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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Da revalidação do nome-do-pai à posição diante da lei e do ato infracional na operação adolescente

Veridiana Alves de Sousa Ferreira Costa 15 July 2015 (has links)
A adolescência implica uma operação subjetiva que convoca o adolescente a assumir novas posições, em virtude das várias transformações que vivencia. Em contato direto com o significante da falta no Outro, o adolescente é intimado a reposicionar-se frente ao Outro e à castração. O Nome-do-Pai é colocado em cheque e a relação do adolescente com a Lei é marcada por conflitos e ambivalências. Revalidar o significante Nome-do-Pai constitui questão central. O crescente envolvimento de adolescentes com infrações tem dado destaque a esta temática, convocando-nos a pesquisar sobre esta questão. Nosso objetivo geral foi investigar a relação entre a posição de adolescentes infratores e não infratores diante da Lei e a operação de revalidação do Nome-do-Pai. Especificamente, buscamos analisar o significado de ser adolescente nos dias atuais, investigar a posição desses adolescentes diante da família e das autoridades constituídas, investigar concepções de adolescentes a respeito da Lei e da infração e analisar as posições de adolescentes infratores e não infratores. Através da entrevista semidiretiva com questões concernentes à adolescência, à lei e à infração cometida por adolescentes, ouvimos adolescentes infratores e não infratores. As entrevistas com adolescentes infratores foram realizadas em Casas de Semiliberdade da cidade do Recife, na FUNASE, com adolescentes que cumpriam medida socioeducativa. Os adolescentes não infratores foram estudantes de escolas da rede pública da cidade do Recife, onde as entrevistas foram realizadas. Guiada por fundamentos psicanalíticos, nossa escuta buscou privilegiar aspectos que poderiam ser indicativos de formações do inconsciente: equívocos, tropeços, contradições, pausas, atentando para os deslizamentos no discurso. Os resultados das análises nos indicam que a adolescência traz consigo descobertas e conquistas, mas também a contestação ao Outro, sendo isso muito mais intenso nos adolescentes infratores do que nos não infratores. Apontaram para a vulnerabilidade do adolescente em se envolver com a infração, sobretudo pela importância que tem o grupo na operação que vivenciam. A posição deles diante da família e das autoridades sugeriu que, no caso de adolescentes não infratores, a contestação ao Outro não ultrapassa a fronteira da transgressão característica da operação adolescente, pois há um Outro que lhe dá suporte, ao contrário do que ocorre com os infratores. Percebemos posicionamentos diferentes diante da Lei: no caso dos adolescentes não infratores, há o encontro com um Outro que se coloca como lugar de endereçamento, possibilitando-lhes revalidar o Nome-do-Pai, ainda que, nesse processo, recorram a transgressões, num apelo ao Outro para reafirmar o interdito; no caso de adolescentes infratores, esse encontro não se dá, fazendo obstáculo ao processo de revalidação, conduzindo-os ao caminho da infração. Os resultados indicam que a posição do adolescente diante da Lei depende da revalidação do Nome-do-Pai e tem como condição o encontro com um Outro que se sustente como lugar de endereçamento, de alteridade radical e transmissão da Lei. Eles fazem avançar o debate sobre a clínica da adolescência e a relação do adolescente com a Lei e o ato infracional, subsidiando a reflexão de questões que tocam esta temática a fim de viabilizar intervenções que o ajudem nessa travessia.

Individuation et détachement à l'adolescence: explorations cliniques et psychopathologiques

Delhaye, Marie 07 November 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse repose sur une recherche qui s'est intéressée à un groupe de 151 adolescents de 15 à 18 ans bien différenciés au départ. Nous avons recruté un groupe de jeunes « hospitalisés » en unité pédopsychiatrique, un groupe d'adolescents délinquants institutionnalisés dans une institution publique de protection de la jeunesse et un groupe d'adolescents « contrôles » recrutés dans un lycée bruxellois.<p><p>Ces groupes ont été comparés en fonction de trois concepts importants de la pédopsychiatrie du développement. Il s'agit du parenting, de la séparation individuation, et de l'attachement.<p>Les outils utilisés sont des auto-questionnaires mesurant d’une part, le parenting, la séparation-individuation et l’attachement et, d’autre part, les aptitudes socio-émotionnelles des jeunes (résilience, empathie, intelligence émotionnelle). Nous avons aussi fait passer une interview diagnostic (Kiddie- Sadds) ainsi qu’un test d’évaluation intellectuelle (WISC IV ou WAIS III).<p><p>La première partie de la recherche a consisté à évaluer si les outils utilisés étaient suffisamment fiables et valides pour un usage en langue française dans un échantillon plus important. Au cours de la deuxième étape, nous avons comparé les trois groupes en fonction des trois concepts définis auparavant. <p><p>Ce sont surtout les résultats de la comparaison des trois groupes qui ont été développés dans le travail qui suit. L’autre partie des résultats peut être retrouvée dans les articles publiés.<p><p>\ / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

`n Interpersoonlike kommunikasievaardigheidsbenadering aan adolessente

Grobler, Sonja 13 September 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / The purpose of this study was to generate an interpersonal communication skills approach for adolescents. Through this approach adolescents will be given an opportunity to formulate new stories on their interpersonal communication skills in the form of stories about constructive communication skills. This will enable adolescents to maintain their important interpersonal relationships. Adolescence is a period characterised by the occurance of many adjustments and changes. Continually higher demands are made from adolescents in terms of career choices, the choice of friends, release from parents and parental homes, development of autonomy and the successful completion of the adolescent developmental phase. The climate of reconciliation in the post apartheid South Africa pressurise adolescents even more. Sources of support is consequently of great importance to adolescents during this phase of change. Sources of support for example the families of adolescents, members of the community and especially the peer group plays a significant role. interpersonal relationships with the aforementioned groups of persons and individuals must be maintained in order to ensure continued support during and in order to successfully complete the developmental phase of adolesence. This requires constructive interpersonal communication skills. It is however evident that adolescents do not posess all of the required constructive communication skills which would enable them to maintain these important interpersonal relationships. The abovementioned lead to the following questions which were addressed in phase one, -two and -three of this research: Over which interpersonal communication skills do adolescents posess? Which specific interpersonal communication skills needs to be addressed in the interpersonal communication skills approach in order to maximise adolescent's ability to communicate interpersonally with a view to improve, maintain and restore their mental health? Which guidelines can be given for the operationalising of the interpersonal communication skills approach for adolescents? A qualitative, investigative, descriptive and contextual design was followed. The research was conducted in three phases with a pre-phase which preceeded phase one of the research. A topical scenario to be utilised in the course of the research was established in the pre-phase of the research through group interviews with adolescents. In phase one of the research role play was conducted and written dialogue was obtained based on the scenarios identified in the pre-phase. An interpersonal communication skills approach was generated in phase two of the research. In phase three of the research certain guidelines were described for the operationalising of the approach. The researcher concluded from the results obtained in phase one of the research that the interpersonal communication of adolescents included in this research were characterised by an entanglement within four repetative circular interpersonalcommunication patterns. These four repetative circular interpersonal communication patterns are initiated and maintained by certain feelings, thoughts and behaviour. The four repetative circular interpersonal communication patterns are the following: Recurrent circular interpersonal patterns of defocusing and externalizing the topic under discussion; Recurrent circular interpersonal patterns of struggling for power between the adolescent and the other conversationist; Recurrent circular interpersonal patterns of not listening to the other conversationist; and Recurrent circular interpersonal patterns of not focusing on feelings while conversating.

Tribos urbanas e construção da identidade adolescente / Tribos urbanas e construção da identidade adolescente / Tribes and urban construction of adolescent identity / Tribes and urban construction of adolescent identity

Arruda, Talitha Lúcia Macêdo da Silva 09 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_talitha_arruda.pdf: 7278444 bytes, checksum: 6fb7984b8672ae7b4294473cacd5f645 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-09 / On percoit, dans la culture contemporaine, un mouvement croissant, dans les milieux d adolescents, de recherche de mécanismes d identification par l appartenance à des groupes formels et/ou informels. Dans ce contexte s inscrivent les Tribus Urbaines qui, selon Michel Maffesoli (2006) se configurent comme un phénomène culturel, agrégeant des adolescents/adolescentes de divers niveaux socio-économiques avec les intérêts les plus variés. Dans cette foulée, la présente recherche s est fixé comme objectif d étudier le sens de l appartenance à une Tribu Urbaine pour la construction de l identité adolescente. Il s agit d une recherche qualitative dans laquelle, à partir d une analyse méthodologique dans la perspective de la phénoménologie existentielle on a utilisé des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des adolescents des deux sexes dans la tranche d âge des 18-20 ans, de tout niveau socioéconomique et appartenant à la Tribu Urbaine des «Metaleiros» (Rock Heavy Metal) de Recife. Les résultats obtenus ont apporté de riches contributions pour la compréhension du sens de cette appartenance et de son importance dans l univers symbolique de l adolescent. Au contraire du sens commun pour qui les Tribus Urbaines réunissent des «faînéants» e/ou des «marginaux», nous avons perçu qu elles constituent des espaces propices à la croissance personnelle, sociale et culturelle. En plus, les entrevues ont révélé que les Tribus Urbaines accomplissent un rôle pertinent pour les adolescents «metaleiros», d intermédiaire entre la «séparation» de l entourage familial et l insertion dans le milieu social. Cette appartenance se présente en plus comme un dispositif pour la construction de mécanismes d identification et de différentiation, fondamentaux pour la structuration de l identité adolescente. Nous pensons que ce travail peut offrir des subsides pour un meilleur entendement des mécanismes en jeu dans la construction de l identité adolescente, permettant une meilleure compréhension de la nécessité grégaire des jeunes, tout en minimisant ainsi la représentation négative des Tribus Urbaines d adolescents / Percebe-se, na contemporaneidade, um crescente movimento, no meio adolescente, de busca de mecanismos identificatórios através do pertencimento a grupos formais e/ou informais. Neste contexto, situam-se as Tribos Urbanas que, segundo Michel Maffesoli (2006) configuram-se como um fenômeno cultural, agregando adolescentes de diferentes níveis sócioeconômicos com os mais variados interesses. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa objetivou investigar o sentido de pertença a uma Tribo Urbana para a construção da identidade adolescente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa em que, a partir de uma análise metodológica na perspectiva fenomenológica existencial, utilizando entrevistas semidirigidas, abordou adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, numa faixa etária compreendida entre 18 a 20 anos, de qualquer nível sócio-econômico, pertencentes à Tribo Urbana de Metaleiros recifenses. Os resultados obtidos trouxeram ricas contribuições para a compreensão do sentido desta pertença e sua importância no universo simbólico do adolescente. Contrariando o senso comum que as Tribos Urbanas agregam "desocupados" e/ou "marginais"; percebemos que estas se constituem como espaços propiciadores de crescimento pessoal, social e cultural. Além disso, as entrevistas revelaram que as Tribos Urbanas desempenham um relevante papel, para os adolescentes metaleiros, como mediadora entre o "desligamento" do ambiente familiar e a inserção no meio social. Esta pertença, ainda, configura-se como um dispositivo para a construção de mecanismos de identificação e diferenciação, fundamentais na estruturação da identidade adolescente. Acredita-se que este trabalho possa oferecer subsídios para um maior entendimento dos mecanismos que operam na construção da identidade adolescente, possibilitando uma melhor compreensão acerca da necessidade gregária dos jovens, minimizando, assim, a representação social negativa das Tribos Urbanas de adolescentes

A experiência de adolescentes abandonados e institucionalizados frente ao desligamento institucional / The experience of abondoned and institutionalized adolescents in face of being disconnected from the institution

Souza, Severino Ramos Lima de 27 March 2001 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 severino souza.pdf: 312151 bytes, checksum: 0c3416dd59033679fde1f8f641e8af8b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001-03-27 / We are aware that the substitute home placement programs (Keepers, guardianshipo or adoption) will not, unfortunately, benefit many of the children living in abandoned/child institutions. For that reason, they remain at the institution until they are legally of age (majority), when they will be, inevitable, dismissed. The present study focuses, therefore, on the experience of abandoned and institutionalized adolescents in face of being disconnected from the institution due to becoming legally adults. This will be a qualitative research, based on the phenomenology approach, analyzing depositions of teen-agers who are experiencing the disconnection process. Considering their perspective, we establish a discussion/reflection on the meaning/representation the adolescents have of the institutional disconnection and on the role played by the educators in the complex of institutional practices. We point to possible alternatives which will enable more satisfactory disconnection processes for the adolescents as well as for the professionals that work with them / Sabemos que muitas das crianças abrigadas em instituições para abandonados, infelizmente, não serão beneficiadas pelos Programas de Colocação em Lar Substituto (guarda, tutela e adoção). Desse modo, passam a viver na instituição até que completem a maioridade quando, inevitavelmente, terão que ser desligadas. Este estudo vem focalizar, portanto, a experiência de adolescentes abandonados e institucionalizados frente ao desligamento institucional, em função da maioridade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de base fenomenológica onde buscamos trabalhar com depoimentos de jovens que estão vivenciando o processo de desligamento. A partir da perspectiva destes, estabelecemos uma discussão/reflexão em torno do significado/representação do desligamento na vida dos adolescentes e do papel dos educadores no conjunto das práticas institucionais, encaminhando-nos para possíveis alternativas que viabilizem processos de desligamentos mais satisfatórios tanto para os adolescentes quanto para a equipe de profissionais que com eles trabalham

Da revalidação do nome-do-pai à posição diante da lei e do ato infracional na operação adolescente

Costa, Veridiana Alves de Sousa Ferreira 15 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:29:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 veridiana_alves_sousa_ferreira_costa.pdf: 954061 bytes, checksum: 2a142854521912ee2026832cb83557b5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-15 / Adolescence implies a subjective operation that urges the adolescent to play new roles. In direct contact with the signifier of the Other's absence, the adolescent is expected to reposition himself in relation to the Other and to castration. The Name-of-the -Father is questioned and the adolescent's relation with the Law is characterized by conflicts and ambivalences. To revalidate the signifier of the Name-of-the-Father becomes the central issue. The growing involvement of adolescents in infractions has placed this topic in evidence, and that was the motivation for this research. The general goal here is to investigate the relationship between the position of law-breaking and law-abiding adolescents in relation to the Law and the infractional act and the operation of revalidation of the Name-of-the-Father. More specifically, this work aims to analyze what it means to be an adolescent nowadays, to investigate the position of these adolescents in relation to family and the official authorities, to investigate the adolescents' conception about the Law and infraction, and to analyze the positions of law-breaking and law-abiding adolescents. By means of a semi-directive interview with questions about adolescence, law, and infractions committed by adolescents, the researcher listened to law-breaking and lawabiding adolescents. The interviews with the law-breaking adolescents took place at Recife's Semi-Open Detention Centers, at FUNASE (a juvenile detention center) , and with adolescents that had been condemned to socioeducational sentences. The law-abiding adolescents were students from public schools in Recife, where the interviews were carried out. Guided by psychoanalytical principles, the researcher's hearing aimed to pay special attention to aspects that could be deemed as indications of the formation of the unconscious: mistakes, slips, contradictions, pauses; always paying attention to oscillations in the speaker's discourse . The results show that adolescence brings along with it discoveries and conquests, but also the contestation of the Other, a point that is stronger in law-breaking adolescents than in law-abiding ones. The findings point to the adolescent's vulnerability in incurring in the infraction , above all due to the importance of the group in the operation that they experience. The adolescents' position in relation to family and the authorities suggest that in the case of law-abiding adolescents, the contestation of the Other does not go beyond the boundaries of the transgression characteristic of the adolescent operation , once there is an Other providing support; this is different from what happens with law-breaking adolescents. It was possible to notice different positions in relations to the Law: in the case of law-abiding adolescents, there is the meeting with an Other, who places itself as an addressing place, which renders it possible to them to revalidate the Name-of-the-Father, even if in this process they incur in transgressions, as a sort of appeal to the Other to reaffirm the interdict. In the case of the law-breaking adolescents, such meeting does not take place; hence it becomes an obstacle to the process of revalidation, which leads them to the path of infraction. The findings point that the position of the adolescent in relation to the Law depends on the revalidation of the Name-of-the-Father, and has as a condition the meeting with an Other who positions itself as an addressing place, as radical alterity and transmission of the Law. These findings advance the debate about teenage clinic and the relation between the adolescent and the Law and the infractional act; acting thus as a basis for further consideration of questions dealing with this topic in order to make possible interventions that help in this quest. / A adolescência implica uma operação subjetiva que convoca o adolescente a assumir novas posições, em virtude das várias transformações que vivencia. Em contato direto com o significante da falta no Outro, o adolescente é intimado a reposicionar-se frente ao Outro e à castração. O Nome-do-Pai é colocado em cheque e a relação do adolescente com a Lei é marcada por conflitos e ambivalências. Revalidar o significante Nome-do-Pai constitui questão central. O crescente envolvimento de adolescentes com infrações tem dado destaque a esta temática, convocando-nos a pesquisar sobre esta questão. Nosso objetivo geral foi investigar a relação entre a posição de adolescentes infratores e não infratores diante da Lei e a operação de revalidação do Nome-do-Pai. Especificamente, buscamos analisar o significado de ser adolescente nos dias atuais, investigar a posição desses adolescentes diante da família e das autoridades constituídas, investigar concepções de adolescentes a respeito da Lei e da infração e analisar as posições de adolescentes infratores e não infratores. Através da entrevista semidiretiva com questões concernentes à adolescência, à lei e à infração cometida por adolescentes, ouvimos adolescentes infratores e não infratores. As entrevistas com adolescentes infratores foram realizadas em Casas de Semiliberdade da cidade do Recife, na FUNASE, com adolescentes que cumpriam medida socioeducativa. Os adolescentes não infratores foram estudantes de escolas da rede pública da cidade do Recife, onde as entrevistas foram realizadas. Guiada por fundamentos psicanalíticos, nossa escuta buscou privilegiar aspectos que poderiam ser indicativos de formações do inconsciente: equívocos, tropeços, contradições, pausas, atentando para os deslizamentos no discurso. Os resultados das análises nos indicam que a adolescência traz consigo descobertas e conquistas, mas também a contestação ao Outro, sendo isso muito mais intenso nos adolescentes infratores do que nos não infratores. Apontaram para a vulnerabilidade do adolescente em se envolver com a infração, sobretudo pela importância que tem o grupo na operação que vivenciam. A posição deles diante da família e das autoridades sugeriu que, no caso de adolescentes não infratores, a contestação ao Outro não ultrapassa a fronteira da transgressão característica da operação adolescente, pois há um Outro que lhe dá suporte, ao contrário do que ocorre com os infratores. Percebemos posicionamentos diferentes diante da Lei: no caso dos adolescentes não infratores, há o encontro com um Outro que se coloca como lugar de endereçamento, possibilitando-lhes revalidar o Nome-do-Pai, ainda que, nesse processo, recorram a transgressões, num apelo ao Outro para reafirmar o interdito; no caso de adolescentes infratores, esse encontro não se dá, fazendo obstáculo ao processo de revalidação, conduzindo-os ao caminho da infração. Os resultados indicam que a posição do adolescente diante da Lei depende da revalidação do Nome-do-Pai e tem como condição o encontro com um Outro que se sustente como lugar de endereçamento, de alteridade radical e transmissão da Lei. Eles fazem avançar o debate sobre a clínica da adolescência e a relação do adolescente com a Lei e o ato infracional, subsidiando a reflexão de questões que tocam esta temática a fim de viabilizar intervenções que o ajudem nessa travessia.

Experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers in single-mother families in Bakenberg Village, Limpopo Province

Phasha, Kgethego Terrance January 2021 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Social Work)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / The phenomenon of absent fathers continues to be one of the major social problems which affect families globally. This study has examined the experiences of adolescent boys who grow up without fathers in single-mother families in Bakenberg village in Limpopo Province. The objectives of this study were to establish the experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers, to describe the challenges faced by adolescent boys in growing up without a father and to determine their understanding of the role and value of having a father. A qualitative approach was used for this study. This approach was complemented by the use of a descriptive phenomenological research design for its focus on lived human experiences and the meanings participants assigned to those experiences. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from 18 adolescent boys through face-to-face interviews and as well as focus group discussions. The data collected was analysed using the thematic analysis method. The findings of this study showed that participants regarded fathers as an important figure in their lives and their families and his absence brought about financial challenges, poor academic progress, indulgence in alcohol and smoking brought about by negative outside influences as well as lack of immediate gender role model. The study also revealed that in the absence of fathers, these boys end up being compelled to play the role of the man in their families. For the participants in this study, other male figures such as uncles and grandfathers played a vital role in as far as gender specific roles and identity development is concerned. The study encourages more research into issues that impact negatively the children in one-parent families. The study also draws attention to the necessity to discover the reasons for the disintegration of the family structure, thereby highlighting a serious national and global problem which needs to be addressed for the health and well-being of our people because families form the foundation of a country‟s citizenry.

Adolescent and Adult Two-Bottle Choice Ethanol Drinking and Adult Impulsivity in Genetically Selected High-Alcohol Preferring Mice

O'Tousa, David Scott 20 September 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Abuse of alcohol during adolescence continues to be a problem, and it has been shown that earlier onset of drinking predicts increased alcohol abuse problems later in life. High levels of impulsivity have been demonstrated to be characteristic of alcoholics, and impulsivity has also been shown to predict later alcohol use in teenage subjects, showing that impulsivity may be an inherent underlying biological process that precedes the development of alcohol use disorders. These experiments examined adolescent drinking in a high-drinking, relatively impulsive mouse population, and assessed its effects on adult drinking and adult impulsivity. Experiment 1: Selectively bred High-Alcohol Preferring (HAP II) mice, which are shown to be highly impulsive, were given either alcohol (free choice access) or water only for two weeks during middle adolescence or adulthood. All mice were given free choice access to alcohol following 30 days without access, in adulthood. Experiment 2: Adolescent HAP II mice drank alcohol and water, or water alone, for two weeks, and were then trained to perform a delay discounting task as adults to measure impulsivity. In each experiment, effects of volitional ethanol consumption on later behavior were assessed. We expected adolescent alcohol exposure to increase subsequent drinking and impulsivity. Adolescent mice consumed significant quantities of ethanol, reaching average blood ethanol concentrations (BECs) of 142 mg/dl in Experiment 1 and 108 mg/dl in Experiment 2. Adult mice reached average BECs of 154 mg/dl in Experiment 2. Mice pre-exposed to alcohol in either adolescence or adulthood showed a transient increase in ethanol consumption, but we observed no differences in impulsivity in adult mice as a function of whether mice drank alcohol during adolescence. These findings indicate that HAP II mice drink intoxicating levels of alcohol during both adolescence and adulthood, and that this volitional intake has long-term effects on subsequent drinking behavior. Nonetheless, this profound exposure to alcohol during adolescence does not increase impulsivity in adulthood, indicating that long-term changes in drinking are mediated by mechanisms other than impulsivity. Importantly, this research demonstrates that the HAP II mouse is a good candidate for a model of heavy adolescent alcohol consumption.

Developing Confidence in Late Adolescents: A New Theatre Curriculum

Horne, Courtney Ayana January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Testing a dual process model in understanding the development of binge eating behaviors among Chinese adolescent boys and girls in Hong Kong. / Dual process model

January 2001 (has links)
Tang Wai-yee. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 51-61). / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

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