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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchung über die Heparin-Cofaktor-Aktivität mit einer amidolytischen Methode bei Früh- und Neugeborenen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einiger vital bedrohender Krankheitsbilder

Winter, Klaus, January 1979 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Hamburg, 1979.

Optimizing Anticoagulation Therapy in ECMO Patients using Antithrombin III

Oldeen, Molly Elisabeth January 2012 (has links)
One of the most fundamental aspects of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is maintaining proper anticoagulation management in order to prevent hemorrhagic or thrombotic events. Anticoagulation on ECMO is most commonly achieved with the use of unfractionated heparin to maintain a minimum anticoagulation level as monitored by activated clotting time (ACT). Heparin's main effect is exerted by binding to and potentiating antithrombin III. Many factors may contribute to a sub-therapeutic ATIII level that may decrease the effectiveness of heparin. A retrospective record review was performed on all adult ECMO patients at the University of Arizona Medical Center between 2008 and 2011, in order to determine optimal ATIII levels for maintaining proper anticoagulation. In addition, we investigated correlations between ATIII levels and hemorrhagic and/or thrombotic events. Variables measured include, ACTs, heparin dose, ATIII dose, ATIII levels, blood product use, and adverse events. Thirty-five patients received ATIII over the course of the ECMO run. Six patients did not receive ATIII and they were found to have used significantly more blood products than those who did receive ATIII. Also, heparin dose dropped significantly 24h after the first dose of ATIII. There is a significant positive correlation between the amount of ATIII given per day and the amount of packed red blood cells transfused per day. The results suggest an ideal therapeutic range of ATIII dosing, where lack of or too much ATIII administration can lead to excessive bleeding.

Protein-C- und Antithrombin-III-Aktivität bei kritisch kranken Patienten Stellenwert bei der Diagnose und Verlaufsbeurteilung unterschiedlicher systemischer Entzündungssyndrome

Hagel, Stefan January 2006 (has links)
Zugl.: Jena, Univ., Diss., 2006 u.d.T.: Hagel, Stefan: Protein-C- und Antithrombin-III-Aktivität / Hergestellt on demand

Der Effekt von Antithrombin III auf die pulmonalvaskuläre Freisetzung von Big Endothelin-1, Endothelin-1 und Prostanoiden unter septischen und nichtseptischen Bedingungen sowie seine Mechanismen

Pfannenschmidt, Gerd 27 July 2000 (has links)
Die Arbeit sollte klären, ob die pulmonalprotektiven Effekte von AT III bei LPS-induziertem ARDS auch auf einer Stimulation der pulmonalvaskulären PGI2-Freisetzung beruhen. Die Freisetzung von Big ET-1 und ET-1 unter septischen Bedingungen sollte quantifiziert sowie mögliche Effekte von AT III auf diese Freisetzung untersucht werden. Dabei wurde das Modell der isolierten Rattenlunge verwendet. Die Perfusion der Lunge mit LPS führte zu einer Steigerung der Kon-zentration von 6-Keto-PGF1(, dem stabilen Metaboliten von PGI2, auf das 1,6fache und der Konzentration von TxB2, dem stabilen Metaboliten von TxA2, auf das 2,9fache gegenüber der Kontrollgruppe. Die Konzentration von ET-1 erhöhte sich unter LPS auf das 1,6fache, während der Big ET-1 Spiegel konstant blieb. Die Gabe von AT III hatte keinen Effekt auf die Freisetzung von PGI2 und TxA2. Die kombinierte Gabe von LPS und AT III wirkte ebenso wie die Gabe von LPS allein. Die Konzentrationen von Big ET-1 und ET-1 erhöhten sich unter 2 U/ml AT III auf das 1,7- bzw. 1,2fache und unter 5 U/ml AT III auf das 1,6- bzw. 1,3fache gegen-über den Kontrollen. Die kombinierte Gabe von LPS und AT III führte zu einem signifikant höheren Big ET-1-Spiegel vom 2,6fachen des Basalwertes, während sich die Konzentration von ET-1 nicht von der unter LPS bzw. AT III allein unterschied. Die Gabe von Cicaprost, einem stabilen synthetischen PGI2-Analogon, beeinflußte weder die basale noch die durch 2 U/ml AT III und 50 µg/ml LPS stimulierte Big-ET-1- und ET-1-Freisetzung. Nicardipin, ein Blocker der L-Typ-Kalzium-Kanäle, Heparin und N-Acetyl-Heparin, ein nicht an AT III bindendes Heparin, antagonisierten jeweils den stimulierenden Effekt von AT III auf die Big-ET-1- und ET-1-Freisetzung komplett. Staurosporin, ein Proteinkinase C-Inhibitor und Genistein, ein Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor hatten keinen Effekt auf die durch AT III stimulierte Big-ET-1- und ET-1-Freisetzung. SCHLUßFOLGERUNGEN: Das für den protektiven Effekt des AT III bei ARDS verantwortlich gemachte PGI2 scheint nichtpulmonalen Ursprungs zu sein. Eine PGI2-mediierte Hemmung der pulmonalen ET-1-Sekretion war nicht zu beobachten und scheint somit nicht am protektiven Effekt des AT III beim septischen ARDS beteiligt zu sein. Der beobachtete stimulierende Effekt des AT III auf die Freisetzung der pulmonalen Endotheline ist von möglicher pathophysiologischer Relevanz, da er die erwähnte protektive Wirkung des AT III mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit abschwächt. Dieser stimulierende Effekt des AT III scheint dabei an der intakten Rattenlunge weder von der Proteinkinase C noch von Tyrosinkinasen vermittelt zu sein. Weiterhin ist festzustellen, daß die stimulierende Wirkung des AT III auf die pulmonalvaskuläre Freisetzung von Big ET-1 und ET-1 von einem Kalziumeinstrom durch L-Typ-Kalzium-Kanäle und damit von der intrazellulären Kalziumkonzentration abhängig ist. Wie die gleiche Wirksamkeit von Heparin und N-Azetyl-Heparin zeigt, erfordert die Blockade des AT-III-Effektes durch die Heparine keine direkte Bindung an AT III, was auf die zusätzliche Rolle der intrazellulären Kalziumfreisetzung über IP3 hinweist. / The aim of the present study was to clarify if the pulmonary protective effects of AT III in LPS-induced ARDS can be attributed to a stimulation of the pulmonary vascular release of PGI2. The pulmonary vascular release of big ET-1 and ET-1 under septic conditions and the possible influence of AT III was to be investigated. To this end, we used the model of the isolated perfused rat lung. Exposure of the lung to LPS increased the release of 6-Keto-PGF1(, the stable metabolite of PGI2, 1.6fold and the production of TxB2, the stable metabolite of TxA2, 2.9fold compared with control lungs. The release of ET-1 increased 1.6fold under LPS, whereas the concentration of big ET-1 was unchanged. The application of AT III had no effect on the release of PGI2 and TxA2. The effects following combined application of LPS and AT III were similar to the effects of LPS alone. Compared with controls, AT III, at 2 U/ml, increased the perfusate levels of big ET-1 and ET-1 1.7fold and 1.2fold, respectively; the administration of 5 U/ml AT III raised big ET-1 and ET-1 1.6fold and 1.3fold, respectively. Combined application of LPS and AT III resulted in a 2.6fold rise of big ET-1 levels compared with controls, whereas concentrations of ET-1 did not differ from those in the presence of LPS or AT III alone. Cicaprost, a stable PGI2 analogue, affected neither the basal nor the AT III plus LPS-stimulated release of big ET-1 and ET-1. Nicardipin, an L-type calcium channel blocker, heparin and N-acetyl heparin, a heparin derivative devoid of AT III affinity, each antagonized completely the AT III-stimulated increase in big ET-1 and ET-1 levels. Staurosporin, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, and genistein, an inhibitor of tyrosine kinases, did not influence the AT III effects on endothelins. CONCLUSIONS: In ARDS, the well-known rise in plasma PGI2 in response to AT III obviously originates from non-pulmonary sources. PGI2 does not suppress the pulmonary ET-1 secretion; therefore, this mechanism seems not involved in the AT III-induced lung protection during septic ARDS. The AT III-mediated stimulation of the release of pulmonary endothelins is of potential pathophysiological relevance, because it may blunt the protective effects of AT III in ARDS. In the intact rat lung, this stimulatory effect of AT III is mediated neither by protein kinase C nor by tyrosine kinases. Moreover, the observed effect of AT III on pulmonary endothelins is based on calcium influx through L-type calcium channels and depends on the intracellular calcium activity. The equipotency of heparin and N-acetyl heparin in inhibiting the AT III action demonstrates that direct binding of AT III is not essential for the blocking effect of heparins. This fact points to additional involvement of an IP3-dependent intracellular calcium release.

Translational research on challenges in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Kuusisto, M. (Milla) 01 December 2015 (has links)
Abstract In the present study, some of the difficulties in the treatment of the most common malignant lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), were evaluated. Some patients develop local or central nervous system (CNS) relapse after first-line treatment. The treatment of relapsed disease is challenging and despite all efforts, some patients die of the disease. Chemoresistant disease also remains challenging because some patients suffer from refractory disease of a progressive nature. The antioxidant enzymes peroxiredoxins (Prxs) and thioredoxin-1 (Trx) were evaluated as prognostic and predictive markers of DLBCL. High cytoplasmic expression of Prx VI was found to correlate with poor prognosis in patients with DLBCL. Trx knockdown in lymphoma cell culture revealed a possible predictive role of Trx. Trx knockdown sensitized cells to doxorubicin, a widely used chemotherapeutic agent in treatment schemas of DLBCL. Etoposide, another widely used chemotherapeutic agent, on the other hand, killed more native DLBCL cells than did doxorubicin. Patients with high Trx expression at the diagnostic stage of the disease benefitted from etoposide-containing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation and did not develop post-transplantation relapses which Trx-negative patients did. Antithrombin III (AT III) in cerebrospinal fluid has been suggested to be a biomarker in previous studies of CNS lymphoma. In the present study, AT III was evaluated in patients with CNS lymphoma and with neurological diseases. High concentrations of AT III in cerebrospinal fluid reflected the magnitude of blood-brain barrier leakage and because of this, AT III should not be used as a biomarker in clinical practice. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin osaa yleisimmän pahanlaatuisen imukudossyövän eli lymfooman, diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman, hoidon haasteista. Osa potilaista saa ensilinjan hoidon jälkeen joko paikallisen tai aivoston alueen taudin uusiutuman. Uusiutuneen taudin hoito on haasteellista, ja hoitoyrityksistä huolimatta osa potilaista kuolee tautiinsa. Solunsalpaajille resistentti tauti on myös yksi haastavista hoitotilanteista, ja osa potilaista kärsiikin hoitojen läpi etenevästä taudista. Antioksidatiivisia entsyymejä, kuten peroksiredoksiineja ja tioredoksiinia, arvioitiin ennusteellisina ja ennakoivina merkkiaineina diffuusissa suurisoluisessa B-solulymfoomassa. Peroksiredoksiini VI:n korkea sytosolinen ilmaantuvuus korreloi tavallista huonompaan diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman ennusteeseen. Tioredoksiinin hiljentäminen lymfoomasoluviljelyssä paljasti sen mahdollisen ennakoivan merkityksen hoitoon liittyvässä päätöksenteossa. Solut herkistyivät tiodredoksiinin hiljentämisen vuoksi doksorubisiinille, jota käytetään laajalti diffuusin suurisoluisen B-solulymfooman solunsalpaajahoidoissa. Etoposidi, joka on huomattavasti myrkyllisempi solunsalpaaja, päinvastoin tappoi enemmän tavallisia diffuusia suurisoluisia B-solulymfoomaa edustavia soluja kuin doksorubisiini. Potilaat, joilla oli korkea tioredoksiinin määrä taudin diagnostisessa vaiheessa, hyötyivät etoposidia sisältävästä korkea-annoshoidosta sekä autologisesta kantasolusiirrosta. Näille potilaille ei kehittynyt kantasolusiirron jälkeisiä taudin uusiutumia kuin taas niitä kehittyi potilaille, joilla oli tioredoksiini negatiivinen. Antitrombiini III:a on ehdotettu soveltuvaksi aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella aivoston lymfooman merkkiaineeksi aivo-selkäydinnesteestä. Tässä tutkimuksessa antitrombiini III:n määrää mitattiin potilailta, joilla oli aivoston lymfooma tai neurologinen sairaus. Korkeat konsentraatiot antitrombiini III:a aivo-selkäydinnesteessä kuitenkin vain heijastivat veri-aivoesteen vuotamisen määrää, ja näin ollen antitrombiini III:a ei tulisi käyttää kliinisessä käytössä.

Trombofilias maternas hereditárias com e sem tromboembolismo venoso: resultados maternos e neonatais / Maternal inherited thrombophilias with or without venous thromboembolism: maternal and neonatal outcomes

Oliveira, André Luiz Malavasi Longo de 06 July 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a diferença de resultados maternos e neonatais em gestações complicadas por trombofilias hereditárias em pacientes com e sem tromboembolismo venoso. Apesar do aumento de evidências, na literatura, sobre a associação de trombofilias congênitas e resultados obstétricos adversos, há ainda dúvida se pacientes trombofílicas com tromboembolismo venoso apresentam resultados maternos e neonatais piores que as pacientes trombofílicas sem tromboembolismo venoso. O estudo analisou 66 gestantes com trombofilias hereditárias, de forma retrospectiva observacional e comparativa, das quais 33 apresentavam tromboembolismo venoso e 36 o não apresentavam. Os principais desfechos relacionados a resultados maternos e neonatais adversos foram: pré-eclâmpsia grave, descolamento prematuro de placenta, restrição de crescimento fetal, natimortalidade, prematuridade e complicações hemorrágicas maternas. As trombofilias congênitas incluídas no estudo foram o fator V de Leiden (FVL), mutação da protrombina G20210A, mutação C677T do gene da 5,10-metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), deficiência de proteína S, deficiência de proteína C e deficiência de antitrombina. Ambos os grupos apresentaram características populacionais similares. A ocorrência de complicações maternas e fetais/neonatais foi similar nos dois grupos: pré-eclâmpsia grave (P=0,097), descolamento prematuro de placenta (P=0,478), restrição de crescimento fetal (P=0,868), natimortalidade (P=0,359), prematuridade (P=0,441) e complicações hemorrágicas maternas (P=0,478). Este estudo concluiu que a presença de tromboembolismo venoso em gestantes com trombofilia hereditária apresenta resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes àquelas com trombofilias hereditárias sem tromboembolismo venoso. / The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by inherited thrombophilias between patients with and without venous thromboembolism. Despite increasing evidence in the literature indicating an association between inherited thrombophilias and adverse obstetric outcomes, doubts remain whether thrombophilic patients with venous thromboembolism present poorer maternal and neonatal outcomes than thrombophilic patients without venous thromboembolism. In this retrospective, observational and comparative study, 66 pregnant women with inherited thrombophilias, including 33 with venous thromboembolism and 36 without thromboembolism, were investigated. The main end-points analyzed were severe pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, stillbirth, preterm delivery, and maternal hemorrhagic complications. The congenital thrombophilias included in this study were factor V Leiden (FVL), prothrombin G20210A mutation, C677T mutation in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, protein S deficiency, protein C deficiency, and antithrombin deficiency. The two groups were similar in terms of population characteristics. The frequency of maternal and fetal/neonatal complications was similar in the two groups: severe pre-eclampsia (P=0.097), placental abruption (P=0.478), fetal growth restriction (P=0.868), stillbirth (P=0.359), preterm delivery (P=0.441), and maternal hemorrhagic complications (P=0.478). This study concluded that venous thromboembolism in thrombophilic patients does not worsen maternal or neonatal outcomes when compared to thrombophilic patients without venous thromboembolism.

Trombofilias maternas hereditárias com e sem tromboembolismo venoso: resultados maternos e neonatais / Maternal inherited thrombophilias with or without venous thromboembolism: maternal and neonatal outcomes

André Luiz Malavasi Longo de Oliveira 06 July 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a diferença de resultados maternos e neonatais em gestações complicadas por trombofilias hereditárias em pacientes com e sem tromboembolismo venoso. Apesar do aumento de evidências, na literatura, sobre a associação de trombofilias congênitas e resultados obstétricos adversos, há ainda dúvida se pacientes trombofílicas com tromboembolismo venoso apresentam resultados maternos e neonatais piores que as pacientes trombofílicas sem tromboembolismo venoso. O estudo analisou 66 gestantes com trombofilias hereditárias, de forma retrospectiva observacional e comparativa, das quais 33 apresentavam tromboembolismo venoso e 36 o não apresentavam. Os principais desfechos relacionados a resultados maternos e neonatais adversos foram: pré-eclâmpsia grave, descolamento prematuro de placenta, restrição de crescimento fetal, natimortalidade, prematuridade e complicações hemorrágicas maternas. As trombofilias congênitas incluídas no estudo foram o fator V de Leiden (FVL), mutação da protrombina G20210A, mutação C677T do gene da 5,10-metilenotetrahidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), deficiência de proteína S, deficiência de proteína C e deficiência de antitrombina. Ambos os grupos apresentaram características populacionais similares. A ocorrência de complicações maternas e fetais/neonatais foi similar nos dois grupos: pré-eclâmpsia grave (P=0,097), descolamento prematuro de placenta (P=0,478), restrição de crescimento fetal (P=0,868), natimortalidade (P=0,359), prematuridade (P=0,441) e complicações hemorrágicas maternas (P=0,478). Este estudo concluiu que a presença de tromboembolismo venoso em gestantes com trombofilia hereditária apresenta resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes àquelas com trombofilias hereditárias sem tromboembolismo venoso. / The aim of this study was to evaluate differences in maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnancies complicated by inherited thrombophilias between patients with and without venous thromboembolism. Despite increasing evidence in the literature indicating an association between inherited thrombophilias and adverse obstetric outcomes, doubts remain whether thrombophilic patients with venous thromboembolism present poorer maternal and neonatal outcomes than thrombophilic patients without venous thromboembolism. In this retrospective, observational and comparative study, 66 pregnant women with inherited thrombophilias, including 33 with venous thromboembolism and 36 without thromboembolism, were investigated. The main end-points analyzed were severe pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, fetal growth restriction, stillbirth, preterm delivery, and maternal hemorrhagic complications. The congenital thrombophilias included in this study were factor V Leiden (FVL), prothrombin G20210A mutation, C677T mutation in the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene, protein S deficiency, protein C deficiency, and antithrombin deficiency. The two groups were similar in terms of population characteristics. The frequency of maternal and fetal/neonatal complications was similar in the two groups: severe pre-eclampsia (P=0.097), placental abruption (P=0.478), fetal growth restriction (P=0.868), stillbirth (P=0.359), preterm delivery (P=0.441), and maternal hemorrhagic complications (P=0.478). This study concluded that venous thromboembolism in thrombophilic patients does not worsen maternal or neonatal outcomes when compared to thrombophilic patients without venous thromboembolism.

A unique serpin P1′ glutamate and a conserved β-sheet C arginine are key residues for activity, protease recognition and stability of serpinA12 (vaspin)

Ulbricht, David, Pippel, Jan, Schultz, Stephan, Meier, René, Sträter, Norbert, Heiker, John T. 06 March 2019 (has links)
SerpinA12 (vaspin) is thought to be mainly expressed in adipose tissue and has multiple beneficial effects on metabolic, inflammatory and atherogenic processes related to obesity. KLK7 (kallikrein 7) is the only known protease target of vaspin to date and is inhibited with a moderate inhibition rate. In the crystal structure, the cleavage site (P1-P1′) of the vaspin reactive centre loop is fairly rigid compared with the flexible residues before P2, possibly supported by an ionic interaction of P1′ glutamate (Glu379) with an arginine residue (Arg302) of the β-sheet C. A P1′ glutamate seems highly unusual and unfavourable for the protease KLK7. We characterized vaspin mutants to investigate the roles of these two residues in protease inhibition and recognition by vaspin. Reactive centre loop mutations changing the P1′ residue or altering the reactive centre loop conformation significantly increased inhibition parameters, whereas removal of the positive charge within β-sheet C impeded the serpin–protease interaction. Arg302 is a crucial contact to enable vaspin recognition by KLK7 and it supports moderate inhibition of the serpin despite the presence of the detrimental P1′ Glu379, which clearly represents a major limiting factor for vaspin-inhibitory activity. We also show that the vaspin-inhibition rate for KLK7 can be modestly increased by heparin and demonstrate that vaspin is a heparin-binding serpin. Noteworthily, we observed vaspin as a remarkably thermostable serpin and found that Glu379 and Arg302 influence heat-induced polymerization. These structural and functional results reveal the mechanistic basis of how reactive centre loop sequence and exosite interaction in vaspin enable KLK7 recognition and regulate protease inhibition as well as stability of this adipose tissue-derived serpin.

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