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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Feasibility of Wood and its Derivatives as a Bicycle Frame Building Material

BRENT TAYLOR, NICHOLAS 05 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] The bicycle is often considered as one of the most important inventions of all time. In addition, it is the most efficient form of human transport in the world. It is non pollutant, uses no fuel other than human power and its carbon footprint is neutralised in a short time. Today, faced with the threat of global warming brought about by fossil fuels, countries such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Columbia actually encourage the use of the bicycle as a viable means of urban transport, and in the city of Paris there are financial incentives for cycling commuters. In China alone there are 450 Million bicycles. The form of the bicycle is universally recognisable, it is easy to use and simple to maintain. However, in spite of its apparent simplicity, the bicycle is made up of numerous components and sub-assemblies. Over the years these components and sub-assemblies have undergone a succession of changes and modifications. As with the evolution, development, and life cycle of any product, some of the modifications were relatively short lived. Others for various reasons have been adopted almost universally, such as steel ball bearings, the roller chain, pneumatic tires, tension spoked wheels, etc. In order to more fully understand the bicycle, its advantages, its shortcomings, and its place in the modern world, the first part of this study aims to address the various criteria which apply to bicycle typology, differentiation, use and construction. However, although numerous types of Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs) exist, the initial part of this research is constrained to the evolution and development of the "Safety" type bicycle - attributed to J. K. Starley of Coventry in 1895 - up to the present day, taking into account such factors as; design, material selection, manufacturing technology, and diversity. The first part of the study is a comprehensive overview of the bicycle which identifies crucial technological aspects and categorises bicycle by type and intended use. Due to the huge quantities and types of bicycles produced worldwide this research identifies generic types of each category irrespective of origin or manufacturer. The second part of this dissertation is devoted to the study of wooden bicycles and the specific requirements of this type of bicycle such as the use of wood and its derivatives e.g. engineered wood, as a bicycle frame construction material and some of the solutions arrived at and the special parts or components required. Contemporary and historical bicycles made from wood, other organic material and its derivatives have been investigated and conclusions drawn regarding their functionality and purpose. Part three is dedicated to the Design, Development, and Evaluation of a Wooden Bicycle prototype undertaken by the Author with the assistance of three Industrial Design Students. Part four describes the design, construction and testing of subsequent prototypes in detail including the fabrication of pre-production bicycles and proposals for manufacture on a commercial level. Parts five and six outline the empirical findings from the previous section and attempt to define strategies for marketing bicycles manufactured from wood and its derivatives as an alternative to conventional materials with a view to reanimating small local industries which have a strong base of expertise and knowhow working with wood, such as producers of furniture and similar products (broom handles, tool handles, boxes etc.). Part seven is devoted to the potential diversification of wooden framed bicycles which are electrically assisted. The fabrication of a prototype is discussed but no conclusions were made due to constraints beyond my control. Keywords: Design, Product, Frame, Bicycle / [ES] La bicicleta es frecuentemente considerada como una de las invenciones más importantes de todos los tiempos. Es también una de las formas de transporte humano más eficiente en el mundo. Hoy en día, por la amenaza del calentamiento global provocado por las fuentes de energía no renovables, países como Dinamarca, Holanda y Colombia animan a usar la bicicleta como un medio de transporte urbano. La figura de la bicicleta es universalmente reconocida, es fácil de usar y su mantenimiento es simple. A pesar de su aparente simplicidad, la bicicleta está compuesta de numerosos componentes y subconjuntos. A lo largo de los años, los subconjuntos sufrieron una serie de cambios y transformaciones. Como en cualquier evolución y desarrollo, los cambios influyen en el ciclo de vida de cualquier producto, a pesar que algunas de estas aportaciones tuvieron una vida efímera. Otras, por razones varias, fueron adoptadas casi universalmente. Entre estas podemos citar los rodamientos de esferas de azor, la cadena, los neumáticos, etc. Para comprender mejor el producto bicicleta, se ha considerado como objetivo en la primera parte de este estudio, abordar varios criterios que se aplican de acuerdo con la tipología, diferenciación, uso y construcción de la bicicleta. A pesar de existir numerosos tipos de Human Powered Vehicles (HPVs), la primera parte de esta investigación se limita al estudio de la evaluación y desenvolvimiento de la bicicleta "Safety" atribuida A J.K. Starley de Coventry UK.1895, desde su aparición hasta nuestros días, tomando en consideración la selección de materiales, las tecnologías de fabricación, el diseño, y el estatus de la bicicleta en la sociedad. La segunda parte de esta tesis está dedicada por completo al estudio de la madera y sus derivados como material de construcción de la bicicleta. Bicicletas contemporáneas e históricas de madera y sus derivados, que han sido investigados y se han presentado los resultados en relación a su funcionalidad y propósito. La tercera parte describe con detalle el diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de una bicicleta prototipo de madera, los prototipos posteriores y las bicicletas prototipo o de pre-producción de madera y sus derivados fabricados por el autor con la ayuda de los Estudiantes finalistas del grado de Diseño Industrial (ESTGAD CR, Portugal) En la cuarta parte se describe el diseño, construcción y prueba de prototipos posteriores en detalle, incluyendo la fabricación de bicicletas de pre-producción y propuestas para la fabricación a nivel comercial. La quinta y sexto partes resume los resultados empíricos de la sección anterior y trata de definir estrategias de marketing, para bicicletas fabricadas a partir de la madera y sus derivados como una alternativa a los materiales convencionales, con el fin de animar a producción industrial a las pequeñas industrias locales, que poseen una base sólida de experiencia en el trabajo con la madera, como productores de muebles y productos similares. En la última parte, se ha dedicado a la diversificación potencial de cuadros de bicicletas en madera que están asistidas eléctricamente. La fabricación de un prototipo forma parte de la discusión y pretende ser una proyección de futuro. Palabras Clave: Diseño, Producto, Madera, Bicicleta. / [CA] La bicicleta es freqüentment considerada com una de les invencions mes importants de tots els temps. Es tambe una de les formes de transport huma mes eficient en el mon. Hui en dia, per l'amenaça del calfament global provocat per les fonts d'energia no renovellables, països com Dinamarca, Holanda i Colombia animen a usar la bicicleta com un mig de transport urba. La figura de la bicicleta es universalment reconeguda, es facil d'usar i el seu manteniment es simple. A pesar de la seua aparent simplicitat, la bicicleta està composta de numerosos components i subconjuntos. A lo llarc dels anys, els subconjuntos patiren una serie de canvis i transformacions. Com en qualsevol evolucio i desenroll, els canvis influixen en el cicle de vida de qualsevol producte, a pesar que algunes d'estos aportaments tingueren una vida efimera. Atres, per raons varies, foren adoptades casi universalment. Entre estes podem citar els rodaments d'esferes d'azor, la cadena, els neumatics, etc. Per a comprendre millor el producte bicicleta, s'ha considerat com objectiu en la primera part d'este estudi, abordar varis criteris que s'apliquen d'acort en la tipología, diferenciacio, us i construccio de la bicicleta. A pesar d'existir numerosos tipos d'Human Powered Vehicles (HPVS), la primera part d'esta investigacio se llimita a l'estudi de l'evaluacio i desenvolupament de la bicicleta "Safety" atribuida A J.K. Starley de Coventry UK. 1895, des de la seua aparicio fins nostres dies, prenent en consideracio la seleccio de materials, les tecnologies de fabricacio, el disseny, i l'estat de la bicicleta en la societat. La segona part d'esta tesis està dedicada per complet a l'estudi de la fusta i els seus derivats com material de construccio de la bicicleta. Bicicletes contemporanees i historiques de fusta i els seus derivats, que han segut investigats i s'han presentat els resultats en relacio a la seua funcionalitat i proposit. La tercera part descriu en detall el disseny, desenroll i evaluacio d'una bicicleta prototip de fusta, els prototips posteriors i les bicicletes prototip o de PRE-produccio de fusta i els seus derivats fabricats per l'autor en l'ajuda dels Estudiants finalistes del grau de Disseny Industrial (ESTGAD CR, Portugal) En la quarta part se descriu el disseny, construccio i prova de prototips posteriors en detall, incloent la fabricacio de bicicletes de pre-produccio i propostes per a la fabricacio a nivell comercial. La quinta i sisè parts resumix els resultats empirics de la seccio anterior i tracta de definir estrategies de marketing, per a bicicletes fabricades a partir de la fusta i els seus derivats com una alternativa als materials convencionals, en el fi d'animar a produccio industrial a les menudes industries locals, que posseixen una base solida d'experiencia en el treball en la fusta, com productors de mobles i productes similars. En l'ultima part, s'ha dedicat a la diversificacio potencial de quadros de bicicletes en fusta que estan assistides electricament. La fabricacio d'un prototip forma part de la discussio i preten ser una proyeccio de futur. Paraules Clau: Disseny, Producte, Fusta, Bicicleta. / Brent Taylor, N. (2016). The Feasibility of Wood and its Derivatives as a Bicycle Frame Building Material [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63663 / TESIS

Proyecto de conversión de bicicletas convencionales a bicicletas dúo / The conversion of a conventional bike to a hybrid bike

Arana Villegas, Jeanette Gissela, Mercado Zarate, Johnathan Alejandro, Paulino Aguilar, Rosalin Mayra, Rios Asmat, Polshka Francisca 14 July 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación es desarrollar la propuesta de valor de Forcebike. El cuál consiste en la conversión de bicicletas convencionales a bicicletas dúo, ofreciendo así una alternativa de medio de transporte más económico, ecológico y beneficioso para la salud del cliente. Para ello, se desarrollaron los siguientes planes. Primero, el estratégico donde se analiza la industria de bicicletas y se identifica el segmento de clientes. Segundo, el de marketing donde se explica el valor diferencial y las estrategias que utilizará Forcebike para captar a sus clientes. Tercero, el plan de operaciones y recursos humanos donde se identifica los procesos claves del negocio y se define la estructura de la organización. Cuarto, se determina el monto de inversión, se analizan y evalúan los resultados del plan financiero y económico para determinar la rentabilidad del proyecto. En la investigación, se utiliza la metodología cualitativa: entrevistas de profundidad a personas que tiene bicicletas convencionales. Finalmente, los resultados de la investigación indican que el 83% de los entrevistados tiene interés en usar el servicio de conversión, la inversión inicial es de S/87,805, no se requiere de financiamiento externo y se calculó una VAN de S/1´971,596 con lo cual se concluye que Forcebike es una oportunidad de negocio viable y rentable. / This research work aims to evaluate the business plan of FORCEBIKE Company. It is about the conversion of a conventional bike to a hybrid bike, in this way, it will offer an alternative of an economic and ecological transport, and provides health benefits. To that end, these plans were developed. Firstly, a strategic plan, which examines bike industry and identify the customer segment. Secondly, a marketing plan, which explains the differential value and the strategies will be used by Forcebike to attract customers. Thirdly, an operational plan and human resources, which identifies the key business processes and defines the organizational structure. Fourthly, the amount of investment is determined, it analyse and evaluate the financial and economic plan results to get the project's profitability.  In this research, qualitative methodology is used: in-depth interviewees who have conventional bikes. Finally, the results of this research show that 83% of the interviewees agreed to use conversion service, the initial investment is S/87,805, it do not require external financing and a S/1´971,596 VAN was calculated. From this, it is concluded Forcebike is a viable and profitable business opportunity. / Trabajo de investigación

Bicycle Traffic Count Factoring: An Examination of National, State and Locally Derived Daily Extrapolation Factors

Roll, Josh Frank 25 July 2013 (has links)
Since nearly the beginning of the wide spread adoption of the automobile, motorized traffic data collection has occurred so that decision makers have information to plan the transportation system. Widespread motorized traffic data collection has allowed for estimating traffic volumes using developed extrapolation methods whereby short-term counts in sample locations can be expanded to longer periods. As states and local planning agencies make investments in bicycle infrastructure and count programs develop, similar extrapolation methods will be needed. The only available guidance on extrapolating bicycle counts comes from the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project (NBPDP), yet no validation of these factors have been done to assess their usability in specific area. Using bicycle traffic count data from the Central Lane Metropolitan Planning Organization Count Program in Oregon, this research demonstrates that using study area data to generate time-of-day factors produces results with less error compared to application of the NBPDP time-of-day factors. Factors are generated in two separate way in order to reduce error from estimating daily bicycle volumes. Factors groups are developed using bicycle facility type where counts are collected. This research also seeks to add to the literature concerning bicycle travel patterns by using study area data to establish a university travel pattern exemplified by a flat hourly distribution from morning to evening.

A regression spline based approach to enhance the prediction accuracy of bicycle counter data

Alkayali, Omar January 2022 (has links)
Regression analysis has been used in previous research to predict the number of bicycles registered by a bicycle counter. An important step to improve the prediction is to include a long-term trend curve estimate as part of the formulation of the regression target variable. In this way, it is possible to use the deviation from the trend curve estimate instead of the absolute number of bicycles as target variable in the regression problem formulation. This can help capturing the factors that are difficult, or even impossible, to model as input variables in the regression model, for example, larger infrastructural changes. This study aims to evaluate a regression spline-based approach to enhance the prediction accuracy of bicycle counter data. This will be achieved by formulating a regression problem, generating trend curve estimates using regression splines, and evaluating the resulted curves using cross validation on a set of chosen regression algorithms. We illustrate our approach by applying it on a time series recorded by a bicycle counter in Malmö city, Sweden. For the considered data set, our experimental results show that the spline trend curve estimate with knots between 12-19, which has been fitted to the time series, gives the best prediction. It also shows that the use of ensemble methods leads to better prediction, where the G.B. Regressor shows best performance with 19 knots.

Stojan na kola pro firmu MMCITÉ / A Bike Stand For The MMCITÉ Company

Trčková, Jitka January 2014 (has links)
I decided to involve new bicycle stand in cooperation with Czech street furniture company mmcité. My point is to design bicycle stand, which is useful with materials and construction, which is not expensive and has easy production. I tried to respect shape and function of bicycle and design bicycle stand with ideal fixation and good lockout. There are three basic versions depending on number of parked bikes.

Analýza a optimalizace cyklistické dopravy na území města Bohumín / 65/5000 Analysis and optimization of cycling transport in Bohumin

Weber, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This diplom thesis deals with the analysis of existing state and prorosal to improve bicycle parking in the part of town Bohumín. Thesis also deals with evalution of critical section of cycling traffic in the Bohumín. It propose the optimalization of the existing state, or a complete change of it. The aim of the proposal is to improve the traffic situation in place e.g. to increase safety and driving comfort.

Changes on the Horizon: The Evolution of Transportation Methods and Infrastructure in the American Southwest, 1870-1920.

Hieber, Nathaniel Paul 22 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Wheels of Justice : An overview of cycling infrastructure and social justice in Malmö

Andersson, Julia Antonia, Lord, Joakim Richard January 2023 (has links)
Bikes and cycling infrastructure have a relationship with social justice. As a transportation mode they are often viewed as democratic due to their relatively low cost and barrier of entry. However, other factors such as family size, socio-economic disparities, and cultural barriers also exist. These often-overlooked social factors disproportionately affect immigrants. In Sweden there is no official responsibility placed on governing bodies or schools to provide cycling lessons which leaves it up to individuals themselves or the civil sector to do so. In the rational planning ideal ‘soft’ interventions have been deprioritised by Malmö municipality (Malmö stad) even though they previously excelled at such social measures. This thesis has triangulated multiple sources of information/data using several methods: a document study, a semi-structured interview study, a GIS study, and a field study. From the gathered data and reference literature we analysed our findings through a social justice perspective. Though many definitions of social justice exist, we operated from a geographic lens, placing an emphasis on who has access to what and where, while also focusing on the removal of obstacles for people to reach their full potential (Mayhew, 2015). Our findings show that the rational planning ideal in its goal to avoid racism by a ‘colour blind’ approach instead manages to render certain disadvantaged groups invisible, namely foreign-born residents of low socio-economic status.

Is there a willingness to pay for shade provision as part of cycling urban infrastructure? Eliciting attributes of a discrete choice experiment in Neiva, Colombia

Arce Correa, Jorge Andres January 2023 (has links)
This manuscript reports on an exploration of whether shade provision is valued by urban users of cycling infrastructure. A description of the elicitation process has been outlined in order to build a general but detailed analysis of the different stages included in the exercise of attribute elicitation. As a departure point, a thorough literature review was conducted in order to establish a state of the art’s scenario. Different kinds of attributes that have been evaluated previously within discrete choice experiments and other relatable methods linked to bicycle commuting and bike route choices were compiled, however, shade appeared as an overlooked attribute. From this, a theoretical and methodological approach based on welfare economics and, the concept of willingness to pay as an indicator of shade provision’s value is proposed for the context of Neiva, Colombia, a medium size city in a developing country. Preliminary focus groups were conducted to build a surveying tool for eliciting the proposed attribute and gathered more contextual information. Finally, a pilot survey was launched in order to test the perceived value of shade and its importance for commuters. Special attention is devoted to the description of how the tools and methods were used in order to help future efforts. Several sets of data and information were reviewed and contrasted in order to build an accurate image of the current status of shade within the local commuters’ minds, what barriers were found while executing the research plan, and what can be some important implications for future urban planning studies and sustainable mobility research. Several different commuting conditions and individual realities were found, nonetheless, the existence of valuing shade provision was pervasive across all the surveyed university students and graduated staff. Furthermore, the benefits were perceived as socially broad, even by motorized, non-walking, and cycling commuters. Other valuable insights were found, like the effect of corruption when asking for policy implementation, further research needs to be conducted due to sampling limitations, the scarcity of previous research aimed at the subject, and for gathering more information about how acknowledging the attribute might be potentially critical for the future.

En cykelväska för stora laptops / A bicycle pannier for 17-inch laptops

Tran, Willy January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetet utförde i uppdrag från KTH Södertälje med målet att utveckla en cykelväska anpassad för större laptops. Projektet är uppdelad i fyra olika faser problemanalys, faktainsamling, konceptutveckling och rapportskrivning. Problemet med dagens cykelväskor som finns på marknaden idag är att det inte finns någon cykelväska som är anpassad för 17 tum laptops. En faktainsamling utfördes för att få en breddare grund innan viktiga beslut kunde tas inför konceptutvecklingen. 6 olika koncept på togs fram och jämfördes emellan för att hitta det konceptförslags om stod sig starkast och kunde vidareutvecklas till en slutprodukt. Slutprodukten av projektet representeras av en cykelväska som är stor nog att kunna förvara en 17 tum laptop. En cykelväska som uppfyller kundens önskemål att monteringsprocessen av cykelväskan på cykeln ska vara snabb och enkel gjord av ett slittåligt material. Produkten presenteras i form av rendering av en 3D-modellering från CAD programmet CREO. / The degree project was given by KTH Södertälje with the aim to develop a bicycle pannier adapted for larger laptops. The project is divided into four different phases problem analysis, fact collection, concept development and report writing. The problem with today's bicycle pannier that exist on the market today is that there is no bicycle pannier that is adapted and big enough for 17-inch laptops. A fact-gathering was executed in order to obtain a broader basis before important decisions could be made prior to the concept development phase. 6 different concepts were developed and compared between to find the concept that stood out the strongest and could be further developed and used for the end product. The end product of the project is represented by a bicycle pannier large enough to hold a 17 inch laptop. A bicycle bag that meets the customer's wishes which are that the mounting process of the bicycle bag on the bicycle should be quick and easy made of a durable material. The product is presented in the form of rendering of 3D modeling from the CAD program CREO.

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