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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of an adapted physical activity program on motor performance and behaviour of children with autism spectrum disorder

Ferguson, Leanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The effect of an adapted physical activity (APA) program on the motor performance of children with autism was studied. A multiple single case studies approach was implemented. Three children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), aged between three and eight years old, were chosen for the study. A baseline, pre- and post-test assessment evaluated the effect of a 20-week intervention program. Motor abilities were tested using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children, and selected items from the Brockport Physical Fitness Test were used to assess physical fitness. The intervention was administered three times per week and focused on the individual motor impairments of each child. The program termed “Mighty Muscles” was continuously developed according to the child‟s specific goals and developments. Additionally, social play and overall behaviour assessments were also done. The Sherrill-University of Virginia Adapted Physical Education Social Play Behaviour Inventory assessed social play and a behavioural profile developed by the researcher assessed daily living activities and behaviours associated with autism. Due to the nature of autism, the results of each child were analysed, graphed and discussed individually. For the three children, the APA program had a positive effect in improving the motor abilities, including improvements in ball skills, manual dexterity and balance. The APA program also improved the physical fitness of the three subjects including aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance and flexibility. Self-stimulatory behaviours and inappropriate behaviours (fidgeting, self-injury) decreased in all three subjects while rates of appropriate physical activity during free time increased, demonstrating the positive contribution the APA program had on behaviours associated with autism. Social play became more spontaneous and interactive for case study two and three. From this study, it is concluded that an adapted physical activity program is an essential addition in the holistic treatment of autism. This study provides further research and insight into the components of a successful APA program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: „n Ondersoek is gedoen om die effek van „n Aangepaste Bewegingsprogram op die motoriese vermoë van drie kinders wat met outisme ge-identifiseer is, na te gaan. Die ouderdomme van die deelnemers wissel tussen drie en agt jaar. „n Gevalle-studie navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die effek van „n 20-weeklange intervensieprogram is bepaal deur die resultate van basislyn-, voor- en na-programtoetsing te vergelyk. Motoriese vermoë is nagegaan deur gebruik te maak van die Movement Assessment Battery for Children, en liggaamlike fiksheid deur die gebruik van die Brockport Physical Fitness Test. Bykomend is waarnemings gemaak omtrent die sosiale speeltendense en algemene gedragspatrone van elke kind. Die Sherrill –University of Virginia Adapted Physical Education Social Play Behaviour Inventory en „n selfontwerpte gedragsprofiel, om alledaagse aktiwiteite en geassosieerde outistiese gedrag waar te neem, is ook benut. Die intervensiesessies is drie maal per week gedoen en het gefokus op die motoriese agterstande van elke individuele deelnemer. Soos mikpunte bereik is, is die inhoud van die Mighty Muscles program voortdurend aangepas. As gevolg van die unieke aard van outisme, is die resultate van elke kind afsonderlik ontleed, word dit afsonderlik illustreer en bespreek. Die spesifieke aangepaste bewegingsprogram het „n positiewe effek op die motoriese vermoëns van al drie deelnemers gehad. Verbetering in bal-, handvaardighede en balansvermoë was opvallend. Die aërobiese kapasiteit, spierkrag en spieruithouvermoë asook lenigheid, met ander woorde fiksheid van al drie het as gevolg van deelname aan die intervensieprogram, verbeter. Selfstimulerende en onvanpaste gedrag het afgeneem terwyl deelname aan meer gepaste, spontane vryetydaktiwiteite, duidelik waargeneem is. Al bogenoemde resultate dui op die positiewe bydrae van „n aangepaste bewegingsprogram op die gedrag van kinders wat met outisme geïdentifiseer is.

Pre-service teacher-implemented Social Stories™ intervention for students with autism spectrum disorders in general education settings

Chan, Jeffrey Michael 19 October 2009 (has links)
Social Stories™ are one of the most commonly-used interventions for children with autism (Green et al., 2006; Hess, Morrier, Heflin, & Ivey, 2008; Stahmer, Collings, & Palinkas, 2005). While there is a rapidly-growing literature base of Social Stories research, much of the work has focused on student behavior in special education resource settings; the current study examines the use of Social Stories with students in inclusive general education settings. Six students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders participated and behaviors that occurred in the general education classroom were selected as targets. Pre-service teachers, autism resource teachers, and a paraprofessional were trained to implement the intervention. Social Stories were presented on a personal computer for 5 of 6 participants; the 6th participant’s Social Story was presented in a bound book. Participants were observed in their general education classrooms during 30 min data collection sessions. A multiple baseline across participants design was used. For 3 participants, an alternating treatments design was also used, which examined 2 viii conditions: an Immediate condition in which classroom probes were conducted immediately following Social Stories intervention sessions, and a Delay condition in which a time delay of at least 3.5 hrs was presented between intervention and observation sessions. Results of the Immediate vs. Delay conditions show no conclusive effects of one condition over the other. Overall, results indicate improvements in target behaviors for 5 of 6 participants. Peer comparison data indicate that participants who showed improvement in their behavior performed the target skills at levels comparable to classmates without disabilities. Treatment fidelity data indicate that pre-service teachers were able to accurately implement the intervention over the course of the study. Social validity questionnaires were distributed to in-service and pre-service teachers, who rated the intervention as acceptable and feasible within the classroom setting. Implications for practice and future research directions are discussed. / text

'Hidden voices' : an exploratory single case study into the multiple worlds of a 15 year old young man with autism

O'Leary, Stephen January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a 31-day case study carried out with a 15 year old young man who has classical autism. The study involved introducing him to a number of new and challenging activities, in a variety of contexts, over 31 days, that were previously assumed to be outside of his range of capability. The case study found that the application of the concepts of choice, control, challenge and risk had an unexpectedly positive impact upon the young man’s performance. This study further attempts to explore the concept of narrative as a ‘pedagogical bridge’ between the ‘worlds’ of autism and neurotypicality, arguing that narrative may provide a ‘way in’ to the world of autism. ‘Narrative’, this study contends, may provide a tapestry across which the world of autism may be connected with the world that surrounds it; by revealing a multiplicity of selves in a multiplicity of contexts. Methods of data collection included field notes, interviews, photographs and film footage. Ultimately, the study found that the use of ‘performance texts’ (DVDs featuring the young man’s achievements) constituted a powerful means of celebrating his accomplishments within the school and its wider community. Research approaches were participatory and ethnographic in the data collection phases, while a more phenomenological approach was adopted in the data analysis phase. The overarching analytical framework was that of ‘narrative analysis’ in telling a story of bravery, courage, hope and optimism.

Diagnosing autism: comparison of the childhood autism rating scale (CARS) and the autism diagnostic observation schedule (ADOS)

Mick, Katherine A. 07 1900 (has links)
This project sought to determine the utility in using either, or both, of two instruments to diagnose autism, the CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale) and the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule), Modules 1 or 2. Children (n=320) who were seen in the autism diagnostic clinics at the Developmental Disabilities Center of the Kansas University Medical Center, who were under the age of 72 months (6 years), and who had been evaluated with both instruments were chosen as participants in this study. Those children who received the diagnosis of autism after being evaluated numbered 220; 100 received another or no diagnosis. Three levels of data analysis were conducted in this study. The first level included developing item-item correlation matrices for each instrument that was then compared to those in the original, normed study for internal consistency. Results indicated good internal consistency. At the second level, a factor analysis was conducted on each instrument that resulted in weighted factor scores and a correlation matrix of factors for each instrument. Factor analyses resulted in three factors identified for the CARS, two factors for ADOS, Module 1, and three factors for ADOS, Module 2. These factors are consistent with the criteria currently used for the diagnosis of autism. The third level of analysis utilized chi square and stepwise discriminant analysis to predict group membership (autism or no autism) with each instrument. From these results, it was concluded that both instruments are similar in their ability to diagnose autism, although they may be measuring somewhat different factors. Closer examination revealed that communication difficulty is the factor that most closely distinguished autism for this group of children. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology. / "July 2005."

Early behavioural markers in autism spectrum disorders : implications for theories of autism

Kerr, Sharyn January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] There are few existing screening instruments designed to identify Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) at an early age, such as the Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) and the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT). Unfortunately, many are limited in their ability to identify children at risk in the first two years of life while displaying an acceptable level of reliability. Given this limitation, the present study aimed to identify any additional early markers of ASD from either the retrospective analysis of early autistic symptomatology (parental report and video analysis of footage made before the diagnosis) or performance-based measures linked to different theoretical accounts of ASD. Specifically, measures addressing theory of mind, executive dysfunction and weak central coherence were developed. In the first study, parents of three groups of children those of typical development (n = 19, mean CA = 26 months), children with an ASD (n = 39, mean CA = 34 months) and children with developmental delay (n = 14, mean CA = 28 months) were interviewed about their child's early development. In the first study, parents of three groups of children those of typical development (n = 19, mean CA = 26 months), children with an ASD (n = 39, mean CA = 34 months) and children with developmental delay (n = 14, mean CA = 28 months) were interviewed about their child's early development. Several behaviours discriminated children with ASD from children with typical development and children with delayed development. ... A discriminant function analysis using the two factor scores indicated that Factor 1 discriminated the ADI-R groups, while Factor 2 scores did not add to the ability of Factor 1 scores to discriminate the ADI-R groups. Furthermore, while the finding that joint attention behaviours differentiated children with ASD from children with typical development and children with delayed development, more research is needed to determine if this impairment is a precursor of a theory of mind deficit or if this impairment and later appearing impairments in theory of mind are the result of a more global impairment in social-emotional approach behaviours. Additional research is also needed to determine the relationship between the early appearing deficits in joint attention and the impairments in social relating behaviours that appear to develop later in the chronology of ASD development and how both of these relate to the theory of mind hypothesis of ASD.

Musikens påverkan på individer med autismspektrumdiagnos : En litteraturöversikt / How individuals with autism spectrum disorder are affected by music : A literature review

Aftevik, Monika, Carlbark, Nina January 2017 (has links)
Individer med autismspektrumdiagnos (ASD) har en begränsad förmåga till sociala interaktioner och ömsesidig kommunikation samt uppvisar ofta hyper- eller hyporeaktioner på sensoriska stimuli. Därför kan till exempel ett besök på vårdcentral, akutmottagning eller vårdavdelning skapa en ökad påfrestning. Eftersom musik används inom olika former av terapi, exempelvis vid demens, eller som smärtlindring vid cancer var det av intresse att undersöka dess effekt vid ASD. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att undersöka hur individer med ASD påverkas av musik. Sammanlagt 11 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. I resultatet framträdde fyra teman: fysisk påverkan, social påverkan, emotionell påverkan samt koncentration och coping. Musik eller musikterapi sågs exempelvis inverka på ångest, humör och sociala interaktioner på ett positivt sätt. Även rent fysiskt sågs reaktioner i de delar av hjärnan som involveras i musikuppfattning och känslobearbetning när musik spelades. Sjuksköterskans mål är att utföra en personcentrerad omvårdnad där kunskap om musikens inverkan skulle kunna kombineras med klinisk praxis för att underlätta interaktioner med patienter med ASD. Framtida forskning om musikens påverkan på vuxna individer med ASD kan ge ytterligare kunskap i ämnet som kan leda till riktlinjer och rutiner för enkel användning av musik som icke-farmakologisk åtgärd vid vård av patienter med ASD. / Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have a limited capacity for social interactions, communications, and usually show hyper or hypo reactions to sensory stimuli. Time spent in health facilities can therefore be extra stressful. Since music is used for therapy or pain relief in cancer treatment and dementia care for example, it would be interesting to further explore the effects of music. The aim of this literature review was to investigate how individuals with ASD are affected by music. Eleven literature articles were analyzed and as a result, four themes emerged: physical, social, emotional influence and also focus and coping. Anxiety, mood, and social interactions were affected in a positive way by music or music therapy. Physical reactions in the brain were seen in regions underlying music perception and emotional processing. The nurse’s goal is person-centered care, and the knowledge of the effects of music and the possibility to use music in clinical practice, could make working with ASD patients easier. Future research on this subject could provide further knowledge and result in guidelines and routines for an easy use of music in the care of individuals with ASD.

Historická sociologie autismu v České republice / Historical Sociology of Autism in the Czech Republic

Geisler, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the development of autism in the Czech Republic from an historical-sociological perspective. The study pursues the structural processes related to autism and their impacts on individuals, as well as the roles of various agents in the shaping of these processes. The study utilises the social constructivist approach as well as the standpoints of the interpretative stream of sociology. The concept of autism was introduced in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. It was understood as a rare psychiatric disorder and was known about by only a few professionals. Until the beginning of the 1990s, autism wasn't recognised in Czechoslovak society. Since the beginning of the 1990s new processes have emerged, resulting in the formation of a paradigm of autism - a new dominant and increasingly recognized system of values, methods, approaches and institutions, all connected to the concept of autism. The category of autism was reconceptualized in the 1990s and has started to be used more widely in Czech society. Based on the concept of autism, new institutions have emerged, such as specialized educational approaches and services, therapeutic methods, social services and NGOs etc. Discourses of autism have also started to form. This paradigm has been crucial for the social history of autism...

Development and validation of a support model for families of children with autism spectrum disorders in Gauteng and Limpopo Province of South Africa

Sumbane, Gsakani Olivia January 2021 (has links)
Thesis(Ph.D.(Nursing Science)) -- University of Limpopo, 2021 / Families with ASD children who have little support from a partner, friends, community and health care professionals report increased depression and lower life satisfaction compared to families with a good deal of social support. Social support may be a resource to boost an individual’s ability to overcome the negative consequences of stressors related to parenting a child with ASD.The study explored and described the experiences of families and teachers regarding support of families with ASD children, then developed and validated a social support model for families of children with ASD in the Gauteng and Limpopo provinces of South Africa.The method was qualitative, explorative, descriptive, contextual design employing a phenomenological approach and theory-generating study. Individual semi-structured and focus group interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim. Eight steps of Tesch’s inductive, descriptive open coding technique by Creswell were used followed by independent coding. Purposive sampling recruited 37 participants from the selected special schools of Gauteng and Limpopo Provinces. Trustworthiness criteria adhered to were credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability. Ethical clearance was sought from the University of Limpopo. The findings showed that there is a lack of social support for families with ASD children. These include difficulties in managing children’s patterns of behaviour and communication skills, severe stress related to having a child with ASD, knowledge deficiencies associated with ASD, the burden of caring, financial constraints, lack of material and human resources within the special schools, overcrowding of ASD learners, lack of a formal curriculum, lack of schools for autistic children in the Limpopo Province, poor infrastructure, and poor school management support.The study addressed the complex needs of ASD children and recommended that families should be assisted to build their capacity to care for, and protect their ASD children. A social support model was developed to serve as a reference framework for professional nurses in different spheres of health care and education, to promote a supportive environment for families with ASD children

Historická sociologie autismu v České republice / Historical Sociology of Autism in the Czech Republic

Geisler, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the development of autism in the Czech Republic from an historical-sociological perspective. The study pursues the structural processes related to autism and their impacts on individuals, as well as the roles of various agents in the shaping of these processes. The study utilises the social constructivist approach as well as the standpoints of the interpretative stream of sociology. The concept of autism was introduced in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s. It was understood as a rare psychiatric disorder and was known about by only a few professionals. Until the beginning of the 1990s, autism wasn't recognised in Czechoslovak society. Since the beginning of the 1990s new processes have emerged, resulting in the formation of a paradigm of autism - a new dominant and increasingly recognized system of values, methods, approaches and institutions, all connected to the concept of autism. The category of autism was reconceptualized in the 1990s and has started to be used more widely in Czech society. Based on the concept of autism, new institutions have emerged, such as specialized educational approaches and services, therapeutic methods, social services and NGOs etc. Discourses of autism have also started to form. This paradigm has been crucial for the social history of autism...

Autism Education and Early Intervention: What Experts Recommend and How Parents and Public Schools Provide

Reffert, Lori A. 10 June 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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