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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influence of artificial turf on football technique using motion capture and 3D modelling

Rommel, Kaspar January 2024 (has links)
While markerless motion capture provided acceptable accuracy, no clear patterns emerged regarding the individual effects of surface properties on technique. This is most likely due to limitations such as sample size, lack of standardizing data set (players) across facilities, and limited control over player behavior. However, analyzing one individual's motion capture data across surfaces showed potential for distinguishing turning styles based on facility parameters. The method in this thesis demonstrates the potential of markerless motion capture for injury prevention research in football. Despite inconclusive results on the individual facility parameter effects, the ability to distinguish player styles across surfaces suggests valuable future directions for investigating personalized risk factors and optimizing playing surfaces. Further research with larger, more diverse samples and a broader set of biomechanical and facility features could provide deeper insight into injury prevention strategies.

Modelling breast cancer pathology reports using SNOMED CT and openEHR

Högberg Mårder, Thérèse January 2019 (has links)
With a longer-living population and an increase in cancer incidence the health care’s workload has increased over the past decade. The treatment process of a cancer patient is dependant on clinical information collected and communicated from the pathology department. With a standardised and structured pathology report the information communicated can become easier to interpret and will fa- cilitate the search for important parameters. This master thesis aims to develop a template prototype to replace four static free-text templates used in the area of breast cancer pathology at the pathology department at Region Östergötland. The end product was intends to store docu- mented information in a structured manner through structured data, in order to obtain semantic interoperability. Semantic interoperability means that different systems are able to communicate with each other in such a way that the information is handled and interpreted equally by the systems. By using certain standards such as openEHR archetypes and SNOMED CT concepts, the data becomes uniform and unambiguous. When that is achieved, information can be sent more easily between systems such as patient health data if an individual moves between different cities where the hos- pitals have different medical records systems. The result of the master thesis is a single template that incorporates all the parts from the four static templates currently used at Region Östergötland. To avoid a large and cumbersome template for the end-user the template is built with con- ditions that changed the appearance of the template while it is being filled in, making it dynamic.

Analysprogram för grip- och lyftkraft / Grip force and lifting analysis program

Strömberg, Emmalisa January 2018 (has links)
Att reglera sin gripkraft och lyfta ett föremål kan tänkas vara enkelt och självklart. Men för personer med visa neroulogiska sjukdomar som hydrocefalus och Parkinsons sjukdom har det visat sig att deras sjukdomar kan påverka deras gripkraft. Om nu gripkraften påverkas kan det kanske användas inom vården för att kontrollera sjukdomsförloppet, om det blir bättre efter behandlingar. På Medicinsk Teknik - Forsking och Utveckling (MT-FoU) har ett mätinstrument som mäter gripstyrkan och lyftaccelerationen konstruerats. För att detta instrument skall bli mer användbart i klinisk praktik behövs ett analysprogram för att ta fram resultatet efter mätningar gjorda med utrustningen. Ett datoriserat analysprogram har potential att vara betydligt snabbare, effektivare och objektivare jämfört med den manuella analys som används idag. Syftet med detta projekt är att skapa ett analysprogram som kan ersätta arbetet av den manuella analysen och som kan ta fram resultat från mätdata. Resultatet skall inte skilja mellan en manuell analys och den automatiska analysen. Målet är att analysen ska bli snabb, effektiv och vara objektiv samt ge samma resultat som en manuell analys skulle ge. Programmet som konstruerades blev snabbare och effektivare än den manuella analysen. Mätningar på sex stycken friska, frivilliga personer användes för att jämföra de automatiska och manuella analyserna. Ingen signifikant skillnad kunde påvisas för någon av de parametrar som skulle analyseras, och detta visar att det automatiska analysprogrammmet fungerar lika bra som manuella analyser och därmed kan ersätta dessa för att analysera framtida mätningar. Dock är detta endast testat på friska personer så om de automatiska och manuella analyserna är jämförbara även för personer som har en neurologisk sjukdom bör utredas vidare innan den automatiska analysmetoden tas i bruk. / To be able to regulate your grip force and lift an object can be simple for healthy people. However, for people with disabilities of neurological diseases such as hydrocephalus and Parkinson’s disease it has been found that their diseases can affect their grip force. If the grip power is affected, it may be used in healthcare to check the course of disease, if it gets better after treatment. At the department of Biomedical Engineering - Research and developmet a measurement device for analysing grip force and acceleration when lifting an object has been developed. In order for this instrument to be more useful in clinical practice, an analysis program is required to produce the result after measurements made with the equipment. A computerized analysis program has the potential to be significantly faster, more efficient and more objective compared to the manual analysis used today. The purpose of this project was to create an analysis program that can replace the work of the manual analysis and which can generate results from measured data. The results should not be different between a manual analysis and the automatic analysis. The goal was that the analysis should be fast, efficient and objective and also provide the same results as a manual analysis would provide. The program that was designed became faster and more efficient than the manual analysis. Measurements on six healthy volunteers were used to compare the automatic and manual analyzes. No significant differences could be detected for any of the parameters that were analyzed, and this shows that the results of the automated analysis are comparable to the manual analysis and thus can replace these to analyze future measurements. However, the automatic analysis has only been tested on healthy people, so if the automatic and manual analyzes are comparable even for people with a neurological disease should be further investigated before using the automatic analysis method on patient data.

Investigation of E-health solutions for chronic diseases and the cost benefits in Swedish Regions/County councils

Nilsson, Lars, Norling, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Swedish healthcare is facing major challenges both today but more critically looking at predictions for the next 20 years. Healthcare costs will increase dramatically and competent personnel to support all the needs will be lacking. E-health solutions and the possibilities they open up regarding how care can be organized and administrated are seen in Sweden as the most important tool to counter those healthcare challenges. The Swedish government see this as a prioritized area and has together with Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting (SKL) signed on a vision to become the world leader in E-health by the year 2025. Studies have shown that E-health can give substantial cost savings with up to 180 billion SEK in saving yearly. We have in this thesis investigated to what extent E-health solutions in the area of chronic diseases are used by Regions/Counties as well as the outcome from a cost saving perspective. Problem formulation and the questions that have been investigated are, which E-health solutions are the different Swedish Regions/County councils (Landsting) using for chronic diseases and what are the cost (and capacity) benefits? What challenges are seen to implement new E-health solutions? We have been using the case study method in our research with interviews and questionnaires with the Regions/County councils as our main source of information. In our contacts we have explained that answers given in the general discussion will be anonymous and not to be linked to any specific Region/County council. This approach was made to get frankly and informative answers. Key findings are that there are today not many E-health solutions for chronic diseases made available by the County councils and the ones offered are generally not reaching a large percentage of the population with those diseases. The implementation curve for E-healthsolutions has been slow, but it differs considerably between regions. We can see that in the northern regions with more rural areas focus is put on solutions to solve the challenges with geographical distance to the patient. In the southern regions with more urban areas the regions more commonly use models to facilitate care for the patient in their home environment. We see a large potential to both improve quality of life for many people as well as reducing costs for healthcare by introducing digital tools in the area of chronic diseases. Especially methods easily accessed for a large part of the population through the 1177.se portal that can be used without extensive support from healthcare staff is something we see as an important area. Those methods have a potential to reach and impact a large part of the population without using much of healthcare resources. We suggest that regions collaborate in order to evaluate and introduce those systems and in the end reach a larger part of the population

Brainball, visualisering av hjärnaktiviteten / Brainball, visualisation of brain activity

Pettersson, Markus January 2018 (has links)
Hos Medicinsk Teknik, Forskning och Utveckling på Norrlands Universitetssjukhus finns ett befintligt brainball-bord som de vill använda i samband med mässor och demonstrationer. Som komplement till det fysiska bordet vill de visa en grafisk representation av de hjärnvågor som används i spelet för att spelare och eventuell publik lättare ska förstå vad som händer. Ett program som ger en grafisk representation av hjärnvågorna som används i ett Brainball-spel har tagits fram i programmeringsspråket Python med hjälp av biblioteket ''matplot''. Det färdiga programmet har en enkel och överskådlig layout med tre grafer som visar de två spelarnas hjärnvågor och deras uträknade avslappning i jämförelse med varandra. Graferna tar in och visar värden i realtid med en rullande x-axel med ca 20 bilder per sekund. Programmet körs på en Raspberry Pi 3 och på grund av datorns låga prestanda är funktioner som frekvensfiltrering och animation något begränsad. Programmet uppfyller sin huvudsakliga uppgift men det finns en del förbättringar att göra när det gäller dess prestanda. / Medical Technology, Research and Development department at University Hospital of Umeå has an existing brainball-table that they want to use at fairs and demonstrations. As a complement to the physical table they want to show a graphical representation of the brainwaves that are used in the game, in order to make it easier for players and any audience to follow along. A program showing the graphical representation of the brainwaves used in the Brainball-game has been developed using the programming language Python with help of the library ”matplot”. The finished program has a simple layout with three graphs, showing the two players brainwaves and their calculated relaxation in comparision with eachother. The brainwaves are sampled and shown in the graphs in real time with a scrolling x-axis with approximately 20 frames per second. Everything is run on a Raspberry Pi 3 computer and because of it’s low performance some functions such as frequency filtration and animation is somewhat limited.

Pill Prep : Hjälpmedel för tabletthantering

Zborowski, Wiktor, Mizani, Arash January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of side windows, stiffening plate and roof sheet on the stiffness of the bus body / Effekt av sidorutor, livplåt och takplåt för busskarossens styvhet

Falck, Josefina January 2013 (has links)
As a bus developer, Scania focus to construct a safe vehicle for the passengers, i.e. high strength of the bus structure and good comfort, which is also profitable for the operator, i.e. high passenger capacity and low fuel consumption. The trade-off when developing a bus body structure is to get both high stiffness and low weight. The bus body including exterior panels plays together with the chassis an important role for the stiffness of the bus. By gathering knowledge about how various exterior panels affects the stiffness of the bus body, the design of the panels can be optimized with respect to high stiffness and low weight. Also from a calculation point of view is it of interest to know how important different panels are for the stiffness of the bus body, in order to make conscious simplifications in the calculation model. The aim with this master thesis was to investigate how the stiffening plate, side windows and roof sheet influence the strength of the bus body. How the thickness of the side windows affects the stiffness of the bus body is also investigated. The investigations were made as a relative comparison between a complete bus and comparison models.   The results showed that exterior panels participate in distributing load. By distributing the load, the load uptake gets more efficient since a bigger part of the bus structure is used to take up the load. The side windows affect the stiffness for all tested load cases, with increased importance for the load case where a gravity field is applied in the longitudinal direction, for the torsion load case and when a load is applied to the power train in vertical direction. The roof sheet has a high impact on the stiffness in the torsion load case, but has negligible influence on the stiffness of the bus body for the other tested load cases. The stiffening plate has little influence on the stiffness of the bus body in general and is negligible for all tested load cases except for when a lateral load is applied as either a gravity field or locally to the power train.   Thinner side windows are shown to have a positive influence on the stiffness of the bus body.

Visualiseringsverktyg för data från helgenomsekvensering / Visualization tools for data from whole genome sequencing

Kvist, Alexander, Larsson, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Helgenomsekvensering genererar enorma mängder komplex data som kan vara svår att analysera. Visualisering av denna data är ett viktigt steg för att underlätta analys. Av speciellt intresse är visualisering av strukturella varianter, variationer i DNA större än 1000 baspar, som tros ligga till grund för flera genetiska sjukdomar. För detta ändamål utvecklades fyra verktyg: ett cirkeldiagram, ett täckningsdiagram, ett karyotypdiagram och en interaktionsvärmekarta. Mjukvaran skrevs i språket Python och utnyttjar ramverket Qt och tillhörande Python-bindningar för dess grafiska användargränssnitt, tillsammans med biblioteket Matplotlib för att plotta vissa grafer. Verktygen innehåller en mängd funktioner och knyter ihop dessa i ett för användaren enkelt gränssnitt, men plats för vidareutveckling finns. En rad förslag till sådan vidareutveckling diskuteras, så som att implementera fler funktioner, integrera verkygen bättre med befintlig mjukvara, och förbättra portabilitet genom nätverksfunktioner. / Whole genome sequencing generates enormous amounts of complex data that can be difficult to analyze. Visualization of this data is an important step to facilitate analysis. Of particular interest is visualization of structural variants, variations in DNA greater than 1000 base pairs, some of which are thought to be the cause of genetic disorders. For this purpose four tools were developed: a circle diagram, a coverage diagram, a karyotype diagram and an interaction heatmap. The software was written in Python and utilizes the framework Qt and associated Python-bindings for its graphical user interface, together with the library Matplotlib for some plotting functions. Although the tools feature a variety of functions and tie these together in an easy to use interface, there is still room for development. A number of suggestions for such development is discussed, such as implementing more functions, integrating the tools better with existing software, and improving portability through network functions.

Hjälpmedel för att minska vårdkön till Södersjukhusets röntgenavdelning / Aid for Shortening the Waiting List to the X-ray Clinic at Södersjukhuset

Johansson, Samuel, Skärvinge, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Den ökade belastningen på akutmottagningar i Sverige bidrar till ett kraftigare flöde till röntgenavdelningar. Detta leder till en ökad arbetsbelastning för personalen på avdelningen och skulle med hjälp utav en skärm kunna underlättas. Syftet med studien var att se på möjligheter att implementera en sådan lösning på Södersjukhusets röntgenavdelning. Metoden innefattade en arbetsplatsstudie av röntgenavdelningen såväl som en analys av manualer samt intervjuer med personal associerade med sjukhusets olika databassystem, bland annat TakeCare, RIS och PACS. Resultaten visade att en sådan lösning går att finna i TakeCare, dock så skulle framtagningen av denna lösning vara en långdragen och avancerad process. Detta beror främst på de olika krav som ställs på medicintekniska produkter, bland annat på grund av patientdatasäkerhet. / The increasing encumbrance on Emergency Rooms in Sweden contributes to a vigorous flow to theX-ray Clinics. This leads to an increasing work load for the personnel on the X-ray Clinic, and theywould benefit from having a screen that shows the flow of patients from the Emergency Room tothe X-ray Clinic. The purpose of this study was to investigate possibilities to implement such an aidon the X-ray Clinic at Södersjukhuset. The method consisted of an observation of the X-ray Clinicand analyses of manuals and interviews with personnel associated to different database systems,such as TakeCare, RIS and PACS. The results showed that a solution exists in TakeCare. However,the production of this solution would result in a long and advanced process. This is due to the different requirements on medical products, partially because of the law regarding patient data security.

Standardiserad testmetod för tryckindikerande stasband / Standardized Test Method for Pressure Indicating Tourniquets

Westerlund, Agnes, Gustafsson, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
Stasband används i samband med intravenösa stick inom vården. Ortrud Medical har utvecklat tryckindikerande stasband som används för att optimera förutsättningarna för ett lyckat stick. Banden är utformade med en sensor som påvisar när trycket runt armen befinner sig inom ett visst intervall. Som en del av Ortrud Medicals mättester av stasbandet, har det här examensarbetet haft som syfte att utveckla och utreda noggrannheten i alternativa testmetoder som på ett effektivt sätt kan undersöka bandets sensor. I arbetet utvecklades en testrigg för att undersöka sensorns mätnoggrannhet och vidare användes testriggen för att samla in information om sensorn. Riggens grundstruktur kunde framgångsrikt användas för att genomföra olika typer av tester. Såväl den framtagna riggen som de undersökta testmetoderna utgör bra underlag för vidareutveckling av en standardiserad testmetod med flera påbyggnadsmöjligheter.

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