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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta de um modelo de gestão de custos para pequenas propriedades rurais familiares com foco na tomada de decisão / Proposal of a cost management model for small family farms focusing on decision-making

Lizot, Mauro 26 July 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho teve com objetivo geral, desenvolver uma proposta de um modelo teórico de tomada de decisão com foco na gestão de custos de pequenas propriedades rurais familiares, que possibilite o apoio à tomada de decisão. E como objetivos específicos: i) desenvolver uma metodologia estruturada, a qual permita formar uma base literária para oferecer subsídios científicos para a execução da pesquisa; ii) desenvolver com base na literatura as dimensões e variáveis dos modelos necessários para propor um ferramental de aplicação e iii) aplicar o modelo proposto dentro das dimensões e variáveis, além de validar todas as etapas antecedentes e realizar as conclusões necessárias para verificar a efetividade do modelo aplicado. Em termos metodológicos, utilizou-se uma metodologia estruturada, a qual permitiu formar um portfólio bibliográfico de 29 artigos, e por meio dos constructos de pesquisa desenvolveu-se, com base em um modelo já existente, um modelo de segmentação de atividades para auxílio ao agricultor de pequenas propriedades rurais familiares, no processo de tomada de decisão com ênfase na gestão de custos. O modelo foi aplicado em seis propriedades rurais familiares na região Sudoeste do Paraná e Oeste de Santa Catarina. No que se refere aos resultados de pesquisa, foi possível identificar que o modelo pode ser aplicado ao contexto específico para o qual foi criado. Também foi possível identificar que o modelo proposto mostrou-se válido e relevante ao auxílio na gestão das propriedades rurais familiares identificando, por meio da segmentação das atividades produtivas, as prioridades de investimento pautadas na ponderação entre a gestão de custos e o retorno das atividades. Além disso, possibilitou-se segmentar as atividades das seis propriedades pesquisadas, demonstrando que a propriedade 02, possui a forma de segmentação mais complexa deve ser dividida em três grupos de atividades, as quais podem ser conduzidas em paralelo, sem que haja restrições entre as atividades. Outras propriedades apresentam a segmentação das atividades mais simples, possibilitando visualizar desta forma que há agrupamentos de atividades que requerem prioridades nos investimentos. Especificamente a propriedade 01 e 04 que apresentam os agrupamentos de segmentação de maior prioridade de investimentos, os agrupamentos das atividades de maior destaque representam respectivamente 49,32% e 47,40%, os quais são representados pelas atividades de produção de grãos na propriedade 01 e produção de grãos, gado de corte e ovos na propriedade 04. / This work was general-purpose, develop a proposal of a theoretical model of decisionmaking with a focus on management of small family farms costs, which enables support for decision making. And the following objectives: i) develop a structured methodology, which allows to form a literary basis to provide scientific support for the implementation of research; ii) develop based on the literature the dimensions and variables of the necessary models to propose an application and iii tooling) to implement the proposed model within the dimensions and variables, and validate every stage background and perform the necessary conclusions to verify the effectiveness of applied model. In terms of methodology, we used a structured methodology, which allowed forming a bibliographic portfolio of 29 articles, and through the research constructs developed, based on an existing model, an activity segmentation model for aid farmer of small family farms in the decision-making process with emphasis on cost management. The model was applied in six family farms in the South West region of Parana and Santa Catarina West. With regard to the search results, it was identified that the model can be applied to the specific context for which it was created. It was also possible to identify that the proposed model was valid and relevant to aid in the management of family farms by identifying, through the targeting of productive activities, investment priorities guided by the balance between managing costs and return activities. Moreover, possible to target the activities of six surveyed properties, demonstrating that the property 02, has the shape of more complex segmentation should be divided into three groups of activities, which can be conducted in parallel without any restrictions between activities. Other properties have the segmentation of the simplest activities, allowing viewing in this way that there are activities of groups that require prioritizing investments. Specifically the property 01 and 04 have the highest priority investment target groups, the most prominent activities of groups representing respectively 49.32% and 47.40%, which are represented by grain production activities on the property 01 and grain production, beef cattle and eggs on the property 04.

Política pública para a agricultura familiar: avaliação do programa paranaense “Fábrica do Agricultor”

Zerbato, Caio César 15 May 2013 (has links)
A partir da década de 1990 com legitimação do Estado da agricultura familiar como uma categoria social no meio rural, por intermédio de políticas públicas voltadas para o segmento, diversos programas governamentais surgiram para o fortalecimento desse modelo de desenvolvimento rural. No Estado do Paraná, em 1999 foi criado o programa Agroindústria Familiar “Fábrica do Agricultor” (PFA), com o objetivo de agregar valor aos produtos oriundos da agricultura familiar através da verticalização da produção pela agroindustrialização de pequeno porte. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo consistiu em avaliar o programa Agroindústria Familiar “Fábrica do Agricultor”. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida de forma descritiva quanto à abordagem dos seus objetivos, com a utilização das técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e levantamento, com a utilização de entrevistas estruturadas. Buscou-se primeiramente compreender a questão agrária brasileira, sob o enfoque das pequenas propriedades. Na sequência, definiu-se a agricultura familiar, as principais estratégias de reprodução social dos agricultores e os principais aspectos teóricos e metodológicos de políticas públicas, em uma revisão de literatura. Posteriormente foi realizada a análise documental e bibliográfica para maior conhecimento do PFA, subsidiando a elaboração dos instrumentos de coleta de dados. As entrevistas foram realizadas com uma amostra de 53 (cinquenta e três) agroindústrias que consistem no público prioritário beneficiário do programa, além disso com policy-makers e entidades participantes. Na etapa analítica do trabalho foram identificados os resultados decorrentes da implementação do PFA, comparando-os com os objetivos do programa. A política apresentou resultados diferenciados entre os objetivos propostos, sendo extremamente bem sucedida nos objetivos de inovação tecnológica, foco no mercado e apoio à agricultura familiar. Ficou evidenciado a relevância da agricultura familiar no estado paranaense e a significativa contribuição das políticas públicas para o fortalecimento da agricultura familiar, especificamente as ações do PFA para a promoção dos processos de verticalização da produção pela agroindustrialização de pequeno porte e o acesso aos mercados consumidores, com geração de emprego, renda e manutenção da família rural no campo. / Starting in the 1990s, with the legitimation of the State of family farming as a social category in rural areas, through public policies for the sector, many governmental programs have emerged to strengthen this rural development model. In the state of Paraná, in 1999, the the family farming program “Farmer's Factory” (Fábrica do Agricultor - PFA) was created with the objective of adding value to products from family farms through the vertical integration of the production of small agroindustrialization businesses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the family farming program “Farmer's Factory” (Fábrica do Agricultor - PFA). The research was conducted utilizing a descriptive approach to its goals, using techniques of bibliographical research, documentary research and surveys, which were done through structured interviews. First, the understanding of the Brazilian agrarian issue was sought, from the standpoint of small-scale family farms. Further, family farming, as well as the main strategies of social reproduction of farmers and the main theoretical and methodological aspects of public policy, were all defined through literature review. Subsequently, a bibliographical review and analysis were performed in order to achieve greater knowledge of the program (PFA), subsidizing the development of instruments for data collection. Interviews were conducted with a sample of 53 (fifty three) agribusinesses which consist the primary beneficiary target of the program, in addition to policy-makers and participating entities. In the analytical phase of the study the results from the implementation of the program (PFA) were identified, and compared with the goals of the program. The policy presented differentiated results among the proposed objectives, being extremely successful in the goals of technological innovation, market focus and support for the family farming industry. The study revealed the importance of family farming in the state of Paraná and the significant contribution of policies that strengthen this family agriculture, specifically the actions of the program (PFA) which promotes the vertical integration of production processes through the agroindustrialization of small businesses as well as their access to consumer markets, generating employment, income, enabling agricultural households to remain in rural areas.

Produção de goma xantana a partir da bioconversão de resíduos de malte de cervejaria por Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris IBSBF 1866

Menezes, Jeane Denise de Souza 23 January 2013 (has links)
Os resíduos gerados nos processos agroindustriais representam perdas econômicas no processo produtivo e, se não receberem destinação adequada, poderão ocasionar problemas ambientais, colocando em evidência a necessidade da instalação de sistemas de produção sustentáveis. Se por um lado, os efluentes da indústria cervejeira apresentam alto potencial de poluição pela sua carga orgânica, alto teor de sólidos em suspensão e presença de fósforo e nitrogênio, por outro, o bagaço de malte apresenta características favoráveis para uso em processos fermentativos, devido à elevada concentração de açúcares presentes e baixa concentração de compostos tóxicos aos microrganismos, tais como, furfural, hidroximetilfurfural, ácido acético e fenólicos. A utilização do bagaço de malte para produção de goma xantana poderia permitir ao Brasil suprir sua própria demanda de goma xantana com maior competitividade no preço final, com a vantagem do resíduo de malte não apresentar problemas de sazonalidade na produção, uma vez que, é gerado em grande volume o ano todo, e a instalação de uma unidade de produção de goma xantana irá promover trabalho e renda para a região, sem a utilização de novas matérias primas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver uma rota tecnológica de produção do polissacarídeo tipo goma xantana em escala laboratorial por fermentação do bagaço de malte oriundo da indústria cervejeira, agregando valor a um resíduo e desta forma colaborando para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Através do planejamento multifatorial foi verificado o efeito simultâneo de seis variáveis independentes (concentração de resíduo de malte, extrato de levedura, sacarose, fosfato de amônio, fosfato (mono)ácido de potássio e agitação) em agitador orbital utilizando a cepa Xanthomonas campestris sp campestris IBSBF 1866 obtendo como variável resposta a máxima produção da goma. A segunda matriz, complementar a primeira, avaliou o efeito da concentração de resíduo de malte e da agitação obtendo como variável resposta a máxima produção (8,51 g.L-1) da goma associada à alta viscosidade (70,35 mPa.s-1). A concentração inicial de resíduo de malte e tempo de fermentação na qualidade da goma produzida interferiram na viscosidade do polímero apresentando o melhor resultado com 20g.L-1 e 24 horas, respectivamente, mas não promoveram alteração significativa na estabilidade térmica do polímero.

Produção e caracterização de bio-óleo a partir de resíduo agroindustrial de semente de mangaba

Santos, Roberta Menezes 31 July 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of Hancornia speciosa (known as mangaba in Brazil) seeds for the production of bio-oil, in order to minimize the pollution problems caused by the inappropriate disposal of this residue and add value to this material which poses an environmental risk. The study was divided into two parts: the characterization of the biomass (through elemental analysis (CHN), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), thermogravimetry (TG), and the moisture, ash, protein, oil, fiber, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin contents); and the characterization of the bio-oil (thermogravimetry, infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-CG/MS). The mangaba seeds had a moisture content of 7.78±0.03%, high quantities of carbon (58.07%) and oxygen (27.18%), a calorific value of 23.45 MJ kg-1 and contained ash (1.87±0.06%), oil (27.33±0.37%), protein (12.10±1.60%) fiber (11.98±0.46%), cellulose (17.07%), hemicellulose (22.57%) and lignin (10.16%). The thermogravimetric curve for the sample showed a mass loss of around 90% up to a temperature of 450 °C. In the pyrolysis experiments the variables included temperature (450 and 600 °C), sample mass (5 and 11 g) and prior heating (with or without). The best conditions for the bioproduction of the bio-oil were 600 °C, 11 g of seeds and prior heating of the furnace. The characterization of the samples by FTIR allowed the presence of functional groups such as phenols, alcohols, ketones, acids, alkanes, alkenes, amides, nitriles and esters to be identified. The CG/MS analysis confirmed the results obtained with the infrared spectroscopy, with carboxylic acids and hydrocarbonates (~ 90%) being qualitatively identified as the major components, besides the presence of other compounds such as furanes, phenols, nitriles, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, esters and amides. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o aproveitamento das sementes de mangaba para a produção de bio-óleo, a fim de minimizar problemas de poluição devido à disposição inadequada dos resíduos e agregar valor a este passivo ambiental. O trabalho foi dividido em duas partes: caracterização da biomassa (análise elementar (CHN), espectroscopia de infravermelho (FTIR-ATR), termogravimetria (TG), teor de umidade, cinzas, proteínas, teor de óleo, fibras, celulose, hemicelulose e lignina) e caracterização do bio-óleo (termogravimetria, infravermelho e cromatografia gasosa/espectrometria de massas-GC/MS). As sementes de mangaba apresentaram teor de umidade de 7,78±0,03%, alta quantidade de carbono (58,07%) e oxigênio (27,18%), poder calorífico (23,45 MJ kg-1), teor de cinzas de 1,87±0,06%, teor de óleo 27,33±0,37%, proteínas 12,10±1,60%, fibras 11,98±0,46%, celulose (17,07%), hemicelulose (22,57%) e lignina (10,16%). A curva termogravimétrica da amostra apresentou cerca de 90% de perda de massa até a temperatura de 450 °C. Os experimentos de pirólise incluíram como variável temperatura (450 e 600 °C), massa de amostra (5 e 11 g), com ou sem aquecimento prévio. A melhor condição para a produção de bio-óleo foi a 600 °C, 11g de semente e com aquecimento prévio do forno. Através da caracterização da amostra em FTIR foi possível identificar a presença de grupos funcionais como fenóis, alcoóis, cetonas, ácidos, alcanos, alcenos, amidas, nitrilas e ésteres. Por outro lado, as análises de GC/MS confirmaram os resultados obtidos com o infravermelho, sendo identificados qualitativamente os ácidos carboxílicos e hidrocarbonetos (~ 90%) como componentes majoritários, além de serem encontrados outros compostos como furanos, fenóis, nitrilas, aldeídos, cetonas, alcoóis, ésteres e amidas.

Extração de carotenóides totais e ß-caroteno por ultrassom no resíduo de indústria de polpa de goiaba (Psidium guajava L)

Santos, Thatiana Santana 30 July 2013 (has links)
This work reports the extraction ß-carotene and total carotenoids in the residue of the guava pulp industry by Soxhlet and ultrasound. The Soxhlet technique was evaluated from the solvent: dichloromethane, methanol and hexane, and drying process: freeze-drying and convective drying. The solvents dichloromethane showed the best yield ß-carotene and total carotenoids and the drying by freeze was most favorable. Ultrasound extraction was evaluated: relation mass/solvent, temperature, time and power extraction device. The better extraction condition for maximum yield of ß-carotene by ultrasound was 20 minutes, at a sample to solvent radio 1:70 (g mL-1), power 154 W and temperature 30°C. The results showed that ultrasound obtained it highest ß-carotene yield (693,16 µg 100 g-1) in 20 minutes only, while Soxhlet obtained low yield (494, 9 µg 100g-1) in 8h. For total carotenoids the Soxhlet extraction obtained a yield of 6693,4 µg 100 g-1, in the ultrasound obtained the better yield (9912,28 µg 100 g-1) in the power 92,4W. / Este trabalho reporta a extração de ß-caroteno e carotenoides totais em resíduo agroindustrial de polpa de goiaba por Soxhlet e ultrassom. Na técnica de Soxhlet foram avaliados os solventes: hexano, diclorometano e metano e os processos de secagem: liofilização e secagem convectiva. O solvente diclorometano apresentou melhor rendimento para a extração de ß-caroteno e carotenoides totais e a liofilização foi o processo de secagem mais favorável. A extração por ultrassom foi avaliada quanto a relação massa/solvente, temperatura, tempo e potência de extração. A melhor condição de extração de ß-caroteno em ultrassom foi 20 minutos, razão massa/solvente 1:70 (g mL-1), potência 123,2 W e temperatura 30°C. Os resultados mostraram que o ultrassom gerou o melhor rendimento (693,16 µg 100g-1) em 20 minutos, enquanto que a extração por Soxhlet alcançou um rendimento inferior (494,97 µg 100g-1) em 8 h. Para carotenoides totais a extração por Soxhlet apresentou um rendimento de 6693,4 µg 100g-1 e no ultrassom foi obtido um melhor rendimento (9912,28 µg 100g-1) com uma potência de 92,4 W.

Análise econômica da produção de ovinos em sistemas de seleção genética e vendas de cordeiros para abate

Santos, Elison Matos 30 July 2014 (has links)
When you verify the economic profitability and quantify the centers of costs of a productive activity you are developing an analysis of production costs. This analysis allows a clearer reading and a more accurate diagnosis of the actual economic situation of the property. The objective of this study was to verify the main costs of production, between two systems of sales of sheep. The systems were characterized in S1 - this occurred when the product was animals for sale of breeding; and S2 - when the product was the sale of lambs to the slaughter. All data were obtained according to costs and performance of activity during the period of 15 January 2013 to 15 January 2014, of a property in south-central Sergipe. For storage and interpretation of the data we used two software management of the agricultural Prodap GP® (2007) to assess the economic indicators and the MultOvinos® for analysis zootecnical indicares. Variable costs possessed greater representation on the operational costs, for both the S1 and S2 representing 86.7% and 85.5% respectively. The greater representation of variable costs, in both systems, was with the concentrated feed used in animal nutrition S1 59.7% and S2 58.5%. The forage represented 14.2% and the hand labor 8.7% in S1, while in S2 13.9% for the forage and 17.1% with hand labor. Already fixed costs represented 13.3% in S1 and 14.5% in S2, the greatest contribution of fixed cost comes from the cost of depreciation of assets S1 98.8% and S2 98.6 %. Revenue from the sale S1 was composed of a ruffian and breeding animals both males and females. Revenue from S2 was composed by selling lamb to the slaughter and disposal of animals. The S1 totaled a gross income of R$ 77,850.00 and S2 R$ 34,149.28. During the study period the two systems evaluated achieved gross margin (difference between gross income and effective operational cost) negative S1 R$ $-9,267.31 and S2 R$ -10,310.88, leading to a short decapitalisation term and showing be precise a rapid decision- making by the producer so he can continue in the activity. / Quando se busca verificar a rentabilidade econômica e quantificar os centros de gastos de uma atividade produtiva está se desenvolvendo uma análise de custos de produção. Esta análise permiti uma leitura mais clara e um diagnóstico mais preciso da real situação econômica da propriedade. Objetivou-se com esse estudo verificar os principais custos de produção em dois sistemas de comercialização de ovinos. Os sistemas foram caracterizados em S1 - quando o produto eram animais para comercialização de reprodutores; e S2 quando o produto era a comercialização de cordeiros para o abate. Foram obtidos todos os dados quanto as despesas e as receitas da atividade durante o período de 15 de janeiro de 2013 a 15 de janeiro de 2014 de uma propriedade no centro-sul sergipano. Para armazenamento e interpretação dos dados foi utilizado dois softwares de gerenciamento agropecuário, o PRODAP GP® (2007) para as análises econômicas e o MultOvinos® para avaliação dos indicadores zootécnicos. Os custos variáveis possuíram maior representação sobre o custo operacional, tanto do S1 como do S2 representando 86,7% e 85,5% respectivamente. A maior representatividade dos custos variáveis em ambos os sistemas foi com o alimento concentrado fornecido aos animais S1 59,7% e S2 58,5%. O volumoso representou 14,2% e a mão-de-obra 8,7% no S1, enquanto que no S2 13,9% para o alimento volumoso e 17,1% com mão-de-obra. Já os custos fixos representaram 13,3% no S1 e 14,5% no S2. Dos custos fixos, a maior contribuição provém dos custos com a depreciação dos bens S1 98,8% e S2 98,6%. A receita do S1 foi composta pela venda de um rufião e de animais reprodutores tanto machos como fêmeas. A receita do S2 foi composta pela venda de cordeiro para o abate e de animais de descarte. O S1 totalizou uma renda bruta de R$ 77.850,00 e o S2 de R$ 34.149,28. Durante o período estudado os dois sistemas avaliados obtiveram margem bruta (diferença entre a renda bruta e o custo operacional efetivo) negativa S1 R$-9.267,31 e S2 R$ -10.310,88, levando a uma descapitalização em curto prazo e mostrando ser preciso uma rápida tomada de decisão por parte do produtor para que ele possa continuar na atividade.

The competitiveness of the South African citrus industry in the face of the changing global health and environmental standards

Ndou, Portia January 2012 (has links)
In recent years, concern about food safety linked to health issues has seen a rise in private food safety standards in addition to the regulations set by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). These have presented challenges to producers and exporters of agricultural food products especially the producers of fresh fruits and vegetables. In spite of the food safety-linked challenges from the demand side, the vast range of business-environment forces pose equally formidable challenges that negatively impact on the exporting industries’ ability to maintain or improve their market shares and their ability to compete in world markets. The objective of this study was therefore to establish the competitiveness of the South African citrus industry in the international markets within this prevailing scenario. Due to the diversity of the definitions of competitiveness as a concept, this study formulated the following working definition: “the ability to create, deliver and maintain value and constant market share through strategic management of the industrial environment or competitiveness drivers”. This was based on the understanding that the international market shares of an industry are a function of forces in the business environment which range from intra-industry, external and national as well as the international elements. The unit of analysis were the citrus producers engaged in export of their products and the study made use of 151 responses by producers. The study adopted a five-step approach to the analysis of the performance of the South African citrus industry in the global markets, starting with the analysis of the Constant Market Share (CMS) of the South African citrus industry in various world markets, establishing the impact of the business environmental factors upon competitiveness, establishing the costs of compliance with private food safety standards, determining the non-price benefits of compliance with the standards, as well as highlighting the strategies for enhancing long-term competitiveness of the industry in the international markets. South Africa is one of the top three countries dominating the citrus fruit export market. Since its entry into the citrus fruit exports market in the 1900s, the industry has sustained its activity in the international market. The Constant Market Share Analysis shows that, amidst the challenges on the international market side, and the changes in the business environment, over much of which the industry has limited control and influence, the industry has maintained its competitive advantage in several markets. The CMS shows that South Africa’s lemons are competitive in America. Despite a negative trend, the South African grapefruit has been competitive in France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain. Oranges have been competitive in the Greece, Italy, Portugal, UK, Asian and Northern Europe markets. Competitiveness in these markets has been due to the inherent competitiveness of the industry. Competitiveness in such markets as the Middle East has been attributed to the relatively rapid growth of these markets. The South African citrus industry has similarly undergone many major processes of transformation. The business environmental factors influencing its performance have ranged reform to the challenges beyond the country’s borders. These factors directly and indirectly affect the performance of the industry in the export market. They have influenced the flow of fruits into different international destinations. Of major concern are the food safety and private standards. Challenges in traditional markets as well as opportunities presented by demand from newly emerging citrus consuming nations have seen a diversification in the marketing of the South African citrus. The intensity of competition in the global market is reflected by the fluctuations in the market shares in different markets as well as the increase and fluctuations of fruit rejection rates in some lucrative markets such as America. A combination of challenging national environmental forces and stringent demand conditions negatively impact on revenues especially from markets characterised by price competitiveness. This study identified cost of production, foreign market support systems, adaptability, worker skills, challenges of management in an international environment and government policies such as labour and trade policies as some of the most influential obstacles to competitiveness. Some of the most competiveness-enhancing factors were market availability, market size, market information, market growth and the availability of research institutions. However, compliance with private standards still poses a challenge to the exporters. The different performance levels of the industry in various markets prove the dissimilarity of the demand conditions in the global market. These are supported by the negative influence associated with the foreign market support regimes as well as the challenges associated with compliance with private food safety standards. While market availability, market growth, market information and size were identified as enhancing competitiveness, the fluctuations and inconsistencies in the competitiveness of the industry in different foreign markets require more than finding markets. Resource allocation by both the government and the industry may need to take into account the off-setting of the national challenges and support of farmers faced with distorted and unfair international playing fields. Otherwise, market availability is not a challenge for the industry save meeting the specifications therewith as well as price competitiveness which is unattainable for the South African citrus producers faced with high production costs. For the purposes of further study, it is recommended that account should be taken of all the products marketed by the industry (including processed products such as fruit juices) in order to have a whole picture of the competitiveness of the industry in the international market. This study also proffers a new theoretical framework for the analysis of the business environment for the citrus industry and other agro-businesses. This framework takes into account the indispensability of the food safety standards and measures as well as the diversity of the global consumer and the non-negotiability of food trade for the sustenance of the growing population.

Perceptions held by University of Limpopo agricultural students towards self- employment in agribusiness

Dlamini, Bheki Prince January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. Agricultural Management (Agricultural Extension)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / This study was aimed at analyzing the perception of students towards selfemployment in agribusiness. Primary data was collected at the University of Limpopo using questionnaires from five disciplines in the School of Agriculture and Environmental Science (SAES). The study population was final year undergraduate, stratified random sampling procedure was used to select seventy-one (71) respondents from the cluster of departments within SAES. Descriptive statistics such as frequency count, percentage and mean score on a Likert-type of scale and Chisquared test were used to address various objectives of the study. Results of the study indicated that most respondents were aged between 21-27 years old, a majority of them were doing a degree in animal production, most of the students were females, majority come from households with 4-6 family members, many come from rural areas, most of the students had no relatives owning a business, most of the respondents had no access to farming land, and about half of the respondents had no farming experience. Respondents had a positive perception towards self-employment in agribusiness with them agreeing on statements like farmers are notable people, entrepreneurship is effective in reducing unemployment, farming is sustainable and disagreeing with statements like farming is for poor people, profitability in farming is very low, that they prefer other degrading jobs than engaging in agriculture. The results also show that most of the students preferred starting facilitation and agency of agricultural insurance savings, followed by poultry enterprise and provision of extension consultancy services. The study also found that most of the motivator’s motivating respondents to pursue self-employment include that agricultural related enterprises are very lucrative, also that many South Africans have made a lot of fortunes from agriculture and that agriculture in South Africa has a lot of untapped potential. The barriers include that agriculture is a risky business enterprise in South Africa and that it is not easy to create self-employment in agribusiness. It was also found that perceived barriers and motivators were highly associated with the type of degree students were studying. The study recommended that the University of Limpopo curriculum must have a module dealing with agriculture venture creation related to the degree and be more practically based. The University of Limpopo also has to invite entrepreneur's guest lecture for their students and produce more research on how to promote youth participation in agriculture especially establishing agribusiness. Development of easily accessible ready-to-market and agricultural commodity distribution centers will inspire more young people to move into farming. First preference needs to be given to agriculture graduates when offering sponsorship, grants and agribusiness loans.

Analysing the relationship between government expenditure in agriculture, the value of agricultural production, and other selected variables in South Africa for the period 1983-2019

Ngobeni, Etian January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Agricultural production measures the performance and efficiency of a country’s agricultural sector. The state of agricultural production can be assessed through the value of agricultural production, which is a product of agricultural gross production and output prices in monetary terms. The study examines the relationship between the value of agricultural production, government spending on agriculture, and other selected variables. Annual data for the value of agricultural production, government expenditure in agriculture, consumer price index, average annual rainfall, food import value, and population from 1983 to 2019 were collected from different sources and were used in the analysis for this study. The Johansen cointegration test was used to determine the existence of a long-run relationship between the value of agricultural production and selected variables by using both the trace and eigenvalue tests. The results indicated that there is a long run relationship among the variables. The study further used the Granger causality test to check the causality between the value of agricultural production and government expenditure in agriculture. The results show that there is no causal effect between the two variables. Lastly, the study used a Vector autoregressive (VAR) model to determine the relationship between the value of agricultural production and selected variables. The results of the VAR model indicated that government expenditure on agriculture, average annual rainfall, food import value, and population positively affect the value of agricultural production. The study also found that the consumer price index negatively affects the value of agricultural production. The study recommends that the government increase its spending on the agricultural sector, which could be in the form of research investment in technologies such as climate-smart agricultural technologies. Additionally, the study recommends that policymakers should review the monetary policy of South Africa to ensure price stability and prevent inflation. Lastly, the study recommends that the South African government should discourage imports and encourage South African agricultural producers to produce more major imported food products.

Factors affecting agricultural production in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

Bihon Kassa Abrha 07 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the factors affecting agricultural production of farm households in the National Regional State of Tigray, Ethiopia. The major primary sources of data for the study were farm household surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The study revealed that the annual average crop production of respondents was found to be below the standard annual food requirement recommended by the international organizations. The proportion of irrigated land to total cultivated land was only 11per cent. The proportion of irrigated land in the two districts is lower than 11.27 per cent at the regional level. The utilization of chemical fertilizers for the majority of the respondents was below the recommended standard for the region. Although the farmers were interested in using improved seeds, the supplied varieties were not based on their preferences. Extension agents were mainly engaged in activities which were not related to their professions. The farm income model result showed that landholding size (p<0.0001), possession of oxen(p<0.0001), amount of fertilizer(p=0.010), improved seeds(p=0.002), irrigation(p=0.028), soil quality(p=0.019), village distance to the district market(p=0.066), average distance of plots from the homestead (p=0.023) and crop rotation(p=0.016) were determinant variables. Farmers were engaged in off-farm activities to fulfill the cash requirements in credit constrained conditions. The laws of the region do not allow farmers to be out of their localities for more than two years and the farmerswere restricted to renting out only half of their land. This discouraged farmers from off-farm participation for fear of land confiscation. In the Probit model, the determinant variables of off-farm participation were: irrigation (p=0.001), age (p=0.007), amount of money borrowed (p=0.078), village distance to the wereda market (p=0.055), fear of land confiscation (p=0.023) and access to electricity (p=0.044). It is recommended that if farmers are to use chemical fertilizers, they should be supplied with High Yielding Varieties (HYV)and enough water through access to irrigation. Furthermore, farmers should be allowed to have long term off-farm employment to augment the farming sector. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

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