Spelling suggestions: "subject:"adolescents'"" "subject:"dolescents'""
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O cuidar de crianças portadoras de bexiga neurogênica: representações e necessidades dessas crianças e suas famílias / Experience of intermittent vesical catheterism of children and adolescents with neurogenic urinary bladders.Furlan, Maria de Fátima Farinha Martins 15 December 1998 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivos analisar a experiência do cateterismo vesical intermitente por crianças e adolescentes portadores de bexiga neurogênica e suas mães, bem como analisar os fatores limitantes e facilitadores para o autocateterismo vesical intermitente nessas crianças e adolescentes na realidade das suas vidas cotidianas. No referencial teórico, buscamos a compreensão dessa construção da realidade, do cuidar/cuidado humano como uma questão de cidadania e valorização da vida nesse cotidiano, e a educação em saúde como uma prática de enfermagem para a valorização do cuidar cuidado. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, aplicando as representações sociais como categoria de análise. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizamos os prontuários das crianças, formulário com questões semi-estruturadas, entrevista e diário de campo. A análise dos dados baseou-se em aspectos da hermenêutica dialética. A interposição das categorias empíricas com o referencial teórico fez emergir dimensões que mostraram esses atores sociais pertencentes a um contexto micro e macro social que determinam o seu modo de agir na e para a vida. A realidade no dia-a-dia das crianças, adolescentes e respectivas mães revelou-se em seis categorias empíricas: CVI corpo e sexualidade em evidência" e CVI conformação e relutância" são as categorias empíricas que traduzem as falas das crianças e adolescentes; A responsabilização materna", A agenda da vida", O enfrentamento" e A acomodação/compartilha" são as categorias empíricas que surgiram das falas das mães. Nessas seis categorias, revelam-se importantes elementos limitantes e facilitadores à experiência de cuidar da vida e, conseqüentemente, à experiência do autocateterismo pelas crianças e adolescentes. Cabe aos profissionais de saúde e em especial ao enfermeiro uma atitude solidária, num esquema de co-responsabilidade por meio da educação em saúde, que deverá ser desenvolvida como um processo emancipatório que, além do enfoque biológico, dê importância considerável aos aspectos ligados à vida cotidiana e amplie a consciência de cidadania desses atores sociais para viverem de modo mais pleno nos seus limiares próprios. / This study is aimed at analyzing the experience of intermittent vesical catheterism of children and adolescents with neurogenic bladders and their mothers, as well as analyzing limiting and facilitating factors for intermittent vesical autocatheterism in these children and adolescents in their daily lives. As for theoretical referentials, we sought to understand this construction of reality in human care as a matter of citizenship and valorization of life in this daily life; moreover, the health education as nursing practice on these values were the theoretical reference used in this study. This research is of a qualitative nature applying social representations as an analysis category. For data collection, we used children's reference books, forms with semi-structured questions, interviews and field diaries. The data analysis was based on aspects of dialectic hermeneutics. The interposition of empirical categories with the theoretical basis led to the appearance of dimensions which showed these social actors belonging to a micro- and macro-social context which determines their way of acting in and for life. The children's, adolescents' and their mothers' daily reality was revealed through six empirical categories: CVI body and sexuality in evidence" and CVI conformation and reluctance" are empirical categories which translate children's and adolescents' speech; Maternal responsibility", Life agenda", Confrontation" and Acceptance / sharing" are empirical categories which arose from the mothers' speech. In these six categories, important limiting and facilitating elements for the experience of taking care of life are revealed and, consequently, for autocatheterism by children and adolescents. It is the responsibility of the health professional, and especially of the nurse, to express a supportive attitude in a scheme of co-responsibility by means of health education, which should be developed as an emancipatory process which, besides the biological focus, values the aspects related to daily life and increases the citizenry conscience of these social actors so that they can live more fully according to their own thresholds.
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Tabado : évaluation d'un programme d'aide au sevrage TABagique pour les ADOlescents en centres de formation des apprentis (CFA) / Tabado : evaluation of a smoking cessation program for adolescents in Vocational Training CenterMinary, Laetitia 28 January 2011 (has links)
Contexte - La majorité des fumeurs adultes ont commencé à fumer à l'adolescence et sont devenus dépendants avant l'âge de vingt ans. La plupart des efforts de lutte contre le tabagisme des jeunes se sont centrés sur la prévention de l'initiation et peu sur l'aide au sevrage. Sur ce constat, nous avons proposé de mettre en place une démarche originale de sevrage basée sur une offre de proximité associant le sevrage médicamenteux aux thérapies cognitivo-comportementales. Dans une perspective de réduction des inégalités sociales de santé, nous avons souhaité centrer notre action sur une population particulièrement vulnérable habituellement peu sollicitée, celle des jeunes apprentis. Avant de généraliser une telle intervention, il était important d'en évaluer l'efficacité. Objectif - 1) décrire les caractéristiques du tabagisme dans une population socialement défavorisée, les apprentis 2) puis mettre en évidence les déterminants de la dépendance au tabagisme dans cette population 3) et enfin répondre à l'objectif principal qui est l'évaluation de l'efficacité de l'offre d'un programme de sevrage tabagique au sein de cette population.Méthode - Cette étude quasi-expérimentale, prospective, comparative s'est déroulée au cours des 2 années d'apprentissage. La population était composée de l'ensemble des stagiaires de huit CFA (Centre de Formation des Apprentis) en Lorraine. Le groupe intervention (3 CFA) a bénéficié du programme TABADO, et le groupe témoin (5 CFA) n'a reçu aucune intervention spécifique autre que les services éducatifs généralement disponibles. Résultats - Parmi les 1.814 élèves interrogés (770 dans le groupe intervention, 1044 dans le groupe témoin), 52% étaient fumeurs dont 89,4% de fumeurs quotidiens, et 5,7% ex-fumeurs. L'âge moyen d'initiation au tabagisme était de 12,1 ans (ET=2,1) et celui du début du tabagisme régulier de 13,8 ans (ET=1,6). La consommation actuelle des fumeurs s'élevait en moyenne à 12,8 cigarettes par jour (ET=7,8). Le score moyen de dépendance des adolescents fumeurs interrogés était de 6,1 (ET=2,8), d'après le test du Hooked On Nicotine Checklist (score de 0 à 10= fortement dépendant). Les déterminants de la dépendance mis en évidence étaient : le genre féminin, le tabagisme quotidien, une forte consommation moyenne journalière, la co-consommation de cannabis, un environnement fumeur et un haut score de vulnérabilité perçue. Les facteurs perçus comme incitant à fumer (automatisme du geste, gestion du stress et soutien du moral) étaient également des facteurs de dépendance. Sur les 584 fumeurs à J0 suivis à J0+12 mois, 17% étaient devenus abstinents dans le groupe d'intervention vs. 11,9% dans le groupe témoin (p = 0,08 univariée, p = 0,008 ajusté ; odds ratio [OR] 2,1; 95% intervalle de confiance [IC] 1.2 à 3.6). Conclusion - Notre étude a permis de produire des données originales sur l'efficacité d'une action de sevrage tabagique dans une jeune population socialement défavorisée qui avait été très peu investiguée jusqu'à présent. La combinaison de la proximité de l'action d'information et de soutien psychologique, et d'une offre gratuite de substituts nicotiniques paraît comme une condition du succès. La mise en évidence d'un effet groupe devrait permettre à l'avenir d'élaborer des programmes facilitant cet effet des réseaux sociaux / Context - Most smokers start smoking during adolescence and became smoking dependent before the age of 20. Efforts to fight against smoking in the teenage population have focused largely on programs to prevent rather than quit smoking. On this basis, we implemented an original approach of help to smoking cessation based on a nearness offer associating pharmacologic and cognitive-behavioural strategy with. In a perspective of reducing social health inequalities, we wanted to focus our efforts on a particularly vulnerable population usually not sought, the apprentices. Before expanding such programs, their efficacy must be assessed.Objective- 1) describe the characteristics of smoking in a socially disadvantaged population, the apprentices 2) then highlight the determinants of tobacco addiction in this population 3) and finally meet the main objective which is the evaluation of the effectiveness of offering a smoking cessation program in this population. Method - This quasi-experimental, prospective, comparative study was conducted during two years ofvocational training. The population was composed of all the students from eight VTC (Vocational Training Center) in Lorraine (France). The intervention group (3 CFA) has benefited from the TABADO program, and the control group (5 CFA) received no specific intervention other than educational services generally available. Results - Among the 1,814 students included (770 in the intervention group, 1044 in the control group), 52.0 % were smokers among whom 89.4 % daily smokers, and 5.7 % were ex-smokers. The average age of tobacco use initiation was 12.1 years (SD=2.1) and the average age at inception of regular cigarette smoking was 13.8 years (SD=1.6). Current consumption of the smokers was 12.8 cigarettes per day (SD = 7.8). The average score of smoking addiction was 6.1 (SD = 2.8), according to the Hooked On Nicotine Checklist test (score from 0 to 10 = strongly dependent). Factors significantly associated with dependence were female gender, daily cigarette use, high mean daily cigarette use, co-consumption of cannabis, a smoking environment and a high score of perceived vulnerability. Factors perceived as leading to smoking (automatic gesture, combating stress and supporting morale) were also dependence factors. Of 584 original smokers at 12-month follow-up, 17% in the intervention group were abstinent vs. 11.9% in the control group (univariate p=0.08; adjusted p=0.008; odds ratio [OR] 2.1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-3.6). Conclusions - Our study has produced original data on the effectiveness of a smoking cessation in a socially disadvantaged young people who had hardly been investigated so far. The combination of proximity to the action of information and psychological support, and an offer of free nicotine replacement therapy seems to be a prerequisite for success. The demonstration effect of a group should allow the future to develop programs that facilitate this effect of social networks
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Experiência do cateterismo vesical intermitente por crianças e adolescentes portadores de bexiga neurogênica. / Experience of intermittent vesical catheterism of children and adolescents with neurogenic urinary bladders.Furlan, Maria de Fátima Farinha Martins 19 December 2003 (has links)
Este estudo teve por objetivos analisar a experiência do cateterismo vesical intermitente por crianças e adolescentes portadores de bexiga neurogênica e suas mães, bem como analisar os fatores limitantes e facilitadores para o autocateterismo vesical intermitente nessas crianças e adolescentes na realidade das suas vidas cotidianas. No referencial teórico, buscamos a compreensão dessa construção da realidade, do cuidar/cuidado humano como uma questão de cidadania e valorização da vida nesse cotidiano, e a educação em saúde como uma prática de enfermagem para a valorização do cuidar cuidado. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, aplicando as representações sociais como categoria de análise. Para a coleta dos dados, utilizamos os prontuários das crianças, formulário com questões semi-estruturadas, entrevista e diário de campo. A análise dos dados baseou-se em aspectos da hermenêutica dialética. A interposição das categorias empíricas com o referencial teórico fez emergir dimensões que mostraram esses atores sociais pertencentes a um contexto micro e macro social que determinam o seu modo de agir na e para a vida. A realidade no dia-a-dia das crianças, adolescentes e respectivas mães revelou-se em seis categorias empíricas: CVI corpo e sexualidade em evidência" e CVI conformação e relutância" são as categorias empíricas que traduzem as falas das crianças e adolescentes; A responsabilização materna", A agenda da vida", O enfrentamento" e A acomodação/compartilha" são as categorias empíricas que surgiram das falas das mães. Nessas seis categorias, revelam-se importantes elementos limitantes e facilitadores à experiência de cuidar da vida e, conseqüentemente, à experiência do autocateterismo pelas crianças e adolescentes. Cabe aos profissionais de saúde e em especial ao enfermeiro uma atitude solidária, num esquema de co-responsabilidade por meio da educação em saúde, que deverá ser desenvolvida como um processo emancipatório que, além do enfoque biológico, dê importância considerável aos aspectos ligados à vida cotidiana e amplie a consciência de cidadania desses atores sociais para viverem de modo mais pleno nos seus limiares próprios. / This study is aimed at analyzing the experience of intermittent vesical catheterism of children and adolescents with neurogenic bladders and their mothers, as well as analyzing limiting and facilitating factors for intermittent vesical autocatheterism in these children and adolescents in their daily lives. As for theoretical referentials, we sought to understand this construction of reality in human care as a matter of citizenship and valorization of life in this daily life; moreover, the health education as nursing practice on these values were the theoretical reference used in this study. This research is of a qualitative nature applying social representations as an analysis category. For data collection, we used children\'s reference books, forms with semi-structured questions, interviews and field diaries. The data analysis was based on aspects of dialectic hermeneutics. The interposition of empirical categories with the theoretical basis led to the appearance of dimensions which showed these social actors belonging to a micro- and macro-social context which determines their way of acting in and for life. The children\'s, adolescents\' and their mothers\' daily reality was revealed through six empirical categories: CVI body and sexuality in evidence\" and CVI conformation and reluctance" are empirical categories which translate children\'s and adolescents\' speech; Maternal responsibility", Life agenda", Confrontation" and Acceptance / sharing" are empirical categories which arose from the mothers\' speech. In these six categories, important limiting and facilitating elements for the experience of taking care of life are revealed and, consequently, for autocatheterism by children and adolescents. It is the responsibility of the health professional, and especially of the nurse, to express a supportive attitude in a scheme of co-responsibility by means of health education, which should be developed as an emancipatory process which, besides the biological focus, values the aspects related to daily life and increases the citizenry conscience of these social actors so that they can live more fully according to their own thresholds.
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Exploring the role of self-compassion and perfectionism in the prediction of psychological distress and psychological well-being in adolescents : a research portfolioCampbell, Kim January 2017 (has links)
Background: Previous research has reported positive correlations between perfectionism, anxiety and depression within community adolescent samples. Psychological distress has the potential to develop into adulthood; therefore consideration is required about potential mechanisms that could positively impact on this trajectory. Self-compassion has been shown to be negatively associated with psychopathology and positively related to psychological well-being. It has also been found to be inversely related to maladaptive perfectionism (negative aspects of perfectionism) in adult populations. No previous studies have examined both constructs of perfectionism and self-compassion in an adolescent population and what impact they may have on psychological distress and well-being. Aims: This research had two aims: 1. Conduct a systematic literature review exploring the relationship between perfectionism and anxiety/stress in young people; 2. Establish empirically whether perfectionism and self-compassion have a role in the prediction of psychological distress and psychological well-being in an adolescent population. Method: For the first aim a systematic review of the literature was conducted to identify studies that explored the relationships between perfectionism and anxiety/stress in young people. Fourteen papers were identified which were subsequently subjected to methodological appraisal using quality criteria. To address the second aim an empirical study was conducted. It was a cross-sectional, quantitative design using self-report surveys, in an adolescent population (n=128; 64.1% female, mean age 16.24 years) across schools in Edinburgh. Results: The results of the systematic review suggested that there is a significant relationship between perfectionism and anxiety and/or stress in young people; however, some inconsistent results were found between the perfectionism subtypes and their impact on anxiety. Methodologically, the studies held good internal validity, but external validity was poor meaning that the ability to generalise findings beyond the remit of the studies was questionable. The results of the empirical study demonstrated a significant relationship between perfectionism and self-compassion and a subsequent relationship with psychological distress and psychological well-being in the adolescent population. An interaction effect between perfectionism and self-compassion was also established for some of the variables, with self-compassion playing a particularly significant role in this relationship. Conclusions: Overall, there is evidence to suggest a link between perfectionism and psychopathology in adolescents. The factors of perfectionism and self-compassion demonstrated a significant relationship, with both constructs having an impact on psychological well-being in particular. Self-compassion demonstrated a strong predictive relationship to both psychological distress and psychological well-being. The significant findings regarding self-compassion in particular suggest that it may be a potential strategy for working with young people (either clinically or in academic settings) who experience psychological distress related to perfectionistic tendencies. Further research exploring perfectionism and self-compassion and the link with psychopathology in adolescents is much needed. In particular, studies are required which attempt to focus on this area with alternative designs (non cross-sectional), different methodologies and various clinical and non-clinical adolescent populations.
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A DESISTÊNCIA DA CONDUTA INFRACIONAL EM ADOLESCENTES.Leão, Nara Cristina 15 December 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-12-15 / The involvement of adolescents in criminal activities is a problem that has mobilized the society
and the issue has been debated in several areas. For this reason, science needs to get engaged in
this issue and investigate it. This dissertation proposes to specifically investigate the process of
desistance of antisocial behavior by adolescents in conflict with the law. For this, two surveys
were conducted, organized and presented by means of two articles: one theoretical and one
empirical. The first one is a systematic review of the literature, which analyzed critically what
has been published in the scientific community on desistance from crime in adolescents over
the last 10 years, in search tools and databases with national and international articles - Google
Scholar, BVS, Scirus, ScienceDirect, Psycinfo. 19 articles were found, 8 national and 11
international, which focused primarily on two issues: life trajectories and models of
intervention. In conclusion, they emphasized the environment as a highly relevant factor for the
development and maintenance of antisocial behavior, and also the possibility of developing
actions that assist in the process of desistance of criminal behavior. The second study, presented
in the second article, is about two descriptive and exploratory researches, and it aims to
investigate the psychological availability to the desistance of criminal behavior in adolescents
under socio-educational measure. In the first one, a sample of 44 adolescents was used, through
the Rorschach method (Comprehensive System). It was observed that 40% of the sample was
available for the abandonment of criminal behavior, and the aspects of personality that most
favored the willingness to change behavior were related to interest in what people say and do
(SumH), as well as flexibility of thought in making decisions and adaptating to new situations
(a: p). The least present aspects were related to the ability to establish psychologically intimate
relationships with other people (SumT), and the ability of introspection (FD). In the second one,
there was a content analysis of the interviews of two teenagers aiming to deepen on issues
concerning desistance of crime. The two teenagers differed in availability to the discontinuance
of criminal behavior, especially with respect to the suffering experienced by the current life
situation. Anyway, it was concluded at the end of the two surveys that it is possible to develop
performances with adolescents in conflict with the law aiming at desistance from crime, both
individually and in broader levels, involving the youngsters, their family, and the community
where they live, so that there might be an increase in the chances of desistance from crime and
restructuring of life. / O envolvimento de adolescentes em crimes é um problema que tem mobilizado muito a
sociedade e a questão tem sido debatida em diversos espaços. Frente a isso, percebe-se a
necessidade de a ciência se ocupar desse tema e investigá-lo. Esta dissertação se propõe a
investigar especificamente o processo de desistência da conduta infracional por adolescentes
em conflito com a lei. Para isso, foram realizadas duas pesquisas, organizadas e apresentadas
por meio de dois artigos: um teórico e outro empírico. O primeiro traz uma revisão sistemática
de literatura, na qual se analisou, criticamente, o que vem sendo publicado no meio científico
sobre a desistência do crime em adolescentes, nos últimos 10 anos, em ferramentas de busca e
bases de dados com artigos nacionais e estrangeiros Google Acadêmico, BVS, Scirus,
ScienceDirect, Psycinfo. Foram encontrados 19 artigos, sendo 8 nacionais e 11 internacionais,
os quais focaram, basicamente, duas questões: trajetórias de vida e modelos de intervenção.
Como conclusão, ressaltou-se o fator ambiente como altamente relevante para o
desenvolvimento e manutenção do comportamento antissocial, e também a possibilidade de
desenvolvimento de ações com esse público que o auxiliem no processo de abandono da conduta
infracional. A segunda pesquisa, apresentada no segundo artigo, trata de dois estudos descritivos
e exploratórios, que tem como objetivo investigar a disponibilidade psicológica para a
desistência da conduta infracional em adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa
de internação. O primeiro deles utilizou-se de uma amostra de 44 adolescentes sob medida
socioeducativa de internação, por meio do Método de Rorschach (Sistema Compreensivo).
Observou-se que 40% da amostra estava disponível para o abandono da conduta infracional, e
os aspectos da personalidade que mais favoreciam essa disponibilidade para mudança de
conduta estavam relacionados ao interesse pelo que as pessoas falam e fazem (SumH), bem
como a flexibilidade do pensamento na tomada de decisões e na adaptação a novas situações
(a:p). Os aspectos menos presentes estavam relacionados à habilidade para estabelecer
relacionamentos psicologicamente íntimos com outras pessoas (SumT) e à capacidade de
introspecção (FD). No segundo, fez-se análise de conteúdo das entrevistas de dois adolescentes,
visando aprofundar nas questões relativas à desistência do crime. Os dois adolescentes
apresentaram diferenças quanto à disponibilidade para a desistência da conduta infracional,
especialmente com relação ao sofrimento vivido pela atual situação de vida. Enfim, pôde-se
concluir, ao final das duas pesquisas, que é possível desenvolver atuações com adolescentes em
conflito com a lei visando a desistência do crime, tanto em nível individual quanto em níveis
mais amplos, envolvendo o jovem, a sua família e a comunidade em que vivem, para que
aumentem as chances de desistência do crime e reestruturação de vida.
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O processo de inclusão social na vida de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. / The social inclusion process in the life of offender adolescents.Oliveira, Maria Cecília Rodrigues de 12 December 2002 (has links)
Os debates no universo conceitual sobre exclusão parecem deixar em segundo plano o foco que ilumina as análises baseadas na injustiça social que propõe pensar a exclusão como processo complexo e multifacetado, do qual a inclusão é parte constitutiva. Diante da ineficiência das propostas no atendimento a adolescentes em conflito com a lei que não tem levado em conta tal complexidade; da visão estigmatizada da sociedade sobre eles; e do número elevado de internações por ano na FEBEM-RP, propôs-se este estudo, com o objetivo de caracterizar a vida cotidiana desses jovens, identificar as percepções, concepções e crenças sobre as experiências vividas e, investigar as propostas de mudanças que possam facilitar o processo de inclusão social de jovens que praticaram delito. Participaram deste estudo onze adolescentes, do sexo masculino, com idades entre 15 e 18 anos, internos na FEBEM-RP, e seis funcionários da instituição. A entrevista individual com roteiro semi-estruturado foi o principal instrumento de coleta de dados, sendo complementada por notas em diários de campo e transcrições de trabalhos grupais. As falas dos funcionários também foram utilizadas como dados complementares para conferir ênfase ao tema que estava sendo abordado. A análise qualitativa dos dados, com enfoque interpretativista, privilegiou os pontos de vista dos entrevistados, iluminando os momentos-chave de sua existência. As análises dos dados mostraram que as várias facetas que compõem o processo de exclusão na vida desses jovens parecem ser apontadas por eles como as dificuldades encontradas para viverem o dia-a-dia longe das infrações. A vida concreta dos adolescentes entrevistados é percebida por eles pela precariedade, não só econômica, mas também de vínculos, que são calcados na violência, na provisoriedade e na instabilidade, perpassados por aspectos psicossociais como estigmatização e culpabilização. A vivência dessa realidade parece gerar sofrimento, freqüentemente, expresso pela revolta como forma de demonstrar a inconformidade diante das condições de existência e dos tratamentos recebidos. A coexistência desses motivos, dentre outros, acrescidos da humilhação, tanto na família como na escola, e da discriminação e truculência com que referem ser tratados pela polícia parecem favorecer a inclusão no mundo do crime. Outra faceta que faz com que estejam inseridos no mundo de forma injusta e pouco digna, diz respeito à vulnerabilidade frente ao desenvolvimento e exercício da vida sexual e reprodutiva, além de se perceberem mais vulneráveis em decorrência das rígidas regras de convivência estabelecidas entre seus pares, que tornam iminente o risco de morte. Referem ser coagidos pela polícia para assumirem delitos que não praticaram, o que parece colaborar para que sejam internos repetidas vezes, perpetuando a idéia de um caminho sem volta. Referem que a FEBEM-RP é um local marcado pela diferença de tratamento que privilegia uns e banaliza o sofrimento de outros. Na vida dos jovens entrevistados, a dialética da exclusão/inclusão também se manifesta pela confirmação, negação ou construção da identidade, que no caso deles, parecem forjadas de maneira a manter as estratégias de regulação de poder, sendo reconhecidos, predominantemente, por seus delitos. Expressam o desejo de parar de infracionar e realizam propostas que incluem a profissionalização, a retomada dos estudos, a aplicação da medida de semiliberdade, dentre outros. Para isso, referem a necessidade de apoio profissional e familiar, dentro e fora da FEBEM-RP, sem os quais a inclusão poderá recair na armadilha de uma inclusão ilusória que discrimina, humilha e gera sofrimento. Para eles, a concretização das propostas pode significar o rompimento de um fatalismo cruel e contribuir para uma inclusão mais digna e justa. / The debates in the conceptual area about exclusion seem to omit the focus that elucidates the social injustice-based analysis that has in view the concept of exclusion as being a complex and multi-faceted process, of which inclusion is an essential part. Facing the inefficiency of the proposals in attending adolescents that come into conflict with the law for not taking into consideration such complexity; also facing the social stigmatized view of these same adolescents; and the increased number of new boarders that FEBEM, in Ribeirão Preto, receives each year, this study has been presented, aiming to point out these youngsters´ daily life, identify the insights, conceptions and beliefs of the lived experiences, and investigate the changeover proposals that might favour the social inclusion of these youngsters that have committed some kind of trespass. Eleven male adolescents took part in this study, ranging from 15 to 18 years old, boarders at FEBEM, in Ribeirão Preto, and six employees that work for the institution. The individual interview with a semi-framed script was the major tool to gather data, being completed with fieldwork notes and transcription of group activities. The voices of the employees were also used as supplementary data in order to give emphasis to the topic being approached. The qualitative analysis of data, with an interpretative approach, favoured the point of view of the people interviewed, enlightening the key points of their existence. The analysis of data showed that the multiple facets that form the exclusion process in these youngsters lives seem to be mentioned by them as being the difficulties they come across to live their daily lives away from infractions. The interviewed adolescents´ real life is noticed by them for its precariousness, not only the financial one, but also the precariousness of bonds that are consolidated in violence, transitory feature and inconstancy, due to psychosocial aspects like stigmatization and culpability. Living this reality seems to cause suffering, often expressed by revolt as a way of demonstrating non-conformism before existence conditions and treatment toward them. The co-existence of these reasons, among other ones, added by humiliation, both at home and at school, and discrimination and cruelty they affirm to receive from the police seem to favour their inclusion in the criminal world. Another facet that causes them to live in the world in such an unfair and unworthy way concerns the vulnerability toward the development and practice of sexual and reproductive life, besides viewing themselves as being more vulnerable due to the rigid co-existence rules fixed among their partners, creating an imminent death risk. They affirm to be constrained by the police to take the blame for trespasses they didn´t commit, which seems to contribute for the act of putting them at the institution several times, perpetuating the concept of a situation with no way back. They affirm that FEBEM-RP is a place that is noticed by the difference in treatment that benefits some people while vulgarizes the suffering of others. In the interviewed youngsters` lives, the logic of exclusion/inclusion is also revealed by the confirmation, denial or construction of their identity, that in their case, seem to be engendered in order to support the strategies of authority regulation, being distinguished, predominantly, for their trespasses. They show an urge to quit trespassing and execute proposals that include professionalizing programs, going back to school, the application of a method of semi-freedom, among others. For this reason, they affirm to need professional and familiar support, inside and outside FEBEM-RP, without which their inclusion may fall back in the trap of an illusory inclusion that discriminates, humiliates and causes suffering. For these youngsters, the materialization of these proposals may mean the disruption of a cruel fate and contribute to a more worthy and fair inclusion.
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Vulnerabilidade de adolescentes ao HIV/AIDS: revisão integrativa / Vulnerability elements to HIV/AIDS among adolescents: integrative reviewToledo, Melina Mafra 14 May 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A adolescência é um dos períodos mais intensos da vida, pelos desafios, descobertas e oportunidades de exploração nela presentes e, por isso, se constitui um determinante da vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS. Objetivo: identificar as evidências científicas da literatura sobre os elementos da vulnerabilidade de adolescentes ao HIV/AIDS. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática da literatura, na modalidade de denominada revisão integrativa. A busca de dados foi realizada nas seguintes bases e bancos de dados: CINAHL, PUBMED, SCOPUS, LILACS, ADOLEC, DEDALUS, Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações -BDTD, portal de teses da USP, no período de 1996 a 2006. Após avaliação do rigor metodológico dos estudos previamente selecionados, foram incluídos como amostra para análise 41 estudos realizados em diferentes países. Resultados: foram apresentados em duas etapas: a caracterização dos estudos e as evidências científicas dos elementos de vulnerabilidade. Os elementos identificados são iguais ou muito semelhantes nos diferentes países em que foram realizados os estudos, sendo diferente a forma como a vulnerabilidade se expressa, bem como a associação entre os elementos que a compõem. Foram identificados 33 elementos de vulnerabilidade, agrupados segundo três temas centrais: \"comportamentos e conhecimentos sobre o HIV/AIDS\", \"normas sociais\", \"condições socioeconômicas\" e \"gestão de serviços de saúde\". Os elementos da dimensão individual foram identificados com maior freqüência, seguidos pelos da dimensão social e programática. Os elementos da dimensão individual foram: grau e qualidade das informações que o adolescente possui sobre HIV, capacidade de assimilar e incorporar essas informações a sua vida, desconhecimento de sua vulnerabilidade, confiança na monogamia do parceiro, não adoção de práticas de proteção, uso de drogas, recusa ou incômodo em utilizar o preservativo, dificuldade de negociação de adolescentes femininas sobre uso do preservativo, gravidez como maior preocupação da conseqüência do ato sexual desprotegido, relações de gênero, representações da aids (doença do outro). Na dimensão social identificou-se: pobreza, violação dos direitos humanos, relações de gênero (aspectos culturais, exploração sexual, prostituição como meio sobrevivência), esgarçamento de laços familiares, acesso aos meios de escolarização e informação, desemprego, violência e falta de expectativas quanto ao futuro. Os elementos da dimensão programática envolveram: relação entre o usuário adolescente e o profissional (discriminação), qualidade do aconselhamento, teste para HIV, acessibilidade aos serviços de saúde, (descontinuidade das ações preventivas e falta de integração com outros serviços no planejamento e desenvolvimento das ações). Conclusões: a revisão integrativa permitiu identificar evidências científicas dos elementos constantes das três dimensões da vulnerabilidade, descritas no conceito de vulnerabilidade, assim como outros elementos, como a falta de percepção do adolescente sobre sua vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS e a falta de perspectiva quanto ao futuro. A contribuição deste estudo para as práticas de saúde é relevante, uma vez que explicitou por meio das evidências científicas, os elementos da vulnerabilidade do adolescente ao HIV/AIDS, que devem ser considerados no planejamento das ações de prevenção para esse segmento social. Além disso, permitiu identificar lacunas de conhecimento sobre a temática, bem como a qualidade do conhecimento produzido, que também devem ser levados em conta em pesquisas futuras / Introduction: Adolescence is one of the most intense periods of life, because of the challenges, discoveries and chances that are present, and it is also a period of vulnerability infection to HIV. Objective: This study\'s goal is to identify the scientific evidences of literature on the elements of vulnerability of adolescents to the HIV/AIDS. Method: Systematic literature review called integrative review. The search of data was carried through in the following bases and data bases: CINAHL, PubMed, SCOPUS, LILACS, ADOLEC, DEDALUS, Capes- BDTD, portal of thesis of USP, in the period of 1996 to 2006. 661 studies, carried out in different countries, were previously selected to be evaluated for its methodology rigor. After evaluation the methodological rigor of the studies previously selected 41 of those studies were chosen as sample. Results: Where presented in two stages: the characterization of the studies and the scientific evidences of the vulnerability elements. The identified elements were equal or very similar, in the different countries where the studies had been carried through, being different the way that vulnerability was expressed as well as the association between such elements. Thirty- three elements of the vulnerability had been identified and grouped according to the central subject of each element: \"social behaviors and knowledge about HIV/AIDS\", \"social rules\", \" socioeconomical conditions \"and \"management of health services\". The elements of the subjective dimension were identified more frequently, followed by the ones of the social and programmatical dimension. The elements of the individual dimension were: the how much adolescent learns about aids ; the ability to assimilate and incorporate this knowledge to his/her your life; not knowing that he/she is vulnerable; trusting in his partner\'s monogamy; not adopting protection practices; use of drugs, uncomfortable or refusal to use condoms; difficulty in negotiating with her partner on the use of condom; pregnancy as the most undesirable consequence of the unprotected sexual act; gender relations; aids like a disease of other. The following social elements were identified: poverty; human rights violation; gender relations (cultural aspects), sexual exploitation (prostitution as a way of living) weakening of family bonds; access to school and information; unemployment, violence and hopelessness in the future. The following programmatical elements, are pointed out: relation between the adolescent patient and the health professional (discrimination); quality of counseling, testing for HIV, accessibility to health services, lack of preventive actions and lack of integration with other services in planning and development prevention actions for this social segment. Conclusions: This integrative review allowed identifying scientific evidences of vulnerability elements in the three dimensions, described in the vulnerability concept, as well as other elements, like the lack of perception of the adolescent on their own vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection and the lack of perspective about their future. The contribution of this study for the health practices is relevant, once had proved by means of the scientific evidences, the elements of the vulnerability of the adolescent to the HIV/AIDS, that must be considered in the planning of the actions prevention for this social segment. Moreover, it allowed to identify knowledge gaps on the thematic one, as well as the quality of the produced knowledge, that also must been considered in future research
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Crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua - imposição inexorável: a experiência da Associação de Apoio a Meninas e Meninos da Região Sé (AAMM) / Street children and adolescents - inexorable imposition: the experience of the Association in Support of the Girls and Boys of Se Region (AAMM)Oliveira, Everaldo Santos 18 March 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma sistematização da história da Associação de Apoio as Meninas e Meninos da Região Sé (AAMM) na luta em defesa dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes em situação de rua na cidade de São Paulo. No processo de sistematização das ações desenvolvidas por essa organização, foi possível refletir sobre as suas práticas e atuações, recuperando assim, de uma forma mais ordenada as experiências acumuladas nesses quinze anos de existência. Para isso, foi necessário recorrer às pessoas que fizeram parte dos diversos momentos da entidade, ouvir os seus relatos e memórias e, ao mesmo tempo, ter como fonte de informação os documentos e relatórios disponíveis nos arquivos da Associação. Além disso, realizamos entrevistas com adolescentes em situação de rua, durante atividades realizadas por essa instituição. Seus relatos valorizaram a sistematização do trabalho, na medida em que os adolescentes apresentaram os motivos que os levaram para as ruas, suas relações com seus familiares, quais suas expectativas com relação ao trabalho realizado pela AAMM. Portanto, os sujeitos reforçaram a necessidade de ainda se desenvolverem ações na defesa dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes em situação de rua, objetivo principal de luta em quinze anos de trabalho desenvolvido por essa organização. / This text is a systematization of the history of the Association of Support for Girls and Boys in the Sé Region (Associação de Apoio as Meninas e Meninos da Região Sé AAMM) in the struggle to defend the rights of children and adolescents who live or spend the majority of their time in the streets of the city of São Paulo. In the process of systematizing the actions developed by this organization, it was possible to reflect about its practices and activities and reclaim in a more organized way, these experiences accumulated in 15 years of existence. To make this happen, it was necessary to turn to people who were part of diverse moments in the organization, to hear their stories and memories; while at the same time use the documents and reports available in the files of the Association as a source of information. Along with this, we also had interviews with the adolescents who live on the streets during activities held by this institution. Their stories gave value to the systemization of the work, in the way that the adolescents shared the motives that took them to the streets, their relations with their families, and their expectations in relation to the work done by AAMM. In this manner, the subjects of this study reinforced the necessity of continued development of actions in defense of the rights of children and adolescents who live on the streets, which is the main objective of this organizations commitment.
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Relation Between the FITNESSGRAM® Ftness Assessment and Self-Reported Physical Activity QuestionsTucker, Jacob 08 1900 (has links)
The FITNESSGRAM® is regularly used to assess physical fitness (PF) of adolescents. In addition to the PF assessment, the FITNESSGRAM also includes self-report physical activity (PA) items. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the self-report aerobic, muscular strengthening, and flexibility PA behavior items indicated adolescents’ cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility fitness and their body composition. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the relation between the amount of PA and PF status. Adolescents not meeting the recommended PA amount had significantly higher odds of not achieving a healthy fitness status. Meeting the recommended PA amount was associated with achieving healthy PF status. Thus, adolescents’ amounts of aerobic, muscular strengthening, and flexibility PA were an indication of their corresponding health-related PF standard.
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Contadores de histórias: oficinas sobre sexualidade com adolescentesLise, Fábio Augusto 28 August 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho analisa uma intervenção em educação em saúde realizada por meio de oficinas de contadores de histórias com um grupo de adolescentes atendidos em um programa sócio-educativo, em Porto Alegre. O objetivo foi problematizar a sexualidade, a partir da leitura e elaboração de histórias pelos jovens. A análise dos dados pautou-se nos estudos de Michel Foucault. Os jovens manifestaram dificuldade em se comprometer com a proposta, referindo-se a si mesmos como aqueles que não são capazes de apreender. Nas conversas e nas histórias construídas, eles falaram das violências presentes no cotidiano: a pobreza, a fome, a droga, a vida na rua, o tratamento desigual que recebem na instituição. Nos repertórios se mesclaram padrões tradicionais sobre sexo/gênero, traduzidos no desejo de namorar, casar, ter filhos, ao mesmo tempo em que usaram gírias e ironias em relação aos aspectos proibidos da sexualidade. Oficinas de histórias podem ser de valia nas práticas de educação em saúde como ferramentas para trabalhar / This work analyses a public health intervention based on storytellers workshops with adolescents attended by a social and educative program in Porto Alegre city. The objective was to problematize sexuality, starting from story reading and elaboration by the teenagers. The data analysis was based on Michel Foucault studies. The teenagers expressed difficulties to establish a commitment with the proposal, referring themselves as the ones who are not capable of learning. Throughout the conversations and the stories constructions, they talked about the violent situations on daily life: the poverty, the hunger, the drugs, the street life, and the unequal treatment they receive at institution. The repertoires mixed traditional patterns related to sex/gender, translated in the desire for dating, getting married, having children and, at the same time, they used slang and ironies related to forbidden aspects of sexuality. Story workshops can be helpful as tools in educational health practices, in order to work with pe
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