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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Urban Villa

Haggerty, John January 1990 (has links)
The title of this thesis is more a convenience than a description. It is borrowed from some recent housing projects in Berlin, which, like the project presented here, are urban structures which contain more than one residence, though seldom more than six. The project here contains four. The residences are of different sizes and spatial configurations. It is intended to be a place for individuals as well as families. It is an attempt to gather, to shelter - to provide and enrich. / Master of Architecture

A Future for Housing

Prentice, David Neil 30 June 2021 (has links)
This project seeks to propose an ideal model for housing in a future where it is no longer feasible at a lower density. It identifies several characteristics of good housing, primarily: individual response to site, desirability, and sustainability, then applies them in the design of an apartment building on a specific site. The project also touches on questions of what makes a living space desirable, namely the preservation of the tenant's individuality and the fostering of community, each of which is examined and applied through the architecture. The project stresses that individuality is supported through a tenant's choice of living space and, therefore, that buildings following this model should not be identical copies, but rather unique responses to their own sites following the guiding principles of this project. It addition, as a secondary objective, the project explores the intricacies of mass timber construction and building code. / Master of Architecture / As the population rises and it becomes clearer that we can no longer afford to gobble up land for low density housing, our idea of what housing should be must also grow. It's inescapable that the future of housing involves refocusing on medium density apartments so that we can house more people on less land, but making that happen would involve a paradigm shift in what we consider the ideal housing condition. Convincing people to stay in apartment buildings instead of moving into a single-family house requires buildings that respond to their individual site, provide desirable apartments, respect the environment, and preserve the sense of community that is often found in low density developments. This project seeks to propose a model for the future of housing.

Erfarenheter från flerbostadshus som passivhus : En handflata och sex värmeljus / Experiences from apartment houses as passive house : A palm and six tea lights

Westerén, Markus, Löfgren, Oskar January 2013 (has links)
All new households were to be constructed with "near zero energy house standards" (NZE-house) by the year of 2020. The ambition to construct energy-efficient buildings had to increase rapidly in the spring of 2013.The purpose of this report was to increase the interest for building contractors to construct apartment buildings with passive house standards. By locating and evaluating experiences from an existing passive house a case study including interviews, field visits and document analysis was made. Research of literature regarding other passive houses in Sweden also helped to answer the following questions: - What positive and negative experiences have the study of the passive house meant to the involved stakeholders and residents? - What improvements can be made based on identified experiences? - How can an apartment building be designed as a passive house based on possible improvements? By collecting good and bad experiences, as well as improvements and potential design proposals, a diagram was created designed as a tool for developers when constructing apartment buildings with passive house standards. The diagram was organized in the categories; material, immaterial and image. Positive experiences from the case study were for instance that estimated time table, budget and planned energy level were achieved mainly due to a designed prefabricated sandwich element of concrete and the organizational form called partnering. Negative experiences were for example problems with high temperatures in staircase areas due to glassed facades and the lack of ventilation hatches, problems with condense and frost on windows, insufficient knowledge in using technical equipment and relatively high investment costs. Improvements and potential design proposals recommended by the authors were for example vertical lamellas for sunscreen and screening of the night sky, energy watchers in each apartment for higher energy awareness and a minor use of passive house independent qualities, in order to avoid the risk of building contractors not wanting to build passive houses due to high costs.   The experiences in the result diagram emphasized what building contractors should focus on in order to succeed with constructing apartment buildings, with similar requirements as the building in the case study, as a passive house. / Från år 2020 skulle alla nybyggda hus i Sverige vara av ”nära nollenergihus-standard” (NNE). Våren 2013 behövde därför ambitionsnivån att producera energisnåla nybyggnationer öka markant.   Syftet med rapporten var att öka attraktiviteten för byggherrar att konstruera flerbostadshus som passivhus. Genom att lokalisera och utvärdera erfarenheter från ett utfört passivhusprojekt i form av en fallstudie innefattande intervjuer, studiebesök och dokumentanalys, men även studerande av litteratur gällande andra genomförda projekt i Sverige, besvarades följande frågeställningar:   -        Vilka positiva och negativa erfarenheter har studerat passivhus medfört för inblandade aktörer och boende? -        Vilka förbättringsmöjligheter finns med utgångspunkt från identifierade erfarenheter? -        Hur kan ett flerbostadshus utformas som passivhus med hänsyn till eventuella förbättringsmöjligheter?   Genom att insamla positiva- och negativa erfarenheter, förbättringsmöjligheter samt potentiella utformningsförslag inom kategorierna materiella erfarenheter, immateriella erfarenheter samt image skapades förutsättningar för en sammanfattande resultattabell ämnad som ett verktyg för byggherrar vid framställande av flerbostadshus som passivhus.   Positiva erfarenheter från fallstudien var bland annat att uppsatt tidplan, budget och planerad energinivå levdes upp till, där ett framtaget prefabricerat sandwich-element i betong i kombination med organisationsformen partnering sågs som främsta anledningar till detta. Negativa erfarenheter var bland annat problem med övertemperaturer i trapphus på grund av stor andel glasad fasad i samband med avsaknaden av ventilationsluckor, utvändig kondens och frost på lägenhetsfönster, brister i teknikanvändandet samt en relativt hög investeringskostnad. Förbättringsmöjligheter och författarnas utformningsförslag bestod bland annat av inbyggda tvärställda lameller som sol- och natthimmelavskärmning, energibevakare i varje lägenhet för ökad energimedvetenhet samt en mindre omfattning av passivhusoberoende kvaliteter för att minska uppfattningen av passivhuskonceptet som kostnadsmässigt avskräckande.   Resultattabellen betonade vad en byggherre särskilt skulle tänka på för att lyckas med nybyggnation av flerbostadshus som passivhus vid likartade villkor som i fallstudien.

Adaptação da escala SERVQUAL para avaliação da qualidade dos serviços no contexto da construção de edificações multifamiliares

Silva, Marcelo Benetti Corrêa da 01 April 2011 (has links)
As expectativas e percepções dos compradores de imóveis habitacionais de alto padrão na cidade de Caxias do Sul-RS frente aos serviços recebidos é o tema pesquisado neste trabalho, que objetiva desenvolver uma compreensão teórica e prática de como os clientes percebem a qualidade do serviço na construção habitacional. Utilizando como referência a escala SERVQUAL (PARASURAMAN; ZEITHAML; BERRY, 1988), foi implementada uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e descritivo. Inicialmente foi realizada a sua adequação e a validação do instrumento de coleta de dados, um questionário estruturado, ao contexto proposto para estudo. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada em 9 empresas da região, onde 33 empreendimentos forma avaliados, resultando em 130 casos válidos, 20,70% do total da amostra. Tendo como base a SERVQUAL, por meio de análise fatorial se buscou avaliar os atributos e dimensões que compõe a qualidade do serviço neste setor. Como resultado, verificou-se que 22 atributos agrupados em 3 dimensões (Competência, Confiabilidade e Responsividade) resultam em 71,68% da variância explicada da amostra, configurando estas dimensões como uma escala SERVQUAL modificada. A partir desta escala, pôde-se identificar e avaliar as discrepâncias existentes na qualidade dos serviços no sentido de direcionar as empresas a maximizar a qualidade nos serviços e a satisfação dos seus clientes. Os resultados dos Gaps apontaram para valores negativos em todos os atributos e dimensões da qualidade dos serviços. Por fim, foram propostos direcionamentos para possibilitar a melhoria da qualidade percebida pelos clientes deste mercado. De forma prática, o objetivo é orientar e formar uma base de dados para o processo de tomada de decisão no processo de melhoria dos serviços prestados no setor da construção civil, contribuindo com diretrizes que possibilitem o incremento na qualidade dos serviços prestados no setor em análise. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T16:35:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcelo Benetti Correa da Silva.pdf: 3888077 bytes, checksum: 4eb19ace5d6566688cb4e07b4ef70959 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T16:35:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Marcelo Benetti Correa da Silva.pdf: 3888077 bytes, checksum: 4eb19ace5d6566688cb4e07b4ef70959 (MD5) / The expectations and perceptions of high standard residential buyers in the city of Caxias do Sul-RS front of the services received is this research work subject, which aims to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how customers perceive service quality in construction housing. Using as reference the SERVQUAL (PARASURAMAN; ZEITHAML; BERRY, 1988), it has been implemented as a quantitative and descriptive research. First, it reported the suitability and validation of the data collection, a structured questionnaire, the proposed study framework. The survey was implemented in 33 projects of nine companies, resulting in 130 valid cases, 20,70% of the sample. Based on the SERVQUAL, the factor analysis has been used to evaluate the attributes and dimensions that comprise service quality in this sector. As a result, it was found that 22 attributes grouped into three dimensions (competence, reliability and responsiveness) result in 71.68% of the explained variance of the sample, setting these dimensions as a modified SERVQUAL. From this scale, we could identify and evaluate the existing discrepancies in the quality of service in directing businesses to maximize service quality and customer satisfaction. The results of the Gaps pointed to negative values in all attributes and dimensions of service quality. Finally, we proposed possible directions for improving the perceived quality of this market. Practically, the goal is to guide and form a database for the decision making process in order to improve service in the construction industry, contributing to guidelines that allow for the increase in quality of service in the industry under review.

Adaptação da escala SERVQUAL para avaliação da qualidade dos serviços no contexto da construção de edificações multifamiliares

Silva, Marcelo Benetti Corrêa da 01 April 2011 (has links)
As expectativas e percepções dos compradores de imóveis habitacionais de alto padrão na cidade de Caxias do Sul-RS frente aos serviços recebidos é o tema pesquisado neste trabalho, que objetiva desenvolver uma compreensão teórica e prática de como os clientes percebem a qualidade do serviço na construção habitacional. Utilizando como referência a escala SERVQUAL (PARASURAMAN; ZEITHAML; BERRY, 1988), foi implementada uma pesquisa de caráter quantitativo e descritivo. Inicialmente foi realizada a sua adequação e a validação do instrumento de coleta de dados, um questionário estruturado, ao contexto proposto para estudo. A pesquisa foi operacionalizada em 9 empresas da região, onde 33 empreendimentos forma avaliados, resultando em 130 casos válidos, 20,70% do total da amostra. Tendo como base a SERVQUAL, por meio de análise fatorial se buscou avaliar os atributos e dimensões que compõe a qualidade do serviço neste setor. Como resultado, verificou-se que 22 atributos agrupados em 3 dimensões (Competência, Confiabilidade e Responsividade) resultam em 71,68% da variância explicada da amostra, configurando estas dimensões como uma escala SERVQUAL modificada. A partir desta escala, pôde-se identificar e avaliar as discrepâncias existentes na qualidade dos serviços no sentido de direcionar as empresas a maximizar a qualidade nos serviços e a satisfação dos seus clientes. Os resultados dos Gaps apontaram para valores negativos em todos os atributos e dimensões da qualidade dos serviços. Por fim, foram propostos direcionamentos para possibilitar a melhoria da qualidade percebida pelos clientes deste mercado. De forma prática, o objetivo é orientar e formar uma base de dados para o processo de tomada de decisão no processo de melhoria dos serviços prestados no setor da construção civil, contribuindo com diretrizes que possibilitem o incremento na qualidade dos serviços prestados no setor em análise. / The expectations and perceptions of high standard residential buyers in the city of Caxias do Sul-RS front of the services received is this research work subject, which aims to develop a theoretical and practical understanding of how customers perceive service quality in construction housing. Using as reference the SERVQUAL (PARASURAMAN; ZEITHAML; BERRY, 1988), it has been implemented as a quantitative and descriptive research. First, it reported the suitability and validation of the data collection, a structured questionnaire, the proposed study framework. The survey was implemented in 33 projects of nine companies, resulting in 130 valid cases, 20,70% of the sample. Based on the SERVQUAL, the factor analysis has been used to evaluate the attributes and dimensions that comprise service quality in this sector. As a result, it was found that 22 attributes grouped into three dimensions (competence, reliability and responsiveness) result in 71.68% of the explained variance of the sample, setting these dimensions as a modified SERVQUAL. From this scale, we could identify and evaluate the existing discrepancies in the quality of service in directing businesses to maximize service quality and customer satisfaction. The results of the Gaps pointed to negative values in all attributes and dimensions of service quality. Finally, we proposed possible directions for improving the perceived quality of this market. Practically, the goal is to guide and form a database for the decision making process in order to improve service in the construction industry, contributing to guidelines that allow for the increase in quality of service in the industry under review.

Re-Use as a Means of Preservation

Farley, Jennifer Lyne 18 August 2011 (has links)
People are often attracted to an image painted for them by history, fiction, and romantic novels. Artists have tried to construct these images for centuries, often exaggerating the past in order to make a more attractive narrative. I propose an architecture that works in the same way. The architect controls the narrative through the preservation and curation of tectonic details. She can create, destroy, or restore an existing building, and by altering the brick pattern, window style or ornament, can create his own version of history. This thesis addresses the image of a post-Civil War industrial site, the Appomattox Iron Works & Supply Co., building, in Petersburg Virginia. By taking advantage of one existing structure, the architect can reinvent the city as a modern destination. By juxtaposing the old, with a new set of residential apartments, the area becomes attractive to those young professionals who want to submerge themselves in the locale of an artistic urban community. / Master of Architecture

Delimitative walls: dwellings on the N.Y. waterfront

Kwederis, Donna Jean January 1992 (has links)
Part of the struggle of making architecture is reconciling its various realities; as it exists as pure idea and its transformation into a ‘thing’ existing in the world. Modern times pose a new challenge as well. As Jacob Bronowski has said, the dilemma is no longer to find structure for material but to find material for structure. Therefore, the ‘imposed idea’ is important as an impetus for Architecture to exist. In this project the imposed idea was the use of a series of parallel walls, vertical planes, that delimit the place for dwelling. In the first drawings, an attempt was made to use color as the substantiation or realization of space. The line drawing remains as a descriptive adjunct to the expressive drawing. They <i>become</i> together; the idea vs. its realization each describing the ‘thing’ in its <i>evolving</i> reality. / Master of Architecture

Places for people: housing in historical context in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia

Marjakangas, Minna Kristiina January 1992 (has links)
The aim of this design thesis was to look carefully at the historical environment of the chosen site, and with the understanding developed from this exploration, to design a group of houses that would answer to the desires of the individual and the needs of the collective, or simply: to create places where people would wish to dwell. "Houses must be special places within places, separately the center of the world for their inhabitants, yet carefully related to the larger place in which they belong."¹ / Master of Architecture


Faleide, Ronald G. January 1989 (has links)
I guess my concern is for building. This thesis became a search for form. It did not start that way. The start was a search for reasons, for methods, for a way. It was, however, the pursuit of an understanding of the essence of an object that proved the most rewarding. How l design has come from investigating WHAT I design. The thesis has not left me with answers, but with questions. And what are those questions? The thing: The thing as OBJECT: it seems to boil down to - how is it made? The thing as EVENT: it seems to boil down to - what is it like to be there? The thing as DESIGNED: it seems to boil down to what do I want its nature to be? What will inform my forms? / Master of Architecture

Územní studie aktuálního rozvojového území města Kroměříže / Urban study of development area city - Kroměříž

Sysel, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of the new development of the current development area of the town of Kroměříž in its northeastern part behind the psychiatric hospital between the streets Lutopecká and Havlíčková. This territory connects the local part of Terezov and Barbořina. The aim of the study was to propose new housing for more than 1,200 inhabitants in a currently unbuilt area in accordance with a valid territorial plan. The solved territory is divided into three stages of construction. The northeastern part follows the existing housing development with two-storey apartment buildings. In the rest of the area there are designed individual houses and partly terraced houses. The area is complemented by a kindergarten, shops and a parking house. In accordance with the territorial plan there is also a park and a sports ground with a playground and a sports hall. The character of the territory is greatly influenced by some already existing engineering networks and their protection zones, the transfer of which is economically disadvantageous. Due to the marginal position of the solved territory, the study proposes the extension of the service by public transportation by another two places. The new transport link between streets Lutopecká and Havlíčková would cause a significant traffic movement to increase over the area, so the study envisages a calm traffic in the form of a maximum speed limitation of 30 km/h and the communication system consists of two-way and one-way communications. Transportation is provided by the garages belonging to family houses supported with parking along the roads. In the apartment part, parking is possible in the outdoor parking lots and to supplement the necessary capacity, the study also proposes a parking house.

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