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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av energirenoveringsåtgärder för ett äldre timmerhus / Analysis of energy renovation measures for an older timber house

Löfgren, Isak January 2024 (has links)
I dagsläget används ungefär 20% av Sveriges energianvändning åt till att värma upp byggnader och varmvattnet som förbrukas i dessa. Regeringen har satt ambitiösa klimat- ochenergimål och bostadssektorn har identifierats som en sektor med stor potential föreffektivisering. Nästan hälften av alla bostäder är byggda före 1990 vilket innebär attisoleringsstandarden är lägre än dagens krav och utöver det är en tredjedel av Sverigessmåhus för närvarande uppvärmda med direktverkande el. Detta examensarbete undersöker olika energirenoveringsalternativ för ett äldretimmerhus med målet att identifiera åtgärder som minskar energiförbrukningen på ettekonomiskt lönsamt sätt. Äldre hus som inte är byggda enligt modern byggtekniskstandard kan dock få problem med fukt när omfattande åtgärder genomförs dågrundutförande i huset förändras. Därför inkluderar arbetet även en undersökning avfuktproblem för att säkerställa att energirenoveringen blir lönsam och fördelaktig förbåde ägaren och samhället på lång sikt. Undersökningen omfattar de vanligaste energirenoveringsåtgärderna såsom byte avfönster, tilläggsisolering och installation av olika värmepumpar. Resultaten visar att detfinns flera bra alternativ för äldre timmerhus, där de flesta åtgärder återbetalar sig inomsin tekniska livslängd. Fuktproblem kan förekomma och därför måste åtgärdernautvärderas noga för att undvika dessa. Slutligen är en installation av luftvärmepump denmest lönsamma åtgärden i detta fall med bara två års återbetalningstid och enenergibesparing på nästan halva årsförbrukningen. / Approximately 20% of Sweden's current energy consumption is used to heat buildings and provide hot water. The government has set ambitious climate and energy goals andhas identified the housing sector as a key area for efficiency improvements. This is because nearly half of all homes in Sweden were built before 1990, meaning theirinsulation standards are lower than current requirements. Additionally, one-third of thecountry’s single-family houses are currently heated with direct electric heating. This thesis investigates various energy renovation options for an older timber house,aiming to identify cost-effective measures to reduce energy consumption. Since olderhouses do not adhere to modern construction principles, they may encounter moistureissues when renovations are carried out as these can alter the fundamental characteristicsof the house. Therefore, this thesis also examines potential moisture problems to ensurethat the energy renovation is both profitable for the owner and beneficial to society in thelong term. This study covers the most common energy renovation measures such as windowreplacement, additional insulation, and the installation of various heat pumps. Theresults show that there are several viable options for older timber houses, with mostmeasures paying for themselves within their technical lifespan. Moisture issues can occur,so measures must be carefully evaluated to avoid them. Ultimately, the installation of anair-to-air heat pump is the most cost-effective measure with a payback period of just twoyears and contributing to energy savings of nearly half the annual consumption.

Analys av ytterväggskonstruktioner för ett flerbostadshus i Umeå / Analysis of exterior wall constructions for an apartment building in Umeå

Eriksson, Oscar January 2024 (has links)
Sveriges bostadsproduktion ökade mest när miljonprogrammet var aktivt mellan åren 1965 och 1974. Det byggdes ungefär 1 miljon bostäder under denna tid och de vanligaste byggnaderna som byggdes var flerbostadshus. Dessa flerbostadshus är cirka 50 år gamla och är inte lika energieffektiva som byggnaderna som byggs idag. Isoleringstjockleken som användes i flerbostadshusen var som mest 100 mm vilket är väldigt lite jämfört med vad isoleringstjockleken dagens byggnader använder. Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen påverkar klimatet med växthusgaser både genom den stora mängd energianvändning byggnader använder för uppvärmning men även i byggskedet. För att minska utsläppet av växthusgaser är energieffektivisering ett sätt att minska på utsläppet av koldioxidekvivalenter under driftskedet av byggnader. I denna studie har ett flerbostadshus i Umeå modellerats i programmet BIM Energy i samarbete med OF Bygg som har bidragit med A- samt K ritningar. Olika ytterväggskonstruktioner har analyserats och tillämpats i BIM Energy för att ta fram en energibalans för de olika ytterväggarna. Ytterväggarna som har analyserats har varit utfackningsväggar av trä med isoleringstjocklek från 190 mm till 390 mm. U-värdet av dessa ytterväggar varierar mellan 0,228 W/m²K och 0,099 W/m²K.   Beräkningar har utförts för att ta fram olika resultat genom metoder som miljöåterbetalningstid, miljöbesparing, återbetalningstid och besparingskostnad. Ytterväggen som OF Bygg har utfört står sig bra både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Miljöbesparing på 57300 kg CO₂-e med en miljöåterbetalningstid på 3,56 år. Ekonomiskt en payback på 12,27 år och besparingskostnad 0,728 kr/kWh vilket är mindre än genomsnittliga fjärrvärmepriset i Sverige som är 0,951 kr/kWh. Om man jämför OF Bygg med yttervägg 23 som har mest isolering har yttervägg 23 en större miljömässig besparing över 50 år med en skillnad på 7700 kg CO₂-e. Ytterväggen som är mest kostnadseffektiv med hänsyn till energieffekiviseringen är alternativ 1 som har en besparingskostnad på 0,449 kr/kWh. Denna yttervägg har ett U-värde på 0,228 W/m²K vilket är högre än vad Boverkets föreskrifter rekommenderar och för att följa dessa rekommendationer så är alternativ 4 mest kostnadseffektiv. Alternativ 4 har kort återbetalningstid på 8,21 år med en liten besparingskostnad på 0,487 kr/kWh men sämre miljöbesparing på 1000 kg CO₂-e  över en 50 årsperiod jämfört med den vägg OF Bygg har konstruerat. Slutsatserna från detta projekt är att det finns många alternativ till ytterväggar som är möjliga helt beroende på förutsättningarna ekonomiskt men även vad byggnaden ska uppfylla för standard. Om fokuset ligger på en hållbar och energieffektiv byggnad så kan ytterväggen med mycket isolering vara ett alternativ och till skillnad från referensvärdet som har endast 100 mm isolering så är det en stor besparing. / Sweden's housing development saw its greatest increase when the Million Programme was active between 1965 and 1974. Approximately 1 million homes were built during this time, with the most common buildings being multi-family houses. These multi-family houses are about 50 years old and are not as energy-efficient as buildings constructed today. The insulation thickness used in multi-family houses was at most 100 mm, which is very little compared to the insulation thickness used in today's buildings. The construction and real estate industry affect the climate through greenhouse gas emissions both through the significant amount of energy buildings consume for heating and also during the construction phase. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency is one way to decrease the emission of carbon dioxide equivalents during the operational phase of buildings. In this study, a multi-family house in Umeå has been modeled in the program BIM Energy in collaboration with OF Bygg, who provided A and K drawings. Different outer wall constructions have been analyzed and applied in BIM Energy to produce an energy balance for the different outer walls. The analyzed outer walls have been infill walls of wood with insulation thickness ranging from 190 mm to 390 mm. The U-value of these outer walls varies between 0.228 W/m²K and 0.099 W/m²K. Calculations have been performed to produce different results using methods such as environmental payback period, environmental savings, payback, and savings cost. The outer wall performed by OF Bygg stands up well from both an environmental and economic perspective. Environmental savings of 57300 kg CO₂-e with an environmental payback period of 3.56 years. Economically, a payback period of 12.27 years and a savings cost of 0.728 SEK/kWh, which is less than the average district heating price in Sweden, which is 0.951 SEK/kWh. Comparing OF Bygg with outer wall 23, which has the most insulation, outer wall 23 has a greater environmental saving over 50 years with a difference of 7700 kg CO₂-e. The most cost-effective outer wall in terms of energy efficiency is alternative 1, which has a savings cost of 0.449 SEK/kWh. This outer wall has a U-value of 0.228 W/m²K, which is higher than what the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building, and Planning recommends. To comply with these recommendations, alternative 4 is the most cost-effective. Alternative 4 has a short payback period of 8.21 years with a small savings cost of 0.487 SEK/kWh but a poorer environmental saving of 1000 kg CO₂-e over a 50-year period compared to the wall OF Bygg have constructed. The conclusions from this project are that there are many alternative outer walls possible depending entirely on the economic conditions but also on what standards the building needs to meet. If the focus is on a sustainable and energy-efficient building, then the outer wall with a lot of insulation may be an alternative, and unlike the reference value which has only 100 mm of insulation, it represents a significant saving.

Exploring the effectiveness of BIM for energy performance management of non-domestic buildings

Gerrish, Tristan January 2017 (has links)
Following several years of research and development around the subject of BIM, its impact on the design and handover of buildings is now becoming visible across the construction industry. Changes in design procedures and information management methods indicate the potential for greater utilisation of a Common Data Environment in areas other than design. To identify how these changes are influencing the engineering design process, and adapt this process to the needs and requirements of building performance management requires consideration of multiple factors, relating mainly to the stakeholders and processes employed in these procedures. This thesis is the culmination of a four year Engineering Doctorate exploring how BIM could be used to support non-domestic building energy performance management. It begins with an introduction to the research aim and objectives, then presents a thorough review of the subject area and the methodologies employed for the research. Research is split between eight sequential tasks using literature review, interviews, data analysis and case-study application from which findings, conclusions and key recommendations are made. Findings demonstrate disparity between different information environments and provide insight into the necessary steps to enable connection between BIM and monitored building energy performance information. They highlight the following factors essential to providing an information environment suitable for BIM applied performance management: Skills in handling information and the interface between various environments; Technology capable of producing structured and accurate information, supporting efficient access for interconnection with other environments; and Processes that define the standards to which information is classified, stored and modified, with responsibility for its creation and modification made clear throughout the building life-cycle. A prototype method for the linking of BIM and monitored building energy performance data is demonstrated for a case-study building, encountering many of the technical barriers preventing replication on other projects. Methodological challenges are identified using review of existing building design and operation procedures. In conclusion the research found that BIM is still in its infancy, and while efforts are being made to apply it in novel ways to support efficient operation, several challenges remain. Opportunities for building energy performance improvement may be visualised using the modelling environment BIM provides, and the ability to interface with descriptive performance data suggests the future potential for BIM utilisation post-handover.

Optimera energianvändningen i småhus : - en potentialstudie

Kadir, Tara, Lindhe, Jonas January 2023 (has links)
Med de nuvarande historiskt höga elpriserna och korta perioder av effektbrist är det mer relevant än någonsin att utforska möjligheterna att ersätta direktverkande el med alternativa system. Detta arbete undersöker, i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen i Halland, olika alternativa uppvärmningssystem som kan minska användningen av direktverkande el inom bostads- och servicesektorn, vilket utgör en betydande del av Sveriges totala elanvändning. Det primära målet är att visa hur regeringens investeringsstöd kan användas för att förbättra uppvärmningssystemen i småhus som för närvarande använder direktverkande el.Med data från energideklarationsregistret och fastighetsregistret har vi undersökt hur Hallands småhusbestånd använder sig utav direktverkande el. Genom att använda denna statistik, samt beräkningsprogramvara, har arbetet kunnat resultera i en el-besparingspotential för småhus i Halland.Den totala elanvändningen för Hallands småhus är cirka 1200 GWh/år. Resultatet visar att det finns en potential att spara 38–46 GWh/år genom att energieffektivisera studiens urval av småhusbeståndet i Hallands län.För att uppnå detta resultat har flera åtgärder genomförts och simulerats, inklusive installation av en värmepump, förbättring av klimatskalet genom tilläggsisolering och fönsterbyte samt installation av solceller. / This collaborative study with the County Administrative Board of Halland investigates various alternative heating systems to reduce reliance on direct electric heating in the residential sector, which account for a significant portion of Sweden's electricity consumption The primary objective is to demonstrate how government investment incentives can improve heating systems in single-family houses that currently employ direct electric heating. By analysing data from the energy performance certificate register and real property register, we assess the utilization of direct electric heating in Halland's single-family house stock. Through the integration of this statistical data and calculation software, the study reveals a significant potential for electricity savings in single-family houses in Halland.The results highlight a potential annual savings of 38-46 GWh in Halland County.

Energieffektiviserande åtgärder för småhus från 1960-talet

Jansson, Gabriel, Eliasson, Natalié January 2022 (has links)
The following study is part of a research project at Uppsala University. The purpose of the research project is to investigate careful energy efficiency measures, which can be implemented in 20th-century single-family housing, in order to contribute increased knowledge on how the single-family housing stock can be made more energy-efficient. This report contributes knowledge about single-family housing from the 1960´s in Uppsala, with a focus on measures that make the buildings live up to the requirements of the Swedish building regulations (BBR 29). The report covers two single-family housing areas in Uppsala, Sunnersta and Valsätra, for each area a typical house has been selected for further studies. One has a wooden facade and the other has a facade of bricks. The proposed renovation packages are divided into three levels: MIN, MAX, and MIX, which describe the scope of the measures. The first package of measures (MIN) includes milder changes in the facade and the plinth. The second package of measures (MAX) includes major procedures in all parts of the building to ensure maximum energy savings. The last package (MIX) is a combination of the two action packages MIN and MAX. All the packages are simulated in BIM Energy and the simulated packages of measures for both type houses meet the energy performance requirements in BBR of 90 kWh/m2Atemp and year. However, only the action packages MAX and MIX for type house I meet the requirement regarding the U-average of 0,30 W/m2K. In the package MAX, both type houses achieve energy classification A, while the packages MIN and MIX for both type houses achieve an energy class of at least C. The energy prime is reduced by milder procedures in the framework of the buildings. To lower the U-average requires major changes in the design of the buildings. The requirement for the U-average doesn’t need to be achieved to have an energy prime which is in accordance with the requirements from the BBR.  The type houses meet today’s energy performance requirements and can be adapted to stricter requirements in the future. Type house I has a greater opportunity to meet future U-average value requirements than type house IV. The action packages can to a high degree be used in the reference areas. The MAX and MIX packages have a greater impact on the character of the area in Sunnersta and Valsätra, while the MIN package to a greater extent takes the surrounding area into account

Renovations and Energy Planning : An energy performance and economics analysis in 3D-modelling

Selin, Hampus, Hjortenholt, Karl January 2022 (has links)
This thesis examines the opportunities towards streamlining energy efficiency in the existing built environment in Sweden. Through this case study, the aim has been to optimise two 20th century buildings, one apartment building and one workshop building, located at different latitudes in the country. The goal has been to reduce the heat energy consumption, increase energy performance and lift the buildings to an energy class that meets the requirements for newly produced buildings, according to the regulations of Boverket. In the simulation software BIM Energy, the buildings have been the subjects of different renovation strategies in order to discover what measures are most energy efficient. An LCC analysis was performed to discover what measure is the most cost efficient in relation to its thermal energy improvements. The existing technical and energy data of each building have been used for the creation of a realistic simulation model as of its present conditions. The study has shown that a combination of renovations strategies generated the best results, and that the more expensive the intervention gets, the higher returns of investment. The study of energy performance showed that the new geographical adjustment factor and primary energy factor established by Boverket has a significant impact on how a building is classified, whereupon the choice of primary energy source can determine whether a building is ranked as passive house or energy thief. Though as standalone measures, when coming to reduction of the energy heat demand, a FTX-system have been proven superior with added external insulation as a solid second.

Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Assessmentof a Single-family house Energy Renovation : Case study Växjö, Sweden

Abou Ghadir, Mohammed, Aghaei, Zahra January 2022 (has links)
Humans are increasingly influencing the climate and the temperature of the Earth by burning fossilfuels, destroying forests, and raising livestock. This adds massive amounts of greenhouse gases(GHG) to those already present in the atmosphere, amplifying the greenhouse effect andcontributing to global warming. The building sector accounts for a significant amount ofgreenhouse gas emissions. Decarbonizing the building industry can result in significant emissionreductions in the future years. Sweden's energy and climate goals have been updated, and some ofthem include reducing GHG emissions in the building sector, increasing energy efficiency, andmaking electricity production 100 percent renewable. In Sweden, energy renovations in singlefamily houses (SFHs) have the potential to reduce GHG emissions and improve energy efficiency,but the rate of energy renovations remains low because of financial, social, and behavioral barriers.This thesis aims to use LCA and LCC methodologies to assess energy renovations on SFH inVäxjö by combining various combinations of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) to reduce energyuse. The energy performance and eight different renovation scenarios using different EEMs havebeen evaluated for the selected single-family building. To evaluate building renovation measures,we developed a method based on life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) thatincorporates building information modeling (BIM). Five different renovation measures werecombined in eight scenarios in this research, including different thicknesses of thermal insulationfor walls and roofs, triple-glazed windows, and doors with different U-values, air-source heatpumps, mechanical ventilation with heat recovery, and solar photovoltaic. The present cost valuesof renovation measures over 50 years for LCC calculation were calculated. The global warmingpotential (GWP) of each renovation measure was estimated over 50 years using One-click LCA.According to the findings of this thesis project, scenarios 1 and 8 had the lowest and highestreductions in primary energy number, respectively. Scenarios 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the most costeffective in comparison to other scenarios. All scenarios resulted in a reduction in GWP impactfrom an LCA perspective in which scenario 7 resulted in the highest reduction in GWP impact.

A methodology to determine and classify data sharing requirements between OpenBIM models and energy simulation models

Karlapudi, Janakiram 29 January 2021 (has links)
Energy analysis at different stages of a building’s life-cycle allows designers and engineers to make proper design decisions, which will enhance the efficiency and energy saving measures. However, energy analysis of a building using traditional methods at every stage of the project is time-consuming and more labor intensive. Thus, energy simulations of buildings are rarely introduced in all design stages of the project. This study focuses on data transfer process from BIM model (Revit) to energy simulation model (IES ‹VE›) using OpenBIM meta-data model - Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) as an exchangeable file format. This data sharing process simplifies the complexity in energy modeling and allows to investigate different design alternatives in each phase of the building’s life-cycle. To investigate the efficiency and completeness of this data transfer process, a demonstration of data sharing is carried. By evaluating the results from the demonstration, efficiency gaps are identified in the data transferred process. A detailed investigation on the cause of efficiency gaps in data sharing is carried out and incorporated in this paper.:Abstract 1. Introduction 2. Building Energy Simulation 2.1. Categorization of Energy Simulation Models 3. Data Sharing Requirements - IFC 4. Data Sharing Demonstration 4.1. BIM model 4.2. Data investigation with model viewer 4.3. Data quality verification in energy simulation model 4.3.1. Evaluation of Results 5. Conclusion References

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