Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arbetsvetenskap ocho ergonomic"" "subject:"arbetsvetenskap ocho ergonomia""
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Jag har tid över : En studie om att ta betald arbetstid i anspråk för sig själv. / I've got time left : A Study About Appropriation of Paid Worktime For Own Purposes.Viking, Madeleine, Åberg, Michelle January 2006 (has links)
Vi har undersökt studenter med erfarenhet av tidsbaserat arbete och huruvida de tar sin betalda arbetstid i anspråk för sig själv dvs. gör saker på sin betalda arbetstid som de inte är tillsagda att göra och/eller sånt som inte ingår i deras arbetsuppgifter. Om så är fallet har vi undersökt hur de tar sin betalda arbetstid i anspråk för sig själv och vad anledningen till att de gör det är. Tidsbaserat arbete innebär att man måste vara på sin arbetsplats under vissa givna tider. Att göra andra saker än det man är tillsagd att göra på sin betalda arbetstid kan ses som ett slags motstånd, dvs. handlingar som kan vara öppna eller dolda. Det kan vara att man bryter mot regler eller att man bryter mot t.ex. organisationens normer på olika sätt. Motståndet har förändrats under årens lopp beroende på hur samhället och arbetslivet har utvecklats. Vi har i vår undersökning kommit fram till att studenter med erfarenhet av tidsbaserat arbete inte i så stor utsträckning använder sin betalda arbetstid till annat än just arbete. Om arbetstagare ändå gör det är det för att man anser sig ha tid över. Främst använder arbetstagare sig av den nya tekniken i form av Internet, telefoner etc. när de tar den betalda arbetstiden i anspråk för sig själv. Vi kan i våra resultat se att det finns skillnader i hur arbetstagare tar sin betalda arbetstid i anspråk för sig själv beroende på om man är man eller kvinna. Man gör också på olika sätt beroende på om man är äldre eller yngre och dessutom ser vi att storleken på arbetsplatsen spelar roll.
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Har utseendet någon betydelse? : En studie om studenters medvetenhet om de krav som ställs på estetisk kompetens i arbetslivetRegeskog, Frida, Schiött, Emma January 2007 (has links)
Att en individ har den rätta formella, sociala och emotionella kompetensen är något som länge efterfrågats och ses idag som självklart. Men det räcker inte längre. En ny typ av kompetens har blivit allt mer efterfrågad på arbetsmarknaden, vilket kallas estetisk kompetens. Med den estetiska kompetensen menas "looking good, sounding right", det vill säga att arbetstagarnas röst och utseende ska vara rätt för just det företaget de jobbar på. Det handlar inte om att vara ful eller snygg, utan att se rätt ut. Syftet med undersökningen var att ta reda på hur medvetna studenter är om att det förekommer estetiska krav i arbetslivet, om de anpassar sig efter dem och vilka upplevelser de har av dem. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av en kvantitativ studie. Resultatet visade bland annat att studenter är medvetna om att utseendet har betydelse och de vet att det förekommer estetiska krav i arbetslivet. Dock är de inte medvetna om hur stor vikt arbetsgivaren lägger på just den estetiska kompetensen. I många fall är inte studenterna medvetna om att de kan använda sitt utseende som en tillgång. Arbetsgivarna vet vad de vill ha, men frågan är om studenterna vet vad de själva kan erbjuda?
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Man måste stötta hela tiden : En kvalitativ studie om socialt stöd i bemanningsbranschen / You Have to be Supportive All the Time : A Qualitative Study of Social Support in the Temporary Staffing BusinessMårtensson, Martina, Tåhlin, Annelie January 2007 (has links)
Bemanningsföretag var förbjudna fram till 1992 då lagstiftningen blev mer liberal. Antal bemanningsföretag har sedan dess ökat drastiskt. Trots att anställningsvillkoren för uthyrd personal har förbättrats sedan 1992 befinner sig konsulterna alltjämt i en speciell arbetssituation. Att vara anställd på bemanningsföretag skiljer sig från att ha en traditionell anställning där arbetsuppgifterna utförs på en och samma arbetsplats. Den uthyrda personalen har exempelvis dubbla chefer, dubbla lojaliteter, växlande arbetsplatser och ständigt nya arbetskamrater. Eftersom arbetssituationen för uthyrd personal skiljer sig från en traditionell arbetssituation då exempelvis arbetskamrater och arbetsuppgifter är beständiga, anser vi att det sociala stödet från personalansvarig blir extra viktigt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur personalansvarig på ett bemanningsföretag arbetar för att tillhandahålla socialt stöd samt hur detta stöd upplevs av konsulter. Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ studie då vi ville få en djupare förståelse för ett fenomen. Halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med en personalansvarig och fyra konsulter som denne är ansvarig för. Vår teoretiska utgångspunkt utgörs främst av House teorier om socialt stöd och Karaseks krav/kontroll/stöd-modell. Vi har även valt att använda oss av en del andra teorier som på olika sätt kan härledas till socialt stöd. Resultatet visar att personalansvariges bild av hur denne arbetar med att tillhandahålla socialt stöd stämmer relativt väl överens med konsulternas upplevelse av det stöd som tillhandahålls. Idag finns ingen uttalad systematik från personalansvariges sida vad det gäller att tillhandahålla socialt stöd, kontakten som sker upplevs av båda parter som behovsanpassad. Vi menar att den kontakt som sker i dag bygger mycket på tillit och tillgänglighet. Personalansvarig arbetar för att tillgodose alla delar av det sociala stödet, denne skulle dock önska att det fanns tid för mer personlig kontakt med konsulterna. Konsulterna upplever kontakten med personalansvarig som tillräcklig men även de ser fördelar med att ha mer personlig kontakt.
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The Human Factors Design of a Wearable Balance BeltZachrisson, Therese January 2007 (has links)
Being able to keep your balance is something most of us take for granted. People with inner ear problems due to an accident or surgery or other dizziness have to live with this problem on a chronic basis. A balance prosthesis, worn around the torso, giving feedback about their upright position via tactile vibrators has been shown to help these people keep their balance. The goal and purpose for this thesis has been to conduct research on how to improve the existing balance prosthesis and adapt it to fit the user. The research has been conducted with the focus on human factors, meaning with the users’ experience as the premier aspect. To be able to reach a good solution with a prototype that would be an improvement compared to the existing device, a vest, several stages have been passed. At first twelve criteria were set up to establish human factors and hedonomic requirements. To fulfill these requirements, surveys with users were conducted. An extensive phase of prototyping and material research informed the design of a final concept. The final concept was a prototype balance belt that contains six vibrators, called tactors, and models of the other electronic components. The belt has an elastic band as a base and then a black spandex fabric that covers all components. A Velcro band and a buckle are used to open and close the belt. Finally the belt has a beige spandex cover that can be pulled on and off. This cover makes the belt easy to keep clean because the cover can be washed. The prototype is made in three different sizes so it can fit most people in the US population. In the near future it will be important to make an evaluation of the balance belt with users. It needs to be tested if the vibrators are possible to feel and how it feels to wear the belt for a longer time. An aid to help pulling the cover onto the belt also has to be developed because putting on the cover is a bit difficult right now.
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I.T.R.I.P. Intelligent TrafikRegels och InformationsProgram : Ett säkerhetskonceptHallberg, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
Varje år dör det cirka 500 personer i den svenska trafiken. En strävan att sänka detta olyckstal är uttalat av den svenska regeringen och som effekt av detta har nollvisionen vuxit fram. De allvarliga olyckorna på de svenska vägarna har minskat tack vara kontinuerliga förbättringar av säkerhet i och kring fordon, men på grund av ökad trafikintensitet börjar antalet dödade i trafiken stagnera vid 500 personer per år. För hög fart på dåligt utformade vägsträckor är en bidragande faktor till varför en olycka inträffar och vilka konsekvenser denna olycka resulterar i. I dagens trafiksamhälle tenderar förare att negligera små hastighetsöverträdelser. Tanken med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om ett, för detta arbete framtaget informationssystem, kan få förare mer uppmärksamma på sin hastighet i förhållande till laglig hastighet och därmed eventuellt sänka sin hastighet till laglig nivå De praktiska testerna genomfördes i hos Avdelningen för Industriell Arbetsvetenskap vid Linköpings Universitet. De simulatortester som genomfördes utfördes av totalt 16 personer som vardera körde tre likadana scenarier med varierande informationsmängd angående gällande laglig hastighet. Försöken jämfördes med varandra och slutsatsen blev att det existerar en skillnad mellan att nyttja den variabla informationen, vilken beskrivs i detta arbete och att inte få någon tilläggsinformation. De mätdata som gavs korrelerade väl med vad testpersonerna ansåg. Det testade systemet var till hjälp, speciellt vid körning på sträckor med en begränsning av 70 km/h. Resultatet av detta arbete innebär att körning med stödsystem ger en bättre anpassning av hastigheten i förhållande till den gällande lagliga hastigheten i flertalet fall. Försökspersonerna trivdes med systemet och ansåg sig gärna vilja nyttja ett liknande system i sina privata fordon. De hastighetsvariationer som framkommit i simulatorexperimentet bör verifieras mot fältstudier, eftersom resultaten kan vara något missvisande. Dock visar resultaten på att ett hjälpsystem likt det testade systemet mycket troligt skulle kunna sänka de vanliga ofrivilliga fortkörningarna och därmed öka trafiksäkerheten på vägarna. En fortsatt utveckling och forskning kring ett informationssystem likt det undersökta rekommenderas av författaren till detta examensarbete. / Each year approximately 500 persons die in the traffic on the Swedish roads. The Swedish government has an explicit ambition to radically decrease the number of accidents on public roads. This ambition has been labeled the zero vision. The most serious accidents have been reduced in numbers due to continuous improvements of safety in and around vehicles, but due to increased intensity in the traffic, the number of deaths in the Swedish traffic starts to stagnate at nearly 500 persons per year. Too high speed is a strong contributing factor to fatal or lethal consequences of accidents. In today’s traffic drivers also tend to neglect small speed violations. The idea behind this master thesis is to investigate if in-vehicle information system can contribute to drivers’ attention to their speed in relation to speed restrictions. An experimental investigation was conducted in the driving simulator at Department of Industrial Ergonomics, University of Linköping, Sweden. Sixteen persons participated in the study. Each person drove a scenario three times with different presentation of speed limitation. The results from the test drives corresponded well with the drivers own reflection about the information system. The system had the best effect in areas with speed limits of 70 km/h, when the drivers were unconfident about the legal speed limit. The performance during the tested speed variations in the simulator should be verified in field studies, since data collected in the current simulator setting might be compromised due to a bias in estimations of own speed. However, test results indicate that the tested system should decrease the amount of involuntary speeding and accordingly increase the road safety. Further development and research concerning a system similar to the information system developed during this degree project is recommended by the author.
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KomplexitetsmaxHoberg, Christer January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study explores the development of an engineering praxis as a result of a cooperation between an engineering company and the programme KTH <i>Advanced Programme in Reflective Practice</i> of the research area of Skill and technology at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm.</p><p>The dialogue seminar method has been used and taken as a starting point for the dialogue in groups of engineers. Using the writings of René Descartes, Ludwik Fleck, Einar Már Gudmundsson and Fridtjof Nansen the study begins to formulate an approach – Maximum Complexity – to the skill of problem-solving.</p><p>The approach has been presented previously in a short form in<i> Dialogue,</i> <i>Skill and Tacit Knowledege</i> edited by Bo Göranzon, Maria Hammarén and Richard Ennals.</p>
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Exploring Sustainable Work Systems : An Interactional Perspective on Learning and OrganizingHemphälä, Jens January 2005 (has links)
<p>Working conditions are increasingly unpredictable, complex, and ungovernable creating severe health risks for employees and negative economic consequences for both corporations and society. Considering the growth in understanding human psychology and sociology, and the progression in measuring working conditions and health, this phenomenon is most perplexing. The enigma has yielded interest in a field known as sustainable work systems, where the challenge is to organize work in a manner that is both beneficial for the business and for its employees.</p><p>In an attempt to shed light on the growing issue, this dissertation outlines the features of a model intended to capture conditions of organization where learning is of paramount importance, and where organization is conceptualised using interaction as the foundation. One central question concerns which forms of interactions and co-operations replace traditional structures in organizations. Another relevant question, linked to the former, concerns the way in which these structures shape conditions of organization, learning, efficiency, and effectiveness.</p><p>A combination of research methods has been employed to provide an enhanced picture of this inquiry. Four corporate sub-units have been subject to a cross-sectional study. These sub-units were chosen by middle managers of a corporation because they excelled in an organizational reform that was initiated two years prior. During 2004, a survey was constructed and distributed to all employees in these four sub-units. Data regarding the sub-units’ efficiency and effectiveness has been collected; and, interviews with managers leading the organizational change have been conducted.</p><p>The two papers included in this thesis disclose four distinctly different approaches to organizational design. All four sub-units have separate conceptions of function and organization, although the guiding principles prescribed by top-management were identical for each of the four first-line managers who were leading the change. Three of the four sub-units have made more pervasive change efforts, and have a higher degree of learning and development, efficiency and effectiveness.</p><p>The results of this thesis suggest that interaction serves as a vehicle for shaping organizational conditions and outcomes. As a consequence of the chosen design, interaction varied between sub-units, thus influencing conditions of organization, learning, efficiency and effectiveness.</p> / QC 20100616
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Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete och behovet av utbildning inom H&MFallenius, Lotta January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to make a survey of a larger company in Sweden to analyze if it complied to the stipulated Systematic Work Environment Management rules in Sweden. The company chosen was Hennes & Mauritz. The key question was to see if the company was examining and judging the risks, developing handling plans and if they were making yearly follow ups so that problems could be attended to. Further, I also wanted to examine if there was lack of competence within different departments as well as give some substantiate proposals on educations in Systematic Work Environment Management. The method used to investigate this was interviews and observations on how the Systematic Work Environment Management was handled in the company. The interview study included ten different directors of stores. The observation was made during two weeks at the headquarter following the daily work concerning the Systematic Work Environment Management from management´s point of view. The result of the study and the observation showed that in general H&M is working very well with the Systematic Work Environment Management at the store level. The local managers considered that they had sufficient knowledge but they were lacking continuous education and updates in the area. Specifically, the results showed that there is some lack of knowledge in the field of responsibility for work environment and that the local management doesn’t get the yearly education according to top management´s intention. A short suggestion on a yearly educational plan in Systematic Work Environment Management has been added to the report based on the results in the survey. A reasonable time for this education is one day per year to update the responsible local management in the area of Systematic Work Environment Management.</p>
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Modularised Passenger SeatsAndersson, Anna, Wallin, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this master’s thesis, with Scania CV AB in Södertälje as job initiator, has been to develop three different passenger seat concepts with focus on modularisation, functionality and production. The different concepts are: a foldable passenger seat, which is possible to fold away completely, a bench for two passengers, and a resting seat for resting during breaks when the vehicle is parked.</p><p>The main tools used during the search for concept solutions have been brainstorming, morphological analyses, and evaluation matrixes. Prototypes have been made in order to visualise the ideas but also for the possibility to test them in a real truck cabin and by that find advantages but also flaws. Final product specifications has been made and with that guidelines for a continued development work.</p><p>Experiences gained during this thesis work has been that by using ergonomic data and theories, well thought through designs, and standardised interfaces a good result can be achieved, which fulfils the demands and wishes placed on the future product.</p>
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Warning systems design in a glass cockpit environmentNorén, Johan January 2008 (has links)
<p>In Sweden close to 500 people are killed and several thousands severely injured in traffic each year. This is one of the largest health problems for society in both Sweden and the whole world. In the cars of tomorrow will the main instrument panel and the centre console be screen-based instead of the current solution with “iron instruments” and other physical devices. This future driver environment opens for a flexible and situation-dependent usage of presentation resources. The purpose of this thesis is to explore these possibilities from a warning system perspective.</p><p>The project had its main focus on designing warning system concepts using the HUD and vibrotactile information in a coordinated way based on established HMI principles. Another goal for this thesis work was to generate a functional concept for demonstration and evaluation in the virtual reality lab at the University of Linköping.</p><p>The method of realization was divided into three phases – information gathering, concept generation and implementation. These phases are commonly used in design projects. This way of work supplies structure to the project and makes it possible to achieve an iterative design process.</p><p>The information gathering involved a thorough theoretical study of HMI, interface design and warning design. A state of the art investigation was then conducted to find out how the warning systems, relevant to this thesis, are presented today.</p><p>The concept generation was divided into two parts – warning system design and visual design. The Warning system design concepts were based on different combinations from a morphologic matrix and relevant theory. Consideration was also taken to when the systems are likely to be activated and which modality, or modalities, that then was suitable to use. The visual design concepts were developed by using creative product development methods and the iterative Simulator-Based Design (SBD) theory.</p><p>After concluding the concept generation was the visual design results given functionality by programming software. The visual warning system were then integrated in the simulator software and fully implemented in the simulator cockpit at the university.</p><p>The implemented warning systems were then evaluated by a pilot study conducted in the simulator. Test persons were invited to the VR-lab and given an introduction to the warning systems. They were then asked to drive a predetermined route with a number of different warning system conditions. These test results were later statistically analyzed and evaluated.</p>
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