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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de biossensores para auxílio do diagnóstico do mal de Alzheimer, para quantificação rápida de melatonina e para determinação simples do traço genético de anemia falciforme / Development of biosensors for assisting in the diagnosis of Alzheimer\'s disease, for the rapid quantification of melatonin and for the simple determination of the genetic trait of sickle cell anemia

Brazaca, Laís Canniatti 19 February 2019 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o desenvolvimento de novas plataformas biossensoras trouxe importantes avanços à área médica, incluindo maior rapidez na detecção de biomarcadores, menor custo de análise e portabilidade. Essa tese traz a descrição do desenvolvimento de três tipos de biossensores que visam à auxiliar o diagnóstico de diferentes doenças. No primeiro capítulo, detalha-se a construção de um dispositivo microfluídico baseado em papel para a quantificação simultânea de dois biomarcadores da doença de Alzheimer: Fetuína B e Clusterina. O dispositivo foi capaz de quantificar as proteínas estudadas de maneira precisa e de baixo custo através do uso de técnicas eletroquímicas e colorimétricas, apresentando limites de detecção na ordem de p-nmol/L. O segundo capítulo trata do desenvolvimento de um imunossensor eletroquímico para a quantificação de melatonina. O dispositivo foi capaz de detectar a biomolécula em amostras biológicas rapidamente e com boa especificidade, diferenciando a melatonina de componentes com alta semelhança estrutural. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo descreve um genossensor eletroquímico para diagnóstico e determinação do traço da doença genética mais comum no Brasil, a anemia falciforme. O sensor foi capaz de diferenciar sequências normais de mutadas de maneira simples e rápida, sendo adequado para o diagnóstico e a determinação de seu traço. Esperamos que os dispositivos aqui apresentados levem à diagnósticos mais acessíveis fornecendo assim melhores condições de saúde à população. / The development of new biosensor platforms has brought important advances to the medical field, including faster detection of biomarkers, lower cost of analysis and portability. This thesis provides a description of the development of three biosensors that aim to assist the diagnosis of three different diseases. The first chapter describes the construction of a paper-based microfluidic device for the simultaneous quantification of two Alzheimer\'s disease biomarkers: Fetuin B and Clusterin. The device was able to quantify the studied proteins in a precise and low cost manner through the use of electrochemical and colorimetric techniques, presenting limits of detection in the order of p-nmol/L. The second chapter details the the development of an electrochemical immunosensor for the quantification of melatonin. The device was able to detect the biomolecule in biological samples quickly and with good specificity, differentiating melatonin from components with high structural similarity. Finally, the third chapter describes an electrochemical genosensor for diagnosis and determination of the trait of the most common genetic disease in Brazil, sickle cell anemia. The sensor was able to differentiate normal and mutated sequences in a simple and fast manner, being suitable for the diseases diagnosis and the determination of its trait. Therefore, we expect the devices presented here to lead to more accessible diagnoses, providing better health conditions for the population.

Conception et réalisation d'un biocapteur à GMR pour la caractérisation de milieux biologiques / Design and evaluation of a GMR-biosensor for magnetic characterization of biological medium

Shirzadfar, Hamidreza 23 June 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer des bio-capteurs à base de magnétorésistance géante (GMR), ainsi que l'électronique de conditionnement associée, en vue de caractériser magnétiquement des ferrofluides biologiques. Ce travail a été réalisé en collaboration avec le Pr Sotoshi YAMADA de l'Institut « Nature and Environmental Technology» de l'Université de Kanazawa. La première partie porte sur l'état de l'art et les méthodes de mesures des propriétés magnétiques des ferrofluides et la physique de l'effet GMR. La deuxième partie concerne la mise en place d'un dispositif de mesure pour déterminer et caractériser la valeur de la sensibilité de chaque capteur. Cette sensibilité est une caractéristique cruciale pour toute application biomédicale. Sa connaissance et son optimisation permettent d'envisager des mesures précises et justes des propriétés magnétiques des ferrofluides notamment à bas niveau de signal. La troisième partie, également expérimentale, décrit les mesures de la perméabilité relative (µr) et de la susceptibilité (X) de fluides magnétiques (ferrofluides) par des capteurs GMR I, II. En outre, afin de confirmer les résultats expérimentaux obtenus avec ces capteurs, nous les avons comparés à ceux obtenus avec d'autres méthodes comme la magnétométrie à échantillon vibrant (VSM) ou à des calculs théoriques. Le quatrième et dernier chapitre présente les résultats expérimentaux de la perméabilité relative et de la susceptibilité d'un marqueur magnétique permettant la détection de la bactérie pathogène Escherichia coli O157: H7 / The intent of this thesis is to develop bio-sensors based on giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and the associated conditioning electronics, to characterize magnetically organic ferrofluids. This work was done in collaboration with Pr Sotoshi YAMADA of the Institute "Nature and Environmental Technology" at the University of Kanazawa. The first part focuses on the state of the art and the methods for magnetic properties measurements of ferrofluids and the description of the GMR effect. The second part concerns the introduction of a measuring device to determine and characterize the value of the sensitivity of each sensor. This sensitivity is a crucial parameter for any biomedical application. Its knowledge allows optimization of sensors ability to measure very low magnetic parameters of ferrofluids very precisely. The third experimental part describes measurements of relative permeability (µr) and susceptibility (X) of magnetic ferrofluids with GMR sensors I, II. In addition, to confirm the experimental results obtained with these sensors, we have compared them to those obtained with other methods such as vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) or by theoretical calculations. The fourth and last chapter presents the experimental results of the relative permeability and susceptibility of a magnetic marker used to detect pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli O157: H7)

Multimodal sensing polymer transistors for cell and micro-organ monitoring / Transistors multimodaux sensibles aux ions à polymères ambivalents pour biocapteurs hybrides

Villarroel Marquez, Ariana A. 19 December 2018 (has links)
Le développement de nouveaux matériaux pour augmenter les performances des capteurs biologiques est très important lorsqu'on sait que les signaux électriques constituent la base des évènements biologiques fondamentaux comme l’activité cérébrale, le battement du coeur ou la sécrétion hormonale. Ces signaux cellulaires sont souvent enregistrés avec des sondes qui nécessitent des modifications génétiques ou chimiques. Cependant, des signaux intrinsèques pourraient être exploités directement. Des matrices de microélectrodes extracellulaires (MEAs) et des transistors électrochimiques à base de polymères (OECTs) sont par exemple sensibles aux flux ioniques. Ils sont, de plus, non-invasifs et donnent des informations importantes sur l’activité cellulaire. Cependant, ils ne peuvent différencier les espèces ioniques impliquées dans les signaux pour l’obtention d’une image précise de l’activité électrique. Ce travail de thèse a ainsi consisté dans : le développement de polymères bivalents ion-sensibles et conducteurs électroniques, la démonstration de leur biocompatibilité avec des cellules bêta-pancréatiques, la fabrication de transistors OECTs intégrant ces matériaux et la preuve de concept de son applicabilité comme plateforme non-invasive pour la détection de flux ioniques. / The generation of novel materials to harness the power of biological sensors is extremely attractive because precisely configured electrical activities form the base of key biological events such as brain activity, heart beat or vital hormone secretion. Cellular signals are often recorded using probes that require genetic or chemical manipulation. Intrinsic signals offer the huge advantage to harness these properties without further transformations. Extracellular microelectrode arrays (MEAs) and polymer-based organic electrochemical transistor arrays (OECTs) rely on the movement of ions, are non-invasive and provide some information on cell activity. However, they cannot resolve fluxes of specific species as targeted ions to obtain a precise picture of cell/organ activity. In this context, this work has consisted on the development of multimodal ion-sensing polymers, demonstration of their biocompatibility to beta-cells, the engineer of original OECTs incorporating these materials and demonstration of their viability as non-invasive platform of electrical cell activity and specific ion fluxes.

Imobilização de Galectina-1 e Galectina-1 fusionada com Maltose Binding Protein (MBP-Gal-1) sobre superfície eletropolimerizada com [N-(3-Pirrol-1-il-propil)-4,4\'-bipiridina] (PPB) para a construção de um biossensor de lactose / Immobilization of Galectin-1 and Galectin-1 fused to Maltose Binding Protein onto a [(1-pyrrol-1-yl-propyl) -4,4\'-bipyridine] (PPB) Electropolymerized Surface for the Construction of a Lactose Biosensor.

Gomes, Pâmela Oliveira Martins 10 August 2018 (has links)
As galectinas são proteínas que se ligam a -galactosídeos por meio do domínio de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRD do inglês, Carbohydrate Recognition Domain) e que participam de vários processos de reconhecimento celular, sinalização, adesão e destinação intracelular de proteínas recém-sintetizadas. A primeira galectina, Galectina-1 (Gal-1), foi identificada em 1976 e possui um papel importante na progressão e proliferação tumoral, angiogênese, resistência a drogas e processos inflamatórios. Assim, é interessante a construção de dispositivos com Galectinas imobilizadas, preservando o CRD para o estudo de mecanismos e/ou detecção destas doenças. Neste trabalho a produção e caracterização de uma proteína recombinante fusionada, a MBP-Gal-1, foi descrita. A proposta do projeto foi pautada na hipótese de que a fusão da MBP à Gal-1 seria uma excelente estratégia para imobilização orientada da proteína de interesse, (Gal-1), sobre eletrodos modificados com filme polimérico, auxiliando na preservação da atividade da biomolécula imobilizada para posterior desenvolvimento de biossensor. A MBP-Gal-1 foi purificada utilizando 2 colunas com resinas diferentes: sepharose/lactose e amilose onde foi possível comprovar a atividade/preservação dos sítios ativos da Gal-1 e MBP, respectivamente. A proteína fusionada teve seu estado oligomérico estimado e seu raio hidrodinâmico determinado pela técnica Espalhamento Dinâmico da Luz sendo que a mesma se encontrava na forma monomérica com raio hidrodinâmico de 4 nm ± 1,26. A massa molecular de 57,834 kDa para a MBP-Gal-1 foi obtida através da técnica de Espectrometria de Massas MALDI-TOF/TOF. O PPB, material polimérico empregado na modificação dos eletrodos de carbono vítreo e ouro, foi sintetizado e teve sua estrutura confirmada pela técnica de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear; este material foi utilizado para a realização dos ensaios de Espectroscopia de Impedância Eletroquímica (EIE) e Ressonância de Plásmons de Superfície (SPR) para a construção do biossensor. Os ensaios EIE utilizando eletrodo de carbono vítreo modificado com PPB mostraram a importância da imobilização orientada da sonda (MBP-Gal-1) para garantir a preservação da atividade biológica da mesma, uma vez que os resultados relativos ao aumento da Resistência à Transferência de Carga (Rtc), após adição do alvo (lactose), foram da ordem de 80% a mais para a proteína fusionada MBP-Gal-1 quando comparados à proteína nativa Gal-1. Os ensaios de SPR revelaram maior SPR efetiva para a MBP-Gal-1 imobilizada sobre superfície de eletrodo Au-SPR modificado com PPB o qual apresentou bom desempenho na detecção de lactose. / Galectins are proteins that bind to -galactosides by the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain (CRD) and participate in various processes of cell recognition, signaling, adhesion and intracellular destination of newly synthesized proteins. The first galectin, Galectin-1 (Gal-1), was identified in 1976 and plays an important role in tumor progression and proliferation, angiogenesis, drug resistance and inflammatory processes. Thus, it is interesting to desing devices with immobilized Galectins, preserving its CRD for the study of mechanisms and /or detection of such diseases. In this work the production and characterization of a fused recombinant protein, MBP-Gal-1, has been described. The project goal was based on the hypothesis that the fusion of the MBP to Gal-1 would be an excellent strategy for oriented immobilization of the protein of interest, (Gal-1), onto PPB- modified electrodes, promoting the preservation of the biomolecule activity immobilized for further development of a biosensor. MBP-Gal-1 was purified using 2 columns with different resins: sepharose/lactose and amylose and it was possible to prove the activity/preservation of both CRDs from Gal-1 and MBP, respectively. Dynamic Light Scattering showed that MBP-Gal-1 was in a monomeric form and with a hydrodynamic radius of 4 nm ± 1,26. The molecular mass of 57.834 kDa for MBP-Gal-1 was obtained by the technique of MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry. The PPB, a polymeric material used in the modification of glassy carbon and gold electrodes, was synthesized and its structure was confirmed by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR); this material was used to carry out the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) tests for the construction of the biosensor. EIS assays using PPB-modified glassy carbon electrode showed the importance of probe-immobilization (MBP-Gal-1) to ensure the preservation of the biological activity of the protein, since the results related to the increase in Resistance of Charge Transfer (Rct), after addition of the target (lactose), were 80% higher for the fused protein MBP-Gal-1 when compared to the Gal-1 native-form protein. The SPR assays revealed a greater effective SPR for MBP-Gal-1 immobilized onto PPB-modified Au-SPR electrode surface which showed good performance in the detection of lactose.

Imobilização de Galectina-1 e Galectina-1 fusionada com Maltose Binding Protein (MBP-Gal-1) sobre superfície eletropolimerizada com [N-(3-Pirrol-1-il-propil)-4,4\'-bipiridina] (PPB) para a construção de um biossensor de lactose / Immobilization of Galectin-1 and Galectin-1 fused to Maltose Binding Protein onto a [(1-pyrrol-1-yl-propyl) -4,4\'-bipyridine] (PPB) Electropolymerized Surface for the Construction of a Lactose Biosensor.

Pâmela Oliveira Martins Gomes 10 August 2018 (has links)
As galectinas são proteínas que se ligam a -galactosídeos por meio do domínio de reconhecimento de carboidratos (CRD do inglês, Carbohydrate Recognition Domain) e que participam de vários processos de reconhecimento celular, sinalização, adesão e destinação intracelular de proteínas recém-sintetizadas. A primeira galectina, Galectina-1 (Gal-1), foi identificada em 1976 e possui um papel importante na progressão e proliferação tumoral, angiogênese, resistência a drogas e processos inflamatórios. Assim, é interessante a construção de dispositivos com Galectinas imobilizadas, preservando o CRD para o estudo de mecanismos e/ou detecção destas doenças. Neste trabalho a produção e caracterização de uma proteína recombinante fusionada, a MBP-Gal-1, foi descrita. A proposta do projeto foi pautada na hipótese de que a fusão da MBP à Gal-1 seria uma excelente estratégia para imobilização orientada da proteína de interesse, (Gal-1), sobre eletrodos modificados com filme polimérico, auxiliando na preservação da atividade da biomolécula imobilizada para posterior desenvolvimento de biossensor. A MBP-Gal-1 foi purificada utilizando 2 colunas com resinas diferentes: sepharose/lactose e amilose onde foi possível comprovar a atividade/preservação dos sítios ativos da Gal-1 e MBP, respectivamente. A proteína fusionada teve seu estado oligomérico estimado e seu raio hidrodinâmico determinado pela técnica Espalhamento Dinâmico da Luz sendo que a mesma se encontrava na forma monomérica com raio hidrodinâmico de 4 nm ± 1,26. A massa molecular de 57,834 kDa para a MBP-Gal-1 foi obtida através da técnica de Espectrometria de Massas MALDI-TOF/TOF. O PPB, material polimérico empregado na modificação dos eletrodos de carbono vítreo e ouro, foi sintetizado e teve sua estrutura confirmada pela técnica de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear; este material foi utilizado para a realização dos ensaios de Espectroscopia de Impedância Eletroquímica (EIE) e Ressonância de Plásmons de Superfície (SPR) para a construção do biossensor. Os ensaios EIE utilizando eletrodo de carbono vítreo modificado com PPB mostraram a importância da imobilização orientada da sonda (MBP-Gal-1) para garantir a preservação da atividade biológica da mesma, uma vez que os resultados relativos ao aumento da Resistência à Transferência de Carga (Rtc), após adição do alvo (lactose), foram da ordem de 80% a mais para a proteína fusionada MBP-Gal-1 quando comparados à proteína nativa Gal-1. Os ensaios de SPR revelaram maior SPR efetiva para a MBP-Gal-1 imobilizada sobre superfície de eletrodo Au-SPR modificado com PPB o qual apresentou bom desempenho na detecção de lactose. / Galectins are proteins that bind to -galactosides by the Carbohydrate Recognition Domain (CRD) and participate in various processes of cell recognition, signaling, adhesion and intracellular destination of newly synthesized proteins. The first galectin, Galectin-1 (Gal-1), was identified in 1976 and plays an important role in tumor progression and proliferation, angiogenesis, drug resistance and inflammatory processes. Thus, it is interesting to desing devices with immobilized Galectins, preserving its CRD for the study of mechanisms and /or detection of such diseases. In this work the production and characterization of a fused recombinant protein, MBP-Gal-1, has been described. The project goal was based on the hypothesis that the fusion of the MBP to Gal-1 would be an excellent strategy for oriented immobilization of the protein of interest, (Gal-1), onto PPB- modified electrodes, promoting the preservation of the biomolecule activity immobilized for further development of a biosensor. MBP-Gal-1 was purified using 2 columns with different resins: sepharose/lactose and amylose and it was possible to prove the activity/preservation of both CRDs from Gal-1 and MBP, respectively. Dynamic Light Scattering showed that MBP-Gal-1 was in a monomeric form and with a hydrodynamic radius of 4 nm ± 1,26. The molecular mass of 57.834 kDa for MBP-Gal-1 was obtained by the technique of MALDI-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry. The PPB, a polymeric material used in the modification of glassy carbon and gold electrodes, was synthesized and its structure was confirmed by the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR); this material was used to carry out the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) tests for the construction of the biosensor. EIS assays using PPB-modified glassy carbon electrode showed the importance of probe-immobilization (MBP-Gal-1) to ensure the preservation of the biological activity of the protein, since the results related to the increase in Resistance of Charge Transfer (Rct), after addition of the target (lactose), were 80% higher for the fused protein MBP-Gal-1 when compared to the Gal-1 native-form protein. The SPR assays revealed a greater effective SPR for MBP-Gal-1 immobilized onto PPB-modified Au-SPR electrode surface which showed good performance in the detection of lactose.

Quantificação de glicose intra e extra-celular por meio de biossensores micro e nanoestruturados / Intra and extra-cellular glucose quantification by micro-nano-structured biosensors

Nascimento, Raphael Aparecido Sanches 07 August 2015 (has links)
Segundo dados da Organização Mundial de Saúde, até o ano de 2030 a diabetes será a sétima enfermidade causadora de morte no mundo. A diabetes se caracteriza pela variação do nível de glicose no sangue dada ingestão de alimentos ou realização de certas tarefas. Além disso, já é sabido pela comunidade científica atual que células cancerígenas possuem metabolismo diferente quando comparadas a células normais, consumindo uma maior quantidade de açúcar devido a essa anormalidade. No presente trabalho serão apresentados, basicamente, dois tipos de biossensores que possuem grande potencial para tornarem-se monitores contínuos de glicose. Ambos os biossensores utilizam a enzima glicose oxidase como catalisador específico da reação de oxidação do carboidrato. O primeiro apresenta estrutura em escala micrométrica, tem por objetivo a quantificação de glicose em solução em ambiente extracelular e se baseia no sistema EGFET (Extended Gate Field Effect Transistor) com substrato de Fluorine Tin Oxide (FTO). Além do mais, foram utilizados dois protocolos de imobilização da glicose oxidase: quitosana (com uma janela de detecção de 1 a 5mM de glicose) e glutaraldeído (com janela de detecção de 0 a 15 mM de glicose). O segundo apresenta estrutura em escala nanométrica, tem por objetivo a quantificação de glicose em ambiente intracelular e baseia-se no sistema de nanopipetas de quartzo. Com esse dispositivo foi possível estipular a concentração de glicose livre dentro de três linhas de células distintas: Fibroblastos humanos entre 0 e 2.8mM; MCF-7 maior que 4.7 mM; MDA-MB-231entre 3.6 e 4.5 mM. / According to the World Health Organization, until 2030 diabetes will be the 7th cause of death worldwide. This disease is characterized by variation on blood glucose levels due to ingestion of specific food and tasks performing. Moreover, it is already known that cancer cells have a different metabolism when compared to normal cells and these abnormal cells have a higher sugar intake due to this abnormality. This work will present, basically, two types of biosensors with great potential to become continuous glucose monitors. Both biosensors use the enzyme glucose oxidase as carbohydrate oxidation catalyzer. The first one presents a micro-metric structure and its goal is to quantify glucose concentration in an extracellular solution. This device is based in EGFET (Extended Gate Field Effect Transistor) system and uses FTO as substrate. Furthermore, two immobilization protocols were used to fix the enzyme to the FTO: chitosan (with final range of 1~5mM of glucose) and glutaraldehyde (with final range of 0~15mM of glucose). The second is a nano-structured biosensor based on nanopipette system and its goal is to quantify intracellular glucose concentration. With this device was possible to stipulate free glucose molecules inside different cell lines: between 0 and 2.8mM for human Fibroblasts; greater than 4.7 mM for MCF-7; and between 3.6 and 4.5 mM for MDA-MB-231.

Biossensores amperométricos fabricados a partir de eletrodos enzimáticos de polifenol oxidase para a detecção de pesticidas / Amperometric biosensors fabricated from enzymatic electrodes oxidase polyphenol for the detection of pesticides

Arruda, Izabela Gutierrez de 27 July 2016 (has links)
A utilização descontrolada de pesticidas tem provocado no decorrer dos anos a intoxicação de milhares de pessoas no mundo, uma vez que, seus resíduos têm sido depositados em alimentos, em solos e em ambientes aquáticos. Assim, a construção de duas novas plataformas sensoras para a detecção de pesticidas é o objetivo desse trabalho. Na primeira plataforma foi utilizado o polieletrólito catiônico polietilenoimina (PEI) em conjunto com o polissacarídeo extracelular algal (PSE) produzido pela microalga criptofícea Cryptomonas tetrapirenoidosa preparados através da técnica de deposição \"spin-coating\". E a segunda plataforma foi produzida por eletrodeposição pulsada, entre um potencial de redução e um de oxidação, utilizando nanoestruturas de óxido de zinco (ZnO). Para caracterizar as plataformas, foram utilizadas as técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura com fonte de emissão de campo (FEG-SEM), difração de raios X (XRD), espectroscopia de absorção ultravioleta-visível (UV-Vis), microscopia de força atômica (AFM) e espectroscopia de reflexão-absorção no Infravermelho com modulação da polarização (PM-IRRAS). Através da imobilização da enzima polifenol oxidase na forma de extrato bruto em sua fonte natural (fruto abacate), as plataformas de PEI/PSE e ZnO, foram avaliadas como biossensores de catecol e do inseticida carbaril. De modo comparativo, as plataformas de PEI/PSE sem a presença imobilizada da enzima também foram estudadas para a detecção do catecol e do carbaril. A simplicidade na formação e na construção dessas plataformas vem qualificá-las como viáveis a serem produzidas em escala industrial e com baixo custo de processamento. E diante dos resultados obtidos no desenvolvimento desses biossensores destaca-se a eficiência e a rapidez de detecção, o que os tornam economicamente promissores e competitivos em termos de aplicações ambientais. / The uncontrolled use of pesticides has resulted over the years the intoxication of thousands of people in the world, since their waste has been deposited in food, in soil and aquatic environments. Thus, the construction of two new sensors platforms for pesticide detection is the objective of this work. At first platform was used cationic polyelectrolyte polyethyleneimine (PEI) along with the extracellular algal polysaccharide (EPS) produced by microalgae criptofícea Cryptomonas tetrapirenoidosa prepared by deposition technique \"spin-coating\". The second platform was produced by pulsed electrodeposition between a reduction and an oxidation potential using nanostructures zinc oxide (ZnO). To characterize the platforms, we used the techniques of field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), ultraviolet visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and polarization modulation infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (PM-IRRAS). By immobilization of the polyphenol oxidase enzyme as a crude extract in their natural source (avocado fruit), platforms PEI/PSE and ZnO, they were evaluated as catechol and carbaryl insecticide biosensors. In a comparative way, the platforms PEI/PSE without the presence of immobilized enzyme were also studied for detection of catechol and carbaryl. The simplicity in the formation and construction of these platforms comes qualify them as viable to be produced on an industrial scale and low cost processing. And on the results obtained in the development of such biosensors stand out the efficiency and speed of detection, which make them economically promising and competitive in terms of environmental applications.

Análise dos procedimentos de medida de dispositivos EGFET utilizando filmes de FTO / Analysis of measurement procedures of EGFET devices using FTO films

Nascimento, Raphael Aparecido Sanches 26 November 2010 (has links)
Ao longo dos anos a medicina vem se desenvolvendo rapidamente e junto com ela desenvolvem-se os métodos e processos de diagnósticos. Estes métodos ficam mais rápidos, precisos e cada vez menos invasivos graças ao desenvolvimento de dispositivos diagnósticos a cada dia menores e que produzam respostas confiáveis. Os biossensores são, sem dúvida, os grandes responsáveis pela miniaturização, barateamento e rapidez de diversos métodos diagnósticos e procedimentos clínicos utilizados diariamente. Dentre os diferentes tipos de biossensores existentes, destacamos os biossensores embasados em transistores de efeito de campo (FETs), mais precisamente os biossensores a base de transistor de efeito de campo de porta estendida (EGFET). Analisamos nesse trabalho os procedimentos de medida utilizando filmes finos de óxido de estanho dopados com flúor (FTO) como membrana sensível a íons H+ acoplados à porta de um EGFET, que podem servir de base para a construção de um biossensor no futuro. Já existem artigos na literatura atual que fazem uso de FTO como membrana sensível a íons H+ e OH-. Entretanto, nenhum dos artigos disponíveis faz um bom controle de alguns parâmetros, em alguns casos relativamente simples, ou se fazem não deixam claro de que maneira estão controlando esses parâmetros. Tais parâmetros são de fundamental importância na resposta final dos sensores uma vez que eles interferem significativamente no sinal dos mesmos. Mostramos no presente trabalho que parâmetros como a luz, a sequência em que os pHs são medidos pela amostra, o procedimento de limpeza das amostras e até as características morfológicas das amostras são importantes no processo de adsorção e retirada de íons da superfície da membrana. Mostramos também que cada amostra necessita uma rotina diferente quanto à sequência de medidas e até mesmo procedimentos de limpeza para que seu rendimento seja máximo, e como diferentes amostras evoluem ao longo do tempo. Como solução aos problemas citados, descrevemos o uso correto de duas amostras que apresentaram reprodutibilidade em seus dados e invariância entre os resultados coletados por diferentes sequências de medidas. Por fim, deixamos uma proposta sobre a dinâmica que ocorre durante os processos de adsorção e retirada de íons H+ e OH- na superfície dos filmes. Com base em nossa proposta fizemos cálculos teóricos estimados da quantidade de cargas que são adsorvidas na superfície do filme para as diferentes situações encontradas durante os experimentos. / Over the years the medicine has been developing rapidly and along with it develop methods and diagnostic procedures. These methods become faster, more accurate and less invasive thanks to the development of diagnostic devices each day minors and producing reliable answers. The biosensors are undoubtedly the major responsible for miniaturization, cheaper and rapidity of various diagnostic methods and clinical procedures used every day. Among the different types of existing biosensors, we highlight the biosensors grounded in field effect transistors (FETs), more precisely the biosensor based in extended gate field effect transistor (EGFET). We analyzed on this work measurement procedures using tin oxide thin films doped with fluorine (or fluorine tin oxide FTO) as sensitive the membrane to H+ ions bounded to the gate of an EGFET, which can serve as a basis for building a biosensor in the future. Articles has already been written reporting the use of the FTO as sensitive membrane to ion H+ and OH-. However, none article available makes a good control of some parameters, in some cases relatively simple, or if they do not make it clear the way they are controlling these parameters. These parameters are of crucial importance in the final response of the sensors since they interfere significantly in signal of the sensors. So, we shown in this work, which parameters as light, the sequence in which the pHs are measured by the sample, the cleaning procedure of samples and even the morphological characteristics of the samples are important in the process of adsorption and ion withdrawal of membrane surface. We shown also that each sample requires a different routine on the following measures and even cleaning procedures for your maximum income is, and how different samples evolve over time. As a solution to the problems cited, we describe the correct use of two samples that showed reproducibility in your data and invariance between the results collected by different sequences of measures. Finally, we leave a proposal on the dynamics that occurs during adsorption processes and withdrawal ion H+ and OH- on the surface of the films. Based on our proposal did theoretical calculations estimated quantity of loads that are adsorb on the surface of the film for the different situations encountered during experiments.

Oligonucleotide-based biosensors for the detection of prostate cancer biomarkers

Jolly, Pawan January 2016 (has links)
The introduction of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing about 3 decades ago led to the possibility of early detection of prostate cancer (PCa). Although PSA testing reduced the mortality rate, it is also associated with high risk of over diagnosis in patients with and without PCa. Despite the current drawbacks, it would be a challenge to replace PSA testing entirely. Instead, there is a need to develop parallel testing of other potential biomarkers that can complement the results from PSA tests. To address alternative biomarker sensing, this thesis highlights on the development of oligonucleotide-based biosensors for the detection of different biomarkers of PCa. Using PSA as a gold standard, the first study of this dissertation investigates the use of DNA aptamers to detect PSA using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The study compares 6-mercapto 1-hexanol chemistry with sulfo-betaine chemistry for the development of PSA aptasensor in terms of performance and selectivity. The second study focuses on glycoprofiling in order to complement PSA quantification as an additional information for reliable PCa diagnosis. This strategy was developed in a microfluidic channel with an optical read out using chemiluminescence. This study addresses one of the major problems of cross-reactivity with lectins in glycoprofiling, which can be solved using DNA aptamers. A third study concentrates on the development of an aptasensor for Alpha-Methylacyl-CoA Racemase (AMACR). AMACR has been reported for its high specificity and sensitivity to PCa. For the fabrication of the biosensor, a new strategy using polyethylene glycol was developed by electrochemical grafting it to a polypyrrole film. Since PCa diagnosis can be improved by looking at different biomarkers, an electrochemical platform for miRNA/DNA detection using a gold nanoparticle amplification strategy was also investigated. The sensor was fabricated using peptide nucleic acids (PNA) probes on gold electrodes. The study presents non-Faradaic EIS and amperometric techniques in order to exploit the inherent charges of nucleic acids. In conclusion, this thesis wants to serve as a potential orientation for overcoming the shortcomings of the current PCa testing and contribute towards the development of oligonucleotide-based biosensors for PCa biomarker detection and hopefully enhance the diagnosis and prognosis of PCa.

Fabrication and Characterization of Carbon Nanotubes for Biomedical Applications

Rong, Zhiyang 25 August 2008 (has links)
"Recently, nanomaterials have been vigorously studied for the development of biosensors. Among them, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have stimulated enormous interest for constructing biosensors due to their unique physical and chemical properties such as high surface-to-volume ratio, high conductivity, high strength and chemical inertness. Our study is to develop a general design of biosensors based on vertically aligned CNT arrays. Glucose biosensor is selected as the model system to verify the design of biosensors. In the preliminary design, glucose oxidase (GOx) is attached to the walls of the porous alumina membrane by adsorption. Porous highly ordered anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) prepared by two-step anodization are used as templates. Deposited gold on both sides of template surfaces serve as a contact and prevent non-specific adhesion of GOx on the surface. In order to find out optimized thickness of gold coating, the oxidation and reduction (redox) reaction in [Fe(CN)6]3¨C /[Fe(CN)6]4¨C system is monitored by Cyclic Voltammetry (CV). Subsequently, enzymatic redox reaction in glucose solutions is also attempted by CV. We expect protein layers with GOx form a conductive network. However, no obvious enzymatic redox reaction is detected in the voltammogram. To take advantage of the attractive properties of CNTs, the design of enzyme electrodes is modified by attaching CNT onto the sidewalls of AAO template nanopores and then immobilizing GOx to the sidewalls and tips of CNTs. AAO templates provided vertical, parallel, well separated and evenly spacing nanochannels for CNT growth. Cobalt is used as a catalyst to fabricate CNTs. As a result, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) are fabricated inside the AAO templates by catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD). Characterization of AAO templates and cobalt electrochemical deposition are employed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). Detailed structure and texture of CNTs are examined by transmission electron microscope (TEM). "

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