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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect Of Analogy-enhanced Instruction Accompanied With Concept Maps On Understanding Of Acid-base Concept

Yilmazoglu, Candan 01 May 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to explore the effectiveness of analogy-enhanced instruction accompanied with concept maps over traditionally designed chemistry introduction on understanding of acid-base concept and attitude toward chemistry as a school subject. 81 8th grade students from two classes of a chemistry course taught by the same teacher in Nuh Eskiyapan Primary School in Ankara in 2003-2004 fall semesters were enrolled in the study. There were two groups of students. During the treatment, students in the control group were instructed only with traditionally designed instruction. Students in the experimental group studied with the analogy-enhanced instruction accompanied with concept maps through teacher lecture. Both groups were administered Acid-Base Chemistry Achievement Test and Attitude Scale toward Chemistry as a School Subject as pre-tests and post-tests. Logical Thinking Ability Test was given to both groups at the beginning of the study to determine students&rsquo / logical thinking ability levels. Research data were analyzed by using (SPSS 12.0) ANCOVA and t-test. As a result of the research, it was obviously seen that analogy-enhanced instruction accompanied with concept maps caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conception related to acid-base and produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction.

Facilitating Conceptual Change In Atom, Molecule, Ion And Matter Concepts

Seker, Aytul 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of the conceptual chance texts oriented instruction accompanied with analagoies over traditionally designed science instruction on 7th grade students&rsquo / understanding of atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts and their attitudes toward science as a school subject. In this study 70 seventh grade students from two classes of science course instructed by the same teacher from Battalgazi Elementary School took part. The study was conducted during 2004-2005 fall semester. This study included two groups which were selected randomly throughout five clasesses. One of the group was defined as control group in which students were taught by traditionally designed science instruction, while other group defined as experimental group in which students were instructed by conceptual chance texts oriented instruction accompanied with analogies (CCTI). Atom, Molecule, Ion and Matter Concepts Test (AMIMCT) was administered to both groups as a pre-test andpost-test and Attitudes Scale toward Science were administered as post-test to assesthe students understanding of atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts and students&rsquo / attitudes toward science as a school subject, respectively. The hypotheses were tested by using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed that CCTI caused significantly better acquisition of the scientific conceptions related to atom, molecule, ion and matter concepts than TDSI. The result showed that there was no significant difference between test mean scores of students taught with CCTI and those taught with TDSI with respect to their attitudes toward science as a school subject.

Effect Of Conceptual Change Texts Accompanied With Analogies On Promoting Conceptual Change In Acid And Base Concepts

Tamer, Ipek Puren 01 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of conceptual change text oriented instruction accompanied with analogies over traditional instruction on tenth grade students&rsquo / understanding of the acid and base concepts and attitude toward science as a school subject. In addition, effect of the gender difference and science process skills on students&rsquo / understanding of acid and base concepts and effect of gender difference on students&rsquo / attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject were also investigated. Subjects of the study were fifty tenth grade students from the two chemistry classes of the same teacher from a public school at the center of Ankara. There were one experimental group and one control group. Two teaching methods used were randomly assigned to the already formed groups of the teacher. Experimental group received conceptual change oriented instruction by using conceptual change text accompanied with analogies and control group received traditional instruction over a period of four weeks. Acid and Base Conception Test and Attitude Scale Toward Chemistry were given to all groups as a pre-test and post-test. Science Process Skill Test was given to all groups at the beginning of the study to determine students&#039 / level of science process skills. At the end of the study, interviews were hold with randomly selected experimental and control group students from the medium achievement level to get an in-dept idea about the nature of the misconceptions related with the topic. ANOVA and ANCOVA were used to test the hypotheses of the study. The results showed that establishing an analogical thinking during the course of instruction together with a conceptual change text caused a better acquisition of scientific conceptions and elimination of misconceptions related with acid and base concepts as compared to the traditional instruction. Because, the students in the experimental group taking conceptual change oriented instruction performed much better in the post-test than the students in the control group taking the traditional instruction. However, the two modes of the instruction and gender difference did not indicate a significant contribution to students&rsquo / attitude toward chemistry as a school subject. Besides, results showed that science process skills of the students&#039 / could be a strong predictor for their achievement in acid and base concepts whereas there was no significant effect of gender difference on students&rsquo / understanding of acid and base concepts.

Tourism trends: Evolution of tourism products market

Scott, Noel Robert Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Tourism trends: Evolution of tourism products market

Scott, Noel Robert Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Modelling Wave Power by Equivalent Circuit Theory

Hai, Ling January 2015 (has links)
The motion of ocean waves can be captured and converted into usable electricity. This indicates that wave power has the potential to supply electricity to grids like wind or solar power. A point absorbing wave energy converter (WEC) system has been developed for power production at Uppsala University. This system contains a semi-submerged buoy on the water surface driving a linear synchronous generator placed on the seabed. The concept is to connect many small units together, to form a wave farm for large-scale electricity generation. A lot of effort has gone into researching how to enhance the power absorption from each WEC unit. These improvements are normally done separately for the buoy, the generator or the electrical system, due to the fact that modelling the dynamic behavior of the entire WEC system is complicated and time consuming. Therefore, a quick, yet simple, assessment tool is needed.  This thesis focuses on studying the use of the equivalent circuit as a WEC system modelling tool. Based on the force analysis, the physical elements in an actual WEC system can be converted into electrical components. The interactions between the regular waves, the buoy, and the Power Take-off mechanism can be simulated together in one circuit network. WEC performance indicators like the velocity, the force, and the power can be simulated directly from the circuit model. Furthermore, the annual absorbed electric energy can be estimated if the wave data statistics are known. The linear and non-linear equivalent circuit models developed in this thesis have been validated with full scale offshore experimental results. Comparisons indicate that the simplest linear circuit can predict the absorbed power reasonably well, while it is not so accurate in estimating the peak force in the connection line. The non-linear circuit model generates better estimations in both cases. To encourage researchers from different backgrounds to adapt and apply the circuit model, an instruction on how to establish a non-linear equivalent circuit model is supplied, as well as on how to apply the model to accelerate the decision making process when planning a WEC system.

High fidelity open rotor noise prediction

Thomas, Paul Huw January 2017 (has links)
As improving the performance of turbofan designs becomes increasingly difficult, manufacturers are looking to new technologies for the next generation of jet engines. An 'open rotor' replaces the fan of the turbofan with a set of external rotors. This has the potential to offer a significant improvement in propulsive efficiency, but the design for low noise is a key challenge. Hence, high fidelity noise prediction methods are needed to accurately predict and compare the noise of different designs. This thesis focuses on one set of methods based on the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings (\fwh) equation. This equation is considered to be the most realistic description of aeroacoustic noise generation, as it is a direct rearrangement of the Navier-Stokes equations. The \fwh\ equation is difficult to solve for realistic test cases such as an open rotor, and is susceptible to several types of error. This thesis categorises these errors as ``input'', ``neglection'' and ``discretisation'' errors. Discretisation errors arise from the need to integrate a discretised source field for the total noise, neglection errors result from needing to ignore part of the source field for practical reasons, and input errors relate to any errors caused by inaccurate input to the solver. The fundamental motivation of this thesis is to advance the understanding of neglection and discretisation errors and how they can be mitigated, in order to develop best practice solvers and methodologies for application to open rotors. Dimensional analysis is combined with analytical flow solutions to develop a process for isolating and quantifying discretisation errors. This process is used to study a wide range of solver methodologies and select a best practice solver methodology for open rotor noise prediction. This first-of-a-kind study produces a solver methodology that reduces discretisation errors by an order of magnitude compared to an industry standard solver. Previous research into neglection errors has shown that avoiding density perturbations in acoustic source terms can be beneficial. This thesis uses a generic aeroacoustic analogy to provide a new, physically intuitive method of incorporating a surface discontinuity that enables density perturbations to be avoided in a far more elegant manner than previous research. The above method improvements are investigated using a modern open rotor rig test case. The results demonstrate that discretisation and neglection errors can be severe in realistic cases and the potential of the method improvements to significantly mitigate them.

Polysémie et structuration du lexique : le cas du Wolof / Polysemy and structuration of the lexicon : the Wolof case

Bondéelle, Olivier 13 May 2015 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur le rôle de la polysémie dans la structuration du lexique. La thèse propose de faire une évaluation qualitative de la polysémie, en la comparant aux autres relations qui structurent le lexique. Cette entreprise doit permettre de vérifier que les liens de polysémie ne doivent pas être modélisés indépendamment des liens de dérivation ou de conversion. Les résultats de l'évaluation montrent que la frontière entre polysémie et conversion est poreuse.Les comparaisons entre relations utilisent les propriétés de l'analogie, bien adaptée pour caractériser les rapports entre relations. Ce sont les liens qui connectent les lexies qui font l'objet d'une comparaison. Un lien de polysémie est ce qui connecte deux lexies en relation de polysémie. Ce lien peut être comparé à un lien qui connecte deux autres lexies en relation de conversion.La langue d'étude est le wolof, langue atlantique d'Afrique de l'ouest. Cette langue est un terrain propice à une telle recherche. Un large éventail de procédés morphologiques structurent le lexique (dérivation par suffixation, dérivation par alternance consonantique, conversion par changement du morphème de classe nominale).L'apport descriptif de ce travail est d'explorer les champs des artefacts et des émotions du wolof, champs jamais décrits auparavant du point de vue de la structuration du lexique pour une langue africaine. La méthodologie consiste à décrire les sens des unités lexicales et les liens sémantiques qui les connectent par un métalangage unique, celui de la métalangue sémantique naturelle (NSM), introduit ici pour le wolof. / Emphasizing on the key role of polysemy in forming the lexicon is the main goal to be achieved in this dissertation paper. The paper suggests a qualitative evaluation of polysemy in comparing it with other relations that form the lexicon. The research confirms that the polysemic links must not be modeled independently from derivative links or conversational links. This evaluation leads us to reveal that the boundary between polysemy and conversation is porous. The properties of analogy has been used to compare the relations, which is well adapted in characterizing the links between the relations. They are the links that connect lexis which form the objects of a comparison. A polysemic link is a link by which two lexis are connected to each other in a polysemic relation. This link can be compared to a link that connects two other lexis in a conversional relation. In this paper, Wolof, an Atlantic language in West-Africa, is studied. This language provides a fertile breeding ground for our explorations. A large scale of different morphological processes form the lexicon (like suffix derivation, derivations from consonant alternation and conversion by changes in nominal class morphemes).The descriptive contribution of this research is to explore the semantic fields of artifacts and emotions in Wolof lexicon. These fields have never been described in an African language taking the lexicon formation into consideration.The methodology applied here is to describe both the meanings of the lexical units and the semantic links by which they are connected by a unique metalanguage. That unique metalanguage is called the Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM), which is applied here to Wolof.

Projeto de estrutura de fundação em concreto do tipo radier. / Structural design of concrete mat foundations.

Dória, Luís Eduardo Santos 31 October 2007 (has links)
This work presents some aspects related to geometry and rigidity classification and structural analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete mat foundations. Some strategies for modeling and solving the structural system are discussed, with focus on grid analogy with elastic restraints and soil-structure interaction. Details of the computer aided design of mat foundations by grid analogy performed at CAD/TQS system are also presented. The material list and cost are investigated and compared for three real buildings considering two prestressed cable geometry: straight and parabolic. The results show that the prestressed concrete mat foundation gives thinner thickness and greater total cost. The former is due to increasing in concrete resistance and the last is due to additional rebars and multistrand cost. The prestressing cost was not considered. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Neste trabalho são apresentados aspectos relacionados à classificação quanto a geometria e a rigidez bem como, à análise estrutural de fundações tipo radier em concreto armado e em concreto protendido. Algumas estratégias de modelagem e solução do sistema estrutural são discutidas, com foco no procedimento de analogia de grelha sobre base elástica, considerando-se a interação solo-estrutura. São apresentados os procedimentos para a análise automatizada de radier por analogia de grelha empregando o sistema CAD/TQS. Em um estudo de caso, três exemplos reais com emprego de cabo reto centrado na placa e parabólico foram comparados caso fosse adotado radier em concreto armado, tendo como parâmetros de comparação o consumo e o custo de materiais. Os resultados desses estudos de caso mostraram que o radier em concreto protendido permitiu uma redução na espessura da laje, porém para os casos estudados apresentou um custo total maior, devido ao emprego de concreto com maior resistência à compressão, necessidade de armadura passiva por ser elemento fletido, ancoragens e custo das cordoalhas, respectivamente. Não foram considerados os custos operacionais de aplicação da protensão.

Ética constitucional e o justo em Paul Ricoeur: A aplicação da concepção de igualdade material como reflexo do conceito e da visão do Estado na Constituição Federal de 1988

Souza, Déborah Barreto de January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2014-07-24T19:56:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_UFBA_DeborahBarretodeSouza.pdf: 514406 bytes, checksum: 914aae3c2a0ab3468202efa5b58ec2d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Valéria de Jesus Moura (anavaleria_131@hotmail.com) on 2014-07-24T19:56:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_UFBA_DeborahBarretodeSouza.pdf: 514406 bytes, checksum: 914aae3c2a0ab3468202efa5b58ec2d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-24T19:56:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_UFBA_DeborahBarretodeSouza.pdf: 514406 bytes, checksum: 914aae3c2a0ab3468202efa5b58ec2d1 (MD5) / A presente dissertação tem como desígnio tratar do estudo da ética jurídica de Paul Ricoeur numa visão constitucional, tomando-se como marco teórico o fato de que a Constituição é fonte de toda a normatividade estatal. O foco específico do trabalho é demonstrar que a ética jurídica é subjacente à Constituição e, por consequência, de todas as normas que dela derivem. Será discutida a relação da Ética com o Direito, fundamentada nas reflexões de Ricoeur acerca do conceito de instituições justas. Para tanto, será avaliado o significado de justiça pertinente aos questionamentos éticos do Poder Judiciário brasileiro contemporâneo, de modo a vislumbrar qual o papel da Ética na interpretação do Direito consagrado pela Constituição Federal de 1988. Será defendido, ao final, que o valor justiça proposto por Ricoeur está previsto na Constituição Brasileira vigente pelo princípio-valor da igualdade fática.

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