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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electromicrobiology of Dissimilatory Sulfur Reducing Bacterium Desulfuromonas acetexigens

Bin Bandar, Khaled 12 1900 (has links)
Bioelectrochmical systems (BES) are engineered electrochemical devices that harness hidden chemical energy of the wastewater in to the form of electricity or hydrogen. Unique microbial communities enrich in these systems for oxidation of organic matter as well as transfer of resulted electron to anode, known them as “electricigens” communities. Exploring novel electricigenesis microbial communities in the nature and understanding their electromicrobiology is one the important aspect for BES systems scale up. Herein, we report first time the electricigenesis property of an anaerobic, fresh water sediment, sulfur reducing bacterium Desulfuromona acetexigens. The electrochemical behavior of D. acetexigens biofilms grown on graphite-rod electrodes in batch-fed mode under an applied potential was investigated with traditional electroanalytical tools, and correlate the electron transfer from biofilms to electrode with a model electricigen Geobacter sulfurreducens electrochemical behavior. Research findings suggest that D. acetexigens has the ability to use electrode as electron acceptor in BES systems through establishing the direct contact with anode by expressing the membrane bound redox proteins, but not due to the secretion of soluble redox mediators. Preliminary results revealed that D. acetexigens express three distinct redox proteins in their membranes for turnover of the electrons from biofilm to electrode, and the 4 whole electricigenesis process observed to be unique in the D. acetexigens compared to that of well-studied model organism G. sulfurreducens.

Relay Protection Scheme for Special Power Flow Controllers

Cassata, Joseph Frank 23 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Un’indagine empirica Mixed-Methods nei Contesti Educativi. Percorsi di Apprendimento per Adolescenti con Background Migratorio

Ballardini, Helga 29 April 2024 (has links)
Tema della presente ricerca è la presenza ineludibile (Cerbara e Tintori, 2017) e strutturale (Carbonara & Scibetta, 2020) di adolescenti con background migratorio nella scuola italiana, dei confini labili che si vengono a creare tra le statistiche, le definizioni teoriche del fenomeno e infine nelle prassi di Inclusione all’interno dei singoli contesti scolastici. La ricerca si è focalizzata sugli effetti generati sugli alunni stessi dall’intersecarsi a livello normativo di due paradigmi: quello dell’integrazione interculturale e quello dell’Inclusione di tipo bio-psico-sociale: ciò che definisce il campo di indagine è l’uso dell’etichetta di Bisogno Educativo Speciale/Specifico applicato anche per disegnare i percorsi di apprendimento di alunni/e con bm. La portata della loro presenza e l’importanza del momento storico attuale porta a ripensare l’impatto del passaggio tra un “prima” in cui è prevalso un approccio di tipo emergenziale e regolativo e lo scenario attuale che richiama l’attenzione sugli aspetti salienti di un processo in divenire, di continua trasformazione: in questo frangente è essenziale capire come il mondo Scuola stia (o non stia) prendendo coscienza di questo fenomeno. Ci si è si chiesti fino a che punto il paradigma dell’Inclusione, così come si esplica nelle pratiche educativo-didattiche, sia ancora in grado di rispondere davvero alle esigenze di questi alunni/e; scopo dell’indagine è stato quello di individuare le modalità attraverso cui i contesti stessi possano generare prassi nuove e trasformative. L’indagine si è concretizzata in una dimensione narrativa corale dell’ anno scolastico 2021/2022 in cui sono confluite le voci di alunni, genitori e insegnanti. É costituita da un unico studio Mixed-Methods, empirico e multidimensionale, basato sulla narrazione etnografica di un’unità di analisi costituita da quattro classi dell’ultimo anno della scuola secondaria di primo grado appartenenti a diversi contesti educativi del Trentino e della Lombardia. Lo studio riporta l’integrazione dei dati raccolti nelle loro componenti sia qualitative (osservazione etnografica e interviste semistrutturate) che quantitative (valutazioni finali, questionari sulla percezione dell’inclusione, sulla resilienza e sul benessere in classe). Attraverso il dispiegarsi quotidiano delle dinamiche di contesto si è potuto operare un confronto tra le classi che ha reso espliciti gli atteggiamenti, i principi e le prassi educative-didattiche che, nate nei diversi contesti, sono risultate portatrici di maggiore inclusione e potenzialmente trasferibili e replicabili perché in grado di promuovere non solo l’apprendimento, ma anche una maggiore percezione di appartenenza e benessere a scuola.

Per uno studio del Melkij bes di Fedor Sologub / Towards a study of Fedor Sologub's The Petty Demon

FAVA, MONICA 12 March 2013 (has links)
La tesi propone la vicenda umana e letteraria di Fedor Sologub (1863-1927) con un’analisi dell’opera fondamentale dello scrittore, il romanzo Melkij bes (Il demone meschino), scritto tra il 1892-1902. Si ripercorrono la storia della pubblicazione, i giudizi dei contemporanei, si pongono le basi per una definizione del romanzo. Per l’analisi sono stati scelti alcuni tra i temi principali dell’opera che Sologub interpreta secondo la propria visione del mondo e sviluppa in un costante dialogo con la letteratura russa del passato (in particolare Puškin, Gogol’, Dostoevskij, Čechov). Si esamina il tema del demoniaco, a partire dal titolo Melkij bes e dalla creatura maligna chiamata Nedotykomka; si analizzano poi la figura del “piccolo uomo” e il tema della follia. Una sezione è dedicata anche alla figura di A.S. Puškin così come presentato dal protagonista del romanzo Peredonov, ma anche dallo stesso Sologub attraverso alcuni scritti degli stessi anni o successivi. Un ultimo sguardo va al ruolo dell’intreccio parallelo alla vicenda di Peredonov, la storia di Ljudmila e Saša, che propone soltanto in apparenza un mondo alternativo alla peredonovščina. L’ultimo capitolo è dedicato alla fortuna critica del Melkij bes in Russia e all’estero, con un approfondimento sulle prime traduzioni italiane del romanzo. / The dissertation focuses on the human and literary journey of Fedor Sologub (1863-1927), and particularly on the writer’s masterpiece, the novel Melkiy bes (The Petty Demon), written between 1892 and 1902. This work traces the story of the publication, the reactions of Sologub's contemporaries, and lays the basis for a definition of the novel. It analyzes some of the main themes of Melkiy bes, that Sologub interprets according to his own vision of the world, and develops in a constant dialogue with the Russian literature of the past (especially Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov). It examines the theme of the devil, starting from the title Melkiy bes and the evil creature called Nedotykomka; then it analyzes the figure of the "little man" and the theme of madness. A section is also dedicated to the figure of A.S. Pushkin, as presented by the protagonist of the novel Peredonov, and followed by Sologub's conception of the greatest poet of Russia. A reflection is devoted also to the role of the parallel plot of Melkiy bes, the story of Lyudmila and Sasha, that offers only apparently an alternative to the evil world of peredonovščina.

Modélisation des transferts thermo-hydro-aérauliques dans les enveloppes de bâtiments : évaluation des désordres causés par l'humidité / Modeling of thermo-hygro-aeraulic transfers in buildings envelopes : assessment of disorders caused by humidity

Ferroukhi, Mohammed Yacine 01 December 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR HUMIBATex « Comment prédire les désordres causés par l’humidité ? Quelles solutions techniques pour rénover le bâti existant ? » (2012-2016). Elle traite de la modélisation numérique et expérimentale des transferts couplés hydro-thermo-aérauliques à différentes échelles : matériau, paroi et ambiance de bâtiment. Sur le plan théorique, un modèle phénoménologique des transferts couplés de chaleur, d’air et d’humidité à travers les enveloppes de bâtiments (HAM) a été élaboré. Après la phase de validation (confrontation avec des solutions analytiques et des résultats expérimentaux), ce modèle a été implémenté avec confiance dans un code de simulation thermique dynamique du bâtiment (BES). Ceci a permis, ainsi, de développer une plateforme de co-simulation HAM-BES. Grâce à l’outil mis en œuvre, les comportements hygrothermiques de la paroi et de l’ambiance habitable des bâtiments ont été prédits finement. Deux cas d’études ont été entrepris. Le premier avait pour but de mettre en évidence l’impact des transferts hygrothermiques sur la prédiction des consommations énergétiques. Le deuxième cas d’étude a été dédié à l’étude de l’efficacité de différentes stratégies de ventilation (extraction ou insufflation) sur le contrôle et la diminution des risques d’apparition de désordres liés à l’humidité au niveau des bâtiments résidentiels. Sur le plan expérimental, une campagne de caractérisation des propriétés physiques, hydriques et thermophysiques des matériaux de construction a été effectuée. Cette campagne expérimentale s’est focalisée sur l’analyse de l’impact de l’état thermique et hydrique du matériau sur les valeurs des propriétés hygrothermiques. Dans un autre travail expérimental, des dispositifs expérimentaux, à petite échelle mais également à l’échelle de la paroi, ont été conçus au laboratoire dans le but d’étudier la réponse hygrothermique des enveloppes de bâtiment ainsi que valider la plateforme de co-simulation dynamique HAM-BES. La confrontation des résultats a montré une bonne concordance entre la résolution numérique et les mesures expérimentales. Les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse ont mis en exergue l’influence d’une modélisation fine des transferts couplés de chaleur, d’air et d’humidité, à la fois sur la prédiction du comportement hygrothermique des ambiances habitables mais aussi sur le calcul des besoins énergétiques des bâtiments. / The present PhD thesis work is conducted in the framework of the National Program ANR HUMIBATex Project « How to predict the disorders caused by moisture? What technical solutions to renovate the existing buildings? ». It deals with the numerical and experimental modeling of a coupled heat, air and moisture transfers at different scales: material, envelope and building ambience. In the theoretical part, based on expression of heat and moisture (vapor, liquid and air) balances equations, a phenomenological model describing the coupled heat, air and moisture transfer (HAM) through the wall has been developed. After validation stage (comparison with experimental results and analytical solution), the model has been implemented with confidence in a building energy simulation code (BES). Using this HAM-BES dynamic co-simulation tool, the hygrothermal behavior of the wall and indoor air of buildings were predicted finely. Two cases studies have been undertaken. The aim of the first one was to highlight the impact of hydrothermal transfers on the prediction of building energy consumption. However, the second case study was devoted to study efficiency of different ventilation strategies (extracting or insufflation) on the control and reduction of disorders caused by moisture in residential buildings. In the experimental part, a characterization campaign of physical, hydric and thermophysical properties of construction materials has been carried out. This experimental campaign has been focused on analyzing of the impact of thermal and hydric state of the construction material on the hygrothermal properties values. In another work, several experimental devices, at small-scale and wall scale, were designed in the laboratory to study the hygrothermal response of different building envelopes configuration and validate the developed HAM-BES dynamic co-simulation platform. Results of confrontation have showed good agreement between the numerical solution and experimental measurements.The obtained results in the framework of this PhD thesis have highlighted the influence of a detailed modeling of coupled heat air and moisture transfer through the wall on the hygrothermal behavior prediction of the indoor air, on assessment of pathology indicators and on the evaluation of the buildings energy loads.

Improved building energy simulations and verifications by regression

Vesterberg, Jimmy January 2016 (has links)
It is common with significant differences between calculated and actual energy use in the building sector. These calculations are often performed with whole building energy simulation (BES) programs. In this process the analyst must make several assumptions about the studied building and its users. These calculations are often verified with measured data through the EUI benchmark indicator which is calculated by normalizing the annual energy use (from the grid) with the floor area. Due to the highly aggregated nature of the EUI indicator it is problematic to use this indicator to deduce erroneous assumptions in the calculations. Consequently, the learning process is often troublesome. Against this background, the main aim of this thesis has been to develop methods that can provide feedback (key building performance parameters) from measured data which can be used to increase simulation accuracy and verify building performance. For the latter, regression models have been widely used in the past for verifying energy use. This thesis has the focus on the use of regression analysis for accurate parameter identification to be used to increase the agreement between BES predictions and actual outcome. For this, a BES calibration method based on input from regressed parameters has been developed which has shown promising features in terms of accurate predictions and user friendliness. The calibration method is based on input from regressed estimations of air-to-air-transmission losses, including air leakage (heat loss factor) and ground heat loss. Since it is known that bias models still can give accurate predictions, these parameters have been evaluated in terms of robustness and agreement with independent calculations. In addition, a method has been developed to suppress the bias introduced in the regression due to solar gain. Finally, the importance of calibrated simulations was investigated. The regressed parameters were found to be robust with yearly variations in the heat loss factor of less than 2%. The regressed estimates of ground heat loss were also in good agreement with independent calculations. The robustness of the heat loss factor based on data from periods of substantial solar gain was also found to be high, with an average absolute deviation of 4.0%. The benefit with calibrated models was mainly found to be increased accuracy in predictions and parameters in absolute terms. With increased access to measured data and the promising results in this thesis it is believed that the presented regression models will have their place in future energy quantification methods for accessing energy performance of buildings. / Det är vanligt med betydande skillnader mellan beräknad och verklig energi användning inom byggnadssektorn. Dessa beräkningar utförs ofta med hjälp av byggnads energi simulerings (BES) program där användaren måste göra ett flertal antaganden om den aktuella byggnaden och dess brukare. Det beräknade resultatet kontrolleras ofta i ett senare skede mot byggnadens faktiska behov av energi från nätet. I denna kontroll är det dock svårt att särskilja den energimängd som byggnaden behöver och den del som är kopplad till brukaren. Detta gör att lärdomarna som kan dras i denna verifieringsprocess ofta blir begränsade. Mot denna bakgrund, har det huvudsakliga syftet med denna avhandling varit att utveckla metoder som kan användas för att extrahera information om byggnadens prestanda från mätdata. De extraherade parametrarna skall kunna användas för att öka noggrannheten i prediktioner från BES modeller och för att verifiera byggnaders prestanda. Regression analys har ofta använts i det senare fallet i avseendet att verifiera energi användning. Denna avhandling fokuserar på att utveckla regressionsmodeller som ger en hög noggrannhet i modellens parametrar som möjliggör att de bl.a. kan användas för att kalibrera BES modeller och på så sätt minska den vanligt förekommande diskrepans mellan simulerat och faktiskt utfall. En BES kalibrerings metodik har utvecklats baserat på skattning av transmissions förluster ovan mark, inklusive luftläckage (värmeförlust koefficient) samt värmeförlust till mark (G) med hjälp av regressionsanalys. Denna kalibrerings metodik uppvisar lovande egenskaper i form av noggranna prediktioner och användarvänlighet. Goda prediktioner är dock ingen garanti för att modellens ingående parametrar är fysikaliskt rimliga. Därför har regressionsmodellernas parametrar utvärderats i termer av robusthet och överensstämmelse med oberoende beräkningar. Dessutom har en metod utvecklats för att minimerar solens inverkan på regressionsskattningarna. Slutligen har vikten av kalibrerade simuleringar undersökts. Parametrarna i de framtagna regressionsmodellerna visade sig vara robusta, med årliga variationer i värmeförlust koefficient mindre än 2%. Ytterligare visade sig G var i god överensstämmelse med oberoende beräkningar. Robustheten i värmeförlustfaktorn baserad på data från perioder av betydande solstrålning konstaterades också att vara hög, med en genomsnittlig absolut avvikelse på 4.0%. Fördelen med kalibrerade modeller visade sig främst vara en ökad noggrannhet i prediktioner och modell parametrar i absoluta tal. Med ökad tillgång till mätdata och lovande resultat i denna avhandling är det författarens övertygelse att de presenterade regressionsmodellerna kommer att ha sin plats i framtida bedömnings metoder av byggnaders energiprestanda.

Monte Carlo simulation study of the e+e- →Lambda Lamba-Bar reaction with the BESIII experiment

Forssman, Niklas January 2016 (has links)
Studying the reactions where electrons and positrons collide and annihilate so that hadrons can be formed from their energy is an excellent tool when we try to improve our understanding of the standard model. Hadrons are composite quark systems held together by the strong force. By doing precise measurements of the, so called, cross section of the hadron production that was generated during the annihilation one can obtain information about the electromagnetic form factors, GE and GM, which describe the inner electromagnetic structure of hadrons. This will give us a better understanding of the strong force and the standard model.During my bachelor degree project I have been using data from the BESIII detector located at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider (BEPC-II) in China. Uppsala university has several scientists working with the BESIII experiment. My task was to do a quality assurance of previous results for the reaction e+e-→ Lambda Lambda-Bar at a center of mass energy of 2.396 GeV. During a major part of the project I have been working with Monte Carlo data. Generating the reactions was done with two generators, ConExc and PHSP. The generators was used for different means. I have analyzed the simulated data to find a method of filtering out the background noise in order to extract a clean signal. Dr Cui Li at the hadron physics group at Uppsala university have worked with several selection criteria to extract these signals. The total efficiency of Cui Li's analysis was 14%. For my analysis I also obtained total efficiency of 14%. This gave me confidence that my analysis have been implemented in a correct fashion and that my analysis now can be transferred over to real data. It is also reassuring for Cui Li and the rest of the group that her analysis has been verified by and independently implemented selection algorithm. / Att studera vad som händer vid reaktioner där elektroner och positroner kolliderar och annihilerar så att hadroner kan bildas ur energin kan vara till stor hjälp när vi vill förstå standardmodellen och dess krafter, i synnerhet den starka kraften, som kan studeras i sådana reaktioner. Genom att utföra precisa mätningar av tvärsnitt för hadronproduktion får man fram de elektromagnetiska formfaktorerna GE och GM som beskriver hadronernas inre struktur. Hadroner är sammansatta system av kvarkar och den starka kraften binder dessa kvarkar.\\Under mitt examensarbete har jag använt mig av data från detektorn BESIII som finns vid BEPC-II (Beijing Electron-Positron Collider) i Kina. Uppsala universitet har flera forskare som jobbar med BESIII experimentet. Målet var att kvalitetssäkra den tidigare analys som gjorts för reaktionen e+e- → Lambda Lambda-Bar vid 2.396 GeV. Jag började med att göra Monte Carlo-simuleringar. Reaktionerna har genererats med två olika generatorer, ConExc och PHSP. Dessa generatorer har använts till olika ändamål. De genererade partiklarnas färd genom detektorn har sedan simulerats. Då bildas data av samma typ som dem man får från experiment. Jag har analyserat dessa simulerade data för att hitta en metod som kan filtrera bort bakgrundsstörningar samtidigt som intressanta data sparas. Kriterier utarbetade av Dr. Cui Li har använts för att skapa denna metod. Min algortim gav en total effektivitet på 14%, vilket stämmer bra med den tidigare algoritmen som Cui Li skapade, även där var effektiviteten 14%. Detta ger förtroende för min algortim och den stärker även Cui Lis resultat.

Global Polarization of the Lamba/Anti-Lambda System in the STAR BES

Upsal, Isaac 10 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Polisstudenters grad av empati och kulturell orientering. / Police student’s degree of empathy and cultural orientation.

Almström, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
Empati samt hur man förhåller sig till andra och sig själv är en viktig faktor för gott polisarbete och kommunikation med medborgare. Den här studien har genom en webbenkät baserad på Basic Empathy Scale-Adults (BES-A) och Culture Orientation Scale (COS) tillfrågat 141 polisstudenter från samtliga svenska lärosäten som bedriver polisutbildning om deras självuppskattade empati (affektiv/kognitiv) och kulturella orientering (individualism/kollektivism). Resultatet visade att majoriteten hade medelhög empati och högre kognitiv empati än affektiv empati enligt BES-A. Generellt hade polisstudenterna medelpoäng på COS. Även individualism gav medelpoäng, medan kollektivism gav höga poäng. Tvåvägs-ANOVA visade att kvinnor hade signifikant högre empati än män. / Empathy as well as how to relate to others and oneself is an important factor for good police work and communication with citizens. Through a web survey, based on the Basic Empathy Scale-Adults (BES-A) and the Culture Orientation Scale (COS), this study asked 141 police students from all Swedish universities who conduct police education about their self-perceived empathy (affective/cognitive) and cultural orientation (individualism/collectivism). The result showed that the majority had moderate empathy and higher cognitive empathy than affective empathy according to BES-A. In general, the police students had average points at COS. Individualism also gave average points, while collectivism gave high points. Two-way ANOVA showed that women had significant higher empathy than men.

The Charm of Excited Glue : Charmonium in <i>e</i><sup>+</sup><i>e</i><i>–</i> and <i>ppbar</i> collisions

Lundborg, Agnes January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis treats the mass range of charmonium states and excited gluonic fields in two experiments, BESII and PANDA, and outlines a phenomenological model that connects them.</p><p>In BESII, <i>e</i><sup>+</sup><i>e</i><sup>–</sup> form a charmonium initial state, which is utilised as a source for secondary particles. The analysed channels, <i>ψ</i>´→ <i>γK</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> and <i>ψ</i>´→ <i>γπ</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>, give access to intermediate scalar states such as the two glueball candidates: f<sub>0</sub>(1500) and f<sub>0</sub>(1710). The f<sub>0</sub>(1710) is indeed observed in decay into both <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup> and <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> and the f<sub>0</sub>(1500) is accepted as a necessary part of the <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup> signal at the moderate 5% level. In addition, we observe the two tensor states f<sub>2</sub>(1270) (in both channels) and f<sub>2</sub>´(1525) (in <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup>), but the need for the f<sub>2</sub>´(1525) is not firmly established. The region around 2 GeV/<i>c</i><sup>2</sup> is fitted with an f<sub>4</sub>(2050) and an f<sub>0</sub>(2200) in <i>π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>. This region is fairly flat in <i>K</i><sup>+</sup><i>K</i><sup>–</sup> with a slight peak at the f<sub>0</sub>(2200). Branching ratios for all eight channels are given. A fit to the angular distribution of ψ´→ γ f<sub>2</sub>(1270) → <i>γ π</i><sup>+</sup><i>π</i><sup>–</sup>gave two possible solutions for the relative importance of helicity projections zero, one and two.</p><p>The future <i>pp</i>bar experiment PANDA is still in the development phase; important physics goals have been defined and we are now taking on the laborious task of constructing a detector that is able to fulfil them. A simulation investigation of a theoretically preferred <i>J</i><i>PC</i>=1<sup>–+</sup> charmonium hybrid (<i>H</i><i>c</i>) is presented: <i>ppbar</i> → <i>H</i><i>c</i><i>π</i><sup>0</sup>/<i>η</i>, <i>H</i><i>c</i> → <i>χ</i><i>c</i><sub>1</sub> (<i>π</i><sup>0</sup><i>π</i><sup>0</sup>)<i>S–wave</i>, <i>χ</i><i>c</i><sub>1</sub> → <i>J</i>/<i>ψπ</i><sup>0</sup>, with a final state of seven photons and a lepton pair. To detect this channel next to full coverage of CM phase space is needed and as little material as possible before the electromagnetic calorimeter. </p><p>A second simulation study of <i>pp</i>bar → <i>η</i><i>c</i> → <i>γγ</i> at PANDA, suggests that the channel should be possible to detect with a signal-to-background ratio of 5±1 and a detection efficiency of at least 10%. </p><p>By assuming a constant matrix element we obtain a relation between the decay width for <i>ψ</i> → <i>pp</i>bar+<i>m</i>, which has been measured at BES for several cases, and the cross section for <i>pp</i>bar charmonium production in association with the same light meson, <i>m</i> (at for example PANDA). Cross sections of ~300–3000 pb were predicted for J/ψ production and ~30 pb for <i>ψ</i>' production. Isoscalars seem to be preferred to isovectors in <i>J</i>/<i>ψ</i> production, this might however be an artefact of simplifications within the model. A comparison with the only measured cross section, <i>pp</i>bar → <i>J</i>/<i>ψπ</i><sup>0</sup>, suggests that the model is useful as a first estimate.</p>

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