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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Systémové archetypy v ekonomické analýze / Archetypes in economic analysis

Petráš, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
Transdisciplinary focused work concentrates on the possibilities of the application of the system thinking in the various science branches. Out of system disciplines it studies in detail the system dynamics -- specifically Archetypes (general structures). Introduction to the general system theory can be found in the first section of the theoretical part. Next sections are more particular and refer to the main ideas of system dynamics and Archetypes. Next part of the work focuses on common methods of the economic analysis. Apart from their brief description there is also discussion about their main theoretical flaws. The economic analysis of the specific socio-economic issue (road speed limits) is performed in the last part of the work and it includes substantial usage of the Archetypes and general system-thinking attitude. Primary aim of this part is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis of the utility of Archetypes in the economic analysis.

Kritické systémové myšlení a jeho potřeba v obchodní společnosti / The Critical Systems Thinking and its necessity and usability within a commercial company

Pilecký, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the critical systems thinking (CST) and its necessity and usability within a commercial company. Critical systems thinking is defined and explained from different perspectives, first as a specific way of approaching a problem, but as a tool for problem solving as well. The thesis also details the specific skills of critical systems thinking and systems archetypes and identifies some interrelations between CST and a specific commercial company with its needs. The practical part is focused on the process of solving specific problems using critical systems thinking, it also discusses the benefits and limitations and evaluates the overall necessity of CST for a commercial company.

Principy učící se organizace projektového týmu / Principles of learning organization project team

Rudá, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with theory and practice of learning organizations applied to the IT project team. In theoretical part key definitions and terms related to the problems of the learning organization and the information society. At the same time gives a demonstrative interpretation of the self-learning organization by various authors and presents their specific models. As the fundamental, this thesis uses the theory of Peter Senge, with which it is being worked also in the practical part, where the IT project team is analysed of their behaviour, and compared to the results obtained with the theory of the five disciplines of Peter Senge. In conclusion there is a set of recommendations that could improve the functioning of the IT development team and achieve a greatest compliance with the learning organization concept.

Arquetipos de Jung en discursos de peruanidad / Jung’s Archetypes in peruvianess discourses: Facebook posts of KFC and Bembos, 2019

Vidal Pacheco, Georgett 13 September 2020 (has links)
Los arquetipos son esquemas innatos que se encuentran en el inconsciente colectivo y ayudan a entender el mundo. El psicoanalista Carl Gustav Jung teorizó y propuso diversos arquetipos de la personalidad que hoy son utilizados en la publicidad. Por otro lado, la peruanidad resulta difícil de definir, a pesar de que, además de Víctor M. Andrés Belaúnde (quien acuñó la palabra y teorizó sobre ella), diversos autores y pensadores hayan abordado el tema de lo peruano. Ello se debería a que esta pertenece a un imaginario, un ideal, un mito, un discurso. En el presente artículo se buscará identificar, relacionar y analizar los arquetipos de Jung empleados en los discursos sobre peruanidad en los pots de Facebook de las marcas fast food KFC y Bembos en el Perú durante el año 2019. Para ello, se realizó una recopilación general de los principales y diversos discursos sobre peruanidad, encontrándose 5 perfiles de lo peruano; y, finalmente, se definieron los 12 arquetipos de Jung empleados en la teoría publicitaria. / Archetypes are innate schemes found in the collective unconscious and help to understand the world. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung theorized and proposed various archetypes of personality that are used in advertising today. On the other hand, peruvianness is difficult to define, even though, in addition to Víctor M. Andrés Belaúnde (who coined the word and theorized about it), various authors and thinkers have addressed this issue. This is because it belongs to an imaginary, an ideal, a myth, a discourse. This article seeks to identify, to relate and analyze Jung's archetypes used in the peruvianness discourses of the fast food brands KFC and Bembos in Peru during the year 2019. For this, a general compilation of the main and various discourses of peruvianess was made, finding 5 profiles of the Peruvian; and, finally, the 12 Jungian archetypes used in advertising theory were defined. / Trabajo de investigación

La representación de la masculinidad desde la figura del seductor en las comedias del cine peruano / The representation of masculinity from the figure of the seducer in Peruvian comedy films

Rodriguez Chug, Estefano Enrique 07 July 2020 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se analizará la representación de la masculinidad desde la figura del seductor en dos comedias del cine peruano: “Como en el cine” (2015) y “Macho peruano que se respeta” (2015). Mediante un estudio con enfoque cualitativo y una técnica de investigación de análisis de contenido, se procederá a examinar la construcción de los personajes protagónicos, quienes encarnan la figura del seductor. La figura del seductor entendida como un arquetipo recurrente que busca constantes aventuras amorosas, acompañadas por una serie de dilemas afectivos que devienen en el engaño o la huida por parte del Donjuán. En específico, se revisará el perfil de los personajes protagónicos, la auto representación que poseen y las relaciones de poder que establecen con otros personajes. Se hallará que la construcción de los protagonistas en las películas analizadas no solamente está basada en una masculinidad hegemónica, sino que hay variantes donde se manifiestan tipos de masculinidad que escapan del estereotipo. El principal aporte del presente trabajo radica en el uso de dos instrumentos que permiten un correcto análisis de escenas y de personajes para la ejecución de un correcto estudio sobre representaciones en la ficción audiovisual. Palabras clave: Género, masculinidad, seductor, cine, comedia, ficción, representaciones sociales, arquetipos, Perú. / In this research work, the representation of masculinity in the role of the seducer will be analyzed by two Peruvian film comedies: “Como en el cine” (2015) and “Macho peruano que se respeta” (2015). Through a study with a qualitative approach and a content analysis research technique, we will proceed to examine the construction of the main characters, who embody the figure of the seducer. The figure of the seducer is understood as a recurring archetype that seeks constant love affairs along with a series of affective dilemmas that lead to deception or flight by, popularly called, the Donjuán. Specifically, the profile of the main characters , the self-representation and the power relationships they used with other characters, will be reviewed. It will be found that the construction of the main characters in the analyzed films is not only based on a hegemonic masculinity, but there are variants in which types of masculinity are manifested that escape the stereotype. The main contribution of this work lies in the use of two instruments that allow a correct analysis of scenes and characters for the execution of a correct study on representations in audiovisual fiction. / Trabajo de investigación

Koncept femininního modu bytí v díle Ann Belford Ulanov / The feminine mode of being concept in the work by Ann Belford Ulanov

Tichá, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
The thesis constitutes the gender analysis of the Ann Belford Ulanov's work, particularly the qualitative content analysis of publications which are explicitly focused on gender problems. Ulanov as the Jungian psychologist and Protestant theologian deals with the concept of the "feminine mode of being" (feminine principle) which perceives as one of the key elements of human soul, and the manner by which it is possible to be connected with the world and god. Outcomes of the thesis are constructivist, anchored in critical theory paradigm. From this point of view, the chapters of the theoretical part are addressed. These chapters deal with issues linked to the feminist theology and Jungian psychology. The aim of the research part is to analyse concept of the "feminine mode of being" and its implications for the construction of gender concerning the divinity and humanity. Ulanov perceives the "feminine mode of being" within the framework of symbolic approach as the part of the masculine-feminine polarity. While she does not link this principle only to women, she perceives it essentialisticly. For instance, she strongly associates "the feminine" with biological maternity. It is possible to classify many motives and archetypes which Ulanov develops as non- stereotypical and subversive. However, her...

Organizační změna neziskové sportovní organizace (Případová studie jezdeckého oddílu) / The Organizational Change of a Nonprofit Sports Organization (The Case Study of a Riding Club)

Svatá, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
Sports organizations formed a significant part of the non-profit sector, not only in the Czech Republic. They are being overlooked of the academic world, however they offer interesting insights on organizational change. Overall, we can observe many forms of sports non-profit organizations in civil society, which differ in degree of proffesionalization, degree of formalization and the values they hold. This case study reveals the problems of local non-profit sports organization, which is undergoing a gradual change. This change is related to the development of the organization, after gradual change of values and objectives, the organization must now adapt corresponding structure. This study contains the recommendations specifically for this organization, however they can be used by other entities as well.

El uso del femvertising para incentivar nuevos arquetipos femeninos caso Kotex #NoMásEstigmas / The use of femvertising to encourage new female archetypes Kotex case #NoMásEstigmas

Cervantes Maldonado, Mariapaula Fatima 23 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo analizó los roles de los arquetipos en la estrategia de femvertising sobre la menstruación en la campaña de Kotex #NoMásEstigmas. Los arquetipos poseen beneficios como crear relaciones sólidas e incrementar las intenciones de compra. Sin embargo, muchos de los modelos que se usan actualmente para representar la menstruación se relacionan con la vulnerabilidad, lo cual dificulta su uso dentro de las estrategias de empoderamiento. El enfoque empleado es un estudio cualitativo, su diseño es fenomenológico y se centra en los arquetipos y el femvertising. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 19 mujeres de 23 a 27 años, con educación universitaria completa y con residencia en los distritos de Magdalena del Mar, Jesús María, Pueblo Libre y San Miguel. La campaña de Kotex intenta empoderar la imagen femenina por medio del femvertising, ya que el periodo menstrual aún es censurado y representado como un proceso de vulnerabilidad. No obstante, los arquetipos pueden transformar esta percepción negativa en el público. A lo largo del presente trabajo, se han identificado modelos de mujeres con menstruación que son: (a) discontinuos, relacionados con la vulnerabilidad y (b) continuos, enfocados en la fuerza y seguridad. Estos últimos no se definen en algún modelo actual, pero son los que permitirían impulsar las estrategias de femvertising en torno a la menstruación. Sin embargo, algunas campañas aún tratan de ocultar este proceso físico. En conclusión, se necesitan nuevas propuestas actuales que visibilicen este proceso físico para la sociedad. / The present work analyzes the roles of archetypes in the femvertising strategy on menstruation in the Kotex #NoMásEstigmas campaign. Archetypes have benefits such as creating strong relationships and increasing purchase intention. However, many of the models that are currently used to represent menstruation are related to vulnerability, which makes them difficult to use within empowerment strategies. The approach used is a qualitative study, its design is phenomenological and focuses on archetypes and femvertising. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 women between 23 and 27 years old, with a complete university education and residence in the districts of Magdalena del Mar, Jesús María, Pueblo Libre and San Miguel. The Kotex campaign tries to empower the female image through femvertising, since the menstrual period is still censored and represented as a process of vulnerability. However, archetypes can transform this negative perception in the public. Throughout this work, models of menstruating women have been identified such as: (a) discontinuous, related to vulnerability and (b) continuous, focused on strength and security. The latter are not defined in any current model, but they are the ones that would allow to promote femvertising strategies around menstruation. Despite this, some campaigns still try to hide this physical process. In conclusion, new current proposals are needed to make this physical process visible for society. / Tesis

Desarrollo y valoración visual de personajes anime shonen de los años 80 y 2021, a través de arquetipos / Development and visual assessment of anime shonen characters from the 80s and 2021, through archetypes

Cerna Rodriguez , Raúl Santiago 05 September 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el desarrollo de las representaciones visuales de personajes anime shonen a través de arquetipos, teniendo como referencia animes de la década de los ochenta y contemporáneos. Como hipótesis se planteó que actualmente los shonens tienen un desarrollo más amplio en el diseño de sus personajes debido a que ya no se emplean a los arquetipos como patrones de personalidad y elementos visuales fijos, tal como se hacía en décadas pasadas. Ahora bien, para esta investigación se ha determinado un alcance descriptivo; el cual tiene como finalidad identificar diversos elementos visuales que son parte de los personajes anime shonen, así como también de los cambios que han tenido desde los ochenta hasta la actualidad; además de reconocer la existencia de patrones en su diseño y como los arquetipos llegan a tener relación con ellos. Así pues, los resultados obtenidos muestran diferencias entre la representación de arquetipos visuales de los shonen en los ochenta y los shonens actuales. Mientras que los personajes de décadas pasadas muestran patrones visuales fijos y en su mayoría predecibles, los personajes contemporáneos son más impredecibles en su representación visual. Finalmente, se determinó que actualmente los arquetipos son usados como un punto de inicio para definir un personaje, pero dicha representación puede cambiar o combinarse con otras, generando personajes impredecibles y distintos a los de décadas pasadas. / The following research aims to analyze the development of visual representations of anime shonen characters through archetypes, taking as a reference anime from the eighties and contemporary productions. As a hypothesis, it was proposed that currently the shonens have a broader development in the design of their characters due to the fact that archetypes are no longer used as personality patterns and fixed visual elements, as was done in past decades. Now, for this research a descriptive scope has been determined; which aims to identify various visual elements that are part of the anime shonen characters, as well as the changes they have had from the eighties to the present; in addition to recognizing the existence of patterns in its design and how the archetypes come to be related to them. Thus, the results obtained show differences between the representation of visual archetypes of the Shonen in the eighties and the current Shonens. While characters from decades past show fixed and mostly predictable visual patterns, contemporary characters are more unpredictable in their visual representation. Finally, it was determined that archetypes are currently used as a starting point to define a character, but said representation can change or be combined with others, generating characters that are unpredictable and different from those of past decades. / Trabajo de investigación

Rozdíly v percepci ženských postav v různých mediálních zpracováních ságy o Zaklínači / Differences in the perception of female characters in various media versions of The Witcher

Štosová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the perception of female characters in various media adaptations of The Witcher from the perspective of audiences that show signs of fan affiliation. The research focuses on the two most recent adaptations, i.e. the third game The Witcher: Wild Hunt and the serie The Witcher on the Netflix platform. The research took the form of in-depth interviews with a total of nine participants and focused on the role, characteristics, relationships and motivations of female characters in order to find out how respondents perceive these areas in adaptations. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the theoretical basis related to popular culture, audiences, game and film studies and gender in media. It also presents the world of The Witcher, the selected characters and the critique of adaptations. The next section of the thesis deals with the research methodology. The grounded theory was used as a method of work and multiple levels of coding and categorization were conducted. These categories are then presented in the empirical part of the thesis together with a demonstration of the respondents' statements followed by data interpretation and discussion. The main findings include that female characters play an important role in both adaptations from the audience's...

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