Spelling suggestions: "subject:"allostatic load"" "subject:"allostatis load""
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Stand By Me: Race, Marital Status, Allostatic Load, and Self-Reported HealthJohnson, Korrie Dchonn 11 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessing Long-Term Stress in Great Apes: Allostatic Load in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)Edes, Ashley N. 11 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Ritmo diurno de secreção de cortisol e carga alostática em profissionais de enfermagem. / Diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion and allostatic load among nursing professionalYamaguti, Siomara Tavares Fernandes 06 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A vulnerabilidade dos profissionais de enfermagem ao estresse está associada à exposição crônica aos estressores cotidianos de trabalho e, consequentemente, aos efeitos cumulativos dos mediadores primários e secundários do estresse. Embora vários estudos tenham relatado o elevado nível de estresse dos profissionais de enfermagem, pouco se sabe a respeito das implicações biológicas do estresse no trabalho, expressas na carga alostática e no ritmo de secreção dos hormônios de cortisol um dos principais hormônios do estresse. Isto particularmente é importante visto que a carga alostática aumenta o risco do indivíduo desenvolver transtornos relacionados ao estresse como síndromes cardiovasculares, metabólicas, endócrinas, emocionais e cognitivas. Neste sentido, questiona-se se os profissionais de enfermagem apresentam sobrecarga do sistema adaptativo de reação do estresse (carga alostática), bem como alterações no ritmo de secreção de cortisol (hiper ou hipocortisolemia) ao longo do dia e o risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças relacionadas ao estresse. Objetivo: Descrever a frequência de profissionais de enfermagem com carga alostática elevada e ritmo atípico de secreção de cortisol. Analisar se a carga alostática elevada está associada ao ritmo atípico de secreção de cortisol. Método: Foram incluídos 142 profissionais de enfermagem do turno diurno randomicamente selecionados, alocados nas unidades ambulatório, clínica médica, clínica cirúrgica, centro cirúrgico, pronto socorro infantil e adulto, unidade de terapia intensiva adulto e pediátrica de um hospital universitário. Para avaliação do padrão diurno de secreção de cortisol foram coletadas amostras de saliva em dois dias úteis consecutivos de trabalho e, para a análise dos biomarcadores foram coletadas, em um único dia, amostras de sangue de todos os participantes, bem como, verificada sua pressão arterial e medidas antropométricas. A carga alostática foi analisada por mediadores neuroendócrinos, metabólicos, cardiovasculares e imunológicos. Os dados foram armazenados e analisados utilizando o programa estatístico SPSS versão 14.0 e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: 31% dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentaram padrão atípico (inconsistente ou flat) de secreção de cortisol e 47,2% carga alostática elevada. Não houve associação entre o ritmo de secreção de cortisol e a carga alostática. Conclusão: Quase metade dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentaram sinais de desgaste do sistema biológico regulador da resposta de estresse, sugerindo que o trabalho possa estar associado a esta sobrecarga e destacando a vulnerabilidade destes trabalhadores ao desenvolvimento de doenças relacionadas ao estresse / Background: The vulnerability of nursing professionals to stress is associated with chronic exposure to everyday stressors and, therefore, with the cumulative effects of primary and secondary stress mediators. Despite the fact that several studies have reported the high stress level of nursing professionals, little is known about the biological implications of stress at work, expressed in the allostatic load and in the rhythm of cortisol secretion, one of the main hormones of stress. This is especially important since the allostatic load increases the risk of an individual to develop stress-related disorders like cardiovascular syndromes, metabolic, endocrine, cognitive and emotional. In this aspect, there are questions whether the nursing professionals present overload on the stress adaptive reaction system (allostatic load), as well as, changes in the rhythm of cortisol secretion (hyper or hypocortisolemia) throughout the day and the risk of developing stress-related diseases. Objective: To describe the frequency of nursing professionals with high allostatic load and atypical rhythm of cortisol secretion. To analyze whether the high allostatic load is associated with atypical rhythm of cortisol secretion. Methods: We included 142 nursing professionals day shift randomly selected, allocated in the outpatient units, medical clinic, surgical clinic, surgery, children and adults emergency room and adult intensive care unit in a pediatric teaching hospital. To evaluate the daytime pattern of cortisol secretion, saliva samples were collected in two work day and, for the analysis of biomarkers, were collected in a single day, blood samples from all participants, as well as, checked his blood pressure and anthropometric measurements. Allostatic load was analized by neuroendocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular and immune mediators. The data was stored and analyzed using the program SPSS version 14.0 and the statistical significance level adopted was 5%. Results: 31% of nursing professionals showed atypical pattern (inconsistent or \"flat\") of secretion of cortisol and 47.2% showed high allostatic load. There was no association between the rate of secretion of cortisol and the allostatic load. Conclusion: Nearly half of nursing professionals showed signs of wear in the biological system stress response regulator, suggesting that the job can be associated with this overload and highlighting the vulnerability of these workers to the development of stress-related diseases.
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Ritmo diurno de secreção de cortisol e carga alostática em profissionais de enfermagem. / Diurnal rhythm of cortisol secretion and allostatic load among nursing professionalSiomara Tavares Fernandes Yamaguti 06 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A vulnerabilidade dos profissionais de enfermagem ao estresse está associada à exposição crônica aos estressores cotidianos de trabalho e, consequentemente, aos efeitos cumulativos dos mediadores primários e secundários do estresse. Embora vários estudos tenham relatado o elevado nível de estresse dos profissionais de enfermagem, pouco se sabe a respeito das implicações biológicas do estresse no trabalho, expressas na carga alostática e no ritmo de secreção dos hormônios de cortisol um dos principais hormônios do estresse. Isto particularmente é importante visto que a carga alostática aumenta o risco do indivíduo desenvolver transtornos relacionados ao estresse como síndromes cardiovasculares, metabólicas, endócrinas, emocionais e cognitivas. Neste sentido, questiona-se se os profissionais de enfermagem apresentam sobrecarga do sistema adaptativo de reação do estresse (carga alostática), bem como alterações no ritmo de secreção de cortisol (hiper ou hipocortisolemia) ao longo do dia e o risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças relacionadas ao estresse. Objetivo: Descrever a frequência de profissionais de enfermagem com carga alostática elevada e ritmo atípico de secreção de cortisol. Analisar se a carga alostática elevada está associada ao ritmo atípico de secreção de cortisol. Método: Foram incluídos 142 profissionais de enfermagem do turno diurno randomicamente selecionados, alocados nas unidades ambulatório, clínica médica, clínica cirúrgica, centro cirúrgico, pronto socorro infantil e adulto, unidade de terapia intensiva adulto e pediátrica de um hospital universitário. Para avaliação do padrão diurno de secreção de cortisol foram coletadas amostras de saliva em dois dias úteis consecutivos de trabalho e, para a análise dos biomarcadores foram coletadas, em um único dia, amostras de sangue de todos os participantes, bem como, verificada sua pressão arterial e medidas antropométricas. A carga alostática foi analisada por mediadores neuroendócrinos, metabólicos, cardiovasculares e imunológicos. Os dados foram armazenados e analisados utilizando o programa estatístico SPSS versão 14.0 e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados: 31% dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentaram padrão atípico (inconsistente ou flat) de secreção de cortisol e 47,2% carga alostática elevada. Não houve associação entre o ritmo de secreção de cortisol e a carga alostática. Conclusão: Quase metade dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentaram sinais de desgaste do sistema biológico regulador da resposta de estresse, sugerindo que o trabalho possa estar associado a esta sobrecarga e destacando a vulnerabilidade destes trabalhadores ao desenvolvimento de doenças relacionadas ao estresse / Background: The vulnerability of nursing professionals to stress is associated with chronic exposure to everyday stressors and, therefore, with the cumulative effects of primary and secondary stress mediators. Despite the fact that several studies have reported the high stress level of nursing professionals, little is known about the biological implications of stress at work, expressed in the allostatic load and in the rhythm of cortisol secretion, one of the main hormones of stress. This is especially important since the allostatic load increases the risk of an individual to develop stress-related disorders like cardiovascular syndromes, metabolic, endocrine, cognitive and emotional. In this aspect, there are questions whether the nursing professionals present overload on the stress adaptive reaction system (allostatic load), as well as, changes in the rhythm of cortisol secretion (hyper or hypocortisolemia) throughout the day and the risk of developing stress-related diseases. Objective: To describe the frequency of nursing professionals with high allostatic load and atypical rhythm of cortisol secretion. To analyze whether the high allostatic load is associated with atypical rhythm of cortisol secretion. Methods: We included 142 nursing professionals day shift randomly selected, allocated in the outpatient units, medical clinic, surgical clinic, surgery, children and adults emergency room and adult intensive care unit in a pediatric teaching hospital. To evaluate the daytime pattern of cortisol secretion, saliva samples were collected in two work day and, for the analysis of biomarkers, were collected in a single day, blood samples from all participants, as well as, checked his blood pressure and anthropometric measurements. Allostatic load was analized by neuroendocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular and immune mediators. The data was stored and analyzed using the program SPSS version 14.0 and the statistical significance level adopted was 5%. Results: 31% of nursing professionals showed atypical pattern (inconsistent or \"flat\") of secretion of cortisol and 47.2% showed high allostatic load. There was no association between the rate of secretion of cortisol and the allostatic load. Conclusion: Nearly half of nursing professionals showed signs of wear in the biological system stress response regulator, suggesting that the job can be associated with this overload and highlighting the vulnerability of these workers to the development of stress-related diseases.
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Salivary Cortisol, Rank, and Perceived Control Among Law Enforcement PersonnelMorrell, Catherine M. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Incorporation biologique de l'adversité sociale précoce : le rôle de la charge allostatique dans une perspective biographique / Embodiment of early social adversity : the role of allostatic load in a life course perspectiveBarboza Solís, Cristina 16 September 2016 (has links)
Introduction. La notion d'" embodiment " propose que chaque humain est à la fois un être social ainsi que biologique, intégrant le monde dans lequel il/elle vit. Nous faisons l'hypothèse que la position socioéconomique pendant l'enfance peut être biologiquement incorporée, conduisant à la production des inégalités sociales de santé entre les sous-groupes de population. La charge allostatique (CA) est un concept qui tente de capturer l'usure physiologique globale du corps liée à l'activation répétée des mécanismes physiologiques compensatoires en cas d'exposition à des stress chroniques. La CA pourrait permettre une meilleure compréhension des voies biologiques qui jouent un rôle potentiel dans la construction du gradient social de santé des adultes. Objectif. Pour explorer l'hypothèse d'incorporation biologique, nous avons examiné les voies de médiation entre les adversités psychosociales et la position socioéconomique précoces et la CA à 44 ans. Nous avons également confronté l'indice de CA à une mesure multidimensionnelle de santé latente à 50 ans. Méthodes. Les données sont issues de la cohorte Britannique de naissance de 1958 (n=18 000). La CA a été construite avec les données de l'enquête biomédicale conduite à 44 ans, comme une mesure physiologique synthétique, multi-système, à l'aide de 14 biomarqueurs représentant les systèmes neuroendocrinien, métabolique, immunitaire / inflammatoire et cardiorespiratoire. Résultats. L'ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que la CA pourrait être un indice approprié pour capturer partiellement la dimension biologique des processus d'embodiment. Discussion. Comprendre comment l'environnement affecte notre santé en se " glissant sous la peau " et pénétrant dans les cellules, les organes et les systèmes physiologiques de notre corps est un principe clé dans la recherche en santé publique. Promouvoir le recueil de marqueurs biologiques dans des grandes études prospectives et représentatives est crucial pour continuer la recherche sur ce sujet. Les études de réplication pourraient faire partie des futures perspectives de recherche, pour comparer entre populations avec des contextes culturels différents pour observer si un index de CA peut être considéré comme "universel ". / Introduction. The notion of embodiment proposes that every human being is both a social and a biological organism that incorporates the world in which (s)he lives. It has been hypothesized that early life socioeconomic position (SEP) can be biologically embedded, potentially leading to the production of health inequalities across population groups. Allostatic load (AL) is a concept that intends to capture the overall physiological wear-and-tear of the body triggered by the repeated activation of compensatory physiological mechanisms as a response to chronic stress. AL could allow a better understanding of the potential biological pathways playing a role in the construction of the social gradient in adult health. Objective. To explore the biological embedding hypothesis, we examined the mediating pathways between early SEP and early adverse psychosocial experiences and higher AL at 44 years. We also confronted an AL index with a latent multidimensional and integrative measure of health status at 50y. Methods. Data are from the 1958 British birth cohort (n=18 000) follow-up to age 50. AL was operationalized using data from the biomedical survey collected at age 44 on 14 parameters representing the neuroendocrine, metabolic, immune-inflammatory and cardiovascular systems. Results. Overall, our results suggest that AL could be a suitable index to partially capture the biological dimensions of embodiment processes. Discussion. Understanding how human environments affect our health by 'getting under the skin' and penetrating the cells, organs and physiological systems of our bodies is a key tenet in public health research. Promoting the collection of biological markers in large representative and prospective studies is crucial to continue to investigate on this topic. Replication studies could be part of the future research perspectives, to compare with other cultural context and to observe if an AL index can be 'universal'.
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Health and ill health in working women – balancing work and recoveryvon Thiele Schwarz, Ulrica January 2008 (has links)
Work conditions within the public health care sector are physically and psychosocially demanding. This means that balancing work with recovery is essential for employees in order to avoid ill health and stay healthy. This thesis is based on four studies. Study I investigated the prevalence of upper extremity disorders (UED) in female dental personnel. Results showed that 81% reported UED. Consequently, interventions aimed at reducing these risks were called for. Study II investigated the health-related effects of two work-place interventions, physical exercise (PE) and reduced working hours (RWH). Health-improvements were more consistent in the PE group, suggesting that PE may be an appropriate intervention to reduce health-risks. However, there were no effects on recovery from work or fatigue, which may result from other factors, such as overcommitment (OC), that prolong or sustain stress-related activity. Study III showed that high OC was associated with poorer next-day recovery and increased fatigue. Also, OC was a more important predictor of lack of recovery and fatigue than were psychosocial work characteristics. This highlights the importance of considering perseverative cognitions in relation to recovery from work and fatigue, and has implications for interventions targeting work-related ill health. Study IV related lack of recovery and fatigue to cumulative biological risk, allostatic load (AL), and to individual biomarkers. Women with a profile characterized by fatigue, sleep difficulties and lack of short-term recovery had a 2.9 increased risk of AL. This was not shown in analyses of individual biomarkers. In sum, this thesis shows that recovery from work is an important factor in relation to women’s work-related health. Fatigue and recovery should be considered interrelated but distinct concepts and recovery should be assessed as an early risk factor for stress-related disease with early risk being investigated using AL rather than individual biomarkers.
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Heart Rate Variability in Stress-related Fatigue, Adolescent Anxiety and Depression and its Connection to LifestyleOlsson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
Heart rate varies constantly as a consequence of activity in the sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous systems (SNS and PNS). In short-term recordings, heart rate variability (HRV) is mostly related to the inhibitory activity of the vagal nerves, which are part of the PNS. HRV is lower when under stress as well as in several illnesses and psychiatric conditions. Decreased HRV is also related to cardiac disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. Autonomic imbalance, measured as HRV, is suggested as a mediator between psychosocial distress and cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present thesis was to investigate the connection between HRV and psychosocial distress, including psychiatric problems (studies I and II), and lifestyle factors (study III). In study I, additional physiological measures sensitive to autonomic activity and results from a continuous attention test were investigated in parallel with HRV. In studies II and III the participants were adolescents. The results show that HRV is lower in women with stress-related fatigue and adolescent girls with a psychiatric diagnosis compared to healthy control groups. However, these groups did not exhibit an increase in physiological measures of SNS origin, which supports the assumption that the observed hyperarousal is related to decreased vagal activity rather than increased SNS activity. Women with stress-related fatigue made more impulsive errors and had a “risky” response style in the continuous attention test. There was a negative correlation between test performance and HRV. Decreased vagal activity is thus associated with deficient behavioural inhibition. In study III, HRV in a group of healthy adolescent boys and girls was positively associated with physical activity but not with other lifestyle measures. Even at young age HRV is a sensitive marker of autonomic imbalance resulting from psychosocial stress. Future longitudinal research will show whether HRV can be used for early identification of people at risk of cardiovascular disease and whether such interventions will lower the risk of cardiac morbidity.
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Processes of Organizational Justice : Insights into the perception and enactment of justiceEib, Constanze January 2015 (has links)
Well-being at work is of major public interest, and justice at the workplace can be a key factor contributing to employees and managers feeling well. Research has found direct relationships between organizational justice perceptions and work and health outcomes. With research on the justice–health link still emerging, this thesis examines the moderating and mediating processes for the effects of justice perceptions on work outcomes and especially health outcomes. As little is known about those who enact justice, the antecedents and consequences of justice enactment are also studied. In Study I, the relationships between organizational justice and work and health outcomes were in focus, as the moderating role of job characteristics was investigated utilizing the demand–control(–support) model. Organizational justice and job characteristics were associated with work and health outcomes within and across time. The multiplicative effects showed that the organizational justice effects were stronger when perceived job demands were high, job control was low or social support was low. Study II examined the processes through which justice perceptions translate into health outcomes. Building on the allostatic load model, mental preoccupation with work was found to be a relevant mediator of the justice–health relationship, with locus of control moderating the mediated relationships. Study III focused on the actor perspective. Investigating predictions based on the deontic model of justice and ego-depletion theory, moral regard and justice self-efficacy predicted justice enactment positively, and justice enactment had positive effects on feeling professionally recognized but also negative health consequences for the actors themselves. This thesis contributes to advancing the emergent justice–health research stream by providing insights into the processes underlying these aspects, and by incorporating this stream into the actor perspective. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted.</p>
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Physiological and Psychological Stressors Associated with Glucose Metabolism in the Boston Puerto Rican Health StudyLopez-Cepero, Andrea A. 29 March 2019 (has links)
Background: Puerto Ricans experience high prevalence of type 2 diabetes (diabetes). Stress is a risk factor for diabetes. The allostatic load (AL) model explains how stress influences disease through a chain of physiological changes. Puerto Ricans experience psychological and physiological (obesity and high glycemic load (GL)) stressors linked with diabetes, yet how these stressors impact the AL chain and how their interplay affects glucose metabolism remains unknown.
Methods: Using data from the Boston Puerto Rican Health Study, this thesis sought to examine: 1) the relationship between GL and primary AL markers, 2) the interaction between perceived stress and GL on HbA1c, and if primary AL markers mediate this interaction, and 3) the interaction between change in weight and in perceived stress on HbA1c.
Results: 1) GL change over 2 years was associated with increases in primary AL markers in women. 2) Women with high perceived stress and high GL had higher HbA1c and primary AL markers did not mediate this interaction. 3) In women, there was an interaction between change in weight and perceived stress on HbA1c over 2 years, with the effect of weight change on HbA1c being greater with increases in perceived stress. None of these associations were observed in men.
Conclusion: This study partially confirms the AL model in Puerto Rican women but not in men. It provides data to inform intervention targets to prevent and manage diabetes in Puerto Rican women and identifies women at high risk of diabetes in this minority group.
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