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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in strengthening existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in South Africa

Malomane, Mmemogolo Aaron 18 October 2013 (has links)
The study was undertaken to establish the role that should be played by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to strengthen existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in South Africa to ensure that they are able to provide support services to member cooperatives. Ten existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in the Zululand district of the province of Kwazulu Natal took part in the study. The results indicate that although these cooperatives understand the services to provide, they lack capacity mainly due to lack of the necessary infrastructure, finance and skills. The study recommends that DAFF should recognise the significance of this tier of cooperatives and provide direct and focused support. DAFF should develop a Cooperative Development Strategy for the sector that clearly articulates how it is going to support this level of cooperatives. Among others DAFF should also provide initial infrastructure to these cooperatives and facilitate private-public-partnership initiatives. / Public Administration & Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)

Industrie et développement territorial : l’insertion des sociétés agro-industrielles dans le Delta et la Basse Vallée du fleuve Sénégal (rive gauche) / Industry and territory development : the insertion of agricultural societies in the Delta and the lower Valley of the Senegal River (left River)

Sy, Karalan 18 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’étudier l’insertion des agro-industries dans les territoires et surtoutleur contribution au développement local et régional. Nos recherches ont été effectuées dansle Delta et la basse vallée du fleuve Sénégal (région de Saint Louis du Sénégal). L’étude desentreprises (CSS, SOCAS et GDS) situées dans notre zone d’étude a mis en évidencecertains lieux stratégiques : le Delta et la basse Vallée (espace de production), la région deDakar et l’international comme espace d’approvisionnement et de commercialisation. Cesentreprises contribuent très peu au développement du Delta et de la basse Vallée. Le rôleprépondérant de Dakar au détriment de Saint Louis, les incohérences des politiquesfoncières et de développement régional ainsi que le contexte international et sous-régional(concurrence et fraude) sont autant de facteurs qui expliquent l’impact limité des agroindustriesdans notre zone étude. Notre étude révèle aussi que les prises de terrescristallisent particulièrement des tensions entre les agro-industries et les populations hôtes.D’où la nécessite pour les entreprises d’adopter la politique de RSE, mais aussi pour l’État,de réformer le foncier. La prise en compte des agro-industries dans les plans dedéveloppement local et régional est également une piste à explorer par les élus locaux. / This thesis aims to examine the integration of agricultural industries in the areas andspecifically assess then contribution to the local and regional development. Our research hascovered the Delta and the lower Valley of the Senegal River (the region of Saint Louis ofSenegal). The study of societies (CSS, SOCAS, GDS) located in this area has highlightedcertain strategic places: The Delta and the lower Valley (production area), the region ofDakar and the international market as supplying and marketing area. These societiescontribute very little to the development of the Delta and of the lower Valley. Among thefactors that account for the limited impact of these agricultural industries one can mention theparamount role played by Dakar to the detriment of Saint Louis, the inconsistencies of landand regional development policy as well as the regional an intercontinental context(competition, smuggling). This investigation has also revealed that the appropriation of landsparticularly causes time conflicting relations between agricultural societies and the localpopulations, hence the necessity for these companies to adopt the social responsibility ofcompany’s policy and to reform the land policy. The local councillors should also considertaking into account the agricultural companies in their local and regional development plan.

Factors affecting agricultural production in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

Bihon Kassa Abrha 07 1900 (has links)
This study investigates the factors affecting agricultural production of farm households in the National Regional State of Tigray, Ethiopia. The major primary sources of data for the study were farm household surveys, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The study revealed that the annual average crop production of respondents was found to be below the standard annual food requirement recommended by the international organizations. The proportion of irrigated land to total cultivated land was only 11per cent. The proportion of irrigated land in the two districts is lower than 11.27 per cent at the regional level. The utilization of chemical fertilizers for the majority of the respondents was below the recommended standard for the region. Although the farmers were interested in using improved seeds, the supplied varieties were not based on their preferences. Extension agents were mainly engaged in activities which were not related to their professions. The farm income model result showed that landholding size (p<0.0001), possession of oxen(p<0.0001), amount of fertilizer(p=0.010), improved seeds(p=0.002), irrigation(p=0.028), soil quality(p=0.019), village distance to the district market(p=0.066), average distance of plots from the homestead (p=0.023) and crop rotation(p=0.016) were determinant variables. Farmers were engaged in off-farm activities to fulfill the cash requirements in credit constrained conditions. The laws of the region do not allow farmers to be out of their localities for more than two years and the farmerswere restricted to renting out only half of their land. This discouraged farmers from off-farm participation for fear of land confiscation. In the Probit model, the determinant variables of off-farm participation were: irrigation (p=0.001), age (p=0.007), amount of money borrowed (p=0.078), village distance to the wereda market (p=0.055), fear of land confiscation (p=0.023) and access to electricity (p=0.044). It is recommended that if farmers are to use chemical fertilizers, they should be supplied with High Yielding Varieties (HYV)and enough water through access to irrigation. Furthermore, farmers should be allowed to have long term off-farm employment to augment the farming sector. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)

An appropriate conceptual supply chain management model in the Tanzanian agricultural sector : a case study of coffee in the Kagera Region

Bagonza, Jasson Bennett Benjamin 12 1900 (has links)
Tanzania’s good climatic condition of four agro-ecological zones and six farming system together with adequate good soils and water resources with reasonable rainfall patterns (except in semi-arid regions) are favourable for agricultural production. Despite this abundance of resources, Tanzania is still far from taping full potentials in crop production and productivity that could be attained if the existing agricultural resources were fully utilised. The agricultural sector has failed toraise the rural poor above the poverty line and has perpetuated the existing pervasive poverty among farming communities. These constraints facing the agricultural sector have contributed to low production and productivity of the agricultural sector. For several decades the agricultural sector has failed to fulfil its role as the “engine of economic growth”; as a result, the general picture of the Tanzania’s economy has remained untransformed and unreliable. Given the importance of agriculture as the mainstay of rural livelihoods, it must grow much faster to realise rural poverty reduction in Tanzania. In view of the above state of affairs, this study posed the following research questions: Are support activities and services in coffee production, processing and marketing significantly linked to allow application of Supply Chain Management (SCM)?; Do institutions responsible for coffee provide mandatory services to enable farmers undertake support activities and services in production, processing and marketing of this crop? Finally, are the coffee marketing support activities and services significantly integrated along the supply chain in order to enhance its marketing? Thus, the above underlined challenges and questions imply thatstagnation in agricultural development is a function of a multiplicity of soci-economic, technological and political factors. As a result, the call for improving the agricultural sector production and productivity needs a holistic approach, particularly the application of SCM. The above fact suggests that Tanzania should among others, find ways to increase agricultural production, productivity, promote agro-processing and expand markets for its agriproducts through a well co-coordinated system. The present study calls for a collaborative and integrative approach in the supply chain to plan and control the flow of value adding materials from the producers to the consumers. The objective of this study is to examine the application of the Conceptual Supply Chain Management Model (SCMM) in coffee support activities and services in the areas of production, processing and marketing in order to suggest an appropriate model that can improve production and productivity of the agricultural sector thereby enhancing the income of the rural poor and ultimately alleviating poverty and raising the standard of living of Tanzanians. Following the format prescribed by the University of South Africa, this thesis is organized into eight chapters. Also, it is structured in a coherent manner to bring the logic for the development of the conceptual framework for the coffee subsector in Kagera region. Chapter One provides the introduction and background information. It creates a base and sets a framework for the entire study. Chapter Two presents the literature review including both the theory and practice of SCM. It also presents the background and SCM development as well as the importance of integrating SCM in the agricultural sector in Kagera, Tanzania and the world at large. The objective of the chapter is to present an in-depth review of literature and show the gap so as to make justification for proposing a study on the application of the SCM in agriculture with reference to Coffee in Kagera Region. Chapter Three discusses the Model Development. It discusses the meaning and the type of conceptual models. Further more, it discusses the reasons for and the advantage of applying the conceptual models. Finally, it highlights the rationale for selecting a particular criterion for evaluating the conceptual models. Chapter Four presents research methodology including identification of the definition of research and different research methods and their respective instruments for undertaking this study. It presents the theoretical and research process, showing the types of research methods and research designs. It also presents in detail, sampling, sampling techniques and data collection techniques. Finally, the chapter highlights how the collected data have been organised, analysed and presented. Chapter Five is about research findings. It covers the outcome of the exercise set by Chapter Four. It presents descriptive and empirical information of basic agricultural support activities along the supply chain from production through consumption. It involves the analysis of the production, processing and marketing support activities to examine their influence on the production and productivity of coffee in Kagera Region. Chapter Six entails synthesis analysis and results. This is an amalgamation of the research findings as well as synthesis, descriptive and empirical analysis of those findings. Thus, the chapter is about the analysis of coffee production, processing and marketing support activities and services in Kagera Region. Chapter Seven describes the contribution to knowledge which shows the existing conceptual SCMM for coffee in Kagera. The Chapter presents the appropriate conceptual model which adopts planning of many components in the coffee supply chain such as suppliers, materials, resources, warehouses, transporters and customers. The Model has been developed and proposed for application in Kagera Region in order to address the shortcomings addressed in the analysis made in the existing model as indicated in Chapter Six. Chapter Eight presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations. In this chapter, the study concludes that coffee marketing support activities and services in Kagera are not significantly linked to production and processing in order to allow the application of SCM principles. Furthermore, it shows that coffee management institutions such as private coffee traders, cooperative unions, government regional and district agricultural offices and other stakeholders do not provide all mandatory services to enable coffee production, processing and marketing support activities and services. According to this study, marketing support services are not significantly integrated in the coffee supply chain that will enhance its marketing. Given this reality, this study proposes the adoption of the appropriate conceptual SCMM. The Coffee SCMM has been developed to coordinate key players and processes in coffee SCM for the integrated framework. The proposed model has been successfully implemented in many successful management systems. The conceptual model for Kagera integrates various participants involved in the entire coffee supply chain including coffee producers, processors and exporters. The Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) is proposed to be the overall coordinator of the entire coffee supply chain. In addition, it proposes an information exchange procedure among players (feedback) initiated by consumers. For further studies, the study recommends three major blocks of studies such as support activities and services in the areas of SCM in coffee production, processing and marketing. Finally, the study proposes these three major areas to be individually and deeply studied. / Business Management / D.B.L.

Modelo de referência para processo de exportação de produtos alimentícios para União Europeia / Reference Model for Food Exports to Europe

Franzosi, Lígia de Oliveira 21 November 2016 (has links)
Muitos estudos ressaltam a importância do crescimento do comércio mundial para incentivo no avanço econômico das nações e como motivador da globalização. A exportação é uma das melhores formas de uma empresa alavancar seu crescimento, sendo que um dos setores que mais se destaca nas exportações é o da agroindústria. Entretanto, as empresas que exportam com mais facilidade são as de grande porte, pois tem suporte e conhecimento dos procedimentos envolvidos. As empresas de pequeno porte apresentam dificuldades em função do alto custo envolvido, da falta de capacitação e domínio dos procedimentos envolvidos, em especial quando enfrentam países exigentes, os quais são os potenciais compradores. Os países da União Europeia estão entre os maiores importadores de produtos alimentícios do Brasil, porém, são os que possuem as maiores exigências na importação de produtos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um modelo de referência que considere as exigências técnicas e normativas da União Europeia para auxiliar a pequena indústria no processo de exportação de alimentos. Para isso é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre internacionalização das empresas, exigências do processo de exportação e dificuldades encontradas durante o processo de exportação. Em seguida, uma pesquisa de campo é apresentada, visando identificar as dificuldades encontradas pelas indústrias de alimentos durante o processo de exportaçã. Também são analisados alguns dos principais modelos existentes para suportar o processo de exportação, os quais são analisados e comparados, visando obter as melhores práticas de cada um deles, em função das exigências europeia. Com a coleta previamente realizada, elabora-se um modelo para suportar um processo completo de exportação, desde o atendimento às exigências nacionais, até às exigências internacionais em vários âmbitos. O modelo é submetido a avaliação de seu conceito por meio de especialistas que oferecem sugestões de melhorias para que o modelo apresente melhor desempenho em campo industrial. / Many studies highlight the importance of growth in world trade for encouraging the economic advancement of nations as a globalization motivator. Export is one of the best ways for a company to leverage its growth, and one of the sectors that most stands out in exports is the agrobusiness. However, companies that export more easily are the large ones, it has support and knowledge of the procedures involved. The small companies have difficulties due to the high cost involved, the lack of training and mastery of the procedures involved, particularly when faced with demanding countries, which are potential buyers. The European Union countries are among the largest importers of food products from Brazil, however, it is those with the highest demands on import products. Therefore the objective of this study is to develop a reference model that considers the technical and regulatory requirements in Europe to help small industry in food export process. For this is presented a review of internationalization of companies, requirements of the export process and difficulties encountered during the export process. Then, a field research is presented in order to identify the difficulties found by the food industry during the export process. It also examines some of the main existing models to support the export process, which are analyzed and compared in order to obtain the best practices of each of them, according to the European requirements. With the collection previously held, draws up a model to support a complete export process, from compliance with national requirements, to the international requirements in various areas. The model is subjected to evaluation of their concept by experts who offer suggestions for improvements to the model presents better performance in the industrial field.

Modelo de referência para processo de exportação de produtos alimentícios para União Europeia / Reference Model for Food Exports to Europe

Franzosi, Lígia de Oliveira 21 November 2016 (has links)
Muitos estudos ressaltam a importância do crescimento do comércio mundial para incentivo no avanço econômico das nações e como motivador da globalização. A exportação é uma das melhores formas de uma empresa alavancar seu crescimento, sendo que um dos setores que mais se destaca nas exportações é o da agroindústria. Entretanto, as empresas que exportam com mais facilidade são as de grande porte, pois tem suporte e conhecimento dos procedimentos envolvidos. As empresas de pequeno porte apresentam dificuldades em função do alto custo envolvido, da falta de capacitação e domínio dos procedimentos envolvidos, em especial quando enfrentam países exigentes, os quais são os potenciais compradores. Os países da União Europeia estão entre os maiores importadores de produtos alimentícios do Brasil, porém, são os que possuem as maiores exigências na importação de produtos. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um modelo de referência que considere as exigências técnicas e normativas da União Europeia para auxiliar a pequena indústria no processo de exportação de alimentos. Para isso é apresentada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre internacionalização das empresas, exigências do processo de exportação e dificuldades encontradas durante o processo de exportação. Em seguida, uma pesquisa de campo é apresentada, visando identificar as dificuldades encontradas pelas indústrias de alimentos durante o processo de exportaçã. Também são analisados alguns dos principais modelos existentes para suportar o processo de exportação, os quais são analisados e comparados, visando obter as melhores práticas de cada um deles, em função das exigências europeia. Com a coleta previamente realizada, elabora-se um modelo para suportar um processo completo de exportação, desde o atendimento às exigências nacionais, até às exigências internacionais em vários âmbitos. O modelo é submetido a avaliação de seu conceito por meio de especialistas que oferecem sugestões de melhorias para que o modelo apresente melhor desempenho em campo industrial. / Many studies highlight the importance of growth in world trade for encouraging the economic advancement of nations as a globalization motivator. Export is one of the best ways for a company to leverage its growth, and one of the sectors that most stands out in exports is the agrobusiness. However, companies that export more easily are the large ones, it has support and knowledge of the procedures involved. The small companies have difficulties due to the high cost involved, the lack of training and mastery of the procedures involved, particularly when faced with demanding countries, which are potential buyers. The European Union countries are among the largest importers of food products from Brazil, however, it is those with the highest demands on import products. Therefore the objective of this study is to develop a reference model that considers the technical and regulatory requirements in Europe to help small industry in food export process. For this is presented a review of internationalization of companies, requirements of the export process and difficulties encountered during the export process. Then, a field research is presented in order to identify the difficulties found by the food industry during the export process. It also examines some of the main existing models to support the export process, which are analyzed and compared in order to obtain the best practices of each of them, according to the European requirements. With the collection previously held, draws up a model to support a complete export process, from compliance with national requirements, to the international requirements in various areas. The model is subjected to evaluation of their concept by experts who offer suggestions for improvements to the model presents better performance in the industrial field.

Território do agronegócio : expansão dos monocultivos do eucalipto e da produção de celulose na Bahia

Oliveira, Jacson Tavares de 01 September 2014 (has links)
The expansion ofagribusiness eucalyptus in Bahia, result of global movement of reproduction of the capitaltowards to territories that are favorable to high biomass productivity,did not realize the promises of regional development and generation of employment and income,on the contrary, intensified even more conflict in capital x working in field.The implementation of the neoliberal project in the country and the economic opening were crucial for the entry of large multinational pulp and paper in Bahia,including the implementation of financial and technological alliances between competitors in the world market,but in national territory, came together to strengthen the power of competition in the global market.Under the unconditional support of the State in its different extracts government, companies materialize their projects installation of pulp mills in Camaçari, Mucuri and Eunapoliswith the formation of extensive eucalyptus plantations in the Northeast and South Baianos, becoming the largest landowners in Bahia.This thesis could be proved by reducing the number of jobs in the field and in the factories,by increased land concentration by reducing the available territory for peasant reproduction, as well as the percentage decrease social contribution of companies in the period 2005-2012. The companies benefit both through public funding and tax exemption mechanisms,as the flexible labor laws and simplification of environmental licensing.This process feeds the socio-territorial movements, notably the Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST),and reveals the existence of a field in conflict analyzed in territories (Bahia Specialty Cellulose, Suzano Papel e Celulose e Veracel Celulose).The encampments and settlements surveyed in the territory Veracel portray the peasant resistance against agribusiness eucalyptus in the historical struggle for territorial,as conflict resultingfrom universal dialectical interaction between capitalXworking. This thesis shares the historical and dialectical materialism as a method of interpreting reality and recognize the territory as a product of power relations,not only within the State and dominant groups, but especially, within the dominated groups, responsible for the production of wealth andable to act as a class and build new life references andof social organization beyond the logic of capital and their presuppositions. / A expansão do agronegócio do eucalipto na Bahia, fruto do movimento global de reprodução do capital em direção aos territórios que apresentam condições favoráveis à elevada produtividade de biomassa, não realizou as promessas de desenvolvimento regional e de geração de emprego e renda, ao contrário, acirrou ainda mais o conflito capital x trabalho no campo. A implantação do projeto neoliberal no país e a abertura econômica foram cruciais para a entrada das grandes empresas multinacionais de papel e celulose na Bahia, inclusive com a implementação de alianças financeiras e tecnológicas entre empresas concorrentes no mercado mundial, mas que, em território nacional, se uniram para fortalecer o poder de concorrência no mercado global. Sob o apoio incondicional do Estado em seus diferentes extratos de governo, as empresas concretizaram seus projetos de instalação de fábricas de celulose em Camaçari, Mucuri e Eunápolis, com a formação de extensos plantios de eucalipto no Nordeste e Sul Baianos, tornando-se as maiores proprietárias de terras na Bahia. Essa tese pôde ser comprovada pela redução do número de postos de trabalho no campo e nas fábricas, pelo aumento da concentração fundiária, pela redução do território disponível para a reprodução camponesa, assim como a retração do valor percentual da contribuição social das empresas no período de 2005 a 2012. As empresas são beneficiadas tanto pela via do financiamento público e mecanismos de isenção fiscal, quanto pela flexibilização das leis trabalhistas e simplificação do licenciamento ambiental. Tal processo alimenta os movimentos socioterritoriais, notadamente o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra (MST), e revela a existência de um campo em conflito nos territórios analisados (Bahia Specialty Cellulose, Suzano Papel e Celulose e Veracel Celulose). Os acampamentos e assentamentos pesquisados no território da Veracel retratam a resistência camponesa contra o agronegócio do eucalipto no embate histórico pela territorialização, como conflito resultante da interação dialética universal entre capital x trabalho. A presente tese compartilha o materialismo histórico e dialético como método de interpretação da realidade e reconhece o território como produto de relações de poder, não apenas no âmbito do Estado e dos grupos dominadores, mas, sobretudo, no âmbito dos grupos dominados, responsáveis pela produção da riqueza e capazes de agir como classe e construir novos referenciais de vida e de organização social para além da lógica do capital e de seus pressupostos.

O território camponês sob o enfoque de gênero: a divisão sexual do trabalho e a agroecologia

Santos, Laiany Rose Souza 05 July 2013 (has links)
La mediación de la relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza es a través del trabajo. El trabajo transforma el ser humano, el cuerpo y las relaciones con otros seres humanos. La división sexual del trabajo surge con la sociabilidad del trabajo y la división sexual del trabajo se expresa a la relación de poder. Nuestra hipótesis inicial era que la división sexual del trabajo en el asentamiento, fue poco a poco permitiendo que las mujeres a desarrollar una conciencia crítica emancipadora ante la realidad material a la que están presentadas. Este estudio fue construido desde la perspectiva del materialismo dialéctico e histórico en vista de que el conocimiento se basa en la esencia de las relaciones. A partir de este método tiene como objetivo discutir el trabajo de la mujer, que hace referencia al conjunto de la sociedad como un proceso histórico, por lo tanto, sujetos a cambios. Utiliza el concepto de territorio, categoría geografía, con el fin de entender la forma de establecer las relaciones de poder. El Proyecto de Acuerdo 13 de mayo se encuentra en el municipio de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, es el fruto de la lucha por la tierra en manos de campesinas y campesinos, sin tierra debido a la concentración de tierras, presenta las características, valores y acciones opuestas a lo que clase dominante impone como estándar. En este poblado hay un grupo de mujeres que trabajan con la agroecología ya través de este modelo de producción se manifiesta su expresión sociopolítica. El trabajo de estas mujeres no sólo produce alimentos, pero dignifica su vida, porque se sienten realizadas con los frutos de su trabajo. Frente a la comprensión de que el movimiento es en espiral, se cree que las campesinas y campesinos siempre crean nuevas formas y alternativas, la construcción de nuevas vías para el desarrollo del territorio. En PA 13 de mayo a través de la producción agroecológica ve una posible solución que pueda garantizar mejores condiciones para la familia. / A mediação da relação entre o ser humano e a natureza ocorre por meio do trabalho. O trabalho transforma o ser humano, tanto o corpo quanto nas relações com outros seres humanos. A divisão sexual do trabalho surge com a sociabilidade do trabalho e na divisão sexual do trabalho se expressa à relação de poder. Nossa hipótese inicial foi de que a divisão sexual do trabalho no assentamento, gradativamente foi permitindo à mulher a construção de uma consciência crítica emancipatória diante da realidade material a qual está submetida. Este estudo foi construído na perspectiva do materialismo histórico e dialético tendo em vista que o conhecimento esteja pautado na essência das relações. A partir desse método visa discutir o trabalho feminino, referenciando a totalidade da sociedade como processo histórico, portanto, passível de transformações. Utiliza-se do conceito de território, categoria da geografia, a fim de entender como se estabelecem as relações de poder. O Projeto de Assentamento 13 de Maio, localizado no município de Japaratuba, estado de Sergipe, é fruto do processo de luta pela terra realizada por camponesas e camponeses sem terra por causa da concentração fundiária brasileira, apresenta características, valores e ações opostos ao que a classe dominante impõe enquanto padrão. Nesse assentamento há um grupo de mulheres que trabalha com a agroecologia e através deste modelo de produção manifesta sua expressão sociopolítica. O trabalho dessas mulheres produz não só alimento, mas dignifica sua vida, pois se sentem realizadas com os frutos do seu trabalho. Diante de uma compreensão que o movimento é espiral, acredita-se que as camponesas e camponeses criam sempre novas formas e alternativas, construindo novos caminhos para o desenvolvimento do território. No PA 13 de Maio através da produção agroecológica vê-se uma saída possível que pode assegurar melhores condições para a família.

The role of the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in strengthening existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in South Africa

Malomane, Mmemogolo Aaron 06 1900 (has links)
The study was undertaken to establish the role that should be played by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) to strengthen existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in South Africa to ensure that they are able to provide support services to member cooperatives. Ten existing second-tier agricultural cooperatives in the Zululand district of the province of Kwazulu Natal took part in the study. The results indicate that although these cooperatives understand the services to provide, they lack capacity mainly due to lack of the necessary infrastructure, finance and skills. The study recommends that DAFF should recognise the significance of this tier of cooperatives and provide direct and focused support. DAFF should develop a Cooperative Development Strategy for the sector that clearly articulates how it is going to support this level of cooperatives. Among others DAFF should also provide initial infrastructure to these cooperatives and facilitate private-public-partnership initiatives. / Public Administration and Management / M. Tech. (Public Management)

A Critical Medical Anthropology Approach to Advocating for Social Justice and Policy Change in Pesticide Use and Practice to Reduce Health Risks Among Hispanic/Latinos in Central California

Romero, Mariel Sintora 08 1900 (has links)
This mixed methods research was conducted in the fall of 2014 to understand the perceptions and experiences of health risks and health outcomes due to pesticide exposure among community members (n=13) - concerned community members, agriculture workers and teachers- that live in the Central California agriculture counties of Monterey, Santa Cruz, Tulare, Fresno and Madera. This research explored: 1) The crops growing in participants’ communities, and how exposure to pesticides used in these crops pose potential health risks to participants and their communities 2) How pesticide exposure is impacting Hispanic/Latino communities in Central California, particularly those that are most vulnerable including school children, agriculture workers, and community members 3) The major public health concerns of impacted communities 4) Feelings of empowered to advocate for community health and environment and 5) What impacted communities wish to see on behalf of government and agribusiness to protect public health from pesticide exposure and toxins.

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