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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sobre os viventes do Rio Doce e da Fazenda Guarany: dois presídios federais para índios durante a Ditadura Militar / About living Rio Doce and Guarany Farm: two federal prisons for Indians during the Military Dictatorship

Filho, Antonio Jonas Dias 06 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Jonas Dias Filho.pdf: 4948509 bytes, checksum: 591f08db205a4509e148a38514fc76ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-06 / This thesis is the result of research work done in two phases: first in the graduation when we had first contact with this theme and now when we do our doctorate. This work is about an episode of repression in Military Dictatorship against indigenous peoples who were taken from their lands for two federal prisons in the state of Minas Gerais between the years 1967 and 1979. The reasons given by FUNAI for prisons were generally crimes like theft, murder and assault but research has shown that the actual and specific reasons were linked: first the participation of the same in meetings against the occupation of their land by development projects created by Military regime and; second to face due to the internal rules of the FUNAI in the indigenous areas. The theoretical discussion is set in the environment of dictatorships in South America over the years 60, 70 and 80 whose motto was development and national security. We compared the Argentine, Chilean and Brazilian scenarios to show the similarities and differences of regimes lived in those countries pointed out that there was a common project that led to armed repression and intelligence against all groups and individuals considered subversive by those governments. We call this type of totalitarianism as "Development of dictatorships in Latin America" because we understand that the military that took power believed in the binomial economic control-growth. Then we discuss the role of Development Projects and National Integration as factors that have led, during that period, the occupation of indigenous lands not only by Brazil and his great works but also by the northeastern and southern migrants and multinational companies attracted by military government. The reaction of indigenous peoples led the military regime to take repressive measures. First the Indians were arrested for a paramilitary unit formed by members of various indigenous peoples. Were then transferred to the reformatory (in Indian Post Krenak between 1967 and 1972 and Guarany Farm, between 1972 and 1979). In these places suffered confinement in solitary, forced labor, torture, disappearances and deaths. Both repression in areas as prisons are human rights violations and the Indian Statute itself. The importance and originality of this thesis not only in the fact to go public this little-known story of our recent history, we believe that merit is to discuss the failure of the state and civil society as the non-inclusion of the case in the laws that make up the Amnesty process initiated in 1979 with Law 6.683 and continued in 1995 with the Law 9.140 of the Dead and Disappeared / Esta tese resulta de um trabalho de pesquisa feito em duas fases: a primeira na graduação quando tivemos o primeiro contato com esse tema e agora quando realizamos nosso doutorado. Trata de um episódio de repressão na Ditadura Militar contra os povos indígenas que foram levados de suas terras para duas prisões federais no Estado de Minas Gerais entre os anos de 1967 e 1979. Os motivos alegados pela FUNAI para as prisões eram em geral crimes como roubo, homicídios e agressões, mas a pesquisa mostrou que os motivos reais e concretos estavam ligados: primeiro, à participação dos mesmos em Assembleias contra a ocupação de suas terras pelos projetos de desenvolvimento criados pelo Regime Militar e; segundo, ao enfrentamento diante das regras internas da FUNAI nas áreas indígenas. A discussão teórica tem como cenário o ambiente das Ditaduras na América do Sul ao longo dos anos 60, 70 e 80 cujo mote era desenvolvimento e segurança nacional. Comparamos os cenários argentino, chileno e brasileiro para mostrar as semelhanças e diferenças dos regimes vividos nesses países para assinalar que havia um projeto comum que levou à repressão armada e de inteligência contra todos os grupos e indivíduos considerados subversivos por esses governos. Denominamos esse tipo de totalitarismo como Ditaduras de Desenvolvimento na América Latina porque entendemos que os militares que tomaram o poder acreditavam no binômio controle-crescimento econômico. Em seguida discutimos o papel dos Projetos de Desenvolvimento e de Integração Nacional como fatores que propiciaram, durante o referido período, a ocupação das terras indígenas não apenas pelo Estado brasileiro e suas grandes obras, mas também pelos migrantes nordestinos e sulistas e pelas empresas multinacionais atraídas pelo governo militar. A reação dos povos indígenas levou o Regime Militar a tomar medidas repressivas. Primeiro os índios eram presos por uma unidade paramilitar formada por integrantes de vários povos indígenas. Depois eram transferidos para os Reformatórios (no Posto Indígena Krenak entre 1967 e 1972 e na Fazenda Guarany, entre 1972 e 1979). Nesses locais sofreram com confinamentos em solitárias, trabalhos forçados, torturas, desaparecimentos e mortes. Tanto a repressão nas áreas quanto as prisões são violações dos direitos humanos e do próprio Estatuto do Índio. A importância e a originalidade desta tese não reside apenas no fato de trazer a público este episódio pouco conhecido da nossa história recente, acreditamos que o seu mérito é discutir a omissão do estado e da sociedade civil quanto à não inclusão do caso nas leis que compõem o processo de Anistia iniciado em 1979 com a Lei 6.683 e continuado em 1995 com a Lei 9.140 dos Mortos e Desaparecidos

As dinâmicas da luta pela anistia na transição política / The dynamics of the fight for amnesty during the political transition

Oliveira, Lucas Monteiro de 17 December 2014 (has links)
O objeto central desta dissertação foram as relações estabelecidas, entre 1975 e 1979, entre os movimentos pela anistia e o Estado. Trabalhou-se especificamente com a relação da aprovação da lei 6.683/79 e a dinâmica da transição brasileira, buscando compreender como as ações dos movimentos influenciaram a agenda de abertura elaborada pela ditadura. A partir da hipótese inicial, de que os defensores da anistia produziram diferentes significados para a luta, analisei: o Movimento Feminino Pela Anistia, o Comitê Brasileiro pela Anistia, as mobilizações dos exilados, o pronunciamento do General Figueiredo e a atuação de parlamentares do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro e da Aliança Renovadora Nacional. Nas disputas empreendidas por esses agentes ficou evidente uma tensão entre o sentido de anistia como esquecimento e da anistia como rememoração. O sentido de esquecimento, conciliação e pacificação, foi elaborado por parte da oposição e incorporado à agenda oficial da transição. A aprovação da anistia foi uma resposta ao amplo ciclo de mobilizações populares empreendidas no final dos anos 1970. A estratégia foi dividir a oposição e trazer a disputa para o campo institucional. Para isso, foi aprovada a lei partidária, que canalizou os esforços militantes para essa atuação. Ficou relegada ao segundo plano a investigação das violações de direitos humanos e a responsabilização dos agentes da ditadura. Tais lacunas foram fundamentais para a construção do Estado Democrático Brasileiro. / The main subject of this thesis is the connections, established from 1975 to 1979, between the State and the movements for amnesty. Particularly, I have worked with the connection between the approval of law 6683/79 and the dynamics of transition in Brazil, aiming to comprehend how the actions of these movements have influenced the democratization agenda implemented by the dictatorship. From the initial hypothesis that the fight for amnesty took on various meanings inside each advocate group, I have analyzed: The Womens Movement for Amnesty, the Brazilian Committee for Amnesty, the various mobilizations carried out by the exiles, General Figueiredos speech, and the work of congressmen from the Brazilian Democratic Movement and the National Renewal Alliance Party. During the disputes undertaken by these agents, a tension between the meaning of amnesty as forgetting or amnesty as remembering became clear. The interpretation of amnesty as forgetting, reconciliation and appeasement was developed by part of the opposition and incorporated to the transitions official agenda. The approval of amnesty was a response to the extensive series of popular mobilizations that took place in the late 1970s. The strategy was to divide the opposition and move the dispute into the institutional field. To that end, the political party law was approved, channeling militant efforts towards that area. Investigating human rights violations and imputing responsibility to the agents of dictatorship was relegated to the background. These omissions were essential to the construction of the Brazilian Democratic State.

A justiça de transição no contexto latino-americano: suas características, fundamentos e uma comparação entre Brasil e Argentina / Transitional justice in Latin American context

Marcela Siqueira Miguens 22 August 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propõe a uma discussão sobre como pode ser encarada a questão da responsabilidade penal em relação às violações massivas de direitos humanos praticadas durante situações de repressão, considerando o caso brasileiro da edição da Lei n 6.683. Para tanto, apresenta-se o conceito de justiça de transição e o seu surgimento, que é acompanhado pela afirmação da proteção internacional dos direitos humanos. Este processo é dividido em três fases distintas, relacionadas ao fim da Segunda Guerra e o estabelecimento dos Tribunais de Nuremberg e Tóquio; à onda de democratização em algumas nações com o fim da Guerra-Fria e à criação dos tribunais internacionais e do TPI. Como forma de efetivação da justiça de transição, são apresentados os Princípios de Chicago, diretrizes a serem seguidas pelos Estados na transição democrática, que sugerem abordagens de diversas naturezas em relação às violações de direitos humanos. Como fundamento da justiça de transição, dando destaque à questão da responsabilização penal, são trazidos os dispositivos sobre o tema presentes em normas e tratados internacionais, enfatizando os aspectos do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Parte-se, em seguida, à apresentação do exemplo argentino na realização da justiça de transição sob o aspecto da declaração de inconstitucionalidade de suas leis de anistia, como meio de reflexão para o caso brasileiro. Conjugando os elementos anteriores, apresenta-se a situação brasileira no contexto da realização da justiça de transição, com o julgamento da ADPF 153 e com a condenação do Estado pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos. / This paper proposes a discussion on how it can be given to the issue of accountability in relation to the massive human rights violations committed during times of repression, considering the case of the Brazilian edition of the Law No. 6683. To this end, we present the concept of transitional justice and its appearance, which is accompanied by the statement of the international protection of human rights. This process is divided into three distinct phases, related to the end of World War II and the establishment of the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals, the wave of democratization in some countries with the end of the Cold War and the creation of international tribunals and the ICC. As a way of realization of transitional justice, presents the Chicago Principles, guidelines to be followed by states in democratic transition, suggesting approaches of different nature in relation to human rights violations. In support of transitional justice, highlighting the issue of accountability, the devices are brought on the present subject standards and treaties, emphasizing the inter-American Human Rights. Breaks, then the presentation of the Argentine example in the realization of transitional justice in the aspect of the declaration of unconstitutionality of their amnesty laws as a means of reflection for the Brazilian case. Combining the previous elements, it presents the situation of Brazilian the realization of transitional justice, with the trial of ADPF 153 and the condemnation of State for Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

"Congregar, Congraçar e Unir: a atuação da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro (1981-1989)" / "Congregar, Congraçar e Unir: a atuação da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro (1981-1989)"

Leonardo Antonio de Carvalho Teixeira 25 March 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca compreender a atuação das Torcidas Organizadas e, torantes especificamente, da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro, no contexto da anistia política vivenciada no Brasil. Esse também é um período onde se nota o esgotamento do Milagre econômico, com enorme inflação, que acarretou diretamente no aumento do custo de vida e, para os torcedores, na majoração do preço dos ingressos para os jogos de futebol. A alternativa encontrada é uma série de boicotes e greves das torcidas no afã de reduzir o valor das entradas, contando com ampla cobertura da mídia, especializada, Jornal dos Sports, Revista Placar, ou a mais geral, Jornal do Brasil. Nosso objetivo é compreender as diversas iniciativas tomadas pela ASTORJ para alcançar suas vitórias, o discurso presente em suas lideranças, e a maneira como foi construída essa relação dialética entre torcidas e órgãos da imprensa e, para tal, analisaremos reportagens de jornais, revistas e de colunas como A Voz da Galera, presente no Jornal dos Sports, que se somam a entrevistas realizadas por nós junto a figuraschave da Associação das Torcidas Organizadas do Rio de Janeiro. / This paper seeks to understand the role of association of football fans and torantes specifically , the Association of organized fans of Rio de Janeiro , in the context of political amnesty experienced in Brazil . This is also a period where we note the exhaustion of the "economic miracle " , with massive inflation, which led directly to the rising cost of living and, for fans , increase in the price of tickets to the football games .The alternative is found a series of boycotts and strikes twisted in his eagerness to reduce the value of the entries , with extensive media coverage , Specialty - Journal of Sports , Score Magazine - or more generally - Jornal do Brazil . Our goal is to understand the various initiatives taken by ASTORJ to achieve their victories , the present leaders in their speech, and the way it was constructed this dialectical relationship between supporters and media outlets , and for this , we will analyze reports from newspapers , magazines and columns - as " the Voice of Galera " , present in the Journal of Sports - that add up to interviews conducted by us with the key figures of the Association of organized fans of Rio de Janeiro.

Comparison of the management systems of international organizations dealing with human rights in selected countries / Komparace systémů řízení mezinárodních organizací zabývajících se ochranou lidských práv ve vybraných zemích

Ivanova, Nadiia January 2011 (has links)
This work focuses on the comparison of the managerial systems of Ukrainian and Czech branches of international human rights organization Amnesty International. In theoretical part it describes types of government of nonprofit organizations, principles of their management, introduces analytic-normative model of the management of organization and external factors that can influence organization. Practical part if focused on the analysis of Amnesty International as a whole, its respective branches, application of the analytic-normative model for those branches, analysis of similarities and differences and identification of the causes of those differences. Results show the influence of organization's external environment on its management.

Sobre os viventes do Rio Doce e da Fazenda Guarany: dois presídios federais para índios durante a Ditadura Militar / About living Rio Doce and Guarany Farm: two federal prisons for Indians during the Military Dictatorship

Dias Filho, Antonio Jonas 06 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:55:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Jonas Dias Filho.pdf: 4948509 bytes, checksum: 591f08db205a4509e148a38514fc76ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-06 / This thesis is the result of research work done in two phases: first in the graduation when we had first contact with this theme and now when we do our doctorate. This work is about an episode of repression in Military Dictatorship against indigenous peoples who were taken from their lands for two federal prisons in the state of Minas Gerais between the years 1967 and 1979. The reasons given by FUNAI for prisons were generally crimes like theft, murder and assault but research has shown that the actual and specific reasons were linked: first the participation of the same in meetings against the occupation of their land by development projects created by Military regime and; second to face due to the internal rules of the FUNAI in the indigenous areas. The theoretical discussion is set in the environment of dictatorships in South America over the years 60, 70 and 80 whose motto was development and national security. We compared the Argentine, Chilean and Brazilian scenarios to show the similarities and differences of regimes lived in those countries pointed out that there was a common project that led to armed repression and intelligence against all groups and individuals considered subversive by those governments. We call this type of totalitarianism as "Development of dictatorships in Latin America" because we understand that the military that took power believed in the binomial economic control-growth. Then we discuss the role of Development Projects and National Integration as factors that have led, during that period, the occupation of indigenous lands not only by Brazil and his great works but also by the northeastern and southern migrants and multinational companies attracted by military government. The reaction of indigenous peoples led the military regime to take repressive measures. First the Indians were arrested for a paramilitary unit formed by members of various indigenous peoples. Were then transferred to the reformatory (in Indian Post Krenak between 1967 and 1972 and Guarany Farm, between 1972 and 1979). In these places suffered confinement in solitary, forced labor, torture, disappearances and deaths. Both repression in areas as prisons are human rights violations and the Indian Statute itself. The importance and originality of this thesis not only in the fact to go public this little-known story of our recent history, we believe that merit is to discuss the failure of the state and civil society as the non-inclusion of the case in the laws that make up the Amnesty process initiated in 1979 with Law 6.683 and continued in 1995 with the Law 9.140 of the Dead and Disappeared / Esta tese resulta de um trabalho de pesquisa feito em duas fases: a primeira na graduação quando tivemos o primeiro contato com esse tema e agora quando realizamos nosso doutorado. Trata de um episódio de repressão na Ditadura Militar contra os povos indígenas que foram levados de suas terras para duas prisões federais no Estado de Minas Gerais entre os anos de 1967 e 1979. Os motivos alegados pela FUNAI para as prisões eram em geral crimes como roubo, homicídios e agressões, mas a pesquisa mostrou que os motivos reais e concretos estavam ligados: primeiro, à participação dos mesmos em Assembleias contra a ocupação de suas terras pelos projetos de desenvolvimento criados pelo Regime Militar e; segundo, ao enfrentamento diante das regras internas da FUNAI nas áreas indígenas. A discussão teórica tem como cenário o ambiente das Ditaduras na América do Sul ao longo dos anos 60, 70 e 80 cujo mote era desenvolvimento e segurança nacional. Comparamos os cenários argentino, chileno e brasileiro para mostrar as semelhanças e diferenças dos regimes vividos nesses países para assinalar que havia um projeto comum que levou à repressão armada e de inteligência contra todos os grupos e indivíduos considerados subversivos por esses governos. Denominamos esse tipo de totalitarismo como Ditaduras de Desenvolvimento na América Latina porque entendemos que os militares que tomaram o poder acreditavam no binômio controle-crescimento econômico. Em seguida discutimos o papel dos Projetos de Desenvolvimento e de Integração Nacional como fatores que propiciaram, durante o referido período, a ocupação das terras indígenas não apenas pelo Estado brasileiro e suas grandes obras, mas também pelos migrantes nordestinos e sulistas e pelas empresas multinacionais atraídas pelo governo militar. A reação dos povos indígenas levou o Regime Militar a tomar medidas repressivas. Primeiro os índios eram presos por uma unidade paramilitar formada por integrantes de vários povos indígenas. Depois eram transferidos para os Reformatórios (no Posto Indígena Krenak entre 1967 e 1972 e na Fazenda Guarany, entre 1972 e 1979). Nesses locais sofreram com confinamentos em solitárias, trabalhos forçados, torturas, desaparecimentos e mortes. Tanto a repressão nas áreas quanto as prisões são violações dos direitos humanos e do próprio Estatuto do Índio. A importância e a originalidade desta tese não reside apenas no fato de trazer a público este episódio pouco conhecido da nossa história recente, acreditamos que o seu mérito é discutir a omissão do estado e da sociedade civil quanto à não inclusão do caso nas leis que compõem o processo de Anistia iniciado em 1979 com a Lei 6.683 e continuado em 1995 com a Lei 9.140 dos Mortos e Desaparecidos

A incidência do direito internacional penal em casos de extradição julgados pelo STF: análise crítica / The incidence of international criminal law in extradition cases judged by BrazilSupreme Court of Justice: an evaluative review

Oliverio, Cecilia Kaneto 20 January 2015 (has links)
Alguns casos de extradição julgados pelo STF possuem especial relevância por apreciarem a ocorrência dos crimes internacionais. Assim, o estudo dessas decisões mostra-se importante para que se possa averiguar o efetivo exercício do direito internacional penal, que regula o tratamento especial dado a estes crimes. A presente Tese tem por objetivo averiguar a incidência das normas de direito internacional penal nos julgamentos do STF de pedidos de extradição. Apresenta-se, ainda, o impacto que o entendimento firmado nesses casos tem surtido no julgamento de outras ações, inclusive por outras esferas do Poder Judiciário brasileiro. Também é possível realizar um comparativo com o quanto decidido no julgamento da ADPF nº 153, em que se reafirmou a validade da lei de anistia brasileira, que, por sua vez, extinguiu a punibilidade dos crimes internacionais cometidos durante o Regime Militar no Brasil. Por fim, a partir desses estudos, enfatiza-se a necessidades de dar efetiva aplicação ao direito internacional penal nos julgamentos realizados no âmbito do STF. / Some extradition cases trialed at Brazil Supreme Court of Justice show special relevance because they deal with international crimes. Therefore, the study of these judicial decisions is important so that it can be possible to verify the effectiveness of International Criminal Law, which regulates the special treatment given to those crimes. The present Thesis aims to examine the incidence of the rules and principles of international criminal law by Brazilian Supreme Court at extradition trials. It also presents the impacts of the understanding exposed in those trials on other cases and actions, subjected to other organs of Brazils Judiciary system. It is either possible to create a comparative between the jurisprudence of extradition cases and what has been decided at the ADPF nº 153, reaffirming Brazilian amnesty law, which has granted amnesty to international crimes committed during Brazils military regime. Finally, trough these reviews, it emphasizes the need to give real enforcement to international criminal law when Brazils Supreme Court analyzes extradition requests.

Paths to Peacebuilding: Amnesty and the Niger Delta Violence

Okonofua, Benjamin A 02 December 2011 (has links)
This mixed-method analysis of three Nigerian states explores the ways in which a major policy shift has produced short-term peace outcomes in a vastly contested terrain entailing conflicting interests. The central argument of "Paths to Peacebuilding," is that disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration can create peace in resource-conflicted societies when there is governmental will and community and citizen involvement in both the design and implementation of the program. The overriding concern was whether the DDR process was capable of contributing to tangible improvements in real and perceived safety on the ground as well as destroying the structures that both contributed to and sustained insurgency for over two decades. The disarmament process yielded over 3,000 semi- and fully automatic weapons and other military style hardware. It also resulted in the demobilization of over 26,000 former fighters. The DDR program generated important but geographically differentiated reductions in militant violence across the three states studied. The study analyzes survey and interview data from a random sample of 346 combatants and ex-combatants and other knowledgeable informants in three Niger Delta states - Rivers, Delta, and Bayelsa. The dissertation compared DDR success rates between individuals who entered the DDR program and those who did not. An examination of the programming determinants, controlling for non-programmatic factors including community exposure to pollution reveals some evidence of macro success and micro failure. While the program has created a new sense of peace that allows oil corporations to continue oil production unhindered leading to increased oil earnings for the Nigerian state, there is lack of local level support for the program or its participants. For example, findings of significant association between participation in the program and the successful disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of ex-combatants are moderated by participation effects. While evidence of some level of macro success is clearly indicated in addition to some level of impact on the lives of program participants, the failure to adequately link DDR to broad economic and social development programs may obviate the tentative gains made and plunge the region into potentially more devastating rounds of violent insurgency and counter-insurgency.

An analytical study of the reintegration experience of the formerly abducted children in Gulu, northern Uganda : a human security perspective

Maina, Grace Mukami January 2010 (has links)
The northern region of Uganda has been plagued by violent conflict for over two decades. The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) has been waging war against the current government of Uganda under the leadership of President Museveni. The Acholi community resident in the North of Uganda has been most affected by this war. In recent years however Northern Uganda has enjoyed relative calm following an agreement for the cessation of hostilities between the LRA and the government to allow for peace talks. Following the anticipated end of this conflict, the international community, the government and local organisations have engaged in a number of interventions and mechanisms that would assist in peace building. A fundamental intervention that has been formulated and administered to this end is the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme for the ex-LRA combatants. The DDR process has had the sole objective of enabling formerly abducted children to transform their lives from violence into civility and community. It has been the premise that if this transformation were to occur then societies could be made peaceful. There has been growing support for these programmes but there has been very little analysis done of the utility of these programmes and the consequential impacts that these programmes have on the local indigenous communities. Though well intentioned, there is much work to be done to assess the utility and success of reintegration initiatives in granting the formerly abducted children and local populations' lifestyles that are reasonably free from fear and want.

Att förena ett land : En fallstudie om Sydafrikas sanning och försoningskommission

Hellström, Inez January 2015 (has links)
After decades of repression and segregation South Africa managed to break free from the Apartheid era. The year was 1994 when democracy started to prevail in South Africa. That year a truth commission was created in the country to deal with the human rights violations of apartheid. This thesis will analyze the truth commission’s management through three perspectives. These perspectives are the Truth Commission’s, a report by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch and lastly a theory by Samuel Huntington. The analysis is designed as a case study of the truth commission’s work. This thesis describes the commissions work and the challenges that followed. The purpose of the thesis is to describe and analyze some of the different approaches on South Africa’s process of reconciliation. This has been done to see if there is parallels or possible contradictions between the perspectives and to highlight challenges. The result shows that the perspectives do have split opinions about the commissions work. The Truth Commission aims to bring the country forward in a fast pace, while Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch stands more critical on how the commission chooses to go about. Clear parallels are also shown between Huntingtons theory and the reality of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

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