Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iir quality."" "subject:"rair quality.""
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Building a Multivariable Linear Regression Model of On-road Traffic for Creation of High Resolution Emission InventoriesPowell, James Eckhardt 27 January 2017 (has links)
Emissions inventories are an important tool, often built by governments, and used to manage emissions. To build an inventory of urban CO2 emissions and other fossil fuel combustion products in the urban atmosphere, an inventory of on-road traffic is required. In particular, a high resolution inventory is necessary to capture the local characteristics of transport emissions. These emissions vary widely due to the local nature of the fleet, fuel, and roads.
Here we show a new model of ADT for the Portland, OR metropolitan region. The backbone is traffic counter recordings made by the Portland Bureau of Transportation at 7,767 sites over 21 years (1986-2006), augmented with PORTAL (The Portland Regional Transportation Archive Listing) freeway traffic count data. We constructed a regression model to fill in traffic network gaps using GIS data such as road class and population density. An EPA-supplied emissions factor was used to estimate transportation CO2 emissions, which is compared to several other estimates for the city's CO2 footprint.
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Incidence de la chimie hétérogène des oxydes d'azote sur la qualité des atmosphères intérieures : impacts des nanoparticules de TiO2 dans les peintures / The impact of photocatalytic paints on indoor NOx and HONO levelsGandolfo, Adrien 16 October 2018 (has links)
Pour répondre aux aspects essentiels du développement durable, les nouvelles constructions doivent réduire leur consommation énergétique. Cela se traduit par une meilleure isolation des bâtiments mais aussi par une maitrise et un control du renouvellement de l'air par ventilation mécanique contrôlée. De telles actions participent à l’augmentation des concentrations de polluants en intérieur pouvant avoir des conséquences sanitaires importantes. La technique de dépollution passive de l’air reposant sur des processus photocatalytiques est une solution intéressante pour répondre à cette problématique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’optimiser une peinture pour application intérieure contenant des nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) afin de réduire les concentrations de polluants gazeux comme de dioxyde d’azote (NO2) tout en limitant la formation de contaminants tel que l’acide nitreux (HONO). Dans cette optique, durant cette thèse, différents jeux de peintures (photocatalytiques et de référence) ont été étudiés dans des conditions simulées de laboratoire et dans un environnement réel. Les expériences en laboratoire ont montré une efficacité d’élimination du NO2 jusqu’à 4 fois plus importante sur une peinture photocatalytique que sur une peinture standard. Cette étude met également en évidence la formation hétérogène d’acide nitreux pendant la réaction photocatalysée du NO2. Les rendements de formation de HONO sont compris entre 4 et 20 % du NO2 consommé. Lors d’une étude à échelle 1, dans une pièce modèle, des concentrations significatives de HONO ont été mesurées. Ces observations mettent à jour des mécanismes encore non élucidés de formation de cette espèce en air / In order to improve building energy consumption, new constructions reduce air exchange rate by including better insulation and adding controlled ventilation. However, this energetic advantage participates in increasing the concentration of indoor pollutants and can be the cause of adverse effects on the occupants’ health. A possible solution to this issue is to use the photocatalysis principle/theory as an innovating technique for air remediation. The aim of this study is to optimize photocatalytic materials containing titanium dioxide (TiO2) in order to reduce the concentrations of indoor air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2) without the generation of emerging contaminants such as nitrous acid HONO. Over the course of this Ph.D., effects of different photocatalytic paints, tested under simulated and real conditions were studied. Laboratory experiments showed an effective elimination of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) up to 4 times higher with a photocatalytic paint than with a standard paint, the most important parameters influencing NO2 elimination being nanoTiO2 quantity built-in the paint, light intensity, and temperature. This study also highlights the heterogeneous formation of nitrous acid (HONO) during the photocatalysis of NO2, reactivity yields range from 4 % to 20 % of used NO2. During a scale one study in a model room, a significant concentration of HONO was measured. Those observations reveal yet not fully elucidated mechanisms for the indoor formation of this compound
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Etude Expérimentale de la décharge couronne pour le traitement de l'air intérieur : COV et particules / Experimental study of the corona discharge for indoor air treatment : VOC and particlesChen, Longwen 13 December 2018 (has links)
La qualité de l'air intérieur est devenue une préoccupation de santé publique du fait notamment de l'augmentation du temps passé dans les environnements intérieurs et les espaces clos. L'objectif de ce travail est de développer des procédés mettant en œuvre la décharge couronne afin de traiter les polluants gazeux chimiques et particulaires dans l'air intérieur. Le premier volet du travail concerne la dégradation des polluants gazeux chimiques présents en très faibles concentrations dans l’air intérieur. Le couplage d’une décharge couronne et d’un catalyseur est mis en œuvre pour dégrader du toluène dans des conditions représentatives de l’air intérieur. Cette étude démontre la très bonne efficacité de la décharge couronne vis-à-vis du toluène avec de faibles densités d’énergie. Elle identifie les conditions opératoires optimales et propose des mécanismes réactionnels suite à l’identification des principaux produits de réaction. Cependant, le plasma génère des espèces indésirables comme l'ozone et les oxydes d'azote qui doivent impérativement être détruits. Nous avons choisi d'adjoindre à la décharge couronne un catalyseur à base d'oxydes de métaux de transition (MnOx/Al2O3). Différents catalyseurs sont synthétisés puis modifiés par greffage d’agents modifiants. Leur efficacité vis-à-vis de l’ozone et des NOx est quantifiée en présence de différentes teneurs en vapeur d’eau. Le deuxième volet concerne la collecte des particules par filtration électrostatique. Trois procédés sont étudiés ; ils associent un étage d’ionisation et un étage de collecte. L’ionisation est assurée soit par un électrofiltre fil-plaque soit par des aiguilles portées à un potentiel de quelques kilovolts. L’efficacité de collecte est mesurée dans la gamme de 10 nm à 20 µm en fonction de différents paramètres opératoires (tension, polarité, vitesse, paramètres géométriques, concentration en particules, humidité, etc.). Les aiguilles ont une efficacité légèrement inférieure à celle de l’électrofiltre mais présentent une très faible production de l'ozone et une consommation énergétique moindre. L’étude paramétrique permet de dimensionner, d'optimiser la géométrie du procédé et de définir les meilleures conditions de fonctionnement / Indoor air quality has become a public health issue because of the increased time spent in indoor environments and confined spaces. The goal of this work is to develop processes using corona discharge to treat chemical gaseous and particulate pollutants in indoor air. The first part of the work concerns the degradation of chemical gaseous pollutants present in very low concentrations in indoor air. The coupling of a corona discharge and a catalyst is implemented to degrade toluene under conditions representative of the indoor air. Tests were carried out under a range of operating and environmental conditions. This study demonstrates the very good efficiency of the corona discharge for toluene with very low specific density. Optimal operating conditions are identified and reaction mechanisms are proposed following the identification of the main reaction products. However, the generations of by-products, ozone and NOx, which can be hazardous compounds, have to be taken into account. The combination of corona discharge with catalysis seems as a promising way to ensure the suitability and the safety of non-thermal plasma as an indoor air cleaner. Different catalysts based on transition metal oxides (MnOx/Al2O3) are synthesized and then modified by grafting modifying agents. Their efficiency for ozone and NOx elimination is quantified in the presence of different water vapor contents. The second part concerns the particle collection by electrostatic precipitation. Three processes are studied; they combine an ionization stage and a collection stage. The ionization is ensured either by a wire-plate electrostatic precipitator (ESP) or by needles brought to a potential of a few kilovolts. The collection efficiency is measured in the range of 10 nm to 20 μm according to different operating parameters (voltage, polarity, velocity, geometrical parameters, particle concentration, humidity, etc.). The needles have a slightly lower efficiency than the ESP but present a very low production of ozone and a lower energy consumption. The parametric study makes it possible to dimension, to optimize the geometry of the process and to define the best operating conditions
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Identification and characterisation of physicochemical processes controlling indoor concentrations of submicron aerosols and volatile organic compounds / Identification et caractérisation des processus physicochimiques contrôlant les concentrations en particules submicroniques et composés organiques volatils en air intérieurStratigou, Evdokia 04 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse développe les connaissances scientifiques sur l’origine et le comportement des polluants intérieurs en phases gazeuse et particulaire. Une description complète des processus physiques contrôlant les concentrations de polluants en air intérieur dans une pièce inoccupée et non meublée a été réalisée. En utilisant des paramètres bien quantifiés (taux de renouvellement d’air, facteur de pénétration et vitesse de dépôt), nous avons pu appliquer un modèle de bilan massique aux particules. Les résultats ont montré que, en l’absence significative de sources intérieures, une caractérisation fine des paramètres ci-dessus permettait de décrire de manière satisfaisante les concentrations intérieures en PM2.5 et PM10 à partir des données extérieures, tandis que les PM1 montrent une variabilité significativement plus marquée due aux transformations physicochimiques. Par la suite, les composés organiques volatils (COV) et la composition chimique des particules submicroniques ont été mesurés en temps réel lors d’une campagne intensive. Un enrichissement important des concentrations en COV a été observé lorsque l’air ambiant pénètre à l’intérieur du bâtiment, en particulier pour les COV oxygénés qui présentent une dépendance significative avec l’humidité relative, tandis que pour les particules les changements observés dépendent de leur composition chimique et de leur diamètre, montrant une diminution de 20% pour les PM1 à 86% pour les plus grosses particules (>5 μm). L’excès d’ammonium observé dans les deux environnements a permis de déconvoluer les nitrates organiques des inorganiques, ceux-ci présentant une dépendance plus forte avec la température, révélant une décomposition thermique plus importante en air intérieur. En résumé, l’environnement intérieur agit principalement comme une source d’émissions continues de COV, alors qu’une tendance inverse est observé pour les particules, du fait de transformations possibles pouvant se produire même dans les conditions les plus simples, sans occupant ni mobilier. / This thesis improves the scientific knowledge on the origin, behavior and fate of gas and particle-phase pollutants indoors under unoccupied unfurnished conditions. A first campaign provided a complete description of the physical processes controlling the indoor concentrations. Using well quantified parameters (air exchange rate, penetration factor and deposition rate), a mass balance model provided insights for the particle budget closure. The results showed that when indoor sources are not significant, a careful characterization of the abovementioned parameters allows to estimate PM2.5 and PM10 in a satisfying manner from outdoor data. However the PM1 fraction shows a significantly higher variability due to physicochemical transformations. Subsequently, a second intensive campaign was performed to investigate volatile organic compounds (VOC) and PM1 chemical composition in real time. A strong increase in VOC concentrations was observed when outdoor air penetrates indoors, especially oxygenated VOC which exhibited a significant dependence on relative humidity, while the changes observed for particles once indoors depend on their chemical composition and diameter, showing a decrease from 20% for submicron particles up to, 86% for large ones (>5. µm). The investigation of ammonium neutralization revealed an excess of ammonium indoors and outdoors, which is attributed to organic- in addition to inorganic-bonded ammonium nitrate. The latter showed a stronger dependency on temperature gradient from outdoors to indoors, revealing stronger thermal decomposition once indoors. In summary, the indoor environment acts mainly as a continuous emission source of VOCs, while the opposite trend is observed the particles due to possible transformations that can occur even under the simplest conditions, with no occupants and no furnishing.
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A Mobile Platform for Measuring Air Pollution in Cities using Gas SensorsMölder, Mikael January 2018 (has links)
Although air pollution is one of the largest threats to human health, the data available to the public is often sparse and not very accurate nor updated. For example, there exists only about 5-10 air quality measuring points across the city of Stockholm. This means that the available data is good in close proximity of the sensing equipment but can differentiate much only a couple of blocks away. In order for individuals to receive up to date information around a larger city, stationary measurements are not sufficient enough to get a clear picture of how the current state of the air quality stands. Instead, other methods of collecting this data is needed, for instance by making the measurements mobile. GOEASY is a project financed by the European Commission where Galileo, Europe’s new navigational service, is used to enable more location-based service applications. As part of the GOEASY project is the evaluation of the potential of collaborative applications where users are engaged to help individuals affected by breathing-related diseases such as asthma. This thesis presents the choice of architecture and the implementation of a mobile platform serving this purpose. Using sensors mounted on a range of objects real time air quality data is collected and made available. The result is a mobile platform and connected Android application which by utilizing air quality sensors, reports pollution measurements together with positional coordinates to a central server. Thanks to the features of the underlying systems used, this provides a platform which is accurate and more resilient to exploits compared to traditional location-based services available today. The result allows individuals with respiratory conditions to receive much more accurate and up to date information in a larger resolution. It also serves the purpose of demonstrating the potential of the supporting technology as part of the GOEASY project. / Trots att föroreningar i luften är bland de största hoten mot mänsklig hälsa är den information som finns tillgänglig för allmänheten ofta både gles och inte tillräckligt noggrann eller uppdaterad. Till exempel finns det i hela Storstockholm endast mellan 5–10 luftkvalitetstationer som mäter föroreningar. Detta innebär att den data som finns tillgänglig är bra i närheten av mätutrustningen men kan skilja sig mycket enbart ett par kvarter bort. För att öka mängden information som är tillgänglig till allmänheten räcker inte längre enbart de stationära lösningarna som finns idag för att visa hur de rådande halterna av föroreningar står sig. Andra metoder måste införas, exempelvis genom att nyttja mobila mätningar från en plattform som kan röra sig fritt. GOEASY är ett projekt finansierat av den Europeiska Kommissionen, där Galileo, Europas nya navigationssystem används för att tillåta fler platsbaserade tjänster att äntra marknaden. Som en del av GOEASY projektet ingår evalueringen av potentialen i en applikation där användare samlar in data för att hjälpa individer med andningssvårigheter som astma. Denna avhandling presenterar valen till arkitekturen samt implementationen av en mobil plattform som en del av GOEASY. Lösningen använder sig av mobila luftkvalitetsensorer som kan monteras på en rad olika objekt som samlar data i realtid som görs tillgänglig för allmänheten. Resultatet är en mobil plattform och tillhörande Android applikation som med hjälp av luftkvalitetsensorer rapporterar halten av olika skadliga föroreningar tillsammans med platsinformation till en central server. Tack vare egenskaperna av de underliggande systemen som används, skapas en plattform som är mycket mer precis när det gäller positionering jämfört med liknande system som finns tillgängligt. Det resulterande systemet gör det möjligt för individer med andningssvårigheter att få tillgång till noggrannare samt mer uppdaterad information i större utsträckning än vad som för närvarande är tillgängligt. Systemet fyller även syftet med att demonstrera potentialen i den bakomliggande teknologin som en del av GOEASY.
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Impact of residential wood combustion on urban air qualityKrecl, Patricia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Wood combustion is mainly used in cold regions as a primary or supplemental space heating source in residential areas. In several industrialized countries, there is a renewed interest in residential wood combustion (RWC) as an alternative to fossil fuel and nuclear power consumption. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the impact of RWC on the air quality in urban areas. To this end, a field campaign was conducted in Northern Sweden during wintertime to characterize atmospheric aerosol particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and to determine their source apportionment.</p><p>A large day-to-day and hour-to-hour variability in aerosol concentrations was observed during the intensive field campaign. On average, total carbon contributed a substantial fraction of PM10 mass concentrations (46%) and aerosol particles were mostly in the fine fraction (PM1 accounted for 76% of PM10). Evening aerosol concentrations were significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays which could be associated to the use of wood burning for recreational purposes or higher space heat demand when inhabitants spend longer time at home. It has been shown that continuous aerosol particle number size distribution measurements successfully provided source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol with high temporal resolution. The first compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) of atmospheric PAH demonstrated its potential to provide quantitative information on the RWC contribution to individual PAH. RWC accounted for a large fraction of particle number concentrations in the size range 25-606 nm (44-57%), PM10 (36-82%), PM1 (31-83%), light-absorbing carbon (40-76%) and individual PAH (71-87%) mass concentrations.</p><p>These studies have demonstrated that the impact of RWC on air quality in an urban location can be very important and largely exceed the contribution of vehicle emissions during winter, particularly under very stable atmospheric conditions.</p>
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Study of New England utilities' particulate air pollution control facilities to determine relative viability of approaches to upgrade and retrofitMelcher, James R., Zieve, Peter Brian 11 1900 (has links)
Sponsored by Boston Edison Company, New England Power Service Company, Northeast Utilities Service Company under M.I.T. Energy Laboratory Electric Utility Program.
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Effects of 2000-2050 Global Climate Change on Ozone and Particulate Matter Air Quality in the United States Using Models-3/CMAQ SystemLam, Yun-Fat 01 August 2010 (has links)
The Models-3/Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system (CMAQ), coupled with Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) atmospheric General Circulation Model (GCM), fifth Generation Mesoscale Model system (MM5), and Goddard Earth Observing System-CHEMistry (GEOS-Chem), was used to simulate atmospheric concentration of ozone and particulate matter over the continental United States 12-km and 36-km (CONUS) domains at year 2000 and year 2050. In the study, GISS GCM model outputs interfaced with MM5 were utilized to supply the current and future meteorological conditions for CMAQ. The conventional CMAQ profile initial and boundary conditions were replaced by time-varied and layer-varied GEOS-Chem outputs. The future emission concentrations were estimated using year 2000 based emissions with emission projections suggested by the IPCC A1B scenario. Multi-scenario statistical analyses were performed to investigate the effects of climate change and change of anthropogenic emissions toward 2050. The composite effects of these changes were broken down into individual effects and analyzed on three distinct regions (i.e., Midwest, Northeast and Southeast). The results of CMAQ hourly and 8-hour average concentrations indicate the maximum ozone concentration in the Midwest is increased slightly from year 2000 to year 2050, as a result of increasing average and maximum temperatures by 2 to 3 degrees Kelvin. In converse, there is an observed reduction of surface ozone concentration in the Southeast caused by the decrease in solar radiation. For the emission reduction scenario, the decline of anthropogenic emissions causes reductions of both ozone and PM2.5 for all regions. The emission reduction has compensated the effect of increasing temperature. The overall change on the maximum daily 8-hr ozone and average PM2.5 concentrations in year 2050 were estimated to be 10% and 40% less than the values in year 2000, respectively. The modeling results indicates the effect of emissions reduction has greater impact than the effect of climate change.
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Back-calculating emission rates for ammonia and particulate matter from area sources using dispersion modelingPrice, Jacqueline Elaine 15 November 2004 (has links)
Engineering directly impacts current and future regulatory policy decisions. The foundation of air pollution control and air pollution dispersion modeling lies in the math, chemistry, and physics of the environment. Therefore, regulatory decision making must rely upon sound science and engineering as the core of appropriate policy making (objective analysis in lieu of subjective opinion). This research evaluated particulate matter and ammonia concentration data as well as two modeling methods, a backward Lagrangian stochastic model and a Gaussian plume dispersion model. This analysis assessed the uncertainty surrounding each sampling procedure in order to gain a better understanding of the uncertainty in the final emission rate calculation (a basis for federal regulation), and it assessed the differences between emission rates generated using two different dispersion models. First, this research evaluated the uncertainty encompassing the gravimetric sampling of particulate matter and the passive ammonia sampling technique at an animal feeding operation. Future research will be to further determine the wind velocity profile as well as determining the vertical temperature gradient during the modeling time period. This information will help quantify the uncertainty of the meteorological model inputs into the dispersion model, which will aid in understanding the propagated uncertainty in the dispersion modeling outputs. Next, an evaluation of the emission rates generated by both the Industrial Source Complex (Gaussian) model and the WindTrax (backward-Lagrangian stochastic) model revealed that the calculated emission concentrations from each model using the average emission rate generated by the model are extremely close in value. However, the average emission rates calculated by the models vary by a factor of 10. This is extremely troubling. In conclusion, current and future sources are regulated based on emission rate data from previous time periods. Emission factors are published for regulation of various sources, and these emission factors are derived based upon back-calculated model emission rates and site management practices. Thus, this factor of 10 ratio in the emission rates could prove troubling in terms of regulation if the model that the emission rate is back-calculated from is not used as the model to predict a future downwind pollutant concentration.
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Impact of residential wood combustion on urban air qualityKrecl, Patricia January 2008 (has links)
Wood combustion is mainly used in cold regions as a primary or supplemental space heating source in residential areas. In several industrialized countries, there is a renewed interest in residential wood combustion (RWC) as an alternative to fossil fuel and nuclear power consumption. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the impact of RWC on the air quality in urban areas. To this end, a field campaign was conducted in Northern Sweden during wintertime to characterize atmospheric aerosol particles and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and to determine their source apportionment. A large day-to-day and hour-to-hour variability in aerosol concentrations was observed during the intensive field campaign. On average, total carbon contributed a substantial fraction of PM10 mass concentrations (46%) and aerosol particles were mostly in the fine fraction (PM1 accounted for 76% of PM10). Evening aerosol concentrations were significantly higher on weekends than on weekdays which could be associated to the use of wood burning for recreational purposes or higher space heat demand when inhabitants spend longer time at home. It has been shown that continuous aerosol particle number size distribution measurements successfully provided source apportionment of atmospheric aerosol with high temporal resolution. The first compound-specific radiocarbon analysis (CSRA) of atmospheric PAH demonstrated its potential to provide quantitative information on the RWC contribution to individual PAH. RWC accounted for a large fraction of particle number concentrations in the size range 25-606 nm (44-57%), PM10 (36-82%), PM1 (31-83%), light-absorbing carbon (40-76%) and individual PAH (71-87%) mass concentrations. These studies have demonstrated that the impact of RWC on air quality in an urban location can be very important and largely exceed the contribution of vehicle emissions during winter, particularly under very stable atmospheric conditions.
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