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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arterial blood gas: an experiment to study the effects of temperature and time delays on the outcome of a blood gas result

Baker, Lynette Margaret 31 January 2008 (has links)
An arterialblood gas analysis which is conducted in critical care areas contributes to the assessment of a patient's ventilatory status and acid -base balance. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of time delays and temperature on the result of a blood gas analysis. The objective was to either accept or refute the null hypothesis, that there is no relationship between temperature and time delays and an arterial blood gas result Fifteen subjects were randomly selected. The researcher drew three samples of arterial blood from each subject. Ethical principles were observed. An inferential non-parametric statistic was used. The chi-squared test was used to test the hypothesis and the Friedman and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were used to test the differences between the means. The results revealed that there was a relationship between time delays, temperature and the arterial blood gas result. The null hypothesis was rejected. / Health Stusies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Fizinio aktyvumo poveikis preeklampsijos pasireiškimui 20-35 nėštumo savaitėmis / The impact of physical activity on manifestation of preeclampsia in pregnant women within 20-35 week of pregnancy

Vaškevičiūtė, Rasa 10 May 2006 (has links)
Physical activity has versatile impact on female body and strengthens it in addition to improved physiological powers, more active performance of all systems and guaranteed normal course of pregnancy period. As a result, the cardiovascular condition is improved; placental circulation is more active, oxygen transopration and metabolism of the foetus is improved. The death-rate in pregnant women resulting from hypertension is the second after embolism. Preeclampsia is one of the hypertension-related failures, which affects 3 to 5 % of the pregnant women. The present research was targeted to women suffering from preeclampsia. The aim of the research was to investigate the impact of physical activity on manifestation of preeclampsia in pregnant women within 20-35 week of pregnancy. Tasks: 1. to assess arterial blood pressure (ABP) fluctuation of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 2. to assess body weight index fluctuation of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 3. to assess fluctuation of protein content in urine of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy; 4. to assess life quality (sleep, headache, sight, right underrib pains, physical and physiological fatigue) of both groups of women (physically passive and physically active within 20-35 weeks of pregnancy. Hypothesis. Physical activity in pregnant women... [to full text]

Fizinių pratimų poveikis vandenyje nėščiosios savijautai ir kai kuriems fiziologiniams rodikliams / The effect of physical exercises in the water to a pregnant woman and to some physiological indexes

Marčiukaitytė, Indrė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Nėštumas tai fiziologinė sveikos moters būsena. Fizinio aktyvumo stoka nėštumo metu įtakoja nėščiosios savijautą. Nėščiųjų, kurios neatlieka fizinių pratimų kūno masė būna didesnė, negu reguliariai dariusios mankštą nėštumo metu. Fiziškai neaktyvių nėščiųjų širdies susitraukimų dažnis (ŠSD) būna didesnis, nei sportuojančių moterų. Pagal PSO 25 % nėščiųjų skundžiasi nugaros skausmais, susijusius su atramos judamojo aparato pokyčiais nėštumo metu. Daug dėmesio skiriama nėščiųjų sveikatingumui, tačiau nepakankamai pabrėžiama kineziterapijos nauda nėščiosios savijautai, gimdymo eigai. Literatūroje yra nemažai duomenų apie fizinių pratimų teigiamą poveikį moters organizmui, tame tarpe ir nėščiųjų, tačiau kaip taikant fizinius pratimus vandenyje keičiasi nėščiosios riebalinės raukšlės, arterinis kraujo spaudimas ir širdies susitraukimų dažnis nėra žinoma Šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti fizinių pratimų vandenyje poveikį nėščiosios savijautai ir kai kuriems fiziologiniams rodikliams. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti buvo naudojami šie tyrimo metodai: 1. Anketinė apklausa; 2.Riebalinių raukšlių matavimas (kaliperiu); 3.Arterinio kraujospūdžio (mmHg) ir pulso matavimas; 4.Rufjė testas; 5. Matematinė statistika. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas Vilniaus Lietuvos vaikų jaunimo centre (LVJC). Ištirta 20 nėščiųjų, kurios lankė reguliariai užsiėmimus baseine du kartus savaitėje. Antroji grupė, kontrolinė, sudarė taip pat 20 nenėščių moterų, atsitiktinių, panašaus amžiaus, kaip ir nėščiosios. Abiems grupėms... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Pregnancy is a physiological appearance of a healthy woman. The lack of physical activities affects the health of pregnant woman. Those women, who do not have any physical activities, have bigger body mass, than those, who exercise regularly. Physically inactive pregnant women have bigger heart systole rate (HSR), than active once. According to PSAO 25 % of pregnant woman complain about back pains, related to changes of abutment during the period of pregnancy. A lot of attention is spared to the health of pregnant women. Unfortunately, the importance of kinezitherapy to pregnant women health is not enough emphasize. There is a lot of information in the literature about the positive effect of physical exercise to women’s´ body, including pregnant once. But, when using kinezitherapy in the water the relative body fat – body muscle mass is changing and the heart systole rate (HSR) are unknown. The importance of this research is to evaluate the effect of physical exercises in the water to a pregnant woman and some physiological indexes. The methods of this research are: 1. Questionnaires; 2. Measurement of oil wrinkles; 3. Measurement of Arterial blood pressure (mmHg) and measurement of pulse; 4.Rufje test; 5. Mathematical statistics. The research was done in Vilnius Lithuanian children and junior centre. There were examined 20 pregnant women (analyzed group) who took part in water activities 2 times a week. In the second group, (control group) there were 20 not pregnant women... [to full text]

Relaksacijos taikymas arterinio kraujo spaudimo reguliavimui sergančiųjų išemine širdies liga stacionarinės reabilitacijos etape / Relaxation application in blood pressure regulation for Ischemic Heart Disease in-patients at their rehabilitation period

Intaitė, Gintarė 28 August 2008 (has links)
Darbo problema – vis dar lieka neaiškus PRR efektyvumas ir jos sąsajos su amžiumi, lytimi, išsilavinimu, IŠL forma, subjektyvia savijauta, subjektyviu sveikatos vertinimu bei organizmo raumenų įtampa, sergantiems IŠL. Todėl šio tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti progresuojančios raumenų relaksacijos taikymo efektyvumą AKS reguliavimui, atsižvelgiant į lytį, amžių, ligos formą, subjektyvų sveikatos vertinimą, išsilavinimą, raumenų įtampą ir subjektyvią savijautos įtampą, sergantiems IŠL, stacionarinės reabilitacijos etape. Tyrime buvo pakviesti dalyvauti 204 Abromiškių reabilitacinės ligoninės, kardiologinio skyriaus pacientai, tačiau į 1 užsiėmimą atėjo 53 (48,18 %) vyrai ir 40 (42,55 %) moterų, į 2 – 20 (18,18 %) vyrų ir 14 (14,89 %) moterų, į 3 – 15 (13,63 %) vyrų ir 12 (12,76 %) moterų ir į 4 – 12 (10,9 %) vyrų ir 8 (8,51 %) moterys. Tiriamieji dalyvavo 4 vienos valandos užsiėmimuose, kurie vyko 4 kartus per savaitę. Siekiant įvertinti PRR efektyvumą AKS mažinimui ir efektyvumo sąsajas su prieš tai išvardintais faktoriais, tiriamiesiems buvo pateikiamos anketos, vedami relaksaciniai užsiėmimai. Kiekvieno užsiėmimo pradžioje ir pabaigoje buvo matuojamas AKS ir duodamas užpildyti manekenas (raumenų įtampai įvertinti) bei subjektyvios savijautos skalė. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad po relaksacijos AKS statistiškai reikšmingi sumažėjimai buvo tik vyrų tarpe, taip pat tarp jaunesnių pacientų, žmonėms sergantiems lengvesne IŠL forma, pacientams su aukštuoju išsilavinimu ir blogesniu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It is still unclear if effectiveness of PMR is related with age, gender, education, IHD form, subjective health status, subjective tension and muscle tension for ischemic heart disease patients. So the aim of this survey is to analize how effectiveness of progressive muscle relaxation in blood pressure regulation is related with these factors for ischemic heart disease in-patients at their rehabilitation period. 204 patients from Abromiškės rehabilitation hospital, cardiac department were invited to participate in relaxation groups, but in the first group participated only 53 (48,18%) men and 40 (42,55%) women, in the second - 20 (18,18%) men and 14 (14,89%) women, in the third - 15 (13,63%) men and 12 (12,76%) women and in fourth - 12 (10,9%) men and 8 (8,51%) women. Participants attended in four hourly relaxation groups which were four times per week. With the purpose to evaluate PMR effectiveness for blood pressure regulation and its’ relation with factors, participants were given questionnaires also relaxation groups were provided. At the beginning and at the end of each session blood pressure was measured also muscle tension was evaluated with the given model and 10 score scale was given for subjective feeling evaluation. The results of this study showed that the statistically significant reductions of blood pressure were only for men also for younger patients and patients with higher education, for patients with easier IHD form and for patients with worse... [to full text]

Arterial blood gas: an experiment to study the effects of temperature and time delays on the outcome of a blood gas result

Baker, Lynette Margaret 31 January 2008 (has links)
An arterialblood gas analysis which is conducted in critical care areas contributes to the assessment of a patient's ventilatory status and acid -base balance. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship of time delays and temperature on the result of a blood gas analysis. The objective was to either accept or refute the null hypothesis, that there is no relationship between temperature and time delays and an arterial blood gas result Fifteen subjects were randomly selected. The researcher drew three samples of arterial blood from each subject. Ethical principles were observed. An inferential non-parametric statistic was used. The chi-squared test was used to test the hypothesis and the Friedman and the Wilcoxon signed ranks test were used to test the differences between the means. The results revealed that there was a relationship between time delays, temperature and the arterial blood gas result. The null hypothesis was rejected. / Health Stusies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Akutní vliv "Head Down Tiltu" na krevní tlak a srdeční frekvenci / Acute effect of head down tilt on blood pressure and haert rate

Tolar, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Whereas the effects of a long-term activity of head-down tilt (HDT) in the angle between 3ř and 12ř were examined in details in cosmic medicine as the model of a state of weightlessness, literature concerning effect of HDT on cardiovascular control in the angle over 30ř is scarce. The aim of the thesis is to examine acute reaction of systolic, diastolic, mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate during three minutes of 30ř, 50ř and 70ř HDT, realized on a tilt (inversion) table with fixed legs. For the combination of HDT and head-up tilt (HUT), the following protocol was chosen: 5 minutes lying in a horizontal position (HOR), 3 minutes of 70ř HUT, 3 minutes of 30ř HDT, 3 minutes of HOR, 3 minutes of 50ř HDT, 3 minutes HOR, 3 minutes of 70ř HDT, 3 minutes HOR and 3 minutes of 70ř HUT. A non-invasive continuous Peňáz method, using Finapres Ohmeda, was used to monitor beat-by-beat blood pressure and heart rate. Blood pressure was also measured by sphygmomanometer each minute for calibration. In the angle of 30ř HDT, there was a significant decline of heart frequency (p < 0,01). During the 50ř HDT, there was a significant rise of systolic blood pressure in the third minute, of diastolic and mean arterial pressure each minute and the heart rate dropped significantly (all p < 0.05). In the 70ř HDT,...

Accuracy Validation of Pulse Oximeters used at Hospitals : A Cross-Sectional Study performed in Stockholm / Validering av noggrannheten hos pulsoximetrar som används på sjukhus : En tvärsnittsstudie utförd i Stockholm

Andersson, Klara, Busch Paulsson, Esther January 2017 (has links)
This thesis had the purpose to look into the accuracy of the pulse oximeter, the experienced as well as the actual. A pulse oximeter utilizes optics to non-invasively estimate the oxygen saturation (SO2) in the blood with an indirect value (SpO2). The accuracy of the pulse oximeter and its two belonging sensors (ear and finger) was compared against the method that is considered to give the most reliable value of this parameter, i.e. arterial blood gas test (SaO2). The experienced accuracy was evaluated with the help of a questionnaire. The target group was healthcare professionals at four main hospitals in Stockholm, and further three departments were chosen at each hospital; lung, cardiology, and emergency department. Additional data was collected with help of measurements performed on patients, where readings from pulse oximeters were compared against arterial blood gas tests. Data was collected from two measurement sites on the body, the ear and the finger. Differences between SpO2 and SaO2 as well as differences between ear and finger for the same pulse oximeter were investigated. The result from the two methods indicated that the healthcare professionals were aware of existing deviations between SpO2 and SaO2, and some also had strategies to deal with them. The trend of the collected data was analyzed to draw a conclusion of the most accurate pulse oximeter according to the tests. There was not enough data collected to make any statistical conclusion, but according to the data none of the pulse oximeters fulfilled the set requirement. Differences existed when SpO2 was compared against SaO2, and also when SpO2 from the ear and finger for the same pulse oximeter were compared against each other. According to the data, one pulse oximeter was concluded to be more accurate than the others. Suggestions for future work can be to collect a bigger amount of data to be able to draw a statistical conclusion, and eventually focus on interviews to look deeper into the healthcare professionals’ strategies and workflow. / Den här uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka pulsoximeterns mätnoggrannhet, så väl den upplevda som den faktiska. En pulsoximeter utnyttjar optik för att icke-invasivt uppskatta syremättnaden (SO2) i blodet med ett indirekt värde (SpO2). Mätnoggrannheten hos pulsoximetern och dess två sensorer (öra och finger) jämfördes med den metod som anses ge det mest korrekta värdet av denna parameter, dvs. analys av arteriellt blodgastest (SaO2). Den upplevda mätnoggrannheten studerades med hjälp av enkät. Målgruppen var sjukvårdspersonal anställda på fyra stora sjukhus i Stockholm, och vidare valdes tre avdelningar; lungvårds-, hjärtintensivvårds- och akutvårdsavdelningen. Vidare samlades data in genom utförda mätningar på patienter, värden erhållna med hjälp av pulsoximetrar jämfördes med blodgastester. Data samlades in från två mätställen, öra och finger, för respektive pulsoximeter. Skillnader mellan SpO2 och SaO2 samt skillnader mellan öra och finger för samma pulsoximeter undersöktes. Resultatet av de två metoderna visade att sjukvårdspersonalen är väl medvetna om att skillnader existerar mellan SpO2 och SaO2, och även att många hade strategier för att hantera dessa. Trenden hos data som samlades in med hjälp av testerna utnyttjades för att kunna dra en slutsats angående mätnoggrannheten i relation till blodgastester. För lite data samlades in för att kunna dra någon statistisk slutsats, men data pekade på att ingen av de testade pulsoximetrarna uppfyllde den av författarna fastställda accepterade skillnaden. Skillnader visade sig existera vid jämförelse mellan SpO2 och SaO2, och även när SpO2 från örat och finger för samma pulsoximeter jämfördes mot varandra. Enligt data var en av de testade pulsoximeterna mer noggrann än de andra. Förslag på framtida arbete kan vara att samla in mer data för att ta fram ett statistiskt resultat, samt eventuellt komplettera datainsamlingen med intervjuer för att vidare undersöka strategier och arbetssätt hos sjukvårdspersonalen.

Sergančių išemine širdies liga asmenų emocijų ir arterinio kraujo spaudimo kitimai taikant ekspresyvaus rašymo metodą psichosocialinės reabilitacijos metu / The changes of emotions and arterial blood pressure in the patients of ischemic heart disease applying the method of expressive writing during psychosocial rehabilitation

Černiauskaitė, Rūta 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti sergančių išemine širdies liga asmenų emocijų ir arterinio kraujo spaudimo kitimus taikant ekspresyvaus rašymo metodą psichosocialinės reabilitacijos metu. Tyrime dalyvavo 164 kardiologiniame skyriuje besigydantys pacientai. Keturių užsiėmimų kursą baigė 126 pacientai: 58 vyrai ir 68 moterys. Tiriamieji dalyvavo keturiuose 30 minučių trukmės užsiėmimuose. Užsiėmimai vyko keturias dienas iš eilės. Buvo siekiama įvertinti ekspresyvaus rašymo metodo veiksmingumą pacientų emocinės būsenos ir arterinio kraujo spaudimo kitimams. Buvo sudarytos trys tyrimo dalyvių grupės: a) ekspresyvaus rašymo grupė, kurios dalyviai rašė savo išgyvenimus susijusius su liga; b) neutralaus rašymo grupė, kurios dalyviai rašė apie kasdienę veiklą; c) lyginamoji grupė. Kiekvieno užsiėmimo pradžioje ir pabaigoje buvo matuojamas kraujo spaudimas. Pirmojo ir paskutiniojo užsiėmimų metu tiriamųjų buvo prašoma įvertinti savo emocinę būseną. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad ekspresyvaus rašymo grupės dalyvių neigiamų emocijų pokytis buvo didesnis lyginant su neutralaus ir lyginamąja grupėmis. Ekspresyvaus rašymo grupėje „linksmumo“ pokyčiai didesni lyginant su lyginamąja grupe. Kitos teigiamos emocijos nesiskyrė tarp trijų tyrimo dalyvių grupių. Ekspresyvaus rašymo grupėje sistolinio AKS pokyčiai nėra didesni lyginant su neutralaus rašymo grupe, bet didesni lyginant su lyginamąja grupe. Diastolinio AKS pokyčiai nesiskyrė tarp trijų tyrimo dalyvių grupių. AKS mažėjimą nepaaiškina... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of research – to determine the changes of emotions and arterial blood pressure of the patients with ischemic heart disease by applying the method of expressive writing during psychosocial rehabilitation. 164 patients of cardiology department participated in the survey. 126 patients ( 58 men and 68 women) completed the course of four session. The patients attended four 30 min meetings four days in a row. The goal was to evaluate the efficiency of expressive writing for the changes of emotions and arterial blood pressure. The patients were divided into three groups: a) a group of expressive writing, the participants of which wrote their experiences related to the disease b) neutral writing group, where the participants wrote about everyday activities; c) control group. At the beginning and at the end of each meeting their blood pressure was measured. The participants had to evaluate their emotional state during the first and the last meetings. The survey results showed that the change of negative emotions was higher in the participants of expressive writing than in the groups of neutral or control. The changes of „happiness“ were higher in expressive writing group than in control group. Other positive emotions did not differentiate among the groups. The changes of systolic blood pressure in expressive writing group were not higher than in the neutral group, but higher in comparison with control group. The changes of diastolic blood pressure did not differ among the... [to full text]

A influência da frequência respiratória sobre os gases sanguíneos arteriais no pós-operatório imediato de laparotomia exploradora por trauma abdominal / INFLUENCE OF THE RESPIRATORY FREQUENCY ON THE ARTERIAL GASES SANGUINEOUS IN POSTOPERATIVE THE IMMEDIATE ONE OF EXPLORING LAPAROTOMIA FOR ABDOMINAL TRAUMA

Matos, Carlos José Oliveira de 24 April 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The incidence of post-operative pulmonary complications is large, in consequence of the manipulation of abdominal cavity with changes on pulmonary volumes and capacities, resulting in atelectasis and hypoxemy. Alteration of breath pattern in association with postoperative pain can interfere in gaseous exchanges with larger repercussions in the presence of risk factors. Respiratory rate and arterial blood gases have an important role on the assessment of lung function, specifically on pulmonary ventilation and gaseous exchanges, monitoring carbonic gas arterial pressure and oxygen arterial pressure. The objectives of this research were: analyze the influence of respiratory rate on arterial blood gases at immediate postoperative of exploratory laparotomy for trauma, observe arterial gases concentrations, respiratory rate and oxygenation index in the first three post-operative days. Moreover, analyze if there is a correlation between respiratory rate on arterial gases, and carbonic gas arterial pressure on oxygen arterial pressure in the first three post-operative days. It was a non-experimental cohort study of analytic and descriptive character from April to September 2005 at Governador João Alves Filho Hospital, in Aracaju, during the first three postoperative days. 55 patients of both gender with ages between 18 to 62 were assessed, submitted to exploratory laparotomy for trauma in urgent character. As criteria for inclusion, there were urgency surgical procedures, with xipho-pubic incision, general anesthesia with time larger or equal to 120 minutes, where the respiratory rate and arterial blood collected were measured according to American Association for Respiratory Care guidelines to assess arterial blood gases partial pressures. After collecting the blood the PaCO2 and PaO2 values were achieved and calculated the oxygenation index through PaO2/FiO2 formula. The data were analyzed by SPSS 10.0 software through median, and standard deviation, ANOVA test to analyze the variation between the average median, Tukey test to analyze the difference between significant median and simple linear correlation to observe the behavior of tendencies among the variables, all in significance level of 95% or p<0,05. the study was approved by Ethics Committees of Human Search of Federal University of Sergipe. The outcomes showed median for respiratory rate from 27,49 ±5,31 bpm (24 h), 25,35 ± 5,32 bpm (48 h), 24,15 ± 3,94 bpm (72 h). For PaCO2 median of 32,84 ± 4,49 mmHg (24 h), 33,65 ± 3,36 mmHg (48 h), 34,04 ± 3,73 mmHg (72 h). For PaO2 median of 85,29 ± 18,30 mmHg (24 h), 87,53 ± 17,56 mmHg (48 h), 89,31 ± 16,57 mmHg (72 h). The analysis of median in the first three post-operative days by ANOVA presented statistic significance only for respiratory rate (p<0,05), while for PaCO2 and PaO2 presented p>0,05. Comparing the variables, it was observed correlation between RR x PaCO2 regular in 24 h (r= - 0,42604), weak in 48 and 72 h (r= - 0,23857 and -0,02807), between RR x PaO2 weak correlations at 24, 48 and 72 h (r= 0,02339, 0,02305 and -0,0505). This was, our survey concludes that RR presented a significant variance at the three post-operative days and a significant correlation of RR and PaCO2 / A incidência de complicação pulmonar pós-operatória é grande, decorrente da manipulação da cavidade abdominal com modificação dos volumes e capacidades pulmonares e resultando em hipoxemia e atelectasia. Alteração do padrão respiratório juntamente com a dor no pósoperatório podem interferir nas trocas gasosas com maiores repercussões na presença de fatores de risco. A freqüência respiratória e a gasometria arterial têm papel importante na avaliação da função pulmonar, especificamente na ventilação pulmonar e nas trocas gasosas, monitorando a pressão arterial de gás carbônico e a pressão arterial de oxigênio. Foram objetivos da pesquisa: analisar a influência da freqüência respiratória sobre os gases sanguíneos arteriais no pós-operatório imediato de laparotomia exploradora por trauma, observar as concentrações dos gases arteriais, a freqüência respiratória e o índice de oxigenação nos três primeiros dias de pós-operatório, avaliar se existe correlação da freqüência respiratória sobe os gases arteriais e da pressão arterial de gás carbônico sobre a pressão arterial de oxigênio nos três primeiros dias de pós-operatório. Esta foi uma pesquisa de campo com delineamento não-experimental do tipo coorte transversal e de caráter analítico e descritivo realizada no período de abril a setembro de 2005 no Hospital Governador João Alves Filho, na cidade de Aracaju, durante os três primeiros dias de pós-operatório. Foram avaliados 55 pacientes com idade de 18 a 62 anos de ambos os sexos, submetidos a laparotomia exploradora por trauma abdominal em caráter de urgência. Foram utilizados critérios para inclusão o procedimento cirúrgico de urgência, com incisão xifo-púbica, anestesia geral com tempo maior ou igual a 120 minutos, onde foi mensurado a freqüência respiratória e coletado sangue arterial segundo protocolo da American Association for Respiratory Care para análise das pressões parciais dos gases sanguíneos arteriais. Após a coleta de sangue foram obtidos os valores de PaCO2 e PaO2 e calculado o índice de oxigenação através da fórmula PaO2/FiO2. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo software SPSS 10.0 através de média e desvio-padrão, teste ANOVA para análise de variância entre as médias, teste Tukey para análise da diferença entre as médias significantes e a Correlação Linear Simples para observar os comportamentos de tendências entre as variáveis, todos utilizados para nível de significância de 95% ou p<0,05. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa em seres humanos da Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Os resultados apresentaram média para a frequência respiratória de 27,49 ± 5,31 irpm (24hs), 25,35 ± 5,32 irpm (48hs), 24,15 ± 3,94 irpm (72hs), para a PaCO2 médias de 32,84 ± 4,49 mmHg (24hs), 33,65 ± 3,36 mmHg (48hs), 34,04 ± 3,73 mmHg (72hs), para a PaO2 médias de 85,29 ± 18,30 mmHg (24hs), 87,53 ± 17,56 mmHg (48hs), 89,31 ± 16,57 (72hs). A análise das médias nos três primeiros dias pelo ANOVA apresentou significância estatística apenas para a frequência respiratória (p<0,05), enquanto para a PaCO2 e PaO2 apresentaram p>0,05. Comparando-se as variáveis observamos correlação entre a FR x PaCO2 regular nas 24hs (r = -0,42604), fraca nas 48 e 72 hs (r = -0,23857 e 0,02807), entre a FR x PaO2 fraca nas 24 hs (r = -0,28128) e regular nas 48 (r= -0,32166) e fraco nas 72 hs (r= 0,28597), entre PaCO2 x PaO2 correlações fracas nas 24,48 e 72hs (r = 0, 023339, 0,2305 e 0,0505). Concluímos em nossa pesquisa que a FR apresentou variação significativa nos três dias de pós-operatório e uma correlação significativa da FR e PaCO2 no 1º dia de pós-operatório e da FR e PaO2 nos três primeiros dias de pós-operatório.

Modeling Of Transport Phenomena In Arteries

Golatkar, Poorva 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Atherosclerosis is an arterial disease that occurs due to the build-up of lipids, cholesterol and other substances in the arterial wall, collectively called plaque, leading to narrowing of the vessel lumen and, in time, disruption to the blood supply. The study of flow through atherosclerotic vessels is especially important since plaques not only cause a reduction in the vessel lumen but can rupture from the arterial wall, causing a blood clot in the vessel that may ultimately lead to heart attack or a stroke. Elevated level of oxidated low density lipoprotein (LDL) is a known risk factor associated with the genesis of atherosclerosis in arterial walls. Previous studies reported in literature have explored the transport of LDL through the arterial wall using analytical and mathematical models. In this work, we have presented a computational framework for the study of LDL transport in the lumen and the porous arterial wall. We have employed a four-layer arterial wall model and used governing equations to model the transport of LDL. We have used physiological parameters for the wall layers from literature and have validated the model based on the calculated filtration velocities and LDL concentration profiles in the arterial wall. We have further used this established model to study the effect of change in permeability and pressure on the LDL concentration. We have also studied the effect of pulsatile flow on the transport of LDL through the porous walls to examine the validity of the initial assumption of steady state and have seen that pulsation increases the time averaged net flux of LDL species by about 20%. We have next modeled a drug-eluting stent (DES), which is one of the popular remedies to cure atherosclerosis. The validation of DES model is followed by a combined study to analyze the effect of stent placement on LDL transport. Although there is no chemical reaction between the drug and LDL, we have noticed recirculation zones near the stent strut which result in accumulation of LDL molecules in the arterial wall. Future studies are aimed at incorporating variable porosity and permeability and a stenosed region in the geometry. The deformation of arterial wall due to pulsatile blood flow may lead to alteration of wall properties, which can give a realistic view of macromolecular transport.

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