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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-Assessment-Center im Vergleich: Voraussetzungen und Kosten für die Einrichtung verschiedener E-Assessment-Center im Vergleich

Schulz, Alexander 23 June 2017 (has links)
Der vorliegende Artikel nähert sich der Frage, welche Bedingungen Hochschulen erfüllen müssen, um E-Assessments anbieten zu können. Er bietet Hinweise darauf, welche technischen und bauplanerischen Bedingungen erfüllt sein sollten, um diese nach dem gegenwärtigen Stand nachhaltig rechtssicher durchführen zu können. Dabei werden drei Typen für E-Assessment-Center gegenübergestellt: das genuine E-Assessment-Center, E-Assessment-Center in PC-Pools, temporäre E-Assessment-Center (als stationäre und mobile Center). Welches Raumszenario sich für die jeweilige Hochschule eignet, muss fallweise entschieden werden.:1. Einleitung 4 2. Grundlagen 5 2.1. Begriffliche Eingrenzung 5 2.2. Rechtlicher Rahmen 6 2.2.1. Prüfungsrecht 6 2.2.2. Datenschutzrecht 7 2.2.3. Versammlungsstättenverordnung 7 2.3. Bauplanerische und raumtechnische Voraussetzungen 8 2.3.1. Einbruch und Diebstahlsicherung 8 2.3.2. Klimatisierung und Belüftung 8 2.3.3. Verdunklung und Beleuchtung 9 2.3.4. Akustik und Schallschutz 9 2.3.5. Netzwerkanbindung und Stromversorgung 9 2.3.6. Inklusion von behinderten Prüfungsteilnehmenden 10 2.3.7. Anordnung der Prüfungsplätze und Verhinderung von Betrug 11 2.3.8. Ein-, Aus- und Notausgänge 12 2.3.9. Administrative Bereiche 12 2.3.10. Warte- und Anmeldebereiche für Teilnehmende 12 2.3.11. Garderobenbereiche 12 2.3.12. Sanitäre Einrichtungen 13 2.4. IT- und medientechnische Bedingungen 13 2.4.1. Server 13 2.4.2. Prüfungs-Clients 15 2.4.3. Prüfungssoftwarelösung 15 2.4.4. Anlagensteuerung der Prüfungs-Clients 18 3. Raumszenarien für E-Assessments 19 3.1. Genuines E-Assessment-Center 19 3.1.1. Beschreibung 19 3.1.2. Umsetzbare Prüfungstypen 19 3.1.3. Vorteile 20 3.1.4. Nachteile 20 3.1.5. Umsetzungsbeispiele 20 3.1.6. Grobschätzung initialer Investitionskosten und Folgeinvestitionen 20 3.1.7. Dauerhafte personelle Ressourcen 20 3.2. E-Assessment in PC-Pools 21 3.2.1. Beschreibung 21 3.2.2. Umsetzbare Prüfungstypen 21 3.2.3. Vorteile 21 3.2.4. Nachteile 22 3.2.5. Umsetzungsbeispiele 22 3.2.6. Grobschätzung initialer Investitionskosten und Folgeinvestitionen 22 3.3. Temporäres E-Assessment-Center 23 3.3.1. Beschreibung 23 3.3.2. Umsetzbare Prüfungstypen 24 3.3.3. Vorteile 24 3.3.4. Nachteile 24 3.3.5. Umsetzungsbeispiele 25 3.3.6. Grobschätzung der Investitionskosten 25 3.3.7. Dauerhafte personelle Ressourcen 26 4. Zusammenfassung und Bewertung 27 4.1. rechtliche Grundlagen 27 4.2. bauplanerische und raumtechnische Voraussetzungen 28 4.3. IT- und medientechnische Bedingungen 29 4.4. Raumszenarien für E-Assessments 30 4.5. Fazit 32 5. Literaturverzeichnis 32

Assessment centrum - skupinové úlohy / Assessment Center - Group Exercises

Mikesková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The subject of my final thesis is the assessment centre as a method being used in practice of personnel psychology. The theoretical part is aimed at basic methods of assessment centre, it contains the definitions and instructions which limit and edit the assessment centre as regards its content and implementation aspects. It describes the processes of assessment centre creation and choice of its partial methods (dialogue, test methods, model situation etc). In more detail it deals with character of assessment centre partial methods and possibilities of their diagnostic outputs application. In particular chapter special attention is given to model situations and group exercises questions. At the same time it describes the assessment centre social-psychological aspects and its cultural and intercultural extent. The empirical part contains the description and analysis of particular existing assessment centre, from which a suggestion for its optimalization arises. Key words assessment center group exercises simulations

Assessment Center-Skupinové úlohy / Assessment Center-Group tasks

Beer, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problem of group tasks in assessment centers. The theoretical part provides an overview to the basic characteristics of the method of assessment center, describes the process of designing and realization, and discusses in detail the issue of simulation exercises and group tasks. The empirical part focuses on relations among activity of participants during group tasks, their personal characteristics and experience with the method of assessment center. Key words: assessment center group tasks simulation excercise

Applying A Framework of Interpersonal Adaptability for Assessment

Oliver, Tom Charles 20 December 2012 (has links)
In many of today’s work setting, workers are required to spend a considerable part of their day engaged in social interactions and managing social relationships with customers (Schneider, 1994), and with teams (Kozlowski & Ilgen, 2006). Furthermore, increases in globalization (Javidan, Dorfman, de Luque, & House, 2006), boundaryless organizational structures (Macy & Izumi, 1993), and workplace diversity (Mahoney, 2005) have increased the ambiguity and complexity of workplace interpersonal interactions. As a result, in today’s workplace there is a great need for employees to be interpersonally adaptable (Klein, DeRouin, & Salas, 2006). Though many assessment practices and measures intended to assess individual effectiveness in social situations exist, many of these measures and practices do not assess the situationally-specific and goal-oriented aspects of interpersonal adaptability. There were two primary purposes for the dissertation. First, this dissertation introduces a framework of interpersonal adaptability. In doing so, this framework was meant to highlight three opportunities to improve the assessment of interpersonal adaptability. Specifically, in order to conduct construct-valid ratings of interpersonal adaptability there is a need to design more contextualized assessments, improve the match between construct and method, and incorporate dynamic aspects. The second key purpose was to apply some of these opportunities to current assessment practices. Two empirical studies were included in this dissertation. For the first empirical study, role play assessment exercises were revised to account for context created by role players’ portrayed disposition. It was found that the portrayed disposition of the role player accounted for a significant amount of the between-exercise variance in participants’ demonstrated interpersonal behaviors and performance. For the second empirical paper, a validation study was conducted with measures from a multi-mini interview (MMI), which is a multi-stationed interview used to assess non-cognitive skills of applicants to health professional schools. An analysis of the MMI measures’ convergent and discriminant validity suggested that it continues to be unclear whether MMI measures assess participants’ interpersonal behaviors or interpersonal processing. Implications for future research and practice are discussed. / My dissertation is comprised of three separate, but conceptually related, manuscripts. The first manuscript is a conceptual paper that draws upon sections of my introduction from my proposal. It is targeted to be included as a chapter in an upcoming book. The second and third manuscripts are empirical studies that draw upon some of the findings from my dissertation research. A general discussion was also prepared in order to highlight the key conceptual, empirical, and practical implications from my dissertation research.

A study of the perceived accuracy of the Indiana Assessment Center in rating potential building administrators' skills in 12 specified areas

Thompson, Terry J. January 1988 (has links)
The primary purpose of the study was to determine the perceived accuracy of the Indiana Assessment Center (IAC) process in rating potential administrators' skills in 12 specified areas as judged by IAC participants and their employing officials. Referent groups in the study included:1. IAC participants2. Employing officials of IAC participants 3. IAC assessorsA 22-item questionnaire containing the 12 specified skill areas was used to gather perceptions from the three educational referent groups.Findings1. Seventy-eight percent of the participants and 86% of the employing officials who read the IAC final report agreed that they would recommend friends and colleagues aspiring to be principals to participate in the IAC.2. Seventy-five percent of the participants and 71% of the employing officials who wrote a narrative response to the evaluative statement ("I would recommend to my friends and colleagues who aspire to be principals to participate in the IAC. Why or why not?") agreed that participation in the IAC was a positive professional experience.3. Participants with administrative experience attained higher scores than participants with instructional experience.4. The mean ratings of assessors were higher for females than males in the skill areas of judgment, leadership, range of interest, personal motivation, educational values, oral communication, and written communication.ConclusionsThe IAC was perceived by a majority of the participants and their employing officials as an accurate method of rating potential building administrators' skills in 12 specified areas. The participants' gender, experience, and position influenced participants' ratings in the 12 skill areas. / Department of Educational Administration and Supervision

Přijímací řízení v odvětví ICT / Admissions in the ICT sector

Macková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issues of job interviews for ICT positions and related aspects of this matter. It includes the set of procedures that serve as an assistant for a graduate who will apply for a job in this field. The main objective of this thesis is to determine the process and requirements for admission for the positions in ICT companies in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part focuses on the individual components of the process that leads to employment. The curriculum vitae, cover letter, preparation for a job interview, the interview itself, assessment center and internet portals that are used for finding work or employees are also included. The practical part is mainly devoted to the questionnaire which I sent to companies in our country. Its evaluation is illustrated with graphs and tables. I consulted the results with human resources specialist, who gave me more detailed information on the individual issues. The thesis is concluded in chapter which summarizes the requirements for IT roles and positions. The benefit of this work is summarized overview that can help graduates to find some job. This is a set of requirements, which may be required for interviews in Czech companies.

Psychodiagnostika v personální psychologii - výběrové řízení na pozici řídícího letového provozu. (Analýza úspěšnosti uchazeče ve výcviku na základě výsledků vybraných testů). / Psychodiagnostics in personnel psychology - Selection process for a position of Air traffic controller. (Analysis of success of candidate in training based on results of selected tests).

Šustíková, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The first purpose of this study was to map the field of psychodiagnostic methods in the selection process for the position of Air traffic controller in selected countries in Central Europe. The second one was to see how differs the results of FEAST and psychological testing among different groups of candidates in relation to their success in training. This is a quantitative research. The method used in collecting data was the analysis of results of selected tests for individual candidates. The research was realized at 93 candidates who successfully completed the selection procedure for the position of the Air traffic controller at ŘLP Čr from 2005 - 2009. The data were analyzed using SPSS statistical program. In the vast majority of performance or personality tests did any statistically significant difference was not found between the group of successful and unsuccessful candidates in training. A statistically significant difference was detected in the scale "Noticed matches" in the FEAST test battery, where unsuccessful candidates scored above. Another one was discovered in the test CAQ in factor Q1: Radicalism, where successful candidates achieved lower scores than the unsuccessful. We believe that candidates who manage the selection procedure are so good that it is not possible their further...


Yilmaz, Ali 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the examinees&rsquo / perceptions about an online assessment tool and an online assessment center. In this study, a computer literacy exam (Bilisim Seviye Tespit Sinavi, BSTS) was delivered in purposively designed environment, an online assessment center, at CEC, METU (Continuing Education Center, Middle East Technical University). The data were collected from 117 participants through the &ldquo / User evaluation questionnaire&rdquo / , in depth interviews with 43 examinees and 7 experts. 7 participants and the experts were interviewed individually while the rest 36 participants were interviewed in 6 focus groups (composed of 6 examinees). Descriptive statistics, frequency distributions and comments of participants and experts were used to express the results of the study. The results showed that the examinees perceived the online assessment tool and the online assessment center suitable for delivering online assessments. However, both participants and experts reported that a few changes could be done to the interface of online assessment tool. They also suggested that the computer literacy assessments be more authentic.

La part de l’irrationnel dans les processus de sélection des futurs dirigeants des grandes entreprises françaises / The irrational side of executive selection processes in large French corporates

Jumelle-Paulet, Delphine 17 December 2018 (has links)
La part de l’irrationnel dans les processus de sélection des futurs dirigeants des grandes entreprises françaises. Cette thèse explore la part d’irrationalité intervenant dans les processus de sélection des futurs dirigeants français. Examinant les profils des dirigeants français du début du 21ème siècle, elle souligne la persistance d’une doxa cartésienne, c’est-à-dire la croyance en l’autorité de la conscience et de la raison dans la détection, la sélection ou la génération d’élites et plus particulièrement de dirigeants dans les organisations, réalisant en particulier un biais de sélection sociale précoce pour l’accès à la direction des grandes entreprises. Combinant les apports des théories de l’agence, des échelons supérieurs, et de la rationalité limitée, ce travail construit une vision intégrative des enjeux et paramètres de la sélection des futurs dirigeants à plusieurs niveaux (individus, systèmes, réseaux, organisation, culture), et analyse comment des processus rationnels peuvent être modifiés par des formes d’irrationalité, des premiers moments de détection et de fabrique des talents à celle, à la fois plus symbolique et signifiante, de la dirigeance. Le cadre conceptuel du leader transcendant permet de représenter une vision intégrative du leadership, et d’explorer les « nouvelles » qualités que les processus de sélection devront identifier, illustrant l’inadéquation des processus traditionnels aux enjeux des entreprises modernes. Ce travail met en lumière la nécessité de réévaluer les pratiques de la sélection des dirigeants au travers d’une rationalité procédurale plus en adéquation avec la réalité opératoire, à la fois sur le plan de la rationalité sous-jacente (les valeurs et critères du leadership), de ses outils (les méthodes d’évaluation), et de son objet (une articulation intégrative et continue du développement et de la sélection assumant une part d’irrationnel). / The purpose of this research work is to investigate how irrationality plays a significant role in selecting top executives in French corporates. Upon an in-depth review of the making of top executives in France at the beginning of the 21st century, it appears that a Cartesian rationale still prevails, based on the sheer belief that conscience and reason must be the unique dimensions used in selecting, promoting, and thus, perpetuating elites, from the early school years to the appointment of the C-suite in large organisations. Three theories are central in this research work: the agency theory, the upper echelon theory, as well as the bounded rationality theory. Combining them in an integrative conceptual framework allows to understand how strong rational patterns might be affected by forms and mechanisms of irrationality all along the process of identifying and developing future leaders to the more significant moment when they are appointed. Ultimately, the outcome of this research work shows that the model of « transcendent leadership » seems more effective than others to address the challenges of identifying and selecting executives in modern organisations. This leads to examining how to build more robust systems of executive selection at three levels of progress: (a) underlying values and patterns of leadership, (b) assessment tools and processes and (c) conscious acceptance of irrationality as a significant part of talent and executive spotting and development.

El perfil acadèmic de sortida dels psicòlegs de les organitzacions i el perfil professional d'entrada del tècnic júnior en Recursos Humans des de la perspectiva de les competències

Chaves Lechuga, Antonio 22 January 2007 (has links)
Centrada en l'àmbit de la formació universitària de competències, aquesta tesi doctoral estudia el nivell de competències dels estudiants de l'últim curs de Psicologia de les Organitzacions de la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna, de la Universitat Ramon Llull. El focus de la investigació és doble: Per una banda, es comparen les competències dels subjectes al final de la seva carrera amb les competències del perfil d'una categoria professional concreta, la del tècnic en Recursos Humans, que ha estat definit i validat per experts en actiu d'aquesta àrea de activitat professional. I per altra banda, es valora el grau de desenvolupament de les competències d'un grup de subjectes que ha rebut una formació específica al llarg de tot el curs acadèmic 2003-2004 en un espai formatiu concret, el seminari d'aprenentatge cooperatiu en el format que és propi de la metodologia Blanquerna. Des d'aquesta perspectiva professional i educativa a la vegada, la recerca troba els seus fonaments teòrics en tres eixos que configuren el marc conceptual: les competències com a factor de qualitat incorporat a diversos models de gestió, el disseny dels curricula de formació universitària davant els reptes plantejats per l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior i les exigències competencials de l'àrea dels Recursos Humans, on els nou titulats de Psicologia de les Organitzacions solen trobar una primera via d'entrada a la professió. La metodologia del treball utilitza l'assessment center com a mètode integral d'avaluació de les competències, per tal d'obtenir també una aportació doble: els instruments que serviran als avaluadors externs per mesurar el nivell competencial del grup focal i del grup control tant al començament i com al final del curs i les activitats formatives adreçades a desenvolupar les competències del perfil estudiat. Mitjançant el tractament estadístic de les dades obtingudes en les diferents fases del procés és possible establir els nivells comparatius entre el perfil acadèmic de sortida i el perfil professional d'entrada, així com el grau de desenvolupament de les competències del grup focal que rep la formació basada en competències. D'acord amb les hipòtesis plantejades, els resultats confirmen que existeixen diferències significatives entre el perfil de formació i el perfil professional i que les accions formatives implementades al seminari són efectives per desenvolupar, també significativament, algunes de les competències que configuren el perfil. / Centrada en el ámbito de la formación universitaria de competencias, esta tesis doctoral estudia el nivel de competencias de los estudiantes del último curso de Psicología de las Organizaciones de la Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna, de la Universitat Ramon Llull. El focus de la investigación es doble: Por una parte, se comparan las competencias de los sujetos al final de su carrera con las competencias del perfil de una categoría profesional concreta, la del técnico en Recursos Humanos, que ha sido definido y validado por expertos en activo de esta área profesional. Y por otra parte, se valora el grado de desarrollo de las competencias de un grupo de sujetos que ha recibido una formación específica a lo largo de todo el curso académico 2003-2004 en un espacio formativo concreto, el seminario de aprendizaje cooperativo en el formato que es propio de la metodología Blanquerna. Des de esta perspectiva, profesional y educativa al mismo tiempo, la investigación encuentra sus fundamentos teóricos en tres ejes que configuran el marco conceptual: las competencia como factor de calidad incorporado a diversos modelos de gestión, el diseño de los curricula de formación universitaria ante los retos planteados por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y las exigencias competenciales del área de los Recursos Humanos, donde los recién titulados de Psicología de las Organizaciones suelen encontrar una primera vía de entrada en la profesión. La metodología de trabajo utiliza l'assessment center como método integral de evaluación de competencias, con el fin de obtener también una aportación doble: los instrumentos que servirán a los evaluadores externos para medir el nivel de competencias del grupo focal y del grupo control, tanto al inicio como al final del curso, y las actividades formativas dirigidas a desarrollar las competencias del perfil estudiado. Por su parte, el tratamiento estadístico de les datos obtenidos en las diferentes fases del proceso permite establecer los niveles comparativos entre el perfil académico de salida y el perfil profesional de entrada, así como el grado de desarrollo de las competencias del grupo focal que recibe la formación basada en competencias. En consonancia con las hipótesis planteadas, los resultados confirman que existen diferencias significativas entre el perfil de formación y el perfil profesional y que las acciones formativas implementadas en el seminario son eficaces para desarrollar significativamente algunas de las competencias que configuran el perfil. / Based on the academic competences training, this doctorate studies the competence level of the Work and Organizational Psychology students in the Ramon Llull Universiy (Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l´Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna). The investigation has a double focus: On the one hand, the competences of the individual at the end of his career are compared with the competences of a concrete professional category profile, that of the Human Resources technician, which has been defined and validated by experts in this professional field. At the other hand, we have evaluated the development level of a group of individuals who have received a specific training throughout the 2003-2004 academic course in a concrete training environment, the seminary, a methodologic format in Blanquerna cooperative learning. From this professional and educational view, the investigation finds his theoretical foundation in three points that configure the conceptual framework: the competences as a quality factor in many management models, the design of the university training curricula faced with the challenges that are posed by the European Space of High Education and the competence requirements in the Human Resources field, where the Work and Organizational Psychologists usually find their first job. The Assesment Center is used as an integral method for evaluating competences, with the goal of obtaining also a double contribution: the instruments that will serve to the external evaluators for measuring the competence level of the focal and control groups, both at the start and at the end of the mentioned course, and the training activities directed to develop the competences of the studied group. In turn, the statistic treatment of the data obtained in all the different phases of the process, allows us to establish the comparative levels between the the outcoming academic profile and the incoming professional profile, just as the development grade of the focal group that received the competence based training. In keeping with the suggested hypothesis, the results confirm that significant differences exist between the academic profile and the professional profile, and also that the training actions implemented in the seminary are useful to significantly develop some of the competences of the studied profile.

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