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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternatives to smartphone applications for real-time information and technology usage among transit riders

Windmiller, Sarah M. 13 January 2014 (has links)
Real-time information that informs transit riders about transit schedules, next bus or train arrivals, and service alerts, is becoming increasingly available, particularly through internet-enabled smartphone applications. However, the extent of communication technology usage amongst transit riders, specifically their access to mobile applications and alternative technologies that can provide real-time information, is largely unknown. Without this information, transit agencies are risking investing in an alternative technology that may not sufficiently supply real-time information to as many as possible riders. The purpose of this study is to identify the differences in individual technology accessibility and prioritize investing in real-time information application development that mirrors the unique characteristics of transit riders. This recognition and development will allow a wider availability of real-time information amongst transit riders. Paired with an investigation of cellular phone usage among transit riders and the general American population, an analysis of Saint Louis Metro’s Onboard Survey was performed. Cross tabulations and chi-squared tests were conducted to examine riders’ communication technology usage. Binary logit models were used to understand how, and whether, the ownership of smartphone applications is dependent on various demographic factors. These analyses identified specific demographic groups that would benefit from supplemental technology methods more conducive to their particular information accessibility. Results showed that communication technology usage has risen substantially in recent years but a portion of riders are still without access to smartphone applications. Specific demographic groups (e.g., riders over 40 years of age) were less likely to own smartphones, and these results indicate that computer-based websites and IVR are the best supplementary alternatives for those groups.

Real time extraction of ECG fiducial points using shape based detection

Darrington, John Mark January 2009 (has links)
The electrocardiograph (ECG) is a common clinical and biomedical research tool used for both diagnostic and prognostic purposes. In recent years computer aided analysis of the ECG has enabled cardiographic patterns to be found which were hitherto not apparent. Many of these analyses rely upon the segmentation of the ECG into separate time delimited waveforms. The instants delimiting these segments are called the

Scheduling of certifiable mixed-criticality systems / Ordonnancement des systèmes certifiés avec différents niveaux de criticité

Socci, Dario 09 March 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes temps-réels modernes ont tendance à obtenir la criticité mixte, dans le sens où ils intègrent sur une même plateforme de calcul plusieurs applications avec différents niveaux de criticités. D'un côté, cette intégration permet de réduire le coût, le poids et la consommation d'énergie. Ces exigences sont importantes pour des systèmes modernes comme par exemple les drones (UAV). De l'autre, elle conduit à des complications majeures lors de leur conception. Ces systèmes doivent être certifiés en prenant en compte ces différents niveaux de criticités. L'ordonnancement temps réel des systèmes avec différents niveaux de criticités est connu comme étant l’un des plus grand défi dans le domaine. Les techniques traditionnelles nécessitent une isolation complète entre les niveaux de criticité ou bien une certification globale au plus haut niveau. Une telle solution conduit à un gaspillage des ressources, et à la perte de l’avantage de cette intégration. Ce problème a suscité une nouvelle vague de recherche dans la communauté du temps réel, et de nombreuses solutions ont été proposées. Parmi elles, l'une des méthodes la plus utilisée pour ordonnancer de tels systèmes est celle d'Audsley. Malheureusement, elle a un certain nombre de limitations, dont nous parlerons dans cette thèse. Ces limitations sont encore beaucoup plus accentuées dans le cas de l'ordonnancement multiprocesseur. Dans ce cas précis, l'ordonnancement basé sur la priorité perd des propriétés importantes. C’est la raison pour laquelle, les algorithmes d'ordonnancement avec différents niveaux de criticités pour des architectures multiprocesseurs ne sont que très peu étudiés et ceux qu’on trouve dans la littérature sont généralement construits sur des hypothèses restrictives. Cela est particulièrement problématique car les systèmes industriels temps réel cherchent à migrer vers plates-formes multi-cœurs. Dans ce travail nous proposons une approche différente pour résoudre ces problèmes. / Modern real-time systems tend to be mixed-critical, in the sense that they integrate on the same computational platform applications at different levels of criticality. Integration gives the advantages of reduced cost, weight and power consumption, which can be crucial for modern applications like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). On the other hand, this leads to major complications in system design. Moreover, such systems are subject to certification, and different criticality levels needs to be certified at different level of assurance. Among other aspects, the real-time scheduling of certifiable mixed critical systems has been recognized to be a challenging problem. Traditional techniques require complete isolation between criticality levels or global certification to the highest level of assurance, which leads to resource waste, thus loosing the advantage of integration. This led to a novel wave of research in the real-time community, and many solutions were proposed. Among those, one of the most popular methods used to schedule such systems is Audsley approach. However this method has some limitations, which we discuss in this thesis. These limitations are more pronounced in the case of multiprocessor scheduling. In this case priority-based scheduling looses some important properties. For this reason scheduling algorithms for multiprocessor mixed-critical systems are not as numerous in literature as the single processor ones, and usually are built on restrictive assumptions. This is particularly problematic since industrial real-time systems strive to migrate from single-core to multi-core and many-core platforms. Therefore we motivate and study a different approach that can overcome these problems.A restriction of practical usability of many mixed-critical and multiprocessor scheduling algorithms is assumption that jobs are independent. In reality they often have precedence constraints. In the thesis we show the mixed-critical variant of the problem formulation and extend the system load metrics to the case of precedence-constraint task graphs. We also show that our proposed methodology and scheduling algorithm MCPI can be extended to the case of dependent jobs without major modification and showing similar performance with respect to the independent jobs case. Another topic we treated in this thesis is time-triggered scheduling. This class of schedulers is important because they considerably reduce the uncertainty of job execution intervals thus simplifying the safety-critical system certification. They also simplify any auxiliary timing-based analyses that may be required to validate important extra-functional properties in embedded systems, such as interference on shared buses and caches, peak power dissipation, electromagnetic interference etc..The trivial method of obtaining a time-triggered schedule is simulation of the worst-case scenario in event-triggered algorithm. However, when applied directly, this method is not efficient for mixed-critical systems, as instead of one worst-case scenario they have multiple corner-case scenarios. For this reason, it was proposed in the literature to treat all scenarios into just a few tables, one per criticality mode. We call this scheduling approach Single Time Table per Mode (STTM) and propose a contribution in this context. In fact we introduce a method that transforms practically any scheduling algorithm into an STTM one. It works optimally on single core and shows good experimental results for multi-cores.Finally we studied the problem of the practical realization of mixed critical systems. Our effort in this direction is a design flow that we propose for multicore mixed critical systems. In this design flow, as the model of computation we propose a network of deterministic multi-periodic synchronous processes. Our approach is demonstrated using a publicly available toolset, an industrial application use case and a multi-core platform.

Análise de expressão gênica diferencial em genótipo de cana-de-açúcar tolerante ao estresse hídrico, usando real-time RT-PCR / Differential gene expression analysis in drought tolerant sugarcane genotype, using real-time RT-PCR

Andrade, Julio Cesar Farias de 30 August 2010 (has links)
In Brazil there is still no variety of commercial transgenic sugarcane used in large scale, although biotechnological research in the area of gene expression has been performed in order to obtain varieties that can be cultivated in low rainfall, high temperatures and in low fertil soils. In the present work it was analised the diferencial gene expression in leaves of the variety of sugarcane RB72910 in field capacity and under severe water stress in a greenhouse. The evaluation was done using the technique real-time RT-PCR a powerful tool used to identify and quantify significant changes in the levels of transcripts, facilitating the selection of candidate genes for use in transgenic plants. For this we analized the expression of 11 genes in leaf samples in two conditions of water regime. The genes analyzed were: DNAJ, PGR5, H1, PSI, LTP, WIP, ZmPIP2-1, ZmTIP4-2, SAMDC and two genes with unknown functions. It was observed that the variety studied showed diferential gene expression under water stress mainly for genes encoding proteins of the protective fotosynthetic system and for maintenance of the homeostasis. Thus, it was concluded that the genotype RB72910 has important agronomical traits of fotoprotection and adaptation to drought. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / No Brasil ainda não há uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar transgênica comercial usada em larga escala, porém pesquisas biotecnológicas na área de expressão gênica estão sendo feitas visando a obtenção de variedades que possam ser cultivadas em condições de baixa pluviosidade, altas temperaturas e solos com pouca fertilidade. No presente trabalho foi analisada a expressão gênica diferencial em folhas na variedade de cana-deaçúcar RB72910 nas condições de capacidade de campo e sob estresse hídrico severo em casa de vegetação. A avaliação foi feita por meio da técnica real-time RT-PCR, uma potente ferramenta usada para identificar e quantificar mudanças significativas nos níveis de transcritos, facilitando a seleção de genes candidatos à utilização em transgenia. Para isso foi analisada a expressão de 11 genes em amostras foliares em duas condições de regime hídrico. Os genes analisados foram: DNAJ, PGR5, H1, PSI, LTP, WIP, ZmPIP2-1, ZmTIP4-2, SAMDC e dois genes com funções indeterminadas. Observou-se que a variedade estudada demonstrou expressão diferencial sob estresse hídrico principalmente para genes que codificam proteínas de proteção do sistema fotossintético e de manutenção da homeostase. Com isso, concluímos que o genótipo RB72910 apresenta importantes características agronômicas de fotoproteção e de adaptação à seca.

Modeling and formation controller design for multi-quadrotor systems with leader-follower configuration / Modélisation et conception de lois de commande pour le vol en formation de drones aériens avec une configuration leader-suiveur

Hou, Zhicheng 10 February 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose des solutions aux problématiques inhérentes au contrôle de formations aériennes de type leader­-suiveur pour des flottes de quadrirotors. Au regard des travaux existants, les stratégies qui sont proposés dans notre travail, considère que le(s) leader{s) a une interaction avec les suiveurs. En outre, les rôles de leader et de suiveur sont interchangeables lors de la formation. Dans un premier temps, la modélisation mathématique d'un seul quadrirotor et celle de la formation de quadrirotors est développée. Ensuite, le problème de suivi de trajectoire pour un seul quadrirotor est étudié. Au travers de l'analyse de 1, dynamique du système pour la conception d'une commande par platitude, il apparait que le suivi de trajectoire pour chaque quadrirotor équivaut à déterminer les sorties plates désirées. Un contrôleur pour système plats permettant l'asservissement des drones pour le suivi de trajectoire est donc proposé. Étant donné la propriété de double-boucle de la dynamique du quadrirotor en boucle fermée, un contrôleur d'attitude avec des grands gains est conçu, selon la théorie « singular perturbation system ». Puisque la dynamique du quadrirotor en boucle fermée fonctionne sur deux échelles de temps, la dynamique de rotation (boundary-layer mode) est contrôlée sur l'échelle de temps la plus rapide. La conception du contrôleur de formation dépend seulement de la dynamique de translation (modèle réduit dans une échelle de temps lente). Ce résultat a simplifié la conception du contrôleur de formation, de telle sorte que le modèle réduit du quadrirotor est utilisé au lieu du modèle complet. Étant donné que le modèle réduit du quadrirotor a une caractéristique de double-intégrateur, un algorithme de consensus pour des systèmes caractérisés par de multiple double-intégrateurs est proposé. Pour traiter le problème de la formation leader-suiveur, une matrice d'interaction est initialement proposée basée sur la matrice de Laplacienne. Nous montrons que la condition de convergence et la vitesse de convergence de l'erreur de formation dépendent de la plus petite valeur propre de la matrice d'interaction. Trois stratégies de contrôle de la formation avec une topologie fixe sont ensuite proposées. Le contrôle de formation par platitude est proposé pour obtenir une formation agressive, tandis que les dérivées de grands ordres de la trajectoire désirée pour chaque UAV sont estimées en utilisant un observateur; la méthode Lyapunov redesign est implémentée pour traiter les non-linéarités de la dynamique de la translation des quadrotors; une loi de commande bornée par l'utilisation, entre autre, de la fonction tangente hyperbolique est développée avec un feedback composite non linéaire, afin d'améliorer les performances de la formation. De plus, une commande de commutation saturée de la formation est étudiée, car la topologie de la formation est variable. La stabilité du système est obtenue grâce aux théories “convex hull » et « common Lyapunov function ». Cette stratégie de commande de commutation permet le changement des leaders dans la formation. Inspirée par certains travaux existants, tels que le contrôle de la formation avec des voisins anonymes, nous proposons, finalement, une loi de commande avec des voisins pondérés, qui montre une meilleure robustesse que le contrôle avec des voisins anonymes. Les résultats de simulation obtenus avec Matlab illustrent premièrement nos stratégies de contrôle que nous proposons De plus, en utilisant le langage de programmation C ++, nos stratégies sont mises en œuvre dans un framework de simulation et d'expérimentation développé au laboratoire Heudiasyc. Grâce aux nombreux tests variés que nous avons réalisés en simulation et en temps-réel, l'efficacité et les avantages de nos stratégies de contrôle de la formation proposées sont présentés. / In this thesis, we address a leader-follower (L-F) formation control problem for multiple UAVs, especially quadrotors. Different from existing works, the strategies, which are proposed in our work, consider that the leader(s) have interaction with the followers. Additionally, the leader(s) are changeable during the formation. First, the mathematical modeling of a single quadrotor and of the formation of quadrotors is developed. The trajectory tracking problem for a single quadrotor is investigated. Through the analysis of the flatness of the quadrotor dynamical model, the desired trajectory for each quadrotor is transferred to the design of the desired at outputs. A flatness-based trajectory tracking controller is, then, proposed. Considering the double-loop property of the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics, a high-gain attitude controller is designed, according to the singular perturbation system theory. Since the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics performs in two time scales, the rotational dynamics (boundary-layer model) is controlled in a fast time scale. The formation controller design is then only considered for the translational dynamics: reduced model in a slow time scale. This result has simplified the formation controller design such that the reduced model of the quadrotor is considered instead of the complete model. Since the reduced model of the quadrotor has a double-integrator characteristic, consensus algorithm for multiple double-integrator systems is proposed. Dealing with the leader-follower formation problem, an interaction matrix is originally proposed based on the Laplacian matrix. We prove that the convergence condition and convergence speed of the formation error are in terms of the smallest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix. Three formation control strategies with fixed formation topology are then proposed. The flatness-based formation control is proposed to deal with the aggressive formation problem, while the high-order derivatives of the desired trajectory for each UAV are estimated by using an observer; the Lyapunov redesign is developed to deal with the nonlinearities of the translational dynamics of the quadrotors; the hyperbolic tangent-based bounded control with composite nonlinear feedback is developed in order to improve the performance of the formation. In an additional way, a saturated switching control of the formation is investigated, where the formation topology is switching. The stability of the system is obtained by introducing the convex hull theory and the common Lyapunov function. This switching control strategy permits the change of the leaders in the formation. Inspired by some existing works, such as the anonymous neighbor-based formation control, we finally propose a weighted neighbor-based control, which shows better robustness than the anonymous neighbor-based control. Simulation results using Matlab primarily illustrate our proposed formation control strategies. Furthermore, using C++ programming, our strategies are implemented on the simulator-experiment framework, developed at Heudiasyc laboratory. Through a variety of tests on the simulator and real-time experiments, the efficiency and the advantages of our proposed formation control strategies are shown. Finally, a vision-based inter-distance detection system is developed. This system is composed by an on-board camera, infrared LEDs and an infrared filter. The idea is to detect the UAVs and calculate the inter-distance by calculating the area of the special LEDs patterns. This algorithm is validated on a PC, with a webcam and primarily implemented on a real quadrotor.

Property driven verification framework : application to real time property for UML MARTE software design / Les outils de vérification dédiés à partir des familles de propriétés : une application aux propriétés temps réel pour les modèles UML-MARTE

Ge, Ning 13 May 2014 (has links)
Les techniques formelles de la famille « vérification de modèles » (« model checking ») se heurtent au problème de l’explosion combinatoire. Ceci limite les perspectives d’exploitation dans des projets industriels. Ce problème est provoqué par la combinatoire dans la construction de l’espace des états possibles durant l’exécution des systèmes modélisés. Le nombre d’états pour des modèles de systèmes industriels réalistes dépasse régulièrement les capacités des ressources disponibles en calcul et stockage. Cette thèse défend l’idée qu’il est possible de réduire cette combinatoire en spécialisant les outils pour des familles de propriétés. Elle propose puis valide expérimentalement un ensemble de méthodes pour le développement de ce type d’outils en suivant une approche guidée par les propriétés appliquée au contexte temps réel. Il s’agit donc de construire des outils d’analyse performants pour des propriétés temps réel qui soient exploitables pour des modèles industriels de taille réaliste. Les langages considérés sont, d’une part UML étendu par le profil MARTE pour la modélisation par les utilisateurs, et d’autre part les réseaux de Petri temporisés comme support pour la vérification. Les propositions sont validées sur un cas d’étude industriel réaliste issu du monde avionique : l’étude de la latence et la fraicheur des données dans un système de gestion des alarmes exploitant les technologies d’Avionique Modulaire Intégrée. Ces propositions ont été mise en oeuvre comme une boite à outils qui intègre les cinq contributions suivantes: la définition de la sémantique d’exécution spécifiques aux propriétés temps réel pour les modèles d’architecture et de comportement spécifiés en UML/MARTE; la spécification des exigences temps réel en s’appuyant sur un ensemble de patrons de vérification atomiques dédiés aux propriété temps réel; une méthode itérative d’analyse à base d’observateurs pour des réseaux de Petri temporisés; des techniques de réduction de l’espace d’états spécifiques aux propriétés temps réel pour des Réseaux de Petri temporisés; une approche pour l’analyse des erreurs détectées par « vérification des modèles » en s’appuyant sur des idées inspirées de la « fouille de données » (« data mining »). / Automatic formal verification such as model checking faces the combinatorial explosion issue. This limits its application in indus- trial projects. This issue is caused by the explosion of the number of states during system’s execution , as it may easily exceed the amount of available computing or storage resources. This thesis designs and experiments a set of methods for the development of scalable verification based on the property-driven approach. We propose efficient approaches based on model checking to verify real-time requirements expressed in large scale UML-MARTE real-time system designs. We rely on the UML and its profile MARTE as the end-user modeling language, and on the Time Petri Net (TPN) as the verification language. The main contribution of this thesis is the design and implementation of a property-driven verification prototype toolset dedicated to real-time properties verification for UML-MARTE real-time software designs. We validate this toolset using an avionic use case and its user requirements. The whole prototype toolset includes five contributions: definition of real-time property specific execution semantics for UML-MARTE architecture and behavior models; specification of real- time requirements relying on a set of verification dedicated atomic real- time property patterns; real-time property specific observer-based model checking approach in TPN; real-time property specific state space reduction approach for TPN; and fault localization approach in model checking.

Implémentation rigoureuse des systèmes temps-réels / Rigorous Implementation of Real-Time Systems

Abdellatif, Tesnim 05 June 2012 (has links)
Les systèmes temps-réels sont des systèmes qui sont soumis à "des contraintes de temps", comme par exemple le délais de réponse d'un système à un événement physique. Souvent les temps de réponse sont de l'ordre du milliseconde et parfois même du microseconde. Construire des systèmes temps-réels nécessite l'utilisation de méthodologies de conception et de mise en œuvre qui garantissent la propriété de respect des contraintes de temps, par exemple un système doit réagir dans les limites définies par l'utilisateur tels que les délais et la périodicité. Un délai non respecté dans systèmes temps-réel critique est catastrophique, comme par exemple dans les systèmes automobiles. Si un airbag se déclanche tard dans un accident de voiture, même quelques millisecondes trop tard peuvent conduire à des répercussions graves. Dans les systèmes temps-réels non critiques, une perte significative de performance et de QoS peuvent se produire, comme par exemple dans les réseaux de systèmes multimédia. Contribution: Nous fournissons une méthode de conception rigoureuse des systèmes temps-réel. L'implèmentation est générée à partir d'une application logicielle temps-réel et une plate-forme cible, en utilisant les deux modèles suivants: * Un modèle abstrait représentant le comportement de l'application logicielle en temps réel sous forme d' un automate temporisé. Celui-ci décrit des contraintes temporelles définies par l'utilisateur qui sont indépendantes de la plateforme. Ses transitions sont intemporelles et correspondent à l'exécution des différentes instructions de l'application. * Un modèle physique représentant le comportement du logiciel en temps réel s'exécutant sur une plate-forme donnée. Il est obtenu par l'attribution des temps d'exécution aux transitions du modèle abstrait. Une condition nécessaire pour garantir l'implémentabilité dy système est la "time-safety", c'est à dire, toute séquence d'exécution du modèle physique est également une séquence d'exécution du modèle abstrait. "Time-safety" signifie que la plate-forme est assez rapide pour répondre aux exigences de synchronisation de l'application. Comme les temps d'exécution des actions ne sont pas connus avec exactitude, "time-safety" est vérifiée pour les temps d'exécution pire cas es actions en faisant l' hypothèse de la robustesse. La robustesse signifie que la "time-safety" est préservée lorsqu'on augmente la vitesse de la plate-forme d'exécution. Pour des logiciels et plate-forme d'exécution correspondant à un modèle robuste, nous définissons un moteur d'exécution qui coordonne l'exécution du logiciel d'application afin de répondre à ses contraintes temporelles. En outre, en cas de non-robustesse, le moteur d'exécution permet de détecter les violations de contraintes temporelles en arrêtant l'exécution. Nous avons mis en place le moteur d'exécution pour les programmes BIP. Nous avons validé la méthode pour la conception et la mise en œuvre du robot Dala. Nous montrons les avantages obtenus en termes d'utilisation du processeur et l'amélioration de la latence de la réaction. / Context: Real-time systems are systems that are subject to "real-time constraints"— e.g. operational deadlines from event to system response. Often real-time response times are understood to be in the order of milliseconds and sometimes microseconds. Building real-time systems requires the use of design and implementation methodologies that ensure the property of meeting timing constraints e.g. a system has to react within user-defined bounds such as deadlines and periodicity. A missed deadline in hard real-time systems is catastrophic, like for example in automotive systems, for example if an airbag is fined too late in a car accident, even one ms too late leads to serious repercussions. In soft real-time systems it can lead to a significant loss of performance and QoS like for example in networked multimedia systems. Contribution: We provide a rigorous design and implementation method for the implementation of real-time systems. The implementation is generated from a given real-time application software and a target platform by using two models: * An abstract model representing the behavior of real-time software as a timed automaton. The latter describes user-defined platform-independent timing constraints. Its transitions are timeless and correspond to the execution of statements of the real-time software. * A physical model representing the behavior of the real-time software running on a given platform. It is obtained by assigning execution times to the transitions of the abstract model. A necessary condition for implementability is time-safety, that is, any (timed) execution sequence of the physical model is also an execution sequence of the abstract model. Time-safety means that the platform is fast enough to meet the timing requirements. As execution times of actions are not known exactly, time-safety is checked for worst-case execution times of actions by making an assumption of time-robustness: time-safety is preserved when speed of the execution platform increases. For given real-time software and execution platform corresponding to a time-robust model, we define an execution Engine that coordinates the execution of the application software so as to meet its timing constraints. Furthermore, in case of non-robustness, the execution Engine can detect violations of time-safety and stop execution. We have implemented the execution Engine for BIP programs with real-time constraints. We have validated the method for the design and implementation of the Dala rover robot. We show the benefits obtained in terms of CPU utilization and amelioration in the latency of reaction.

Análise da expressão gênica induzida por Phakopsora pachyrhizi em soja / Analysis of gene expression induced for Phakopsora pachyrhizi in soybean

Brito Júnior, Salvador Lima 26 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 790827 bytes, checksum: 31229e606f6ff3a38ad36a37dcb0cbb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Soybean Asian Rust, a disease caused by the fungi Phakopsora pachyrhizi, has caused serious economic damages to the Brazilian and world-wide soybean crop. The development of soybean lines resistant to this fungi has been a challenge, and currently the measures of control this disease are based on the handling of the crop and application of fungicides. With the objective to advance the knowledge on the molecular mechanism of defense of the plant to the Soybean Asian Rust, it was evaluated, by PCR in real time, the expression of genes that supposedly are involved in the defense mechanism. Two genotypes had been selected for the conduction of the experiment, PI 230970, that it possess allele Rpp2 and develops type RB type injuries, when in presence of P. pachyrhizi, and Embrapa-48, susceptible, which develops injuries of Tan type. The experiment was carried out in Fitotron and for the analysis of the gene expression was done using RNAs from leaves of the soybean inoculated either with pathogen or mock-inoculated with water. Amongst the evaluated genes, chitinase presented an expression 117 times higher in the resistant genotype (PI 230970), when compared with the calibrator (PI 230970 mock-inoculated) possibly acting as a barrier of defense of the plant. In the susceptible genotype the expression of this gene was 1.75 time higher that your calibrator (Embrapa-48 mock-inoculated). It was observed a differential expression of related genes with reactive species oxygen, production of fitoalexinas as well as involved genes in the release of elicitors. These genes can be acting in the mechanism of defense against P. pachyrhizi in the resistant genotype; however its expression in the susceptible genotype can be related to a bigger settling of the pathogens in the tissues of the host or to a delayed response the infection. The identification of a defense route should be farther investigated, with the objective to identify more specific genes in the process of cellular defense and to point out new alternatives for the development of resistant cultivars. / Ferrugem asiática da soja, uma doença causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi, tem provocado sérios danos econômicos à sojicultura brasileira e mundial. A obtenção de linhagens de soja resistentes ao fungo tem sido um desafio, e atualmente as medidas de controle da doença são baseadas no manejo da cultura e aplicação de fungicidas. Com o objetivo de avançar o conhecimento sobre o mecanismo molecular de defesa da planta frente a ferrugem asiática da soja, avaliou-se, através da técnica de PCR em tempo real, a expressão de genes que supostamente estão envolvidos no mecanismo de defesa. Dois genótipos foram selecionados para a condução do experimento, PI 230970, que possui o alelo Rpp2 e desenvolve lesões do tipo RB, quando em presença de P. pachyrhizi, e Embrapa-48, suscetível, desenvolvendo lesões tipo TAN. O experimento foi conduzido em sala climatizada (Fitotron) e para a análise de expressão gênica foram extraídos RNAs de folhas da soja inoculadas com o patógeno e falso-inoculadas (água). Dentre os genes avaliados, quitinase apresentou uma expressão 117 vezes maior no genótipo resistente (PI 230970), quando comparado com o calibrador (PI 230970 falso-inoculado), atuando possivelmente como uma barreira de defesa da planta. No genótipo suscetível a expressão deste gene foi 1,75 vezes maior que o seu calibrador (Embrapa-48 falsoinoculado). Foi observada uma expressão diferencial de genes relacionados a espécies reativas de oxigênio, produção de fitoalexinas bem como genes envolvidos na liberação de elicitores. Esses genes podem estar atuando no mecanismo de defesa contra P. pachyrhizi no genótipo resistente, porem sua expressão também no genótipo suscetível pode estar relacionado a uma maior colonização do patógeno no tecido hospedeiro ou uma resposta tardia à infecção. A identificação de uma rota de defesa pode possibilitar o estudo mais aprofundado da mesma, com o objetivo de identificar genes mais específicos no processo de defesa celular e apontar novas alternativas para obtenção de cultivares resistente.

Um algoritmo de proteção adaptativa para sistemas de distribuição com inserção de geração distribuída. / An adaptive protection algorithm for distribution systems with distributed generation insertion

NASCIMENTO, Jamile Pinheiro. 20 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-04-20T22:58:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JAMILE PINHEIRO NASCIMENTO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 2146495 bytes, checksum: e397e112357d55c0badad1a62f5324cf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-20T22:58:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JAMILE PINHEIRO NASCIMENTO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEE 2014..pdf: 2146495 bytes, checksum: e397e112357d55c0badad1a62f5324cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08 / Um algoritmo de proteção adaptativa para solucionar o problema da proteção de sistemas com geração distribuída é proposto. O algoritmo modifica as configurações dos relés de forma on-line, utilizando como informação de entrada, os estados dos disjuntores. Ao final, constatou-se que mesmo com a entrada ou saída dos geradores distribuídos, o sistema de distribuição continuou a ser protegido. Para validar o algoritmo utilizou-se um sistema-teste do IEEE e o Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). / An adaptive protection algorithm to solve protecting systems with distributed generation problem is proposed. The algorithm modifies relays settings on on-line form, using circuit breakers state as input information. At the end, it was found that even with the input or output of distributed generators, distribution system continued to be protected. To validate the algorithm it was used an IEEE test system and the Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS).

BK-polyomavirová infekce u pacientů po kombinované transplantaci ledviny a pankreatu / BK-polyomavirus infection in patients after simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplantation

Mindlová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Introduction. The aim of the study was to introduce a new BKV PCR protocol in our centre and to verify its accuracy as well as to assess the prevalence, risk factors of BK virus replication, course of BKV infection and therapeutic approaches in simultaneous pancreas and kidney (SPK) recipients in order to design a screening protocol. Methods. The results analysed by both Affigene® and Transplantation Virology, Basel PCR protocols were compared. Thereafter 183 SPK patients were examined to assess the prevalence of BK viremia, viruria and BKVN and to identify the risk factors of BKV replication. The cases of retransplantation after a graft loss due to BKVN were retrospectively described. Results. 100 of results were analysed according to the Affigene ® and Transplantation Virology, Basel PCR protocols with the accordance of 95%, Rho = 0,946, 95% CI: 0.920 - 0.963, P<0,0001, Bland-Altman plot analyses: bias Basel PCR protocol/Affigene® BKV trender: -0,1 (mean) *±1.96 SD: -1,6 - 1,3] for both methods. Point-prevalence was assessed in 183 patients; Viruria found in 17,3 %, viremia in 3.8% of patients. High-level viruria >107 copies/mL detected in 3,7% of patiets, high-level virémia >104 in 1,6% of patients simultaneously with high-level viruria. BKVN was found in 0,5% of patients. Diabetes duration...

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