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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-linear finite strain consolidation of tailings and waste.

Gassner, Fred Werner January 1997 (has links)
A project report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. / The research report summarises the theory of consolidation, for both linear infinitesimal strain, and for non-linear finite strain. The non-linear finite strain theory isadopted in a computer program to model the building of a tailings dam by thin layers. This program provides the pore water pressure profile over the depth of the deposit, as well as the settlement of the deposit. Making use of the program and the consolidation properties of five mining residues and two industrial residues, the build up of excess pore water pressures is modelled for different rates of deposition of the waste products. These results are used in determining how the rate of deposition affects the stability of the outer slope of a tailings dam. Also, the difference in the stored volume in a dam is investigated, based on different drainage condltions and rates of deposition. / Andrew Chakane 2018

Regionalism in theory and practice : the transformative potential of civil society in Southern Africa

Zajontz, Alexander Tim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study seeks to analyse regionalism in theory as well as in practice with regard to the Southern African region. Its purpose is thereby twofold: Firstly, this work claims to make a contribution to critical and reflectivist theorising of regionalism. The study of regionalism remains highly dominated by rationalist theories focusing predominantly on states as regionalising actors as well as on formal inter-state frameworks and market-led processes of regional integration. The hegemonic status of these approaches reinforces a specific form of regionalism which is compatible with neoliberal practices in the world economy. In order to reveal shortcomings and normative tenets of conventional theories and to account for the complexity and multidimensionality of regional projects and processes, a combination of theoretical insights from Robert W. Cox’s Critical Theory (CCT) as well as from the New Regionalism(s) Approach (NRA) are proposed as the theoretical framework for the study. The second objective is to bring civil society as a regionalising actor into the debate. Focusing on the highly exclusive and elite-driven regional project pursued by the region’s most comprehensive inter-state framework, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the study addresses the question, as to what extent civil society at the regional level can act as a transformative force in terms of people-centred socio-economic development and social equity. After introducing crucial meta-theoretical, conceptual and methodological considerations, the major theoretical contributions to the study of regionalism are reviewed critically and a critical/reflectivist approach is proposed as an alternative to mainstream rationalist theorising. In a broad historical overview, the social, political, economic and cultural contexts which characterize the contemporary region of Southern Africa are discussed. Subsequently, four regional civil society organisations, namely the SADC Council of Non-governmental Organisations (CNGO), the Southern African Trade Union’s Co-ordination Council (SATUCC), the Economic Justice Network (EJN) of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (FOCCISA) and the Southern African People’s Solidarity Network (SAPSN), are scrutinized with the intention to assess their transformative potential within SADC. The research conducted for the study is based on an eclectic employment of a combination of mostly qualitative methods, among them field research interviews, participatory observations as well as the analysis of primary and secondary sources/data. Two important conclusions can be drawn from this work: Firstly, an explicitly anti-reductionist and critical theoretical approach is seen as essential to account for the myriad of multi-level structural as well as agency-related factors influencing regionalism and regionalisation in Southern Africa. Secondly, the impact of regional civil society actors investigated in this study with regard to a more socio-economically inclusive form of regionalism remains limited, because of institutional and structural constraints, limited representativeness and a lack of strategic coordination among civil society organisations. Nevertheless, recent developments within civil society at the regional level also provide some reasons for optimism that a broader societal movement might be evolving which, as a transformative alliance, could challenge SADC’s contemporary approach to regionalism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie probeer om regionalisme teoreties en empiries te analiseer met as fokus die Suider-Afrikaanse streek. Derhalwe is die navorsingsdoelstelling tweevoudig, eerstens, is die navorsing daarop gemik om ’n bydrae te lewer tot die kritiese en reflektiewe teoretisering van regionalisme. Die bestudering van regionalisme word steeds oorweldigend oorheers deur rasionalistiese teorieë, en fokus primêr op state as die belangrikste streeks-akteurs, asook op formele inter-staat raamwerke en mark-verwante prosesse van streeksintegrasie. Die hegemoniese status van hierdie benaderinge bekragtig ’n spesifieke vorm van regionalisme wat saamhang met neoliberale praktyk in die wêreld-ekonomie. Ten einde die tekortkominge en normatiewe aannames van konvensionele teorieë uit te wys, asook om rekening te gee van die kompleksiteit en multi-dimensionaliteit van streeks-projekte en prosesse, word ’n kombinasie van teoretiese insigte gebruik uit Robert W. Cox se Kritiese Teorie (CCT), asook insigte uit die Nuwe Regionalisme-benadering (NRA) en aan die hand gedoen as teoretiese vertrekpunt vir die studie. Die tweede navorsingsdoelwit is om die burgerlike samelewing as streeks-akteur binne die analise te inkorporeer. Met as empiriese fokus, die hoogs eksklusiewe en elite-gedrewe streeks-projek wat bedryf word deur die mees omvattende inter-staat streeksinstelling, die Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap (SAOG), evalueer en assesseer die studie die vraag tot watter mate die burgerlike samelewing op streeksvlak kan optree as ’n krag vir verandering binne die raamwerk van mensgesentreerde sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling en sosiale gelykberegtiging. Na die bekendstelling van ’n aantal meta-teoretiese, konseptuele en metodologiese oorweginge wat van kardinale belang is, word die hoofstroom teoretiese bydraes tot die bestudering van regionalisme krities beskou, en word ’n krities/reflektiewe benadering voorgestel as ’n alternatiewe benadering. Vervolgens word ’n breë historiese oorsig van die sosiale, politieke, ekonomiese en kulturele kontekste wat kenmerkende is van die teenswoordige Suider-Afrikaanse streek gelewer. Hierna word vier burgerlike samelewings-organisasies, naamlik, die SAOG Raad vir Nie-regeringsorganisasies (CNGO), die Suider-Afrikaanse Vakbonde Koördineringsraad (SATUCC), die Ekonomiese Regverdigheidsnetwerk (EJN) van die Gemeenskap van Christelike Rade in Suider-Afrika (FOCCISA) en die Suider-Afrikaanse Mense Solidariteitsnetwerk (SAPSN), onder die loep geneem ten einde hul veranderingspotensiaal binne SAOG te assesseer. Die navorsing wat hiervoor onderneem is, is gegrond binne ’n eklektiese vermenging van hoofsaaklik kwalitatiewe metodes, insluitende veldnavorsing-onderhoude, deelnemende waarneming, asook die analise van primêre en sekondêre bronne en data. Twee belangrike gevolgtrekking word, ten slotte, gemaak. Eerstens, ’n eksplisiete en anti-reduksionistiese, krities-teoretiese benadering word as essensieël beskou om rekenskap te kan gee vir die meervoudige en meervlakkige strukturele asook agent-verwante faktore wat regionalisme en regionalisasie in Suider-Afrika beïnvloed. Tweedens, die impak van die burgerlike samewelings-akteurs waarop hierdie studie gefokus het, om ’n meer sosio-ekonomiese inklusiewe vorm van regionalisme tot stand te bring, is beperk. Die redes hiervoor is van ’n institutionele en strukturele aard, beperkte verteenwoordiging en ’n gebrek aan strategiese koördinering tussen burgelike samelewings-organisasies in die streek. Nietemin, is daar redes vir optimisme wat voortspruit uit onlangse ontwikkelinge binne die streek se burgerlike samelewings organisasies. Hieruit is dit moontlik dat ’n breë sosiale beweging sou kon ontwikkel wat, in die vorm van ’n veranderings-gerigte alliansie, die SAOG se huidige benadering tot regionalisme kan uitdaag.

A framework for the evaluation of research in South African Higher Education Institutions : conceptual and methodological issues

Masipa, Mochaki Deborah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Social Science Research Methodology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study aimed at establishing whether or not an integrated and appropriate system exists for the evaluation of research in the South African higher education system. As background to the assessment of research in South African higher education, models of research evaluation from other countries were reviewed and served as reference to the discussions on the local efforts. In each case the higher education research systems were reviewed, including existing efforts of research evaluation that exits alongside the systems. The review followed a pattern that focuses on areas including the history and rationale, purpose (s) for research evaluation, political/transformation contributions and methodological issues for a clearer understanding of the contributions made by the efforts. The study followed a multiple-case study approach to review the models and the South African situation, with the local research evaluation efforts embedded within the study of South Africa as a case. Five themes guided the reviews that were apparent for the final discussions of the study: the rationale and purpose of research evaluation, units of analysis used in the evaluation, dimensions/criteria used in research evaluation, governance and management of research evaluation processes and methodological issues related to research evaluation. The study revealed that none of the fragmented South African research evaluation efforts is suitable to deal with the transformation requirements expected of higher education institutions. This is mainly because of the voluntary nature of the current initiatives and their focus on the lowest level of units of analysis – the individual researcher. The one effort that would be better suited to meet the transformation imperatives – the HEQC institutional audits - does not concentrate on research exclusively but collectively addresses all core activities in institutions, reducing the attention necessary for research evaluation to make a meaningful contribution to higher education research. The study suggested a comprehensive design for the framework of South African research evaluation. The purpose identified for the envisaged exercise is the development and improvement of quality research of international standards across the system of higher education in order for research to make meaningful contributions to national demands. Programmes/departments in the higher education institutions are suggested as the units of analysis in which quality, productivity, relevance and viability serve as criteria for evaluation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of 'n geïntegreerde en toepaslike stelsel bestaan vir die evaluering van navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys stelsel. As agtergrond tot die beoordeling van navorsing in Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys, word ‘n oorsig verskaf van die modelle van navorsing evaluering van ander lande. Dit het gedien as verwysing vir die besprekings oor die plaaslike pogings. In elke geval is ‘n oorsig gebied van die hoër onderwys navorsingstelsels , insluitend die bestaande pogings tot navorsing evaluering. Die oorsigte fokus op gebiede soos die geskiedenis en die rasionaal, doel van navorsing evaluering, politiese / transformasie bydraes en metodologiese vraagstukke vir' n beter begrip van die bydraes wat gemaak word deur die pogings. Die studie volg 'n meervoudige gevallestudie benadering tot die modelle en die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie, met die plaaslike navorsing evaluering pogings onderliggend in die Suid-Afrikaanse gevallestudie. Die oorsigte word gelei deur vyf temas: die rasionaal en doel van die navorsing evaluering, eenhede van analise wat gebruik word in die evaluering, dimensies / kriteria wat gebruik word in navorsing evaluering, beheer en bestuur van navorsing, en metodologiese evalueringsprosesse kwessies met betrekking tot navorsing evaluering. Hierdie temas is duidelik in die finale bespreking van die studie. Die studie het aangetoon dat nie een van die gefragmenteerde Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing evaluering pogings geskik is om die transformasie verwagtinge van hoër onderwys instellings te hanteer nie. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die vrywillige aard van die huidige inisiatiewe en hul fokus op die laagste vlak van die eenhede van analise - die individuele navorser. Die een poging wat beter geskik sou wees die transformasiedoelwitte te ontmoet - die HEQC institusionele oudits - konsentreer nie uitsluitlik op navorsing nie, maar spreek gesamentlik alle kern aktiwiteite in instellings aan. Dit verminder die aandag wat nodig is vir navorsing evaluering om 'n betekenisvolle bydrae te lewer tot hoër onderwys navorsing . Die studie stel 'n omvattende ontwerp voor vir die raamwerk van Suid-Afrikaanse navorsing evaluering. Die doel wat vir die beoogde oefening geïdentifiseer word, is die ontwikkeling en verbetering van die kwaliteit navorsing van internasionale standaarde oor die stelsel van hoër onderwys sodat die navorsing betekenisvolle bydraes kan lewer tot die nasionale vereistes. Programme / departemente in die hoër onderwys instellings word voorgestel as die eenhede van analise waarin gehalte, produktiwiteit, relevansie en lewensvatbaarheid dien as kriteria vir evaluering.

The relationship between university research and the surrounding communities in developing countries : a case study of the University of Venda for Science and Technology

Mashamba, Tshilidzi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Institutions of higher learning have always had relationships with their surrounding communities. The current study focuses on the research relationship that the University of Venda has with its surrounding community. The literature shows that although the nature of the relationship takes different forms, each university has a certain kind of a relationship with the surrounding community. In this study, I used the qualitative approach and I conducted one focus group and four individual interviews. I explored the research needs of the communities surrounding the University of Venda and the ways in which they think the university could address those needs. The findings of this study revealed that the communities are not at all happy with the services that are rendered by the university. They show that instead of benefiting from its existence within their communities, they are even more disadvantaged by its presence. The respondents also identified certain schools and departments at the University of Venda that they felt could be of assistance to the surrounding communities if they redirected their research projects into applied research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoër onderwysinstellings het nog altyd Onbepaalde verhouding met hulle omliggende gemeenskappe gehad. Die huidige studie fokus op die navorsingsverhouding wat die Universiteit van Venda het met sy omliggende gemeenskap. Die literatuur wys daarop dat alhoewel die aard van die verhouding verskillende vorme kan aanneem, elke universiteit ° n sekere vorm van verhouding het met die omliggende gemeenskap. In hierdie studie is die kwalitatiewe benadering gebruik. Ek het navorsing onderneem na die navorsingsbehoeftes van die gemeenskappe in die nabyheid van die Universiteit van Venda en ook na die maniere waarop respondente dink die universiteitsgemeenskap hierdie behoeftes kan aanspreek. Die bevindinge van die studie toon dat die gemeenskappe nie gelukkig is met die dienste wat deur die universiteit verskaf word nie. Daar word onder meer getoon dat in plaas van voordeel trek uit die bestaan van die universiteit binne hulle gemeenskappe, hulle eintlik meer nadelig beinvloed word. Die respondente het ook sekere skole en departemente aan die Universiteit van Venda geidentifiseer wat tot hulp kan wees vir die omliggende gemeenskappe indien hulle navorsingsprojekte omskep word in toegepaste navorsing.

Origin and phylodynamics of HIV-1 subtype C in South Africa

Wilkinson, Eduan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The HIV epidemic in the past couple of decades has spread at an alarming rate throughout Southern Africa. Today the region accounts for roughly one third of all HIV infections, while prevalence rates in other areas of sub-Saharan Africa remain low. In the following study, sampled sequences from Cape Town, spanning over a 21-year period were used to investigate the epidemic history of HIV, which was compared to epidemic trends across Southern Africa. Longitudinal sequence data sets were generated from stored patient samples from Cape Town through standard molecular techniques. Firstly, these sequences were used to estimate the date of origin of the HIV epidemic in Cape Town and to reconstruct a demographic history of the epidemic with advanced Bayesian inference methods. These analyses placed the estimated date of origin of the Cape Town epidemic around the mid 1960‟s with periods of strong epidemic growth observed during the mid 1980‟s and 1990‟s. Secondly, reference strains of HIV from Southern African countries were used to estimate the date of origin of the epidemic in the Southern African region. These analyses placed the date of origin of the epidemic in the Southern African region around the mid 1950‟s roughly ten years before the start of the epidemic in Cape Town/South Africa. These sequences were also used for the reconstruction of the demographic history of the epidemic in the region. A two phased growth in the HIV epidemic in the Southern African region was observed with exponential growth occurring in the mid 1980‟s and 1990‟s. Such findings are also supported by HIV prevalence estimates made by some of the leading HIV research centres and government health departments. Thirdly, a large number of homologous reference strains were used to establish the evolutionary relationship of HIV isolates from Cape Town with those from around the world. A close genetic relationship between Cape Town isolates with other South African and other Southern African isolates was observed in these analyses. Finally, large monophyletic clusters of Cape Town isolates, which was observed during the evolutionary inference, were further investigated. After detailed analyses it appears that these transmission clusters of HIV-1 have been in circulation amongst the infected population of Cape Town for several years or decades. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die MIV-epidemie het in die afgelope paar dekades teen ´n snelspoed deur Suider-Afrika versprei. Een derde van die globale MIV-infeksies kom hiér voor terwyl ander dele van Afrika aansienlik minder infeksies aantoon. Verskeie studies skryf dit toe aan onder andere: manlike besnydenis, seksuele losbandigheid, migrasie en verskeie politike faktore. Die MIV-epidemie in Suider-Afrika word deur ´n enkele subtipe van die virus oorheers (nl. MIV Subtipe C) terwyl ander subtipes sirkuleer deur die res van sub Sahara-Afrika. In die opeenvolgende studie word DNS-monsters uit Kaapstad (wat oor ´n 20 jaar tydperk strek) gebruik om die oorsprong en verloop van die epidemie te bestudeer. Die data van die Kaapstad epidemie word met die geskiedkundige verloop van die epidemie in Suider-Afrika vergelyk. Deur gestoorde bloedmonsters van Kaapstad te gebruik, was DNS-datastelle gegenereer deur middel van standaard molekulêre tegnieke. Die DNS-monsters was eerstens gebruik om die evolusionêre oorsprong en verloop van die epidemie in Kaapstad te bepaal deur Bayesiaanse Markov-ketting Monte Carlo steekproefneming. Volgense die resultate het die epidemie sy oorsprong in die 1960‟s. Klein periodes van epidemiese groei kon waargeneem word gedurende die 1980's en -90's. Die bevindings is toe vergelyk met die geskiedkundige verloop van die epidemie in Suider-Afrika. Die Suider-Afrika epidemie se oorsprong en verloop was afgelei van DNS monsters wat verkry is van publieke databasisse en die gebruik van soortgelyke Bayesiaanse metodes. Die resultate van die ondersoek het bevind dat die epidemie in Suider-Afrika in die 1950‟s ontstaan het. In vergelyking toon dit 'n stadiger liniêre groei met kort periodes van eksponensiële groei. Verder is ´n standard filogenetiese analise onderneem om die evolusionêre verwantskap van die Kaapstad-monsters te bepaal met ander MIV subtipe C isolate. Die filogenetiese steekproef toon dat die Kaapstad-monster baie nou verwant is aan ander isolate van Kaapstad, Suid-Afrika en Suider Afrika. Buiten hierdie bevindings was transmissie-bondels van MIV in Kaapstad ontdek. Na ´n deeglike verdere filogenetiese ondersoek blyk dit of die transmissie bondels al vir ´n paar dekades deur die geïnfekteerde populasie van Kaapstad sirkuleer. / Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Stellenbosch / National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa,

The use of attribute analysis to improve volume forecasting

Levine, Gregory David 12 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The objectives of this research can be summarised as follows: To integrate the customer research technique of attribute analysis with the volume planning process. To determine whether attribute analysis, is a useful and reliable tool for determining purchase behavior in the small sedan segment of the motor industry. To determine a customers perception of total product value through attribute analysis. To analyse the influence of price in the purchase decision. To determine whether a market share theorem that weights the perceived value of a vehicle, relative to its competitors perceived value is a reliable predictor of market penetration. To identify the determinant attributes in the decision making process of purchasing a small sedan vehicle. The research component of this dissertation is limited to the small sedan passenger segment of South African car market. While it is recognised that the small sedan segment is only one sub-sector of the vehicle market, it is felt that the study will provide a fair reflection of how the approach could be utilised in other sectors.

Male perspectives on gender violence in South Africa: the case of Nkonkobe municipal area

Danga, Talent January 2008 (has links)
The study explores the experiences of men who perpetrated violence against women in the domestic sphere. The study’s overarching concern is that violence has been largely seen as a women’s problem and not an issue that is central to men and yet in most cases are the perpetrators of this violence. Consequently, men have not been targeted in initiatives that curb domestic violence (Salo, 2005). It is in this frame of reference that this study saw it imperative to focus on the male perspective of gender violence. The study aims to find factors that contribute to male violence and in turn recommend practical and appropriate strategies of dealing with male violence perpetrators. The study drew its theoretical framework largely from the feminist theory, systems theory and the social learning theory in-order to gain insight into the different frameworks for making judgement about male violence against women. Feminists hold the view that, starting with people’s experiences is a powerful tool that provides the rational for their studies. The study was therefore qualitative in nature as it sought to gather men’s experiences of violent against their spouses; semi-structured interviews were utilized during data collection. A purposive sampling method was utilised to select ten men who were known to have perpetrated violence against their partners and five key informants with special knowledge on domestic violence. The research was conducted through the Department of Social Development in Alice in the Eastern Cape, which facilitated a trusting relationship between the researcher and its clients. The findings established that violence is used to maintain control and power over women. Men invoked hegemonic discourses as violence is employed as an instrument to suppress women, mostly in instances were women question their prerogatives and undermine their authority. It was evidenced that cultural practices such as ‘lobola’ (dowry) usually contribute to men’s use of violence. Most of the respondents understood violence from the physical dimension only, as violence was equated to beating and slapping. Added to that was the respondents’ inadequate understanding of domestic violence laws and legislation. The study also established that social service providers seem not to have concrete procedures and capacity to deal with perpetrators of domestic violence. In light of the problems discussed, the study recommends effective counseling and educational programs, policy improvement, capacitation of service providers and the criminal justice system and further research as strategies for dealing with male violence in the Nkonkobe District.

Antioxidative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Acokanthera oppositifolia, Plantago lanceolata, Conyza canadensis, and Artemisia vulgaris

Ondua, Moise 02 1900 (has links)
The anti-inflammatory properties of four medicinal plants were investigated. These plant extracts were subjected to screening for their possible effects as antioxidative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory agents. In the antioxidant activity, the Plantago lancelota extracts resulted in an IC50 value of 0.4 mg/mL compared to the positive control quecertin with IC50 0.04 mg/mL Plantago lanceolata inhibited COX-2 activity with IC50 values of 0.41 mg/mL. However, the COX-1 inhibition indicated an IC50 of 68.99 mg/mL. The lipoxygenase assay indicated that Plantago lanceolata was the most active plant species with an IC50 value of 4.86 mg/mL compared to the positive control (quecertin) with an IC50<2mg/mL. The nitric oxide assay of the plant extracts indicates a dose-dependent activity of our plant extracts. Likewise the cell viability result indicated a good activity at dose 100 mg/mL. / Life and Consumer Sciences / M. Sc. (Life Sciences)

A framework for the evaluation of an international graduate economic development program for nongovernmental organization leaders

Ridington, Morgan Thomas Jr. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: While nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have existed for several hundred years, their recent surge was largely fueled by several key factors. Firstly, government corruption caused donor agencies to see NGOs as safer investments for their aid portfolios. Secondly, the end of the Cold War fostered growth in development in former Soviet satellite nations. Thirdly, the United Nation‘s (UN) establishment of the Millennium Development Goals galvanized the globe to address indicators critical to combating extreme poverty. Vast amounts of charitable capital combined with donors‘ increasing expectations of performance to spark serious interest in the topics of NGO efficiency, accountability and effectiveness. These topics are foundational to NGO mission accomplishment and have contributed to a global expansion of academic programs in NGO management. The examination of a forerunner of NGO management education helped address the void of scholarship concerning NGO-related academic program effectiveness. The economic development program at Eastern University (US) was created in 1984 as one of the world‘s first MBA programs designed to train entrepreneurs for service to distressed communities. The program quickly grew to over one hundred students and then foundered due to frequent personnel transition, curricular change, mission drift and a lack of investment in relational marketing and outreach. This prompted an administrative intervention in 2002. In 2007, five years into the economic development program‘s reinvention process, a qualitative evaluation determined whether all the essential elements of the program were in place and operating in accordance with the plans put forth in 2002. The knowledge generated by this research will strengthen institutions that serve NGOs and extend the abilities of NGO leaders to fulfill their missions. The following specific aims were established and achieved. Firstly, an analysis of the factors contributing to the management challenges facing the leaders of international NGOs was presented. Secondly, a qualitative evaluation of an international graduate economic development program for NGO leaders using archival analysis verified through iv interviews and focus groups assessed the effectiveness of the 2002 intervention in achieving planned objectives. Thirdly, the research also generated conclusions and recommendations on theoretical, practical and policy-related issues, particularly regarding matters of academic program leadership, curricular development, planning, evaluation, marketing and the distinctive requirements of international programs containing distance delivery components. Fourthly, the research enriched the scholarly conversation in the NGO and academic communities in substantive ways, including two presentations at international conferences and publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Theoretical, practical and policy conclusions were generated as research outcomes and included a theoretical framework for the implementation and evaluation of an international graduate economic development MBA for NGO leaders. The conclusions generated four recommendations for the host institution and others with similar missions and aspirations. The recommendations stated that these kinds of programs should: commit to the discipline of multi-year planning and evaluation, appoint well-qualified faculty to lead them, implement and resource relationship-based marketing plans that engage program alumni, and excel at delivering cross-cultural, highly accessible learning / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nieregeringsorganisasies (NRO‘s) bestaan al vir baie honderde jare. In die onlangse verlede is die belangrikheid en groei daarvan deur verskeie faktore aangevuur. Ten eerste het skenkerorganisasies nieregeringsorganisasies toenemend begin beskou as veiliger beleggers vir hulle hulpfondse as die toenemende korrupsie van regerings. Tweedens het die einde van die Koue Oorlog die groei en ontwikkeling van vorige Sowjet- satellietstate gestimuleer. Derdens het die Verenigde Volkeorganisasie (VVO) met die daarstelling van die milleniumontwikkelingsdoelstellings die wêreld saamgesnoer in hulle pogings om armoede te beveg. Groot bedrae welsynskapitaal en die daarmee gepaardgaande hoër prestasieverwagtinge van skenkers het daartoe bygedra dat daar groter belangstelling was in die effektiwiteit, doeltreffendheid en toerekenbaarheid van nieregeringsorganisasies. Laasgenoemde drie temas is fundamenteel tot die uitlewing van nieregeringsorganisasies se missies en dit het daartoe bygedra dat daar ‘n wêreldwye toename in akademiese programme oor die leierskap en bestuur van nieregeringsorganisasies was. Navorsing oor een van die pioniers op die gebied van leierskap en bestuursopleiding vir nie-regeringsorganisasies het daartoe bygedra om hierdie leemte in die akademieskap van nie-regeringsorganisasies se programeffektiwiteit te oorbrug. Die ekonomiese ontwikkelings-program aan die Eastern University in die VSA is in 1984 as een van die wêreld se eerste MBA-programme wat ontwerp is om entrepreneurs vir dienslewering aan benadeelde gemeenskappe op te lei, in die lewe geroep. Die program was baie gewild en het vinnig gegroei en gou was daar meer as ‘n honderd ingeskrewe studente. As gevolg van verskeie faktore, waaronder gereelde personeel- en leierskapwisseling, kurrikulumwysigings, missieverskuiwing (mission drift) en onvoldoende investering in bemarking en uitreikprogramme, het die program se gewildheid afgeneem. Hierdie afname in die gewildheid van die program het inmenging/intervensie deur die universiteitsbestuur in 2002 genoodsaak. In 2007,vyf jaar nadat die universiteitsbestuur die intervensie geïnisieer het, is deur middel van ‘n kwalitatiewe evaluering vasgestel of al die noodsaaklike elemente van die program toegepas is volgens die intervensieprogram wat in 2002 geïnisieer is. Die kennis wat deur hierdie navorsing gegenereer is, sal vi universiteite en instellings wat nieregeringsorganisasies ondersteun, versterk en die leiers van nieregeringsorganisasies in staat stel om hulle missies uit te leef. Verskeie doelstellings is met die navorsing nagestreef en bereik. Eerstens is die faktore wat bydra tot die uitdagings vir die leierskap van internasionale nieregeringsorganisasies geanaliseer en aangebied. Tweedens is ‘n kwalitatiewe evaluering van ‘n internasionale nagraadse ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogram uitgevoer. Argivale materiaal is geanaliseer en, gerugsteun deur inligting wat verkry is uit onderhoude en fokusgroepe, is die effektiwiteit van die 2002-intervensie bepaal. Derdens is teoretiese, praktiese en beleidsgevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gegenereer. Hierdie gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is veral toegespits op leierskap vir akademiese programme, kurrikulumontwikkeling, beplanning, evaluering, bemarking en die eiesoortige eise wat afstandsonderrigprogramme stel. Vierdens het die navorsing die akademiese gesprek en die akademiese en nieregeringsorganisasies op verskeie betekenisvolle maniere verryk. Onder andere is twee aanbiedinge by internasionale konferensies gedoen en is ‘n artikel in ‘n eweknie-beoordeelde tydskrif gepubliseer. Teoretiese, praktiese en beleidsgevolgtrekkings is daargestel en dit sluit onder andere ‘n teoretiese raamwerk vir die implementering en evaluering van ‘n internasionale MBA- nagraadse ekonomiese ontwikkelingsprogram vir leiers van nieregeringsorganisasies in. Die gevolgtrekkings het gelei tot vier aanbevelings vir die gasheerinstelling en ander instellings met soortgelyke missies en aspirasies. Die aanbevelings sluit onder andere in dat instellings wat soortgelyke programme aanbied, hulle moet verbind tot multijaarbeplanning en -evaluering, dat hulle bekwame akademici as leiers moet aanstel, dat hulle brongebaseerde bemarkingsplanne moet implementeer en dat hulle akademiese personeel moet aanstel wat besonder goed toegerus is in die aanbieding van kruiskulturele toeganklike leerprogramme.

Investigating teaching and learning support for students with hearing impairment at a university in the Western Cape

Bell, Diane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / Includes Guidelines for teaching hearing impaired students (35 p.) / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globally, hearing impairment remains the most common congenital anomaly diagnosed in infants, and hearing impairment is the single largest disability grouping in South Africa. Growing numbers of students with hearing impairment are being granted access into higher education in South Africa. However, they still remain under-represented in comparison to students with other impairments, and their needs in the teaching and learning environment in terms of human and technical support as well as communication and access to information remain under-supported. This study came into being because of the absence of research on the academic experiences of students with hearing impairment in higher education in South Africa. The intention of the study was to analyse and describe the teaching and learning (academic) experiences of students with hearing impairment at the case study university. This inquiry focused specifically on educational barriers, coping strategies, assistive technologies, curriculum accessibility as well as support services. Using a qualitative case study design, informed by an interpretive (constructivist) paradigm, purposeful sampling led to the selection of information-rich cases in order to gain insight from the authentic experiences of the students. The context of the case study was a South African university with a relatively large number of registered students with hearing impairment who use the oral method of communication. Data were generated by means of semi-structured interviews with participating students, university lecturers and a staff member from the disability unit. ATLAS.ti was used to code and analyse the data using grounded theory methods, allowing for the discovery of recurring themes. Six major findings emerged from this study, namely that all of the participants identified as belonging to the hearing rather than Deaf identity cultural paradigm, that limited curriculum transformation had taken place, existing support services were largely inadequate, a large number of barriers related to teaching and assessment were experienced, a variety of academic and personal coping strategies were used by the students to support their needs, and some critical factors for success were advocated for by the participants. From the findings and data interpretation and by making use of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model of human development as a tool, I constructed both an academic learning support framework as well as a set of practical guidelines for teaching students with hearing impairment. Thereafter conclusions were drawn and practical recommendations were made to various stakeholders in the education of students with hearing impairment. Further areas for research are also suggested. The academic learning support framework (as a model of best practice) forms part of my personal contribution to the field of research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gehoorgestremdheid is wêreldwyd steeds die algemeenste kongenitale afwyking wat by babas gediagnoseer word, en in Suid-Afrika is die meeste mense met gestremdhede dié met gehoorgestremdhede. Alhoewel ’n toenemende aantal studente met gehoorverlies toegang tot hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika verkry, is hulle steeds onderverteenwoordig in vergelyking met studente met ander gestremdhede en ontvang hulle steeds min ondersteuning, hetsy menslik of tegnies. Hierdie studie het ontstaan as gevolg van die afwesigheid van navorsing oor die persoonlike ervarings van studente met gehoorgestremdheid in hoër onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Die hoofdoel van hierdie gevallestudie was om vas te stel hoe om hierdie studente akademies te ondersteun ten einde hul tersiêre opvoeding en hul kanse om sukses te behaal en grade te verwerf, te verbeter. Die studie het veral gekyk na die opvoedkundige struikelblokke, hanteringstrategieë, ondersteunende tegnologieë, leerplantoeganklikheid, sowel as onder-steuningsdienste. Die metodologie wat vir hierdie studie gebruik is, was kwalitatief van aard. Die gebruik van doelgerigte steekproefneming het gelei tot die keuse van inligtingryke gevalle ten einde insig in die alledaagse ervarings van die studente te verkry. Die agtergrond van die studie was ʼn universiteit met 'n groot aantal geregistreerde gehoorgestremde studente wat van mondelinge/ouditiewe kommunikasiemetodes gebruik maak. Data is deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met hierdie studente, dosente en 'n personeellid van die eenheid vir gestremdhede gegenereer. Die data is met behulp van ATLAS.ti gekodeer en geanaliseer om die herhalendende temas te bepaal. Die ses belangrikste bevindings uit hierdie studie was dat al die deelnemers hulself met horende studente eerder as met gehoorgestremdes in die samelewing geïdentifiseer het, dat beperkte kurrikulum-transformasie plaasgevind het, dat bestaande ondersteuningsdienste grootliks onvoldoende was, dat die deelnemers ʼn groot aantal struikelblokke met betrekking tot onderrig en assessering ervaar het, dat hulle ʼn verskeidenheid akademiese en persoonlike hanteringstrategieë gebruik het om aan hulle behoeftes te voldoen en dat die kritiese faktore vir sukses deur die deelnemers self bepleit moes word. Uit die bevindinge van hierdie navorsing het die navorser 'n holistiese raamwerk, geïnspireer deur Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese model vir menslike ontwikkeling, vir studente met gehoorgestremdheid in hoër onderwys ontwerp. Gevolgtrekkings is gemaak en praktiese aanbevelings is aan verskeie belanghebbendes wat by die onderrig van studente met gehoorgestremdheid betrokke is, voorgelê. Verdere terreine vir navorsing word ook voorgestel. Die akademiese leerondersteuningsraamwerk (as ’n model van beste praktyk) maak deel uit van my persoonlike bydrae tot die navorsingsveld.

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