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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Should Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation Be Implemented?

Kim, Jamie J. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The accounting profession, particularly the public company auditing profession, has experienced a drastic transformation over the last decade. Following a series of costly accounting scandals that tarnished the profession’s credibility, Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) for more rigorous regulation of public companies and public accounting firms. The new policy changed audit interactions with clients and included a mandate for the periodic rotation of audit partners on audit engagements to increase auditor independence. Currently being debated are further changes that may lead to additional restrictions and more work for auditors and their clients. This thesis explores the issue of auditor independence in the audit process and examines whether the periodic rotation of audit firms should be mandated in the U.S.

Införandet av EU:s revisionspaket : En studie om obligatorisk byrårotation och revisionskvalité

Özalp, Murat Ozan, Torres, Michael January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Innan rotationskrav för revisorer har hunnit cementeras och ge utslag, har Regeringen i ett nytt betänkande lagstadgat även krav för rotation för byråer. Krav på byrårotation uppkom som en proposition efter finanskrisen 2008, som ett led i att strama åt regelverket för revisionsbyråer. Den Europeiska kommissionen skriver i sitt betänkande att även om de huvudansvariga revisorerna byts ut med jämna mellanrum kvarstår risken för en jävsituation. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur revisionsbyråer, kunder och myndigheter förhåller sig till obligatorisk byrårotation. Vi kommer även att studera hur marknaden för revision ändras, samt studera hur en revisionsbyrå ur ”The Big Four” kommer att förbereda sig inför denna lagförändring. Frågeställningar: Hur kommer byrårotation att inverka på revisionskvalitén för börsnoterade företag och finansiella företag av allmänt intresse? Hur förbereder en revisionsbyrå ur ”The Big Four” sig inför byrårotation? Vilka effekter kan byrårotation ha på marknadsstrukturen? Metod: Studien utgörs av en fallstudie där obligatorisk byrårotation studeras ur tre perspektiv. Studien baseras på ett antal befintliga teorier, varför studiens bearbetas utifrån den deduktiva ansatsen. Primärdata samlas in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där respondenterna har valts ut efter olika kriterier, beroende på perspektiv. Empiri: Tre myndigheter, tre kunder och en revisionsbyrå har varit föremål för våra intervjuer, där vi tematiskt redogör för deras uttalanden. Slutsats: Byrårotation kommer att leda till att revisorn blir mer oberoende, då mandatperioden inte tillåter att nära relationer bildas och på grund av vitesbeloppets omfattning. Revisionen kommer inte kosta mer, med anledning av att det kommer att bli en kamp mellan byråerna om uppdragen. Vi har identifierat tre möjliga marknadseffekter av byrårotation, där kartelliknande verksamheter är en möjlig utgång. Revisionsbyråernas verksamheter kommer att bli mer likt de internationellas, där rådgivningstjänster utgör den största delen. En viktig konsekvens av byrårotation kan vara att bolag roterar byrå vid kritiska tidpunkter, vilket kan skada bolaget ytterligare. Bolag bör kunna flagga vid sådana tidpunkter, för att kunna förlänga rotationen parallellt med den nytillträdda i början av uppdraget.

Publika bolags attityd till revisionsbyråbyte : En attitydundersökning med anledning av EU:s krav på obligatorisk byrårotation / Listed companies' attitude towards audit firm change : An attitude survey because of the EU's requirements for mandatory audit firm rotation

Axelsson, Måns, Landsjö, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Introduktion EU:s nya krav på obligatorisk byrårotation för bolag av allmäntintresse kommer medföra fler revisionsbyråbyten. Detfinns därmed ett behov av att kartlägga vilka faktorer bolagfinner relevanta vid byte av revisionsbyrå. Syfte Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förklara vilka faktorersom påverkar publika bolags attityd till byte av revisionsbyrå,i relation till nya krav på obligatorisk byrårotation. Metod Studien har en deduktiv ansats innebärande att befintlig teorioch forskning ligger till grund för uppställda hypoteser.Datainsamlingen har skett genom en enkätundersökning, ikombination med sekundärdata från årsredovisningar. Slutsatser Studien visar att variablerna Rykte, Låg revisionskostnad,Faktisk revisionskostnad, Bolagsstorlek, Skuldsättning,Relation samt Erfarenhet av byråbyte har signifikanta sambandmed bolags attityd till revisionsbyråbyte. Dessutomvisar studien att bolag som är positivt inställda till att bytarevisionsbyrå också tenderar att vara positivt inställda tillEU:s krav på obligatorisk byrårotation. / Introduction The EU’s new requirements for mandatory audit firmrotation for companies of public interest will lead to moreaudit firm changes. There is thus a need to identify whichfactors companies find relevant when changing audit firm. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe and explain thefactors that affect listed companies’ attitude towardschanging audit firm, in relation to new requirements formandatory audit firm rotation. Method The study has a deductive approach, meaning that existingtheory and research are underpinning the hypotheses. Thedata has been collected trough a survey, which has beencombined with data from the companies’ annual reports. Conclusions The study shows that the variables Reputation, Low auditingcosts, Actual auditing costs, Company size, Leverage,Relationship and Experience from audit firm change hassignificant correlations with the dependent variable. Inaddition, the study shows that companies that’s positivetowards changing audit firm also tend to be positive towards

Audit firm rotation : Could the concept enhance an auditor’s independence?

Cicovic, Tatjana, Dhanoa, Samandeep January 2016 (has links)
As a result of crisis and scandals, a lot of criticism has been emphasized against an auditor’sindependence and profession. In order to re-establish confidence in financial statements, theEuropean Commission introduced a Green Paper that above all included a proposal of mandatoryaudit firm rotation aiming to enhance an auditor's independence. The aim of this thesis istherefore to describe whether an auditor’s independence may be affected by the new lawregarding Mandatory Audit Firm Rotation, by contributing with more information regarding auditfirm rotation based on Swedish companies from the Swedish market. The study is based on a quantitative approach using a multivariate logistic regression in order tocompile and analyze the results. Six hypotheses have been tested in order to determine whetherchosen variables may affect an auditor's independence and their statements. Based on our results,we accepted four hypotheses, showing that four variables have an influence on qualified opinion,with rotation as a reference variable. The four variables are leverage, size, specialist and losswhich showed a statistically significance using a 5% significance level. The results imply thataudit firm rotation may enhance an auditor's independence.

Faktorer som påverkar byte av revisionsbyrå : En undersökning av bolag på Stockholmsbörsen / Factors contributing to a switch in audit firm : A study of companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Gustafsson, Victor, Wigertz, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
Forskningsproblem: Det har uppmärksammats en ökad oro bland Big 4-byråerna över den tilltagande konkurrensen på revisionsmarknaden och tendensen att bolag väljer att byta revisionsbyrå mer frekvent. Det finns ett behov i att förklara varför bolag väljer att frivilligt byta revisionsbyrå. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förklara varför bolag frivilligt väljer att byta revisionsbyrå. Metod 15 hypoteser härleds utifrån befintlig forskning och teori inom området för revisionsbyråbyten. Dessa prövas genom en kombinerad enkät- och dokumentstudie av totalt 100 bolag för perioden mellan 2010-2014. Resultat: Av studiens totalt 100 bolag visade det sig att 33 bolag (33 %) bytt revisionsbyrå under perioden mellan 2010-2014. 14 av studiens 15 hypoteser förkastas i hypotesprövningen. Kunskapsbidrag: I den statistiska analysen visas variablerna revisionskostnad, byte av ledning, bristfälligt samarbete och tredje parts påtryckningar bli signifikanta i att förklara ett byte av revisionsbyrå. Endast variabeln bristfälligt samarbete uppvisar dock ett korrekt förutspått samband, där ett ökat bristfälligt samarbete mellan revisor och bolagsledning ökar sannolikheten för ett byte av revisionsbyrå. / Problem: Increased concern regarding an enlarged competition and more frequent audit firm switching behavior has been noticed among the Big 4-audit firms. There is a need to explain why companies voluntarily choose to switch audit firm. Purpose: The aim of the study is to explain why companies voluntarily choose to switch audit firm. Method: 15 hypothesis are derived from existent research and theory in the area of audit firm switching. They are tested through a combined survey- and document study of 100 companies during the period of 2010-2014. Results: The study showed that 33 out of 100 companies (33 %) switched their audit firm during the period of 2010-2014. 14 out of 15 hypothesis are rejected in the study. Contribution: The statistical analysis showed that the variables audit fee, change in management, inadequate working relationship and third party influences are significant in explaining an audit firm switch. However, the only variable to show a correctly predicted relationship is inadequate working relationship, which implicates that an increased inadequate working relationship between the auditor and management leads to an increased probability of an audit firm switch.

Ingen byrårotation är den andra lik : En komparativ intervjustudie om publika och privata aktiebolags byrårotationer / No Audit Firm Rotation Is The Other One Alike : A comparative interview study about listed and private companies audit firm rotations

Ekedahl, Madeleine, Svensson, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige finns lagstiftning kring att publika och privata aktiebolag ska genomgå revision. Syftet med revision är att granska ett bolags räkenskaper och den förvaltning som sker av styrelse och verkställande direktör. I ämbetet som revisor ska denne agera oberoende gentemot bolaget och just oberoendet ifrågasattes av EU-kommissionen efter den finanskris som bland annat drabbade Europa mellan 2007 och 2009. Ifrågasättandet ledde till en ny lag för publika aktiebolag som tvingar dem att byta revisionsbyrå. Genomförandet av en byrårotation kan för både privata och publika aktiebolag ske frivilligt eller ofrivilligt. Enstaka studier har tidigare undersökt området byrårotation med en kvalitativ ansats, vilket delvis motiverar studiens syfte.    Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad som är av betydelse då ett företag byter och väljer ny revisionsbyrå, och om det skiljer sig åt mellan publika och privata aktiebolag. Genom studien vill författarna bidra till en ökad förståelse för vad som ligger till grund för de ageranden och val företagen gör gällande byrårotation.    Metod: För att skapa en djupare kunskap om hur företag resonerar vid en byrårotation har ett abduktivt tillvägagångssätt tillämpats. Inledningsvis har tidigare forskning studerats för att skapa en bild av vad som tidigare konstaterats varit av betydelse för företag vid deras byte av respektive val av ny revisionsbyrå. Tre huvudsakliga kategorier kommer fram i form av företagets egenskaper, revisorns egenskaper och själva revisionen. Därefter har intervjuer med sex företag genomförts som legat till grund för uppkomsten av teori i form av två nya faktorer.   Slutsats: Den tydligaste skillnaden som går att utröna mellan publika och privata aktiebolag i denna studie är att vid en byrårotation ser privata aktiebolag i större grad relationen till revisorn som viktig, och publika aktiebolag lägger större vikt vid revisorns kompetens. Studien visar även att det är en kombination av olika faktorer har betydelse vid processen av en byrårotation och inte en enskild sådan. Alla fallföretag har haft unika processer vid byrårotationen. Vidare har två nya faktorer påträffats i form av lagen om obligatorisk byrårotations påverkan på företagen, och vilken betydelse beslutsfattarnas erfarenhet har på byrårotationen. Intervjuer med representanter för företagen har även möjliggjort nya förklaringar av vissa begrepp. / Background: Legislation in Sweden force listed and private companies to undergo an audit with the purpose to examine the books of the company and the management of the board and the chief executive officer. The auditor must act independently of the company being audited. The matter of independence has been questioned by the European Commission following the financial crisis that struck the world economy in 2007 to 2009. This questioning resulted in a new law regarding listed companies, forcing them to undergo an audit firm rotation. Both listed and private companies can do either a voluntary or non-voluntary audit firm rotation. Occasional studies have investigated the matter of audit firm rotation with a qualitative approach, which partly motivates the purpose of this study.     Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what could be of importance when a company switches to a new audit firm, and if this differs between listed and private companies. By means of this study the authors want to contribute with an enhanced understanding on what basis the companies make their acts and choices regarding audit firm rotation.     Method: An abductive approach has been used to create a profound knowledge regarding how companies reason about an audit firm rotation. Earlier research has been studied to create an image of what aspects that earlier have been of importance  to companies in their decision to switch and choose a new audit firm. Three main categories arise, the company characteristics, the auditors characteristics and the audit itself. Thereafter interviews have been conducted with six companies which have been the foundation for new theory as two new factors.       Conclusion:The most distinct difference between listed and private companies in this study is that listed companies regard the auditors competence as more important than the private companies do. The private companies values the relation to the auditor higher than the listed companies. This study shows that a combination of different factors is of importance in the process of an audit firm rotation and not only a single one. All of the companies had unique processes regarding the audit firm rotation. Two new factors have emerged concerning the regulation of mandatory audit firm rotation, and what affects the experience of the decision makers of the audit firm rotation has. Interviews with delegates of the company has enabled new explanations of certain concepts.

The conservative newcomer : The effects on audit quality as a consequence of audit firm rotation in Swedish publicly listed companies 2008-2012

Carlsson, Peder, Blomström, William January 2013 (has links)
The topic of the effects of audit quality as a consequence of audit firm rotation has been debated for decades in business science. It has also been discussed in the political arena. In April 2013 the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Union voted for a draft law requiring mandatory audit firm rotation for periods of 14 years. Countries such as Sweden might face the possible changes in audit quality that the mandatory audit firm rotation entails. In the light of these events, we studied how the audit quality changes when audit firms rotate. Because we used the Jones Model and the Modified Jones Model, discretionary accruals were our proxy for audit quality. The initial sample consisted of all publicly listed companies which rotated audit firms from 2008 to 2012 in Sweden. We found that there was a statistically significant change in audit quality, in the form of higher discretionary accruals following the rotation. Based on earlier research claiming that higher discretionary accruals signifies lower audit quality, our results suggest that audit firm rotation in Sweden leads to a diminished audit quality. This might be due to the loss of firm-specific knowledge. Our results also indicate that the new auditing firms are more conservative than the auditor firm prior to the rotation, which might be explained by the increased audit risk that is related to the audit of the first-year client.

The Client Acceptance and Retention Process: How Policies and Procedures Are Developed and Implemented Within Audit Firms

Parlier, Jennifer Ashley 19 June 2019 (has links)
When developing client acceptance and retention policies and procedures, an audit firm's policy-makers are required to adhere to quality control and auditing standards established by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that are not well defined. As a result, the policies and procedures across firms may differ significantly. These differences arise from the development as well as the implementation of client acceptance and retention policies when evaluating prospective and continuing clients. My research study examines these differences in client acceptance and retention policies and procedures and also investigates the potential differences in policies and procedures across firms of different sizes (international, national, and regional). Using a qualitative setting, I interview risk management and local office partners across multiple firms to gather firm-specific and partner-specific information about client acceptance and retention policies and procedures. My results contribute to the existing literature on the processes and procedures developed by audit firms to assess and evaluate risks that may arise from prospective and/or continuing clients. / Doctor of Philosophy / Auditing standards provide requirements and recommendations for audit firms to follow when performing financial statement audits. These auditing standards also include both required and recommended procedures related to an audit firm’s decision to accept new clients and retain existing clients. Using a qualitative research methodology, I interview audit partners from five audit firms who are responsible for helping establish the firm-specific policies and procedures around client acceptance and client retention processes. I also interview partners from the same five audit firms who are responsible for performing those procedures when deciding whether to accept a prospective client or keep an existing client. I find that there are differences between the two partner groups as to the importance of certain client acceptance and client retention procedures. I also find that there are differences among the firms as well as the individual partners within each firm as to which procedures are key considerations in the client acceptance and retention processes.

Hur upplevs revisionsbyråbyten? : En kvalitativ studie ur företagsledningens perspektiv. / How are audit firm changes experienced? : A qualitative study from the management's perspective

Nörby, Antonia, Scott, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det nya rotationskravet som infördes i Sverige 2016 väcker tankar om hur företagsledningar upplever revisionsbyråbyten. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på att undersöka för- och nackdelar med rotationskrav i kvantitativa studier. Däremot har inte forskare undersökt företagsledningens perspektiv på revisionsbyråbyten i Sverige, vilket motiverar vår studie att undersöka hur revisionsbyråbyten upplevs av företagsledningar. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur representanter från företags-ledningar upplever byte av revisionsbyrå, samt jämföra om upplevelserna skiljer sig mellan företagsledningar i noterade och onoterade bolag. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte utfördes 19 semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer. Samtliga intervjupersoner representerade företagsledningen på respektive företag. Nio intervjuer hölls med representanter för noterade bolag och tio intervjuer med representanter för onoterade bolag. Slutsats: Vi kommer fram till att revisionsbyråbyten upplevs som tidskrävande. Anledningen till bytet avgör inte hur bytet upplevs, och de viktigaste faktorerna att tänka på för att ett revisionsbyråbyte ska upplevas positivt är: att välja en revisionsbyrå med rätt kompetens, att ha ett personligt möte och att se till att personkemin stämmer, samt att börja planera bytet i tid. / Background: The new mandatory audit firm rotation rule was introduced in Sweden in 2016, which raises interest in how management experience audit firm changes. Previous research has focused on investigating the pros and cons of mandatory audit firm rotation in quantitative studies. However, researchers have not investigated the management's perspective of audit firm changes in Sweden, which motivates our study to investigate how audit firm changes are experienced by management. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of how representatives from the management experience audit firm changes, and to compare if experiences differs for management in listed and unlisted companies. Method: To fulfil the purpose of this study, 19 semi structured telephone interviews were conducted. The people interviewed represented the management at each company. Nine interviews were held with listed companies and ten interviews with unlisted companies. Conclusion: We conclude that audit firm changes are experienced as time consuming by management. The reason behind the audit firm change does not determine how the change is experienced and the most important factors to consider, in order for an audit firm change to be perceived as positive, are: choose an audit firm with the right competence, have a personal meeting to make sure there is personal chemistry between the auditor and yourself, and start planning the audit firm change in time.

Prospecção acerca de um prazo ótimo para rodí­zio de firmas de auditoria no Brasil / Prospection about optimal term for audit firm rotation in Brazil

Almeida, Patrícia Romualdo de 30 November 2017 (has links)
O propósito central deste estudo é investigar se existe um prazo \"ótimo\" para o rodízio mandatório de firmas de auditoria no Brasil. Primeiramente, buscou-se evidências através da percepção de agentes do mercado para fundamentar o desenvolvimento de um modelo de estudo da qualidade de auditoria em função do tempo de relacionamento auditor-auditado tenure, considerando de forma isolada o efeito da tenure nas vertentes da qualidade, competência e independência, de acordo com o conceito de DeAngelo (1981b). Com base em um modelo quadrático, que consiste em uma simplificação do modelo originalmente proposto, foi realizada uma aplicação empírica com dados de companhias abertas brasileiras, listadas na Bovespa, referente ao período de 1998 a 2016. Os resultados sugerem ser possível estimar o prazo \"ótimo\" para o rodízio mandatório de firmas de auditoria em aproximadamente 5,7 anos. Testes adicionais foram realizados para conferir robustez a este resultado, indicando que o prazo \"ótimo\" seria em torno de 6 e 8,8 anos. Esses resultados indicam, portanto, que o prazo atualmente utilizado pela CVM (5 anos para empresas que não têm comitê de auditoria estatutário e 10 anos para as que têm) é compatível com os prazos estimados para se estabelecer o maior nível de qualidade média de auditoria possível. Tendo em vista que os prazos estimados são superiores a 5 anos, talvez não haja prejuízos, no que se refere à maximização da qualidade média da auditoria, se o prazo atualmente adotado for ligeiramente estendido. / The aim of this work is to investigate whether there is an \"optimal\" period for the mandatory audit firm rotation in Brazil. Firstly, evidence was sought through the perception of market agents to support the development of a model of audit quality as a function of the audit tenure, considering separately the effects of audit tenure on the audit quality components, competence and independence, according to DeAngelo\'s (1981b) concept. Based on a quadratic model, which consists of a simplification of the model originally proposed, an empirical application was made with data from Brazilian companies, listed on Bovespa, for the period from 1998 to 2016. The results suggest that it is possible to estimate an \"optimal\" audit tenure period for the mandatory audit firm rotation in Brazil around 5.7 years. Additional tests were performed to give robustness to the results, indicating that the \"optimal\" period would be around 6 and 8.8 years. These results indicate, therefore, that the term currently used by the CVM (5 years for companies that do not have statutory audit committee and 10 years for those that have) is compatible with the estimated terms to establish the highest possible level of the average audit quality. Given that the estimated timeframe is greater than 5 years, there may be no impairment in maximizing the average audit quality if the current rotation period is slightly extended.

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