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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os gêneros Chaptalia, Mutisia e Trichocline (Asteraceae, Mutisieae) no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Pasini, Eduardo January 2012 (has links)
Resumo não disponível.

O gênero Pterocaulon Ell. (Asteraceae) no Rio Grande do Sul: aspectos taxônomicos, palinológicos e fitoquímicos

Lima, Luis Fernando Paiva January 2006 (has links)
Resumo não disponível

Estudo do mecanismo de ação da atividade acaricida de Calea serrata (Asteraceae) em Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus e da sua toxicidade em roedores

Ribeiro, Vera Lucia Sardá January 2012 (has links)
O extrato n-hexano de Calea serrata demonstrou atividade acaricida contra larvas de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus e R. sanguineus. A enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE), responsável por hidrolisar a acetilcolina nas sinapses colinérgicas, tem sido alvo de pesticidas e sua inibição pelos organofosforados levam à paralisia e morte de artrópodes. O uso intensivo de acaricidas / inseticidas tem provocado resistência em artrópodes, a qual pode estar relacionada com maior atividade de enzimas de detoxicação, como a glutationa-S-transferase (GST). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a atividade acaricida do componente isolado do extrato n-hexano, o precoceno II, e do óleo essencial de C. serrata, assim como, determinar a composição química do referido óleo. Com intuito de compreender o mecanismo de ação acaricida do extrato n-hexano de C. serrata, foi investigado o efeito deste extrato sobre a atividade in vitro da AChE em larvas de R. microplus e em estruturas cerebrais de ratos Wistar machos, bem como sobre a modulação da atividade da GST em larvas de R. microplus. O óleo essencial e o precoceno II, o composto isolado, mostraram atividade larvicida. O óleo essencial apresentou diferentes sesquiterpenos em sua constituição química, além de precoceno II. O extrato nhexano de C. serrata inibiu significativamente a atividade in vitro da AChE em larvas de R. microplus e em estruturas cerebrais de ratos. O extrato n-hexano de C. serrata inibiu significativamente a atividade in vitro da GST. Compostos do extrato n-hexano de C. serrata podem ser potenciais inibidores de AChE e de GST, os quais podem contribuir para a sua toxicidade para os carrapatos. Considerando que o aumento da atividade da GST poderia reduzir a eficiência de carrapaticidas, é possível supor que C. serrata possa ser usada como um adjuvante no controle de R. microplus. Os resultados obtidos também suportam a possibilidade de que a inibição da acetilcolinesterase seja um possível mecanismo de ação do extrato n-hexano de C. serrata. / It has been demonstrated that the n-hexane extract of Calea serrata had acaricidal activity against larvae of R. microplus and R. sanguineus. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme that hydrolyses acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses, is a target for pesticides and its inhibition by organophosphates leads to paralysis and death of arthropods. Extensive uses of acaricides/inseticides have induced resistance in arthropods, which can be related to higher activity of detoxification enzymes, such as glutathione-S-transferase (GST).The aims of the present study were to evaluate the acaricide activity of isolated constituent of n-hexane extract, the precocene II, and the essential oil of C.serrata, in addition to determine the chemical composition of essential oil. In order to understand the mechanism of the acaricidal action of C. serrata n-hexane extract, we investigated the effect of this extract on in vitro anticholinesterase activity of larvae from R. microplus and in brain structures of male Wistar rats, as well as, we investigated the effect of C. serrata on GST activity of larvae from R. microplus.The essential oil and the isolated compound, precocene II, showed larvicidal action. Several sesquiterpenes were detected in the essential oil of C. serrata. The n-hexane extract significantly inhibited in vitro acetylcholinesterase activity in R. microplus larvae and rat brain structures. The n-hexane extract of C. serrata inhibited significantly GST activity. Compounds of n-hexane extract from C. serrata may be potential inhibitors of AChE and GST, which may contribute to its tick toxicity. Considering that higher GST activities would reduce the efficiency of the pesticides, we can also suppose that C. serrata may be at least used as an adjuvant in tick control. The results support that inhibition of acetylcholinesterase is a possible mechanism of action of hexane extract at C. serrata.

Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana e antibiofilme de óleos essenciais de Heterothalamus sp. sobre Enterococcus faecalis / Evaluation of antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of Heterothalamus sp. essential oils against Enterococus faecalis

Negreiros, Mateus de Oliveira January 2014 (has links)
Óleos essenciais são produtos naturais produzidos no metabolismo secundário de certos vegetais, com propriedades, entre outras, de defesa contra agentes nocivos. No sul do Brasil, destacam-se duas espécies da família Asteraceae, Heterothalamus alienus e Heterothalamus psiadioides, cujas substâncias bioativas ainda são pouco estudadas quanto as suas propriedades. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a ação antimicrobiana desses óleos essenciais e a atividade antibiofilme do óleo essencial de H. psiadioides. Os óleos foram obtidos a partir da hidrodestilação das folhas e caracterizados por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada a espectrometria de massas. O espectro de ação foi avaliado contra bactérias e fungos. A concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) foi determinada para cocos Gram-positivos resistentes a agentes antimicrobianos, como Enterococcus faecalis resistente a vancomicina (ERV), e a ação antibiofilme foi avaliada tanto pela interferência dos componentes dos óleos sobre a aderência microbiana quanto por sua ação sobre biofilme estabelecido. Os óleos essenciais de Heterothalamus sp. são constituídos por compostos terpênicos, sendo o β-pineno o componente majoritário. Ambos foram eficazes contra as bactérias Gram-positivas e fungos avaliados, porém não inibiram as bactérias Gram-negativas. A CIM variou entre 4 – 16%, sendo que isolados ERV foram também inibidos. A ação do óleo essencial de H. psiadioides diminuiu a aderência microbiana e, em menor escala, causou disrupção do biofilme pré-formado; no entanto, não foi verificada completa inibição do biofilme. Os resultados fornecem informações importantes sobre de ação antimicrobiana desses óleos essenciais e indicam o uso potencial dessas espécies como medicinais. / Essential oils are natural substances produced on secondary metabolism of some plants, with properties, among others, of defense against harmful agents. In southern Brazil, Heterothalamus alienus and Heterothalamus psiadioides (Asteraceae) are recognized by bioactive substances that are still little studied by their properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of essential oils from Heterothalamus sp. and the antibiofilm action of H. psiadioides essential oils. The oils were obtained from the hydrodistillation of the leaves and characterized by gas chromatography coupled mass spectrometry. The spectrum of action was determinate against bacteria and fungi. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was evaluated for Gram-positive cocci with antimicrobial resistance, as vancomycin-resistent Enterococcus faecalis (VRE) and the antibiofim action was assessed both by interference of the components of the oils on microbial adherence and by its action on established biofilm. The essential oils consist in terpene compounds, and the β-pinene was the major component. The essential oils were effective against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi, but did not inhibit Gram-negative bacteria. The MIC range 4 to 16% and the VRE isolates were also inhibit. The action of essential oils reduced microbial adherence and disrupted de pre-formed biofilm. However, the biofilm was not completely inhibited. These findings provide important information about the antimicrobial activity of these essential oils and indicated the potential use of this species as medicinal.

Composição química e análise biológica de espécies do gênero baccharis / Chemical constituents and biological analyses of Baccharis species

Oliveira, Simone Quintana de January 2008 (has links)
O gênero Baccharis, Asteraceae, compreende mais de 500 espécies distribuídas exclusivamente no continente Americano. No Brasil estão descritas 120 espécies, sendo que, no Rio Grande do Sul, há relatos de setenta espécies distribuídas desde a região serrana até o litoral. Conhecidas popularmente como carquejas, muitas destas plantas são utilizadas na medicina popular, apesar da sinonímia popular comum e da difícil identificação botânica. Visando ampliar os estudos químicos e biológicos com espécies do gênero Baccharis este trabalho teve como objetivos prosseguir os estudos fitoquímicos de B. articulata, B. cylindrica B. spicata, B. trimera e B. usterii, visando a diferenciação química das mesmas através de cromatografia em camada delgada, avaliar a atividade antibacteriana de B. articulata, B. spicata, B. trimera e B. usterii, isolar e identificar os compostos presentes nas frações n-BuOH de B. articulata e B. usterii e, ampliar as investigações quanto à atividade antioxidante dessas espécies. Os resultados obtidos permitiram detectar diferenças qualitativas no perfil químico das amostras testadas através da cromatografia em camada delgada e propor metodologia para sua diferenciação química. A partir das frações n-BuOH de B. articulata e B. usterii foram isoladas sete substâncias codificadas como: Ba III (4’-O-β-D-glicopiranosil-3,5- dimetóxi-benzil-tetrahidro-2H-pirano-2-il-acetil-carbonato), Ba IV (4’-O-β-Dglicopiranosil- 3,5-di-metóxi-fenil-metanol), Ba V, Ba VI, BuF1 (ácido 4,5-O-[E]-dicafeoilquínico), BuF2 (7-hidróxi-5,4’-di-metóxi-flavona) e BuT1, respectivamente. As substâncias Ba V, Ba VI e BuT1 encontram-se em elucidação estrutural. Quanto à atividade antioxidante verificou-se que as frações n-BuOH de B.articulata e B. usterii apresentaram efeito antioxidante na concentração de 1,25 μg/mL e mantiveram este efeito no decorrer do ensaio TRAP. As substâncias isoladas a partir da fração n- BuOH de B. articulata não apresentam potencial antioxidante na mesma intensidade que a referida fração. No índice TAR, verificou-se a reatividade instantânea das frações n-BuOH destas espécies, bem como da substância BuF1. Quanto a capacidade protetora contra a peroxidação lipídica, as frações n-BuOH, as substâncias Ba III, Ba IV, Ba V, as sub-frações fenólica e terpênica (B. usterii) e a substância BuF1 foram eficientes em proteger as células da peroxidação. Quanto à atividade antibacteriana verificou-se que a fração n-BuOH de B. spicata (concentração 1 mg/mL) foi ativa frente a S. aureus, E. coli, E. faecalis e E. faecium (CBM 50 mg/mL). A fração n-BuOH de B. usterii na mesma concentração apresentou efeito contra S. aureus (CBM 25 mg/mL), E. faecalis e E. faecium (CBM 50 mg/mL). Os extratos brutos (1 mg/mL) de B. trimera e B. usterii foram ativos frente a S. aureus (CBM 12,5 mg/mL e 25 mg/mL, respectivamente).O extrato bruto e as frações de B. articulata não apresentaram atividade frente aos microrganismos testados. / The Baccharis genus, Asteraceae, is native to America, encompassing nearly 500 species of which approximately 120 are found in Brazil. Around 70 species were described in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Popularly known as “carquejas”, aerial parts of Baccharis species are used in traditional medicine in spite of the difficult botanical differentiation among them. In order to continue the phytochemical and biological studies about Baccharis species, the objectives of this thesis were to propose a chemical differentiation by thin-layer chromatography of B.articulata, B. cylindrica B. spicata, B. trimera and B. usterii, to evaluation the antibacterial activity of B. articulata, B. spicata, B. trimera and B. usterii, the isolation and identification of compounds from n-BuOH fractions of B. articulata and B. usterii and to evaluate their antioxidant activity. It was possible to propose a methodology to differentiate the Baccharis species studied herein by thin-layer chromatography. From n-BuOH fractions of B. articulata and B. usterii were isolated seven compounds: Ba III (4-O-β- D-glucopiranosyl-3,5-dimethoxibenzyl-tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl-acetyl-carbonate), Ba IV (4-O-β-D-glucopiranosyl-3,5-dimethoxyphenil-methanol), Ba V, Ba VI, BuF1 (4,5- O-[E]-dicaffeoylquinic acid), BuF2 (7-hydroxy-5,4’-dimethoxy-flavone) e BuT1. Structural elucidation of Ba V, Ba VI and BuT1 compounds are in course. Regarding the antioxidant activity, it was verified that the n-BuOH fractions from B.articulata and B. usterii showed antioxidant effect at concentration of 1.25 μg/mL, which was maintained during the analyzed period on TRAP experiment. The isolated compounds did not show the same antioxidant potential than the n-BuOH fractions. TAR index showed the instantaneous reactivity of the n-BuOH fractions of these species and BuF1 compound. Regarding the capacity of to protect the cells from lipid peroxidation, the n-BuOH fractions, Ba III, Ba IV, Ba V compounds, the phenolic and terpenic sub-fractions (B. usterii) and BuF1 compound were efficient to protect the cells from lipid peroxidation. In relation to antibacterial activity it was verified that the n-BuOH fraction of Baccharis spicata (1 mg/mL) was effective against S. aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus faecium (MBC 50 mg/mL). The n-BuOH fraction of Baccharis usterii (1 mg/mL) was effective against S. aureus (MBC 25 mg/mL), Enterococcus faecalis, and Enterococcus faecium (MBC 50 mg/ml). The crude extract of Baccharis trimera (1 mg/mL) showed activity against S. aureus (MBC 25 mg/mL and 12.5 mg/mL, respectively). Extract and fractions from B. articulata were not active against the microorganisms tested.

Comunidades de tripes (Insecta : Thysanoptera) em flores e ramos, com ênfase em Asteraceae no Parque Estadual de Itapuã, Viamão, RS

Cavalleri, Adriano January 2005 (has links)
A ordem Thysanoptera reúne cerca de 5.500 espécies descritas, das quais, mais de 2.000 estão registradas para a região Neotropical. Apesar da grande diversidade de tripes existente no Brasil - que engloba quase 10% das espécies do mundo inteiro - há uma lacuna no conhecimento dessa fauna em ambientes naturais e de sua biologia e ecologia. Os poucos estudos já realizados sugerem que a família Asteraceae apresenta uma tisanopterofauna mais rica que as demais e que flores e ramos são utilizados diferencialmente pelas espécies de tripes. Este estudo objetivou contribuir para o levantamento da tisanopterofauna nativa e averiguar a flora explorada por estes insetos, quanto à utilização de flores e ramos e sua ocorrência em Asteraceae e outras famílias. A área de estudo foi o Parque Estadual de Itapuã (PEI), Viamão (50º 50’- 51º 05’W e 30º 20’- 30º 27’ S), RS. Quatro saídas de campo foram realizadas de junho de 2003 a abril de 2004. Foram determinadas três trilhas de aproximadamente 500 m em diferentes tipos de vegetação. As trilhas estabelecidas foram a da praia da Pedreira (TP) (mata baixa e vegetação rupestre), a do morro do Araçá (TA) (vegetação rupestre, vassourais e mata baixa) e a do morro da Grota (TG) (vegetação rupestre, butiazais e vassourais). Cada uma destas foi dividida em quatro subáreas, de igual extensão. A cada saída foram sorteadas duas destas subáreas, nas quais foram amostrados aleatoriamente três indivíduos de Asteraceae e três de qualquer outra família. De cada indivíduo era retirado um ramo com flores (F) e um sem flores (R). Cada ramo escolhido constituiu uma unidade amostral (UA). Para o total de 279 UAs, foram coletados 1.695 indivíduos - 870 adultos (583 ♀ e 287 ♂) e 825 larvas - de 31 espécies de Thysanoptera, em 19 gêneros e três famílias. Os Terebrantia representaram mais de 90% dos adultos e 76% dos imaturos coletados e compreenderam a maioria das espécies (26). Dentre as famílias, a mais rica e abundante foi Thripidae, com 757 indivíduos e 23 espécies. Frankliniella (9 spp.), Heterothrips (3 spp.) e Neohydatothrips (3 spp.), foram os gêneros mais ricos. Frankliniella foi também o mais abundante, perfazendo cerca de 64% do total da amostra. Os tisanópteros mais comuns foram Frankliniella rodeos e Paraleucothrips minusculus Johansen, 1983, com 363 e 92 indivíduos coletados. Os Índices de Shannon-Wiener (H’) e de dominância de Simpson (D) estimados para a tisanopterofauna do PEI foram de 2,19 e 0,211, respectivamente. Foram coletados 690 adultos e 572 larvas de tripes em F, distribuídos em 29 espécies. Já em R foram capturados 180 adultos e 253 imaturos, sendo registradas 22 espécies. O Índice de Shannon-Wiener aponta uma maior diversidade em R (H’ = 2,33) do que em F (H’ = 2,01), pois a dominância foi notadamente maior em F (D = 0,255) do que em R (D = 0,133) devido a grande abundância de Frankliniella spp. nos mesmos. Em 46 das 61 espécies vegetais coletadas foi constatada a presença de tisanópteros. Entre as famílias de plantas com maior número de espécies associadas com tripes, destacam-se Asteraceae (22), Myrtaceae (4) e Rubiaceae (4). Das 31 espécies de tripes identificadas, 19 ocorrem em Asteraceae e quatro foram registradas exclusivamente nesta família. Observou-se diferenças marcantes nos valores de H’ e D entre a tisanopterofauna habitante de asteráceas (H’ = 1,68; D = 0,311) e aquela das demais famílias (H’ = 2,11; D = 0,178).

Alocação de recursos para crescimento versus defesa em espécies de Asteraceae

Oliveira Lemos, Alba 31 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:04:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo7057_1.pdf: 1156296 bytes, checksum: 988dfb32260b2c305601c4b0be1d6855 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Os nutrientes obtidos pelas plantas são incorporados em compostos necessários ao crescimento e desenvolvimento ou alocados para defesa química da planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de verificar se espécies de Asteraceae tem um compromisso entre o crescimento e defesa química em relação à disponibilidade de recursos (diferentes qualidades de luz e de disponibilidade de nutrientes). Foram analisadas variáveis de crescimento, produção de compostos fenólicos e determinado o teor de óleo das cipselas de três espécies: Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk., Bidens pilosa L. e Synedrella nodiflora Gaertn. A luz vermelha foi importante para o desenvolvimento vegetal, sendo negativa para Eclipta alba, que não conseguiu se desenvolver nessa qualidade de luz; e positiva para B. pilosa e S. nodiflora, que apresentaram maior desenvolvimento das plantas e uma maior produção de compostos fenólicos. As espécies E. alba e S. nodiflora não apresentaram um compromisso em crescimento versus defesa, apenas B. pilosa apresentou esse compromisso. As cipselas das espécies estudadas apresentaram baixos teores de óleo, 11,90%, 7,57%, 13,65%, 9,98% e 17,42%, em E. alba, nos morfotipos I e II de B. pilosa e de S. nodiflora, respectivamente. Os diferentes morfotipos de cipselas em B. pilosa e S. nodiflora apresentaram conteúdos de óleo diferentes entre si. Entretanto, o perfil dos ácidos graxos não apresentou diferenças entre os morfotipos

A taxonomic study of the genus Phymaspermum (Anthemideae, Asteraceae)

Ruiters, Ashton Kim 28 April 2015 (has links)
M.Sc. (Botany) / The subtribe Phymasperminae forms one of the six earliest diverging lineages within the tribe Anthemideae (Asteraceae/ Compositae). It comprises three genera, Eumorphia DC. (6 spp.), Gymnopentzia Benth. (1 sp.) and Phymaspermum Less. (ca. 19 spp.), all endemic to southern Africa. Generic and species delimitations and relationships within the subtribe are, however, uncertain. Anatomical, morphological and molecular characters are therefore explored in an attempt to resolve taxonomic delimitations and relationships within the subtribe. Two fruit characters, namely the presence of a papillose surface and more than 10 ribs are confirmed as synapomorphies for the subtribe. Phymaspermum is the largest and most complex genus within the subtribe and has been identified as one of the priority groups for taxonomic revision in South Africa. It is distinguished from the other two genera within Phymasperminae by the unique stalked myxogenic trichomes on the fruit surfaces. This character is shown to be a synapomorphy for Phymaspermum although subsequently lost in two species where it is replaced by resin canals in the fruit ribs. The species can be distinguished by a combination of habit, leaf, involucral and fruit characters. A taxonomic revision of Phymaspermum is presented, including comprehensive descriptions, a key to the species, nomenclature, typification, diagnostic characters with illustrations and maps with accurate geographical distribution data. Four new species are described, namely P. aphyllum, P. comptonii, P. oppositifolium and P. trifidum. Five previously recognised species, namely P. bolusii, P. montanum, P. equisetiodes, P. pubescens and P. villosum have been reduced to synonomy.

In vitro propagation and leaf ultrastructure of bush tea (Athrixia phylicoides) derived from nodal explants

Moller, Anelle 09 June 2009 (has links)
Athrixia phylicoides (bush tea) is one of many plants from the Asteraceae family used as a traditional herbal medicine. With very few cultivated plants, natural growing plants currently serve as the main resource for plant material. The plant is not yet commercialised and its medicinal value is known and used only by a few people. With the long term aim at commercial scale propagation, this study consists of three parts. Firstly we developed a protocol for in vitro propagation of A. phylicoides. Secondly, the ultrastructure and morphology of leaves were studied microscopically and thirdly, comparisons were made between in vitro and ex vitro grown plants. Nodal segments of greenhouse plants were used to establish cultures. Better growth and less wilting was recorded on explants surface sterilised with NaOCl compared to Ca(OCl)2 after establishment. The addition of growth regulators IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) to the culture medium did not seem to affect the growth response of explants during the multiplication phase. Hyperhydricity was a problem throughout our trials. The development of hyperhydricity symptoms seems to be related to seasonal changes in the stock plant material used to initiate cultures, rather than the composition of growth medium or growth room temperatures. The occurrences of hyperhydricity symptoms were inconsistent and unpredictable. A rooting medium with added BAP and decreased sucrose levels resulted in a higher rooting percentage compared to the control medium, free from BAP and with a higher sucrose concentration, which yielded no rooting. However, in another experiment, in vitro rooting occurred spontaneously after subdividing and transfer of microshoots to fresh control medium. The addition of GA3 to the establishment medium (but not to the subsequently used multiplication and rooting media) yielded a slightly higher percentage of rooting. However, cultures initially established on GA3 medium yielded fewer roots per explant and roots were shorter than those of explants established on hormone free medium. The medicinal properties of plants are often linked to the production of essential oils. We hypothesised that the medicinal value of A. phylicoides can be linked to the production of the aromatic essential oils released by leaves. A microscopic study of leaves provided some preliminary insight of the mechanisms involved in the production of medicinally active products. Electron- and light microscopic examination of leaves were used to identify and study structures that are apparently involved in the production and secretion of essential oils. Two types of trichomes were identifyed – nonglandular and glandular trichomes. These glandular trichomes are multicellular with a subcuticular storage space and are present only on the adaxial surface of leaves. In the case of medicinal plants, it is essential that the medicinal properties of the plant are not altered by the method of propagation. This was our motivation for comparing the morphology and ultrastructure of leaves of plants that were grown in their natural environment to that of plants grown in vitro. Leaf surfaces of in vitro grown plants were smaller and the number of glandular trichomes per surface area was less on in vitro grown plants. There were no noticeable changes in the morphology of glandular trichomes. / Dissertation (MSc(Agric))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Plant Production and Soil Science / unrestricted

Identification of anti-HIV compounds in Helichrysum species (Asteraceae) by means of NMR-based metabolomic guided fractionation

Heyman, Heino Martin January 2013 (has links)
The plant kingdom contributes significantly to the natural products that are used for the treatment of a large number of ailments and disease across the globe. Included in these species is the Helichrysum genus (Asteraceae), which comprises of more then 600 species across Africa of which 244 species are found in South Africa. Helichrysum species are used in many cases for the treatment of coughs, colds, fever, infection, headaches, menstrual pain and are also very popular for wound dressing due to their potential antibacterial properties. The most common Helichrysum species used in traditional medicine and for several medicinal purposes are H. cymosum, H. odoratissimum, H. petiolare and H. nudifolium. Previously published research has shown that several of the Helichrysum species do have antimicrobial activity with the most relevant to this study being the discovery of antiviral activity of H. aureonitens against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) as well as the reports of anti-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) activity of several Helichrysum species. With this knowledge, a more in-depth study was initiated to identify the possible active constituents in South African Helichrysum species against HIV. Due to the need to speed up drug discovery especially against epidemic diseases like HIV, this study investigated a new tool (nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) – based metabolomics) to speed up drug discovery form natural products especially when anti-viral constituents are investigated. odoratissimum, H. petiolare and H. nudifolium. Previously published research has shown that several of the Helichrysum species do have antimicrobial activity with the most relevant to this study being the discovery of antiviral activity of H. aureonitens against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) as well as the reports of anti-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) activity of several Helichrysum species. With this knowledge, a more in-depth study was initiated to identify the possible active constituents in South African Helichrysum species against HIV. Due to the need to speed up drug discovery especially against epidemic diseases like HIV, this study investigated a new tool (nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) – based metabolomics) to speed up drug discovery form natural products especially when anti-viral constituents are investigated. In this study very promising anti-HIV results were obtained from several aqueous extracts (1:1 methanol/water) using a full virus model i.e. Helichrysum populifolium (IC50 12 μg/ml), H. appendiculatum (IC50 17 μg/ml), H. cymosum ssp. clavum (IC50 19 μg/ml), H. oxyphyllum (IC50 19 μg/ml) and H. cymosum ssp. cymosum (IC50 21 μg/ml). With the use of NMR-based metabolomics and multivariate data analysis (MVA) the specific characteristic that differentiated the active extracts from the non-active extracts was identified by making use of Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures – Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA). This characteristic was then used as a “blue print” or “fingerprint” to guide the process of fractionation and purification. H. populifolium showed the highest anti-HIV activity and thus was selected as the candidate extract for further analysis. After a very quick and simple chromatographic fractionation process, seven fractions were compared against the activity profile by making use of their NMR profiles, which then visually indicated which of the fractions had the highest similarity. Fraction 6 had the most similar “fingerprint”. The compounds of this active fraction were then identified with the use of liquid chromatography – ion trap – time of flight (LC-IT-TOF) for quick identification. The analysis revealed the presence of five chlorogenic type compounds, 3,4-dicaffeoyl quinic acid (DCQA), 3,5-DCQA, 4,5-DCQA, 1,3,5- tricaffeoyl quinic acid (TCQA) and 5-malonyl-1,3,4-TCQA of which several are well known to have anti-HIV activity ranging from 0.85μM to 12μM. We were thus able to show with this study the possibility of using NMR-based metabolomics guided fractionation to guide the process of fractionation and identification from an active characteristic profile to the active constituents within the active H. populifolium extract. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Plant Science / unrestricted

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