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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio experimental para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de una arena limosa con el PET reciclado en Chorrillos / Experimental study to improve the mechanical properties of a silty sand with recycled PET in Chorrillos

Paredes Gonzales, Sandra Lourdes, Ramirez Aguilar, Jorge Luis 07 September 2020 (has links)
Ante la falta de materiales que cuentan con las propiedades mecánicas necesarias para ser usados como relleno estructural en algunas zonas en donde se realizan proyectos, surge la preocupación de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas del limo arenoso. En investigaciones anteriores adicionaron fibras de acero, fibras naturales y aditivos químicos para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los suelos. Por otro lado, el deterioro ambiental que actualmente viene sufriendo nuestra sociedad a causa del consumo masivo de productos descartables como el plástico, producto que se descompone en una media de 450 años, y que está compuesto principalmente con PET (Tereftalato de polietileno). Este material al ser arrojado al medio ambiente viene afectando a los animales acuáticos y al agua. Sin embargo, están surgiendo emprendimientos para darles un uso alternativo. La presente tesis se centra en la problemática de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de la arena limosa de las inmediaciones de los Pantanos de Villa, con la inserción del PET reciclado en porcentajes de 1% al5%. Para desarrollar la hipótesis se realizaron ensayos de granulometría del suelo, PET, y en las mezclas de suelo más PET con porcentajes de 1%, al 5%; límite de Atterberg, gravedad especifica al suelo y al PET. También, se realizaron ensayos de proctor estándar y corte directo para todas las mezclas. Finalmente, se realizaron ensayos triaxiales CD de 3.5 mm al suelo puro y al porcentaje de la mezcla que mejor comportamiento mecánico obtuvo. / Due to the lack of materials that has the necessary mechanical properties to be used as a structural filler in some zones where projects are carried out, the concern arises to improve the mechanical properties of sandy silt. In previous investigations they added steel fibers, natural fibers and chemical additives to improve the mechanical properties of soils. On the other hand, the environmental deterioration that our society is currently suffering due to the massive consumption of disposable products such as plastic, a product that decomposes in an average of 450 years, which is mainly composed of PET (polyethylene terephthalate). This material, when released into the environment, has been affecting aquatic animals and water. However, ventures are emerging to give them an alternative use. This thesis focuses on the problem of improving the mechanical properties of the silty sand in the vicinity of the Pantanos de Villa, with the insertion of recycled PET in percentages of 1% to 5%. To carry out the development of the hypothesis, they were made soil granulometry tests, PET, and in the mixtures of soil plus PET with percentages of1% to 5%; Atterberg limit, specific gravity the soil and PET. Also, Proctor Standard and Direct Cut tests will be carried out for all mixtures. Finally, 3.5 mm Triaxial CD tests were performed to the pure soil and to the percentage of the mixture that obtained the best mechanically performance. / Tesis

Biometrické rozpoznávání 3D modelů obličeje / Biometric Recognition of 3D Faces

Michálek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about biometric 3D face recognition . A general biometric system as well as functioning of biometric system are present . Techniques used in 2D and 3D face recognition are described . Finally , an automatic biometric system for 3D face recognition is proposed and implemeted . This system divide face for areas by position of detected landmarks . Particular areas are compared separately . Final system fusion results from Eigenfaces and ARENA algorithms .

Role ventrálního hipokampu a mediální prefrontální kůry v behaviorální flexibilitě u hlodavců / Role of ventral hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in behavioral flexibility in rodents

Černotová, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
Behavioral adaptation to a continuously changing environment is critical for the survival of the animals, but also day-to-day interactions in the human world. The main components maintaining flexibility in cognition and behavior are well-established and depend mostly on proper intercommunication within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatum. Some parts of the PFC are densely innervated by the ventral hippocampus (vHPC), which has a great impact on its functioning. Also, hippocampal-prefrontal circuit dysfunction has been shown to disrupt the integrity of flexible cognition in some neuropsychiatric diseases. Therefore, the exact functional role of this pathway is an indispensable part of the research. The aim of this study was to test the role of the vHPC and the medial PFC (mPFC) in an active place avoidance task on a rotating arena in 1) two flexibility task variants - reversal learning and set- shifting - and 2) the spatial memory retrieval. We inactivated these structures by muscimol (GABAA receptor agonist) in a variety of unilateral, bilateral, and combined local injections. Disrupted performance was apparent in reversal learning in vHPC-inactivated rats. No effect was seen in mPFC-inactivated rats. Impairments after the task acquisition were observed in bilateral vHPC and mPFC inactivations...

Generic simulation modelling of stochastic continuous systems

Albertyn, Martin 24 May 2005 (has links)
The key objective of this research is to develop a generic simulation modelling methodology that can be used to model stochastic continuous systems effectively. The generic methodology renders simulation models that exhibit the following characteristics: short development and maintenance times, user-friendliness, short simulation runtimes, compact size, robustness, accuracy and a single software application. The research was initiated by the shortcomings of a simulation modelling method that is detailed in a Magister dissertation. A system description of a continuous process plant (referred to as the Synthetic Fuel plant) is developed. The decision support role of simulation modelling is considered and the shortcomings of the original method are analysed. The key objective, importance and limitations of the research are also discussed. The characteristics of stochastic continuous systems are identified and a generic methodology that accommodates these characteristics is conceptualised and developed. It consists of the following eight methods and techniques: the variables technique, the iteration time interval evaluation method, the event-driven evaluation method, the Entity-represent-module method, the Fraction-comparison method, the iterative-loop technique, the time “bottleneck” identification technique and the production lost “bottleneck” identification technique. Five high-level simulation model building blocks are developed. The generic methodology is demonstrated and validated by the development and use of two simulation models. The five high-level building blocks are used to construct identical simulation models of the Synthetic Fuel plant in two different simulation software packages, namely: Arena and Simul8. An iteration time interval and minimum sufficient sample sizes are determined and the simulation models are verified, validated, enhanced and compared. The simulation models are used to evaluate two alternative scenarios. The results of the scenarios are compared and conclusions are presented. The factors that motivated the research, the process that was followed and the generic methodology are summarised. The original method and the generic methodology are compared and the strengths and weaknesses of the generic methodology are discussed. The contribution to knowledge is explained and future developments are proposed. The possible range of application and different usage perspectives are presented. To conclude, the lessons learnt and reinforced are considered. / Thesis (PhD (Industrial Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Industrial and Systems Engineering / unrestricted

Styrning av en roterande sorptionsavfuktare i en oventilerad ishall

Lindqvist, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Kondensbildning är ett stort problem i ishallar vilket leder till stora konsekvenser ifall det inte åtgärdas. Installation av ett avfuktningssystem är ett måste i ishallar men det betyder högre energianvändning. Denna studie undersöker hur RH-styrning (relativ fukthalt) för en avfuktare i PF Arenan lokaliserat i byn Lindefallet i Hudiksvalls kommun kan energieffektiviseras och samtidigt se till att kondensbildning undviks i ishallen. Kondensbildning i ishallar framkommer framförallt på takytan och isplanen. Kondens på isplanen sker när luftens absoluta luftfuktighet är större än den absoluta fuktigheten för isens gränsskikt. Eftersom isen har en temperatur under 0 °C så kommer vattnet att frysas på planen vilket åtgärdas genom att slipa isen med en ismaskin. Forskning visar att avfuktningsstyrning för att undvika kondens på isplanen leder till att avfuktaren blir överdimensionerad för att undvika takkondens. Konsekvenser för takkondens anses som mer allvarliga än de för kondens på isplanen, vilket har lett till att framtagning av ny styrning har fokuserat på att undvika takkondens. Mätningar har utförts i PF Arenans roterande sorptionsavfuktare och lufttillstånden inuti ishallen samt utomhus. Resultatet från mätningar används för att avgöra om det sker kondensbildning i ishallen. Olika styrstrategier jämförs med befintlig RH‑styrning för att fastställa vilka förbättringar som kan tillämpas. Resultat visar att vid stora personlaster och användning av ismaskinen leder till att takkondens framkommer under korta perioder. Samtidigt så går inte regenereringsbatteriet på maxeffekt under dessa perioder vilket betyder att avfuktningskapaciteten kan höjas. RH-styrning leder till överdimensionering i förhållande till båda kondensfenomenen under stora perioder, speciellt under kalla inomhustemperaturer. Föreslagen styrning går ut på att processluftens daggpunkt ska hållas två grader Celsius under takets yttemperatur. Styrningen kan definieras som en varierande daggpunktsstyrning. Det rekommenderas också att regenereringstemperaturen ökar ju mer börvärdet avviker från målfunktionen. Dock så analyserades inte en sådan ökning av regenereringstemperaturen i detalj. Det approximerades att ungefär 1 100 kWh el per månad kan sparas för avfuktaren motsvarande en energiminskning av 22 % gentemot den befintliga styrningen. Approximering förmodar att ismaskin slipar isen lika mycket med båda styrningarna och tar inte hänsyn till den ökade energianvändningen ifall högre regenereringstemperaturer tillämpas i avfuktaren. / Condensation is a major problem in ice rink arenas and if it is not resolved, will lead to construction damages. Generally, ice arenas use dehumidifiers to dehumidify the indoor air which causes an increase in energy use in the facility. This study investigates how the control strategy of the dehumidifier in the PF Arena localized in Lindefallet in Hudiksvall municipality can be improved to save energy while preventing the occurrence of condensation in the ice rink arena. Condensation in ice arenas occur on the ice surface and roof surface. Ice surface condensation occur if the indoor air humidity is higher than the humidity of the ice surface boundary layer. The ice will freeze the moisture onto the surface which require an ice resurfacer to flatten the playing field. Studies has shown that control strategies for dehumidification to prevent condensation on the ice surface results in oversizing of the dehumidifier for preventing condensation on the roof surface. And as condensation on roof surface leads to more serious consequences than that of ice surface condensation, it is of more interest to prevent the former. Measurements has been carried out on PF Arenan’s desiccant wheel dehumidifier and indoor as well as outdoor air. Results from measurements are used to analyze if any condensation occurs in the ice rink arena. Other control strategies are compared to the one used in PF Arenan to determine what improvements can be applied to the dehumidifier. Results show that during events and use of ice resurfacers some condensation on the roof surface occurs for short periods. During these periods, the regeneration heater does not use full power which could be used to increase the moisture removal capacity. The RH-control strategy results in oversizing for most hours when controlled to both condensation phenomenon, especially during cold temperatures. The recommended control strategy is to keep the dewpoint of the inlet process air 2 °C below the roof surface temperature. This control strategy is a type of variable dewpoint control function. It is also recommended to increase the regeneration temperature proportionally to the difference between the setpoint and the objective function. However, the results of this measure were not analyzed in detail. The new control strategy would approximately save 1 100 kWh per month over the current control function which amounts to an energy use decrease of 22 % for the dehumidifier. Assumed that behavior of ice resurfacing is not changed with the new control function and the approximation does not consider the increase of energy use if the regeneration temperature is increased.

Dialog om staden : En studie om medborgardialogens roll och betydelse för stadsplaneringen i Nacka kommun

Rydberg Åkesson, Christian January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis explores the nature of public participation as a central and most current subject in the field of urban planning. A first impression exposes a seemingly unanalyzed consensus on the values and benefits which public participation provides the process of urban planning. The city may be a concern to all its inhabitants; hence knowledge and opinions of the local public are of great importance for the urban development. But is there really something new to these assumptions, and are the advantages of increased public participation in urban planning always obvious?   By using action research as a main method, I have put myself into the context of the Swedish municipality of Nacka and their projects dealing with the development of public participation. The research process combines my support in practice and documentation with the investigation of established theories, the public discussion on public participation, as well as the rise of the matter. By doing so this thesis assigns to the task of portraying the current state of public participation in urban planning in a Swedish context.  The case studies, performed in Nacka, reveal what the measures of a municipality consist of and on what goals these initiatives are based, while at the same time investigating whether action researching the local case could generate more general conclusions and guidelines for public participation. The research swiftly leads to a number of reoccurring advocating arguments. These are given ground for by either strengthening or making the planning process more efficient, or by putting emphasis on the democratic aspects of ascribing power and influence to the citizens. Nevertheless there is critique and skepticism as well, highlighted in arguments of inefficiency and incompatibility with representative democracy. Theories on, for instance, multiple publics and Arnstein’s ladder of participation are close at hand, when analyzing the friction between the views and their relevance in practice. Nevertheless, the ongoing debate and discussion turns out to handle the potential conflicts in a general and unproblematized way. One discusses why public participation is important, but rarely how and when. That in itself says quite a bit about the current views on the matter. At that point this action research turns out to generate a valuable discussion and vital posers concerning e.g. clarity and aims when involving citizens, the significance of both phase and level of participation, the role of physical/technical preconditions for dialogue, and the measures required to turn temporary projects into continuous processes and established routines.  The thesis indeed focuses on a specific municipality. However, by connecting a practical case to both ongoing discussions and more or less well known theoretical concepts, it hopefully offers increased apprehension and widening perspectives to planners, regardless of their location.

"Vi är ju en del av det hela liksom, vi tror att vi kan ställa oss på sidan om, men vi kan inte det." : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om anordnares upplevelse av att arbeta med lantbruksbaserade insatser / "We’re part of a whole, you know. We think we can be apart from it, but we can’t." : A qualitative interview study of green caregivers' experience of working with care farming

Nyquist, Sophia January 2021 (has links)
Agriculture-based interventions fall under the umbrella of nature-based interventions, meaning social and care interventions such as rehabilitation, habilitation and daily activities in conjunction with animals and/or nature. The purpose of the study was to examine Grön Arena-organizers' experiences working in green care based on the questions of "what makes one choose to work in green care?" and "which factors encourage and inhibit organizer motivation in their work with green care?". During march of 2021, eight semistructured interviews were performed on the subject. The transcribed material was then analyzed with thematic analysis. A total of three themes were identified: Humanitarian action, Resistance and obstacles with the two sub-themes (Negative attitudes and experiences as well as Economics and politics), and Conviction in method. The results of the study shows the presence of both significant motivational and demotivational factors that affect the drive and motivation of the organizers. A need for the organizers to help and work with other people became clear, as did a desire to be closer to nature and animals. Furthermore, a deep-seated belief in the healing bond between humans and nature was a central and recurring motivational theme. On the other hand is a sense of external resistance springing from a lack of public knowledge about green care initiatives, as well as assumptions surrounding organizers' motives in opening green care facilities, coupled with difficulties of economic sustainability and reliability. The study shows that there is room for further research into the nature of these initiatives, as well as significant potential for these types of interventions to complement a traditional care model going forward. / Lantbruksbaserade insatser går in under paraplybegreppet naturbaserade insatser som innebär att sociala och vårdande insatser som rehabilitering, habilitering, daglig verksamhet kombineras med djur och/eller natur. Studiens syfte var att utforska anordnare inom Grön Arenas upplevelse av att arbeta med grön omsorg utifrån frågeställningarna "varför arbetar man med grön omsorg? samt "vilka faktorer främjar och hämmar anordnares motivation i arbetet med grön omsorg?". Sammanlagt genomfördes åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer i mars 2021. Transkriberat material analyserades utifrån metoden tematisk analys. Totalt tre teman identifierades: Humanitärt intresse, Motkrafter och hinder med två underteman (Negativa attityder och erfarenheter, Ekonomi och politik) och Övertygelse om metod. Resultatet visar att det förekommer både motiverande och demotiverande faktorer som påverkar anordnares drivkraft och motivation. En stark vilja att arbeta med och för människor framträdde tillsammans med en önskan om närhet till djur och natur som positiva motivationsfaktorer. Vidare beskrevs en tilltro till det band som finns mellan människa och naturen och de fördelar som kommer med detta band. Demotiverande var det upplevda yttre motstånd som låg kring en liten kännedom om fenomenet grön omsorg, negativa uppfattningar kring anordnares motivation till att starta en grön omsorgsverksamhet och en viss svårighet kring stabilitet gällande grön omsorg som inkomstkälla. Studien visar att det finns utrymme för utökad forskning kring området och en stor framtidspotential för konceptet som komplement till sedvanlig vård.

The History and Development of Casa Mañana Musicals, 1958-1980

Jones, Jan Lynn 05 1900 (has links)
The investigation is a historical survey tracing the development of Casa Mañana Musicals, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, from its experimental beginning in 1958 as the first permanent musical arena theatre in the United States, through twenty-three subsequent seasons. The study includes a chapter on the origins of theatre and the influences behind its concept dating back to the 1936 Casa Mañana produced by Billy Rose. Subsequent chapters deal with the theatre's seasons and its struggle to gain acceptance. The theatre's more recent financial and labor problems are also considered. Major sources include such unpublished data as production and financial records of the theatre, contracts, correspondence, minutes of the board of directors, and interviews. Published sources include accounts in newspapers and periodicals.

20 años de alegría rebelde : implicancias de la cultura organizacional en la sostenibilidad de una organización de la sociedad civil. Una aproximación desde el caso de la Asociación Cultural Arena y Esteras. 2008-2012

Lay Guerra, Estefanía Jesús 09 April 2013 (has links)
La cultura organizacional, entendida como los valores y percepciones compartidas que definen la manera correcta de actuar dentro de una organización, es considerada en la actualidad un factor clave en la gestión de organizaciones. De este modo, los autores coinciden en que esta cultura se puede convertir en una ventaja competitiva y principal activo para mejorar el desempeño de la organización si es coherente y apoya los objetivos institucionales. En el caso específico de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, se puede afirmar que la cultura organizacional es un factor crítico de sostenibilidad, pues colabora con alinear a los miembros alrededor de un conjunto de valores sustentados en la solidaridad y promoción del desarrollo. En este marco, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo exponer de qué manera la cultura de una organización de la sociedad civil puede influir en su sostenibilidad. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio de caso basado en la Asociación Cultural Arena y Esteras, organización con 20 años de trayectoria. En primer lugar, se revisará la variedad de organizaciones de la sociedad civil existentes, con el objeto de identificar qué tipo de organización corresponde a Arena y Esteras, y qué dinámica institucional la caracteriza. A partir de ello, se identificará que esta experiencia corresponde a una categoría organizacional incluida dentro de las asociaciones culturales: la organización cultural comunitaria, la cual enfoca sus labores en la democratización del arte y la cultura, entendiéndolas como un derecho para el desarrollo integral de las personas y sus entornos. Dicho conocimiento resulta relevante para este estudio, pues las características y tipo de actividad desarrollada por una organización influyen en los valores que se gestan dentro de su cultura. ix Posteriormente, se ahondará en la explicación sobre la sostenibilidad organizacional, dimensión de interés de esta investigación, la cual alude al desarrollo de un marco de trabajo que sirva de soporte para las actividades dirigidas a generar valor social. La sostenibilidad organizacional se compone de cuatro elementos claves: (a) la capacidad operacional de las organizaciones para generar valor social, (b) el nivel de profesionalización de la gestión, (c) el desarrollo organizacional, y (d) el enfoque intergeneracional (sucesión). El principal hallazgo en relación con la cultura organizacional radica en que la formación de la misma, en el caso de Arena y Esteras, ha sido influenciada por las prácticas de su entorno (Villa El Salvador); por las características de sus fundadores, tal como la identidad territorial ligada a Villa El Salvador; y por las particularidades de las organizaciones culturales comunitarias, tales como la priorización del equipo y sus relaciones dentro de la dinámica institucional. En consecuencia, se reconoce que los principales valores de la cultura de Arena y Esteras son el colectivismo, el cual resalta la importancia de la preocupación por el equipo; la territorialidad, la cual fomenta un entendimiento compartido sobre cómo el desarrollo individual está ligado y depende del fomento del desarrollo de su localidad; y el normativismo, el cual promueve el alineamiento de los integrantes hacia la promoción de un estilo de arte con enfoque para la transformación social. Con respecto a la influencia de la cultura de Arena y Esteras sobre su sostenibilidad organizacional, por un lado, los altos niveles de compromiso fomentados por ella han favorecido la permanencia de las personas en la asociación, lo cual contribuyó a asegurar el factor crítico de la capacidad operacional de la asociación: su equipo humano. En contraste, a pesar de que el equipo administrativo ha promovido acciones x para fortalecer la profesionalización de la gestión, los miembros de la asociación no han apoyado óptimamente dicho proceso, pues, dentro de ella, prevalece una cultura que prioriza el compromiso social y las acciones dirigidas hacia el cumplimiento de la misión en detrimento del apoyo y desarrollo de las actividades de gestión. Por otro lado, el estilo de relaciones basadas en la cooperación ha facilitado el intercambio de conocimiento entre los miembros, y la identidad forjada sobre la base de la promoción de un estilo de arte pedagógico ha contribuido a conservar la autonomía de la organización y su misión frente a influencias externas; sin embargo, en la actualidad, esto se ha convertido en un obstáculo para aprovechar de mejor manera las oportunidades comerciales y de generación de ingresos. Por último, aún no se han llevado a cabo procesos de sucesión efectivos dentro de la asociación, pues Arena y Esteras ha sido manejada durante los 20 años de vida institucional por sus dos socios fundadores, aunque dicho fenómeno no guarda relación con la cultura de la organización. Estos elementos han configurado un escenario en el cual la asociación enfrenta un conjunto de retos que deberá trabajar en aras de fortalecer su sostenibilidad. El primero se refiere a la necesidad de equilibrar el compromiso social existente y la necesidad de incorporar criterios de gestión por resultados que le permitan mejorar el desempeño organizacional. Para ello, la incorporación de personal especializado en temas de gestión se convierte en una buena alternativa; sin embargo, esto requiere que la asociación aprenda a balancear las necesidades e intereses de sus miembros voluntarios, y las necesidades internas de profesionalización. Por último, la cultura organizacional construida a partir de la imagen y prácticas existentes en Villa El Salvador durante la década de 1990 (mayor factor de sostenibilidad durante los 20 años de la asociación) ha generado que Arena y Esteras encuentre como principal xi desafío la construcción de un sistema de valores que responda a un nuevo contexto marcado por el individualismo, pues la continuidad de esta experiencia radicará en poder seguir involucrando a nuevos jóvenes en la construcción de una sociedad más justa e inclusiva a través del arte. A partir de lo señalado, se propone que la asociación genere un espacio de reflexión sobre los cambios o acciones que desea implementar para fortalecer su sostenibilidad y analice cómo su cultura organizacional favorece o no el desarrollo de dichas medidas. Asimismo, una alternativa sugerida en relación con los procesos de profesionalización de la gestión es el establecimiento de alianzas estratégicas con universidades, las cuales le permitan acceder a los conocimientos especializados requeridos para fortalecer la organización. Finalmente, se recomienda incrementar aún más los mecanismos de participación y toma de decisión democrática con el objetivo de generar espacios de empoderamiento para nuevos jóvenes, y así facilitar los procesos de sucesión al interior de Arena y Esteras.

Att skapa funktionsintegrering i ett tidigare renodlat idrottsområde : En fallstudie av Gavlehov i Gävle / How to create a mixed use city in an area with predominantly sport arenas : A case study of Gavlehov in Gävle

Rasmusson, Fredrika January 2019 (has links)
Funktionsintegrering är ett planeringsideal som förespråkas i dagens stadsplanering. Funktionsintegreringen kom som en motreaktion till funktionalismens funktionsseparering. Viljan att blanda olika verksamheter och funktionsintegrera kommer från en vilja att skapa en hållbar stad med närhet och ett flöde av människor bland annat skapar trygghet. Trots detta finns det fördelar med funktionsseparering för exempelvis störande verksamheter. Idrottsverksamheter har specifika svårigheter som att de upptar stora ytor, skapar stora flöden av människor och har störande faktorer som buller. Därför analyserar denna uppsats möjligheten att planera för funktionsintegrering i ett tidigare renodlat idrottsområde genom en fallstudie av Gavlehov i Gävle. Gavlehov har sedan 1960-talet varit ett renodlat idrottsområde som sedan början av nollnolltalet har planerats för funktionsintegrering. Studien baseras på besök på platsen, en dokument- och textstudie, enkäter i området samt en intervju av stadsplanerare Petter Jonegård från Gävle kommuns stadsplaneringskontor. Resultatet tyder på att det finns möjligheter att integrera funktioner i ett tidigare renodlat idrottsområde men att det kräver kommunikation, planering och hänsyn till svårigheterna med idrottsverksamheter. Det kan trots möjligheterna att integrera nya funktioner vara svårt att få med sig tjänstemän, politiker och befolkningen. Det kan även ske mycket under tiden som området planeras och byggs som gör att området inte blir som det först var planerat samt det är svårt att skapa funktionsintegrering vid nybyggnation / Mixed use cities are an ideal within city planning today. Mixed used cities came as a counter- reaction to the separation of functions during the functionalist planning era. Mixed used cities are preferred today because of how it creates sustainability through closeness and security. There are however advantages with functionalism when it comes to disruptive or hindering functions. Sports activities have specific difficulties such as demanding large areas, creating large flows of people and have disruptive factors such as noise. Therefore, this essay will analyse the possibility of creating a mixed used city out of an area with former predominantly sports arenas through a case study of Gavlehov in Gävle. Gavlehov has been an area with predominantly sport arenas since the sixties but is being transformed into a mixed used city. The study is based on with an interview of city planner Petter Jonegård from the city planning office in Gävle municipality, questionnaire in the area and document and text studies. The results indicate that it is possible to integrate functions into an area with predominantly sport arenas, but it takes communication, planning and taking the difficulties with sport stadiums into consideration. Despite this it can be difficult to persuade planning officials, politicians and the public to integrate new functions. It can also happen things during planning and building the area that change the outcome of the area and it can be hard to create a mixed use city when building a new area

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