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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une technique de modélisation et d'évaluation des systèmes critiques de sécurité

Pock, Michael 30 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente une nouvelle approche pour la modélisation et l'évaluation de la sécurité fonctionnelle des systèmes et prend en compte plusieurs modes de défaillance pour les composants et le système global. Les diagrammes de flux d'informations (IFDs) ont été initialement développés dans une précédente thèse. Dans ce travail, l'évaluation par l'approche flux informationnels est rendue plus efficace par l'utiliser de diagrammes de décision binaires (BDD). Cette thèse présente l'intérêt du modèle et de la méthode, ses qualités, ainsi qu'une explication détaillée de l'approche par IFDs. Sa structure hiérarchique est détaillée et l'application de la méthode détaillée. L'étape suivante consiste en la généralisation de l'approche IFD pour permettre l'utilisation de techniques d'évaluation plus efficaces. Il est expliqué pourquoi cette évolution de la formalisation a été décidée et ses avantages. Ensuite une explication détaillée des algorithmes développés est présentée. Ces algorithmes sont basés sur une combinaison de différentes techniques de BDD. Des Zero Suppressed BDDs (ZBDDs) sont combinées avec des Boolean Expression Diagrams (BEDs). La structure des IFDs est utilisée pour construire un BDD global sur plusieurs petits BDDs. Cela augmente l'efficacité du processus d'évaluation. Les techniques présentées sont appliquées et analysées sur plusieurs cas d'études présentés dans ce travail.

En optimierande kompilator för SMV till CLP(B) / An optimising SMV to CLP(B) compiler

Asplund, Mikael January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes an optimising compiler for translating from SMV to CLP(B). The optimisation is aimed at reducing the number of required variables in order to decrease the size of the resulting BDDs. Also a partitioning of the transition relation is performed. The compiler uses an internal representation of a FSM that is built up from the SMV description. A number of rewrite steps are performed on the problem description such as encoding to a Boolean domain and performing the optimisations. </p><p>The variable reduction heuristic is based on finding sub-circuits that are suitable for reduction and a state space search is performed on those groups. An evaluation of the results shows that in some cases the compiler is able to greatly reduce the size of the resulting BDDs.</p>

Approaches to test set generation using binary decision diagrams

Wingfield, James 30 September 2004 (has links)
This research pursues the use of powerful BDD-based functional circuit analysis to evaluate some approaches to test set generation. Functional representations of the circuit allow the measurement of information about faults that is not directly available through circuit simulation methods, such as probability of random detection and test-space overlap between faults. I have created a software tool that performs experiments to make such measurements and augments existing test generation strategies with this new information. Using this tool, I explored the relationship of fault model difficulty to test set length through fortuitous detection, and I experimented with the application of function-based methods to help reconcile the traditionally opposed goals of making test sets that are both smaller and more effective.

Compilation de connaissances pour la décision en ligne : application à la conduite de systèmes autonomes

Niveau, Alexandre 27 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La conduite de systèmes autonomes nécessite de prendre des décisions en fonction des observations et des objectifs courants : cela implique des tâches à effectuer en ligne, avec les moyens de calcul embarqués. Cependant, il s'agit généralement de tâches combinatoires, gourmandes en temps de calcul et en espace mémoire. Réaliser ces tâches intégralement en ligne dégrade la réactivité du système ; les réaliser intégralement hors ligne, en anticipant toutes les situations possibles, nuit à son embarquabilité. Les techniques de compilation de connaissances sont susceptibles d'apporter un compromis, en déportant au maximum l'effort de calcul avant la mise en situation du système. Ces techniques consistent à traduire un problème dans un certain langage, fournissant une forme compilée de ce problème, dont la résolution est facile et la taille aussi compacte que possible. L'étape de traduction peut être très longue, mais elle n'est effectuée qu'une seule fois, hors ligne. Il existe de nombreux langages-cible de compilation, notamment le langage des diagrammes de décision binaires (BDDs), qui ont été utilisés avec succès dans divers domaines de l'intelligence artificielle, tels le model-checking, la configuration ou la planification. L'objectif de la thèse était d'étudier l'application de la compilation de connaissances à la conduite de systèmes autonomes. Nous nous sommes intéressés à des problèmes réels de planification, qui impliquent souvent des variables continues ou à grand domaine énuméré (temps ou mémoire par exemple). Nous avons orienté notre travail vers la recherche et l'étude de langages-cible de compilation assez expressifs pour permettre de représenter de tels problèmes. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous présentons divers aspects de la compilation de connaissances ainsi qu'un état de l'art de l'utilisation de la compilation dans le domaine de la planification. Dans une seconde partie, nous étendons le cadre des BDDs aux variables réelles et énumérées, définissant le langage-cible des " interval automata " (IAs). Nous établissons la carte de compilation des IAs et de certaines restrictions des IAs, c'est-à-dire leurs propriétés de compacité et leur efficacité vis-à-vis d'opérations élémentaires. Nous décrivons des méthodes de compilation en IAs pour des problèmes exprimés sous forme de réseaux de contraintes continues. Dans une troisième partie, nous définissons le langage-cible des " set-labeled diagrams " (SDs), une autre généralisation des BDDs, permettant de représenter des IAs discrétisés. Nous établissons la carte de compilation des SDs et de certaines restrictions des SDs, et décrivons une méthode de compilation de réseaux de contraintes discrets en SDs. Nous montrons expérimentalement que l'utilisation de IAs et de SDs pour la conduite de systèmes autonomes est prometteuse.

Electrochemical Deactivation of Nitrate, Arsenate, and Trichloroethylene

Mishra, Dhananjay January 2006 (has links)
This research investigated the mechanism, kinetics and feasibility of nitrate, arsenate, and trichloroethylene inactivation on zerovalent iron (ZVI), mixed-valent iron oxides, and boron doped diamond film electrode surfaces, respectively. Nitrate ( ) is a common co-contaminant at sites remediated using permeable reactive barriers (PRBs). Therefore, understanding nitrate reactions with ZVI is important for understanding the performance of PRBs. This study investigated the reaction mechanisms of with ZVI under conditions relevant to groundwater treatment. Tafel analysis and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to probe the surface reactions. Batch experiments were used to study the reaction rate of with freely corroding and cathodically protected iron wires. The removal kinetics for the air formed oxide (AFO) were 2.5 times slower than that of water formed oxide (WFO).This research also investigated the use of slowly corroding magnetite (Fe3O4) and wustite (FeO) as reactive adsorbent media for removing As(V) from potable water. Observed corrosion rates for mixed valent iron oxides were found to be 15 times slower than that of zerovalent iron under similar conditions. Electrochemical and batch and column experiments were performed to study the corrosion behavior and gain a deeper understanding on the effects of water chemistry and operating parameters, such as, empty bed contact times, influent arsenic concentrations, dissolved oxygen levels and solution pH values and other competing ions. Reaction products were analyzed by X-Ray diffraction and XPS to determine the fate of the arsenic.This research also investigated use of boron doped diamond film electrodes for reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE). TCE reduction resulted in nearly stoichiometric production of acetate. Rates of TCE reduction were found to be independent of the electrode potential at potentials below -1 V with respect to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). However, at smaller overpotentials, rates of TCE reduction were dependent on the electrode potential. Short lived species analysis and density functional simulations indicate that TCE reduction may occur by formation of a surface complex between TCE and carbonyl groups present on the surface.

Approaches to test set generation using binary decision diagrams

Wingfield, James 30 September 2004 (has links)
This research pursues the use of powerful BDD-based functional circuit analysis to evaluate some approaches to test set generation. Functional representations of the circuit allow the measurement of information about faults that is not directly available through circuit simulation methods, such as probability of random detection and test-space overlap between faults. I have created a software tool that performs experiments to make such measurements and augments existing test generation strategies with this new information. Using this tool, I explored the relationship of fault model difficulty to test set length through fortuitous detection, and I experimented with the application of function-based methods to help reconcile the traditionally opposed goals of making test sets that are both smaller and more effective.

Extending Automated Testing To High-level Software Requirements : A study on the feasibility of automated acceptance-testing

Rai, Poonam January 2016 (has links)
Automated acceptance testing is the testing of software done in higher level to test whether the system abides by the requirements desired by the business clients by the use of piece of script other than the software itself. This project is a study of the feasibility of acceptance tests written in Behavior Driven Development principle. The project includes an implementation part where automated accep- tance testing is written for Touch-point web application developed by Dewire (a software consultant company) for Telia (a telecom company) from the require- ments received from the customer (Telia). The automated acceptance testing is in Cucumber-Selenium framework which enforces Behavior Driven Development principles. The purpose of the implementation is to verify the practicability of this style of acceptance testing. From the completion of implementation, it was concluded that all the requirements from customer in real world can be converted into executable specifications and the process was not at all time-consuming or difficult for a low-experienced programmer like the author itself. The project also includes survey to measure the learnability and understandability of Gherkin- the language that Cucumber understands. The survey consist of some Gherkin exam- ples followed with questions that include making changes to the Gherkin exam- ples. Survey had 3 parts: first being easy, second medium and third most difficult. Survey also had a linear scale from 1 to 5 to rate the difficulty level for each part of the survey. 1 stood for very easy and 5 for very difficult. Time when the partic- ipants began the survey was also taken in order to calculate the total time taken by the participants to learn and answer the questions. Survey was taken by 18 of the employers of Dewire who had primary working role as one of the programmer, tester and project manager. In the result, tester and project manager were grouped as non-programmer. The survey concluded that it is very easy and quick to learn Gherkin. While the participants rated Gherkin as very easy.

En optimierande kompilator för SMV till CLP(B) / An optimising SMV to CLP(B) compiler

Asplund, Mikael January 2005 (has links)
This thesis describes an optimising compiler for translating from SMV to CLP(B). The optimisation is aimed at reducing the number of required variables in order to decrease the size of the resulting BDDs. Also a partitioning of the transition relation is performed. The compiler uses an internal representation of a FSM that is built up from the SMV description. A number of rewrite steps are performed on the problem description such as encoding to a Boolean domain and performing the optimisations. The variable reduction heuristic is based on finding sub-circuits that are suitable for reduction and a state space search is performed on those groups. An evaluation of the results shows that in some cases the compiler is able to greatly reduce the size of the resulting BDDs.

Kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor med Anorexia nervosa / Body image among women with Anorexia nervosa

Wrangskog Meriläinen, Linnea January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund Anorexia nervosa drabbar framför allt unga kvinnor i västerländska länder. Personer med AN har ett liv som kretsar kring mat, motion och viktnedgång. AN delas in i två sjukdomsbilder, AN med självrensning och AN utan självrensning. Sjukdomen kan leda till fysiska, psykiska och sociala konsekvenser. En störd kroppsuppfattning är ett av huvudsymptomen för sjukdomen och påverkar personens livskvalitet och självkänsla. Personen kan ha ögonblick med en realistisk kroppsuppfattning men den störda kroppsuppfattningen tar ofta över. Störd kroppsuppfattning förekommer även bland andra psykiatriska sjukdomar såsom dysmorfofobi. Syfte Att beskriva komplexiteten kring kroppsuppfattning vid Anorexia nervosa Metod En forskningsöversikt valdes som metod. Forskningsöversikten innefattade 17 vetenskapliga artiklar som granskades och sammanställdes. Artiklar togs fram genom sökningar i PubMed och PsycINFO samt manuella sökningar. Resultat Kroppsuppfattningen kunde vara störd taktilt, visuellt, subjektivt och objektivt. Kvinnor med AN överskattade sin kroppsstorlek, var missnöjda med sin kropp och önskade att de kunde vara smalare. Vissa kvinnor kunde erkänna sin undervikt medan andra förnekade undervikten. Kroppsuppfattningen varierade och en förändring kunde utlösas av exempelvis känslomässiga händelser. Cirka 39 procent av personerna med AN diagnostiserades även med dysmorfofobi, dessa personer visade sig ha en mer störd kroppsuppfattning. Kvinnor med AN-R hade en sämre insikt i kroppsuppfattningen och visade fler tecken på vanföreställningar. Det fanns ett signifikant samband mellan mödrars och döttrars kroppsuppfattning. Sexuella och fysiska övergrepp var överrepresenterat hos kvinnor med AN. De som blivit utsatta för fysiska övergrepp hade i större utsträckning störd kroppsuppfattning. Slutsats Resultatet av studien visade att kvinnor med AN överskattar sin kroppsstorlek, är missnöjda med sin kropp och önskar de kunde vara smalare. Kroppsuppfattningen kan variera under dagen och en förändring kan utlösas av måltider och känslomässiga händelser. En betydande del av kvinnor med AN uppfyller även de diagnostiska kriterierna för dysmorfofobi, vilket tyder på en samsjuklighet men är även en risk för eventuell feldiagnostisering. Det finns ett signifikant samband mellan kroppsuppfattning hos mödrar, deras döttrar och familjesituationen. Vidare forskning kan ha en klinisk betydelse för sjuksköterskans roll kring förebyggande arbete, upptäckt, stöd och behandling

Making test automation sharable: The design of a generic test automation framework for web based applications

Strålfors, Annika January 2017 (has links)
The validation approach for assuring quality of software does often include the conduction of tests. Software testing includes a wide range of methodology depending on the system level and the component under test. Graphical user interface (GUI) testing consists of high level tests that assert that functions and design element in user interfaces work as expected. The research conducted in this paper focused on GUI testing of web based applications and the movement towards automated testing within the software industry. The question which formed the basis for the study was the following: How should a generic test automation framework be designed in order to allow maintenance between developers and non-developers? The study was conducted on a Swedish consultant company that provides e-commerce web solutions. A work strategy approach for automated testing was identified and an automation framework prototype was produced. The framework was evaluated through a pilot study where testers participated through the creation of a test suite for a specific GUI testing area. Time estimations were collected as well as qualitative measurements through a follow up survey. This paper presents a work strategy proposal for automated tests together with description of the framework system design. The results are presented with a subsequent discussion about the benefits and complexity of creating and introducing automated tests within large scale systems. Future work suggestions are also addressed together with accountancy of the frameworks usefulness for other testing areas besides GUI testing.

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