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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring dynamic efficiency under uncertainty

Narayana, Rashmi 22 January 2015 (has links)
Seit 2003 hat die Effizienzmessung im dynamischen Kontext erheblich an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Die dynamische Effizienzanalyse berücksichtigt sowohl die zeitliche Interdependenz der Produktionsentscheidungen als auch Anpassungskosten. Zudem wird zwischen variablen und quasi-fixen Produktionsfaktoren unterschieden. Allerdings haben strukturelle dynamische Effizienzmodelle bisher Unsicherheit vernachlässigt, was zu irreführenden Effizienzwerten führen kann. Unsicherheit beeinflusst die optimale Anpassung von Produktionsentscheidungen; dies ist besonders relevant für die optimale Anpassung der quasi-fixen Faktoren im Zeitablauf. Deshalb ist es das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit, diese Lücke zu schließen und ein theoretisches Modell für die dynamische Effizienzmessung unter Unsicherheit basierend auf einer Kostenminimierung zu entwickeln. Um ein solches Modell herzuleiten, verwendet die Autorin zwei Komponenten: den statischen Schattenkostenansatz und ein stochastisches duales Investitionsmodel unter Unsicherheit. Während der Schattenkostenansatz die ökonomische Effizienz in eine technische und eine allokative Komponente zerlegt, erlaubt das stochastische intertemporale Dualitätsmodell, Unsicherheit und Anpassungskosten zu berücksichtigen. Die resultierenden empirischen stochastischen Nachfragegleichungen dienen als Grundlage für die ökonometrische Schätzung der technischen und allokativen Effizienz. Die theoretischen Erkenntnisse des hergeleiteten Modells wurden anschließend mit Hilfe einer Simulation überprüft, mit dem Ziel, einerseits die Höhe der Verzerrung der geschätzten Koeffizienten durch ausgelassene Variablen zu ermitteln, wenn Unsicherheit bei der optimalen Faktoranpassung vernachlässigt wird, und andererseits den Einfluss der Unsicherheit auf die Faktornachfragegleichungen zu analysieren. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Vernachlässigung der Unsicherheit zur Verzerrung der geschätzten Modellparameter führt. / Since 2003, measuring efficiency in dynamic contexts has received considerable attention. Dynamic efficiency analysis accounts for both the interdependency of production decisions over time, as well as adjustment costs, and also distinguishes between variable and quasi-fixed inputs in the production process. However, structural models of dynamic efficiency have thus far ignored uncertainty; this may lead to misleading measures of efficiency. Uncertainty affects the optimal allocation of input decisions and it is particularly true for the optimal adjustment of quasi-fixed factors over time. Hence, to fill this gap, this thesis aims to develop a theoretical model of dynamic efficiency under uncertainty based on the cost-minimization problem. To derive such a model, the author uses two components, namely the static shadow cost approach and a stochastic dual model of investments under uncertainty. The shadow cost approach allows one to disentangle economic inefficiency into technical and allocative inefficiency, while the stochastic intertemporal duality model enables one to consider uncertainty and adjustment costs. Formulating an empirical model requires one to specify the functional form of the respective value function. Here, the specified value function properties facilitate output and price uncertainty to influence optimal factor demand equations. The resulting empirical stochastic factor demand equations then serve as a starting point for the econometric estimation of technical and allocative inefficiency measures. Theoretical findings from the derived model were subsequently tested using a simulation, to determine how large the omitted variable bias is on the estimates of the coefficients if uncertainty is ignored in optimal factor allocations, and to analyze the influence of uncertainty on factor demand equations. The simulation results reveal that disregarding uncertainty in optimal factor allocations leads to biased estimates of model parameters.

Abertura da conta de capital e crescimento econômico nos países emergentes : teorias, evidências empíricas e um estudo do caso brasileiro

Tófoli, Paula Virgínia January 2008 (has links)
A maioria dos trabalhos sobre o impacto macroeconômico da abertura da conta de capital não encontra nenhum efeito da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais. No entanto, uma leitura cuidadosa desta literatura revela que a maioria destes estudos não trata realmente da teoria que se propõe a testar. Aqueles que defendem um impacto positivo da liberalização financeira sobre o crescimento econômico aceitam as previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico de redução permanente no custo do capital e aumento temporário no investimento nos mercados emergentes, quando estes liberalizam suas contas de capital. A maior parte dos artigos que não encontram efeitos da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais não testa estas previsões. Uma ramificação pequena, mas crescente, desta literatura sobre a relação entre liberalização da conta de capital e crescimento econômico, que leva em conta a natureza temporal das previsões do modelo neoclássico (os artigos que adotam o chamado enfoque do experimento de política), encontra evidências de que a abertura da conta de capital em um país emergente gera efeitos significativos sobre o investimento e crescimento econômico. A desagregação dos dados, ou seja, a aplicação do enfoque do experimento de política a dados de firmas, fornece uma ligação mais forte com a teoria e graus de liberdade suficientes para se adotar uma nova estratégia de identificação que permite testar a eficiência na alocação dos recursos dentro do país em desenvolvimento que abriu sua conta de capital. O objetivo desta dissertação é tratar das teorias e evidências do impacto da liberalização da conta de capital nos países emergentes sobre o crescimento de suas economias, analisando-se as metodologias empíricas existentes aplicadas no teste desta relação, enfatizando as teorias que dão suporte a seus testes empíricos, bem como suas principais descobertas. Os efeitos da abertura da conta de capital no Brasil, na década de 90, serão analisados, utilizando-se uma estratégia de identificação recente a partir de dados de firmas, para se checar a validade empírica das previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico nesta situação. / Most writings on the macroeconomic impact of capital account openness find no effects of liberalization on real variables. However, a critical reading of this literature reveals that most of these studies do not really address the theory they set out to test. Those who defend a positive impact of financial liberalization on economic growth accept the neoclassical growth model’s predictions of permanent reduction on the cost of capital and temporary increase in investment in emerging markets when they liberalize their capital account. The lion’s share of papers that find no effect of liberalization on real variables do not test these predictions. A small but growing branch of this literature on the relationship between capital account liberalization and economic growth that takes the time series nature of the neoclassical model’s predictions seriously (papers that adopt the policy-experiment approach) find that opening the capital account within an emerging country generates significant effects on investment and economic growth. Disaggregating the data, that is to say, applying the policy-experiment approach to firm-level data, provides a tighter link to the theory than aggregate data and enough degrees of freedom to adopt a new identification strategy that allows of the test on the efficiency of capital allocation within the developing country that opened its capital account. The objective of this dissertation is to address the theories and evidences of the impact of capital account liberalization in emerging countries on their economic growth, analyzing the existing empirical methodologies applied to test this relationship, emphasizing the theories that support their empirical tests as well as their main findings. The effects of capital account opening in Brazil, in the 90’s, will be analyzed, using the recent firm-level data identification strategy, to check the empirical validity of the neoclassical growth model’s predictions in this situation.

About the optimality of competition among health-care providers / A propos de l'optimalité de la concurrence en économie de la santé

Cassou, Matthieu 12 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour objet d’évaluer les effets potentiels d’une concurrence accrue sur le marché de la santé. Elle porte une attention particulière aux effets de la concurrence sur l’efficacité allocative du système de santé en termes de soins et de dépenses de santé. Dans leur ensemble, nos résultats suggèrent que les effets canoniques de la concurrence ne s’appliquent pas nécessairement au marché de la santé, et détaillent des circonstances dans lesquelles une hausse de la concurrence pourrait nuire au bien-être social. Cette thèse comporte une introduction et trois chapitres (articles académiques), chacun portant sur un aspect diffèrent de l’efficacité du système de santé. Le premier chapitre analyse l’impact de la concurrence sur les pratiques de soins hospitaliers et leur régulation par tarification prospective. Le second chapitre détaille les enjeux de régulation liés à la nature incomplète de l’information sur les patients au moment de choisir la procédure de soins à adopter, à commencer par la décision de mettre en œuvre des tests de diagnostic supplémentaires. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse discute les conséquences possibles de l’asymétrie qui peut exister entre fournisseur de soins public et privé en termes d’obligation de couverture et pouvant être appliqué au marché de l’aide à domicile des personnes âgées. / The purpose of this thesis is to study the potential effects of an increased competition between health-care providers on the allocative efficiency of the health-care system. In a theoretical framework it discusses the effect of competitive pressure considering the decentralization of treatment decisions, diagnostic tests’ performance, and the organization of care coverage. It is composed of an introduction and three chapters (essays), each of them focusingon a different aspect of the health-care system efficiency. Our findings globally suggest that the canonical effect of competition does not necessarily applies to the health-care market,and detail circumstances in which competition could degrade social welfare. The first chapter analyses the impact of competition on hospitals’ treatment praxis and their regulation through fixed-repayments. The second chapter details the regulation issues related to the incomplete nature of the information on patients’ illness before the decision to perform diagnostic tests.The last chapter of this thesis discusses the possible outcomes of the asymmetry of obligation of services between public and private competitors in an application to the home-care market for the elderly.

Der Einfluß der internationalen Besteuerung auf die Erzielung grenzüberschreitender Einkünfte / ein Reformvorschlag

Baumann, Elke 22 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Die große Bedeutung grenzüberschreitender Kapitalbewegungen und die zunehmende Mobilität des Faktors Arbeit verstärken immer mehr die Relevanz der steuerlichen Behandlung grenzüberschreitend erzielter Einkünfte. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Auswirkungen des derzeitigen Systems der internationalen Besteuerung auf grenzüberschreitende Faktorallokationen. Im Idealfall sollte die Freizügigkeit der Faktorströme zu effizienten Produktionsstrukturen führen, indem Unternehmen, Kapitalanleger und Arbeiter ihren Investitions-, Kapitalanlage- bzw. Arbeitsort dort wählen, wo ihre Produktivität am höchsten ist; die Besteuerung sollte dabei ohne Einfluß sein. Zur Untersuchung, ob dieser Idealfall auch in der Praxis gegeben ist, werden zunächst die internationalen Besteuerungsprinzipien vorgestellt. Die darauffolgenden Kapitel befassen sich sodann mit den Auswirkungen der internationalen Besteuerung auf die räumliche Allokation der Faktoren Kapital und Arbeit im Rahmen einer theoretischen Analyse und der Frage, welchen Anforderungen ein internationales Steuersystem genügen muß, um eine global optimale Allokation zu gewährleisten. Vor dem Hintergrund eines solchen idealtypischen internationalen Steuersystems erfolgt eine Analyse der bestehenden Besteuerungsvorschriften für grenzüberschreitend erzielte Einkünfte zwischen Deutschland und Frankreich bzw. Deutschland und den USA verbunden mit einer Einführung in das nationale und internationale Steuerrecht der betrachteten Länder. Aufbauend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wird schließlich ein Reformsteuersystem mit Beispielen für die jeweiligen Länder und Einkunftsarten erarbeitet, das eine allokationsneutrale internationale Einkommenserzielung gestattet. Dieser Reformvorschlag zeichnet sich durch seine pragmatische Ausgestaltung aus, die zur Sicherung einer Realisierungschance so wenig wie möglich in die Besteuerungsautonomien der einzelnen Länder eingreift und administrativ relativ einfach umzusetzen ist. / The importance of international capital flows and the increasing mobility of human capital give more and more weight to the question of taxation of the revenues thereof. This study analyses the effects of the actual system of international taxation in this context. Ideally, free factor flows should lead to efficient production structures with companies, capital owners and workers choosing their location of input where the productivity is highest; taxation should have no influence on this process. The analysis starts with a description of the existing international taxation principles. It then continues with the effects of the international taxation on the geographical allocation of the production factors capital and work and the conditions a system of international taxation has to fulfil for optimal global allocation. The existing international tax law for cross border revenues between Germany and France, and Germany and the United States, respectively, is compared with such an ideal system joined with an introduction to the national and international tax law of the countries considered. Given this information, a reform proposal for international taxation guaranteeing efficient factor allocations is presented with examples for the three countries and the different revenues. This reform proposal is characterised by its pragmatic concept: It disturbs the tax autonomies of the countries the least it has to and it is relatively easy to introduce.

Abertura da conta de capital e crescimento econômico nos países emergentes : teorias, evidências empíricas e um estudo do caso brasileiro

Tófoli, Paula Virgínia January 2008 (has links)
A maioria dos trabalhos sobre o impacto macroeconômico da abertura da conta de capital não encontra nenhum efeito da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais. No entanto, uma leitura cuidadosa desta literatura revela que a maioria destes estudos não trata realmente da teoria que se propõe a testar. Aqueles que defendem um impacto positivo da liberalização financeira sobre o crescimento econômico aceitam as previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico de redução permanente no custo do capital e aumento temporário no investimento nos mercados emergentes, quando estes liberalizam suas contas de capital. A maior parte dos artigos que não encontram efeitos da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais não testa estas previsões. Uma ramificação pequena, mas crescente, desta literatura sobre a relação entre liberalização da conta de capital e crescimento econômico, que leva em conta a natureza temporal das previsões do modelo neoclássico (os artigos que adotam o chamado enfoque do experimento de política), encontra evidências de que a abertura da conta de capital em um país emergente gera efeitos significativos sobre o investimento e crescimento econômico. A desagregação dos dados, ou seja, a aplicação do enfoque do experimento de política a dados de firmas, fornece uma ligação mais forte com a teoria e graus de liberdade suficientes para se adotar uma nova estratégia de identificação que permite testar a eficiência na alocação dos recursos dentro do país em desenvolvimento que abriu sua conta de capital. O objetivo desta dissertação é tratar das teorias e evidências do impacto da liberalização da conta de capital nos países emergentes sobre o crescimento de suas economias, analisando-se as metodologias empíricas existentes aplicadas no teste desta relação, enfatizando as teorias que dão suporte a seus testes empíricos, bem como suas principais descobertas. Os efeitos da abertura da conta de capital no Brasil, na década de 90, serão analisados, utilizando-se uma estratégia de identificação recente a partir de dados de firmas, para se checar a validade empírica das previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico nesta situação. / Most writings on the macroeconomic impact of capital account openness find no effects of liberalization on real variables. However, a critical reading of this literature reveals that most of these studies do not really address the theory they set out to test. Those who defend a positive impact of financial liberalization on economic growth accept the neoclassical growth model’s predictions of permanent reduction on the cost of capital and temporary increase in investment in emerging markets when they liberalize their capital account. The lion’s share of papers that find no effect of liberalization on real variables do not test these predictions. A small but growing branch of this literature on the relationship between capital account liberalization and economic growth that takes the time series nature of the neoclassical model’s predictions seriously (papers that adopt the policy-experiment approach) find that opening the capital account within an emerging country generates significant effects on investment and economic growth. Disaggregating the data, that is to say, applying the policy-experiment approach to firm-level data, provides a tighter link to the theory than aggregate data and enough degrees of freedom to adopt a new identification strategy that allows of the test on the efficiency of capital allocation within the developing country that opened its capital account. The objective of this dissertation is to address the theories and evidences of the impact of capital account liberalization in emerging countries on their economic growth, analyzing the existing empirical methodologies applied to test this relationship, emphasizing the theories that support their empirical tests as well as their main findings. The effects of capital account opening in Brazil, in the 90’s, will be analyzed, using the recent firm-level data identification strategy, to check the empirical validity of the neoclassical growth model’s predictions in this situation.

Abertura da conta de capital e crescimento econômico nos países emergentes : teorias, evidências empíricas e um estudo do caso brasileiro

Tófoli, Paula Virgínia January 2008 (has links)
A maioria dos trabalhos sobre o impacto macroeconômico da abertura da conta de capital não encontra nenhum efeito da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais. No entanto, uma leitura cuidadosa desta literatura revela que a maioria destes estudos não trata realmente da teoria que se propõe a testar. Aqueles que defendem um impacto positivo da liberalização financeira sobre o crescimento econômico aceitam as previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico de redução permanente no custo do capital e aumento temporário no investimento nos mercados emergentes, quando estes liberalizam suas contas de capital. A maior parte dos artigos que não encontram efeitos da liberalização sobre as variáveis reais não testa estas previsões. Uma ramificação pequena, mas crescente, desta literatura sobre a relação entre liberalização da conta de capital e crescimento econômico, que leva em conta a natureza temporal das previsões do modelo neoclássico (os artigos que adotam o chamado enfoque do experimento de política), encontra evidências de que a abertura da conta de capital em um país emergente gera efeitos significativos sobre o investimento e crescimento econômico. A desagregação dos dados, ou seja, a aplicação do enfoque do experimento de política a dados de firmas, fornece uma ligação mais forte com a teoria e graus de liberdade suficientes para se adotar uma nova estratégia de identificação que permite testar a eficiência na alocação dos recursos dentro do país em desenvolvimento que abriu sua conta de capital. O objetivo desta dissertação é tratar das teorias e evidências do impacto da liberalização da conta de capital nos países emergentes sobre o crescimento de suas economias, analisando-se as metodologias empíricas existentes aplicadas no teste desta relação, enfatizando as teorias que dão suporte a seus testes empíricos, bem como suas principais descobertas. Os efeitos da abertura da conta de capital no Brasil, na década de 90, serão analisados, utilizando-se uma estratégia de identificação recente a partir de dados de firmas, para se checar a validade empírica das previsões do modelo de crescimento neoclássico nesta situação. / Most writings on the macroeconomic impact of capital account openness find no effects of liberalization on real variables. However, a critical reading of this literature reveals that most of these studies do not really address the theory they set out to test. Those who defend a positive impact of financial liberalization on economic growth accept the neoclassical growth model’s predictions of permanent reduction on the cost of capital and temporary increase in investment in emerging markets when they liberalize their capital account. The lion’s share of papers that find no effect of liberalization on real variables do not test these predictions. A small but growing branch of this literature on the relationship between capital account liberalization and economic growth that takes the time series nature of the neoclassical model’s predictions seriously (papers that adopt the policy-experiment approach) find that opening the capital account within an emerging country generates significant effects on investment and economic growth. Disaggregating the data, that is to say, applying the policy-experiment approach to firm-level data, provides a tighter link to the theory than aggregate data and enough degrees of freedom to adopt a new identification strategy that allows of the test on the efficiency of capital allocation within the developing country that opened its capital account. The objective of this dissertation is to address the theories and evidences of the impact of capital account liberalization in emerging countries on their economic growth, analyzing the existing empirical methodologies applied to test this relationship, emphasizing the theories that support their empirical tests as well as their main findings. The effects of capital account opening in Brazil, in the 90’s, will be analyzed, using the recent firm-level data identification strategy, to check the empirical validity of the neoclassical growth model’s predictions in this situation.

Exploring the limits of incentive compatibility and allocative efficiency in complex economic environments

Reinhardt, Markus 29 April 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation auction formats are developed and discussed that focus on three specific economic environments. Regarding the impossibility results from mechanism design, the main task for the implementation of auction designs is to balance allocative efficiency and incentive compatibility – the main characteristics a mechanism should provide. Therefore, the dissertation investigates the limits of conceivable relaxations of allocative efficiency and incentive compatibility for complex settings such as double auctions, interdependent-valuation environments and electricity market designs. The overall aim is to carefully weigh up the advantages and disadvantages for either relaxing allocative efficiency or respectively incentive compatibility.:Preface … 7 1. Introduction … 8 1.1. Applications of auction design … 8 1.2. Optimal use of information in allocation processes … 12 1.3. Modeling non-cooperative situations … 14 1.4. Motivation for the dissertation … 16 2. An Incentive Compatible Double Auction for Multi-Unit Markets with Heterogeneous Goods … 21 2.1. Introduction into double auctions … 21 2.2. Setting of a multi-unit market with heterogeneous goods … 25 2.3. Concept of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 29 2.4. Definition of the allocation rule … 31 2.5. Creation of the price vector and the trading bundles … 37 2.6. Characteristics of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 40 2.7. Discussion of the properties of the Incentive Compatible Double Auction (ICDA) … 43 3. An Alternating-Price Auction for Interdependent-Valuation Environments … 46 3.1. Introduction into ex-post efficient auction design … 46 3.2. Setting of an interdependent-valuation environment … 50 3.3. Concept of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) … 54 3.4. Characteristics of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) 62 3.5. Discussion of the properties of the Alternating-Price Auction (APA) … 64 4. Facilitating Short-Term and Long-Term Efficiency with an Integrated Electricity Market Design … 66 4.1. Introduction into electricity market designs … 66 4.2. Setting of an electricity market … 72 4.3. Concept of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 78 4.4. Characteristics of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 88 4.5. Discussion of the properties of the Integrated Electricity Market Design (IEMD) … 91 5. Conclusion ... 94 Reference List … 96

Essays on Water Quality Management for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

Xu, Yuelu 19 February 2020 (has links)
Water quality management for agricultural production is a complicated and interesting problem. Hydrological and economic factors must be considered when designing strategies to reduce nutrient runoff from agricultural activities. This dissertation is composed of three chapters that investigate cost-effective ways to mitigate water pollution from agricultural nonpoint pollution sources and explore farmers' incentives when participating in water quality trading programs. Chapter 1 investigates landscape targeting of best management practices (BMPs) based on topographic index (TI) to determine how targeting would affect costs of meeting nitrogen (N) loading goals for Mahantango watershed, Pennsylvania. We use the results from two climate models and the mean of the ensemble of seven climate models to estimate expected climate changes and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool-Variable Source Area (SWAT-VSA) model to predict crop yields and N export. Costs of targeting and uniform placement of BMPs across the entire study area (4.23 km2) are compared under historical and future climate scenarios. We find that with a goal of reducing N loadings by 25%, spatial targeting methods could reduce costs by an average of 30% compared with uniform BMP placement under three historical climate scenarios. Cost savings from targeting are 38% under three future climate scenarios. Chapter 2 scales up the study area to the Susquehanna watershed (71,000 km2). We examine the effects of targeting the required reductions in N runoff within counties, across counties, and both within and across counties for the Susquehanna watershed. We set the required N reduction to 35%. Using the uniform strategy to meet the required N reduction as the baseline, results show that costs of achieving a regional 35% N reduction goal can be reduced by 13%, 31% and 36% with cross-county targeting, within-county targeting and within and across county targeting, respectively. Results from Chapters 1 and 2 suggest that cost effectiveness of government subsidy programs for water quality improvement in agriculture can be increased by targeting them to areas with lower N abatement costs. In addition, targeting benefits are likely to be even larger under climate change. Chapter 3 investigates the landowner's nutrient credit trading behavior when facing the price uncertainty given the credits are allowed to be banked for future use. A two-step decision model is used in this study. For the first step, we determine the landowner's application level of a BMP on working land in the initial time period. The nutrient credits awarded to the landowner depend on the nutrient reduction level at the edge of field generated by the BMP application. For the second step, we use an intertemporal model to examine the landowner's credit trading behavior with stochastic price fluctuations over time and with transaction costs. The theoretical framework is applied with a numerical simulation incorporated with a hydro-economic model and dynamic programming. Nutrient Management (NM) is selected as the BMP on working land to generate N credits. We find that gains to the landowner from credit banking increase with higher price volatility and with higher price drift, but that gains are larger with price volatility. However, for a landowner holding a small amount of nutrient credits, the gains from credit banking are small due to transaction costs. / Doctor of Philosophy / Two considerations are critical for efforts to mitigate nutrient runoff from nonpoint sources: cost effectiveness of strategies to reduce nutrient runoff and landowners' incentives to participate in these programs. This dissertation is composed of three manuscripts, aiming to evaluate the cost effectiveness of government subsidy programs for water quality management in agriculture and investigate the landowner's incentives to participate in water quality trading programs for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Chapter 1 investigates gains from targeting Best Management Practices (BMPs) under current and future climate conditions based on the soil characteristics relative to uniform BMP application for a small experimental watershed (4.23km2). Chapter 2 scales up the study area to a 71,000 km2 watershed and treats each county within the watershed as a representative farm to explore economic gains from targeting within county and across county based on counties' physical conditions and agricultural patterns. Both Chapters show that cost-effectiveness of government subsidy programs can be improved by spatial targeting BMPs to areas with lower abatement costs. Gains from targeting increase under climate change. In Chapter 3 we shows how a landowner's revenues from nutrient credit selling will be affected if the credits are allowed to be banked for future use when she faces price uncertainty. We find that gains to the landowner from credit banking increase more with higher price volatility than with higher price drift. Gains from banking are largely reduced by transaction costs associated with trading.

Effet de l'assurance complémentaire santé sur les consommations médicales, entre risque moral et amélioration de l'accès aux soins / Effect of complementary health insurance on medical care consumptions : risk moral and better access to health care components

Perronnin, Marc 02 December 2013 (has links)
La théorie économique conduit à supposer que l’assurance santé accroît les consommations médicales en générant du risque moral ex-post, c'est-à-dire l’achat par les individus de soins dont la valeur est faible au regard de leur coût total. Certains économistes soulignent que tout ou partie de ce surplus de consommation peut résulter également d’une solvabilisation de la demande de soins du fait des remboursements, traduisant ainsi un meilleur accès aux soins. Comprendre lequel de ces effets prédomine représente un enjeu important en termes d’équité et d’efficience du système de santé. Cette thèse vise à mesurer l’ampleur de l’effet de l’assurance complémentaire santé sur les consommations médicales en France et à en comprendre la nature en s’appuyant sur trois articles. Le premier article analyse l’effet du fait d’être couvert par une complémentaire santé sur le recours aux médecins, le second évalue l’impact de la CMU-C sur les consommations médicales de ses bénéficiaires, enfin le troisième étudie l’effet d’une surcomplémentaire santé permettant de compléter les remboursements du contrat de base d’une mutuelle de fonctionnaire. En se focalisant sur l’assurance complémentaire et surcomplémentaire, ces articles permettent d’étudier l’effet d’une variation à la marge du niveau de couverture sur différentes catégories de population. / According to economic theory, health insurance raises medical care consumptions by inducing ex-post moral hazard behavior, it is to say the purchase of health care that individual value below their production cost. Nevertheless, among the economists community, some suggest that these additional consumptions may be the consequence of an increase of financial resources in case of illness due to reimbursements, reflecting a better access to health care. Understanding which of these effects dominates is a crucial issue to assess equity and efficiency of health care system. Based on three articles, this thesis aims to estimate how great the effect of complementary health insurance on health care consumptions is in France, and to understand the nature of this effect. The first article analyzes the effect of being covered by a complementary health insurance on the use of physician care, the second article assess how the CMU-C scheme affected health care consumptions of its beneficiaries, and the third article examines the effect of a supplementary health insurance contract that provides reimbursements in addition of the benefits of a basic complementary health insurance contract that covers civil servants. By focusing on complementary and supplementary health insurance, these articles offer the opportunity to study the effect of health insurance at the margin, on different populations.


鍾怡如, Chung, Yi-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以民國75至86年間,新銀行開放設立前已存在之本國舊銀行實際經營資料,利用資料包絡分析法估計成本效率值,並將之分解為純技術效率、規模效率及配置效率。再利用Tobit迴歸分析,以探討開放新銀行設立對本國舊銀行經營效率之影響。 研究結果發現,整體舊銀行投入資源之運用效率,仍有很大的改善空間。此外,成本無效率之來源主要為技術無效率。 考慮其他影響效率之因素後,開放新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營效率具有顯著之正向影響。此結果顯示新銀行設立對舊銀行之經營形成很大的競爭壓力,導致本國舊銀行不論在資源投入、規模調整或資源配置上,皆積極努力地改善。本實證結果與政府希望透過開放新銀行,對經營僵化之國內銀行業加以刺激,以提升舊銀行經營效率之目標相一致。 / This study empirically examines whether opening up the new banks to establish affects various efficiency ratios of Taiwan old banks or not. It uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess cost efficiency, pure technical efficiency, scale efficiency and allocative efficiency based on the Taiwan old banks data from 1986 to 1997. Then, applies the Tobit censored regression model to examine the relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and these efficiency measures. The empirical result shows that the usage efficiency of resource inpute of whole old banks isn't up to the appropriate point, so there is plenty of space for improvement. Besides, cost inefficiency primarily results from technical inefficiency, not allocative inefficiency. After considering other factors of the effects of efficiency, it's obviously positive relationship between opening up the new banks to set up and operating efficiency of old banks. The result shows that these new banks establish put competitive stress on the operation of old banks. So those old banks try hard to improve their resource input, scale adjustment, or resource allocation, etc. This result corresponds with the government's intention to raise the operating efficiency of original banks.

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