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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Struktura ličnosti, kognitivni stil, afektivna regulacija i demografske varijable kao prediktori agresivnog ponašanja kod počinilaca krivičnih dela / Structure of personality, cognitive style, emotionregulation and demographic factors as predictorsof aggressive behaviour in offenders

Kolundžija Ksenija 09 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Ekstremni vidovi ispoljavanja agresije u vidu krivičnih dela nasilja su univerzalni<br />fenomeni, prepoznati u svim dru&scaron;tvima i kulturama. Iako se radi o relativno nefrekventnim<br />događajima, trend nasilničkog pona&scaron;anja raste i predstavlja problem od &scaron;ireg dru&scaron;tvenog značaja.<br />Ishod vi&scaron;edecenijskog izučavanja agresivnosti ogleda se u detektovanju velikog broja prediktora<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, pri čemu su se faktori agresivnosti najče&scaron;će izučavali izolovano. Kao<br />referentni okvir za ovo istraživanje poslužio nam je Op&scaron;ti model agresivnosti koji podrazumeva<br />međusobnu interakciju različitih faktora u generisanju agresivnog pona&scaron;anja. Osnovni cilj ovog<br />istraživanja se odnosi na rasvetljavanje glavnih i interaktivnih efekta prediktora, a &scaron;to doprinosi<br />boljem razumevanju uslova pod kojima se povećava ili smanjuje verovatnoća realizacije<br />agresivnog pona&scaron;anja, u kontekstu krivičnih dela.<br />Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 200 ispitanika, mu&scaron;kog pola, podeljenih u dve grupe.<br />Kriterijsku grupu činilo je 100 ispitanika koji su bili na izdržavanju kazne u Kazneno popravnom<br />zatvoru u Sremskoj Mitrovici, zbog krivičnog dela nasilja. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 100<br />ispitnanika koji u svojoj istoriji nisu imali izvr&scaron;eno ni jedno krivično delo. Ispitanici su<br />ujednačeni u odnosu na psihijatrijsku dijagnozu.<br />Organizovan je korelacioni nacrt, a rezultati su obrađeni kroz transferzalnu perspektivu.<br />Ispitivanje interaktivnog uticaja prediktorskih varijabli sprovedeno je putem ispitivanja<br />moderacije.<br />Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je na osnovu personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicionih, kognitivnoemocionalnih<br />i socio-emografskih prediktora moguće razlikovati grupu počinilaca krivičnog dela<br />nasilja u odnosu na ispitanike koji nikada nisu počinili krivično delo. Konkretnije, grupu<br />počinilaca krivičnih dela nasilja karakteri&scaron;e vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti sve tri Eysenck-ove<br />dimenzije, vi&scaron;i stepen sklonosti ka agresivnom pona&scaron;anju, vi&scaron;i stepen izraženosti psihopatske<br />devijacije, dok se po pitanju stepena samopo&scaron;tovanja ne razlikuju u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu.<br />Počinioci krivičnog dela nasilja imaju specifičan kognitivni stil koji je obeležen većim<br />prisustvom agresivnih fantazija, neefikasnom kontrolom agresivnih i neprijatnih misli, većim<br />prisustvom iracionalnih uverenja, uz če&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćenje supresije, kao neadekvatne strategije<br />vi<br />emocionalne regulacije. Takođe, počinioci krivičnog dela potiču iz porodica sa većim stepenom<br />alkoholizma (isključivo oca), u većoj meri su bili izloženi nasilju u formativnom periodu, imaju<br />niži stepen obrazovanja i ređe imaju stalno zaposlenje. Međutim, kada se ovi brojni faktori<br />agresivnosti posmatraju kroz prizmu multivarijatnog modela predikcije, samo mali broj ostvaruje<br />glavni prediktivni doprinos. Izdvojili su se sledeći prediktori: sklonost ka antisocijalnom<br />pona&scaron;anju, samopo&scaron;tovanje, netolerancija životnih događaja, supresija, reprocenjivanje i<br />obrazovni status. Ispitujući interaktivan efekat prediktorskih varijabili i psihopatije, kao<br />moderator varijable, rezultati pokazuju da različit stepen izraženosti subdimenzija psihopatije<br />predstavlja uslov pod kojim personolo&scaron;ko-dispozicione varijable ostvaruju značajan doprinos u<br />prdikciji agresivnog pona&scaron;anja.<br />Uzimajući u obzir da su se kognitivno-emocionalni faktori koji su podložni promeni<br />izdvojili kao značajni prediktori, praktičan cilj istraživanja ogleda se u primeni nalaza<br />istraživanja na proces rehabilitacije počinilaca agresivnih krivičnih dela</p> / <p>Extreme forms of aggression manifestations, in terms of violent crimes, are universal<br />phenomena recognized in all societies and cultures. Although these are relatively small<br />frequency events, the trend of violent behaviour is growing and represents a problem of wider<br />social significance. The result of multiple decades researches of human aggression is the<br />detection of a large number of aggressive behaviour predictors, where the aggression factors<br />were most commonly studied as isolated ones. As a reference framework for this research, the<br />General Aggression Model was used, as it comprehends different factors mutual interaction in<br />generation of aggressive behaviour. The basic aim of this research is to put some more light to<br />the main and interactive predictor effects, which contributes to better understanding of the<br />conditions under which the probability of realization of the aggressive behaviour is rising or<br />lowering, in terms of criminal acts.<br />The research was performed on 200 male subjects divided into two groups. The criteria<br />group was formed out of 100 subjects who are imprisoned in Sremska Mitrovica Penitentiary for<br />violent crimes. The control group was formed out of 100 subjects who do not have a criminal<br />history at all. The subjects are uniform with relation to psychiatric diagnosis.<br />Correlation design was organized and the results were processed through transversal<br />perspective. Examination of the interactive influence of the predictor variables was performed<br />through moderation.<br />Research results show that it is possible to distinguish the group of violence offenders<br />from the group of subjects with no criminal history at all, on the basis of personologicaldispositional,<br />cognitive-emotional and socio-demographical predictors. Specifically, the group of<br />violent offenders is characterized by the higher level of expression of all three Eysenck<br />dimensions, higher level of inclination to aggressive behaviour, higher level of expression of<br />psychopathic deviation, while the level of self-esteem is no different to the control group.<br />Violent offenders have a specific cognitive style which is marked by higher presence of<br />aggressive fantasies, non-efficient control of aggressive and unwanted thoughts, higher presence<br />of irrational beliefs, with more frequent use of suppression as inadequate strategy for emotional<br />viii<br />regulation. Also, violent offenders come from families with higher level of alcoholism (father<br />only), they have been exposed to violence to a bigger extent in their formation period, they have<br />a lower level of education and less frequently have a permanent employment. However, when<br />these numerous factors of aggression are observed through the prism of multivariate model of<br />prediction, only a small number of factors realize the main predictive effect. The following<br />predictors are noted as significant: inclination to antisocial behaviour, self-esteem, low<br />frustration tolerance beliefs, suppression, reappraisal and educational status. Examination of<br />interactive effect of predictor variables and psychopathy, as moderator variable, gives results<br />which show that different degree of expression of psychopathy sub-dimensions represents the<br />condition under which the personological-dispositional variables give significant contribution to<br />aggressive behaviour prediction.<br />Taking into account that the cognitive-emotional factors which are subject of change are<br />shown to be significant predictors, the practical aim of this research is to apply the research<br />results in violent offenders&rsquo; rehabilitation process.</p>

Professional School Counselors and Relational Aggression: Training, Perceptions, Barriers, and Interventions

McDermott, Catherine G 16 May 2014 (has links)
Relational aggression (RA) is a type of bullying in which the relationship is used as the agent of harm (Crick & Grotpeter, 1995). RA behaviors are intended to impair or ruin reputations, friendships, and feelings of inclusion in a peer group (Putallaz et al., 2007). Professional School Counselors (PSCs) are charged to be social justice advocates for students; RA is a social justice issue because the effects of RA bullying, victimization, and bullying/victimization lead to poor academic achievement. Recent literature suggests that PSCs do not perceive the effects of RA to be as serious as the effects of physical and verbal bullying; however, training can increase RA sensitivity and willingness to intervene (Jacobsen & Bauman, 2007). No studies have explored PSC training, PSC perceptions regarding RA, PSC perceived barriers to RA intervention, and PSC intervention strategies. The purpose of this study was to examine PSC training for RA, PSC perceptions of RA as an issue with serious consequences for students, PSC perceived barriers to RA care, and the interventions PSCs currently use for RA. This study also examined if sex differences, grade level with which PSC worked, and school type in which PSC worked existed in PSC perceptions of RA as an issue with serious consequences for students. A substantial amount of PSCs surveyed strongly agreed (24.5%), agreed (39.8%) and somewhat agreed (26.8%; a cumulative of 91.2% of participants) that RA was an issue with serious consequences for students with whom they work. RA was recognized by PSCs as an issue with serious consequences for students with no significant differences by training, gender, and school type at which the PSC worked. Significant differences were found by school level with which the PSC worked. Several barriers to RA care were identified including lack of time, parents, issues with students reporting RA, and the confusion surrounding instances of RA. Several important RA interventions were identified including individual counseling with the victim and/or bully, using outside resources, group counseling, and focusing on school wide bullying interventions. Implications for PSC practice and training were given in addition to implications for future research.

The Effect of Aggressive Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics on Women's Perpetration of Aggression

Dickens, Tracy 03 August 2006 (has links)
Women’s use of aggression in intimate partner relationships is consistently debated by researchers of intimate partner aggression. One tenet suggests women use aggression within intimate relationships at similar rates as men. Conversely, a second tenet acknowledges women’s use of aggression but suggests that the meaning and consequences associated with women’s aggression is not coercive or severely injurious, which are typical characteristics of men’s use of aggression. The current study evaluated incarcerated women in order to build upon an integrative approach that suggests that women’s use of aggression is related to the relationship dynamics generated from variations in coercive and conflictual behaviors. Further, the current study evaluated the moderating relation of childhood abuse history and posttraumatic stress symptoms between relationship dynamics and women’s use of aggression. Ninety-six women, who participated in a larger research project that investigated incarcerated women’s life experience, reported on the dynamics of their most recent abusive heterosexual relationship, their own use of aggression (minor and severe) and childhood abuse history and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Findings suggest that incarcerated women involved in intimate relationships characterized as highly conflictual use significantly more minor and severe aggression toward their partners than women involved in relationships with low levels of conflicts. The finding is significant regardless of the level of coercion present in the relationship. Lastly, neither childhood abuse history nor posttraumatic symptoms moderated the relation between intimate partner relationship dynamics and women’s use of aggression. Various reasons for the lack of support for the moderating effect of history on women’s use of aggression are discussed.

Förekomsten av aggressionsnivå bland utövare i sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom / The aggression levels among practitioners in swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing

Helmersson, Stina January 2018 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of the study was to investigate if the aggression levels differs between the sports swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing. There is no knowledge of aggression levels in these sports in a Swedish context. Method Quantitative method was used for data collection in the study and 66 questionnaires were distributed to men and women in swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing. A validated questionnaire, The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), was translated into Swedish. The factors that were investigated in the questionnaire were verbal aggression, anger, hostility and physical aggression and the questionnaire included 29 statements. In total, 65 participants answered the questionnaire and the response rate was 98 %. Descriptive statistics were used to investigate differences in aggression levels, gender, age and sport. The age of the participants was divided into three categories, under 20, from 20-29 and over 30. Results The results showed that there were significant differences in aggression levels between the different sports. The aggression levels were highest in slalom and lowest in swimming. In addition, the results showed that there is a gender difference between women and men and men had higher aggression. In total, the men in slalom had the highest levels of aggression while the women in swimming had the lowest levels. The women in thaiboxing had the highest levels of aggression among all women. Finally, the results showed that the aggression levels were lowest among those over 30 years. Conclusions This study shows that there are differences in aggression levels among sports swimming, thaiboxing and slalom, and that there are gender differences. Men in slalom skiing had the highest levels of aggression while the women in swimming had the lowest. The conclusion is that in sports with high level of aggression it is beneficial to discuss and learn how to deal with the aggression. / Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om aggressionsnivån skiljer sig mellan de olika sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom. Det saknas kunskap om aggressionsnivåer i dessa sporter i en svensk kontext. Metod Kvantitativ metod användes för datainsamling i denna studie och 66 enkäter delades ut till aktiva kvinnor och män i sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom. En validerad enkät, The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), användes översatt till svenska. De olika faktorer som undersöktes i enkäten var verbal aggression, ilska, fientlighet och fysisk aggression. Sextiofem deltagare besvarade enkäten och svarsfrekvensen i studien var 98%. Deskriptiv statistik användes för att undersöka skillnader i aggressionsnivåer, kön, ålder och sport. Deltagarna delades upp i tre ålderskategorier, yngre än 20, mellan 20 - 29 och över 30 år. Resultat Resultaten visade att det finns signifikanta skillnader i aggressionsnivå mellan de olika sporterna. Aggressionsnivåer var högst bland slalomåkare och lägst i sporten simning. Dessutom visade resultaten att det är skillnad mellan kvinnor och män och män hade högre aggression. De slalomåkande männen hade högst i sammanlagda poäng medan kvinnorna i simning hade lägst. Thaiboxande kvinnor hade högst bland kvinnorna i den sammanlagda poängen. Avslutningsvis visade studien att personer över 30 år hade lägre aggressionsnivå än yngre. Slutsatser Studien visar att det fanns skillnader i aggressionsnivå mellan utövare i thaiboxning, slalom och simning. Männen i slalom skattade högst i alla aspekter som mätte aggression förutom fientlighet medan kvinnorna i simning skattade lägst. Slutsatser som dras är att i de sporter där det är hög aggressionsnivå kan det vara bra att jobba med sin ilska och lära sig att hantera den.

Vývoj a mezikulturní srovnání agrese u dětí mladšího školního věku / Development and cross-cultural comparison of aggression in school-age children

Bergerová, Hana January 2017 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with the topic of aggression in children. It focusses on the different kinds of aggression, specifics of aggression in children in their developmental stages, developmental trajectories of aggression, gender differences in aggression, determinants of aggression, theories of origin of gender differences, and international comparisons of aggression. The objectives of the research was to examine specifics of aggression in a Czech sample group, compare Czech results with the results of other countries (Greece, France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, China, India, Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico and Peru), and examine the effect of age, gender, and sibling birth order on aggression. The mean of factors of aggression in the Czech sample was among the smallest of the countries mentioned above. We didn't find any significant difference among groups based on age, gender, or sibling birth order. Keywords: Relational aggression, physical aggression, developmental trajectories of aggression, The Fairy Tale Test

Relational Aggression Among Adolescent African American Females

Daniels, Latoshia S 01 January 2018 (has links)
Relational aggression includes manipulative behaviors such as gossiping, spreading rumors, or practicing exclusion to intentionally destroy a peer's social reputation. Aggressive behaviors such as those found in relational aggression contribute to unsafe school environments. Research on relational aggression has increased in recent years, yet there is minimal research on relational aggression among African American adolescent females. The research questions were What is social workers' understanding of relational aggression? and How do social workers' cultural awareness and general understanding of African American females' relationships and interpersonal connections impact their ability to connect with their clients in the therapeutic relationship? The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore social workers' perceptions of relational aggression and African American females' social relationships and assess the impact of social workers' perceptions on their ability to connect with clients and provide effective therapeutic services. Relational cultural theory constituted the study's theoretical framework. Data were collected using a qualitative online synchronous focus group with six social workers who provide therapeutic services to female African American teenagers in the school setting. Purposeful sampling was used to determine the number of participants. Thematic analysis was used to identify common themes from interview data. Findings from this study revealed a mischaracterization of relational aggression in relation to bullying. The findings also revealed that social worker's cultural awareness and general understanding of African American females assisted them in being able to connect with the subpopulation in the therapeutic relationship.

Mobbning bland flickor/ Bullying among girls

Göransson, Genet January 2013 (has links)
Mobbning bland flickorEn examensuppsats av Genet Göransson2013-05-29Denna uppsats handlar om mobbning bland flickor, syftet är att ur ett genusperspektiv, närmare bestämt feministiskt konstruktivistiskt, tillägna mig och dela ny kunskap i fråga om flickors mobbning. Metoden för denna uppsats är kvalitativ med fördjupning och förankring i den senaste forskningen om flickors mobbning. Jag har studerat, tolkat och reflekterat kring detta fenomen. Länge har forskare haft fokus på hur pojkar mobbar och forskarsamhället har antagit att flickor inte mobbar alls. De flickor som gjort det har setts som avvikande och ibland också abnorma, då de mobbat på pojkars vis, alltså mer öppet, provocerande och våldsamt. Ny forskning visar att flickor i det västerländska samhället inte öppet får visa sin aggression i offentligheten. Detta menar man beror på vuxnas könsstereotypa förhållningssätt visavi flickor och pojkar i hemmet, förskolan och skolan. Och det offentliga rummet har länge ansetts vara männens område. Det är en manlig diskurs som bestämmer var, hur och när flickor och pojkar får agera. Ny forskning visar också att flickor visst då är aggressiva, men att de döljer det. Flickors mobbningsstrategier skiljer sig också väsentligt från pojkarnas då mobbningen försigår indirekt och är kopplad till nära relationer, utseende och sexualitet. Detta eftersom en flicka som mobbar inte vill bli utpekad som elak, för då förlorar hon i popularitet. Det är också oftast flickor i den närmaste kretsen som mobbar eller blir mobbade. Den som blir mobbad utmanar oftast den rådande heterosexuella normen. Mobbningen sker i det fördolda med mycket sublima medel och med så många engagerade flickor som möjligt, detta för att den som mobbar inte ska bli utpekad. I min uppsats har jag också tagit med de metoder som forskarna anser hjälper mot flickmobbning.

First year male students' personal experiences of senior male students' aggression in residences / Cornelia Twine

Twine, Cornelia January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative research study explores and describes first year male students’ personal experiences of senior male students’ aggression in residences. In recent years, the aggressive behaviour of male university students has become a matter of concern for university staff. The aims of this study were (i) to explore and describe the nature of aggression as experienced by first year male students in the residences; (ii) to explore how first year male students’ experiences of aggression influence their day-to-day lives; (iii) to explore and to gain an understanding of how first year male students feel about living in the same residences as senior male students; and (iv) to make suggestions to assist first year male students to cope with aggression in residences. A qualitative design situated within an interpretive paradigm and employing a phenomenological approach to inquiry was employed in order to achieve the aims of the study. The research focused on exploring, understanding and describing the lived experiences of particular first year male students; the study was thus explorative, descriptive and contextual in nature. A purposeful random sampling strategy (Patton, 2002) was used to select the sample of first year male students who live in on-campus residences at the North West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus to participate in this research study. A number of ethical requirements were met in this research study: approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the NWU Faculty of Education Sciences (Potchefstroom campus); and permission to conduct research was obtained from the Dean of Students on the (Potchefstroom campus), wardens of nine on-campus residences, the student council representative chairperson (SRC) and the residence primarius (chairperson) of each residence. In addition, participants’ interests were protected by ensuring their anonymity and obtaining their informed consent in writing before the research data generation process began. Visual ethics were strictly observed in taking the photographs which were used during the data generation process. The data generation process consisted of two phases: (i) photo-narratives (written) and (ii) photo-narrative-elicitation-interviews. Data saturation occurred after the fourteenth photo-narrative-elicitation-interview. The data analysis of the generated data was done by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis (Griffin & May, 2012). After a consensus meeting with independent coders, the two main themes that emerged were clarified. Theme 1: first year male students associate senior male students’ aggression in residences with feelings and emotions that vary from indifference to negativity, but they remain optimistic about the outcome of living with them. Theme 2: first year male students suggest strategies to cope with experiences of senior male student aggression in residences. In the last chapter, the researcher provides suggestions that could help first year male students to cope with senior male students’ aggression in residences. Limitations of this research study are also discussed and recommendations are made for further research. / MEd (Learner Support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

First year male students' personal experiences of senior male students' aggression in residences / Cornelia Twine

Twine, Cornelia January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative research study explores and describes first year male students’ personal experiences of senior male students’ aggression in residences. In recent years, the aggressive behaviour of male university students has become a matter of concern for university staff. The aims of this study were (i) to explore and describe the nature of aggression as experienced by first year male students in the residences; (ii) to explore how first year male students’ experiences of aggression influence their day-to-day lives; (iii) to explore and to gain an understanding of how first year male students feel about living in the same residences as senior male students; and (iv) to make suggestions to assist first year male students to cope with aggression in residences. A qualitative design situated within an interpretive paradigm and employing a phenomenological approach to inquiry was employed in order to achieve the aims of the study. The research focused on exploring, understanding and describing the lived experiences of particular first year male students; the study was thus explorative, descriptive and contextual in nature. A purposeful random sampling strategy (Patton, 2002) was used to select the sample of first year male students who live in on-campus residences at the North West University (NWU) Potchefstroom campus to participate in this research study. A number of ethical requirements were met in this research study: approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the NWU Faculty of Education Sciences (Potchefstroom campus); and permission to conduct research was obtained from the Dean of Students on the (Potchefstroom campus), wardens of nine on-campus residences, the student council representative chairperson (SRC) and the residence primarius (chairperson) of each residence. In addition, participants’ interests were protected by ensuring their anonymity and obtaining their informed consent in writing before the research data generation process began. Visual ethics were strictly observed in taking the photographs which were used during the data generation process. The data generation process consisted of two phases: (i) photo-narratives (written) and (ii) photo-narrative-elicitation-interviews. Data saturation occurred after the fourteenth photo-narrative-elicitation-interview. The data analysis of the generated data was done by means of interpretative phenomenological analysis (Griffin & May, 2012). After a consensus meeting with independent coders, the two main themes that emerged were clarified. Theme 1: first year male students associate senior male students’ aggression in residences with feelings and emotions that vary from indifference to negativity, but they remain optimistic about the outcome of living with them. Theme 2: first year male students suggest strategies to cope with experiences of senior male student aggression in residences. In the last chapter, the researcher provides suggestions that could help first year male students to cope with senior male students’ aggression in residences. Limitations of this research study are also discussed and recommendations are made for further research. / MEd (Learner Support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Sex Differences in the Effect of Prenatal and Perinatal Fluoxetine Exposure on Adult Aggression and Avoidance in the Syrian Hamster

Slaby, Ryan J 07 May 2016 (has links)
Anti-depressants are commonly used to treat major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. 17% of women experience major depression during pregnancy, where up to 10% of pregnant women use antidepressants. 20% these women use Prozac (fluoxetine) to treat major depressive symptoms, which crosses the placental barrier and is present in breast milk. Little is known about how exposure to developmental fluoxetine affects adulthood behaviors such as agonistic and submissive behaviors, especially in females. Furthermore, the effects of developmental fluoxetine exposure on aggression and avoidance in Syrian hamsters have not been studied. Therefore, we explored how prenatal and perinatal exposure to fluoxetine affects adulthood aggression and avoidance in male and female Syrian hamsters. Dams were given fluoxetine via drinking water 7 days prior impregnation. Fluoxetine administration continue until offspring reached postnatal day (PD) 12. The offspring were weaned and group-housed at PD 25 and single-housed at PD 60. Animals were handled one week prior to behavioral testing. The following week, animals were tested for aggression in a neutral arena with a non-aggressive stimulus hamster of the same sex. Another group of hamsters were tested for avoidance behavior in a neutral arena 24 hours after social defeat. Duration of aggression and avoidance were quantified. There was no main effect of sex or drug nor was there an interaction. Therefore, we reject our hypothesis of prenatal and perinatal exposure to fluoxetine will affect aggression and avoidance in male and female Syrian hamsters. These findings may be due to a ceiling effect in Syrian hamsters, where the subtle effects of developmental fluoxetine exposure were not observable.

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