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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontextstyrd heuristik : användbarhetsutvärdering av Alfresco / Contextual heuristics : usability evaluation of Alfresco

Anagrius, Jimmy January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete att undersöka om systemsuiten Alfresco uppfyller krav på användbarhet för dokumenthantering och samarbete i interaktiva miljöer. Vidare är syftet att analysera om heuristisk utvärdering en lämplig utvärderingsmetod för konsultbolag att använda sig av vid utvärdering av olika systemalternativ för dokumenthantering då kund och målgrupp är okänd. Detta undersöktes genom en heuristisk utvärdering baserad på tre olika ramverk lämpade för utvärdering av användbarhet, samarbete och dokumenthantering i interaktiva miljöer. Utvärderingen utfördes på två av Alfrescos applikationer; Alfresco Explorer och Alfresco Share. Resultatet visar att det finns en del brister i Alfresco kopplade till användbarhet, dokumenthantering samt samarbete. 15 av 62 heuristiker bedömdes som ej uppfyllda och 27 av 62 som delvis uppfyllda men inget av dessa beror på allvarliga problem. Utvärderingsmetoden som användes har en hel del brister som gör att resultatet måste ifrågasättas och inte ses som definitivt. Även det faktum att utvärderingen endast utförts av en person gör att resultatens reliabilitet minskar. Vad som är viktigt att poängtera är att utvärderingen har påvisat användbarhetsbrister i gränssnitten samt avsaknad av funktioner som påverkar möjligheten för god kollaboration. Bristerna är dock inte så allvarliga vilket gör att bedömningen är att Alfresco uppfyller grundläggande krav för dokumenthantering och samarbete.

Implementace produktu Alfresco v malé firmě / Implementation of product Alfresco in a small firm

Čech, Štěpán January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the implementation of a document management system (DMS) in a small firm where I've been working for almost 4 years as an information technician. The aim of the thesis is to implement the particular DMS product that is in this case an open system Alfresco. The project of the implementation itself is preceded by the firm analysis phase that includes a process analysis, an analysis of relevant documents as well as an economic analysis. Through this analysis series of inadequacies in work activities of individual employees were recognized and these are aimed to be minimized or eliminated with the help of the Alfresco system implementation. Within the scope of project stages description concerning the implementation of the Alfresco the thesis is focused especially on the analysis phases and solution design, the implementation, the customization and finally the operation. Throughout the above mentioned stages a new structure of some processes is suggested, including a change of the firm organization structure, furthermore basic functions of Alfresco system are described and a fundamental rules framework is defined to know how to use the Alfresco system in concrete cases. The end of the thesis contains an evaluation whether to apply the Alfresco system in a small firm or not and further a three-month's testing period and its influence on the firm is being discussed.

Implementace Document management system ve firmě Carpiness, s. r. o / Implementation Document management system in Carpiness, s. r. o.

Novák, Filip January 2013 (has links)
Enterprise document management has been in a long-term progress. Not long ago only files and folders were enough for enterprise document management, but nowadays most of enterprise documents are in the electronic form. The electronisation of enterprise documents has carried simplified manipulation, but it has also caused disorderliness in many cases. Systems called Document managament system (DMS) bring support for better management of electronic enterprise documents. This diploma thesis deals with the implementation of DMS into the environment of a specific company where it is designed to support effective function concerning enterprise document management.

Systém pro správu elektronického archivu / System for administering electronic archives

Balák, Václav January 2010 (has links)
The objectives of this project are to create a concept of system for multimedia documents management and long-term archiving and its realization. The opening chapters are devoted to theoretical analysis of the expected characteristics of this systém and their implementation in open source document management system Alfresco, which was used for implementation. Other chapters are devoted to modifications made to this system, which are enhancements to work with multimedia content and its metadata. Also possibilities of connecting the system to other systems are mentioned. Finally, this document also describes testing the changes and adjustments according to various criteria.

Návrh bezpečnostní infrastruktury elektronického archivu / Design of security infrastructure for electronic archive

Doležel, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with design of security infrastructure for electronic archive. In theoretical part is disscus about technical resources which are based on security services and protocols and methods which are used for protection. On basics of theoretical part is designed model of security infrastructure and it is built in laboratory. Model of security infrastructure is based on Open Source Software and as safety storages for private user authentication data are used cryptographic USB tokens. This master's thesis includes design and construction of real infrastructure of secured electronic archive. In each part of master's thesis is put main emphases on security and clear explanation from the beginning of desing of model of security infrastructure for electronic archive to finish of construction.

Frühstück im Freien / Freiräume im offiziellen Kunstbetrieb der DDR. Die Ausstellungen und Aktionen im Leonhardi-Museum in Dresden 1963 - 1990

Weißbach, Angelika 30 September 2009 (has links)
Das Leonhardi-Museum in Dresden gehörte in der DDR zu den legendären Ausstellungsorten für zeitgenössische, nonkonforme Kunst. Seine Besonderheit bestand darin, daß die Konzeption und Organisation der Ausstellungen in den Händen der Künstler selbst lag - die sich dafür immer wieder in einer offenen Formation, einer Arbeitsgruppe (AG) zusammenschlossen -, und daß es kein inoffizieller oder autonomer Ort war, sondern zunächst eine Galerie des staatlichen Künstlerverbandes VBK und später des Stadtbezirkes Dresden Ost. In der vorliegenden Dissertation konnten von 1963 bis 1990 über 100 Ausstellungen und Aktionen im großen Saal des Leonhardi-Museums nachgewiesen und dokumentiert werden: In der Mehrzahl Personal-Ausstellungen von Graphikern, Malern und Bildhauern, die Haltungen provozierten, Sehgewohnheiten erweiterten und sich von der Dimension des Raumes zu Experimenten anregen ließen. Nicht selten war es für sie die erste Gelegenheit, überhaupt auszustellen. Kanonbildend waren vor allem die gemeinsamen Feste und die spektakulären Gruppenausstellungen zu den Themen „Türen“ (1979) und „Frühstück im Freien“ (1982), welche das Leonhardi-Museum auch über die Stadt- und Staatsgrenze hinaus bekannt machten. Ferner trugen die durch das Ministerium für Staatssicherheit veranlassten Verbote und Schließungen zur Popularität des Hauses bei. Im Vergleich mit anderen offiziellen Ausstellungsorten in Berlin (Kunstkabinett von Lothar Lang, Galerie Arkade), Leipzig (Galerie am Sachsenplatz, Herbstsalon), Karl-Marx-Stadt (Galerie Clara Mosch) und Dresden (u.a. die Galerien Kunst der Zeit, Nord, Comenius und Mitte; Puschkinhaus, Lücke frequentor, Intermedia) konnte gezeigt werden, daß sich die Bedeutung des Leonhardi-Museums veränderte, es aber der einzige Ausstellungsort in der DDR war, an dem es Künstlern über drei Jahrzehnte gelungen ist, offizielle Strukturen (aus-) zu nutzen, um in produktiver Eigenständigkeit einen Freiraum für bildende Kunst zu schaffen. / The Leonhardi-Museum in Dresden belonged to one of the most legendary exhibition centers / galleries for contemporary nonconformist art in the GDR. Its peculiarity was derived from the fact that the concept and organization of the exhibitions lay in the hands of the artists themselves – who continually formed open ad hoc working groups (Arbeitsgruppe / AG) – as well as the fact that it was not an unofficial or autonomous institution, but primarily a gallery belonging to the State Association of Artists in the Graphic Arts in the GDR (VBK) and later to the city council Dresden-East. This dissertation examines and documents more than 100 exhibitions and events held in the principal hall of the Leonhardi-Museum between 1963 and 1990. The majority were personal exhibitions by graphic artists, painters and sculptors which provoked attitudes and opinions, broadened viewing habits and which featured experiments which were stimulated by the dimensions of the room. Often it was the first opportunity at all for artists to exhibit. Especially the communal festivities and spectacular group exhibitions around the topics “doors” and “Alfresco Breakfast” made the Leonhardi-Museum famous both nationally and internationally. Ministry of “Staatssicherheit” bans contributed to the increased popularity of the Leonhardi-Museum. Comparisons with similar official exhibition venues in Berlin (Lothar Lang’s Art-Cabinet, Gallery Arkade), Leipzig (Gallery on the Sachsenplatz, Herbstsalon), Karl-Marx-Stadt (Gallery Clara Mosch) and Dresden (Galleries Kunst der Zeit, Nord, Comenius and Mitte; Puschkinhaus, Lücke frequentor, Intermedia) demonstrate that the importance of the Leonhardi-Museum changed, but that for three decades it remained the only place in the GDR in which artists were able to use official structures for their art. In doing so they created scope for freedom for the graphic arts.

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