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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El oficio de lengua de un indio bilingüe de Chachapoyas Perú-Siglo XVI

Huamanchumo de la Cuba, Ofelia January 2016 (has links)
Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal perfilar la biografía de un indio bilingüe —Juan de Albarado, natural de Chachapoyas— a través de los datos de la experiencia de vida de quien a la manera del más alto ideal renacentista destacó en el ejercicio de la espada y la pluma, es decir, como soldado indioa favor de la Corona y como lengua oficial de la Audiencia de Lima. Las fuentes documentales revisadas (una memoria y una probanza) contienen además muestras ilustrativas de la competencia lingüística y jurídica de un indiolengua de esa época.

Estilo e qualidade de vida biológica em San Pedro de Atacama: o que dizem os esqueletos subadultos / Style and quality of life in San Pedro de Atacama: The subadult skeletons evidence

Pedro José Tótora da Gloria 13 November 2006 (has links)
A região do Deserto de Atacama, norte do Chile, possui condições propícias para a conservação arqueológica. Uma grande quantidade de esqueletos ali bem preservados vem permitindo um intercâmbio rico entre estudos bioantropológicos e arqueológicos. Dentro desse contexto, o presente estudo concentra-se nos esqueletos humanos subadultos de San Pedro de Atacama. O universo amostral é de 90 esqueletos subadultos (menores de vinte anos) de três cemitérios diferentes: Solcor-3, Coyo-3 e Quitor-6; a datação desses cemitérios varia de 250 até 1240 A.D. A inferencia da qualidade de vida biológica foi feita através de oito marcadores osteólogicos. Duas abordagens foram realizadas neste estudo: a comparação do estilo e da qualidade de vida biológica entre períodos da pré-história atacamenha e a análise mundial. A primeira delas comparou quatro períodos distintos da pré-história atacamenha: anterior à influência do Império Tiwanaku, auge da influência Tiwanaku, fase final da influência Tiwanaku e posterior à influência Tiwanaku. A hipótese central a ser testada nesta abordagem é a de que houve uma melhoria significativa na qualidade de vida biológica na região de San Pedro de Atacama durante o auge da influência Tiwanaku. A segunda abordagem consistiu na junção dos quatro períodos em uma amostra única. Estes dados caracterizaram a qualidade de vida biológica dos subadultos atacamenhos, e foram comparados com populações do restante do mundo. Objetivou-se testar se a qualidade de vida biológica em San Pedro enquadrava-se na estratégia de subsistência agricultora. Os resultados da comparação entre os períodos corroboraram a hipótese inicial apenas para o marcador cáries, uma vez que os demais marcadores apresentaram um padrão bastante variado. Os resultados da análise mundial, por sua vez, mostraram que San Pedro de Atacama se encontra dentro da amplitude de variação da categoria \"agricultores\". No entanto, foi constatado que, com exceção de cáries, os marcadores osteológicos apresentaram alta variação nas diferentes populações mundiais de uma mesma estratégia de subsistência. Os marcadores cáries, abcessos e hipoplasias em San Pedro ficaram acima da média agricultora enquanto hiperostose porótica, infecções e traumas ficaram abaixo. Em suma, encontrou-se um padrão complexo, no qual cada marcador osteológico é sensível a um conjunto de condições culturais e naturais próprias da história da população atacamenha / Desert of Atacama region, northern Chile, shows excellent conditions to preserve archaeological remains. A high number of skeletons exumated allows a rich interchange between archaeology and biological anthropology. This study analyzed subadult skeletons from San Pedro de Atacama. The sample is composed by 90 subadult skeletons (less than twenty years) from three burial sites: Solcor-3, Coyo-3 e Quitor-6; they are dated from between 250 to 1240 A.D. Style and biological quality of life were infered throught eight osteological markers. Two approaches were carried out in this study: comparison of style and biological quality of life between Atacameneans prehistoric periods and world-wide groups. The first compared four prehistoric periods of San Pedro: before the influence of Tiwanaku Empire, peak of Tiwanaku influence, final period of Tiwanaku influence and after Tiwanaku influence. The main hypothesis tested in this approach is the significative improvement of biological quality of life in San Pedro de Atacama during the peak of Tiwanaku influence. The second approach joined the skeletons from the four periods in a single sample. These data caracterized the biological quality of life of Atacameneans subadults. The aim was testing if the biological quality of life in San Pedro de Atacama would be within the variation found in agricultural subsistence strategy. The results of the periods\' comparison show that only caries frequencies corroborated the main hypothesis, while the other markers presented a variable pattern. Results of the world-wide analysis showed that San Pedro is within the range of agriculture category. However, it was found out that, except for caries, the osteological markers showed high variation in different world-wide populations within the same subsistence strategy. Caries, abscess and hypoplasias in San Pedro de Atacama were above the world-wide agricultural mean, while porotic hyperostosis, infections and traumas were below. In brief, it was found a complex pattern, in which each osteological marker responds to a particular group of natural and cultural characteristics of the prehistory of Atacamenean population.

"Un camino sin camino" : a epistemologia paradoxal da universidade "amawtay wasi" e o paradoxo indígena do desenvolvimento rural equatoriano

Fehlauer, Tércio Jacques January 2014 (has links)
Este texto acontece a partir do encontro às formas e forças do mundo andino-indígena equatoriano, em um contexto de emergência institucional da Universidade "Amawtay Wasi". Espécie de testemunho de inquietações e de questões que pedem passagem frente ao desejo de abertura às forças diferenciantes indígenas, à diferença como princípio de produção de outras subjetividades, outras escolhas e modos de viver. Ao acompanhar a constituição da Universidade "Amawtay Wasi" nos encontramos com um espaço de enunciação indígena e de afirmação de suas virtualidades e potências corporais, espaço de produção de um conhecimento aberto e atento aos poderes de criação e transformação do mundo (segundo expressões celebrativas, rituais e xamânicas do mundo andino). Este texto acontece, portanto, em múltiplas conexões às singularidades e aos paradoxos de uma "epistemologia" andina e suas interpelações à subjetividade moral da modernidade ocidental (colocando em evidência as imbricações ontológicas de saber e poder que nela se articula). Através dele, buscamos articular pontes de expressão para as tensões geradas, sejam pelos mecanismos estatais de captura e controle coercitivo da diferença indígena, sejam pelos modos de enunciação (por exemplo, em Sumak Kawsay, interculturalidade e plurinacionalidade), como modos de deslocamento (e resistência) indígena aos códigos e axiomas de transformação do Estado-nação equatoriano, sobretudo no seu principal operador semiótico, a idéia de desenvolvimento. / This work reflects the meeting of form and forces in the Ecuadorian Andean-indigenous world in the context of the institutional rise of the “Amawtay Wasi” University. It represents a number of concerns and issues arising from the opening of the indigenous' differentiating forces, to the difference as a production principle and other subjectivities as well as other choices and lifestyles. On accompanying the foundation of the “Amawtay Wasi” University, we observed a space for the indigenous people enunciation and affirmation of their virtualities and corporal potencies,and a space to produce open knowledge which attends to the power of creation and world transformation (according to the celebrative , ritual and shamanic expressions of the Andean world). This study is therefore connected to the singularities and paradoxes of an Andean “epistemology” and its interpelations to the moral subjectivity of the western modernity (highlighting the ontological imbrications of knowledge and power articulated in it). The aim of this work is to articulate links of expression to the tensions generated either by the State mechanisms of capture and coercive control of the indigenous peoples’ difference or by the enunciation modes (for instance in Sumak Kawsay, interculturalism and plurinationality), such as indigenous peoples’ dislocation methods (and resistance) to codes and transformation axioms of the Ecuadorian nation-State, especially in its main semiotic operator, the idea of development.

Investigation of the Lead Isotope Signatures of Marine Sediments in Relation to the Lead Isotope Signatures of Northern Andean Ores

Beck, Kimberly D 02 July 2015 (has links)
Lead isotope ratios of ores and igneous rocks in the Central and Southern Andes show a large-scale geographic pattern related to magmatic source processes. This pattern changes in the Northern Andes for reasons that are not well understood; this study is an investigation of potential causes of this change. Deep ocean sediment samples from the Nazca Plate were analyzed for 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb, and the data were compared with published data on central Andean ores and ores and igneous rocks from Ecuador. Lead isotopic compositions of the Nazca Plate sediments are quite homogenous and are a close match with Andean ore lead in the coastal arc from central Perú through south-central Chile. However, the lead isotope ratios of the sediment samples are much lower than northern Perú and Ecuador ores. Variations in sediment composition are probably not the source of the northern Andean ore lead isotope pattern.

Role of Andean Community of Nations in South-American integration process / Postavení Andského společenství národů v jihoamerickém integračním procesu

Aronová, Barbora January 2008 (has links)
First chapter of this diploma thesis discusses foundation, historical background and contemporary situation of Andean Community of Nations. Second chapter describes Andean Integration System and role of individual bodies and institutions that form this system. Third chapter pays attention to role of Andean Community of Nations in South-American integration process and it's relation to other integration blocs in South America -- Common Market of the South, Union of South-American Nations and Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean. Fourth chapter evaluates impact of Andean integration process on economic and trade development in member countries.

Jose Maria Arguedas’ letters to Abelardo Oquendo / Cartas de Arguedas a Abelardo Oquendo en el Archivo Arguedas de la PUCP

Pinilla Cisneros, Carmen María 25 September 2017 (has links)
Se publican aquí cuatro cartas que Arguedas dirige a Abelardo Oquendo. En ellas se aprecia su interés por elegir como correctores de sus obras a personas de gran talento literario y severidad de juicio. Revelan asimismo sus particulares interpretaciones de ciertas prácticas de la intelectualidad limeña y su tenaz defensa por resguardar la autenticidad de las expresiones artísticas del mundo andino. / Four letters are included in this publication that Jose Maria Arguedas addressed to Abelardo Oquendo. They document Arguedas’ interest in choosing persons of great literary talent and solid judgemente as editors for his writings. These letters also reveal his personal interpretation of certain practices of Lima intellectual groups, as well as his committed defense in protecting the authenticity of artistic expressions of the Andean world.

Research in Andean Linguistics / Los estudios de lingüística histórica andina

Cerrón-Palomino, Rodolfo, Kaulicke, Peter 10 April 2018 (has links)
The article doesn´t have an abstract / El artículo no presenta resumen

Coherent Holocene Expansion of a Tropical Andean and African Glacier

Vickers, Anthony Cole January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Jeremy D. Shakun / Glaciers in the tropics have undergone significant retreat in the past several decades, but the magnitude of this retreat in the long-term context of the Holocene has mostly been qualitatively assessed. This study produces a quantitative reconstruction of Holocene glacier extent relative to today from the Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru, and the Rwenzori Mountains of east Africa. I use measurements of in situ 14C and 10Be from bedrock that was recently exposed by glacier retreat to constrain possible bedrock exposure and erosion histories at each site. The results are strikingly similar in both areas, and suggest that ice was generally smaller than today during the first half of the Holocene and larger than today for most, if not all, of the last several millennia. These findings give evidence toward a coherent Holocene expansion of glaciers across the tropics, and suggest that recent retreat is unusual in a multi-millennial context. / Thesis (MS) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Plan de negocios de una empresa comercializadora de granos andinos para el segmento NSE C de Lima Metropolitana / Business plan of a commercializing company of andean grains for segment sel c of lima city

Álvarez Elías, Ana Fabiola, Benites Sandoval, Maritza, Flores Gonzales, Luis Enrique, Mont Farfán, Eugenia Mercedes 05 April 2021 (has links)
El presente plan de negocios busca evaluar la factibilidad para la creación de una empresa comercializadora de granos andinos convencionales, principalmente quinua, kiwicha, tarwi y cañihua, los cuales ingresarán al mercado con la marca “Grandino”, para lo cual se realizó el análisis del macro y microentorno para evaluar las condiciones, la oportunidad del negocio y la atractividad del sector. Para comprender mejor al consumidor, se ha realizado un sondeo, el cual permitió concluir que hay disposición e interés en el consumo de granos andinos; y facilitó definir diversos aspectos relacionados al modelo de negocio. Como ventaja competitiva Grandino ofrecerá productos que atienden las necesidades actuales de alimentación, con los atributos de ser nutritivos y al mejor precio. Para el lanzamiento las acciones se enfocarán en generar conocimiento y confianza en nuestra marca y productos, y que nuestro público objetivo compruebe el factor calidad/precio de nuestra oferta. La gestión de Grandino busca ser ágil y moderna, por lo que los procesos de acondicionamiento, transporte y distribución estarán tercerizados focalizándonos en los objetivos comerciales para el posicionamiento de la marca en el mercado de Lima Metropolitana. En general, y tras evaluar la demanda y la viabilidad operativa, comercial, económica y financiera, se trata de una oportunidad de negocio con los niveles de rentabilidad adecuados, que atiende un mercado en expansión sobre el cual esta iniciativa puede iniciar su actividad. / This business plan seeks to evaluate the feasibility for the creation of a commercial company for conventional Andean grains, mainly quinoa, kiwicha, tarwi and cañihua, which will enter the market with the brand “Grandino”. So, the analysis of the macro and microenvironment was carried out to evaluate the conditions, the business opportunity and the attractive of the market. To better understand the consumer, a survey has been carried out, which allowed to conclude that there is willingness and interest in the consumption of Andean grains; and it facilitated the definition of various aspects related to the business model. As a competitive advantage, Grandino will offer products that meet current food needs, with the attributes of being nutritious and at the best price. For the launch, the actions will focus on generating knowledge and trust in our brand and products, and that our target audience verifies the quality / price factor of our offer. Grandino’s management seeks to be agile and modern, so the conditioning of the products, the transportation and the distribution will be outsourced, focusing on the commercial objectives for the positioning of the brand in the market of Lima City. In general, and after evaluating the demand and the operational, commercial, economic, and financial viability, it is a business opportunity with adequate profitability levels, which serves an expanding market, on which this initiative can start its activity. / Trabajo de investigación

The Final Phase of Tropical Lowland Conditions in the Axial Zone of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Evidence From Three Palynological Records

Ochoa, D., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Parra, M., De la Parra, F. 01 November 2012 (has links)
Deformation of the Eastern Cordillera, as a double-verging thrust belt that separates the Magdalena Valley from the Llanos Basin, is a defining moment in the history of the northern Andes in South America. Here we examine the age and depositional setting of the youngest stratigraphic unit in three sectors of the Eastern Cordillera: (i) the Santa Teresa Formation (western flank), (ii) the Usme Formation (southern central axis), and (iii) the Concentración Formation (northeastern central axis). These units were deposited prior to the main Neogene deformation events. They represent the last preserved record of lowland conditions in the Eastern Cordillera, and they are coeval with a thick syn-orogenic deposition reported in the Llanos Basin and Magdalena Valley. Based on palynological data, we conclude that the upper Usme Formation was deposited during the Bartonian-earliest Rupelian? (Late Eocene-earliest Oligocene?); the Concentración Formation was deposited during the Late Lutetian-Early Rupelian (Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene), and the upper Santa Teresa Formation was accumulated during the Burdigalian (Early Miocene). These ages, together with considerations on maximum post-depositional burial, provide important time differences for the age of initial uplift and exhumation along the axial zone and western foothills of the Eastern Cordillera. The switch from sediment accumulation to erosion in the southern axial zone of the Eastern Cordillera occurred during the Rupelian-Early Chattian (Oligocene, ca 30 to ca 26 Ma), and in the northeastern axial zone occurred prior to the latest Chattian-Aquitanian (latest Oligocene-Early Miocene ca 23 Ma). In contrast, in the western flank, the switch occurred during the Tortonian (Late Miocene, ca 10 Ma). In addition, we detected a marine transgression affecting the Usme and Concentración formations during the Late Eocene; coeval marine transgression has been also documented in the Central Llanos Foothills and Llanos Basin, as evidenced by the similarity in floras, but not in the western foothills. Our dataset supports previous sedimentological, geochemical and thermochronological works, which indicated that (i) deformation in the Eastern Cordillera was a diachronous process, (ii) the sedimentation along the axial zone stopped first in the south and then in the north during the Oligocene, (iii) depositional systems of the axial zone and central Llanos Foothills kept partly connected at least until the Late Eocene, and (iv) Miocene strata were only recorded in adjacent foothills as well as the Magdalena and Llanos basins.

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