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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O anglicismo na linguagem da mineração: um estudo exploratório

Ferreira, Karoll Ribeiro e Silva January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho visa, a partir de um estudo exploratÓrio de textos da área da Mineração, investigar a ocorrência de anglicismos termino lÓgicos e descrever a natureza interna, entorno lingüístico e textual que permitem sua existência e funcionamento. Com base nos pressupostos da Teoria Comunicativa da Terminologia e nos paradigmas da Terminologia Textual, postula-se que o termo estrangeiro deve ser analisado em sua inserção no contexto, uma vez que seu valor especializado é ativado pelas condições de uso. Buscou-se apoio nos mestres dos estudos de neologia, empréstimo e estrangeirismo para explicar o anglicismo terminológico como o empréstinlo inglês de uma palavra da linguagem de especialidade utilizada nos textos de Mineração escritos em português do Brasil. A pesquisa parte da observação de um corpus de artigos científicos em português brasileiro, coletados de periódicos da área da Mineração, divididos em subcorpus A e subcorpus B, ambos constituídos de textos de mesma temática e entorno comunicativo, porém com um nível de especialização diferenciado. Os anglicismos coletados apresentam-se basicamente como unidades lingüísticas de valor especializado sem qualquer alteração morfo-tonológica e/ou unidades que conservam a base original inglesa com o acréscimo de sufixos vernáculos. Com o aplicativo WordSmith Tools, geramos listas para o levantamento dos anglicismos comuns aos subcorpora e a extração de seus contextos, os quais forneceram dados, cuja análise permitiu-nos propor critérios possíveis para uma classificação dos anglicismos empregados na linguagem da Mineração. Procuranlos, por fim, estabelecer sua representatividade a partir do que foi possível observar de regular e específico de cada subcorpus. / By an exploratory stuely af texts from the Mining area, this work aims to investigate terminalogícal anglícisms and to describe the internal nature, linguistic and textual environment, which explain their existence and functianing. Basedon the presuppositions of the Communicative Theory of Terminology and Textual Terminology, it is put forth that the foreign term should be analyzed whilc insertcd into its eontext sinee the spccialized value is triggcred by usagc condítions. Also, the research is supportcd by studícs of neology, borrowings and foreignism, in order ta account for the terminological anglicísm as a specialized ward borrowcd from Eng!ish into Portuguese, employed in Brazilian tcxts on Mining. The rcflection stcms from the observation af a corpus of scientific papers written in Brazilian Portuguese collected from Mining Journals, divided into subcorpus A and subcorpus B. Each subcorpus comprises texts of similar thematics and communicative approach written ín a different level of specialization. The anglicisms usually occur as linguistic items of specialized value with no morpho-phonological change and/or lexical units that preserve the original base with the addition of vernacular suffixes. With the software WordSmith Tools, lists were produced to examine anglicisms that are common to each subcorpus. and to extract their contexts. Data collected from such contexts 13mvided ana!yzes to suggest eríteria for categorizing the anglieisms used in the Mining language. Finally, we try to establish the representativeness of aglicicms by observing regularity and specificity of each subcorpus.

Die grammatische und semantische Integration von Anglizismen in der deutschen Jugendsprache anhand der Zeitschriften "Bravo" und "Mädchen" / Gramatinė ir semantinė anglicizmų integracija vokiečių jaunimo kalboje remiantis žurnalais "Bravo" ir "Mädchen" / The grammatical and semantical integration of Anglicisms in the German youth language based on the magazines "Bravo" and "Mädchen"

Paliulytė, Lina 02 August 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit wurde auf die grammatische und semantische Integration Anglizismus deutschen Jugend Sprache offenbaren, nach zwei beliebte Jugendzeitschriften "Bravo" und "Mädchen". Die Arbeit besteht aus zwei Hauptteilen. In einem der theoretischen Materials wurde der Kriterien und Methoden durch den Strom in der Studie verwendeten analysiert und kategorisiert Anglizismus. Grammatische Anglizismus Integration auf der Grundlage von Eisenberg, Sommerfeldt, Chan und weitere berühmte Werke von Linguisten analysiert worden. Konzentriert sich auf vier wesentliche Teile der Rede: Substantive, Verben, Adjektive und Adverbien. Es wurde beschlossen, Anglizismus nicht isoliert, sondern den ganzen Satz zu untersuchen, weil sie ein klareres Bild davon, wie die Teile der Rede sind in der deutschen Sprache verwurzelt war. Semantic theoretischen Material wurde von Helbig, Busch, Schendel, Sommerfeldt, und alle anderen bekannten Sprache Forscher ausgewählt worden. Er wurde später auf die semantische Klasse, zu der die langen Kurs eingestuft wurden Anglizismus vorgelegt. Der zweite Teil besteht aus praktischen Analyse, bezogen auf 397 Sätze von zehn Buchstaben auf der "Bravo" und "Mädchen Zeitschriften. Alle Anglizismus finden in den Anhängen. Der praktische Teil umfasst mehrere Beispiele, die Unterstützung und zeigen rechtfertigen Anglizismus Integration von grammatischen und semantischen Gesichtspunkten. Grammatische Analyse ergab, dass ein Teil der Anglizismus leicht ins Deutsche... [der volle Text, siehe weiter] / Šiuo darbu buvo siekiama atskleisti gramatinę ir semantinę anglicizmų integraciją vokiečių jaunimo kalboje, vadovaujantis dviem populiariais jaunimo žurnalais „Bravo“ ir „Mädchen“. Darbą sudaro dvi pagrindinės dalys. Vienoje jų pateikiama teorinė medžiaga, kriterijai ir metodai, pagal kuriuos tolimesniame darbe buvo analizuojami ir skirstomi anglicizmai. Gramatinė anglicizmų integracija buvo analizuojama, remiantis Eisenberg, Sommerfeldt, Chan ir kitų žinomų kalbotyrininkų darbais. Didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas keturioms pagrindinėms kalbos dalims: daiktavardžiams, veiksmažodžiams, būdvardžiams ir prieveiksmiams. Buvo nutarta anglicizmus tirti ne pavieniui, o su visu sakiniu, nes taip buvo aiškiau matyti, kaip šios kalbos dalys yra įsitvirtinusios vokiečių kalboje. Semantinė teorinė medžiaga buvo pasirinkta pagal Helbig, Buscha, Schendels, Sommerfeldt ir kitus žinomus kalbos tyrinėtojus. Vėliau buvo pateikiamos semantinės klasės, į kurias tolimesnėje eigoje buvo klasifikuojami anglicizmai. Antrąją dalį sudaro praktinė analizė, besiremianti 397 sakiniais, rastais dešimtyje „Bravo“ ir „Mädchen“ žurnalų. Visi rasti anglicizmai pateikiami prieduose. Praktinėje dalyje pateikiami keletas pavyzdžių, kurių pagalba parodoma ir pagrindžiama anglicizmų integracija gramatiniu ir semantiniu požiūriu. Gramatinė analizė atskleidė, kad anglicizmai iš dalies nesunkiai integruojasi į vokiečių jaunimo kalbą. Grafiškai pavaizduojama, kad žurnaluose vyrauja esamojo laiko veiksmažodžiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This work was to reveal the grammatical and semantical integration of Anglicisms in German youth language, according to two popular youth magazines "Bravo" and "Mädchen". The work consists of two main parts. In one of the theoretical material, the criteria and methods used by the stream in the study was analyzed and categorized Anglicism. Grammatical Anglicism integration has been analyzed on the basis of Eisenberg, Sommerfeldt, Chan and other famous works of linguists. Focuses on four key parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. It was decided to investigate Anglicism not in isolation but the entire sentence because it was a clearer picture of how the parts of speech are rooted in the German language. Semantic theoretical material has been selected by Helbig, Buscha, Schendels, Sommerfeldt, and any other known language researchers. It was subsequently submitted to the semantic class to which the long course were classified Anglicism. The second part consists of practical analysis, based on 397 sentences of ten letters on the "Bravo" and "Mädchen" magazines. All Anglicism found in the annexes. The practical section includes several examples that show support and justify Anglicism integration of grammatical and semantical point of view. Grammatical analysis revealed that part of Anglicism easily integrate into German youth language. Graphically displayed in the journals predominantly present tense verbs, nouns, and there is to take nekaityti adjectives... [to full text]

Lexikální inovace v jazyce internetových diskuzních fór (bulharsko-české paralely) / innovations in the language of internet forums (Czech-Bulgarian parallels)

Kraevská, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with manifestations of lexical dynamics in the language of Internet discussion forums. The chosen communication sphere is typical for its creativity and spontaneity, respectively active exchange of lexical means and the effort for fresh expressions. For these reasons, the language of discussion forums on the Internet is a suitable material basis for the confrontational description of lexical innovations in contemporary Bulgarian and contemporary Czech. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the notion of neologism and the terms connected with it, as well as the specific features of Internet communication. In the practical part, a structural and semantic analysis of Czech and Bulgarian neologisms is carried out, and considering that a large part of the new lexicon used in the discussion forums is borrowed mainly from English, more attention is paid to the interpretation of the meaning of these loanwords and the ways of their adaptation in Czech and in Bulgarian.

Etude énonciative et discursive des énoncés anglais dans la presse féminine française / English Utterances in French Women's Magazines : An Enunciative and Discursive Study

Desnica, Mirta 05 December 2016 (has links)
L’écriture de la presse féminine se caractérise aujourd’hui par une récurrence d’unités linguistiques en anglais ayant la valeur d’un énoncé (par exemple : Girl power !, What else ?, All they need is love, etc.), que nous appelons « énoncés fashion » et que nous considérons comme une manifestation d’alternance codique. Celle-ci est largement inexplorée dans les travaux sur les anglicismes en France, plutôt centrés sur la notion d’emprunt linguistique, ou bien privilégiant les interactions orales.L’objectif de cette thèse est de décrire les formes, le sens et les contextes d’emploi des énoncés anglais dans la presse féminine française contemporaine, et de caractériser linguistiquement et socioculturellement le style langagier dont ils font partie. En nous situant dans le cadre théorique de l’analyse du discours, nous articulons plusieurs approches : grammaire de la phrase, étude du figement, linguistique de l’énonciation et pragmatique, linguistique textuelle, étude de l’intertextualité, sémiotique des genres et des cultures, afin de rendre compte des différentes facettes de ces énoncés, remarquables par leur saillance et par la relation qu’ils créent entre les participants de la communication. / Now days, French women’s magazines offer examples of language units in English that form or can form a complete utterance (eg. Girl power!, What else?, All they need is love, etc.). We propose to refer to them as “vogue utterances” and consider them as a manifestation of codeswitching. As this phenomenon has received little interest among linguists who deal with Anglicisms in French, since the focus has been put on loanwords or on codeswitching in oral interaction.Our aim is to describe the forms, the meaning and the context of use of English utterances in contemporary French women’s press and to characterize the writing style they are part of from a linguistic and a socio-cultural point of view. Within the theoretical framework of the French discourse analysis, we combine different approaches: syntax, phraseology, enunciative linguistics and pragmatics, text linguistics, studies of intertextuality, semiotics of discourse genres and semiotics of cultures, in order to describe different aspects of these utterances, which are remarkable for their salience and the relation they create between the participants in the communication process.

Emploi des anglicismes par les adolescents et les jeunes adultes dans les SMS : comparaison entre le Québec et la Suisse

Forest, Carolyne 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Slovní zásoba videoher / Vocabulary of videogames

Hanzelková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the language of players of video games, especially computer games. The language sample was taken from written as well as spoken sources - magazines, web reviews and Let's Plays - and is limited to action, strategic and RPG games with some overlap with action-adventures. Researched words are mainly keywords of video game players' vocabulary. The goal of this thesis was to describe the language of video game players from several language viewpoints and briefly describe the slang of the players. The first part deals with introducing the researched material, video games as a whole and their history and also the subculture of video game players. The second part analyses the sample in terms of lexical semantics and word formation, describes the extent of adaptation of loanwords, also stabilization of words, neology and the words' affiliation to slang, terminology and common vocabulary. Then the thesis attempts to briefly describe the slang of video game players. Generally, the slang includes a large number of anglicisms and expressions from informatics (in a large part technical terms), while loanwords are adapted to a varying degree. Many expressions in the slang of video game players can also be considered professionalisms given the existence of professional players and...

Slovní zásoba videoher / Vocabulary of videogames

Hanzelková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the language of players of video games, especially computer games. The language sample was taken from written as well as spoken sources - magazines, web reviews and Let's Plays - and is limited to action, strategic and RPG games with some overlap with action-adventures. Researched words are mainly keywords of video game players' vocabulary. The goal of this thesis was to describe the language of video game players from several language viewpoints and briefly describe the slang of the players. The first part deals with introducing the researched material, video games as a whole and their history and also the subculture of video game players. The second part analyses the sample in terms of lexical semantics and word formation, describes the extent of adaptation of loanwords, also stabilization of words, neology and the words' affiliation to slang, terminology and common vocabulary. Then the thesis attempts to briefly describe the slang of video game players. Generally, the slang includes a large number of anglicisms and expressions from informatics (in a large part technical terms), while loanwords are adapted to a varying degree. Many expressions in the slang of video game players can also be considered professionalisms given the existence of professional players and...

Модели адаптации англоязычных заимствований общественно-политического дискурса в русском и испанском языках : магистерская диссертация / Adaptation models of English-language borrowings of the socio-political discourse in Russian and Spanish languages

Исакова, А. М., Isakova, A. M. January 2023 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена особенностям адаптации англоязычных заимствований общественно-политического дискурса в русском и испанском языках. Теоретическая часть исследования включает в себя определение терминологической базы и особенностей перевода общественно-политических текстов; выявление функций англоязычных заимствований в общественно-политическом дискурсе и формулировку основных способов адаптации англоязычных заимствований общественно-политического дискурса к нормам принимающего языка. В методологической части исследования представлен анализ существующих публикаций и научно-исследовательских работ, посвященных англоязычным заимствованиям, а также определены методы и методологические принципы настоящего исследования. Практическая часть посвящена отбору и интерпретации материала исследования, анализу способов и моделей адаптации англоязычных заимствований общественно-политического дискурса в русском и испанском языках на сформированном материале исследования, а также сравнительному анализу выявленных способов и моделей. В Заключении представлены основные выводы данной исследовательской работы. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для анализа англоязычных заимствований в других языках-реципиентах и для анализа заимствований из других языков, а также для адаптации новой лексики, заимствованной из английского языка, к нормам русского и испанского языков. / This study is dedicated to English-language borrowings of socio-political discourse in Russian and Spanish and features of their adaptation to the receiving languages. The theoretical part of the study includes the definition of the study terminology and the description of the translation of socio-political texts and its main features; the identification of the functions of English-language borrowings in socio-political discourse and the elaboration on the main ways of English-language borrowing adaptation to the norms of the receiving languages. The methodological part of the study represents an analysis of the existing scientific publications and research papers on English-language borrowings, as well as the methods and methodological principles of the current study. The practical part is devoted to the selection and interpretation of the study material, the analysis of methods and models of English-language borrowing adaptation to the norms of Russian and Spanish languages based on the study material, as well as a comparative analysis of the identified methods and models of English-language borrowing adaptation. The main takeaways of this study are presented in the conclusion. The results of this study can be used to analyze English-language borrowings in other recipient languages and to analyze borrowings from other languages, as well as to adapt new vocabulary borrowed from English to the norms of Russian and Spanish languages.

Indirect Influence of English on Kiswahili: The Case of Multiword Duplicates between Kiswahili and English

Ochieng, Dunlop 22 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Some proverbs, idioms, nominal compounds, and slogans duplicate in form and meaning between several languages. An example of these between German and English is Liebe auf den ersten Blick and “love at first sight” (Flippo, 2009), whereas, an example between Kiswahili and English is uchaguzi ulio huru na haki and “free and fair election.” Duplication of these strings of words between languages that are as different in descent and typology as Kiswahili and English is irregular. On this ground, Kiswahili academies and a number of experts of Kiswahili assumed – prior to the present study – that the Kiswahili versions of the expressions are the derivatives from their English congruent counterparts. The assumption nonetheless lacked empirical evidence and also discounted other potential causes of the phenomenon, i.e. analogical extension, nativism and cognitive metaphoricalization (Makkai, 1972; Land, 1974; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980b; Ruhlen, 1987; Lakoff, 1987; Gleitman and Newport, 1995). Out of this background, we assumed an academic obligation of empirically investigating what causes this formal and semantic duplication of strings of words (multiword expressions) between English and Kiswahili to a degree beyond chance expectations. In this endeavour, we employed checklist to 24, interview to 43, online questionnaire to 102, translation test to 47 and translationality test to 8 respondents. Online questionnaire respondents were from 21 regions of Tanzania, whereas, those of the rest of the tools were from Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi, Dodoma and Kigoma. Complementarily, we analysed the Chemnitz Corpus of Swahili (CCS), the Helsinki Swahili Corpus (HSC), and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) for clues on the sources and trends of expressions exhibiting this characteristic between Kiswahili and English. Furthermore, we reviewed the Bible, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, books, articles, expressions lists, wikis, and phrase books in pursuit of etymologies, and histories of concepts underlying the focus expressions. Our analysis shows that most of the Kiswahili versions of the focus expressions are the function of loan translation and rendition from English. We found that economic, political and technological changes, mostly induced by liberalization policy of the 1990s in Tanzania, created lexical gaps in Kiswahili that needed to be filled. We discovered that Kiswahili, among other means, fill such gaps through loan translation and loan rendition of English phrases. Prototypical examples of notions whose English labels Kiswahili has translated word for word are such as “human rights”, “free and fair election”, “the World Cup” and “multiparty democracy”. We can conclude that Kiswahili finds it easier and economical to translate the existing English labels for imported notions rather than innovating original labels for the concepts. Even so, our analysis revealed that a few of the Kiswahili duplicate multiword expressions might be a function of nativism, cognitive metaphoricalization and analogy phenomena. We, for instance, observed that formulation of figurative meanings follow more or less similar pattern across human languages – the secondary meanings deriving from source domains. As long as the source domains are common in many human\'s environment, we found it plausible for certain multiword expressions to spontaneously duplicate between several human languages. Academically, our study has demonstrated how multiword expressions, which duplicate between several languages, can be studied using primary data, corpora, documentary review and observation. In particular, the study has designed a framework for studying sources of the expressions and even terminologies for describing the phenomenon. What\'s more, the study has collected a number of expressions that duplicate between Kiswahili and English languages, which other researchers can use in similar studies.

Indirect Influence of English on Kiswahili: The Case of Multiword Duplicates between Kiswahili and English

Ochieng, Dunlop 04 February 2015 (has links)
Some proverbs, idioms, nominal compounds, and slogans duplicate in form and meaning between several languages. An example of these between German and English is Liebe auf den ersten Blick and “love at first sight” (Flippo, 2009), whereas, an example between Kiswahili and English is uchaguzi ulio huru na haki and “free and fair election.” Duplication of these strings of words between languages that are as different in descent and typology as Kiswahili and English is irregular. On this ground, Kiswahili academies and a number of experts of Kiswahili assumed – prior to the present study – that the Kiswahili versions of the expressions are the derivatives from their English congruent counterparts. The assumption nonetheless lacked empirical evidence and also discounted other potential causes of the phenomenon, i.e. analogical extension, nativism and cognitive metaphoricalization (Makkai, 1972; Land, 1974; Lakoff & Johnson, 1980b; Ruhlen, 1987; Lakoff, 1987; Gleitman and Newport, 1995). Out of this background, we assumed an academic obligation of empirically investigating what causes this formal and semantic duplication of strings of words (multiword expressions) between English and Kiswahili to a degree beyond chance expectations. In this endeavour, we employed checklist to 24, interview to 43, online questionnaire to 102, translation test to 47 and translationality test to 8 respondents. Online questionnaire respondents were from 21 regions of Tanzania, whereas, those of the rest of the tools were from Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Pwani, Lindi, Dodoma and Kigoma. Complementarily, we analysed the Chemnitz Corpus of Swahili (CCS), the Helsinki Swahili Corpus (HSC), and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) for clues on the sources and trends of expressions exhibiting this characteristic between Kiswahili and English. Furthermore, we reviewed the Bible, dictionaries, encyclopaedia, books, articles, expressions lists, wikis, and phrase books in pursuit of etymologies, and histories of concepts underlying the focus expressions. Our analysis shows that most of the Kiswahili versions of the focus expressions are the function of loan translation and rendition from English. We found that economic, political and technological changes, mostly induced by liberalization policy of the 1990s in Tanzania, created lexical gaps in Kiswahili that needed to be filled. We discovered that Kiswahili, among other means, fill such gaps through loan translation and loan rendition of English phrases. Prototypical examples of notions whose English labels Kiswahili has translated word for word are such as “human rights”, “free and fair election”, “the World Cup” and “multiparty democracy”. We can conclude that Kiswahili finds it easier and economical to translate the existing English labels for imported notions rather than innovating original labels for the concepts. Even so, our analysis revealed that a few of the Kiswahili duplicate multiword expressions might be a function of nativism, cognitive metaphoricalization and analogy phenomena. We, for instance, observed that formulation of figurative meanings follow more or less similar pattern across human languages – the secondary meanings deriving from source domains. As long as the source domains are common in many human\'s environment, we found it plausible for certain multiword expressions to spontaneously duplicate between several human languages. Academically, our study has demonstrated how multiword expressions, which duplicate between several languages, can be studied using primary data, corpora, documentary review and observation. In particular, the study has designed a framework for studying sources of the expressions and even terminologies for describing the phenomenon. What\'s more, the study has collected a number of expressions that duplicate between Kiswahili and English languages, which other researchers can use in similar studies.

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