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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Creole Genesis and Universality: Case, Word Order, and Agreement

Snow, Gerald Taylor 01 March 2017 (has links)
The genesis of creole languages is important to the field of linguistics for at least two reasons. As newly emerging languages, creoles provide a unique window on the human language faculty and on the development of language generally (Veenstra 2008). They also offer insight into what are arguably universal linguistic structures. Two opposing theories have been in contention in the literature with respect to creole genesis: (1) that creoles owe their origin to the lexifier and substrate languages of their speech community and to other environmental influences (McWhorter 1997); and alternatively, (2) that universal innate linguistic structures or principles are the generative source of creole grammar (Bickerton 1981). Both theories have a claim to at least partial correctness. This thesis adds new evidence in support of the universalist/innatist argument. This thesis examines five written creole languages and two signed creole languages of geographic and historical diversity and focuses on the grammatical system of case, word order, and agreement of these languages as one axis along which to investigate the issue of creole genesis and universality. The signed languages in particular offer unique data, especially the data from Nicaraguan Sign Language, where there was an absence of significant lexifier and substrate influences. Patterns of what are termed core indispensable features in these seven language systems are uncovered, examined and compared. Further comparison is made with the case, word order, and agreement features of the world's languages generally and of creole languages as a subset of the world's languages, based on data in the World Atlas of Language Structures (Dryer & Haspelmath 2009) and in the Atlas of Pidgin and Creole Language Structures (Michaelis et al. 2013b), respectively. The findings and contributions to the field made possible from the data in this thesis are that there are commonalities in the case, word order, and agreement systems of the subject creole languages that qualify as core indispensable features and that these features are generated by universal innate linguistic expectations. These commonalities are: (1) that morphological case inflection is not a core indispensable feature; (2) that SVO word order is a core indispensable feature; and (3) that agreement as a feature, seen only when word order is apparently verb final, occurs only in the signed creole languages and is more accurately interpreted as topicalization incorporated into SVO word order rather than as an independent core feature. Nicaraguan Sign Language presents especially compelling evidence for these conclusions.

Agreement morphemes in Northern Sotho constructions : a morphological and semantic study

Kganakga, Thobakgale Johannes January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2004 / Refer to document

Vhuvha na ndeme ya mapfanisi kha luambo lwa tshivenda

Maimela, Matodzi Dorin January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2012 / Refer to the document

Transitioning the Energy Sector : A Study on the Philippines and the Challenges of Meeting International Climate Targets

Smith, Melissa January 2019 (has links)
Climate change has become a catalyst for global action on greenhouse gas emissions. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change orchestrated the Paris Agreement to propel the international community towards implementing definitive carbon abatement plans. These policy commitments are known as Nationally Determined Contributions. However, as of yet many signatories to the Agreement are struggling to align their mitigation pledge with domestic policies. The energy sector is one of the key industries implicit in this carbon abatement process. New energy policies will need to be radically reoriented towards a low-carbon trajectory. In the literature, this pursuit is classed as a socio-technical transition. The Philippines is severely vulnerable to the risks posed by extreme weather patterns exaggerated by increasing temperatures. The country has actively engaged with the climate change discourse but recent trends demonstrate a reversal in low-carbon energy sector planning. Its status as an emerging economy with high potential GDP growth rates increases the urgency to act now to avoid becoming locked-in to an outdated energy system. A discourse and thematic analysis was conducted on key Philippine government texts concerning future energy policy. The approach enabled an exploration of the mechanisms underlying power sector governance in the context of the Paris Agreement. The multi-level perspective provided a conceptual framework for the findings, and enabled the identification of relationships and antagonism within discourses linked to energy system. This framework breaks down the system into three tiers and facilitates analysis of the interplay between landscape pressures, regime resistance and niche experimentation. The results indicated a disparity between the two government agencies on the necessity of low-carbon sector planning. The Philippine Climate Change Commission correlated the benefits of carbon abatement much more closely with the wider goals of sustainable development. The department of energy meanwhile advocated fossil fuel capacity building to meet economic requirements. Divergence in storylines led to a poor alignment between domestic energy policy and the aims of the Paris Agreement. An appreciation of the barriers to a unified overarching mitigation discourse, will assist in the creation of long-term abatement strategies required by the Paris Agreement.

Factores determinantes que impactaron en la evolución de las exportaciones de la harina de pescado con partida arancelaria 2301.20.11.00, hacia el mercado de la República Popular China, en el marco del tratado de libre comercio Perú-República Popular China en el período 2012-2017

Osores Camarena, Yonel Marcos, Wiese Armebianchi, Luis Guillermo 31 January 2019 (has links)
El Perú ha fortalecido su política comercial a través del potenciamiento del comercio exterior. Mediante la apertura comercial, el Perú puede llegar a los diferentes mercados del mundo. Entrar en negocios internacionales incrementa la eficiencia productiva de los países, pues los países exportan aquellos productos que le resultan más económicos de producir e importan aquellos productos que le resultan más costosos de producir. Además, los Tratados de Libre Comercio, permiten el desarrollo del Perú en términos económicos, culturales, políticos, legales, sociales, ambientales y tecnológicos. El Programa País, el PENX y la Agenda Complementaria, son un claro ejemplo de que nuestra política comercial sigue en búsqueda de la consolidación. En este contexto, el Perú cuenta con un Tratado de Libre Comercio con la República Popular China (de ahora en adelante China), el cual entró en vigor el 01 de marzo de 2010 (TLC Perú-China, 2011). Nuestras exportaciones hacia dicho país han aumentado considerablemente en volumen y valor FOB (ADEX DATA TRADE, 2018) y China es nuestro principal socio comercial con una amplia ventaja. En el sector pesquero, la Harina de Pescado es el producto líder en exportaciones mundiales. La materia prima de la harina de pescado es la anchoveta y la pesca de esta especie, tuvo un momento clave cuando se establecieron los límites máximos de captura por embarcación, en búsqueda de la sostenibilidad del recurso (Aranguren, Arteaga y Chavez). Por otro lado, el mercado de China tiene una alta demanda de la harina de pescado, la cual es destinada al principalmente al desarrollo de la acuicultura, que se basa en la crianza de especies acuáticas (Pullin y Rashid, 2005). El gigante asiático presenta entonces un alto desarrollo en dicha actividad económica y cuenta a su vez con la mayor población del mundo, la cual asciende a 1, 386, 395 millones de habitantes (Banco Mundial, 2018). En el presente trabajo de investigación, se realizará un análisis de los factores más determinantes que impactaron en la evolución de las exportaciones de la harina de pescado, en el marco del TLC Perú-China, en el período 2012-2017. / Peru has strengthened its trade policy through the strengthening of foreign trade. Through commercial opening, Peru can reach the different markets of the world. Entering international businesses increases the productivity of countries, since countries export those products that are more economical to produce and import those products that are more expensive to produce. In addition, the Free Trade Agreements allow the development of Peru in economic, cultural, political, legal, social, environmental and technological terms. The Country Program, the PENX and the Complementary Agenda are a clear example that our commercial policy is still in search of consolidation. In this context, Peru has a Free Trade Agreement with the People's Republic of China (hereinafter China), which entered into force on March 1, 2010 (Peru-China FTA, 2011). Our exports to that country have increased considerably in volume and value FOB (ADEX DATA TRADE, 2018) and China is our main trading partner with a wide advantage. In the fishing sector, fishmeal is the leading product in world exports. The raw material of the fishmeal is the anchoveta and the fishing of this species, had a key moment when the maximum limits of capture by boat were established, in search of the sustainability of the resource (Aranguren, Arteaga and Chavez). On the other hand, the Chinese market has a high demand for fishmeal, which is mainly destined to the development of aquaculture, which is based on the rearing of aquatic species (Pullin and Rashid, 2005). The Asian giant then has a high development in this economic activity and has in turn the largest population in the world, which amounts to 1, 386, 395 million inhabitants (World Bank, 2018). In the present research work, an analysis of the most determining factors that impacted the evolution of fishmeal exports will be made, within the framework of the Peru-China FTA, in the period 2012-2017. / Tesis

Negotiated Settlement and the Durability of Peace: Agreement Design, Implementation, and Mediated Civil Wars

Chen, Chong 01 May 2015 (has links)
Existing research has shown that negotiated peace agreements are less likely to sustain an enduring peace in the aftermath of civil wars. A large proportion of research concentrates on the effects of either agreement design or agreement implementation on the likelihood of civil war resumption. Generally, existing studies fail to integrate design and implementation as separate parts of an interdependent process. Studies also tend to ignore the implication of preceding agreement design on subsequent implementation. This research develops an integrative framework that engages both the agreement design and implementation stages in the civil war peace process. It also examines the effects of third-party mediation on the durability of peace agreement in the aftermath of civil wars through its in uence on the quality of agreement design and implementation. The presence of third-party mediation helps to resolve future uncertainty and fear resulting from the \commitment problem" between war combatants, and thus makes peace agreements more durable. By using compiled data from the UCDP Peace Agreement Dataset, the Civil War Mediation (CWM) dataset, and the Power-Sharing Event Dataset (PSED), this research employs a Cox Proportional Hazards model to test the implication of design and implementation on the durability of postwar peace. The results suggest that the effect of mediation on peace durability is conditional upon the stages of the peace process. Peace agreements designed and implemented by mediators are more likely to sustain lasting peace. The results also indicate that not all implementation of power-sharing pacts, as promised in the design stage, can produce pacifying effects given the fact that implementing certain types of power-sharing pacts disrupts peace processes.

La régulation du partage du pouvoir politique au Liban : la logique communautaire dans le cadre des accords de Taëf / Power Sharing in Lebanon : political Sectarianism in the Ta’if Agreement

Castaignède, Monique 12 February 2014 (has links)
L’analyse socio-historique de l’émergence du pouvoir politique au Liban, son essence même et son instrumentalisation conditionnent l’exercice de la régulation démocratique des conflits dans une société plurale dont le système politique repose sur un compromis historique, celui du Pacte de 1943.Ni Orient, ni Occident, ni vainqueur, ni vaincu.Les difficultés d’élaboration d’un projet consensuel et de mise en oeuvre d’une coalition gouvernementale, dans le modèle libanais de démocratie consociative ont favorisé la confrontation de la logique individuelle à la logique communautaire sans espace de subsidiarité.Cette thèse tend à démontrer que des Accords de Taëf jusqu’aux années post Doha, malgré la confirmation de l’autonomie segmentaire, le non dépassement des contradictions entre esprit de consensus et concentration du pouvoir sans réelle distribution de celui-ci a conduit à la définition d’un consensus minimal qui fragilise la stabilité du pays à travers des crises politiques successives.La démocratie consociative libanaise, forte de l’ouverture vers un espace public transcommunautaire, montrera-t-elle sa capacité à évoluer, en luttant contre le décalage existant entre les institutions du consensus représentées par ses élites politiques et la dynamique sociale ? / This analysis of the socio-historical birth of political power in Lebanon, its own nature as well as its implementation, concerns the different ways of viewing democratically regulated conflicts in a multi-directionally and politically oriented plural society based on a historical agreement signed in 1943.There is a challenge to compromise East and West, a balance without obvious loser and winner.The difficult project of creating a consensus among a governmental coalition while respecting the Lebanese model of democracy required personal and group compromises without room for subsidiarity.While taking into consideration the segmentation, the need to do not overlap the contradiction of consensus and opposing ideas among politico-communitarian cleavages, this work aims at demonstrating that the accord of Taef followed by the after Doha, lead to a fragile consensus which weakens the stability of the country during the following political crisis.The Lebanese consociate system re-enforced by opening to a transcultural public space may show its capacity to evolve, mature, within the existing gap between the consensus institution proposed by the elite and the social pressure.

Regime Jurídico da Colaboração Premiada: direitos e deveres das partes e poderes do juiz / Legal Framework of the plea agreement: rights and duties of the parties, powers of the judge

Morais, Hermes Duarte 14 September 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou investigar se a colaboração premiada, tal como regulada pela lei nº 12.850/13, ostenta um regime jurídico especial passível de sistematização. Objetivou-se demonstrar que há uma autonomia da qual se pode extrair direitos, deveres e poderes dos sujeitos participantes do acordo, além de poderes do Juiz, e que, dadas suas particularidades, não podem ser considerados, ao menos integralmente, inseridos na classificação de negocio jurídico processual adotada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Demonstrou-se que essa constatação gerou inúmeras e persistentes perplexidades na doutrina que, aos poucos vem sendo superadas pela jurisprudência. A partir do referencial teórico utilizado, procurou-se, então, sistematizar os direitos e deveres do colaborador e do proponente e, também, os poderes do Juiz ao realizar o controle judicial dos acordos, buscando-se examinar os comportamentos possíveis de tais agentes em cada uma das fases procedimentais que compõe o complexo ato da colaboração. Além disso, investigou-se as clausulas que podem figurar no acordo de colaboração premiada. Por meio da análise dos principais termos de colaboração premiada e das decisões judiciais que sobre eles recaíram, exemplificou-se as principais clausulas que tem sido utilizadas no âmbito da operação Lava-Jato, agregando-as segundo a natureza de seu conteúdo e problematizando-se os aspectos controvertidos de sua aplicação, principalmente, com o exame das decisões judiciais proferidas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Em conclusão, buscou-se estudar, com maior precisão, a colaboração premiada ao assumir a perspectiva de que ela constitui um subsistema do tradicional sistema acusatório, com peculiaridades tais, que conferem a ela autonomia que justifica a tentativa de sistematização e aclaramento das características do regime jurídico deste singular instituto. / This paper sought to investigate whether the plea agreement, as regulated by Law No. 12,850/13, has a special legal framework which may be systematized. The objective was to demonstrate there is an autonomy from which the rights, duties and powers of the subjects participating in the agreement, in addition to the powers of the Judge, may be extracted, and which, given their particularities, cannot be considered, at least in full, in the classification adopted by the Federal Supreme Court. It has been shown that this finding has generated several and persistent perplexities in the doctrine which, little by little, have been overcome by jurisprudence. The theoretical framework used then sought to systematize the rights and duties of the participant and the proponent and also the powers of the Judge when performing judicial control of the agreements, seeking to examine the possible behavior of such agents in each of the procedural stages making up the complex act of the plea agreement. In addition, the clauses which may appear in the plea agreement have been investigated. By analyzing the main terms of plea agreement and the judicial decisions resulted from them, we have exemplified the main clauses which have been used in the scope of the Operation Car Wash (Operação Lava-Jato), adding them according to the nature of their content and problematizing the controversial aspects of its application, mainly, with the examination of the judicial decisions uttered by the Federal Supreme Court. In conclusion, it was sought to study, with greater precision, the plea agreement by assuming the perspective that it constitutes a subsystem of the traditional accusatory system, with such peculiarities granting to it autonomy which justifies the attempt of systematization and clarification of the characteristics of the legal framework of this singular institute.

L'occupation sans titre du domaine public / The occupation of the State Property

Thierry, Marion 02 July 2019 (has links)
L’occupation sans titre du domaine public génère des préjudices patrimoniaux, financiers et économiques. Ce phénomène empêche donc le propriétaire et le gestionnaire domanial de jouir effectivement de leur domaine et nuit à toute valorisation économique du domaine public en freinant le développement des investissements sur le domaine public. L’occupation sans titre est par ailleurs un phénomène qui dépasse les intérêts du propriétaire et du gestionnaire domanial puisqu’elle est susceptible de faire naître une distorsion de concurrence entre les occupants réguliers et illicites.Alors qu’il est impossible de lutter durablement contre l’occupation sans titre du domaine public en raison de son caractère protéiforme et récurrent, la seule solution pour le propriétaire et le gestionnaire domanial est de gérer efficacement chaque cas d’occupation sans titre.Cette thèse vise à présenter un panel de réponses pouvant s’adapter à la multiplicité et aux spécificités des cas d’occupation sans titre, ces réponses ayant toute pour même objectif de faire cesser ce phénomène. Pour mettre en œuvre des réponses efficaces, il faut tout d’abord connaître le statut juridique de l’occupant sans titre et démontrer que ce phénomène résulte de circonstances diverses susceptibles d’être prises en compte dans la gestion de l’occupation sans titre. Deux types de réponses peuvent ensuite être mises en évidence : une réponse contentieuse, réponse classique à l’occupation sans titre, et une réponse négociée, réponse plus souple et ne nécessitant pas l’intervention du juge. / Untitled occupation of the State property generates patrimonial, financial and economic damages. This phenomenon therefore prevents the owner and manager of the State property from effectively benefitting from their domain and hinders any economic development of the State property by slowing or stopping further investment into the State property. Untitled occupation is also a phenomenon that goes beyond the interests of the owner and manager of the domain since it is likely to create a competitive disadvantage between regular and illegal occupants.While it is impossible to fight untitled occupation of state property in the long term due to its protean and recurrent nature, the only solution for the owner and manager of the domain is to effectively manage each situation of untitled occupancy on a case-by-case basis.This thesis aims to present a series of answers that can be adapted to the multiplicity and specificities of cases of untitled occupation with each having the same objective of ending untitled occupation of the State property. To implement the most effective responses, it is first necessary to know the legal status of the untitled occupier and to demonstrate that this phenomenon results from diverse circumstances that may be taken into account in the management of untitled occupation. Depending on the kind of untitled occupation, two types of responses can then be implemented: a contentious response which is the classic response to occupation without title, or a negotiated response being a more flexible approach requiring no intervention by the judge.

Liberalization of China’s Financial Market Under Gats

Ma, Jingping January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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