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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att leva med ALS : En litteraturstudie / Living with ALS : A literature study

Kindåker, Christoffer, Norberg, Madeleine January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagsläget finns det relativt gott om studier om amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) med en medicinsk utgångspunkt, som inriktar sig på att försöka finna en medicinsk behandling till sjukdomen, samt studier som belyser hur personer med ALS skattar sin livskvalitet. Dock finns färre studier som beskriver hur sjukdomen upplevs ur ett patientperspektiv. För att kunna bidra med stöd och hjälp till personer som drabbats av ALS behöver kunskapen hos olika vårdprofessioner och däribland sjuksköterskor utökas, både genom nya studier och genom syntetisering av tidigare genomförda studier inom området. Syfte: Studien syftar till att beskriva upplevelsen av att leva med ALS ur ett patientperspektiv. Metod: För att sammanställa och fördjupa tidigare kunskap om hur det är att leva med ALS gjordes en systematisk litteraturstudie över vårdvetenskapliga artiklar som innehöll tidigare forskning inom området. Resultat: Resultatet av föreliggande studie utgörs av tre teman som arbetades fram under dataanalysen. Det som var vanligast förekommande i resultatet var sorgen över att få en dödlig sjukdom och att inse att livet inte skulle vara för evigt. Även sorgen över att inte veta vad som skulle hända med de efterlevande genomsyrade resultatet. Trots sorgen över sjukdomen visade resultatet att de personer med ALS som ingick i de olika studierna ändå kunde finna glädje i livet. Glädjen över att ha sina anhöriga omkring sig och leva i ”nuet” var det som fick personerna att orka kämpa vidare och uppskatta livet. Sjukdomen genererade för flera av studiedeltagarna tankar kring döden. Vissa personer sade att de betraktade döden som en befrielse från den smärta och det lidande som sjukdomen medförde. Rädslan och osäkerheten över vad som skulle hända efter döden genererade för många personer en förhoppning om ett bättre liv någon annanstans. I resultatet framkom det även att vissa av studiernas deltagare accepterat döden som en naturlig del av livet. Diskussion: Sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt till personer som lever med ALS diskuteras med patientens livsvärld som utgångspunkt. Det kan antas att det finns lika många sätt att uppleva sjukdomen på som det finns människor i världen, eftersom varje individ har en unik livsvärld. Sjuksköterskans sätt att bemöta patienters reaktioner kan anses vara svårt eftersom man vid första mötet aldrig vet hur en person upplever sin sjukdom. För att få kunskap om patientens livsvärld bör sjuksköterskan vara öppen och aktivt lyssna till patientens tankar, känslor och erfarenheter som uppstått till följd av sjukdomen. / Background: Previous literature about ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) has mainly been performed from a medical point of view – the focus being on finding suitable methods for treating the disease. Several studies have also been performed to assess the quality of life among people with ALS. However there are fewer studies that describe how everyday life with the disease is experienced from a patient perspective. To provide sufficient support and assistance to people with ALS, various health care professions, including nurses, need to broaden their knowledge about the experiences from those who are the real experts, namely those who live their everyday lives with ALS. Aim: The study aims to describe the experience of living with ALS from a patient perspective. Method: To compile and deepen previous knowledge of what it is like to live with ALS, a systematic literature review of scientific articles has been done, that includes previous research in this area. Results: The result of this study consists of three themes that were developed during the data analysis. The most prominent theme included the sadness of getting a deadly disease and to realize that life would not last forever. Also the sadness of not knowing what would happen to loved ones after one’s own death was clearly a great concern to the participants as well. Despite the sadness over the disease, results show that participants in the various studies could still find happiness in life. The joy of having their families close and by living in the present they managed to keep up the struggle and still enjoy life. The disease generated a lot of questions about death and about value of life for those who participated in the studies. Some of the participants said that they regarded death as a relief from the pain and suffering brought about by ALS. Fear and uncertainty of what would happen after death was for some persons handled by creating hope for a better life elsewhere. The results also revealed that some of the participants accepted death as being a natural part of life. Discussion: Nurses attitudes towards patients with ALS are discussed, taken from the patient’s point of view. In accordance with a caring science perspective that appreciates the view of the patient as unique, there are as many ways to experience illness as there are people in the world. In order to gain knowledge about the patient’s life atmosphere, in this case everyday life with ALS, nurses need to be open and attentively listen to the patients’ experiences and feelings brought about by illness.

Lokomotyvo maršruto duomenų surinkimo įtaisas / Locomotive Route Data Logger

Valančius, Valdas 04 August 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe suprojektuotas įtaisas yra skirtas duomenų kaupimui ir yra paremtas GPS technologija. Įtasisas nuskaito ALS kodų būsenos duomenis nuo lokomotyvo ALS indikatoriaus ir apjungtus su GPS duomenimis įrašo į SD atmintinę. / This work is designed and build in the data accumulation device is a device based on GPS technology. He is a ALS codes status of locomotive capture and the conjoin with GPS data to record to SD memory. The device reads the status codes for an ALS from the ALS indicator of photo sensor. The device is designed using the company's GlobalSat GPS module ET-212 and the "Microchip" PIC18F4520 microcontroller, which communicate with each other through the UART interface NMEA0183 protocol. Equipped with a standard SD memory port, the device is suitable for any manufacturer of SD memory. Printed circuit boards designed with Cadsoft "'s EAGLE 5.11.0 software, and the microcontroller software is written MikroC pro 3.8v compiler. This device is designed for locomotives ALS status code and data storage can be used in the locomotives equipped with the ALS (KLUB) system.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros / Patients' experiences of living with amyotrophical lateral sclerosis

Olander, Carolina, Schoberg, Anette January 2018 (has links)
Amyotrofisk lateralskleros är en sjukdom som drabbar det centrala nervsystemet och orsakar muskelförlamningar. Sjukdomen är obotlig vilket gör att vården endast handlar om att lindra symptom och minska lidande. Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros. Metoden som användes var en allmän litteraturstudie där tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut efter granskning. Med hjälp av en innehållsanalys framkom tio olika subteman och ur dessa abstraherades fyra huvudteman. Dessa fyra huvudteman var; upplevelse av förlust, upplevelse av förändring, upplevelse av beroende och upplevelse av meningen med livet.  Resultatet visade att leva med amyotrofisk lateralskleros upplevdes som att leva ett liv med ständig förlust och förändring vilket påverkade de drabbades identitet och autonomi samt gav en upplevelse av att vara beroende av andra. För att finna styrka att hantera vardagen var upplevelsen av att känna meningsfullhet av betydelse. Det behövs mer omvårdnadsstudier som belyser patienter med amyotrofisk lateralskleros så att sjuksköterskan kan få en bättre förståelse för hur patienterna upplever omvårdnaden och sin sjukdom för att kunna hjälpa dem på bästa sätt. Sjuksköterskeutbildningen bör inkludera hur sjuksköterskan ska stödja och möta denna grupp av patienter och deras anhöriga. Även vidareutbildning för sjuksköterskor bör erbjudas av arbetsgivare.

Análise do índice ponderado de áreas verdes baseado no Lidar (ALS) como parâmetro da qualidade ambiental urbana. / Analysis of urban green spaces index based on LIDAR (ALS) as paremeter of environmental urban quality.

Osvaldo Souza Coutinho Filho 08 December 2014 (has links)
Dentre as variáveis que procuram mensurar a qualidade ambiental, a vegetação ganha destaque pela diversidade de serviços ecológicos prestados ao sistema urbano. Neste sentido, a análise das áreas verdes deve ser contextualizada em função do arranjo espacial dos principais elementos que exercem pressão sobre o ambiente. Por isto, trabalhamos com um índice de qualidade ambiental que integra variáveis clássicas como a proporção de cobertura vegetal, com outros elementos significativos da paisagem urbana como a extensão das áreas construídas e o adensamento vertical. Para o desenvolvimento deste índice aplicamos uma metodologia de Sensoriamento Remoto (SR) baseada na integração de ortofotos digitais e atributos altimétricos derivados do LIDAR (ALS) que permitiu mensurar a dimensão vertical da paisagem urbana tornando mais realística a modelagem dos efeitos das áreas construídas na qualidade ambiental. / Given the diversity of its ecological services, vegetation is among the main indicators of environmental quality in urban systems. For that, green areas must be analyzed in the context of the spatial distribution of the main elements putting pressure on the environment. In order to do that, we have worked with an index of environmental quality that integrates traditional variables, such as the proportion of vegetation cover, with other significant elements of the urban landscape, such as the extension of built areas and vertical densification. For the development of the index we applied a Remote Sensing (RS) methodology combining digital orthophotos and altimetric parameters based on LIDAR (ALS), which allowed to measure the vertical dimension of the urban landscape becoming more realistic modeling of the effects of the built environment on environmental quality.

LiDAR technology applied to vegetation quantification and qualification / O uso de tecnologia LiDAR para quantificação e qualificação da vegetação

Eric Bastos Görgens 12 December 2014 (has links)
The methodology to quantify vegetation from airborne laser scanning (or LiDAR - Light Detection And Ranging) is somehow consolidated, but some concerns are still in the checklist of the scientific community. This thesis aims to bring some of those concerns and try to contribute with some results and insights. Four aspects were studied along this thesis. In the first study, the effect of threshold heights (minimum height and height break) in the quality of the set of metrics was investigated aiming the volume estimation of a eucalyptus plantation. The results indicate that higher threshold height may return a better set of metrics. The impact of threshold height was more evident in young stands and for canopy density metrics. In the second study, the stability of the LiDAR metrics between different LiDAR surveys over the same area was analyzed. This study demonstrated how the selection of stable metrics contributed to generate reliable models between different data sets. According to our results, the height metrics provided the greatest stability when used in the models, specifically the higher percentiles (>50%) and the mode. The third study was designed to evaluate the use of machine learning tools to estimate wood volume of eucalyptus plantations from LiDAR metrics. Rather than being limited to a subset of LiDAR metrics in attempting explain as much variability in a dependent variable as possible, artificial intelligence tools explored the complete metrics set when looking for patterns between LiDAR metrics and stand volume. The fourth and last study has focused upon several highly important forest typologies, and shown that it is possible to differentiate the typologies through their vertical profiles as derived from airborne laser surveys. The size of the sampling cell does have an influence on the behavior observed in analyses of spatial dependence. Each typology has its own specific characteristics, which will need to be taken into consideration in projects targeting monitoring, inventory construction, and mapping based upon airborne laser surveys. The determination of a converged vertical profile could be achieved with data representing 10 % of the area for all typologies, while for some typologies 2 % coverage was sufficient. / A metodologia para quantificar vegetação a partir de dados LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) está de certa forma consolidada, porém ainda existem pontos a serem esclarecidos que permanecem na lista da comunidade científica. Quatro aspectos foram estudos nesta tese. No primeiro estudo, foi investigado a influência das alturas de referência (altura mínima e altura de quebra) na qualidade do conjunto de métricas extraído visando estimação do volume de um plantio de eucalipto. Os resultados indicaram que valor mais altos de alturas de referência retornaram um conjunto de métricas melhor. O efeito das alturas de referência foi mais evidente em povoamentos jovens e para as métricas de densidade. No segundo estudo, avaliou-se a estabilidade de métricas LiDAR derivadas para uma mesma área sobrevoada com diferentes configurações de equipamentos e voo. Este estudo apresentou como a seleção de métricas estáveis pode contribuir para a geração de modelos compatíveis com diferentes bases de dados LiDAR. De acordo com os resultados, as métricas de altura foram mais estáveis que as métricas de densidade, com destaque para os percentis acima de 50% e a moda. O terceiro estudo avaliou o uso de máquinas de aprendizado para a estimação do volume em nível de povoamento de plantios de eucalipto a partir de métricas LiDAR. Ao invés de estarem limitados a um pequeno subconjunto de métricas na tentativa de explicar a maior parte possível da variabilidade total dos dados, as técnicas de inteligência artificial permitiram explorar todo o conjunto de dados e detectar padrões que estimaram o volume em nível de povoamento a partir do conjunto de métricas. O quarto e último estudo focou em sete áreas de diferentes tipologias florestais brasileiras, estudando os seus perfis verticais de dossel. O estudo mostrou que é possível diferenciar estas tipologias com base no perfil vertical derivado de levantamentos LiDAR. Foi observado também que o tamanho das parcelas possui diferentes níveis de dependência espacial. Cada tipologia possui características específicas que precisam ser levadas em considerações em projetos de monitoramento, inventário e mapeamento baseado em levantamentos LiDAR. O estudo mostrou que é possível determinar o perfil vertical de dossel a partir da cobertura de 10% da área, chegando a algumas tipologias em apenas 2% da área.

Espectroscopia Raman amplificada por superfície em aplicações analíticas assistidas por ferramentas quimiométricas / Chemometric-assisted analytical applications using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy

Mamián López, Mónica Benicia, 1978- 12 December 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Ronei Jesus Poppi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T17:49:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MamianLopez_MonicaBenicia_D.pdf: 23169913 bytes, checksum: cf40556e2a6f09ccb3f2b2bf36b0b234 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Foi utilizada a espectroscopia Raman amplificada por superfície SERS, em conjunto com ferramentas quimiométricas de resolução de curvas e alguns algoritmos complementares, em quatro aplicações analíticas que incluíram imagem SERS, monitoramento de um sistema dinâmico multicomponente e quantificação de nicotina e moxifloxacina em urina. Como intensificadores do sinal foram empregados um sistema coloidal de ouro, sintetizado segundo o método de Lee-Miesel e um substrato sólido comercial de ouro nanoestruturado / Abstract: In this work, four chemometric-assisted analytical procedures using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy are proposed. A multivariate curve resolution method in conjuction with others algorithms were employed to quantify the alkalloid nicotine in presence of two related compounds; determinate the antibiotic moxifloxacin in urine and to study its photolyitic degradation. Besides, SERS imaging was applied to study the paracetamol distribution in polymeric films. As SERS enhancers were used colloidal gold and a nanostructured gold substrate / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutora em Ciências

Caracterização de biodiesel e misturas BXX por GCxGC-FID e GCxGC qMS / Characterization of biodiesel and mixtures of BXX GCxGC-FID and GCxGC qMS

Mogollón, Noroska Gabriela Salazar, 1986- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Fabio Augusto, Ronei Jesus Poppi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T16:37:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Mogollon_NoroskaGabrielaSalazar_M.pdf: 3540897 bytes, checksum: 1c33a87e76ee946114306b0838e6978b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Neste trabalho,foram aplicadas metodologias quimiométricas para a caracterização de biodieseis de diversas origens, junto à sua quantificação em misturas BXX (biodiesel em diesel mineral), por meio de dados fornecidos por GC×GC-FID, com uma alta capacidade de separação e detectabilidade, em conjunto com algoritmos de classificação e de resolução de curvas para quantificação de misturas complexas. Primeiramente, foram otimizadas as condições de trabalho aplicadas no preparo de biodiesel, escolhendo-se em seguida o melhor conjunto de colunas que separou os ésteres metílicos provenientes do biodiesel. Foram analisadas amostras de biodieseis de soja com tempos de envelhecimento diferentes nos distintos conjuntos de colunas. Com os dados fornecidos, foi aplicado o algoritmo de classificação analise de componente principal multimodo (MPCA), observando-se a separação entre os biodieseis de óleo de soja novo e envelhecido e, com tais dados, escolheu-se o conjunto que melhor executou a classificação. Em seguida, foram analisadas amostras de biodieseis de diferentes matérias primas, realizando-se a classificação dos mesmos pelo MPCA, observando-se os compostos responsáveis pela diferença entre os mesmos, também identificados por GC×GC-qMS. Finalmente, para a quantificação, foi construída uma curva de calibração analítica com misturas BXX de biodiesel de óleo de soja novo, e para a validação da curva, utilizaram-se biodieseis de diferentes matérias primas, desprezando-se os compostos que diferiram nas diferentes amostras, resultando em um algoritmo útil para quantificar misturas BXX com biodieseis de qualquer fonte / Abstract: Chemometric methods were applied for characterization of biodiesel from different origins, along with their quantification in mixtures BXX (biodiesel in mineral diesel) through data collected from GCxGC-FID. This takes advantage of the high separation capacity and the detectability of the two-dimensional system along with classification algorithms and curve resolution for complex mixture quantification. And the first step, the working conditions for preparing biodiesel were optimized, taking the best set of columns that separated the methyl esters from the biodiesel. Samples of soybean oil biodiesel were analyzed with different aging times in different sets of columns. With the data obtained, the MPCA classification algorithm was applied. Observing the separation between the biodiesels, the data was used for picking the best set of columns for the execution of the classification. Next, biodiesel samples from different raw materials were analysis, performing their classifications by MPCA, observing the compounds responsible for the difference between the biodiesels. These were also identified by GCxGC-qMS. Finally for quantification, a calibration curve with BXX mixtures of new soybean oil biodiesel was constructed for validation. Using biodiesel made out of different raw materials from various sources, ignoring compounds that differ in the biodiesel, a useful algorithm to quantify biodiesel blends BXX with any raw material was obtained / Mestrado / Quimica Analitica / Mestra em Química

Ett långsamt farväl tillsammans med ALS : En analys av självbiografier. / A slow farewell together with ALS : An analysis of autobiographies

Wong, Tsz San January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amyotrofisk lateralskleros (ALS) är en motorneuronsjukdom orsakad avnedbrytning och död av motorneuron, vilket leder till förlorad funktion i tillhörande muskler då nervsignaler uteblir. Personer med ALS är en sårbar grupp med begränsad möjlighet att uttrycka sig för omvärlden. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att genom ALS-drabbades narrativ identifiera beskrivningar av upplevelser och hur dessa företer sig under sjukdomsförloppet. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ ansats som analyserat självbiografier skrivna avpersoner med ALS, utifrån en innebördsanalys. Resultat: Sjukdomen medför mångdimensionella dilemman av existentiella slag som bidrar till lidande och att familjen har en betydelsefull roll i den ALS-drabbades mående. De främsta anledningarna till lidande är rädslan för påverkad värdighet och utanförskap. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskan har en central funktion i vårdandet av ALS-drabbade. God förståelse i de drabbades tankar och upplevelser är en förutsättning för att ge god vård och etablera trygghet. Sjuksköterskan ska sträva efter att skapa en god relation med den ALS-drabbade och anhörig för att kunna bidra till stöttning ur ett helhetsperspektiv och därifrån utöka möjligheten till välbefinnande. / Background: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a motor neuron disease caused by gradual deterioration and death of motor neurons, resulting in loss of function in the associated muscles due to the lack of nerve signals. People with ALS are a vulnerable group with physically limited ability to express themselves. Aim: The aim of this study was to identify and follow experiences of living with ALS, by examining narratives of ALS affected persons. Method: The study is based on a qualitative approach with a content analysis of autobiographies written by people with ALS. Results: The disease causes multidimensional dilemmas of existential kinds that contribute to suffering and that family is an important part that affects the perception of the disease. The primary causes of suffering are found to be the fear of affected personal dignity and alienation. Conclusion: The nurse has a central function in the care of ALS-affected persons. The nurse must strive to establish a good relationship with the caretaker and their relatives, thus striving to maximize the support from a holistic perspective, which increases the possibility for the caretaker to experience well-being.

Tidiga tecken på sväljningssvårigheter vid ALS

Backman, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Approximately 80% of all patients with ALS suffer from dysphagia sooner or later during the course of the disease. It is important to find patients with dysphagia in an early stage since weight loss and malnutrition, which dysphagia contributes to, are negative prognostic factors. The main purpose of this study was to identify early signs of dysphagia in patients with ALS, by investigating which clinical evaluation tools that discovers dysphagia in an early stage and see how the swallowing difficulties progress over time. Another purpose of the study was to evaluate the participants’ responses in a self-evaluation questionnaire (EAT-10) and how they correlate with findings on fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES). Eleven participants with ALS were examined with FEES and non-instrumental tests one to four times over the course of one year. Only five participants were examined three or more times and because of that it is not possible to draw conclusions about the progression of dysphagia. Nine of 11 participants showed signs of dysphagia at the first examination. Test of lip strength was the clinical evaluation tool that identified most patients with dysphagia, followed by swallow capacity test. In an exploratory analysis, both of these tests showed good correlation with results on FEES. Patient responses on EAT-10 were also strongly correlated with the results on FEES.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med ALS : En studie baserad på självbiografier och biografier / Patients' experiences of living with ALS : A study based on autobiographies and biographies

Johansson, Rebecka, Kristensson, Frida January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: ALS är en obotlig sjukdom som orsakar muskelförtvining som leder till försämrad rörelseförmåga och inom en begränsad tid avlider patienten. En patient som inte känner mening i livet kan stöta på svårigheter beträffande förmåga att uppleva välbefinnande. Patienter som lever med ALS lever med en rädsla eftersom diagnosen innebär förlust av framtiden. Det är därför viktigt att patienterna får professionellt stöd av sjuksköterskan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med ALS. Metod: Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod och data analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med en induktiv ansats som grundas på tre självbiografier och två biografier. Resultat: Det framkommer att patienterna som lever med ALS upplever ett förändrat livsperspektiv, ett nytt sammanhang, själsliga och kroppsliga påföljder samt att relationer påverkar välbefinnandet. Konklusion: Patienter som lever med ALS upplever både välbefinnande och lidande. Sjuksköterskan ansvarar för att patienterna ska erhålla rätt stöd samt hjälp som de önskar och är i behov av för att de ska känna livskvalitet i vardagen. Sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt och bemötande i det personliga mötet med patienterna bedöms vara avgörande för deras upplevelse av välbefinnande. / Background: ALS is an incurable disease that causes muscle loss which leads to impaired mobility and within a limited time the patient dies. A patient who does not know the meaning of life may encounter difficulties in the ability to experience well-being. Patients living with ALS live with a fear because the diagnosis means loss of the future. It is therefore important that patients receive professional support from the nurse. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patients' experiences of living with ALS. Method: The study is based on a qualitative method and data were analyzed based on a qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach based on three autobiographies and two biographies. Results: It appears that patients living with ALS experience a changed life perspective, a new context, mental and physical sanctions, and that relationships affect well-being. Conclusion: Patients living with ALS experience both well-being and suffering. The nurse is responsible for ensuring that patients receive the right support and assistance that they desire and require to feel quality of life in their everyday lives. The nurse's approach in the personal encounter with the patients is considered to be crucial for their experience of well-being.

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