Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attic"" "subject:"cttic""
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Penzion se zázemím / Pension with technical baseBencúr, Matej January 2013 (has links)
It is a pension with technical base in the urban district of Zilina - Závodie located on flat land beside the river Rajčianka. The building is designed as a free-standing L-shaped The building has three floors above ground and attic. The object is not basement. The buildings will utilities connections. The building is covered with a gable roof ridge at two levels. The first storey level is the main entrance to the public and a separate entrance for staff and supplies plus two side entrances serving as escape routes. The level of the first floor is also a separate entrance to the boiler room, engine room, electrical. The building will serve to accommodate 54 guests dining in the restaurant with dispensing up to 100 meals a day and smaller shares.
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Bytový dům v Albrechticích / Apartment house, AlbrechticeLednický, Oldřich January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on the design of an apartment building and on the preparation of its project documentation. The house is located on a plot number 2162/122 in the cadastral area Město Albrechtice (693,391) on the P. Novák Street. House has a rectangularly shaped ground plan with the dimensions 28.34 x 13.84 m. It is a three storey building with two aboveground floors and an attic. On the first floor there is a vestibule, an elevator, a staircase, a bike room, one three-room apartment (with a built-in kitchen) and two two-room apartments (with a built-in kitchen). The second floor offers a staircase, an elevator, two three-room apartments and one two-room apartment (with a built-in kitchen). The attic consists of a staircase, an elevator, a utility room, a drying room and two four-room apartments (with a built-in kitchen). The foundations of the house are from concrete strips. Vertical and horizontal structure consist of the cement-chips shuttering system (Velox). The roof of the house is gabled with a slope of 8° and 11° plotted gang-nail trusses.
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Madwoman on the Screen: Streaming Forms of Feminine PowerSchreiber, Kassandra I. 13 December 2022 (has links)
This paper explores how the formal aspects of streaming platforms create a female inheritance that helps foster multiple representations of femininity and womanhood which empowers women. Building off of Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar's Madwoman in the Attic, the paper argues that because streaming platforms produce original content, are a space for multiplicity and interconnection, and act as a type of archive, they can build a female inheritance. The combination of these attributes offer a widespread emergence of multiple stories that valorize women and what is socially coded as feminine, creating a creative network that improves the representation of women as well as their opportunity to work in the visual media industry. Three case studies are explored in connection to these ideas including Amazon Prime's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and the Netflix original series, Followers, and The OA.
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The influence of atticism on the textual transmission of I John with particular reference to the Alexandrian text type / Phillippus Rudolph de LangeDe Lange, Phillippus Rudolph January 2014 (has links)
The main research focus of this study was to determine more clearly to what extent Atticism
influenced textual variants that are considered to belong to the Alexandrian text type.
Since the time of Westcott and Hort, the Alexandrian text type has been regarded as a manuscript
tradition which is representative of relatively high stylistic Greek. This assumption seems likely,
especially given the fact that Alexandria and the areas which gave rise to the manuscripts
comprising the Alexandrian text type were cultural centres of learning as well as of a newlyfound
Hellenistic awareness within the Roman Empire. One of the movements stemming from
this newfound awareness was Atticism, which was, amongst other things, an artificial literary
movement which strove towards emulating the classical Attic literary dialect.
However, in the last few decades the question of the alleged presence of Atticist influence in the
manuscripts of the Greek New Testament has received its share of conflicting scholarly
treatment among textual critics, especially since the 1963 publication of G.D. Kilpatrick s
influential article, Atticism and the text of the Greek New Testament . On the one hand, there
is common assent that Atticism exerted a profound influence on all Greek prose of the first
century. On the other hand, some difference of opinion exists as to whether Atticism actually
influenced the composition of the New Testament text in any significant way. The influence on
the transmission of the New Testament texts is another question that still needs a fuller treatment
in order to proceed from mere scholarly opinion to a more established empirical degree of
The current study is an investigation into the nature of Atticism and its relationship with the
classical Attic dialect. The results of this investigation were then used as basis for an evaluation
of the alleged Atticisms in the Alexandrian witnesses, taking the witnesses to the text of I John as
sample. In the process, thoroughgoing eclecticism as text-critical method is evaluated, and an
adapted reasoned eclectic method proposed with which to conduct the investigation of the
variants in I John.
The results have shown that in the textual tradition of I John, inconsistencies of correction and
scribal usage occur frequently within the Alexandrian text type and that the correction was
predominantly not towards Attic, but rather displayed a tendency towards Hellenistic-Koine
usage. In summary, the investigation demonstrates that the uniformity of the Alexandrian text type as a
whole, if not completely suspect, should at least be judged very critically when it comes to
matters of characteristic features which have for decades been accepted as true, such as the
Alexandrian text type s reputation as one displaying stylistically polished Greek.
The investigation of I John has shed valuable light on the methodological
presupposition that categories of text types are fixed above all doubt, and that they display
general typical characteristics. This presupposition has been exposed as false and indicates that
one follows it at one s methodological peril. / MA (Greek), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The influence of atticism on the textual transmission of I John with particular reference to the Alexandrian text type / Phillippus Rudolph de LangeDe Lange, Phillippus Rudolph January 2014 (has links)
The main research focus of this study was to determine more clearly to what extent Atticism
influenced textual variants that are considered to belong to the Alexandrian text type.
Since the time of Westcott and Hort, the Alexandrian text type has been regarded as a manuscript
tradition which is representative of relatively high stylistic Greek. This assumption seems likely,
especially given the fact that Alexandria and the areas which gave rise to the manuscripts
comprising the Alexandrian text type were cultural centres of learning as well as of a newlyfound
Hellenistic awareness within the Roman Empire. One of the movements stemming from
this newfound awareness was Atticism, which was, amongst other things, an artificial literary
movement which strove towards emulating the classical Attic literary dialect.
However, in the last few decades the question of the alleged presence of Atticist influence in the
manuscripts of the Greek New Testament has received its share of conflicting scholarly
treatment among textual critics, especially since the 1963 publication of G.D. Kilpatrick s
influential article, Atticism and the text of the Greek New Testament . On the one hand, there
is common assent that Atticism exerted a profound influence on all Greek prose of the first
century. On the other hand, some difference of opinion exists as to whether Atticism actually
influenced the composition of the New Testament text in any significant way. The influence on
the transmission of the New Testament texts is another question that still needs a fuller treatment
in order to proceed from mere scholarly opinion to a more established empirical degree of
The current study is an investigation into the nature of Atticism and its relationship with the
classical Attic dialect. The results of this investigation were then used as basis for an evaluation
of the alleged Atticisms in the Alexandrian witnesses, taking the witnesses to the text of I John as
sample. In the process, thoroughgoing eclecticism as text-critical method is evaluated, and an
adapted reasoned eclectic method proposed with which to conduct the investigation of the
variants in I John.
The results have shown that in the textual tradition of I John, inconsistencies of correction and
scribal usage occur frequently within the Alexandrian text type and that the correction was
predominantly not towards Attic, but rather displayed a tendency towards Hellenistic-Koine
usage. In summary, the investigation demonstrates that the uniformity of the Alexandrian text type as a
whole, if not completely suspect, should at least be judged very critically when it comes to
matters of characteristic features which have for decades been accepted as true, such as the
Alexandrian text type s reputation as one displaying stylistically polished Greek.
The investigation of I John has shed valuable light on the methodological
presupposition that categories of text types are fixed above all doubt, and that they display
general typical characteristics. This presupposition has been exposed as false and indicates that
one follows it at one s methodological peril. / MA (Greek), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Área contaminada : avaliação da genotoxicidade ambiental e populacionalCoronas, Mariana Vieira January 2012 (has links)
O processo de tratamento da madeira utiliza substâncias que geram compostos perigosos que podem contaminar os compartimentos ambientais. O presente estudo avaliou uma área sob influência da contaminação de solo proveniente das atividades de uma usina de tratamento de madeira desativada. A presença e o efeito de compostos mutagênicos em amostras ambientais foram utilizados como marcadores de exposição associada à avaliação de marcadores genéticos de efeito precoce em humanos, com foco em crianças como grupo sensível. Uma área 1750 m distante da usina, fora do quadrante dispersão preferencial atmosférica e em oposição à drenagem do local, foi utilizada como local de referência para a coleta de amostras e comparação. Extratos orgânicos de água de abastecimento, poeira de sótão e material particulado atmosférico fino (PM2,5) foram avaliados para mutagenicidade por meio do ensaio Salmonella/microssoma. Cobre (Cu), cromo (Cr), arsênio (As) e pentaclorofenol (PCP) foram quantificados em amostras de poeira do sótão. Os 16 Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPAs) prioritários foram avaliados nos extratos de PM2,5 e poeira do sótão. Crianças residentes no entorno da usina e na área de referência foram avaliadas quanto à presença de micronúcleos em amostras de sangue e mucosa oral, e danos primários no DNA, pelo ensaio cometa em linfócitos de sangue periférico. De acordo com a análise de metais, as residências perto da entrada da usina foram as mais afetadas. PCP foi identificado em amostras de poeira de sótão (0,49 mg/kg) e a concentração total de HPAs nesta matriz variou 0,40-13,31 mg/g, com maior dispersão. Todas as amostras de poeira do sótão em que a concentração total de HPAs estava acima de 2μg/g apresentaram resposta positiva para a atividade mutagênica. A contribuição dos HPAs para a mutagênese na poeira de sótão representou 10%, indicando que outros compostos podem contribuir para o efeito mutagênico. A atividade mutagênica e a concentração de HPAs nas amostras de PM2,5foram, de maneira geral, mais elevadas na área de risco, embora em alguns períodos de amostragem a área de referência atingiu valores semelhantes ou mesmo superiores. O efeito mutagênico e as concentrações de HPAs observados nas amostras de PM2,5 foram semelhantes aos valores encontrados em estudos que avaliaram áreas urbanas e com influência industrial. Extratos orgânicos de água de abastecimento não apresentaram mutagenicidade. As frequências de MN em linfócitos de sangue periférico e de células binucleadas na mucosa oral foram significativamente maiores no grupo de risco. Nos demais biomarcadores avaliados não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos. O conjunto de resultados indica a necessidade de novas avaliações utilizando grupo de referência menos suscetível às influências da área contaminada. O conjunto de dados coletados neste estudo indica a necessidade de uma avaliação mais cuidadosa dos biomarcadores individualmente e de um grupo de referência menos suscetível a influências da área contaminada. Apesar da ausência de diferenças significativas entre os grupos de risco e de referência em biomarcadores de danos no DNA avaliados em crianças, os resultados observados nas amostras de poeira de sótão e PM2,5 sugerem que a população esteve ou ainda está potencialmente exposta a substâncias capazes de causar efeitos adversos à saúde humana. / The mutagenic activity and the concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 samples were generally higher in the risk area, although in some periods the reference area has reached similar or even higher values. The mutagenic effect and the concentrations of PAHs recorded in the PM2.5 samples were similar to those found in studies that assessed areas of intense urban occupation and industrial influence. Organic extracts from supply water showed no mutagenicity. The MN frequencies in peripheral blood lymphocytes and binucleated cells of the oral mucosa were significantly higher in the risk group. No significant differences between children from the reference and risk area were observed in others genetic biomarkers assessed. The result set indicates the need for further evaluations using reference group less susceptible to the influences of the contaminated area. The set of data collected in this study indicates the need for a more cautious assessment of biomarkers individually, and a reference group less susceptible to influences from the contaminated area is necessary. Despite the absence of significant differences between the risk and reference groups in biomarkers of DNA damage assessed in children, the results in attic and PM2.5 samples suggest that the population was or is still potentially exposed to substances with strong negatives effects on human health.
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Ricerche sui contesti delle ceramiche attiche a figure nere in Italia (630-560/550 a.C.) / Researches into the Contexts of the Attic Black-Figured Pottery in Italy (630-560/550 B.C.)ANTONIUCCI, ALESSANDRA 04 April 2008 (has links)
Oggetto di studio è la ceramica Attica a figure nere inquadrabile fra il 630 e il 560/550 a.C. rinvenuta in Italia. Il materiale documentario è attinto dall'edito. Gli obiettivi della ricerca sono: aggiornare il campione di dati raccolto nei repertori editi da J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) e nella monografia a cura di R. Rosati (La ceramica attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); proporre una lettura della documentazione censita che tenga conto delle informazioni sui contesti di rinvenimento per comprendere funzione e significato della ceramica Attica nelle aree culturali individuabili nel territorio e nel periodo esaminati. Il lavoro di censimento dei materiali e dei contesti ha consentito di individuare più di 400 esemplari attici a figure nere, provenienti da cinquantanove siti che ricadono nell'area padana, nelle regioni adriatiche, nell'ambito ionico, in quello tirrenico, nelle aree della Sicilia e della Sardegna. L'esame delle forme e delle immagini attestate negli spazi funerari, sacri e abitativi offre spunti per riflettere sulle dinamiche che regolano l'acquisizione dei manufatti ateniesi nelle varie aree culturali e stimola ipotesi sul significato rivestito da tali oggetti nel periodo preso in esame. / The subject-matter of this study is the Attic black-figured pottery recovered in Italy, that can be set between 630 and 560/550 B.C. The documentary material is derived from the published one. The objectives of the research are: to update the data sample collected in the indexes published by J. Beazley (Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painting, Oxford 1956; Paralipomena. Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase Painters and to Red-Figure Vase Painters, Oxford 1971) and in the monograph edited by R. Rosati (La ceramica Attica nel Mediterraneo. Analisi computerizzata della diffusione. Le fasi iniziali (630-560 a.C.), Bologna 1989); to propose a reading of the classified documentation that takes into account information about the recovery contexts in order to understand function and meaning of the Attic pottery in the cultural areas that can be located in the territory and the period taken into consideration. The work of census of material and contexts has made it possible to identify more than 400 Attic black-figured patterns, coming from fifty-nine places that situated in the Po area, in the Adriatic regions, in the Ionian ambit, in the Tyrrhenian one, in the areas of Sicily and Sardinia. The examination of the forms and the images attested in the funeral, sacred and habitable spaces give an opportunity of reflecting upon the dynamics that regulate the acquisition of the Athenian manufactured articles in the various cultural areas and stimulates suppositions on the meaning of these objects in the period taken into consideration.
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La céramique attique à figures rouges d’Argilos : étude des fragments mis au jour lors des fouilles de 2010 à 2016.Ethier Boutet, Laure Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Fuktstudie av en klimatvind på ett äldre småhus : En utredning av effekterna på vindsklimatet vid utvändig takisoleringLaiti, Pär-Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Mögelpåväxt orsakat av fuktproblem är vanligt förekommande på kallvindar i det svenska småhusbeståndet. Enligt en rapport från Boverket har var femte småhus en fuktskada på vinden orsakad av hög relativ fuktighet. Statistik från samma rapport visar att äldre hus med självdragsventilation är drabbade i större utsträckning. Luftläckage av fuktig inomhusluft till vind uppges vara en orsak bakom förhöjd luftfuktighet. Äldre hus är oftast inte lika lufttäta som moderna vilket gör dessa kallvindar mer utsatta. Att tilläggsisolera yttertaket utifrån har visat sig vara en åtgärd som sänker den relativa fuktigheten på kallvindar. Detta brukar kallas för att bygga om kallvinden till en klimatvind. Denna studie baserar sig på en klimatvind på ett äldre småhus beläget i Skellefteå kommun. Den tidigare kallvinden var drabbad av fuktskador och byggdes därför om till en klimatvind 2014. Sedan dess har ingen utvärdering gjorts om detta är tillräckligt för att fuktsäkra vinden. Syftet med denna studie är därför att ta reda på om klimatvinden på detta hus är fuktsäker till följd av ombyggnaden. Resultatet kommer att användas som ett underlag för att besluta om fler åtgärder är nödvändiga för att fuktsäkra vinden. För att bedöma fuktsäkerheten har mätningar av temperatur och relativ fuktighet på klimatvinden utförts. Under samma period utfördes även likadana mätningar på en traditionellt uppbyggd kallvind belägen 150 meter från klimatvinden. Genom att jämföra mätresultat mellan dessa vindar kan slutsatser om den utvändiga isoleringens effekt på vindsklimatet göras. Resultatet av klimatmätningarna visar att den relativa fuktigheten på klimatvinden har legat långt under kritisk nivå för mögeltillväxt. Under samma mätperiod har relativ fuktighet på referensvinden varit i närheten av kritiska nivåer. Klimatvinden har i jämförelse med referensvinden ett varmare och torrare klimat och påverkas inte i lika stor utsträckning av svängningarna i utomhusklimatet. Slutsatsen är att klimatvinden anses vara fuktsäker under mätperioden. Rekommendationen är att fortsätta med klimatmätningar under en helårsperiod för att kunna bedöma fuktsäkerheten ur ett helårsperspektiv. / Mold growth caused by moisture are common in cold attics in small houses in Sweden. According to a report from the National Board of Housing - Boverket, a fifth of all attics in small houses in sweden has moisture problems caused by increased levels of relative humidity. Statistics from the same report show that older houses with natural draft ventilation are affected to a greater extent. Air leakage of damp indoor air into the attic space is said to be one cause of increased humidity. The construction of older houses are usually not as airtight compared to modern houses. This makes the attics in old houses more vulnerable to this problem. Additionally insulation with eps insulation at the outside of the roof has been shown to reduce the relative humidity in cold attics. This report refers to attics with this type of construction as a ”climate attic” This study is based on a climate attic of a older house located in Skellefteå municipality. The former cold attic had mold problems caused by moisture and was therefore converted to a climate attic in 2014. Since then, no evaluation has been made of the moisture saftey in this climate attic. The purpose of this study is therefore to find out if the climate attic in this house is moisture safe due to the conversion. The results will be used to determining whether more actions are necessary to make the attic moisture safe. In order to evaluate the moisture safety in the climate attic, measurements of temperature and relative humidity has been made. During the same period measurements were made in a traditionally cold attic. By comparing measurement results between those attics conclusions of the effect from the external isolation can be made. The results from the measurements made in the climate attic shows that the relative humidity has been far below critical levels for mold growth. During the same period the relative humidity in the traditional cold attic has been close to critical levels. In comparison with the traditionally cold attic, the climate attic has a warmer and drier climate and is not affected to the same extent by the fluctuations in the outdoor climate. The conclusion is that the climate attic are considered to be moistureproof during the time measurement was made. The recommendation is to continue with climate measurements over a full-year period to assess moisture safety from a full-year perspective. / <p>Kull H14</p>
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Área contaminada : avaliação da genotoxicidade ambiental e populacionalCoronas, Mariana Vieira January 2012 (has links)
O processo de tratamento da madeira utiliza substâncias que geram compostos perigosos que podem contaminar os compartimentos ambientais. O presente estudo avaliou uma área sob influência da contaminação de solo proveniente das atividades de uma usina de tratamento de madeira desativada. A presença e o efeito de compostos mutagênicos em amostras ambientais foram utilizados como marcadores de exposição associada à avaliação de marcadores genéticos de efeito precoce em humanos, com foco em crianças como grupo sensível. Uma área 1750 m distante da usina, fora do quadrante dispersão preferencial atmosférica e em oposição à drenagem do local, foi utilizada como local de referência para a coleta de amostras e comparação. Extratos orgânicos de água de abastecimento, poeira de sótão e material particulado atmosférico fino (PM2,5) foram avaliados para mutagenicidade por meio do ensaio Salmonella/microssoma. Cobre (Cu), cromo (Cr), arsênio (As) e pentaclorofenol (PCP) foram quantificados em amostras de poeira do sótão. Os 16 Hidrocarbonetos Policíclicos Aromáticos (HPAs) prioritários foram avaliados nos extratos de PM2,5 e poeira do sótão. Crianças residentes no entorno da usina e na área de referência foram avaliadas quanto à presença de micronúcleos em amostras de sangue e mucosa oral, e danos primários no DNA, pelo ensaio cometa em linfócitos de sangue periférico. De acordo com a análise de metais, as residências perto da entrada da usina foram as mais afetadas. PCP foi identificado em amostras de poeira de sótão (0,49 mg/kg) e a concentração total de HPAs nesta matriz variou 0,40-13,31 mg/g, com maior dispersão. Todas as amostras de poeira do sótão em que a concentração total de HPAs estava acima de 2μg/g apresentaram resposta positiva para a atividade mutagênica. A contribuição dos HPAs para a mutagênese na poeira de sótão representou 10%, indicando que outros compostos podem contribuir para o efeito mutagênico. A atividade mutagênica e a concentração de HPAs nas amostras de PM2,5foram, de maneira geral, mais elevadas na área de risco, embora em alguns períodos de amostragem a área de referência atingiu valores semelhantes ou mesmo superiores. O efeito mutagênico e as concentrações de HPAs observados nas amostras de PM2,5 foram semelhantes aos valores encontrados em estudos que avaliaram áreas urbanas e com influência industrial. Extratos orgânicos de água de abastecimento não apresentaram mutagenicidade. As frequências de MN em linfócitos de sangue periférico e de células binucleadas na mucosa oral foram significativamente maiores no grupo de risco. Nos demais biomarcadores avaliados não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os grupos. O conjunto de resultados indica a necessidade de novas avaliações utilizando grupo de referência menos suscetível às influências da área contaminada. O conjunto de dados coletados neste estudo indica a necessidade de uma avaliação mais cuidadosa dos biomarcadores individualmente e de um grupo de referência menos suscetível a influências da área contaminada. Apesar da ausência de diferenças significativas entre os grupos de risco e de referência em biomarcadores de danos no DNA avaliados em crianças, os resultados observados nas amostras de poeira de sótão e PM2,5 sugerem que a população esteve ou ainda está potencialmente exposta a substâncias capazes de causar efeitos adversos à saúde humana. / The mutagenic activity and the concentration of PAHs in PM2.5 samples were generally higher in the risk area, although in some periods the reference area has reached similar or even higher values. The mutagenic effect and the concentrations of PAHs recorded in the PM2.5 samples were similar to those found in studies that assessed areas of intense urban occupation and industrial influence. Organic extracts from supply water showed no mutagenicity. The MN frequencies in peripheral blood lymphocytes and binucleated cells of the oral mucosa were significantly higher in the risk group. No significant differences between children from the reference and risk area were observed in others genetic biomarkers assessed. The result set indicates the need for further evaluations using reference group less susceptible to the influences of the contaminated area. The set of data collected in this study indicates the need for a more cautious assessment of biomarkers individually, and a reference group less susceptible to influences from the contaminated area is necessary. Despite the absence of significant differences between the risk and reference groups in biomarkers of DNA damage assessed in children, the results in attic and PM2.5 samples suggest that the population was or is still potentially exposed to substances with strong negatives effects on human health.
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