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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sous le signe du m??tissage : l'ethnogen??se intra-am??rindienne des Mal??cites (1600-1750)

Beaudet, Alexis January 2014 (has links)
Ce m??moire s???int??resse ?? l?????mergence du groupe autochtone Mal??cite entre 1600 et 1750. L???hypoth??se d??fendue soutient que les Mal??cites sont apparus suite ?? des regroupements intertribaux forc??s par le choc microbien, les guerres coloniales et les modifications ??conomiques, culturelles et socio-politiques induites par la colonisation. Ce m??moire part d???un ?? probl??me d???identit?? ?? souvent relev?? chez les Mal??cites et tente d?????claircir leur provenance r??elle, ?? l???aide d???une relecture des sources sous l???angle du concept d???ethnogen??se intra-am??rindienne, ouvrant ainsi la voie ?? un aspect m??connu et inusit?? de l???histoire autochtone, ?? savoir les cons??quences internes et identitaires de cette formidable rencontre que fut le contact.

Sous le signe du m??tissage : l'ethnogen??se intra-am??rindienne des Mal??cites (1600-1750)

Beaudet, Alexis January 2014 (has links)
Ce m??moire s???int??resse ?? l?????mergence du groupe autochtone Mal??cite entre 1600 et 1750. L???hypoth??se d??fendue soutient que les Mal??cites sont apparus suite ?? des regroupements intertribaux forc??s par le choc microbien, les guerres coloniales et les modifications ??conomiques, culturelles et socio-politiques induites par la colonisation. Ce m??moire part d???un ?? probl??me d???identit?? ?? souvent relev?? chez les Mal??cites et tente d?????claircir leur provenance r??elle, ?? l???aide d???une relecture des sources sous l???angle du concept d???ethnogen??se intra-am??rindienne, ouvrant ainsi la voie ?? un aspect m??connu et inusit?? de l???histoire autochtone, ?? savoir les cons??quences internes et identitaires de cette formidable rencontre que fut le contact.

Ett fragment av Barlaams saga ok Josaphats : Diplomatarisk utgåva av AM 231 VII fol. med en paleografisk och ortografisk undersökning

Palumbo, Alessandro January 2011 (has links)
Föremålet för denna undersökning är en isländsk handskrift från 1300-talet, AM 231 VII fol., som innehåller ett fragment av Barlaams saga ok Josaphats. Fragmentet består av två skadade pergamentblad och flera forskare har hävdat att dess upphovsman är densamme som har skrivit Uppsala-Eddan, även kallad DG 11. AM 231 VII fol. har dock aldrig givits ut separat eller stått i fokus för en ingående undersökning om dess paleografiska och ortografiska drag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att presentera en diplomatarisk utgåva av handskriften, granska dess paleografi och språkformer och bilda ett pålitligt underlag för en jämförelse mellan den och DG 11. En sådan jämförelse faller emellertid utanför ramen för denna uppsats. På grundval av den paleografiska undersökningen har jag på en makropaleografisk nivå kunnat etablera handskriftens graftyper och på en mikropaleografisk nivå dess graftypsvarianter. Dessutom har jag ur skrifthistoriskt perspektiv kategoriserat skriften i fragmentet som tillhörande den gotiska skrifttypen Northern Textualis, även om vissa kursiva drag också går att iaktta. Resultaten av den ortografiska undersökningen motsäger delvis de tidigare redogörelserna av handskriftens språkformer. I synnerhet gäller detta: 1) representationen av den bakre trycksvaga vokalen, som oftast är \o\, medan \v\ bara förekommer några gånger; 2) den främre trycksvaga vokalen skrivs alltid \i\, förutom i ett fall där graftypen \e\ används; 3) reflexivändelsen i verben skrivs både \z\ och \zt\; 4) norvagismerna är fler än man tidigare hade iakttagit: den oomljudda ordformen \mannoþvm\; skrivningarna med \e\ för förväntat /æ:/ efter velar och nasal konsonant; \þ\ för förväntat /d/ efter nasal konsonant och efter /l/; ordformen \herbyrgi\. De nya yngre drag som jag har kunnat iaktta är följande: det ofta förekommande bruket av \av\ för /ɔ/ istället för \o\; fonemet /æ:/ skrivs oftast \æ\ och bara några gånger e med hake; /l/ dubbeltecknas alltid framför /d/ och /t/; reflexivändelsen i verben är ibland \zt\. Som äldre drag räknar jag bruket av graftypen \o\ för den bakre trycksvaga vokalen. Vokallängden markeras ibland genom överskriven accenttecken i kortare ord, men oftast markeras den inte. Dubbelteckning av \a\ förekommer uteslutande i namn av icke-nordiskt ursprung. Fonemen /a:/ och /ɔ:/ har sammanfallit och skrivs \a\. Fonemen /æ:/ och /ø:/ har också sammanfallit och skrivs båda två \æ\. Konsonantlängden markeras oftast genom dubbelteckning men vissa långa konsonantiska fonem betecknas genom överskriven punkt: /t:/, med kapitäl, /g:/, /m:/, och /r:/, eller med särskilda graftypsvarianter, /n:/. Kapitälerna har i vissa fall endast framhållande funktion eller förekommer i samband med supralinjära förkortningstecken. Visst inflytande från den latinska skrifttraditionen kan noteras i skrivningen \qv\ för /kw/.

Jahresbericht - unternehmen selbst!beteiligen - Studentenstiftung Dresden

25 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
... Die Initiative unternehmen selbst!beteiligen hat sich zu einer Stiftung gewandelt – mit dem Zweck, die Studienbedingungen in Dresden zu verbessern. Davon möchten wir hier berichten, um unsere Arbeit gemeinsam mit Ihnen weiterzuspinnen. ... (aus dem Vorwort)

Jahresbericht - unternehmen selbst!beteiligen - Studentenstiftung Dresden

25 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
... Was haben wir mit der Studentenstiftung 2006 in Dresden erreicht? Mit dem allerersten Wickeltisch für die TU Dresden, mit der Vorlesungsreihe „Fundraising“ und den Buchbasaren haben wir 2006 neue Impulse gesetzt. Daraus und aus dem Sonderpreis für das „besonders innovative Stiftungskonzept“ schöpfen wir für das Jahr 2007 neue Energie. ... (aus dem Vorwort)

Jahresbericht - unternehmen selbst!beteiligen - Studentenstiftung Dresden

25 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
... Abenteuer ohne Ende für größere Kinder und Studenten! Die TUD-Bauingenieure des sechsten Semesters bauten 2007 in der Dresdner Neustadt einen Spielplatz - ehrenamtlich, aus Holz und in Handarbeit. Wir sorgten mit einer Video- Dokumentation dafür, dass Motivation, Etappensiege und Erfahrungen des Bauball-Teams nicht in Vergessenheit geraten. ... (aus dem Vorwort)

Verbreitung von Patientenverfügungen in Leipziger Alten- und Pflegeheimen

Kahlich, Franziska 12 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Kenntnis über Patientenverfügungen sowie deren Akzeptanz und dem Vorhandensein dieser Vorsorgedokumente innerhalb eines Studienkollektives von Senioren in Leipziger Alten- und Pflegeheimen. Der Gegenstand der Patientenverfügung selbst wird, unter Berücksichtigung soziodemographischer, persönlicher sowie gesundheitlicher Aspekte, evaluiert. Außerdem werden Standpunkte der Heimbewohner wie beispielsweise die Bereitschaft zu lebensverlängernden Therapien sowie zu Reanimationsmaßnahmen hinterfragt. Vor dem Hintergrund der Ergebnisse werden Lösungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert, welche die Grenze zwischen medizinisch-technisch Möglichen und ethisch Vertretbarem bezüglich der Entscheidungen am Lebensende regulieren können.

Product Development of Terminal Testing Box (TTB)

Visti, Erica January 2015 (has links)
Twenty weeks ago I got the honor to pursue a project for ABB Crane Systems. After success with an innovative direction on their Remote Control Station they wanted a continuation of industrial design in another new product development. The aim was to specify the customer needs and create a concept to a Terminal Test Box (TTB), with hopes to gain momentum and funds for continuation of the project.   The terminals earn their money based on productivity of the quay, meaning that the number of ship-to-shore lifts per minute becomes very important. Clients have requested a solution where they can simulate their cranes to ensure function. At the moment approximately five prototypes have been delivered, for example to Peel Ports in Liverpool and Lazaro Cardenas in Mexico. The current Test box lack a proper casing and user adapted features. Based on interviews with personnel at Crane Systems representing linked/adjacent work with TTB the customer needs was determined to: a solution adapted to commissioning phase,a process panel easy to reach, access to components without exposing them, oversight of components and ability to move TTB. The test box is used either standing on the floor or placed on a table. Placed on the floor the operator must twist and bend to access the box, leading to an unpleasant working posture. Set on the table the box is bulky.   The initial idea development resulted in three potential positions and seven initial concepts. Of these seven three ideas was conceptualized and graded in Pughs matrix. The concept Stand high offered a convenient and ergonomic solution independent of the available interior in commissioning phase. However Stand high had weaknesses where the other two concepts Cross and Transparent showed strengths and therefore the three concepts were combined into one. Knowledge about the included components such as an industrial computer and power supply and their requirements has driven the process.   TTB will be produced in approximately ten units per year. The slim edition made it alluring to look into state of the art manufacturing such as Additive Manufacturing compared to the more traditional use of shielded metal. Possibilities regarding the small series can be used by ABB for continuously trying the product towards the customer and offer a flexible product that can be individually adapted to some extent.   The final concept of TTB is improved compared to the Test box looking at horizontal and vertical spacing between the components, which also enables cable channels. The process panel included has an inclination of 15 degrees to avoid reflections as much as possible and to create an ergonomic working position. It has a see through front door giving access and viewing of the components. A combined CNC and 3D-printing prototype/product from the company HLH in aluminum and Plexiglas would cost approximately 24 750 SEK. Manufacturing in shaped sheet metal at Sweco (without a see through door) would cost approximately 10 000 SEK. This is creating an exciting situation, where the recommendation is to create a prototype to further evaluate the concept into completion.

Far away is close at hand : an ethnographic investigation of social conduct in mixed reality museum visits

Galani, Areti January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates how museum companions organise their conduct regarding their engagement with the exhibition and their social interaction with each other in the course of a visit. The main objectives of the thesis are the empirical investigation of social conduct in casual group museum visits and the exploration and understanding of social conduct in real-time distributed museum visits through mobile mixed reality technology. A third area of interest is the application of qualitative methodology, based on ethnomethodology and ethnographic methods, for the fulfilment of the above objectives. In particular this thesis presents and discusses fieldwork of collocated casual group visits alongside video recording and interviews collected in distributed museum visits during trial sessions in the Mack Room mixed reality museum environment. Drawing on vignettes of activity among collocated and distributed participants, the thesis develops discussion around three themes: the collaborative exploration of museum artefacts, aspects of the collaborative management of shared museum visits and the constitution of the visiting ‘order’ in and through social conduct. Among others, issues of collaborative alignment, awareness, indication of engagement and disengagement and conflicting accountabilities are discussed. The contribution of this thesis in current research in museum studies, CSCW and social science is explored. Findings reported in this thesis extend current visitor studies research to include the study of social conduct in the management of collocated visits and the constitution of visiting order. They also suggest that studies of sociality among distributed visitors may open opportunities for museums to support mutually complementing local and distributed experiences. With regard to understanding asymmetries in mobile mixed reality environments, the thesis points out that asymmetries could be better understood with reference to the activity in context rather than the technological features themselves. This thesis also makes a contribution to social studies research with regard to exploring the changing character of talk in distributed collaborative settings. Future research with respect to mixed reality applications for museum visits is also outlined.

Jahresberichte - unternehmen selbst!beteiligen - StudentenStiftung Dresden

05 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

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