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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'assurance responsabilité civile automobile : approche de droit international privé et de droit de l'Union européenne / Automobile liability insurance : approach of private international law and the law of the European union

Ciron, Nicolas 03 October 2013 (has links)
Les enjeux liés à la circulation automobile internationale concernent le développement du commerce international ainsi que la libre circulation des personnes. Ce développement des échanges s'est fait malgré les divergences de leur législation respective. La circulation internationale va en effet engendrer des conflits de lois qu'il faudra résoudre par des mesures de coordination. Elle va également provoquer des conflits de juridictions impliquant la détermination du juge compétent pour trancher les réclamations. L'existence de cette circulation routière internationale a donc engendré une réglementation permettant de parvenir à une coordination entre les différentes lois applicables et de faciliter les démarches de la victime en lui évitant de recourir à un juge. Essentiellement privée à l'origine, la réglementation évoluera sous l'influence de la construction européenne. Le processus d'indemnisation d'une victime suit chronologiquement deux étapes. Tout d'abord, il s'agit de déterminer la loi applicable à la responsabilité civile. Celle-ci permet d'apprécier la responsabilité de l'auteur de l'accident et de fixer le quantum de l'indemnisation. Ensuite, il est procédé à sa mise en œuvre par l'assureur en application d'un contrat d'assurance. Le contenu de ce dernier devra être conforme à la législation régissant l'assurance obligatoire du pays de l'accident dont la fonction est de couvrir le montant de la dette de responsabilité. La coordination de la lex contratcus avec les dispositions régissant l'assurance obligatoire doit donc se faire en faveur de la lex loci delicti car elle présente l'avantage d'être neutre et prévisible pour l'ensemble des parties. / Issues related to international traffic related to the development of international trade and the free movement of person' trade. The development of trade was done despite differences in their respective legislation. International traffic with indeed lead to conflicts of laws that must be addressed by coordinating measures. It will also lead to conflicts of jurisdiction involving the determination of the competent court to adjudicate claims. The existence of this international traffic has created a regulation to achieve coordination between the various applicable laws and facilitate the process of the victim by avoiding recourse to a judge. Essentially private in origin, regulation evolves under the influence of European integration. The compensation of a victim process chronologically follows two steps. Firstly, it is to determine the law applicable to civil liability. This allows assessing the responsibility of the author of the accident and determine the quantum of compensation. Then he proceeded to its implementation by the insurer under an insurance contract. The content of the latter must comply with the laws governing compulsory insurance in the country of the accident whose function is to cover the amount of the debt liability. Coordinating the lex contratcus with the provisions governing compulsory insurance must be in favor of the lex loci delicti because it has the advantage of being neutral and predictable for all parties.

韓國強制汽車責任保險制度之研究 / A study on the system of compulsory automobile liability insuran- ce in korea

權赫俊, Kwon,Hyuk Jun Unknown Date (has links)
為保護汽車意外事故受害者,韓國於1963年制定「汽車損害賠償保障法」(Automobile liability security law),即為「強制汽車損害賠償責任保險」(Compulsory automobile liability insurance)的法律基礎,本法對於汽車意外事故所因起之損害賠償責任,在民法上優先適用,成為民法(不法行為)之特別法,而規定強制投保汽車責任險為取得牌照之前提要件,並採用接近無過失責任主義及認定受害者直接請求權。韓國強制汽車責任保險法制施行以來經過數次之修正然而仍然存有許多缺失,如保險金額過低等,而社會大眾對其服務品質依然不滿,因此無法滿足充分保障之需求。在此種情況下,韓國強制汽車責任保險應何去何從?如何加以改進?則為一個值得關心的問題,也就是本論文研究之動機。本論文之研究範圍為著重於改革韓國強制汽車責任保險制度,本文先擬以汽車事故損害賠償制度為始,進而說明韓國之汽車損害賠償保障法及強制汽車損害賠償責任保險制度之內容,最後提出筆者管見,強調欲期改革韓國強制汽車責任保險制度,達建立健全完善之制度及保護受害人之目的,作為結論。本文若對中韓兩國車禍賠償問題之合理解決果能有所助益,則甚幸矣!


林新裕, Lin Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
論文摘要: 汽車為現代人不可或缺之交通工具,汽車責任保險關乎社會大眾權益甚巨,不僅僅是保險人與被保險人兩者之間保險契約之關係,尚且關乎汽車意外事故受害第三人之權利,而每個人都有可能成為汽車意外事故之受害第三人。故保障受害第三人之權益即是保障多數人之權益。為使受害第三人之權益能獲得充分周全之保障,於汽車責任保險之中,創立受害第三人直接請求權制度,實不失為一良法。然而於我國無論是強制汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度抑或是任意汽車責任保險受害第三人直接請求權制度,均存有若干疑義及缺失,因而引發筆者研究動機。本文之研究方法為(1)、比較法研究及(2)、邏輯架構分析法。將全文分成七章予以論述,主要之研究內容為,以責任保險之意義、思潮及功能為開端,進而論述責任被保險人之保險給付請求權及受害第三人之直接請求權並闡述責任被保險人、責任保險人與受害第三人三者彼此之關係及保險給付請求權與直接請求權競合之處理,並進一步檢視我國現行關於受害第三人直接請求權法令規範之缺失,參酌外國立法例及學說,提出改進建議,期能使我國之受害第三人直接請求權制度,邏輯趨於圓滿一致,以杜絕適用疑義,廣增大眾福祉。 / Abstract: An automobile has become a necessary transportation vehicle for modern people. The automobile liability insurance plays an important role on everyone’s rights in our society. The insurance contract doesn’t only signify the relationship between an insurer and the insured , but also refers to the injured third party’s rights during the automobile accident. Because everyone may become a possible automobile accident injured third party, to protect the injured third party’s right means to protect everybody’s citizenship. In order to preserve the injured third party’s right exactly and sufficiently, it is a good method to establish the legislation system empowering the injured third party possessing the authority to exert the automobile liability. However, as far as the injured third party’s action is concerned, there are flaws and imperfection in the system of compulsory automobile liability insurance and optional automobile liability insurance in our country. That is the motivation of this study and the reason why the author draws this paper. The research methods of this paper are the comparative method and the logic framework analysis method. This paper is consisted of seven chapters. The major content of this paper begins with the significance, development and function of the liability insurance. Then, this paper will discuss the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action, analyze the relationship among the liability insurer, the liability insured and the injured third party, and exposit how to handle the conflict between the right of the liability insured’s payment claim and the injured third party’s direct action. Furthermore, it is important to inspect the imperfection of the current laws and regulations of the injured third party’s direct action in Taiwan. After considering the spirits of the foreign country’s laws, the researcher will pose and recommend the improving methods for the law system of the injured third party’ direct action in our country. The suggestions try to make the law system more coherent and more logical, to eradicate the mess situation in practice, and to fortify the public welfare.

強制汽車責任保險保險詐欺防制之研究 / Compulsory automobile liability insurance-research on fraud prevention for general insurance

陳添壽 Unknown Date (has links)
我國強制汽車責任保險自西元1998年1月1日開始實施,迄今已逾10年之久,主要精神為使交通事故之受害人迅速獲得基本保障及維護社會大眾之安全與權益,所以採無過失責任精神,即在交通事故傷亡之受害人不論有無過失皆可獲得保險金給付,使許多受害人及其家庭之經濟即時獲得補償,所以有近九成民眾對於強制汽車責任保險之實施成效給予高度肯定。 近年來,強制汽車責任保險已成為保險犯罪集團覬覦之目標,保險詐欺案件有日益增加之趨勢,保險詐欺犯罪也發展成組織化及專業分工之保險詐欺集團,詐欺手法也不斷翻新且日益猖獗,也使強制汽車責任保險之實施精神遭受扭曲及破壞。本研究係透過產物保險業者蒐集不同類型之強制汽車責任保險詐欺案例,針對個案之犯罪手法加以比對分析,希冀從所蒐集不同類型之案例中探討保險詐欺之詐欺手法及特徵,以期研擬出一套具體措施能夠對保險詐欺作有效之防制,以遏止保險詐欺案件之發生。 本文研究有鑒於美國、英國、德國、挪威、日本及中國大陸等國家對於保險詐欺之防制不遺餘力,同時參考各國有關保險詐欺之法律規定與防制概況,保險詐欺資訊之提供及為對抗保險詐欺之教育宣導,這對於保險詐欺防制工作剛起步之我國,當有許多值得學習之處。當然保險詐欺之防制需要社會大眾、保險業者及政府檢警消相關單位正視保險詐欺問題之嚴重性,大家共同聯手一起來防制,才能有效遏阻保險詐欺之歪風。 / Compulsory automobile liability insurance in Taiwan has been implementing more than ten years since January 1, 1998. Its law-making intention is to ensure prompt and basic coverage for the injured parties in the automobile traffic accident and maintain the safety and rights for the public so it is adopted the system of no-fault basis. It means any injured party who is injured or lost of life in the automobile traffic accident can require the reimbursement regardless of who’s fault. Many injured parties and their families have received the prompt reimbursement from compulsory automobile liability insurance, so there are almost ninety percentage of the public in Taiwan giving the highly positive feedback to the implementation of compulsory automobile liability insurance. Within recent years, the compulsory automobile liability insurance which becomes a crime means and target of organized crimes of insurance fraud. The case of Insurance Fraud has the tendency in growth and the trick of insurance fraud become organized and professionalized, which has seriously affected the law-making purpose and normal developments of compulsory automobile liability insurance. This research, through the various organized criminal fraud cases of compulsory automobile liability insurance provided by non-life insurance companies. In order to prevent the fraud case from being on compulsory automobile liability insurance, this research collects and provides various types of fraud cases containing different means and characteristics. By the research, we hope to provide an effective measure to prevent fraud case from being on compulsory automobile liability insurance. The research is on the basis of the fact that many countries, for example, United States of American, England, Germany, Norway, Japan and China, have left on stone unturned to prevent insurance fraud and also on the basic of their laws and situations about insurance fraud, to furnish information about insurance fraud, and to educate the public about how to fight against insurance fraud, which is very beneficial to promote the development of insurance anti-fraud in Taiwan. There is no doubt that the prevention of insurance fraud needs the public, the insurer and authority cooperate closely. Only by doing so, we can prevent efficiently insurance fraud from spread.

我國保險代位理論與法制之再建構 / A Study on the Reconstruction of Insurance Subrogation in Taiwan

陳俊元, Chen, Chun-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
保險代位之本質,可說是整個保險代位體系之核心所在。本文乃以保險代位之本質—亦即求償模式為重心,對於保險代位之相關問題,依序加以討論。本文首先自保險代位存在之法理、以及學說上對其之批評加以分析、並提出回應。在保險代位之求償模式方面,我國傳統以來循大陸法系之傳統,採取法定債權移轉理論,而與英美法有所不同;英美法之架構近年來漸受學說之重視,甚至對其有所爭議,故實有釐清之必要。本文乃對英美保險代位之本質、架構加以探索,並對其與擬制信託之融合詳加分析,以求釐清其法律關係。除了英美以外,本文亦對其他主要國家之立法例詳加分析,並歸納為大陸法系與英美法系兩大系統。而中國大陸與台灣均屬於繼受法之地位,關於保險代位求償模式、名義等,亦可見受不同立法例所影響之軌跡;其許多條款與學說見解亦有疑義,值得我國引以為戒。於分析英美法與各國立法例,並審酌我國之背景後,本文乃嘗試對我國提出「保險代位求償模式相對論」—即原則上仍採取法定債權移轉理論,但在保險人與被保險人有特定具體之特約時,則可約定採取英美法之模式、或是自行約定其他求償模式。 另外,關於不足額保險、而應負責之第三人資力不足時,保險人與被保險人之間受償順序之問題,本文將由傳統的法釋義學方法出發,藉由對立法例、實務與學說見解的分析,以重新思考相關的法理基礎。本文也將使用法律經濟分析的方法,以經濟模型重新考量代位求償過程中可能的因素,重新驗證被保險人優先受償模式對於被保險人的效用。就結論而言,在損失填補原則的架構下,被保險人優先受償模式仍應為最適的解決方案。但此原則應有以法規或嚴格意定予以排除、修正之空間。在判斷順序上,可依三階段判斷:先檢視法規有無特別規定,再檢視當事人間是否有特別約定,若均無再適用被保險人優先受償模式以分配之。 對於特別保險—如全民健康保險法、勞工保險條例、強制汽車責任保險法等中之代位體系,本文亦加以分析,並同樣認為於適當之類型中,本文之保險代位模式求償相對論亦應可加以適用。在再保險與保險代位之適用問題上,本文肯認保險人對第三人之求償無庸扣除再保險之給付。而對於再保險是否、如何適用於保險代位,本文則認為可以三階段判斷之:首先,就再保險之類型為判斷;再判斷原保險人是否欲向第三人求償;如再保險之類型適合、又原保險人不欲向第三人求償時,則應允許再保險人向第三求償。最後,總結全文提出結論;並分三階段對於我國法提出相關建議,以供未來進一步之參酌。 / The nature of subrogation can be regarded as the core of the subrogation system. This research put stress on the nature of subrogation which was the subrogation. Regarding the related problems of subrogation, they will be discussed orderly. The article firstly starts to analyze from the existence of subrogation and the criticism for the theory to provide the responses. In the aspect of the way how subrogation operates, our country traditionally follows the Continental Law System to adopt the “legal assignment theory” which is different the Anglo-American Law System. The structure of Anglo-American Law System is stressed by the theory and is very controversial. Consequently, it is necessary to figure out the truth. This research is aimed at exploring the nature and structure of common law subrogation theory and analyzes other integration of the constructive trust to figure out the law relationship. Except for Anglo-American countries, this research also analyzes the lawmaking of other countries and induces the two main systems which are Continental Law System and Anglo-American Law System. Mainland China and Taiwan belong to the status of Succession Law. Regarding the subrogation and nominal, it can be seen that the orbit is affected by different ways of lawmaking. Understandings of many clauses and theories are still uncertain. Our country should learn a lesson from it. With analyzing the ways of lawmaking of common law and each country, and considering the background of our country, the research attempts to address the “relativity theory of insurance subrogation” to our country. In principle, it still adopts legal assignment theory. However, when the insurer and insured have specific agreement, they can negotiate to adopt the Anglo-American model or make other subrogation model by themselves. Other problems can arise with regard to payment priority between the insurer and the insured, particularly in cases of underinsurance and when the responsible third party has insufficient funds to make up the difference. The present study takes the traditional rechtsdogmatik approach as its starting point, analyzing legislative precedents, practical aspects and academic theories to re-examine the underlying legal principles. The paper also makes use of economic analysis of law techniques, employing economic models to reconsider the factors that may be involved in the subrogation process, and re-examining the efficacy of the insured-whole doctrine from the point of view of the insured. The main conclusions reached are that, within the framework created by the principle of indemnity, the insured-whole doctrine is still the optimal solution; however, there may be situations in which the insured-whole doctrine must be rejected or modified in light of legal or regulatory requirements or strict interpretation. Determination can be made in three stages. Firstly, the relevant laws and regulations should be examined to determine whether any special provisions apply. Then, an examination should be made to determine whether any special agreements exist between the parties concerned. If no special legal or regulatory provisions apply and no special agreements exist, then the insured-whole doctrine can be applied. For the subrogation systems in special insurances—for examples, the National Health Insurance, Labor Insurance, and Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance, the research also analyzes them and considers that in the proper type, the relativity theory of insurance subrogation can be adopted. About the problems about reinsurance and subrogation, this research admits that insurer asks for subrogation for the third party not need to deduct from settlement of reinsurance. For reinsurer and how to apply to the subrogation, the research considers that it can be judged from three stages. If the type of reinsurance is suitable and the original insurer does not want to claim against the third party, it should be allowed that the reinsurer can claim against the third party directly. Finally, the research makes the conclusion and provides related suggestions to the law of our country to be viewed as the future reference.

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