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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Archeozoologie Klementina v Praze / Archaeozoology of Klementinum in Prague

Burian, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis Archaeozoology Klementinum in Prague studies the archaeozoological remains from the Klementinum in Prague dated between the late 11th and 15th century. The work is divided into two parts - the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part focuses on the economic background of the medieval city and nutrition of its inhabitants. Other chapters focus on the historical context of Klementinum and characteristics of the archaeological research, which took place on its territory in 2012 - 2014. The research consists of material and methods and subsequent evaluation of the obtained data, which are discussed and compared with literature. The aim of this diploma thesis is to bring interpretation of human diet of people whom lived at the site of today's Klementinum in Prague, in different time periods (from the beginning of the peak to the late Middle Ages) through the analysis of animal bones. In conclusion this diploma thesis found the economic base of the territory and which animals have been consumed on the site. In different periods was observed increasing richness of species for documented animals. Also there was discussed the impact of arrival of the Dominican convent on the breding economy after a year 1232nd.

Alle origini del rogo votivo e della metallurgia alpina Il culto del fuoco nell’Età del Rame nel caso del Pigloner Kopf

Oberrauch, Hanns 02 December 2021 (has links)
The archaeological site Pigloner Kopf (Vadena/Pfatten, South Tyrol, Italy) has revealed unexpected elements related to the local Bell Beaker culture, like the local production of shaft-hole axes, typologically linked to the Balkans and the Danube region. The site also shows the oldest evidence of ritual burnt offerings in the Eastern Alps. The mostly burnt animal bones, cereals, flint tools and fragments of pottery could be interpreted as the remains of a rock sanctuary with burnt offerings. The site can be considered as a prototype of the alpine places of worship and mountain sanctuaries. These burning rituals were practised from the beginning of the Bronze Age until the late Roman Empire. The aim of the paper is to present the results of the study of materials and their analyses, focussing on the metallurgical industry, composed mostly by objects produced with local copper, like 10 miniaturised shaft-hole axes, 7 awls and a pin and also by imported objects like a dagger blade and spiral ornaments. The deposition of copper tools in hoards in association with burnt offerings suggest a ritual interpretation of the site, dated to the late Copper Age with Bell Beaker elements in lithics and pottery.

Changes in the size and shape of domestic mammals across the North Atlantic region over time. The effects of environment and economy on bone growth of livestock from the Neolithic to the Post Medieval period with particular reference to the Scandinavian expansion westwards.

Cussans, Julia E. January 2010 (has links)
A large database of domestic mammal bone measurements from sites across Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland is presented. The reasons for variations in bone growth of domestic ungulates are examined in detail; nutrition is identified as a key factor in the determination of adult bone size and shape. Possible sources of variation in bone size in both time and space in the North Atlantic region are identified. Four hypotheses are proposed; firstly that bone dimensions, particularly breadth, will decrease with increasing latitude in the study region; secondly that higher status sites will raise larger livestock than lower status sites within the same time period and region; thirdly the size of domestic mammals in the Northern and Western Isles of Scotland will increase in the Later Iron Age, possibly in relation to increased fodder supply; finally at times of environmental degradation (climatic and/or landscape) domestic mammal size will decrease. The latitude hypothesis could only be partly upheld; there is no evidence for increased size with site status; a small increase in size is noted at some Scottish Iron Age sites and varying results are found for the environmental degradation hypothesis. The results are discussed with particular reference to how changes in the skeletal proportions of domestic mammals affect their human carers and beneficiaries. The potential of further expanding the dataset and integrating biometrical data with other forms of evidence to create a powerful tool for the examination of economic and environmental changes at archaeological sites is discussed. / The Division of AGES (University of Bradford), the Andy Jagger Fund (University of Bradford), the Francis Raymond Hudson Fund (University of Bradford), the Viking Society, the Prehistoric Society, SYNTHESIS and the Paddy Coker Research Fund (Biogeographical Society)

Histoire des premiers peuplements béringiens : étude archéozoologique et taphonomique de la faune des Grottes du Poisson-Bleu (Territoire du Yukon, Canada)

Bourgeon, Lauriane 03 1900 (has links)
La Béringie, un vaste territoire qui s’étend de la Sibérie orientale au Territoire du Yukon, est perçue comme le point d’entrée des populations humaines en Amérique. A la fin du Pléistocène, ce territoire déglacé aurait constitué un refuge aux premières populations préhistoriques se dispersant hors d’Asie. Selon les données génétiques et paléo-génétiques, la Béringie fut occupée au cours du Dernier Maximum Glaciaire (19 000-23 000 cal BP, années calibrées Before Present) par une population humaine qui demeura génétiquement isolée durant près de 8000 à 9000 ans, donnant ainsi naissance à la lignée des Natifs Américains qui allaient se disperser, plus tard, au sud des masses glaciaires nordaméricaines et jusqu’en Amérique du Sud. Cette « Beringian standstill hypothesis », toutefois, ne trouva aucun soutien dans le registre archéologique : en Sibérie orientale, le plus ancien site est daté à 32 000 cal BP, tandis qu’en Alaska et au Yukon, la présence humaine ne remonte pas au-delà de 14 000 cal BP. Dans les années 70-80’s, le site des Grottes du Poisson-Bleu (Yukon) livra des outils en pierre et des ossements supposés modifiés par les humains, enfouis dans un dépôt loessique pléistocène ; les découvertes encouragèrent les archéologues J. Cinq-Mars et R. Morlan à évoquer l’hypothèse d’une occupation humaine sporadique dans le nord du Yukon entre 11 000 et 30 000 cal BP environ. La nature anthropogénique des échantillons osseux soumis aux datations radiocarbones ainsi que l’intégrité de la stratigraphie furent toutefois remises en question par une majorité d’archéologues. La présente dissertation propose une analyse archéozoologique et taphonomique rigoureuse et systématique des assemblages fauniques de mammifères des Grottes I et II dans le but d’appréhender les facteurs responsables de l’accumulation et de la modification du matériel osseux. De nouvelles datations radiocarbones effectuées par le laboratoire Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit sur des ossements portant des traces indéniablement culturelles permettent une datation précise de l’occupation humaine du site. Les résultats illustrent plusieurs traces de découpe sur des os de cheval, caribou, wapiti et possiblement bison et mouflon, tandis que des ossements de mammouth pourraient avoir été collectés pour l’industrie osseuse. Les nouvelles datations AMS suggèrent que les Grottes du Poisson-Bleu étaient occupées de façon sporadique entre 12 000 et 24 000 cal BP, soit pendant et après le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire. Le site offre ainsi un soutien archéologique à l’hypothèse de l’isolation génétique des populations béringiennes à l’origine des premières dispersions en Amérique. L’histoire taphonomique des Grottes du Poisson-Bleu rejoint celle des sites karstiques béringiens qui illustrent des occupations interspécifiques alternées entre carnivores et des fréquentations humaines de courte durée pour des activités de chasse. En outre, les altérations anthropiques sur des os de cheval des Grottes I et II ravivent le débat sur les extinctions de la mégafaune à la fin du Pléistocène (ca. 14 000 cal BP). Le site souligne l’incomplétude du registre archéologique et invite à multiplier les efforts de recherche en Béringie si l’on veut être à même de comprendre la préhistoire du peuplement des Amériques. / Beringia, a vast landscape stretching from eastern Siberia to the Yukon Territory, is thought to be the initial entry point of humans into North and South America. At the end of the Pleistocene, this unglaciated region constituted a refugium for the first prehistoric populations dispersing out of Asia. According to genetic and palaeogenetic data, Beringia was occupied during the Last Glacial Maximum (19 000-23 000 cal BP, calibrated years before present) by a human population that remained genetically isolated for about 8000 to 9000 years, leading to the divergence of the Native American lineage that would eventually disperse south of the ice-sheets into North and South America. The « Beringian standstill hypothesis » is not well supported in the archaeological record, however: in eastern Siberia, the oldest archaeological site is dated to 32 000 cal BP while in Alaska and the Yukon, evidence for a human presence doesn’t exceed 14 000 cal BP. Excavated in the 70s-80s, the Bluefish Caves site (Yukon) yielded stone tools and bone remains thought to have been culturally modified, buried in a Pleistocene loess deposit; the discovery encouraged archaeologists J. Cinq-Mars and R. Morlan to propose that humans occupied the caves sporadically between about 11 000 and 30 000 cal BP. The anthropogenic nature of the bone samples submitted for radiocarbon analysis and the stratigraphic integrity of the site didn’t convince the scientific community, however. The current dissertation proposes a rigorous archaeozoological and taphonomic analysis of the mammal bone assemblages of Caves I and II in order to identify the agents responsible for the accumulation and modification of the bone material. The results show several cut marks on bone specimens belonging to horse, caribou, wapiti and possibly bison and Dall sheep, while mammoth skeletal remains may have been collected for bone industry. New radiocarbon dates obtained by an Oxford laboratory (Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit) on bone bearing indisputable evidence of cultural modification allow the precise dating of the human occupation at the site. The AMS dates suggest that the Bluefish Caves were occupied sporadically between 12 000 to 24 000 cal BP, i.e., during and after the Last Glacial Maximum. The site, therefore, offers archaeological support for the Beringian standstill hypothesis. The taphonomic history of the Bluefish Caves, as well as other Beringian karstic sites, shows use of the caves by various carnivores and short-term human occupations for hunting activities. Moreover, cultural modifications on horse bone from Caves I and II enhance the debate surrounding the megafaunal extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene (ca. 14 000 cal BP). The site underlines the incompleteness of the archaeological record and invites us to expand research efforts in Beringia if we are to understand the prehistory of the first people of the Americas.

An archaeozoological and ethnographic investigation into animal utilisation practices of the Ndzundza Ndebele of the Steelpoort River Valley, South Africa, 1700 AD – 1900 AD

Nelson, Cindy 01 October 2009 (has links)
Focussing on Archaeozoological faunal analysis, this dissertation aims to investigate the animal food utilization practices of the Ndzundza Ndebele by combining archaeozoologcial methods, archaeological data, ethnographic and historic information. The Ndzundza Ndebele inhabited three different sites in the Steelpoort River Valley during c. 1700 AD – 1900 AD. They were forced to relocate from KwaMaza and Esikhunjini to KoNomtjarhelo as a result of continual fighting between themselves and contemporary Iron Age/Historic communities, the British and the Boers during this period. I aim to identify the animal species utilized by the Ndzundza Ndebele in addition to whether or not the hostile and politically unstable period had any effect on Ndzundza animal food procurement, use and discard. Additionally I investigate whether the faunal remains recovered from the three sites can be used to identify ethnic affiliations, gender roles and ritual use with regards to animals and/or animal parts. Ultimately, I aim to demonstrate that faunal remains cannot be fully understood and interpreted without incorporating relevant ethnographic and/or historic information and as comprehensive an archaeological context as possible. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

A ZooMS-informed archaeozoological and taphonomic analysis comparing Neanderthal and Homo sapiens subsistence behaviours in Northwest Italy

Pothier Bouchard, Geneviève 11 1900 (has links)
Ce projet contribue aux discussions en cours sur la transition du Paléolithique moyen au Paléolithique supérieur en Europe occidentale marquée par un tournant dans l’évolution de notre espèce, l’Homo sapiens. Alors que les Néandertaliens, nos plus proches cousins évolutionnaires disparaissent du registre fossile, les humains modernes qui ont migré hors d’Afrique, se dispersent rapidement à travers l’Eurasie. Les deux populations étaient exposées aux mêmes changements climatiques dramatiques caractéristiques de la transition, et pourtant, les Néandertaliens sont rapidement remplacés par les humains modernes. Par conséquent, ce phénomène suggère que les populations humaines modernes auraient pu être mieux adaptées face aux changements environnementaux. Puisque le régime alimentaire est un bon moniteur de l’adaptation, cette recherche compare les stratégies de subsistance des deux espèces humaines ayant tour à tour occupé le site de Riparo Bombrini (Balzi Rossi, Ligurie, Italie). Une analyse archéozoologique et taphonomique a été effectuée sur les collections fauniques du Moustérien tardif et du Proto-Aurignacien afin d’obtenir la première comparaison détaillée du régime alimentaire et des comportements de chasse des Néandertaliens et des humains modernes sur l’un des seuls sites du nord-ouest de l’Italie entièrement documenté avec des méthodes archéologiques modernes. Étant donné que la nature très fragmentée des ossements animaux sur le site a été un obstacle aux analyses fauniques dans le passé, les méthodes d’analyse archéozoologique ont été complétées par le « collagen fingerprinting » (c.-à-d. zooarchéologie par spectrométrie de masse, ou ZooMS) afin d’assurer l’identification d’un maximum de spécimens pour atteindre une précision accrue de l’identification taxonomique. La préservation différentielle du collagène dans les restes squelettiques a également justifié le développement d’une méthode novatrice de dépistage du collagène utilisant la spectroscopie FTIR-ATR pour la présélection d’échantillons ZooMS. Les résultats montrent que, tandis que Néandertal et Homo sapiens ont continuellement chassé les taxons ongulés disponibles à proximité de Riparo Bombrini, les niveaux de Moustérien tardif indiquent un rétrécissement du tableau de chasse associé à un mode de subsistance hyperlocal. En revanche, les spectres fauniques se sont considérablement élargis dans le plus ancien Proto-Aurignacien, lorsque Riparo Bombrini était occupé comme camp de base logistique à long terme associé à un vaste territoire de subsistance. Les résultats fournissent également les premières données détaillées sur la subsistance des populations humaines durant la transition dans la région de l’arc liguro-provençal, établissant ainsi de nouvelles hypothèses à tester dans de futurs travaux concernant la nature changeante de leurs écologies. / This project contributes to the ongoing debates over the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition in Western Europe, which marks a turning point in the evolution of our species, Homo sapiens. While Neanderthals, our closest evolutionary relatives, went extinct at that time, modern humans who had migrated out of Africa dispersed very rapidly across Eurasia. While both populations were exposed to the same dramatic climatic shifts at the time, it is only the Neanderthals that quickly disappeared from the archeological record, suggesting that modern human populations may have been better adapted to react to environmental changes than Neanderthals. Since diet is a good monitor of adaptation, this research compares the subsistence strategies of both human groups as they occupied, in quick succession, the site of Riparo Bombrini (Balzi Rossi, Liguria, Italy). An archeozoological and taphonomic analysis was conducted on Late Mousterian and Proto-Aurignacian faunal collections to produce the first direct comparison between Neanderthal and modern human diets and hunting strategies at one of the only sites in Northwest Italy entirely excavated using modern documentation methods. Because the highly fragmented nature of the animal bones at the site has hindered faunal analysis in the past, these approaches were complemented by collagen fingerprinting (i.e., Zooarcheology by Mass Spectrometry, or ZooMS) to identify as many specimens as possible as to species, thus yielding unprecedented accuracy in taxonomic identification. The challenging collagen preservation state also required developing a screening method using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy prior to ZooMS. The results show that, while Neanderthals and modern humans continuously hunted prime-aged ungulate taxa available in a close range of Riparo Bombrini, the Late Mousterian levels indicate a narrower diet associated with a hyper-local subsistence range. In contrast, the faunal spectra broadened noticeably in the earliest Proto-Aurignacian, when Riparo Bombrini was occupied as a long-term logistical base camp within an extensive land-use strategy. The results also provide the first high-resolution view of human subsistence during the transition in the Liguro-Provençal arc region and set up test hypotheses about the changing nature of hominin behavioural ecology that can be further tested in future work.

A comparative morphological and morphometric study of the cranial and post-cranial osteology of South African hares - Cape hare (Lepus capensis) and Scrub hare (Lepus saxatilis) and its application in archaeozoology

Scott, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English and abstract in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / This archaeozoological study was undertaken to distinguish between the two hare species of South Africa, Lepus capensis (Cape hare) and Lepus saxatilis (scrub hare), from fragmentary archaeological faunal remains. It was previously not possible to taxonomically differentiate between these species. The research focused on Lagomorpha remains previously identified in Later Stone Age assemblages from two rock shelters, Blydefontein and Meerkat, in the Karoo. Analyses of modern skeletal material housed in museum collections demonstrated that there are indeed morphological and morphometric differences between Lepus capensis and Lepus saxatilis. The Lagomorpha material from the two archaeological assemblages were then re-examined utilising the newly established protocols. The reanalyses proved that it is now possible to distinguish between the two hare species even when in fragmentary form. It is also possible to identify Pronolagus. The dietary and likely cultural roles of the Lagomorpha and other small mammals in archaeological contexts are also explored. / Hierdie argeosoölogiese studie is onderneem om te onderskei tussen die twee haasspesies in Suid-Afrika, Lepus capensis (vlakhaas) en Lepus saxatilis (kolhaas), aan die hand van gefragmenteerde argeologiese fauna-oorblyfsels. Dit was nie voorheen moontlik om hierdie spesies taksonomies van mekaar te onderskei nie. Die navorsing fokus op Lagomorpha-oorblyfsels wat voorheen geïdentifiseer is in rotsskuiling-versamelings wat uit die Laat Steentydperk dateer. Die genoemde rotsskuilings is gevind by Blydefontein en Meerkat in die Karoo. Ontledings van moderne skeletmateriaal in museumversamelings het getoon dat daar wel morfologiese en morfometriese verskille tussen Lepus capensis en Lepus saxatilis is. Lagomorpha-materiaal afkomstig van die twee argeologiese versamelings is toe herondersoek aan die hand van nuut gevestigde protokolle. Die herontledings het bewys dat dit nou moontlik is om te onderskei tussen die twee haasspesies, selfs indien hulle gefragmenteerd is. Dit is ook moontlik om Pronolagus te identifiseer. Die rolle wat die Lagomorpha en ander klein soogdiere in argeologiese kontekste in dieet en kultuur vervul het, is ook ondersoek. / Ucwaningo maqondana nezitho zomzimba ezisalayo uma isilwane sesifile lwenziwelwa ukuba kukwazeke ukuhlukanisa phakathi kwalezi zinhlobo ezimbili zonogwaja eNingizimu Afrika, okuyiLepus capensis kanye neLepus saxatilis ngokubheka izingcucu zezinsalela zazo. Kwakungelula kudala ukuhlukanisa lezi zinhlobo zesilwane ngokwamaqoqo okwakheka noma okwenza kwazo. Ucwaningo lugxile kwizinsalela zohlobo lweLagomorpha olwaluvame ukubonakala ngenkathi yakudala okwakusetshenziswa kuyo amatshe ukwakha izinto (iStone Age) emiphemeni emibili eyayakhiwe ngamadwala eyayihlangene eyayaziwa ngokuthi yiBlydefontein neMeerkat esigodini esisagwadule esiseNingizimu Afrika, iKaroo. Ukuhlaziywa kwezingebhezi zemizimba yezinto ezigcinwe kwizigcinamagugu lwaveza ukuthi impela ukhona umehluko ekwakhekeni kanye nasezilinganisweni zogebhezi lwekhanda ngokomumo kumbe ugebhezi lwesiqu somzimba phakathi konogwaja abawuhlobo lweLepus capensis neLepus sexatilis. Uhlobo lweLagomorpha lwasesakhiweni semipheme ehlangene lwabe seluhlolwa kabusha kusetshenziswa izinhlobo ezintsha eziseqophelweni. Ukuhlaziywa kabusha kwaveza ubufakazi bokuthi sekuyinto engenzeka kalula ukuhlukanisa phakathi kwalezi zinhlobo ezimbili zonogwaja ngisho ngabe sezitholakala sezingcezungcezu. Kuyinto engenzeka kalula futhi ukubona uhlobo lwePronolagus. Indlela yokudla kanye nemisebenzi ehambisana nosikompilo kohlobo lweLagomorpha kanye nezinye izilwane ezincelisayo nakho kuyabhekwa. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Archaeology)

Evolution et diversité de la forme du cochon entre l'âge du Fer et la période moderne en Gaule et en France. Régionalisme, acquisitions zootechniques et implications historiques. / Morphological changes in domestic pig between the Iron Age and modern times in Gaul and France : Regionalisms, zootechnical acquisitions and historical implications

Duval, Colin 11 September 2015 (has links)
Cette étude archéozoologique porte sur les variations morphologiques de différents éléments du squelette porcin (Sus scrofa domesticus) et s’appuie sur deux présupposés majeurs : (1) les changements morphologiques de l’animal sont le reflet des évolutions du contexte socio-économique ; (2) il existe une grande diversité des formes porcines, conditionnée par différents facteurs d’influence (environnement, stratégies agropastorales, habitudes culturelles, etc.). L’analyse menée, sur la base de tels postulats, tend à mesurer puis décrire ces changements et cette diversité pour tenter d’en comprendre l’origine et les mécanismes de progression. Pour cela il a fallu observer les restes dentaires et osseux de plus de 600 sites archéologiques, situés sur les territoires gaulois, français et italien, datés de La Tène moyenne à la période moderne, à l’aide de différentes méthodes de morphométrie géométrique et traditionnelle. De cette manière, il a été possible de constituer un solide référentiel ostéométrique pour le porc et d’atteindre ici une meilleure compréhension des pratiques d’élevage aux périodes gauloise, romaine et médiévale / This archaeozoological study investigates morphological variations in different skeletal parts of the pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) according to two main assumptions: (1) the morphological changes of the animal reflect socio-economic changes; (2) there is a great diversity of pig’s forms, driven by different factors (environment, agropastoral strategies, cultural habits, etc.). Our analysis, based on these assumptions, tends to quantify and describe these changes and this diversification to try to understand their origin and mechanisms. For this we have observed the dental and skeletal remains of more than 600 archaeological sites, located on the Gallic, French and Italian territories, dated from La Tène moyenne to the modern period, using different methods of geometric and traditional morphometrics. In this way, we were able to build a strong osteometric framework for pigs and get new clues to a better understanding of farming practices for Gallic, Roman and medieval periods

Příspěvek k poznání způsobu obživy na přelomu neolitu a eneolitu (srovnávací studie západního kulturního okruhu s oblastí Čech a Moravy) / The Paper on Understanding the Subsistence Manner on the Transition of Neolithic and Eneolithic Age (a Comparative Study between the Western Culture Complex and Regions of Bohemia and Moravia)

Mattová, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
The study presented deals with the phenomenon of increased hunting activity on the transition of the Neolithic and Eneolithic Age, the reasons of which have been so far investigated only in regard to environmental conditions of locations. The phenomenon is observed on locations of a wide area of Middle Europe. Nevertheless, there exist locations with prevailing agricultural economy. On the basis of a detailed comparative analysis of the material culture of the Western culture circle and Bohemia and Moravia, the study aims to trace the reflection of the phenomenon in archaeological materials - differences between locations with predominant domestic sources, and locations with predominant wild sources. Alongside, the study deals with a possible environmental impact on increasing hunting tendencies. In order to created a database, a detailed catalogue of locations has been compiled. The catalogue holds the most essential information on material culture with regard to expected agricultural manners. The catalogue also serves as a clue for setting particular indicators of the database, the purpose of which is to organise the data in a comparable form. Subsequently, a descriptive database has been compiled. The database traces the reflection of agricultural base of the individual locations. By means of a...

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