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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El cerco trascendental de la Metafísica. Acerca del pensamiento metafísico de José Gómez Caffarena

Seguró Mendlewicz, Miquel 16 June 2010 (has links)
La proposta metafísica de José Gómez Caffarena no s'entén sense l'intent de J. Maréchal de coordinar en un mateix discurs l'especulació metafísica tomista i l'esperit de la crítica kantiana a través de l'explicitació dels temes clàssics de la metafísica de l'Aquinat a la llum de les convergències que, al seu parer, aquesta manté amb l'obra de Kant.El treball d'investigació que es presenta té per objectiu calibrar fins a quin punt l'obra especulativa de Caffarena suposa una continuació articulada des de l'esquema bàsic de tal 'tomisme transcendental'. La tesi que es defensa és que la seva proposta, de tonalitats marcadament més kantianes que la d'altres pensadors transcendentals, suposa no només un pas legítim, i potser més coherent amb el transcendentalisme kantià, sinó també una pedra de toc crítica per a l'abast últim de tota metafísica transcendental. El fet de remuntar la raó metafísica a l'àmbit antropològic fa que el fenomenisme epistemològic, el discurs asimptòtic sobre l'Absolut i la reducció formal de la seva nota 'personal' ('Déu') hagin de ser, estrictament, la darrera paraula d'aquesta metafísica. Davant d'això respon Caffarena amb una assumpció racional-vitalista del 'sentit de la vida' per dotar de vigència i veritat les afirmacions realitzades. Un 'haver de ser' que omple de contingut l'estructura conceptual erigida fent del primat de la raó pràctica i el seu interès l'eix vertebrador de la seva proposta metafísica.L'anàlisi pren com a principal punt de referència les tres obres metafísiques de l'autor (Metafísica Fundamental, Metafísica Trascendental, Metafísica Religiosa) i el seu últim gran treball, El Enigma y el Misterio, que en la investigació és tinguda com una revisió de la trilogia anterior. Atenent al seu contingut, es corrobora la darrera modèstia crítica en la qual queda la reflexió metafísica de Caffarena, amb la consegüent obertura a una raó més apofàtica que propositiva pel que fa a la 'darrera qüestió' metafísica. Donat que la desigual relació entre l'àmbit del teòric i el primat del pràctic, lluny d'equilibrar-se és cada vegada més notòria, distanciant-se així de la intenció de l'obra de Maréchal, en la investigació s'assumeix com a darrera conclusió que l'obra de Caffarena llega, precisament en tant que límit de la pretensió de dur a terme una metafísica transcendental, la necessitat de repensar el mètode de la Metafísica. / La propuesta metafísica de José Gómez Caffarena no se comprende sin el intento de J. Maréchal de coordinar en un mismo discurso la especulación metafísica tomista y el espíritu de la crítica kantiana a través de una explicitación de los temas clásicos de la metafísica del Aquinate a la luz de las convergencias que, a su parecer, ésta mantiene con la obra de Kant. El trabajo de investigación que se presenta tiene por objetivo calibrar hasta qué punto la obra especulativa de Caffarena supone una continuación articulada desde el esquema básico de tal 'tomismo trascendental'. La tesis que se defiende es que su propuesta, de tintes y rasgos marcadamente más kantianos que la de otros pensadores trascendentales, supone no solamente un paso legítimo, y quizá más coherente con el trascendentalismo kantiano, sino también una piedra de toque crítica para el alcance último de toda metafísica trascendental. El retrotraimiento de la razón metafísica a lo antropológico hace que el fenomenismo epistemológico, el discurso asintótico sobre lo Absoluto y la reducción formal de su nota 'personal' ('Dios') deban ser, estrictamente, la última palabra de esta metafísica. Ante ello responde Caffarena con una asunción racional-vitalista del 'sentido de la vida' para dotar de vigencia y verdad las afirmaciones realizadas. Un 'deber ser' que llena de contenido la estructura conceptual erigida haciendo del primado de la razón práctica y su interés el eje vertebrador de su propuesta metafísica.El análisis toma como principal punto de referencia las tres obras metafísicas del autor (Metafísica Fundamental, Metafísica Trascendental, Metafísica Religiosa) y su último gran trabajo, El Enigma y el Misterio, que en la investigación es tenida como una revisión de la trilogía anterior. Atendiendo a su contenido, se corrobora la postrera modestia crítica en que queda la reflexión metafísica de Caffarena, con la consiguiente apertura a una razón más apofática que propositiva en lo que concierne a la 'última cuestión' metafísica. Puesto que la desigual relación entre el ámbito de lo teórico y el primado de lo práctico, lejos de equilibrarse, es cada vez más notoria, distanciándose así de la intención de la obra de Maréchal, se asume como última conclusión de la investigación que la obra de Caffarena arroja, precisamente en tanto que límite de la pretensión de llevar a cabo una metafísica trascendental, la necesidad de repensar el método de la Metafísica. / It is not possible to understand José Gómez Caffarena's metaphysical proposal without J. Maréchal's attempt to coordinate, in the same discourse, the thomistic metaphysical speculation and Kantian criticism's spirit, by means of making explicit Aquinas' classic metaphysical themes in view of the convergences that, according to him, it keeps with Kant's work. The research work here presented seeks to evaluate to what extent Caffarena's speculative work represents a continuation of the basic scheme of such 'transcendental thomism'. The defended thesis is that his proposal, which evidences features more markedly Kantian than other transcendental thinkers, is not only a legitimate step, and perhaps even more consistent with Kantian transcendentalism, but also a critical touchstone of any transcendental metaphysics. The fact that metaphysical reason goes back to the anthropological scope determines that the epistemological phenomenalism, the asymptotic discourse about the Absolute and the formal reduction of his 'personal' attributes ( 'God') must be, strictly speaking, the last word of this metaphysics. In response to this, Caffarena adopts a rational-vitalistic approach to the 'meaning of life' in order to provide his assertions with validity and truth. A 'must be' that supplies the erected conceptual structure with content, turning the primacy of practical reason and its importance into the cornerstone of his metaphysics. The analysis takes as its main reference points our author's three metaphysical works (Metafísica Fundamental, Metafísica Trascendental, Metafísica Religiosa) and his last major work, El Enigma y el Misterio, which in this research is considered as a revision of the previous trilogy. Taking its content into account, it is possible to confirm that Caffarena's metaphysical reflection remains in a critical modesty, which entails the beginning of a more apophatic than propositive consideration about the 'last question' in metaphysics. Bearing in mind that the uneven relationship between the scope of the theoretical reason and the primacy of the practical one, far from reaching a balance, becomes more noticeable, thus moving away from Maréchal's work intentions, it is assumed as the ultimate conclusion of the investigation that Caffarena's proposal leaves, precisely because it sets a limit to the aim of developing a transcendental metaphysics, the need to rethink Metaphysics' method. / La proposta metafisica di José Gómez Caffarena non si comprende senza il tentativo di J. Maréchal di unire tra loro il discorso metafisico tomista e lo spirito della critica kantiana, ovvero di esplicitare i temi classici della metafisica di Tommaso d'Aquino alla luce delle convergenze che, secondo il parere del filosofo belga, questa presenta con l'opera di Kant. Il lavoro di ricerca che presentiamo si propone di valutare in quale misura l'opera speculativa di Caffarena è una continuazione articolata sulla base strutturale di tale 'tomismo trascendentale'. La tesi che presentiamo è che la sua opera, dalle caratteristiche nettamente più kantiane rispetto ad altri pensatori della corrente trascendentale, non è soltanto un passo legittimo, e forse più coerente con il trascendentalismo kantiano, ma anche un contrappunto critico sulla portata ultima di una metafisica trascendentale. Volgendosi la ragione metafisica all'ambito antropologico, ne consegue che il fenomenismo epistemologico, il discorso asintotico sull'Assoluto e la riduzione formale della caratteristica 'personale' ('Dio') divengono, logicamente (rigorosamente), l'ultima parola di una tale metafisica. A tutto ciò Caffarena risponde con una affermazione razionale-vitalistica del 'senso della vita' per dotare di validità e verità le sue affermazioni. Un 'dover essere' che riempia di contenuto la struttura concettuale eretta facendo del primato della ragione pratica e dell'importanza di questa la pietra angolare della sua metafisica. L'analisi prende come punto di riferimento principale le tre opere metafisiche dell'autore (Metafísica Fundamental, Metafísica Trascendental, Metafísica Religiosa) nonché l'ultima importante da lui realizzata, El Enigma y el Misterio, che nella ricerca che presentiamo viene letta come una revisione della trilogia precendente. Il suo contenuto conferma la modestia critica a cui giunge da ultimo la riflessione metafisica di Caffarena con la conseguente apertura a una ragione più apofatica che assertiva per quanto concerne 'la questione ultima' della metafisica. Poichè il rapporto disuguale tra il campo d'applicazione teorico e il primato della ragione pratica si accentua sempre di più, invece di equilibrarsi, allontanandosi così dallo spirito dell'opera di Maréchal, la conclusione ultima della nostra ricerca sulla proposta di Caffarena, proprio perché questa rappresenta il limite alla pretensione di costruire una metafisica trascendentale, è la necessità di ripensare il metodo della Metafisica.

Visual problem solving in autism, psychometrics, and AI: the case of the Raven's Progressive Matrices intelligence test

Kunda, Maithilee 03 April 2013 (has links)
Much of cognitive science research and almost all of AI research into problem solving has focused on the use of verbal or propositional representations. However, there is significant evidence that humans solve problems using different representational modalities, including visual or iconic ones. In this dissertation, I investigate visual problem solving from the perspectives of autism, psychometrics, and AI. Studies of individuals on the autism spectrum show that they often use atypical patterns of cognition, and anecdotal reports have frequently mentioned a tendency to "think visually." I examined one precise characterization of visual thinking in terms of iconic representations. I then conducted a comprehensive review of data on several cognitive tasks from the autism literature and found numerous instances indicating that some individuals with autism may have a disposition towards visual thinking. One task, the Raven's Progressive Matrices test, is of particular interest to the field of psychometrics, as it represents one of the single best measures of general intelligence that has yet been developed. Typically developing individuals are thought to solve the Raven's test using largely verbal strategies, especially on the more difficult subsets of test problems. In line with this view, computational models of information processing on the Raven's test have focused exclusively on propositional representations. However, behavioral and fMRI studies of individuals with autism suggest that these individuals may use instead a predominantly visual strategy across most or all test problems. To examine visual problem solving on the Raven's test, I first constructed a computational model, called the Affine and Set Transformation Induction (ASTI) model, which uses a combination of affine transformations and set operations to solve Raven's problems using purely pixel-based representations of problem inputs, without any propositional encoding. I then performed four analyses using this model. First, I tested the model against three versions of the Raven's test, to determine the sufficiency of visual representations for solving this type of problem. The ASTI model successfully solves 50 of the 60 problems on the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) test, comparable in performance to the best computational models that use propositional representations. Second, I evaluated model robustness in the face of changes to the representation of pixels and visual similarity. I found that varying these low-level representational commitments causes only small changes in overall performance. Third, I performed successive ablations of the model to create a new classification of problem types, based on which transformations are necessary and sufficient for finding the correct answer. Fourth, I examined if patterns of errors made on the SPM can provide a window into whether a visual or verbal strategy is being used. While many of the observed error patterns were predicted by considering aspects of the model and of human behavior, I found that overall error patterns do not seem to provide a clear indicator of strategy type. The main contributions of this dissertation include: (1) a rigorous definition and examination of a disposition towards visual thinking in autism; (2) a sufficiency proof, through the construction of a novel computational model, that visual representations can successfully solve many Raven's problems; (3) a new, data-based classification of problem types on the SPM; (4) a new classification of conceptual error types on the SPM; and (5) a methodology for analyzing, and an analysis of, error patterns made by humans and computational models on the SPM. More broadly, this dissertation contributes significantly to our understanding of visual problem solving.

From Shape to Function: Acquisition of Teleological Models from Design Drawings by Compositional Analogy

Yaner, Patrick William 18 October 2007 (has links)
Visual media are of great importance to designers. Understanding a new design, for example, often means understanding a drawing. From the perspective of artificial intelligence, this implies that automated knowledge acquisition in computer-aided design can productively occur using drawings as a knowledge source. However, this requires machines that are able to interpret design drawings. I view the task of interpreting drawings as one of constructing a teleological model of the design depicted in the drawings, where the model enables causal and functional inferences about the depicted design. I have developed a novel analogical method for constructing a teleological model of a mechanical device from an unlabelled 2D line drawing. The source case is organized in a Drawing Shape Structure Behavior Function (DSSBF) abstraction hierarchy. This knowledge organization enables the analogical mapping and transfer to occur at multiple levels of abstraction. Given a target drawing and a relevant source case, my method of compositional analogy first constructs a graphical representation of the lines and the intersections in the target drawing, then uses the mappings at the level of line intersections to transfer the shape representations from the source case to the target. It next uses the mappings at the level of shapes to transfer the structural model of the device from the source to the target. Finally, the mappings from the source to the target structural model enable the transfer of behaviors and the functional specification from source to target, completing the analogy and yielding a complete DSSBF model of the input drawing. The Archytas system implements this method of compositional analogy and evaluates it in the domain of kinematic devices such as piston and crankshaft devices, door latches, and pulley systems.

The Effect Of Explicit Method Of Problem Solving Accompanied With Analogies On Understanding Of Mole Concept

Unlu, Yalcin 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF EXPLICIT METHOD OF PROBLEM SOLVING ACCOMPANIED WITH ANALOGIES ON UNDERSTANDING OF MOLE CONCEPT &Uuml / NL&Uuml / , Yal&ccedil / in M.S., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Supervisor: Prof. Dr. &Ouml / mer GEBAN September 2006, 56 pages The aim of this thesis was to analyse the effectiveness of explicit method of problem solving accompanied with analogy instruction over traditionally designed chemistry introduction on understanding of mole concept and attitude toward chemistry as a school subject. Participants for this research consisted of 53 students at ninth grade level from two classes taught by the same teacher in Atat&uuml / rk Anadolu Lycee. The study was carried out during the second semester in the 2004-2005 school year. During the treatment, students in the experimental group were instructed with explicit method of problem solving accompanied with analogies. Students in the control group studied only with traditionally designed chemistry instruction. Both groups were administered Mole Concept Achievement Test and Attitude Scale toward Chemistry as a School Subject as pre-tests and post-tests. To analyse the data, statistical techniques paired samples t-test and independent samples t-test were used in this study. Statistical analyses were carried out by using the SPSS 10.0. Results of the study showed that explicit method of problem solving accompanied with analogy instruction caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conception related to mole concept but produced no significant positive attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject than the traditionally designed chemistry instruction.

Conceptual Change Oriented Instruction And Students

Seker, Aytul 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of conceptual change oriented instruction accompanied with analogies on eight grade students&rsquo / understanding of chemical bonding concepts. In addition, the effect of instruction on students&rsquo / attitude toward science as a school subject and the effect of gender difference on understanding of chemical bonding concepts were investigated. Fifty eight-grade students from two classes of a science course taught by the same teacher in B&uuml / y&uuml / kel&ccedil / i Nazim Belger Primary School in the 2010-2011 spring semesters participated in the study. The study included two groups which were selected randomly throughout three classes. One of the groups was defined as control group in which students were instructed by traditionally designed science instruction, while other group was defined as experimental group in which students were instructed by conceptual change texts oriented instruction accompanied with analogies. Chemical Bonding Concept Pre-Test was administered to both groups as a pre-test and Chemical Bonding Concept Post-Test was administered to both groups as a post-test in order to assess their understanding of concepts related to chemical bonding. Students were also given Attitude Scale Towards Science as a School Subject at the beginning and end of the study to determine their attitudes and Science Process Skill Test was used at the beginning of the study to measure their science process skills. The hypotheses were tested by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that instruction based on constructivist approach caused a significantly better acquisition of scientific conceptions related to chemical bonding and produced significantly higher positive attitudes toward science as a school subject than the traditionally designed science instruction. Also, science process skill was a strong predictor in understanding the concepts related to chemical bonding. On the other hand, no significant effect of gender difference on understanding the concepts about chemical bonding and students&rsquo / attitudes toward science as a school subject was found.

The Role of Historical Analogies in Foreign Policy Formulation and Implementation: the Case of Cold War Historical Analogy / Istorinės analogijos užsienio politikos formavimo ir įgyvendinimo procese: Šaltojo karo istorinės analogijos atvejis

Jurgelevičiūtė, Diana 02 November 2011 (has links)
The question raised in this dissertation is: how is foreign policy explained by analyzing the use of historical analogies by decision-makers in their public statements? The purpose of this study is to develop an analytical framework that will help one to analyze the role of historical analogies in foreign policy. This dissertation challenges conventional approaches to historical analogies. It claims that conventional approaches unduly restrict the role that historical analogies play in foreign policy because of the way they perceive variety of practices in which historical analogies are used, as well as their premises about history and language analysis. This dissertation argues against the arguments of conventional instrumental, cognitive and integrated approaches and claims that the scope of constitutive approach needs to be extended. An alternative conceptualization of historical analogies is built on premises of rule-oriented constructivism, speech act theory and dialogical analysis method. In order to demonstrate the significance of the alternative approach to historical analogies the model is applied to an illustrative analysis of the Cold War historical analogy used by the U.S. and Russia’s officials in 2007–2008. The question whether a chance of a (new) Cold War between the U.S. and Russia was possible at that time is answered by showing what kind of rules policy-makers had constituted by using the Cold War historical analogy. / Disertacijoje keliamas klausimas, kaip galima paaiškinti valstybės užsienio politiką analizuojant užsienio politikos veikėjų viešuose pasisakymuose naudojamas istorines analogijas ir su jomis susijusį užsienio politikos procesą? Tyrimo tikslas – sukonstruoti modelį, kuris leistų paaiškinti istorinių analogijų vaidmenį užsienio politikoje. Teigiama, kad konvenciniai požiūriai į istorines analogijas, dėl savo prielaidų apie istorinių analogijų naudojimo praktikas, istorijos ir kalbos analizę, pernelyg siaurai aiškina istorinių analogijų vaidmenį užsienio politikoje. Disertacijoje oponuojama instrumentiniam, kognityviam ir integruotam požiūriams į istorinių analogijų vaidmenį užsienio politikoje ir teigiama, kad reikėtų išplėtoti konstitutyviojo požiūrio aiškinimą. Tyrime formuluojamas konvenciniams požiūriams alternatyvus istorinių analogijų analizės modelis, apimantis taisyklių konstruktyvizmo ir kalbėjimo akto teorijos prielaidas bei dialoginės analizės metodą. Siekiant atskleisti, kaip remiantis modeliu gali būti analizuojamos istorinės analogijos, jis pritaikomas atvejo analizei – 2007–2008 m. JAV ir Rusijos politikų naudotos Šaltojo karo istorinės analogijos tyrimui. Remiantis istorinių analogijų analizės modeliu tuo metu JAV ir Rusijos santykių tyrimuose dažnai keltą klausimą, ar egzistuoja (naujas) šaltasis karas tarp JAV ir Rusijos, bandoma atsakyti tiriant, kaip pasiremdami Šaltojo karo istorine analogija JAV ir Rusijos užsienio politikos veikėjai apibrėžė dvišalius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Motinos įvaizdis XIX a. lietuvių poezijoje / The image of mother in the Lithuanian poetry of the 19th century

Pukertaitė, Dovilė 07 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe analizuojamas motinos įvaizdis XIX a. lietuvių poezijoje. Tiriamieji šaltiniai yra XIX a. lietuvių poezijos tekstai. Iš didelio šaltinių kiekio, daugiau nei 500 tekstų, buvo išrinkti tie kūriniai, kuriuose poetai mini motiną. Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateiktos teorinės prielaidos, kurios padėjo apibrėžti pagrindinę šiame darbe vartojamą sąvoką – įvaizdis. Viena jų yra mito kritika, kuri suteikė platesnį kontekstą, padėjo apibrėžti darbe vartojamas sąvokas, tokias kaip archetipas, simbolis, jas sieti su aptiktu motinos įvaizdžiu. Kitas svarbus teorinės darbo dalies poskyris – kultūrologinė apžvalga, paremta V. Kavolio įžvalgomis apie motiną, jos reikšmę lietuvių kultūroje ir santykį su kitais šeimos nariais. Pagrindinė tyrimo dalis paremta trimis motinos įvaizdžio modeliais: daukantiškuoju, valančiškuoju ir maironiškuoju. Visi šie modeliai atspindi pagrindines vertybines poezijos dominantes: tradiciškumą, religines ir moralines vertybes, modernios tautos formavimąsi. Pastebėta, kad motinos įvaizdžio griežtai suskirstyti pagal amžiaus ribas negalima. XIX a. poezijoje išskirti motinos modeliai vienas su kitu persipina ir yra glaudžiai susiję. Galima teigti, kad amžiaus pradžioje dominuoja tiesioginės motinos įvaizdžio prasmės, kai ji susijusi su šeimos gyvenimu, yra vaizduojama namų aplinkoje, šalia vaiko, daugiau siejama su folkloro tradicija. Tačiau ima ryškėti ir kiek kitoks motinos įvaizdžio matmuo, kai jis atsiduria krikščioniškajame kontekste, yra siejamas su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The image of mother in the Lithuanian poetry of the 19th century was analyzed in Master’s thesis. Sources for the research were texts of Lithuanian poetry of the 19th century. From the large amount of the sources (more than 500 texts) the writings, in which poets mention mother, were selected. The theoretical assumptions, which helped to define the basic notion of this work - the image, were presented in the theoretical part. One of them was the criticism of myth, which gave a broader context, helped to define terms used in the work, such as an archetype, a symbol, also to associate them with the detected image of mother. Another important section of the theoretical part of the work was a culturological review, based on the insights of V. Kavolis about mother, her meaning in Lithuanian culture, and her relationship with other members of a family. The main part of the study was based on three models of the image of mother: daukantastic, valanciustic, and maironistic. All of these models reflected the basic valuable dominants of poetry: traditionality, religious and moral values, the formation of a modern nation. It was noted, that according to the age limits it was impossible to divide the image of mother strictly. The distinguished models of mother in poetry of the 19th century interlaced with each other and were closely linked. It can be proposed, that at the beginning of the age the direct meanings of mother’s image dominate when she is related to a family life, is... [to full text]

Un nouveau souffle offert à la praxéologie pastorale, pour un bilan ecclésial de l'expérience Alpha à la paroisse Saint-Pierre de 1999 à 2004

Barreau, Jean-Marc January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Improving the quality of software design through pattern ontology

Boyer, Marc Guy 31 August 2011 (has links)
Software engineers use design patterns to refactor software models for quality. This displaces domain patterns and makes software hard to maintain. Detecting design patterns directly in requirements can circumvent this problem. To facilitate the analogical transfer of patterns from problem domain to solution model however we must describe patterns in ontological rather than in technical terms. In a first study novice designers used both pattern cases and a pattern ontology to detect design ideas and patterns in requirements. Errors in detection accuracy led to the revision of the pattern ontology and a second study into its pattern-discriminating power. Study results demonstrate that pattern ontology is superior to pattern cases in assisting novice software engineers in identifying patterns in the problem domain.

The Analogical Speaker or grammar put in its place

Lavie, René-Joseph 18 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Putting a priority on the study of linguistic dynamics i) eases their understanding with respect to each other and ii) 'explains' grammatical properties as a side effect. No disjunction between a grammar (today) and the dynamics (to morrow ?). The levers are analogy and proximality : some accesses are proximal (= cheaper), others are more costly. A precise and operable model of linguistic productivity consists of :<br />- a statics, the 'plexus', inscriptions that are meshed, exemplarist, and contextual. Among 'empty' terms (free of properties), 'copositionings' take place.<br />- dynamics which are cognitively founded. The syntactic analysis of an uterance is redefined as structure mappings piled up onto one another. <br />'Systemic productivity' obtains in pluridimensional paradigms and is explained without syntactic features (they are artifactual and their learnability is questionable). A model of acquisition predicts the sigmoid curves which are general empiry in acquisition.

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