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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reaktions- und sicherheitstechnische Untersuchung der partiellen Autoxidation von Cyclohexan in Mikrostrukturen

Fischer, Johannes 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wird die partielle Autoxidation von Cyclohexan zu Cyclohexanol und Cyclohexanon mit Luftsauerstoff in einem Kapillarrohrreaktor untersucht. Gegenüber dem konventionellen Verfahren wurde die Temperatur auf 180-250°C und der Druck auf 20-80 bar angehoben. Auf diese Weise konnte eine Steigerung der Raum-Zeit-Ausbeute um etwa den Faktor 200 (von 25 kg/m³*h auf ca. 6000 kg/m³*h) erreicht werden. Die Umsätze sind dabei denen der industriellen Anlage vergleichbar. Die Selektivität der partiellen Oxidation zu den Wertprodukten cyclohexanol, Cyclohexanon und Cyclohexylhydroperoxid liegt im Kapillarrohrreaktor mit 80-90 % etwas unter den in der industriellen Anlage erreichbaren Selektivität von ca. 90-95 %. Die Reaktion im Kapillarrohrreaktor wurde auch aus sicherheitstechnischer Perspektive untersucht. Cyclohexan ist in die Explosionsgruppe IIA eingeordnet. Um das System in konservativer Weise zu betrachten, wurde als Stoffsystem Ethen (Referenzgas der Explosionsgruppe IIB) im Gemisch mit Sauerstoff bzw. Lachgas ausgewählt. Es wurde ein Versuchsaufbau konstruiert, mit dem ex möglich war stabile Detonationen zu erzeugen, diese in die Mikrostruktur einzuleiten und deren Ausbreitung und ggf. Austritt aus der Mikrostruktur zu beobachten. Im Versuchsprogramm wurde der Anfangsdruck im Bereich von 0,1 bis 10 bar und der Rohrdruchmesser der eingesetzten Kapillarrohr im Bereich von 0,13 - 1 mm variiert. Es zeigt sich, dass sich stabile Detonationen von stöchiometrischen Ethen/Sauerstoff-Gemischen bei einem Anfangsdruck von 1 bar abs gerade noch durch eine Kapillare mit einem Innendurchmesser von 0,13 mm ausbreiten können. Es wurde aus den Messdaten und theoretischen Betrachtungen eine Kennzahl für die Bewertung von Mikrostrukturierten Bauteilen entwickelt und diskutiert: der maximale sichere Rohrdurchmesser. / In this thesis a process is described for the uncatalyzed selective oxidation of cyclohexane with air at high-p, T-conditions in a micro capillary reactor. At 533 K a spacetime-yield of about 6000 kg/(m3 ? h) is reached, which corresponds to a size of 2 m x 2 m x 2 m(8 m3) of the microstructured reactor assuming a capacity of 100000 t/a compared to 500 m3 total reactor volume realized with a cascade of bubble columns of each about 100 m3. Unfortunately, selectivity drops at this temperature below 80 % which is significantly lower than the selectivity in the conventional process. With the help of the Hatta number, mass transfer limitations can be excluded for the micro capillary reactor, whereas the bubble column reactor is weakly limited by the gas/liquid mass transfer of the molecular oxygen. Thus, process intensification by enhancing mass transfer using a microstructured reactor for cyclohexane oxidation with air is quite low. Furthermore a method and its corresponding results are presented for the determination of maximum safe capillary diameters, which may be used to describe the extended range of safe operation conditions for gas phase oxidation reactions in microstructured reactor devices. Sections of stainless steel micro capillaries of different inner diameters are mounted between a primary and a secondary chamber. An explosion is ignited in the primary chamber, where also a deflagration to detonation transition occurs. The propagation of the detonation through the stainless steel micro capillaries is monitored by pressure transducers located between the sections of the micro capillaries. This setup is used in order to determine explosion velocities inside the capillaries, maximum safe initial pressures and corresponding maximum safe capillary diameters. Initial investigations are performed with an ideal stoichiometric mixture necessary for complete combustion of ethene with oxygen respectively ethene and nitrous oxide at room temperature. The measured maximum safe capillary diameters obey an indirect proportionality to the initial pressures. The maximum safe capillary diameter can be estimated on the basis of the lambda/3-rule.

Autoxidação de 1,4-dihidronicotinamidas promovida por N,N,N\',N\'-tetrametil-p-fenilenodiamina: Modelo de síntese de ATP no sítio I da cadeia respiratória / 1,4-Dihidronicotinamidas autoxidation promoted by N, N, N \', N\'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine: ATP synthesis template in site I of the respiratory chain

Etelvino Jose Henriques Bechara 07 March 1972 (has links)
N,N,N\',N \'-tetrametil-p-fenilenodiamina (TMPD) catalisa a autoxidação de coenzimas piridínicos (NADH, NADPH) e modelos (ClBCH ,ClPCH ) ao cátion piridínico com rendimentos de 80-100%. A velocidade destas reações mostrou dependência de primeira ordem com respeito à concentração da 1,4-dihidronicotinamida e de meia ordem em relação às concentrações de O2 e TMPD. Estes dados cinéticos e testes com captadores de ion superóxido e superóxido dismutase indicam que os radicais HO•2 oriundos da autoxidação lenta do TMPD promovem a oxidação da dihidronicotinamida numa reação em cadeia; no término os radicais HO•2 se aniquilam por dismutação. O mecanismo proposto também é confirmado (1º) pela razão kC-H/kC-D=2,3 quando se substitui um dos hidrogênios do C4 de ClBCH por deutério, (2º) pelas idênticas velocidades iniciais em H2O e D2O, (3º) pelo valor da Ea = 10 kcal/mol na autoxidação do NADH e (4º) pelo aumento da velocidade de pH = 7,8 a pH 6,5. TMPD também promove a autoxidação do derivado 5, 6-hidratado (PHTN) da dihidronicotinamida ao cátion piridínico (ClPC+) apenas de fosfato ou arsenato estão presentes. O ClPC+ nã o se forma a partir do ClPCH em equilíbrio com o PHTN. Muito provavelmente se forma a partir do intermediário fosforilado no C6 por oxidação no C4 seguida de eliminação de fosfato. Quando PHTN e ClPCH foram oxidados pelo sistema O2/TMPD na presença de fosfato de piridínio ou de tetra-n-butilamônio em meio piridínico houve formação de pirofosfato, isolado por cromatografia de papel e por resina de troca aniônica. Adicionando-se ADP de tetra-n-butilamôneo ao sistema, constatou-se a formação de pirofosfato e de ATP com rendimentos mínimos de 5% e 3% , respectivamente. Por outro lado se a mistura de reação contém AMP de tetra-n-butilamôneo pôde-se verificar a formação de pirofosfato, ADP e ATP com rendimento total de 28% de \"ligações ricas\". A reação estudada foi proposta como modelo para síntese de ATP no sítio I da cadeia respiratória. / N,N,N\',N\'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) catalyses the autoxidation of the pyridine coenzymes and of their models to the pyridinium form (80-100% yields). The first arder dependence of the rate upon the dihidronicotinamide concentration and half order upon both the O2 and TMPD concentrations, indicates that the relatively slow autoxidation of TMPD is the source of free radicals: dihydronicotinamide autoxidizes by the HO•2 chain mechanism and in the termination step the HO•2 radicals decay by dismutation. Such a mechanis is also supported by the inhibitory effects of cathecol, a scavenger of the HO•2 radical, and of superoxide dismutase, an enzyme which accelerates the dismutation of the O-2/ HO•2 species. The mecanism is further supported by (1) kC-H/kC-D=2,3 for substitution in 1-benzyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (ClBCH), (2) identical rates in H2O and D2O buffers, (3) Ea = 10 kcal/mole in the autoxidation of NADH and (4) the increase in rate from pH 7,8 to 6,5. TMPD promotes also the autoxidation of 1-n-propyl-6-hydroxy-1,4,5,6 - tetrahydronicotinamide (PHTN) to the 1-propyl-3-carboxamidopyridinium cation (ClPC+) provided phosphate ar arsenate are present. ClPC+ originates not from 1-n-propyl-1,4-dihydronicotinamide (ClPCH) in equilibrium with PHTN but most certainly from a C6 phosphorylated intermediate by oxidation at C4 and loss of phosphate. When PHTN an ClPCH were oxidated by the system O2/TMPD in the presence of pyridinium phosphate or tetra-n-butylammonium phosphate in pyridineas solvent, formation of pyrophosphate occurred. Pyrophosphate was isolated and identified by paper and ionic exchange resin chromatography. If tetra-n-butylammonium ADP is also present in the system, one can observe the formation of both pyrophosphate and ATP (5% and 3% minimum yields, respectively). In the presence of tetra-n-butylammonium AMP there, formation of pyrofosphate, ADP and ATP occurs. The total yield of energy rich bond is 28%. We suggest that the reaction is a model for the generation of the first ATP in the respiratory chain.

Eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato aplicada à avaliação da qualidade de biocombustíveis (biodiesel e etanol) e ao estudo sobre os processos de oxidação do biodiesel / Capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection applied to evaluating the quality of biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol) and the study of the oxidation processes of biodiesel

Thiago Nogueira 09 September 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, métodos analíticos empregando a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato CE - C4D foram desenvolvidos para a determinação de diversas espécies no biodiesel e etanol combustível. A concentração das espécies inorgânicas (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2- e PO4 3-) e glicerol no biodiesel são de interesse das agências reguladoras devido à capacidade dessas espécies em formar compostos indesejáveis no motor. A separação dos cátions foi realizada utilizando eletrólito de corrida (BGE) contendo 30 mmol L-1 de Ácido 2-N-morfolino-etanosulfônico (MES) / L-histidina, pH 6. A separação das espécies aniônicas foi realizada em BGE semelhante contendo 0,2 mmol L-1 brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio. Para a determinação do glicerol, que é uma espécie neutra, foi empregada uma etapa de oxidação utilizando periodato. Esta reação é específica para polióis e tem como um dos produtos o iodato. A quantidade de iodato produzida pela reação foi determinada por CE. A separação foi realizada em aproximadamente 1 min, utilizando BGE contendo 30 mmol L-1 de ácido acético, pH 3. Este trabalho também apresenta estudos sobre a formação de ácidos orgânicos de baixo PM durante a etapa de auto-oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que esta etapa acarreta no aumento da viscosidade e acidez, ocasionando a formação de gomas e sedimentos e, conseqüentemente, o entupimento de filtros de combustíveis. As amostras foram oxidadas utilizando equipamento para teste de oxidação acelerada (Método Rancimat) e CE - C4D foi utilizada para a análise dos produtos iônicos formados. As principais espécies ácidas encontradas foram os ácidos acético e fórmico. Porém, outras espécies são formadas durante esta etapa, tais como os ácidos acrílico, glicólico, glioxílico, láctico e propiônico. Em particular, o ácido glicólico se mostrou uma espécie de grande importância prática, atuando como um marcador do estágio de oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que este ácido somente é formado após o desencadeamento da auto-oxidação e, além do mais, esta espécie foi observada em amostras de biodiesel de diferentes origens (algodão, soja, palma e sebo bovido). Adicionalmente, métodos para a determinação de Cl-, SO4 2-, formiato, acetato, formaldeído e acetaldeído em etanol combustível são descritos. A separação foi realizada em BGE contendo 20 mmol L-1 de MES / L-histidina e 0,1 mmol L-1 hidróxido de cetiltrimetilamônio, pH 6. Para a separação dos aldeídos por CE, foi realizada a derivatização com bissulfito. O presente trabalho também apresenta um método alternativo para a determinação do teor de água e de álcool em amostras de etanol combustível. A estratégia descrita é baseada na formação de monoalquil carbonatos (MAC) produzidos pela reação de um álcool e o bicarbonato em meio aquoso. / In this work, methods employing capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE - C4D) are introduced for the determination of several species in biodiesel and ethanol fuel. The concentrations of inorganic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and PO43-) and glycerol are of interest for the regulatory authorities due to their ability to form undesirable compounds in the engines. The separation of the cations was done in BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of 2-N-morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid (MES)/L-histidine, pH 6. The separation of anionic species was carried out in similar BGE including cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (0.2 mmol L-1). For glycerol, a neutral species, its oxidation with periodate was employed. This well-known reaction is specific to polyols and generates iodate. The amount of iodate produced by the reaction was determined by CE. The separation was carried out in ca. 1 min using BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of acetic acid, pH 3. This work also presents studies on the formation of low molecular organic acids during the biodiesel autoxidation step. Since the implications of the biodiesel oxidation are the increased viscosity and acidity, causing formation of insoluble gums and sediments that induce the clogging of the fuel filters. The samples were oxidized using equipment for accelerated oxidation test (Rancimat Method) and CE-C4D was used to analyze the ionic products. The main acid species were acetic and formic acids. However, acrylic, glyoxylic, glycolic, lactic, and propionic acids were also observed only after the oxidation step. Thus, these species are candidates for quality markers for biodiesel. In particular, glycolic acid seems to be a good marker, because it is produced only after auto-oxidation started. Moreover, it was found out in biodiesel of different origins (cotton, soy, palm, and animal fat). In addition, alternative methods to determination of Cl-, SO42-, formate, acetate, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in ethanol fuel are described. The separation was done in BGE composed of 20 mmol L-1 of MES / L-histidine, and 0.1 mmol L-1 cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide, pH 6. For aldehydes, a neutral species, a derivatization step with bisulfite was employed. The present work also shows an alternative method for analysis of alcohol and water percentage in fuel samples employing CE - C4D in order to achieve the limits established by regulatory authorities. The strategy is based on the formation of monoalkyl carbonates (MAC) produced by the reaction of an alcohol and bicarbonate in aqueous medium.

Etude de la stabilité à l'oxydation des carburants en phase liquide / Oxidation stability of fuels in liquid phase

Chatelain, Karl 15 December 2016 (has links)
La stabilité des carburants en phase liquide est de premier ordre dans le domaine du transport. Par exemple, les carburants, les lubrifiants ou les additifs doivent être stables de leur production jusqu'à leur utilisation. Cette thèse a pour but de développer et de valider une méthodologie alliant l’acquisition de données expérimentales et le développement de modèles cinétiques pour l'autoxydation en phase liquide.Expérimentalement, une approche complémentaire a été mise en place pour obtenir à la fois des données de réactivité globales via un appareil PetroOxy et des profils d’espèces via un autoclave instrumenté.Numériquement, une méthodologie basée sur un générateur de mécanismes est proposée pour obtenir une chimie détaillée en phase liquide. Les paraffines linéaires et branchées sont étudiées comme des carburants modèles représentatifs de l'autoxidation de carburants réels afin de valider l’approche proposée. Ces familles chimiques sont représentatives de la composition des carburants réels et alternatifs.La réactivité des n-paraffines de C8 à C16 ainsi que d’isomères de l’octane a été étudiée en PetroOxy sur la gamme de température 373-433 K. Puis, des profils d’espèces détaillés de la phase gaz et de la phase liquide ont été obtenus durant l’étude de l’oxydation du n-C8 et du 2-methylheptane dans un autoclave à 383 K et 10 bars. Des mécanismes cinétiques détaillés ont été développé pour toutes les molécules jusqu’à C14. Les mécanismes reproduisent qualitativement la formation des espèces majoritaires lors de l’autoxidation des alcanes ainsi que les tendances observées liées à la longueur de chaîne et la ramification. L’analyse des mécanismes cinétiques a mis en avant le rôle prédominant des radicaux peroxy (ROO) et peroxy-hydroperoxyde (HOOQOO) dans la consommation de carburants modèles.Cette étude a permis d’améliorer la compréhension des processus d’autoxidation des alcanes linéaires et branchés. L’étude de nouveaux systèmes permettra d’améliorer la compréhension globale des processus d’autoxidation et, de réduire l’écart de compréhension existant entre l’autoxidation des carburants réels et des carburants modèles. / Liquid phase stability is a major concern in the transportation and the energy fields. Relevant examples are fuels, lubricants and additives which have to be stable from their production to their application (engine, combustors). This thesis aims to develop and validate a complete methodology combining both experimental data acquisition and the development of kinetic models for liquid phase autoxidation.The experimental methodology is based on a complementary approach to obtain (i) a global reactivity descriptor (Induction Periods) and (ii) detailed species profiles respectively using a PetroOxy device and an instrumented autoclave. Numerically, the presented methodology includes detailed liquid phase mechanisms generation with an automatic mechanism generator (RMG). Normal and iso-paraffins were selected as fuel surrogates for autoxidation to validate the developed methodology. They were selected regarding their large contribution in fuel composition and their growing interest as drop-in fuels.The reactivity of both n-paraffins from C8 to C16 and several C8 iso-paraffins was investigated over a wide temperature range (373-433 K) in the PetroOxy with liquid phase analyses. Then, detailed species profiles from the autoxidation of both n-octane and 2-methylheptane in autoclave were obtained at 383 K and 10 bars. Detailed liquid phase mechanisms were developed for all molecules tested up to C14. Mechanisms qualitatively reproduce the overall phenomenology of the chain length, the branching and the major species profiles observed experimentally. Mechanisms analysis allow to identify the main consumption pathways of alkanes through peroxy (ROO) and peroxy-hydroperoxide radicals (HOOQOO) over the temperature range investigated (373-473 K).This study permitted to increase the comprehension of autoxidation processes involved in normal and branched alkanes. The study of new chemical systems will increase the global comprehension of autoxidation processes and in fine it will reduce the gap between the current autoxidation knowledge and the real fuel autoxidation.

Eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato aplicada à avaliação da qualidade de biocombustíveis (biodiesel e etanol) e ao estudo sobre os processos de oxidação do biodiesel / Capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection applied to evaluating the quality of biofuels (biodiesel and ethanol) and the study of the oxidation processes of biodiesel

Nogueira, Thiago 09 September 2011 (has links)
No presente trabalho, métodos analíticos empregando a eletroforese capilar com detecção condutométrica sem contato CE - C4D foram desenvolvidos para a determinação de diversas espécies no biodiesel e etanol combustível. A concentração das espécies inorgânicas (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2- e PO4 3-) e glicerol no biodiesel são de interesse das agências reguladoras devido à capacidade dessas espécies em formar compostos indesejáveis no motor. A separação dos cátions foi realizada utilizando eletrólito de corrida (BGE) contendo 30 mmol L-1 de Ácido 2-N-morfolino-etanosulfônico (MES) / L-histidina, pH 6. A separação das espécies aniônicas foi realizada em BGE semelhante contendo 0,2 mmol L-1 brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio. Para a determinação do glicerol, que é uma espécie neutra, foi empregada uma etapa de oxidação utilizando periodato. Esta reação é específica para polióis e tem como um dos produtos o iodato. A quantidade de iodato produzida pela reação foi determinada por CE. A separação foi realizada em aproximadamente 1 min, utilizando BGE contendo 30 mmol L-1 de ácido acético, pH 3. Este trabalho também apresenta estudos sobre a formação de ácidos orgânicos de baixo PM durante a etapa de auto-oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que esta etapa acarreta no aumento da viscosidade e acidez, ocasionando a formação de gomas e sedimentos e, conseqüentemente, o entupimento de filtros de combustíveis. As amostras foram oxidadas utilizando equipamento para teste de oxidação acelerada (Método Rancimat) e CE - C4D foi utilizada para a análise dos produtos iônicos formados. As principais espécies ácidas encontradas foram os ácidos acético e fórmico. Porém, outras espécies são formadas durante esta etapa, tais como os ácidos acrílico, glicólico, glioxílico, láctico e propiônico. Em particular, o ácido glicólico se mostrou uma espécie de grande importância prática, atuando como um marcador do estágio de oxidação do biodiesel, uma vez que este ácido somente é formado após o desencadeamento da auto-oxidação e, além do mais, esta espécie foi observada em amostras de biodiesel de diferentes origens (algodão, soja, palma e sebo bovido). Adicionalmente, métodos para a determinação de Cl-, SO4 2-, formiato, acetato, formaldeído e acetaldeído em etanol combustível são descritos. A separação foi realizada em BGE contendo 20 mmol L-1 de MES / L-histidina e 0,1 mmol L-1 hidróxido de cetiltrimetilamônio, pH 6. Para a separação dos aldeídos por CE, foi realizada a derivatização com bissulfito. O presente trabalho também apresenta um método alternativo para a determinação do teor de água e de álcool em amostras de etanol combustível. A estratégia descrita é baseada na formação de monoalquil carbonatos (MAC) produzidos pela reação de um álcool e o bicarbonato em meio aquoso. / In this work, methods employing capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE - C4D) are introduced for the determination of several species in biodiesel and ethanol fuel. The concentrations of inorganic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and PO43-) and glycerol are of interest for the regulatory authorities due to their ability to form undesirable compounds in the engines. The separation of the cations was done in BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of 2-N-morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid (MES)/L-histidine, pH 6. The separation of anionic species was carried out in similar BGE including cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (0.2 mmol L-1). For glycerol, a neutral species, its oxidation with periodate was employed. This well-known reaction is specific to polyols and generates iodate. The amount of iodate produced by the reaction was determined by CE. The separation was carried out in ca. 1 min using BGE composed of 30 mmol L-1 of acetic acid, pH 3. This work also presents studies on the formation of low molecular organic acids during the biodiesel autoxidation step. Since the implications of the biodiesel oxidation are the increased viscosity and acidity, causing formation of insoluble gums and sediments that induce the clogging of the fuel filters. The samples were oxidized using equipment for accelerated oxidation test (Rancimat Method) and CE-C4D was used to analyze the ionic products. The main acid species were acetic and formic acids. However, acrylic, glyoxylic, glycolic, lactic, and propionic acids were also observed only after the oxidation step. Thus, these species are candidates for quality markers for biodiesel. In particular, glycolic acid seems to be a good marker, because it is produced only after auto-oxidation started. Moreover, it was found out in biodiesel of different origins (cotton, soy, palm, and animal fat). In addition, alternative methods to determination of Cl-, SO42-, formate, acetate, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in ethanol fuel are described. The separation was done in BGE composed of 20 mmol L-1 of MES / L-histidine, and 0.1 mmol L-1 cetyltrimethylammonium hydroxide, pH 6. For aldehydes, a neutral species, a derivatization step with bisulfite was employed. The present work also shows an alternative method for analysis of alcohol and water percentage in fuel samples employing CE - C4D in order to achieve the limits established by regulatory authorities. The strategy is based on the formation of monoalkyl carbonates (MAC) produced by the reaction of an alcohol and bicarbonate in aqueous medium.

Oxidative metabolism and cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition potential of creosote bush and flaxseed lignans

Billinsky, Jennifer Lynn 22 September 2009
The rising use of natural products creates an imperative need for an enhanced awareness of the safety of current and new products making their way into the marketplace. An important example is natural products containing lignans as the principal active component. Despite their structural similarity the lignan of creosote bush can cause hepato- and renal toxicity while the lignans of flaxseed have no reported serious toxicity. This dissertation aimed to investigate the oxidative metabolism of such lignans to determine whether reversible, competitive interactions and/or bioactivation may explain the differences in their apparent toxicity.<p> The first objective was to study the metabolism and bioactivation of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (creosote bush) and secoisolariciresinol (flaxseed). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid metabolism in rat liver microsomes led to the production of three glutathione adducts formed via ortho¬-quinone reactive intermediates. This metabolism was independent of NADPH and thus attributed to autoxidation. Secoisolariciresinol metabolism yielded lariciresinol and no glutathione adducts suggesting an absence of bioactivation to reactive quinone intermediates.<p> The second objective was to study the autoxidation of nordihydroguaiaretic acid. The major autoxidation product was a unique, stable schisandrin-like cyclolignan which was the result of nordihydroguaiaretic acid cyclization. The half-life of nordihydroguaiaretic acid in aqueous solution, pH 7.4, 37ºC is 3.14 hours suggesting the cyclolignan may be responsible for some of the biological effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid.<p> The third objective was to study the inhibition of cytochrome P450 isoforms 1A2, 2B, 2C11 and 3A by lignans derived from creosote bush and flaxseed. None of the lignans caused irreversible inhibition. Both creosote bush and flaxseed lignans caused reversible inhibition of P450 enzyme activity that involved competitive or mixed-type inhibition, however the inhibition was present at nonphysiologically relevant concentrations. Activation of cytochrome P450 isoforms was also observed at low lignan concentrations. The results suggest that P450-mediated bioactivation or reversible inhibition cannot explain the differences in toxicity noted between the lignans of creosote bush and flaxseed.<p> This work suggests a minimal risk for drug-lignan interactions at P450 enzymes. Further studies are warranted to determine the presence and biological and toxicological role of the nordihydroguaiaretic acid cyclolignan in herbal preparations.

Oxidative metabolism and cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibition potential of creosote bush and flaxseed lignans

Billinsky, Jennifer Lynn 22 September 2009 (has links)
The rising use of natural products creates an imperative need for an enhanced awareness of the safety of current and new products making their way into the marketplace. An important example is natural products containing lignans as the principal active component. Despite their structural similarity the lignan of creosote bush can cause hepato- and renal toxicity while the lignans of flaxseed have no reported serious toxicity. This dissertation aimed to investigate the oxidative metabolism of such lignans to determine whether reversible, competitive interactions and/or bioactivation may explain the differences in their apparent toxicity.<p> The first objective was to study the metabolism and bioactivation of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (creosote bush) and secoisolariciresinol (flaxseed). Nordihydroguaiaretic acid metabolism in rat liver microsomes led to the production of three glutathione adducts formed via ortho¬-quinone reactive intermediates. This metabolism was independent of NADPH and thus attributed to autoxidation. Secoisolariciresinol metabolism yielded lariciresinol and no glutathione adducts suggesting an absence of bioactivation to reactive quinone intermediates.<p> The second objective was to study the autoxidation of nordihydroguaiaretic acid. The major autoxidation product was a unique, stable schisandrin-like cyclolignan which was the result of nordihydroguaiaretic acid cyclization. The half-life of nordihydroguaiaretic acid in aqueous solution, pH 7.4, 37ºC is 3.14 hours suggesting the cyclolignan may be responsible for some of the biological effects of nordihydroguaiaretic acid.<p> The third objective was to study the inhibition of cytochrome P450 isoforms 1A2, 2B, 2C11 and 3A by lignans derived from creosote bush and flaxseed. None of the lignans caused irreversible inhibition. Both creosote bush and flaxseed lignans caused reversible inhibition of P450 enzyme activity that involved competitive or mixed-type inhibition, however the inhibition was present at nonphysiologically relevant concentrations. Activation of cytochrome P450 isoforms was also observed at low lignan concentrations. The results suggest that P450-mediated bioactivation or reversible inhibition cannot explain the differences in toxicity noted between the lignans of creosote bush and flaxseed.<p> This work suggests a minimal risk for drug-lignan interactions at P450 enzymes. Further studies are warranted to determine the presence and biological and toxicological role of the nordihydroguaiaretic acid cyclolignan in herbal preparations.

Reaktions- und sicherheitstechnische Untersuchung der partiellen Autoxidation von Cyclohexan in Mikrostrukturen

Fischer, Johannes 10 June 2011 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird die partielle Autoxidation von Cyclohexan zu Cyclohexanol und Cyclohexanon mit Luftsauerstoff in einem Kapillarrohrreaktor untersucht. Gegenüber dem konventionellen Verfahren wurde die Temperatur auf 180-250°C und der Druck auf 20-80 bar angehoben. Auf diese Weise konnte eine Steigerung der Raum-Zeit-Ausbeute um etwa den Faktor 200 (von 25 kg/m³*h auf ca. 6000 kg/m³*h) erreicht werden. Die Umsätze sind dabei denen der industriellen Anlage vergleichbar. Die Selektivität der partiellen Oxidation zu den Wertprodukten cyclohexanol, Cyclohexanon und Cyclohexylhydroperoxid liegt im Kapillarrohrreaktor mit 80-90 % etwas unter den in der industriellen Anlage erreichbaren Selektivität von ca. 90-95 %. Die Reaktion im Kapillarrohrreaktor wurde auch aus sicherheitstechnischer Perspektive untersucht. Cyclohexan ist in die Explosionsgruppe IIA eingeordnet. Um das System in konservativer Weise zu betrachten, wurde als Stoffsystem Ethen (Referenzgas der Explosionsgruppe IIB) im Gemisch mit Sauerstoff bzw. Lachgas ausgewählt. Es wurde ein Versuchsaufbau konstruiert, mit dem ex möglich war stabile Detonationen zu erzeugen, diese in die Mikrostruktur einzuleiten und deren Ausbreitung und ggf. Austritt aus der Mikrostruktur zu beobachten. Im Versuchsprogramm wurde der Anfangsdruck im Bereich von 0,1 bis 10 bar und der Rohrdruchmesser der eingesetzten Kapillarrohr im Bereich von 0,13 - 1 mm variiert. Es zeigt sich, dass sich stabile Detonationen von stöchiometrischen Ethen/Sauerstoff-Gemischen bei einem Anfangsdruck von 1 bar abs gerade noch durch eine Kapillare mit einem Innendurchmesser von 0,13 mm ausbreiten können. Es wurde aus den Messdaten und theoretischen Betrachtungen eine Kennzahl für die Bewertung von Mikrostrukturierten Bauteilen entwickelt und diskutiert: der maximale sichere Rohrdurchmesser. / In this thesis a process is described for the uncatalyzed selective oxidation of cyclohexane with air at high-p, T-conditions in a micro capillary reactor. At 533 K a spacetime-yield of about 6000 kg/(m3 ? h) is reached, which corresponds to a size of 2 m x 2 m x 2 m(8 m3) of the microstructured reactor assuming a capacity of 100000 t/a compared to 500 m3 total reactor volume realized with a cascade of bubble columns of each about 100 m3. Unfortunately, selectivity drops at this temperature below 80 % which is significantly lower than the selectivity in the conventional process. With the help of the Hatta number, mass transfer limitations can be excluded for the micro capillary reactor, whereas the bubble column reactor is weakly limited by the gas/liquid mass transfer of the molecular oxygen. Thus, process intensification by enhancing mass transfer using a microstructured reactor for cyclohexane oxidation with air is quite low. Furthermore a method and its corresponding results are presented for the determination of maximum safe capillary diameters, which may be used to describe the extended range of safe operation conditions for gas phase oxidation reactions in microstructured reactor devices. Sections of stainless steel micro capillaries of different inner diameters are mounted between a primary and a secondary chamber. An explosion is ignited in the primary chamber, where also a deflagration to detonation transition occurs. The propagation of the detonation through the stainless steel micro capillaries is monitored by pressure transducers located between the sections of the micro capillaries. This setup is used in order to determine explosion velocities inside the capillaries, maximum safe initial pressures and corresponding maximum safe capillary diameters. Initial investigations are performed with an ideal stoichiometric mixture necessary for complete combustion of ethene with oxygen respectively ethene and nitrous oxide at room temperature. The measured maximum safe capillary diameters obey an indirect proportionality to the initial pressures. The maximum safe capillary diameter can be estimated on the basis of the lambda/3-rule.

Synthesis of nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) analogues and their oxidative metabolism

2015 June 1900 (has links)
Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), is a naturally-occurring lignan isolated from the creosote bush (Larrea tridentata). The aqueous extract of this shrub, commonly referred to as Chaparral tea, was listed in the American pharmacopeia as an ethnobotanical used to treat tuberculosis, arthritis and cancer. Other documented traditional applications of creosote bush extract include treatment for infertility, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, gallbladder and kidney stones, pain and inflammation among many others. In spite of the numerous pharmacological properties, NDGA use has been associated with toxicities including hepatotoxicity in humans. Previous studies in our group showed that oxidative cyclization of NDGA (a di-catechol) at physiological pH forms a dibenzocyclooctadiene that may have therapeutic benefits whilst oxidation to ortho-quinone likely mediates toxicological properties. In order to investigate the structural features responsible for pharmacological and toxicological properties, a series of NDGA analogues were designed, synthesized and characterized for the purpose of studying their oxidative metabolism. Literature procedures were modified to successfully prepare seven lignan analogues via multi-step synthesis. In our effort to understand the mechanisms of NDGA intramolecular cyclization, the prepared analogues were incubated under previously established conditions where NDGA autoxidized to yield the dibenzocyclooctadiene derivative. We also evaluated the stability of the analogues under the conditions of this study. Furthermore, we evaluated bioactivation potential of the prepared analogues with a goal of eliminating reactive metabolite liability through rational structural modification. We incubated NDGA and its analogues in rat liver microsomes (RLM) in the presence of glutathione as a nucleophilic trapping agent. Standards for comparison were generated by performing glutathione trapping experiments with chemical and enzyme oxidation systems. The potential of the dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan 2 derived from NDGA under physiological conditions to contribute to toxicological properties via reactive metabolite formation was also evaluated. Glutathione conjugates were detected by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) scanning for neutral loss (NL) 129 Da or 307 Da in positive ion mode or precursor ion (PI) scanning for 272 Da in negative ion mode and further characterized by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) or in a single LC-MS run using multiple reactions monitoring (MRM) as a survey scan to trigger acquisition of enhanced product ion (EPI) data. We determined that NDGA autoxidation at pH 7.4 is dependent on substituents and/or substitution pattern on the two aromatic rings. In particular, spontaneous intramolecular cyclization to a dibenzocyclooctadiene required a di-catechol lignan, raising the possibility that o-Q formation may not be necessary for cyclization to occur. Cyclization was significantly inhibited in the presence of excess GSH which supports the involvement of free radicals as opposed to o-Q in the intramolecular cyclization process. The mono-catechol analogues A1 and A4 underwent oxidation to o-Q but no evidence of cyclization was found implying that electrophilic substitution cannot account for NDGA cyclization. The phenol-type analogues were oxidatively more stable in comparison with the catechol-type analogues at pH 7.4. The results demonstrate that electrophilic substitution makes no contribution to the intramolecular cyclization process and that a radical mediated process accurately describes the situation for NDGA. Oxidative metabolism and bioactivation studies on NDGA and its analogues revealed that reactive metabolites formation is dependent on substitution and/or substitution pattern of the aromatic rings. Cytochrome P450-mediated oxidation of NDGA and its catechol-type analogues yielded electrophilic intermediates which reacted with GSH. The GSH mono-conjugates were identified as ring adducts derived from o-Q although the position at which the GSH binds to the aromatic rings could not be determined. We also found that NL 129 or 307 scanning in positive ionization mode has potential diagnostic utility in distinguishing between aromatic and benzylic GSH conjugates although further studies may be required for validation. We found no evidence of p-QM either directly or via isomerization of o-Q intermediates suggesting that o-Q is the major reactive toxicophore responsible for reactive metabolite mediated toxicities associated with NDGA use. In addition, we demonstrated that the NDGA-derived dibenzycyclooctadiene lignan (cNDGA 2) undergoes P450-mediated oxidation to a reactive metabolite which might have toxicological implications. There was no evidence of P450-mediated oxidation to reactive metabolites for the phenol-type NDGA analogues. It is concluded that structural modification efforts should focus on phenol-type analogues to potentially enhance the safety profile of NDGA.

Estudo da autoxidação dos complexos de Cu(II), Ni(II) e Co(II)/tetraglicina induzida por S(IV) / Study of the autoxidation of the complexes of Cu (II), Ni (II) and Co (II)/tetraglycine induced by S(IV)

Sebastian, Maria Vespertina Alipazaga 19 September 2003 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta estudos espectrofotométricos relacionados à autoxidação dos complexos de Cu(II), Ni(II) e Co(II)/tetraglicina induzida por sulfito. Nossos estudos verificaram que a autoxidação de Cu(II)/tetraglicina (1,0x10-3 mol L-1) em pH = 9,0 (tampão borato) é afetada pela presença de traços de Ni(II) ou Co(II). Na ausência de Ni(II) ou Co(II), a reação é muito ineficiente e lenta com períodos de indução longos (aproximadamente 4 h). Ni(II) ou Co( II) em concentrações baixas ( 10-5 - 10-6 mol L-1) afetam significativamente a cinética: o período de indução diminui drasticamente (a menos de 2 s) e a formação de Cu(III) é fortemente acelerada com simultâneo aumento da eficiência da reação. A atividade catalítica e o sinergismo positivo de Co(II) e Ni(II) podem ser explicados pela oxidação mais rápida de Co(II) ou Ni(II)/tetraglicina pelo oxigênio dissolvido. O processo eletroquímico relacionado aos sistemas Cu(II)/Cu(III)/tetraglicina e Ni(II)/Ni(III)/tetraglicina são reversíveis, possibilitando monitorá-los adequadamente mediante o uso da técnica de eletrodo rotativo disco-anel. Entretanto, o sistema Co(II)/Co(III)/tetraglicina é irreversível. Esses estudos mostraram que as espécies de Cu(III) e Ni(III) geradas no eletrodo disco são instáveis nas condições experimentais empregadas. O efeito sinérgico positivo na presença de Ni(II) (que permitiu aumentar a sensibilidade) foi aproveitado para desenvolvimento de método espectrofotométrico e amperométrico simples e sensível para a determinação indireta de sulfito em meio aquoso. O método espectrofotométrico está baseado na medida de absorbância do complexo de Cu(III)/tetraglicina (gerado na presença de sulfito e traços de Ni(II)) em 365 nm. O método amperométrico em análise por injeção em fluxo baseia-se na medida de corrente (0,1 V vs Ag/AgCl) em função da concentração de Cu(III)/tetraglicina gerado quimicamente, na presença de sulfito e traços de Ni(II). Os métodos desenvolvidos foram empregados para a determinação de S(IV), em vinhos e sucos, após a sua extração da amostra acidificada, os resultados obtidos concordaram com aqueles obtidos pelo método iodométrico. / The present work presents spectrophotometric studies related to the sulfite induced autoxidation of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Co(II)/tetraglycine complexes. The sulfite induced autoxidação of Cu(II)/tetraglycine (1.0x10-3 mol L-1) at pH = 9.0 (borate buffer) is affected by the presence of small quantities of the Ni(II) or Co(II). In the absence of added nickel (II) or cobalt (II), the reaction is very inefficient and slow with one large induction period (about 4 h). Trace amounts of Ni(II) or Co(II) (10-5 - 10-6 M) affect the kinetic significantly: the induction period drastically decreases (less than 2 s) and the formation of Cu(III) is strongly accelerated. The effectiveness of Cu(III) formation becomes much higher. The catalytic activity and the positive synergism of Co(II) and Ni(II) may be explained by the faster oxidation of Co(II) or Ni(II)/tetraglycine complexes by dissolved oxygen. The electrochemistry of Cu(II)/Cu(III)/tetraglycine and Ni(II)/Ni(III)/tetraglycine systems are reversible, such as it was possible to monitor them by using the rotating ring-disk electrode technique. However, the Co(II)/Co(III)/tetraglycine system is irreversible. Those studies showed that the Cu(III) and Ni(III) species generated on the disk electrode are unstable in the employed experimental conditions. The positive sinergistic effect in the presence of Ni(II) (which allowed to increase the sensibility) was taken in advantage for development of one simple and sensitive spectrophotometric and amperometric method for indirect determination of sulfite in aqueous medium. The spectrophotometric method is based on the absorbance measurement of the Cu(III)/tetraglicyne complex (generated in the presence of sulfite and small quantities of Ni(II)) at 365 nm. The amperometric method by flow injection analysis is based on the current measurement (0.1 V vs Ag/AgCl) as function of Cu(III)/tetraglycine concentration chemically generated, in the presence of sulfite and Ni(II). The methods were employed for the determination of S(IV), in wines and juices, after its extraction from acidified samples and the results were in agreement with those obtained by the iodometric procedure.

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