Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attic"" "subject:"cttic""
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Polyfunkční dům v Šumperku. Stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / 4. The polyfunctional house in Šumperk. Construction Technology PreparationCahlík, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the construction and technological preparation of construction multifunctional building in Šumperk. The work includes a study of the implementation of all major phases of construction technology, building equipment, time and financial plan, design of the main building mechanisms, the timetable for the main building, technical regulations, inspection and test quality plan, schedule of occupational health and safety risks with the plan and selected structural details.
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Финансово-экономическое и коммерческое обоснование девелоперского проекта жилого комплекса на примере поселка Талица, г. Первоуральск : магистерская диссертация / Financial, economic and commercial justification of the development project of a residential complex on the example of the village of Talitsa, PervouralskШешенин, М. Д., Sheshenin, M. D. January 2022 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, библиографического списка, включающего 61 наименование, приложений. В работе рассмотрены теоретический основы девелопмента недвижимости, который включает основные понятия и термины девелопмента, историю реконструкции панельных домов, а также способы повышения комфорта придомовой территории. Разработана концепция девелоперского проекта, которая включает в себя: рейтинговые оценки инвестиционной привлекательности территории; анализ района расположения объекта; выводы по местоположению и характеристике участка; маркетинговый анализ проекта. Проведено финансово-экономическое обоснование девелоперского проекта жилого комплекса, где учтены возможности реализации в поселке Талица, г. Первоуральска, экономическая эффективность, в следствии чего дана оценка экономической эффективности проекта. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщенные результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list including 61 titles, appendices. The paper considers the theoretical foundations of real estate development, which includes the basic concepts and terms of development, the history of reconstruction of panel houses, as well as ways to improve the comfort of the adjacent territory. The concept of a development project has been developed, which includes: rating assessments of the investment attractiveness of the territory; analysis of the location of the object; conclusions on the location and characteristics of the site; marketing analysis of the project. The financial and economic justification of the development project of the residential complex, which takes into account the possibilities of implementation in the village of Talitsa, Pervouralsk, economic efficiency, as a result of which an assessment of the economic efficiency of the project is given. In conclusion, the main conclusions and generalized results of the study are formulated.
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Dynamiques et mutations d'une figure d'autorité : la réception de Solon aux Ve et IVe siècles avant J.C. / The reception of Solon in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.Psilakis, Catherine 13 June 2014 (has links)
Au VIe siècle avant J.-C., Solon a joué un rôle politique important à Athènes. Législateur, il a établi des lois. Législateur, mais aussi poète : des fragments poétiques qui vont du poème complet à un simple vers nous ont été transmis grâce à des auteurs postérieurs. Jusqu’à présent, les études sur Solon ont, pour la majeure partie, cherché à mieux cerner le législateur athénien d’une part, à comprendre la pensée postulée dans les poèmes d’autre part. Ces démarches visent toutes deux à enrichir notre connaissance lacunaire du VIe siècle avant J.-C. Le scepticisme appliqué aux sources de la tradition indirecte, qui nous apporte des informations sur Solon, a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives. Le projet que nous proposons s’inscrit dans cet héritage. Nous nous intéressons aux auteurs des Ve et IVe siècles avant J.-C. pour analyser, dans la lettre du texte, ce qu’ils disent de Solon et surtout, la manière dont ils le disent. Ainsi, il sera possible de saisir les dynamiques de transmission, de mutation et d’appropriation de cette figure d’autorité chez chacun des auteurs de notre corpus, car tirée à hue et à dia, la figure de Solon a servi des causes fort différentes. Puisque la tradition conditionne fortement les interprétations de la poésie solonienne et l’étude de son action politico-législative, il était nécessaire de revenir à la source même de toutes ces interprétations. Dès lors, il sera possible d’enrichir notre connaissance de l’histoire politique et intellectuelle de l’Athènes démocratique du IVe siècle, mieux comprendre le rapport qu’elle entretient avec son propre passé, mais aussi saisir comment se construit une argumentation politique et une idéologie propre à une société donnée à un moment précis de son histoire. / In the 6th century B.C., Solon played an important role in the city of Athens. As a lawgiver, he established laws for the Athenians. But he was also a poet : Solon's poetic fragments – entirely poems or a single verse – have been passed on later by authors. Up until now, scholars have tried, on the one hand to understand the reforms of the lawgiver and one the other hand to study his poems. Both of these approaches aim to improve our incomplet knowledge about the 6th century B.C. But the sources of the indirect tradition have been submit to skepticism. This allows new and fresh perspectives for Solonian studies. The scope of my PhD Thesis follows this skeptic approach : I will analyze most of the authors of the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., what they say and do about Solon. It will allow us to thus understand the dynamics of transmission, of mutation and of appropriation which occur to this authoritative figure in each text of the corpus. Because tradition heavily influences all the interpretations of Solonian poetry and reforms in the field of politic and legislation, it requires us to go back to the first sources of these various interpretations. I hope this study will help us increase our knowledge of the political and intellectual background of the Athenian Democracy of the 4th century B.C., and clarify which kind of connexion exists between the polis and its own past. Last but not least, this study contributes to understand how a political argumentation and a democratic ideology can be shaped by forensic discourses.
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Η σκηνική προσέγγιση και η κριτική πρόσληψη των παραστάσεων του Αριστοφάνη στο Εθνικό Θέατρο, μέσα από το παράδειγμα των Νεφελών: 1951 Σκηνοθεσία: Σ. Καραντινός, 1970 Α. Σολομός, 1984 Κ. Μπάκας, 1994 Κ. Δαμάτης, 2001 Γ. ΙορδανίδηςΚεχαγιάς, Άγγελος 30 May 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα μελέτη αποσκοπεί στη διερεύνηση της σκηνικής προσέγγισης της αριστοφανικής κωμωδίας στο Εθνικό Θέατρο, καθώς επίσης και της κριτικής της πρόσληψής, μέσα από το παράδειγμα των Νεφελών. Η σκηνοθεσία των Νεφελών σε κλειστό χώρο το 1951 από τον Σωκράτη Καραντινό, σηματοδότησε την έναρξη των παραστάσεων της αττικής κωμωδίας στο Εθνικό Θέατρο της Ελλάδας. Ο Καραντινός, ο οποίος βασίσθηκε σε ιστορικές και αρχαιολογικές πηγές, προσπάθησε να εφαρμόσει τον αρχαίο τρόπο σκηνικής παρουσίασης. Ωστόσο από τις αρχαιοπρεπείς Νεφέλες του, έλειπε τελείως το κωμικό και το διονυσιακό στοιχείο του αριστοφανικού πνεύματος. Παρά τις αντικρουόμενες κριτικές η παράσταση του Καραντινού έθεσε τις βάσεις για έναν σοβαρό προβληματισμό πάνω στη σκηνική παρουσίαση της αττικής κωμωδίας στο Εθνικό Θέατρο. Ο Αλέξης Σολομός (1970) προσπάθησε να «ζωντανέψει» τον Αριστοφάνη εφαρμόζοντας τις αρχές που διατύπωσε στην πραγματεία του: «Ο ζωντανός Αριστοφάνης». Σύμφωνα με τον Σολομό η αρχαία κωμωδία έχει συγγένειες με σύγχρονες μορφές κωμωδίας, όπως είναι τα διάφορα νούμερα της επιθεώρησης, του τσίρκου, του μιούζικ χολ. Υιοθετώντας αυτές τις σκηνικές φόρμες κατάφερε να κάνει τον Αριστοφάνη προσιτό στο ευρύ κοινό, ιδιαίτερα στο φεστιβάλ της Επιδαύρου και των Αθηνών. O Κώστας Μπάκας με την έλευσή του στο Εθνικό Θέατρο, κόμισε εκεί την αριστοφανική σκηνική προσέγγιση του δασκάλου του Κάρολου Κουν, ο οποίος κινήθηκε στο πλαίσιο της «ελληνικότητας» και του «ελληνικού λαϊκού εξπρεσιονισμού». Τόσο ο Κοραής Δαμάτης, (1994) όσο και ο Γιάννης Ιορδανίδης (2001), παρόλο που χρησιμοποίησαν στοιχεία από τις δύο ερμηνευτικές σχολές (ηθοποιούς που εκπαιδεύτηκαν στο Θέατρο Τέχνης, τη θεαματικότητα του Σολομού με τους πολυπληθείς χορούς, τους αναγνωρισμένους συνθέτες και τους δημοφιλείς ηθοποιούς) προσπάθησαν να διαφοροποιηθούν από αυτές, χρησιμοποιώντας κάποια νεωτερικά στοιχεία που αφορούσαν κυρίως στη μουσική, τα σκηνικά, τα κοστούμια και τη μουσική. Πρέπει να σημειωθεί ότι ο Ιορδανίδης στις Νεφέλες του, εφάρμοσε την πρακτική της «νεοελληνικής αναλογίας», την αντικατάσταση δηλαδή των αγνώστων προσώπων, πραγμάτων, γεγονότων κλπ. της αριστοφανικής κωμωδίας, από ανάλογα γνωστά της σύγχρονης νεοελληνικής ζωής, ιστορίας, τέχνης, παράδοσης κλπ. / This study aims to explore the staging approach to Aristophanic comedy at the National Theatre, as well as its critical reception, through the example of The Clouds. The 1951 indoor direction of The Clouds by Sokrates Karantinos marked the outset of the performances of Attic comedy at the Greek National Theater. Karantinos, based on historical and archaeological sources, tried to apply the ancient way of staging. However, his archaic Clouds lacked completely the comic and the Dionysiac element of the Aristophanic spirit. Despite its controversial reviews, Karantinos’ performance laid the foundation for a serious questioning over the staging of Attic comedy at the National Theater. Alexis Solomos (1970) tried to “revive” Aristophanes applying the principles he put forward in his treatise: “The living Aristophanes.” According to Solomos the ancient comedy has affinities with modern forms of comedy such as the various numbers of the revue, the circus and the music hall. Adopting these stage forms he managed to make Aristophanes accessible to the general public, especially at the Epidaurus and Athens Festivals. Kostas Bakas with his advent at The National Theater in 1984, he brought there the Aristophanic stage approach of his teacher Karolos Koun, who moved into the frame of “Hellenism” and “Greek Folk Expressionism.” Both, Korais Damates (1994) and Yannis Iordanides (2001) although they used some elements of the two interpretative schools of Attic comedy (actors trained at the Art Theatre, the pageantry of Solomos with the numerous choruses, acknowledged composers and popular protagonists ) they tried to differentiate from them, using various innovative elements concerning mainly the sets, the costumes and the music. It should be noted that Iordanides in his Clouds applied the practice of the “Modern Greek analogy” which is the replacing of the unknown persons, things, facts etc. of the ancient comedy by analogous known ones from the Modern Greek life, history, art, tradition etc.
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Zdravotní středisko / Health CenterHlídková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with a draft of a health centre building in Chlumec nad Cidlinou. The centre is situated on a corner building site with barrier-free access near the city centre. The building is designed with simple functional lines ground on foundation strips with flat green roof. The perimeter walls, internal load-bearing and shear walls are from vertically perforated T&G block bricks. Internal non-load-bearing prefab walls are coated with plasterboard. Ceiling constructions and an attic are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. The building envelope is insulated with mineral wool. Most of the perimeter walls are coated with breathable facade made of lacquered galvanized lamellas and minor part of walls is compositely insulated and plastered with a scratched facade plaster. The health centre building is notionally divided into two masses with a three-storey west part and two-storey east part of the building. Both parts are mutually connected by vertical communication space with elevator looped by counter clockwise three-flight staircase. Ambulant health care will be provided in total 9 consulting rooms, 3 ambulant care offices and private clinic with 3 consulting rooms. Independent business of the commercial area and café provide the additional function. The master´s thesis also includes assessments in terms of fire risk, energy saving and heat protection, acoustics and vibrations, lighting and sunlight.
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Horský penzion s restaurací / Mountain guesthouse with a restaurantStloukal, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The project is handled by complete documentation , brand new detached house with mountain restaurants at the level of documentation for construction . The building is designed in the village Olšany district. Šumperk on plot No. 261/1 , 261/5 , 261/9 and 261 of / 12. Built up area is 1465 square meters , of which the construction of the house itself has a 445.2 square meters . The basement and ground floor is used for restaurants, restaurant facilities and staff , reception and social facilities for guests . The second floor and the attic is designed to accommodate guests. The pension has a capacity of 20 people , of which there are six double rooms and two suites on the top floor , each for four people. The operation of the pension are a total of four employees. The restaurant , with a capacity of 102 people , the total number of employees 8 . The building is designed as two rectangles perpendicular to each other forming the letter T. The building is based on the footings of plain concrete foundation slab drag over the basics with reinforcing karisítí . Walling system from Heluz , partitions from the system Knauf, reinforced concrete ceilings . Outdoor perimeter walls is insulated with polystyrene foam . The roof is gabled and three graduated height of the ridge , where the highest elevation is the main part +11.370 m , roof pitch of 35 °. The building is connected to the local road and the available utilities. Proposal for hotel and restaurant is processed in accordance with applicable standards and regulations for the country.
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Horský penzion s restaurací / Mountain guesthouse with a restaurantJulínek, Dan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with newly built detached house of a mountain boarding house with a restaurants. The building is designed in the town of Loučná above Desna River in the Šumperk district, on plot No. 134 /21, 134/22 , 134/23 on the cadastral territory Kociánov . The built-up area of the site is 383 m2 . The mountain guest house has two floors, partial basement, and an attic. In the first ground floor, there is an entrance with a reception area, a restaurant with an entrance to the summer garden, guest toilet, kitchen, food and beverage storage rooms, changing rooms, and toilets combined with showers for employees. In the second floor, the guest rooms with private bathrooms, bed linen storage room, and the manager’s office are designed. In the basement, there is a utility room , workshop, ski and shoe depot rooms , a utility room , a storage for non- perishable food, and a garage. The building is based on the foundation walls of concrete C20/25, perimeter load-bearing walls in the basement are of BTB fittings, and other vertical supporting as well as the non-bearing structures are from Porotherm construction system. Ceilings are made of pre-bound concrete panels Goldback . The staircase is made of prefabricated stair parts. The roof is gabled with a construction of hambalek system at an inclination of 40 ° with a metal covering Lindab.
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Horský hotel / Mountain hotelKyceltová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this work is the building design, brand new mountain hotel with wellness services in Spindleruv Mlyn. The plot is located in a quiet part of town, near a wooded area and form a river Labe.V designed hotel is located three floors above ground level of the building is solved attic space. Roofed by a wooden roof false hip roof. Ground unsophisticated form a geometric shape, which layout is divided into sections. On the ground floor wellness facilities, a portion of the input dopňkovými with hotel services, floor is done mainly for accommodation, as well as the attic. Hotel is equipped with a slightly sloping plot in the construction of houses and other hotels. All living spaces are naturally ventilated and illuminated. The supporting structure consists Liapor system. The appearance of the hotel is in line with the surroundings.
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Energeticky efektivní řadový rodinný dům / Energy efficient terraced houseKrál, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is a design of a new energy efficient terraced house in the gap site. Building has two dwelling unit of category 4+kitchenette and 6+ kitchenette. Building has a cellar, two floors and an attic. The cellar structures and horizontal structures are made of reinforced concrete. Sand-lime bricks are used for masonry. The building is covered with gabled roof with timber roof truss. In this building there are used rainwater and renewable energy in a form of electrical energy made by photovoltaic panels.
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Úřad práce Brno - město, stavebně technologická příprava stavby. / The Labour Office of Brno-city, civil technological project.Surý, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Construction Technology project deals with the new building of the Labour Office in Brno. It is the administrative building of six floors above ground and one basement floor. The building has the shape of a trapezoid. Vertical and horizontal structures are designed of reinforced concrete substructure is designed of waterproof concrete system called white tub. The project includes a technical report on the construction technology of the project, coordinating the construction situation, time and financial plan for the objects, the study of the main technological stages, the project site equipment, design of the main building machines, the schedule of the main building structure, schedule, resourcing, technical regulations for selected activities inspection and test plans for selected activities and comparing two roof building.
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