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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da expressão imunoistoquímica de PTEN, AKT fosforilada e receptor de androgênio em carcinomas de mama HER-2 positivos / Immunohistochemical assesment of PTEN, phosphorilated AKT and androgen receptor expression in HER2-positive breast carcinomas

Francini de Mattos Lima Lin 17 December 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Os carcinomas HER-2 positivos representam cerca de 20- 30% de todos os tumores da mama e se caracterizam por curso clínico mais agressivo, com alta proliferação celular e resistência a apoptose, determinados por cascatas de sinalizações intracelulares, tais como a via PI3K/AKT. O trastuzumabe, um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado que se liga à molécula de HER-2, é o tratamento padrão destas pacientes. A resposta a monoterapia com trastuzumabe varia de 12-30% e a persistência da ativação da via PI3K/AKT é um dos mecanismos de resistência. A ativação do AKT começa com a fosforilação do PIP2 a PIP3 pela PI3K. A desfosforilação do PIP3 é mediada pela PTEN e sua deficiência é um dos fatores possivelmente implicados na resistência ao trastuzumabe. Além da resistência à terapêutica, os tumores HER-2 positivos são heterogêneos quanto ao seu comportamento biológico. A busca de diferentes padrões morfológicos e moleculares neste grupo de carcinomas pretende identificar subgrupos prognósticos e preditivos, permitindo a individualização terapêutica. OBJETIVOS: Estudar a expressão imunoistoquímica de duas moléculas da via de sinalização PI3K/AKT (PTEN e AKT fosforilada) e explorar a via de sinalização androgênica através da expressão do receptor de androgênio e dos perfis morfológico e molecular apócrinos. METODOLOGIA: O estudo foi retrospectivo com revisão dos preparados histológicos e construção de blocos de microarranjos com amostras dos tumores para estudo imunoistoquímico. Na revisão foram avaliados: tipo histológico, características morfológicas apócrinas, presença de componente in situ, graus histológico e nuclear, receptores de estrogênio e progesterona, e atividade proliferativa através da expressão imunoistoquímica do Ki-67. Os preparados histológicos foram submetidos à pesquisa de PTEN, AKT fosforilada e receptor de androgênio. Pacientes, familiares e médicos foram contatados para recuperação do seguimento e evolução. RESULTADOS: Foram estudadas 104 pacientes portadoras de carcinoma primário da mama. A expressão de PTEN esteve reduzida em 20/104 (19,2%) dos casos e foi mais freqüente nos tumores com AKT positivo (p= 0,06). O grupo de tumores sem perda de expressão de PTEN apresentou maior atividade proliferativa. A AKT foi positiva em 71/104 (68,3%) casos e se associou a maior grau de diferenciação e à expressão de receptor de androgênio. O receptor de androgênio foi positivo em 89/104 (85,6%) dos casos e esteve associado ao menor grau histológico (p=0,018), receptor de estrogênio (p=0,008) e menor atividade proliferativa (p=0,001). A ausência da expressão do receptor de estrogênio (perfil molecular apócrino) foi identificada em 41/104 casos (39,4%) e se associou a tumores com grau histológico mais alto. O perfil morfológico apócrino foi identificado em 71 (68,3%) dos casos e se associou a alto grau histológico e nuclear. O seguimento foi possível em 55 casos e observamos tendência a menor sobrevida livre de doença nos tumores AKTpositivos e RA-negativos. CONCLUSÕES: Nossos resultados comprovam a heterogeneidade dos carcinomas mamários HER-2 positivos e indicam diferenças em pelos menos duas vias de sinalização celulares como possíveis explicações para as mesmas: a via PI3K/AKT e a androgênica / BACKGROUND: HER-2 positive carcinomas represent about 20-30% of all breast tumors and are characterized by a more aggressive clinical course with high cell proliferation and apoptosis resistance, determined by cascades of intracellular signals, such as the PI3K/AKT pathway. Trastuzumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to HER-2 molecule, is the standard treatment for these patients. The response to monotherapy with trastuzumab ranges from 12-30% and the persistence of activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway is one of mechanisms of resistance. Activation of AKT begins with the phosphorylation of PIP2 to PIP3 by PI3K. The dephosphorylation of PIP3 is mediated by PTEN and its deficiency is one of the factors possibly involved in resistance to trastuzumab. In addition to resistance to therapy, HER-2 positive tumors are heterogeneous in their biologic behavior. The search for different morphological and molecular patterns of carcinomas in this group aims to identify prognostic and predictive subgroups, allowing for customized therapy. OBJECTIVES: To study the immunohistochemical expression of two molecules of the signaling pathway PI3K/AKT (phosphorylated AKT and PTEN) and to explore the androgen signaling pathway through the expression of androgen receptor and apocrine morphological and molecular profiles. METHODS: This study retrospectively reviewed the histological preparations and built tissue microarray with tumor samples for immunohistochemical study. We assessed histologic type, apocrine morphology, presence of in situ component, histologic and nuclear grade, estrogen and progesterone receptors and proliferative activity through the immunohistochemical expression of Ki-67. The tissue preparations were examined for PTEN, phosphorylated AKT and androgen receptor. Patients, relatives and physicians were contacted for retrieval of follow-up data. RESULTS: We studied 104 primary breast cancer patients. The expression of PTEN was reduced in 20/104 (19.2%) cases and was more frequent in tumors with positive AKT (p = 0.06). The group of tumors without loss of PTEN expression showed higher proliferative activity. AKT was positive in 71/104 (68.3%) cases and was associated with a higher degree of differentiation and with expression of androgen receptor. The androgen receptor was positive in 89/104 (85.6%) cases and was associated with lower histological grade (p = 0.018), estrogen receptor (p = 0.008) and lower proliferative activity (p = 0.001). The absence of expression of estrogen receptor (apocrine molecular profile) was identified in 41/104 cases (39.4%) and was associated with tumors of higher histologic grade. The apocrine morphological profile was identified in 71 (68.3%) cases and was associated with high histological grade and nuclear. Follow-up was possible in 55 cases and a trend for shorter disease-free survival was observed in AKT-positive and AR-negative tumors. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed that HER-2-positive breast cancers are heterogeneous and indicate that differences in at least two cellular signaling pathways PI3K/AKT and androgen pathway might underliy such a heterogeneity

Facteurs pronostiques et prédictifs dans le cancer du sein infiltrant / Pronstic and predictive factors in invasive breast cancer

Guiu Lahaye, Séverine 16 December 2015 (has links)
Le traitement systémique adjuvant du cancer du sein infiltrant repose sur la chimiothérapie et l’hormonothérapie. Certains facteurs sont connus pour être pronostiques (âge, taille tumorale, statut ganglionnaire, grade tumoral, emboles vasculaires, statut des récepteurs hormonaux (RH) et de HER2) ou prédictifs de réponse aux traitements (RH et HER2) et influent sur nos décisions thérapeutiques. Cependant, certaines patientes récidivent malgré un traitement complet alors que d’autres vont recevoir un traitement qui aurait pu être évité de par leur bon pronostic « intrinsèque ». Nous avons cherché à identifier dans ce travail d’autres facteurs pronostiques et / ou prédictifs dans le cancer du sein infiltrant en situation néoadjuvante / adjuvante. Premièrement, nous montrons que le type histologique lobulaire, réputé pour être une histologie de cancer du sein de bon pronostic et peu chimiosensible, ne doit pas être un facteur décisionnel quant aux traitements systémiques. En situation adjuvante et concernant la chimiothérapie, la validité et l’utilité cliniques des tests génomiques nécessitent d’être évaluées spécifiquement dans ce sous-groupe. Ensuite, nous avons étudié la validité analytique, la validité clinique et l’utilité clinique de 2 classifications moléculaires des cancers du sein selon PAM50 et l’analyse immunohistochimique de biomarqueurs : récepteur œstrogène, HER2 et Ki67 avec un cut-off à 14%. Selon nos conclusions, il n’y a actuellement pas de données suffisamment robustes pour que ces 2 classifications modifient les décisions de traitement systémique. Nous avons mis en évidence un sous-groupe de tumeurs triples négatives exprimant le récepteur androgène et FOXA1 et se comportant comme des tumeurs luminales. Enfin, nous avons montré sur une large série néoadjuvante que la réponse histologique complète est un critère substitutif de survie pour les tumeurs RH négatifs / The adjuvant systemic treatment of invasive breast cancer is based on chemotherapy and endocrine therapy. Several prognostic factors (age, tumoral size, nodal status, tumoral grade, vascular embols, hormonal receptors (HR), HER2) and predictive factors of response to treatment (HR and HER2) are described and have an impact on our therapeutic decisions. However, recurrences are frequent after a complete treatment and patients could avoid such treatment because of the good “intrinsic” prognosis. In this work, we aimed to identify other prognostic and / or predictive factors for the invasive breast cancer in the neoadjuvant / adjuvant settings. Firstly, we showed that the lobular histology, considered as histology of good prognosis and low chemo sensitive, should not be a decisive factor regarding systemic therapy. In the adjuvant setting, regarding chemotherapy, clinical validity and utility of the genomic tests need to be specifically evaluated in this subgroup. Then, we studied analytical validity, clinical validity and clinical utility of 2 molecular classification of breast cancer: PAM50 and a panel of 3 biomarkers in immunohistochemistry (estrogen receptor, HER2 and Ki-67 with a cut-off of 14%). We concluded that the data were not strong enough and that the therapeutic decisions should not be influenced by these classifications. We identified a subgroup of triple negative breast cancer that express androgen receptor and FOXA1 and which behave like luminal tumors. At last, we showed in a large neoadjuvant population, that the pathological complete response is a surrogate marker of survival in RH negative tumors

Effets de deux xénohormones, la génistéine et la vinclozoline, sur le développement et les fonctions exocrines et endocrines des glandes salivaires submandibulaires de rats Wistar Han : influence de la période d'exposition en fonction de l'âge et du sexe / Effect of two xeno-hormones, genistein and vinclozolin on development and exocrines and endocrines functions of submandibular salivary glands of Wistar Han rats : influence of exposure period

Kouidhi-Lamloum, Wided 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les glandes salivaires sont des glandes mixtes : la salive (produit exocrine) estimpliquée dans le maintien de l’homéostasie buccale alors que les secrétions endocrines (ex :facteurs de croissance) ont un rôle physiologique (gamétogénèse, ostéogenèse,hypertension…) Chez les mammifères, elles affichent un dimorphisme sexuel qui laisseentrevoir une sensibilité éventuelle à des xeno-hormones.Ce mémoire présente l’action de la génistéine (phyto-oestrogène) et/ou de la vinclozoline(anti-androgène) sur la glande submandibulaire (SM) de rat lors d’une exposition précoce viala mère (gestation-lactation) et lors d’une exposition pendant la période de croissance (dusevrage à l’âge adulte). Les glandes SM, prélevées au stade immature et jeune adulte, ont faitl’objet d’une analyse histologique et d’une étude de marqueurs moléculaire des fonctionsendocrines et exocrines associées aux processus gustatifs. L’exposition précoce ralenti ledéveloppement de la glande SM et augmente sélectivement la préférence au sucré des malesimmatures mais pas des adultes ; l’analyse moléculaire révèle une action sélective sur lesfonctions exocrines corrélée à celle sur les préférences, ainsi qu’une action sur les fonctionsendocrines (facteurs de croissances) qui s’inverse avec l’âge. L’exposition à partir du sevrageperturbe seulement les mâles qui présentent des altérations des structures sécrétrices coupléesà des modifications d’expression des récepteurs hormonaux et facteurs de croissance, maisaussi au taux sérique de l’EGF.Cette étude identifie la glande submandibulaire comme cible de perturbateurs endocriniens etpose la question des conséquences physiologiques à terme / The salivary glands are mixed glands: saliva (exocrine product) is involved inmaintaining oral homeostasis whereas endocrine secretions (eg growth factors) have aphysiological role (gametogenesis, osteogenesis, hypertension ..). In mammals, they displaysexual dimorphism suggesting a possible susceptibility to xeno-hormones.This manuscript presents the action of genistein (phytoestrogen) and/or vinclozolin (antiandrogenic)on the submandibular gland (SM) rats when performing an early exposure via themother (pregnancy, lactation) or an exposure during the growth period (from weaning toadulthood). The SM glands, collected at immature and young adult ages, have been analyzedaccording histological aspect and expression of molecular markers of endocrine and exocrinefunctions associated with gustatory process. The early exposure disrupted the development ofthe SM gland and selectively increases the sweet preference in immature males but not inadults; molecular analysis reveals a selective action on exocrine functions related to the sweetpreferences and also an action on endocrine functions (growth factors) which reverses withage. Exposure from weaning disrupts only the male salivary glands with alterations insecretory structures coupled with changes in expression of both, sex-hormone receptors andgrowth factors, but also in serum EGF.This study identifies the submandibular gland as a target for endocrine disruptors and raisesthe question of the further physiological consequences

Analyse des mécanismes moléculaires régulant la dormance des cellules de cancer de la prostate in vitro / Analysis of Molecular Mechanisms Regulating Dormancy of Prostate Cancer Cell In Vitro

Bui, Anh Thu 23 November 2016 (has links)
Au début des années 2000, il a été montré que le développement des métastases était fortement limité par un phénomène de dormance cellulaire. En effet, après s’être extravasées dans un organe distant, la plupart des cellules tumorales disséminées qui survivent entrent immédiatement dans un état quiescent réversible mais durable sur le long terme, qui est qualifié de dormant. Si le phénomène de dormance permet de limiter le taux de développement de métastases, il est aussi à l’origine de récidives métastasiques tardives, car les cellules dormantes peuvent persister longtemps et sont résistantes à la chimiothérapie. Il est donc important d’analyser les mécanismes moléculaires régulant la dormance des cellules tumorales. Mais cette analyse est difficile à réaliser in vivo du fait de la relative grande rareté des cellules cancéreuses disséminées. Récemment, mon équipe d’accueil a observé que la clonogénicité in vitro des cellules de cancer de la prostate peut être fortement régulée par un phénomène de dormance. Celle-ci est induite lorsque les cellules sont cultivées à la faible densité cellulaire et dans un milieu légèrement hypertonique comme le DMEM. L’objectif de mon travail de thèse était d’analyser les mécanismes moléculaires régulant la dormance des cellules de cancer de la prostate in vitro.Dans un premier temps, nous avons mis en évidence que la dormance nécessite l’activation conjointe de la voie de signalisation BMP/TGF-ß et d’un stress oxydatif. La faible densité cellulaire joue un rôle capital dans l’établissement de la dormance en pré-activant la voie du BMP/TGF-ß et en sensibilisant la cellule au stress oxydatif. L’amplification de ces effets par l’hypertonicité explique l’induction du phénomène de dormance. Nous avons étendu la portée de ces observations en montrant que les androgènes à des concentrations proches des niveaux physiologiques permettent d’induire un phénomène de dormance très similaire, reposant lui-aussi sur l’activation des voies de signalisation du BMP/TGF-ß et du stress oxydatif. De manière intéressante, nous avons confirmé qu’une fois que la dormance est établie, elle se maintient d’une manière autonome. Ainsi, un traitement transitoire par des androgènes s’avère suffisant pour induire la dormance qui se maintient après la remise en culture dans un milieu dépourvu d’androgènes ajoutés. Par ailleurs, nous avons identifié CDKN1A (p21CIP1/WAF1) comme un régulateur de la dormance principalement régulé par le stress oxydatif. Sa surexpression à faible densité cellulaire suffit à induire un phénomène de dormance caractéristique.En conclusion, nous avons montré que la dormance des cellules de cancer de la prostate est régulée par les voies de signalisation du BMP/TGF-ß et du stress oxydatif qui semblent être interconnectées au travers d’une boucle de régulation auto-entretenue. Les androgènes pourraient constituer des inducteurs de dormance efficaces in vivo pour limiter le développement des métastases, ce que nous voudrions tester dans un modèle de dissémination métastasique simplifié chez la souris obtenu par injection intracardiaque de cellules cancéreuses. Par ailleurs, notre modèle prédit que les CTCs (Cellules Tumorales Circulantes dispersées dans la circulation sanguine) pourraient être induites à entrer en dormance avant même de s’extravaser du milieu sanguin du fait des conditions pro-oxydantes régnant dans ce milieu, ce qui pourrait être testé en étudiant si des inhibiteurs du stress oxydatif et/ou des voies du BMP/TGF-ß favorisent la prolifération de CTCs purifiées et mises en cultures. / In the early 2000s, development of metastases was shown to be strongly limited by a phenomenon of cellular dormancy. Indeed, after extravasation in a distant organ, most of the disseminated cancer cells that survive enter into a reversible quiescent that is called dormant state. The phenomenon of dormancy is also the cause of late metastatic recurrences because dormancy confers long-term cellular survival and resistance to chemotherapy. Thus, it is important to analyze the molecular mechanisms regulating cancer cell dormancy. However, in vivo studies are difficult due to the extreme scarcity of disseminated cancer cells. Recently, T. Tchenio et al observed that clonogenicity of prostate cancer cells was strongly regulated by a dormancy phenomenon in vitro. A dormant state was induced when cells are cultured at low density in a slightly hypertonic medium, such as DMEM. The aim of my thesis was to analyze the molecular mechanisms regulating the dormancy of prostate cancer cells in vitro.We first demonstrated that dormancy required a combined activation of both BMP/TGF-ß and oxidative stress signaling pathways. Low cell density plays a key role in dormancy establishment by priming both signaling pathways. Hypertonicity induced dormancy through further amplifying these signaling pathways. We extended the biological relevance of our observation by showing that a closely related phenomenon could be induced by androgens at concentrations close to physiologic levels. Androgen-induced dormancy also relied on activation of the BMP/TGF-ß and oxidative stress signaling pathways. Interestingly, we observed that once dormancy was established, it was maintained autonomously since a transient treatment with androgen was sufficient to induce a dormant state that was self-sustained after withdrawal of exogenous androgens. Besides, CDKN1A (p21 CIP1/WAF1) was identified as a dormancy regulator modulated by oxidative stress. We showed that its transient overexpression at low cell density was sufficient to induce a dormancy phenomenon that mimicked those induced by hypertonicity or androgens.In conclusion, we showed that dormancy of prostate cancer cells was regulated by BMP/TGF-ß and oxidative stress signaling pathways that seemed to be interconnected through a self-sustained regulation loop. Androgen may constitute an effective inducer of dormancy in vivo to limit metastases development. Therefore, we would like to test its effects in vivo in a simplified model of metastatic dissemination in mouse relying on intracardiac injection of cancer cells. Furthermore, our model allowed us to predict that CTCs (Circulating Tumor Cells dispersed in bloodstream) could enter into a dormant state before their extravasation from blood vessels due to the pro-oxidant conditions in this environment. This prediction could be tested by studying whether oxidative stress and BMP/TGF inhibitors could promote proliferation of purified CTCs in vitro.

The potential relationships between hormone biomarkers and functional and health outcomes of ageing

Eendebak, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Although the female menopause has been extensively characterized as a well-defined symptomatic state of oestrogen deficiency, which responds relatively well to oestrogen replacement therapy, the symptomatic state of androgen deficiency in men is poorly defined and uncertainty exists whether it responds to testosterone replacement. It has been proposed that hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular (HPT)-axis function (responsible for the production of androgens) and regulation could be viewed as a ‘barometer’ of health status in older men and that potential alterations in HPT-axis function and regulation reflect subclinical and clinical deficits in function and health, which may result in an aged phenotype of human health and disease in older men. The HPT-axis constitutes a well-defined, tractable, clinically-relevant, biological system, which may permit insight into the mechanisms underlying the expression of ageing-related phenotypes of human health and disease. By using a different lens – such as the genetic background; the compensatory responses within the HPT-axis; the syndromes of androgen deficiency; the ethnic background of an individual or the life course trajectory of function and health from conception into older age – to magnify potential dysregulation in the HPT-axis will it be possible to visualize and understand the phenotypic expression of human male ageing as a gradient of functional and health outcomes. This will allow for a better understanding of the physiological mechanics underlying symptomatic expression of dysregulation in the HPT-axis.

Die Wirkung von Valproat auf die Konochenmetastasenzellen (VCaP) des Prostatakarzinoms / The effect from valproic acid at the bone metastasis cells (VCaP) of the prostate cancer

Früchtenicht, Tanja 20 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic predisposition to spontaneous preterm birth:approaches to identify susceptibility genes

Karjalainen, M. (Minna) 06 December 2011 (has links)
Abstract Approximately 5.5% of all infants are born preterm (before 37 completed weeks of gestation) in Finland. Preterm birth is the cause of several life-threatening neonatal diseases and long-term morbidity. The most important risk factor for preterm birth is intrauterine infection and inflammation. Approximately 70% of preterm births have a spontaneous onset. Evidence suggests that genetic factors are involved in spontaneous preterm birth (SPTB), but knowledge about the actual genes conferring genetic predisposition is limited. The major aim of this work was to identify genetic factors that predispose to SPTB. Genome-wide linkage analysis was performed to identify genomic regions associating with SPTB in large northern Finnish families recurrently affected by SPTB. Genes near regions with linkage signals were subsequently analyzed in a Finnish case-control population of mothers and infants. Due to their roles in innate immunity, the genes encoding surfactant protein A (SP-A), SP-C, SP-D and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) were also investigated as candidates for SPTB in this population. In addition, expression of SP-C in human and mouse gestational tissues was examined. Linkage signals were detected on chromosome loci 15q26.3, Xq13.1 and Xq21.1 with the phenotype of being born preterm. In subsequent association analyses, the genes encoding the insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R) located within locus 15q26.3 and the androgen receptor (AR) located near locus Xq13.1 were identified as potential novel fetal SPTB susceptibility genes. These genes did not associate with SPTB in the mothers. An association was found between the Met31Thr polymorphism of the SFTPD gene encoding SP-D and SPTB in the infants. There was no association in the mothers. Polymorphisms of the genes encoding SP-A or MBL did not associate with SPTB. The Thr138Asn polymorphism of the SFTPC gene encoding SP-C did not associate with SPTB. However, this polymorphism associated strongly with the interval between preterm premature rupture of membranes and SPTB in the fetuses. Expression of SP-C was detected in human and mouse fetal membranes and placenta, and in mouse pregnant uterus. Currently, there is no effective method to prevent SPTB. The results of this study may help to clarify some of the biological mechanisms underlying SPTB and finally allow the development of specific treatment strategies for its prevention. / Tiivistelmä Suomessa syntyy noin 5,5 % lapsista ennenaikaisina eli raskauden kestettyä vähemmän kuin 37 täyttä viikkoa. Näillä lapsilla on alttius hengenvaarallisiin sairauksiin, ja osalle heistä jää pysyvä kehitysvamma. Noin 70 % ennenaikaisista syntymistä käynnistyy spontaanisti. Tärkein ennenaikaisen syntymän riskitekijä on kohdunsisäinen tulehdusreaktio. Myös perinnöllisten tekijöiden tiedetään vaikuttavan spontaanin ennenaikaisen syntymän (SEAS) käynnistymiseen, mutta alttiusgeenejä tunnetaan huonosti. Työssä pyrittiin tunnistamaan SEAS:lle altistavia perinnöllisiä tekijöitä. Perimänlaajuista kytkentäanalyysiä käyttäen etsittiin SEAS:ään liittyviä perimän kohtia tutkimalla toistuvasti ennenaikaisia syntymiä kokeneita isoja pohjoissuomalaisia perheitä. Kytkentäsignaalien lähellä olevia geenejä tutkittiin tutkimusaineistossa, joka koostui suomalaisista äideistä ja lapsista. Surfaktanttiproteiini A:ta (SP-A), SP-C:tä, SP-D:tä ja mannoosia sitovaa lektiiniä (MBL) koodaavia geenejä tutkittiin ehdokasgeeneinä SEAS:lle tässä populaatiossa, koska nämä proteiinit osallistuvat elimistön puolustukseen ja voivat siten vaikuttaa SEAS:ään liittyvään tulehdusreaktioon. Lisäksi tutkittiin SP-C:n ilmentymistä ihmisen ja hiiren sikiökalvoilla, istukassa ja kohdussa. Kytkentäsignaaleja havaittiin kromosomikohdissa 15q26.3, Xq13.1 ja Xq21.1, kun tutkittavana ilmiasuna oli ennenaikaisena syntyminen. Lisätutkimukset osoittivat, että sikiön insuliininkaltaisen kasvutekijän 1 reseptoria koodaava IGF1R-geeni (kohta 15q26.3) ja androgeenireseptorigeeni AR (lähellä kohtaa Xq13.1) ovat mahdollisia uusia SEAS:n alttiusgeenejä. Nämä geenit eivät selittäneet SEAS:ää äideissä. Sikiön SP-D:tä koodaavan geenin Met31Thr-polymorfismi tunnistettiin mahdolliseksi riskitekijäksi, mutta tämä polymorfismi ei selittänyt SEAS:ää äideissä. SP-A:ta ja MBL:ää koodaavat geenit eivät liittyneet SEAS:ään. SP-C:tä koodaavan geenin Thr138Asn-polymorfismi ei ollut yhteydessä SEAS:ään. Sikiön Thr138Asn-polymorfismi liittyi kuitenkin vahvasti sikiökalvojen puhkeamisen ja SEAS:n väliseen kestoon. SP-C:n havaittiin ilmentyvän ihmisen ja hiiren sikiökalvoilla ja istukassa sekä raskaana olevan hiiren kohdussa. Tulokset antavat uutta tietoa SEAS:n perinnöllisestä taustasta. Tämä tieto voi auttaa selvittämään sen käynnistymiseen johtavia biologisia mekanismeja ja johtaa lopulta uusiin hoitokeinoihin, joilla pystytään estämään spontaaneja ennenaikaisia syntymiä.

Sinteza i biološka aktivnost novih steroidnih heterocikličnih jedinjenja / Synthesis and biological activity of new steroidal heterocyclic compounds

Oklješa Aleksandar 24 July 2015 (has links)
<p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji ispitane su 1,3-dipolarne<br />cikloadicione reakcije steroidnih azido-nitrila, nitrona i<br />nitril-oksida, pri čemu su sintetizovana različita<br />heterociklična steroidna jedinjenja androstanske i estranske<br />serije. Utvrdjene su strukture novosintetizovanih<br />jedinjenja. Ispitana je biolo&scaron;ka aktivnost odabranih<br />jedinjenja.</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of<br />steroidal azido-nitriles, nitrones and nitrile-oxide were<br />examined. Various steroidal heterocyclic compounds in<br />the androstane and estrane series were synthesised. The<br />structural characterisation of newly synthesised<br />compounds was done. Biological activity of selected<br />compounds was examined.</p>

Veränderungen des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels im Leben einer Frau und seine Bedeutung für den Frauenarzt

Schlüter, Amelie 18 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel dieser vorliegenden, vergleichenden Literaturarbeit ist es, den heutigen Wissensstand in Bezug auf den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel einer Frau darzustellen. Hierbei werden die physiologischen Veränderungen des Metabolismus zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten im Leben einer Frau, begonnen mit der Kindheit und Pubertät, über Menstruation und Schwangerschaft bis hin zur Menopause, betrachtet und es werden die Ursachen und möglichen Mechanismen aufgezeigt, die zu Abweichungen der Insulinresistenz und der Insulinsekretion und damit möglicherweise zu einer Glukoseintoleranz bzw. einem Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus führen können. Der Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel wird nicht nur bezüglich der physiologischen, sondern auch in bezug auf die iatrogen verursachten Veränderungen, d.h. unter oraler hormonaler Kontrazeption, unter Hormonersatztherapie im Klimakterium, sowie hinsichtlich bestimmter Pathologien, wie dem zur Infertilität führenden polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom oder dem Gestationsdiabetes, untersucht. Ergebnis: Es scheint eine starke Verknüpfung zwischen dem weiblichen Reproduktionssystem und dem Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel zu geben, deren Interaktion von den unterschiedlichsten Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Der Frauenarzt sollte sich bei der Verschreibung hormoneller Kontrazeptiva, der Hormonersatztherapie und im Besonderen bei der Therapie des polyzystischen Ovarsyndroms sowie bei der Untersuchung seiner Patientinnen bewusst sein, dass verschiedene Lebensphasen, wie Pubertät, Schwangerschaft und Klimakterium und die damit verknüpften Veränderungen des Reproduktionssystems und der Sexualhormone auch deutliche metabolische Veränderungen nach sich ziehen können. Besonders eine erhöhte Insulinresistenz, die mit einer gesteigerten Insulinsekretion einhergeht, muss bedacht werden. Nicht nur das Syndrom X, eine Zusammenfassung von metabolischen Abnormitäten (Dyslipidämie, Insulinresistenz, Adipositas, Hypertonie), die mit einem deutlich erhöhten Risiko kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten und besonders der Atherosklerose einhergehen, sondern die daraus folgende steigende Prävalenz von Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus und das stark vermehrte Auftreten von Adipositas verlangen nach einer fachübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Frauenärzten und Internisten. / The aim of this comparative review is to reveal the current standard of knowledge concerning carbohydrate metabolism in women. The study demonstrates the physiological changes in metabolism at various stages in a female life, from childhood and puberty, through menstruation and pregnancy and ending with the menopause, whilst also evaluating different causes and possible mechanisms that lead to aberrance in insulin resistance and insulin secretion and thereby potentially to glucose intolerance and/or type 2 Diabetes mellitus. In addition to presenting physiological alterations in glucose metabolism, this work also analyses changes generated by iatrogenic treatment such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, as well as those caused by different pathologies like polycystic ovary syndrome or gestational diabetes. The results indicate a strong correlation between the female reproduction system and the carbohydrate metabolism. The interaction is influenced by the many very different factors. Before prescribing oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy in climacteric (especially during the treatment of infertility in PCOS), or examining patients, the gynaecologist needs to be aware of the fact that different phases in life along with sex steroids and connected changes in the reproductive system, might lead to severe metabolic diversifications. Special attention should be paid to an increased insulin resistance, associated with an augmentation in insulin secretion. Not only the metabolic syndrome, the simultaneous appearance of metabolic abnormalities (dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, adiposity, hypertonia), which holds a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially arteriosclerosis, but also the consequential increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the highly increased prevalence of adiposity, demand for a multidisciplinary collaboration between gynaecologists and internists.

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