents the main one is the judicial characterization of school violence and school indiscipline. Furthermore, the demand for action from Conselho Tutelar agents in the school frequently comes along with an expectation for a punitive/repressive action rather than a protective one. / A violência assume, na sociedade capitalista contemporânea, o status de uma das expressões decorrente das relações sociais que nela se concretizam e se manifestam em vários espaços, sendo a escola um deles. A violência no meio escolar, até recentemente, era um tema tratado somente dentro da escola. Como reflexo disso, grande parte dos estudos produzidos sobre a violência na escola e no entorno tomaram como sujeitos de pesquisa, os professores, os alunos e seus pais. Com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA, outros órgãos passaram a se envolver no enfrentamento dessa violência: o Conselho Tutelar, a Promotoria da Infância e Juventude e a Delegacia de Proteção à Criança e ao Adolescente. No entanto, questiona-se de que maneira a violência no meio escolar é percebida por esses órgãos? Quais as expressões da violência escolar que chegam até eles? Nosso estudo sobre a violência na escola se voltou para a revelação dessa violência, a partir de novas fontes de dados, ainda inéditas. Apresentam-se, assim, neste estudo, as expressões da violência no meio e entorno escolar no município de Santa Maria, a partir de uma visão exógena à escola. Nossas fontes de dados constituíram-se: da análise documental dos inquéritos da Delegacia de Proteção à Criança - DPCA, entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes dos três Conselhos Tutelares e com a Promotoria da Infância e Juventude do Município. A partir do resultado, revela-se que, entre as medidas adotadas pela escola pública e pelos pais dos alunos, para o enfrentamento da violência e também da indisciplina escolar, está a judicialização. E que, a demanda pela ação dos conselheiros tutelares na escola, predominantemente, tem um cunho punitivo/repressivo e não protetor.

Treatment Trends for Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the United States

Damachi, Udim T. 29 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Attitudes Toward Violence and Reasons for Living in Adolescents with High, Moderate, and Low Self-Esteem.

Blevins, Rhonda Marie 01 May 2001 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to examine attitudes toward violence and reasons for living in adolescents with high, moderate, and low self-esteem. An attitudes toward violence scale was devised for the purposes of this study. Self-Esteem was assessed using the shortened version of Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale (SES). The Brief Reasons for Living in Adolescents (BRFL-A) was utilized to assess adaptive characteristics. The independent variables were gender and self-esteem. The dependent variables were total reasons for living score and attitudes toward violence score. Participants included 138 males and 95 females, ages 11 to 15 years old (M = 13.3) from a Kingsport City Middle School. A packet containing a short demographic questionnaire, Self-Esteem Scale, attitudes Toward Violence Questionnaire, and the Brief Reasons for Living Inventory was administered. A 2 (gender) X 3 (level of self-esteem) Analysis of Variance with unequal cell sizes was used to test for main and interaction effects. The significance level was set at the .05 level. For the dependent variable attitudes toward violence, main effects were found for both gender and self-esteem. For the dependent variable reasons for living, a main effect was found for self-esteem but not for gender. No interaction effects were found. An inverse relationship was found between violence and reasons for living. Significant relationships between some of the subscales of the RFL and the dependent variables were non-hypothesized findings of interest. Maleness and low self-esteem emerged as predictors of more accepting attitudes toward violence. Low self-esteem was significantly related to fewer reasons for living. Implication of findings, limitations of the study, and suggestions for future research were discussed.

Partidos e políticas públicas: o atendimento à infância em situação de risco em Ribeirão Preto - SP (1993-2000) / Political parties and public policies: dealing with children at riskful situations in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo (1997-2000)

Figueiredo, Gislayne Cristina 26 June 2001 (has links)
Desde o final da década de 70 vem se falando em crise e reforma do Estado. A contenção dos gastos e a reforma fiscal dirigem-se especialmente à redução das políticas sociais e à diminuição do setor de serviços, incluindo aí serviços governamentais destinados à infância e adolescência em situação de risco pessoal e social, que consiste em uma das populações mais fragilizadas da sociedade. Estudos recentes têm indicado que não há uma diminuição tão grande dos investimentos na área social, mas um realocamento desses recursos entre as diversas políticas públicas; bem como indicam a influência da ideologia político-partidária daqueles que estão no governo como sustentáculo do investimento público na área social. Objetivamos com esse trabalho, avaliar o impacto da mudança na administração municipal na cidade de Ribeirão Preto, em virtude da eleição de 1996, no atendimento a crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco, verificando como a ideologia político-partidária influenciou na atenção à infância e na definição das políticas sociais. Para isto, optamos por uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, utilizando como instrumento de coleta de dados a análise documental, e como método de análise, a Análise Conteúdo, tendo como unidade de análise o tema. Estão sendo analisados os Programas e Estatutos dos Partidos que encabeçavam as coligações eleitas nos pleitos de 1992 e 1996, respectivamente PT e PSDB; os Programas de Governo das duas gestões e documentos e relatórios produzidos por essas gestões. A análise dos dados revela uma diferença de ênfase nos dois Programas de Governo, com o Programa do governo eleito em 1992 dando um acento maior em sua atuação à área social, enquanto o eleito em 1996 dá uma maior ênfase ao desenvolvimento econômico, indo ao encontro da tendência observada na análise dos Programas Partidários. Também se observa uma ruptura e descontinuidade entre as políticas para a infância e adolescência adotadas; com ambas as gestões reorganizando a estrutura dos serviços dentro da Secretaria de Bem Estar Social/Cidadania e Desenvolvimento Social, ficando o conjunto dos programas configurados de uma forma muito diferente da anterior. Os gastos com assistência social na gestão 1997-2000, indo na direção do encontrado na literatura, foram maiores que na gestão anterior, enquanto o número de atendimentos realizados pelo serviço público diminuiu, tendo havido um direcionamento desses gastos para o setor privado de assistência à infância em situação de risco, o que se configura enquanto um padrão de atendimento aos usuários semelhante ao que existia nos primórdios da assistência social no Brasil e no município. / Since the end of the decade of 70 it comes saying in crisis and reform of the State. The containment of the expenses and the fiscal reform are especially drive to reduction of the social politics and of the sector of services, including there governmental services destined to infancy and adolescence in situation of personal and social risk, that consists one of the more fragile populations of the society. Recent studies have indicated that it does not have a so great reduction of the investments in the social area, but a realocation of these resources between the diverse public politics; as well as they indicate that politician-partisan ideology of that they are in the government influence the bases the public investment in the social area. We objectify with this work, to evaluate the impact of the change in the municipal administration in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in virtue of the 1996 election, in the attendance the children and adolescents in risk situation, verifying as the ideology politician-partisan influenced in the attention to infancy and the definition of the social politics. For this, we opt to a research of qualitative matrix, using as instrument of collection of data the documentary analysis, and as analysis method, the Analysis Content, having as unit of analysis the subject. They are being analyzed the Programs and Statutes of the Parties that headed coalition elect in the lawsuits of 1992 and 1996, respectively PT and PSDB; the Programs of Government of the two managements and documents and reports produced for these managements. The analysis of the data discloses a difference of emphasis in the two Programs of Government, with the Program of the elect government in 1992 giving a bigger accent in its performance to the social area, while the elect one in 1996 gives a bigger emphasis to the economic development, going to the meeting of the trend observed in the analysis of the Partisan Programs. Also a rupture is observed and discontinuity enters the politics for adopted infancy and adolescence; with both the managements reorganizing the structure of the services inside of the Secretariat of Social Welfare /Citizenship and Social Developement, being the set of the configured programs of a very different form of the previous one. The expenses with social assistance in management 1997-2000, going in the direction of the found in literature, had been greaters that in the previous management, while the number of attendence carried through for the public service diminished, having had an aiming of these expenses for the private sector of assistance to infancy in risk situation, what it is configured while a standard of customer service similar to whom existed in the beggining of the social assistance in Brazil and in the city.

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