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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estruturas e artefatos $$b o culto heróico em sítios gregos da Idade do Ferro (séc. XI ao VIII a.C.) / Structures and artifacts: the hero cult in Greek sites of Iron Age (XIth to VIIIth centuries BC)

Souza, Camila Diogo de 20 June 2005 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa analisar aspectos da natureza das práticas rituais realizadas em determinadas estruturas absidais* de grande porte em sítios gregos da Idade do Ferro. Muitos autores afirmam que nessas estruturas as práticas rituais funerárias assumem as características de um verdadeiro culto heróico. Contudo, também observam que na grande maioria dos casos, é difícil estabelecer uma distinção clara entre as evidências que denotam funções sagradas e aquelas que denotam funções profanas. Para tentar entender melhor essas limitações de funções e também as próprias características dos aspectos religiosos da Idade do Ferro, selecionamos quatro sítios onde essas estruturas absidais são encontradas e datadas entre os séculos XI e VIII a.C.: o Mégaron A e o Mégaron B em Thermos, na Etólia, o Edifício Toumba em Lefkandi, na ilha da Eubéia, os Edifícios C, D e S em Asine, na região da Argólida e o Edifício A (ou Daphnephoreion) e o Templo D em Erétria, também localizada na ilha da Eubéia. Pretendemos realizar um estudo desses casos, relacionando o exame dos aspectos arquitetônicos com a análise da cultura material associada a essas estruturas. Comparando os dados entre si, objetivamos levantar algumas considerações sobre a natureza dessas práticas rituais, relacionando-as com a documentação textual e imagética disponível. Objetivamos por fim, indicar algumas questões a respeito da importância e das implicações dessas práticas rituais no contexto sócio-político, principalmente nos séculos IX e VIII a.C. / This research aims to analyze the aspects of ritual practices that took place in monumental apsidal structures* in Greek sites of Iron Age (1100 to 700BC). Many authors believe that these funerary practices are dressed up as a real hero cult. Though, they also observe that generally is really difficult to establish a clear distinction between the sacred and the profane functions fulfilled by these structures. We have chosen four sites where these structures can be found and dated to the 11th to 8th BC in order to understand better the interaction between the sacred and the profane activities, investigating the religious aspects of the Greek Iron Age: Megaron A and Megaron B in Thermos, the Toumba building in Lefkandi, Buildings C, D e S in Asine and Building A (or Daphnephoreion) and Temple D in Eretria. We intend to link the exam of architectural aspects to the archaeological material associated with the apsidal structures. Our purpose is to establish a comparative analysis between the archaeological data, the written and the image sources available for this period, providing considerations about the meaning, and the implications of the religious nature of these sites related to the rise of the polis

Analogical Matching Using Device-Centric and Environment-Centric Representations of Function

Milette, Greg P 04 May 2006 (has links)
Design is hard and needs to be supported by software. One of the ways software can support designers is by providing analogical reasoning. To make analogical reasoning work well, the software makers need to know how to create a knowledge representation that will facilitate the kind of analogies that the designers want. This thesis will inform software makers by experimenting with two kinds of knowledge representations, called device-centric (DC) and environment-centric (EC), and to try to determine the relative benefits of using either one of them for analogical matching. We performed computational experiments, using Structure Mapping Engine for matching, to determine the quantity and quality of analogical matches that are produced when the representation is varied. We conducted a limited human experiment, using questionnaires and repertory grids, to determine if any of the computational results were novel, and to determine if the human similarity ratings between devices correlated with the computer results. We show that design software should use DC representations to produce a few focused matches which have high average weight. It should use EC representations to produce many matches some of high weight and some of low weight. Based on our human experiment, design software can use either DC or EC representations to produce novel matches. Our experiments also show that human matches correlate most strongly with a combined DC and EC representation and that their similarity reasons are more EC than DC. This suggests that designers tend to think more in EC terms than in DC terms.

Les mots-valises en espagnol / Portemanteau words in Spanish

Tokpa, Louopou Rose 12 December 2018 (has links)
L'objet de notre travail porte sur les mots-valises. En effet, les résultats des études de la sémantique et de la lexicologie structurales ont démontré qu'il n'y a de signe qui ne soit dérivé d'un autre signe et donc de création lexicale qui ne soit le rappel de structures déjà existantes. Au cœur de la réflexion sur la motivation du signe, le mot-valise représente le mot saisi dans sa totalité et dans sa segmentalité. Pour comprendre la technique d'agencement qui aboutit à la formation des mots, Alain Finkielkraut explique qu'il faut transgresser la linéarisation du signe en récitant à l'envers sa leçon de parole. Le mot-valise prend au sérieux cette hypothèse car en réalité les mots contenus dans le dictionnaire ne sont que des morceaux errants d'un lexique inconnu. Désormais, le mot n'est plus un groupe de son correspondant à un sens, un véhicule passif porteur d'un signifié comme l'enseignent les dictionnaires et la vieille grammaire. C'est pourquoi, Freud et Saussure on bien chacun démontré par une voie qui lui est propre, qu'à travers le mécanisme du lapsus, le sens peut aussi s'appréhender par métanalyse pour l'un, et par dérivation anagrammatique pour l'autre. Ainsi, quelque soit le procédé, le mécanisme analogique reste toujours le même qui assure la fusion du son et du sens. Pour terminer, l'objet de cette thèse sera d'explorer dans le cadre d'une étude sémiologique, les mécanismes à l'œuvre dans la formation des mots-valises ainsi que les effets de sens et de style suscités par ce type de création. / The focus of our work is on “portmanteau words”. Indeed, results of studies of semantics and structural lexicology have shown that there is no sign that is not derived from another sign and therefore of lexical creation which is not a reminder of already existing structures. At the heart of reflection on the motivation of the sign, a portmanteau word represents the sign grasped in its totality and its segmentality. To understand the technique of the arrangement that leads to the formation of words, Alain Finkielkraut, argues that it is paramount to transgress the linearity of the sign by reciting one’s speech lesson backwards. The portmanteau word considers this assumption seriously considering that in reality words contained in the dictionary constitute stray pieces of an unknown lexicon. Henceforth, a word is no longer a group of different sounds corresponding to a meaning, a passive vehicle carrying a signification as taught by the old grammar dictionary. This is why Freud and Saussure have clearly demonstrated in a peculiar way, that through the mechanism of the slip, the meaning of a word can also be understood by metanalysis for one, and by anagrammatic derivation for the other. Thus, whatever the process, the analog mechanism remains the same, ensuring the fusion of sound and meaning. Finally, the purpose of this thesis will be to explore, in the context of a semiological study, the mechanisms at work in the formation of portmanteau words as well as the effects of meaning and generated style by this type of creation.

Simulação numérica de ruído de eslate em configurações práticas usando um código comercial / Numerical simulation of slat noise in practical configuration by means of a commercial code

Daniel Sampaio Souza 24 May 2012 (has links)
Com o desenvolvimento para aeronaves de propulsores turbo-fan com elevada razão de derivação, componentes da estrutura do avião passaram a ter relevância na geração de ruído aerodinâmico, principalmente durante a aproximação e o pouso. Dentre esses componentes, o eslate se destaca por ser uma fonte que se estende ao longo de praticamente toda a envergadura da asa. Neste trabalho, simulações numéricas foram feitas no intuito de considerar configurações práticas nas análises do ruído aeroacústico gerado pelo eslate. Um código comercial baseado no Método Lattice-Boltzmann foi usado no cálculo do escoamento transiente em torno do aerofólio MD30P30N. O domínio computacional simulado imitou a configuração geométrica de um túnel de vento. Foi levado em consideração o efeito da presença de duas formas de excrescência que são comuns na cova do eslate de aeronaves comerciais. Uma delas foi um selo que fica posicionado na parede da cova e a outra, um tubo do sistema anti-gelo. Tanto o escoamento transiente na região da cova quanto as características do ruído aeroacústico propagado para o campo distante foram analisados. Uma metodologia que impõe condição de parede com escorregamento livre no es- late e elemento principal, permitindo assim uma redução do custo computacional, foi usada. A abordagem foi ainda testada para a condição de um aerofólio submetido a escoamento cruzado, simulando uma asa infinita com enflechamento. Também uma modificação na metodologia, para que ela possa ser empregada em aerofólios com elevados ângulos de ataque, foi proposta e testada. O código híbrido MSES foi usado para o cálculo da espessura de deslocamento na camada limite do aerofólio. A modificação na geometria baseada em \'delta\'* causou uma melhora da solução aeroacústica de uma simulação empregando paredes com escorregamento livre, tomando como base de comparação a solução com paredes sem escorregamento. Simulações com selo dentro da cova, perto do recolamento, mostraram que, em certas circunstâncias, há um bloqueio dos vórtices da camada de mistura, intensificando picos tonais no espectro do ruído. A variação da posição do selo mostrou um efeito significativo no ruído do eslate, de forma que um selo suficientemente afastado do recolamento modificou o espectro do ruído do eslate. Os resultados com o aerofólio enflechado indicam que, também neste caso, o ruído do eslate não depende diretamente da camada limite na cúspide, mas da circulação do aerofólio. Por sua vez, a presença do tubo na cova aumenta significativamente a intensidade do ruído de banda larga produzido pelo eslate. Em uma asa sem enflechamento, o tubo causa também um aumento substancial na intensidade de picos tonais de baixa frequência. / The development of high by-pass ratio turbo-fan engine turned the airframe noise into an important component in a commercial airplanes\' noise characteristics. Between the airframe noise sources the slat can be highlighted as it extends almost along the whole wing span. Numerical simulation was carried out in order to consider practical configuration in the aeroacoutic noise generated by the slat. The effects of two different excrescences, which are normally present in commercial airplanes\' slat cove, were taken into account. One of them was a seal attached to the cove wall and the outher one was a tube that compose the anti-icing system. Both unsteady flow in cove region and far-field noise characteristics were analysed. A methodology that impose free-slip wall boundary condition on slat and main element surfaces was employed, which allowed the reduction of computational requirements. This approach was also tested for airfoil with crossflow, which simulates an infinite swept wing. Also a modification of the methodology was proposed and tested to extend its application in high-lift airfoils under higher angle of attack. A commercial code based on the Lattice-Boltzmann Method was used to compute the unsteady flow over the MD30P30N airfoil. The simulated computational domain imitates the geometry of a wind tunnel. The hybrid Euler/IBL code MSES was employed to calculate the displacement thickness of the airfoil\'s boundary layers. The geometry modification based on \'delta\'* caused a improvement on the aeroacoustic solution of a free-slip simulation, the no-slip simulation results being taken as reference. Simulations of geometries with relatively small seal close to the reattachment point showed that a blockage of the mixing layer vortices hapens and tonal peaks are intensified in the far-field noise spectrum. The variation of the seal position showed a significant effect on the slat noise, so that a seal farther from the reattachment modified affected both the shape and intensity of the noise spectrum. Results with the swept airfoil indicates that, even in the presence of crossflow, the slat noise does not depend on the cusp boundary layer, namely it is more sensitive to the airfoil circulation. The tube crossing the slat cove augmented significantly the broadband noise generated by the slat. In an unswept wing it also caused a substantial increase in the low-frequency tonal peaks.

'Two congenial beings of another sphere' : Peter Sterry as a theological precursor to William Blake

Youansamouth, Edward January 2018 (has links)
This thesis seeks to explicate, and develop an appropriate method for the elucidation of, the antecedents to the theology of William Blake in the writings of the seventeenth-century divine, Peter Sterry (1613-1672). While the radical religious scene of the English Revolution has long been recognised as offering important antecedents to Blake's thought, Sterry is a figure who has largely been overlooked. The exception to this is an essay, published in 1929, in which Vivian de Sola Pinto asserted the existence of 'startling affinities' between their ideas. Pinto's study was, however, limited by its failure to consider, firstly, the implications of its findings for our general understanding of the antecedents to Blake's thought in the seventeenth century and, secondly, the insight Sterry's writings may be able to offer into Blake's theological vision. These are the very questions at the heart of this dissertation. By addressing them, it seeks to shed new light on the nature of Blake's theology and its anticipations in earlier English thought. Given the lack of evidence that Blake read Sterry, and the limited effectiveness of the 'genealogical' method when it comes to Blake, it pioneers a bespoke 'analogical' method for the exploration of these issues. It proposes that Sterry is actually closer to the intellectual milieu of Commonwealth radicalism than one might expect and that his writings function effectively as a lens through which it is possible to discern how Blake consistently uses 'dualistic' language and imagery in an ethical and epistemological sense. The first finding suggests that the established view of the radical religious environment in Blake studies needs to be extended; the second challenges the widespread perception that Blake's thought is ultimately dualistic in an ontological sense, thus contributing to the elucidation of a perennial problem for Blake scholarship. Together, they underline Sterry's importance as a neglected theological precursor to the thought of William Blake.

Inominátní smlouvy v obchodním styku / Innominate Contracts in Business Relations

Horčicová, Iva January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis Innominate Contracts in Business Relations deals with a legal basis of innominate contracts in the Czech private law. It focuses mainly on so the called Modern innominate contracts. The purpose of the thesis was to answer whether leasing, factoring and franchising contracts should be codified. Consequently, it aimed to prove or disprove that the Czech legal regulation does not reflect the recent developments in business environment. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first chapter an analysis is carried out on the legal regulation of innominate contracts in the Czech business law, civil law, labour law and international private law. The legality of innominate contracts and the applicability of an analogy is discussed in this part. Based on the Czech legal regulations and court decisions it was concluded that innominate contracts were valid and that courts may use analogy when deciding on civil or commercial contracts. The second chapter deals with the contents of leasing, factoring and franchising contracts. It concludes that there are reasons against the codification of the above mentioned contracts. The content of an operating leasing agreement very much resembles a rental contract which might be used for this kind of leasing contract.A leasing purchase contract does not present any new answers to issues which had already been dealt with by court decisions. The substance of a factoring contract -- assignment of a receivable is already regulated by the Civil Code. A franchising agreement involves parts of many types of codified contracts and interlocks with multiple legal areas. Moreover, all the above mentioned contracts are challenged by a fast pace of development therefore a codification could hamper the progress or it could become obsolete. Based on the above mentioned facts the thesis concludes that leasing, factoring and franchising contracts should not be codified in the Czech private law as separate contract types and therefore disproves the primary proposition of this thesis and subsequently infers that the Czech legal regulations do not reflect a recent business development.

Estruturas e artefatos $$b o culto heróico em sítios gregos da Idade do Ferro (séc. XI ao VIII a.C.) / Structures and artifacts: the hero cult in Greek sites of Iron Age (XIth to VIIIth centuries BC)

Camila Diogo de Souza 20 June 2005 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa analisar aspectos da natureza das práticas rituais realizadas em determinadas estruturas absidais* de grande porte em sítios gregos da Idade do Ferro. Muitos autores afirmam que nessas estruturas as práticas rituais funerárias assumem as características de um verdadeiro culto heróico. Contudo, também observam que na grande maioria dos casos, é difícil estabelecer uma distinção clara entre as evidências que denotam funções sagradas e aquelas que denotam funções profanas. Para tentar entender melhor essas limitações de funções e também as próprias características dos aspectos religiosos da Idade do Ferro, selecionamos quatro sítios onde essas estruturas absidais são encontradas e datadas entre os séculos XI e VIII a.C.: o Mégaron A e o Mégaron B em Thermos, na Etólia, o Edifício Toumba em Lefkandi, na ilha da Eubéia, os Edifícios C, D e S em Asine, na região da Argólida e o Edifício A (ou Daphnephoreion) e o Templo D em Erétria, também localizada na ilha da Eubéia. Pretendemos realizar um estudo desses casos, relacionando o exame dos aspectos arquitetônicos com a análise da cultura material associada a essas estruturas. Comparando os dados entre si, objetivamos levantar algumas considerações sobre a natureza dessas práticas rituais, relacionando-as com a documentação textual e imagética disponível. Objetivamos por fim, indicar algumas questões a respeito da importância e das implicações dessas práticas rituais no contexto sócio-político, principalmente nos séculos IX e VIII a.C. / This research aims to analyze the aspects of ritual practices that took place in monumental apsidal structures* in Greek sites of Iron Age (1100 to 700BC). Many authors believe that these funerary practices are dressed up as a real hero cult. Though, they also observe that generally is really difficult to establish a clear distinction between the sacred and the profane functions fulfilled by these structures. We have chosen four sites where these structures can be found and dated to the 11th to 8th BC in order to understand better the interaction between the sacred and the profane activities, investigating the religious aspects of the Greek Iron Age: Megaron A and Megaron B in Thermos, the Toumba building in Lefkandi, Buildings C, D e S in Asine and Building A (or Daphnephoreion) and Temple D in Eretria. We intend to link the exam of architectural aspects to the archaeological material associated with the apsidal structures. Our purpose is to establish a comparative analysis between the archaeological data, the written and the image sources available for this period, providing considerations about the meaning, and the implications of the religious nature of these sites related to the rise of the polis

Metrics Thermostat

Hauser, John 07 1900 (has links)
The explosion of information and information technology has led many firms to evolve a dispersed product development process with people and organizations spread throughout the world. To coordinate such dispersed processes managers attempt to establish a culture that implicitly rewards product development teams based on their ability to perform against a set of strategic metrics such as customer satisfaction, time to market, defect reduction, or platform reuse. Many papers have focused on selecting the right metrics and establishing the culture. In this paper we focus on a practical method to fine-tune a firm's relative emphasis on the metrics that they have chosen. In particular, we seek to advise a firm whether to increase or decrease their emphasis on each metric such that the change in emphasis improves profits. Using a thermostat analogy we apply an adaptive control feedback mechanism in which we estimate the incremental improvements in priorities that will increase profits. Iterations of adaptive control seek to maximize profits even if the environment is changing. We demonstrate the metric thermostat’s use in an application to a firm with over $20 billion in revenue. In developing the metric thermostat we recognize that there are hundreds of detailed actions, such as the use of the house of quality and the use of robust design, among which the product development team must choose. We also recognize that they will act in their own best interests to choose the actions that maximize their own implicit rewards as determined by the metrics. Management need not observe or dictate these detailed actions, but rather control the process by establishing the culture that sets the implicit weights on the metrics. The thermostat works by changing those implicit weights. We define the problem, introduce the adaptive control mechanism, modify “agency” theory to deal with incremental changes about an operating point, and derive methods that are practical and robust in light of the data that firms have available. Our methods include statistical estimation and internal surveys. The mathematics identify the critical few parameters that need be determined and highlight how to estimate them. Both the measures and the estimation are illustrated in our initial application to a large officeequipment firm. The metrics thermostat suggests that this firm has about the right emphasis on timeto- market, but has overshot on platform reuse and has lost its focus on customer satisfaction. We describe how the firm reacted to the recommendations and changed its organization. We describe additional ongoing applications with the US Air Force, the US Navy, and a major automobile and truck manufacturer. / This research was funded by the Center for Innovation in Product Development (CIPD) and the International Center for Research on the Management of Technology (ICRMOT), M.I.T.

The finite element method simulation of active optimal vibration attenuation in structures

Baweja, Manish 30 April 2004
The Finite Element Method (FEM) based computational mechanics is applied to simulate the optimal attenuation of vibrations in actively controlled structures. The simulation results provide the forces to be generated by actuators, as well as the structures response. Vibrations can be attenuated by applying either open loop or closed loop control strategies. In open loop control, the control forces for a given initial (or disturbed) configuration of the structure are determined in terms of time, and can be preprogrammed in advance. On the other hand, the control forces in closed loop control depend only on the current state of the system, which should be continuously monitored. Optimal attenuation is obtained by solving the optimality equations for the problem derived from the Pontryagins principle. These equations together with the initial and final boundary conditions constitute the two-point-boundary-value (TPBV) problem. <p>Here the optimal solutions are obtained by applying an analogy (referred to as the beam analogy) between the optimality equation and the equation for a certain problem of static beams in bending. The problem of analogous beams is solved by the standard FEM in the spatial domain, and then the results are converted into the solution of the optimal vibration control problem in the time domain. The concept of the independent-modal-space-control (IMSC) is adopted, in which the number of independent actuators control the same number of vibrations modes. <p>The steps of the analogy are programmed into an algorithm referred to as the Beam Analogy Algorithm (BAA). As an illustration of the approach, the BAA is used to simulate the open loop vibration control of a structure with several sets of actuators. Some details, such as an efficient meshing of the analogous beams and effective solving of the target condition are discussed. <p> Next, the BAA is modified to handle closed loop vibration control problems. The algorithm determines the optimal feedback gain matrix, which is then used to calculate the actuator forces required at any current state of the system. The methods accuracy is also analyzed.

The finite element method simulation of active optimal vibration attenuation in structures

Baweja, Manish 30 April 2004 (has links)
The Finite Element Method (FEM) based computational mechanics is applied to simulate the optimal attenuation of vibrations in actively controlled structures. The simulation results provide the forces to be generated by actuators, as well as the structures response. Vibrations can be attenuated by applying either open loop or closed loop control strategies. In open loop control, the control forces for a given initial (or disturbed) configuration of the structure are determined in terms of time, and can be preprogrammed in advance. On the other hand, the control forces in closed loop control depend only on the current state of the system, which should be continuously monitored. Optimal attenuation is obtained by solving the optimality equations for the problem derived from the Pontryagins principle. These equations together with the initial and final boundary conditions constitute the two-point-boundary-value (TPBV) problem. <p>Here the optimal solutions are obtained by applying an analogy (referred to as the beam analogy) between the optimality equation and the equation for a certain problem of static beams in bending. The problem of analogous beams is solved by the standard FEM in the spatial domain, and then the results are converted into the solution of the optimal vibration control problem in the time domain. The concept of the independent-modal-space-control (IMSC) is adopted, in which the number of independent actuators control the same number of vibrations modes. <p>The steps of the analogy are programmed into an algorithm referred to as the Beam Analogy Algorithm (BAA). As an illustration of the approach, the BAA is used to simulate the open loop vibration control of a structure with several sets of actuators. Some details, such as an efficient meshing of the analogous beams and effective solving of the target condition are discussed. <p> Next, the BAA is modified to handle closed loop vibration control problems. The algorithm determines the optimal feedback gain matrix, which is then used to calculate the actuator forces required at any current state of the system. The methods accuracy is also analyzed.

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