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Adaptation of Luborsky’s Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method : a phenomenological case studyKruger, J C 22 October 2007 (has links)
In this research a novel adaptation of Luborsky’s Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method was implemented within a phenomenological methodology. The Duquesne phenomenological research method (DPRM) provided the framework for the new methodology. This new method was applied to a case study consisting of transcripts of therapy sessions conducted by the researcher with a Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) client. The CCRT method provides a useful structure for analysing relational experiences in transcripts. Application of the CCRT to a transcript however proved insufficient to provide the depth and richness of information that was of interest to the researcher. For this reason application of the CCRT as a technique within a broader phenomenological method was considered. This integration combines benefits of both methods, in terms of providing a more structured way of identifying meaning units in transcripts, as well as through retaining the depth and richness of recorded relational experiences. In the original CCRT method client accounts of relational interactions are analyzed in terms of the wishe/s, need/s and intention/s (WIN/s) of the client directed towards some person/s, the response of the other person/s and the client’s response to him/herself. In the proposed modification of the CCRT method the emphasis was changed to analysis of all accounts of interactions, even if occurring outside of therapy, as pertaining to interpersonal occurrences within the client-therapist relationship. Analysing transcripts in this way, i.e. emphasising the importance of current context, required a structured means of identifying relational experiences, not only in terms of the client’s WIN/s, but also in terms of the therapist’s WIN/s. The results of this study suggest that the above method resulted in increased insight and understanding of the interpersonal experiences examined, and that it transformed the therapist’s insight regarding his own role in interpersonal interactions with this specific client. The increased understanding resulting from this study should benefit future clients in therapy with the therapist. The modified method’s main contributions are that it provides a more structured approach to the identification of meaning units as well as a more formal way of including context through evaluation of the flow of experiences between relational experiences (REs). The main drawbacks of the method were the difficulties associated with demarcating REs and ordering of information in the developed Unit Interaction Record Sheet (UIRS). These difficulties initially caused application of the method to be very time consuming. This improved as the researcher’s expertise at using the new technique increased. Although the method has the potential to be a general tool for analysing transcripts, which are not limited to a specific theoretical orientation, further research is necessary to determine the usefulness of the modified methodology as a general research instrument. / Dissertation (MA (Clinical Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / MA / unrestricted
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Adaptive Cell Balancing for Modular Battery Management SystemsChowdhury, S. M. Sifat Morshed 06 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Shifting the sun : Can coupling Lithium-ion batteries with solar power be economically justified in a Dutch setting?Olsson, Martin, Wiborg, Carl Axel January 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of the lithium-ion battery industry is currently driving down sys-tem costs as a result of maturing processes. Decreasing system costs enables additional revenue streams and applications, provided through li-ion battery storage, to be ex-plored. EAM Solar, a Norwegian solar utility company with operational solar power plants across the globe, seeks to build and operate a solar power plant (SPP) in the Dutch region of Leeuwarden. This thesis investigates whether an SPP with an installed capacity of 16.1MW, can be economically profitable when utilizing li-ion battery energy storage systems (BESS) for arbitrage and time-shift of subsidized solar power in order to avoid large(r) grid-connection costs while accepting grid transmission limits. Literature, environment parameters and estimates from the industry was combined with financial data from the client and collaborators, such as a battery manufacturer, to create viable and realistic economic evaluations.The literature study provided information for relevant parameters such as the life cycle of a battery, which enabled a realistic modeling procedure regarding cyclic and calendric degradation, charge/discharge behavior, end of life terms and overall efficiencies. It was modelled quantitatively in Stella Architect and Microsoft Excel to obtain economical and financial indicators, such as Net Present Value (NPV) & Internal Rate of Return (IRR), to subsequently provide recommendations on whether to make the investment.Results show worse economic outcomes for li-ion BESS investments compared to the original investment of a stand-alone SPP, even when arbitrage was implemented as a cost recovery mechanism and with a smaller grid-connection cost. Furthermore, it is shown that a stand-alone BESS only used for arbitrage is unlikely to become profitable in the foreseeable future at this location or in a similar market mainly due to large in-vestment costs combined with substantial fees associated with access to the day-ahead electricity auction in the Netherlands, EPEX Spot NL. It is also shown that in spite of the lower grid connection for a SPP combined with a li-ion BESS, a 20-25% decrease in battery investment cost is required for the investment to yield similar rate of returns as a stand-alone SPP investment. The model developed in this thesis can be considered to be a tool for evaluating similar systems in the future with minor modifications, espe-cially as the market- and technology environment evolves. / Den snabba utvecklingen utav litium-jonindustrin för batteritillverkning har kraftigt dri-vit ner systemkostnader som ett resultat av mer mogna processer. Sjunkande systemkost-nader möjliggör upptäckande av både nya intäktskällor och användningsområden för li-tium-jonbatteri. EAM Solar, ett norskt solkraftföretag som äger ett flertal solkraftverk världen över, är just i planeringsstadiet för att bygga och underhålla ett nytt kraftverk i den nederländska staden Leeuwarden. Denna uppsats undersöker om ett solkraftverk med en kapacitet på 16.1 MW kan vara lönsamt tillsammans med ett batterisystem som ska användas för att lagra el när överföringsgränsen är nådd, samt för arbitragehandel. Förhoppningen från klientens sida var att den mindre nätanslutning kunde användas tillsammans med ett batterisystem för undvika vissa investeringskostnader. Litteratur, lokala parametrar och kalkyler från industrin kombinerades med finansiella data från klienten och samarbetspartners som batteritillverkare för att skapa trovärdiga och real-istiska resultat.Litteraturstudien gav information om relevanta parametrar såsom livscykeln för ett bat-teri, vilket möjliggjorde en realistisk modelleringsprocedur gällande cyklisk och tidsan-passad degradering, laddning- och urladdningsbeteende, slutvillkor för användning och generella effektiviteter. Modellen modellerades sedan kvantitativt i Stella Architect och i Microsoft Excel för att få fram finansiella indikatorer vilka gav en rekommendation om en investering skulle göras eller ej.Resultaten visade sämre ekonomiska resultat för litium-jonbatteri kombinerat med ett solkraftverk jämfört med endast ett solkraftverk för sig själv, detta även om både ar-bitrage och lagring av överskottselektricitet används för att öka intäkterna kombinerat med en liten anslutning till det nationella nätet. Utöver detta visar det sig att ett batte-risystem som endast används för arbitragehandel är långt ifrån lönsamt för sig själv, och detta lär inte ändras under den närmaste tiden, i alla fall inte på en marknad som den nederländska. Anledningarna till detta är alltför höga investeringskostnader kombinerat med relativt höga avgifter för att ens få handla på den nederländska elmarknaden, EPEK Spot NL. För att nå lika resultat för ett solkraftverk med eller utan batterisystem krävs det, i det bästa fallet, en minskad investeringskostnad på 20-25%. Det ska dock nämnas att det krävs en mindre nätanslutning om ett batterisystem används, vilket är anled-ningen till att de finansiella resultaten är relativt lika, utan detta skulle alla system med batteripaket ge betydligt sämre värde. När uträkningar gjordes på batterisystem som endast används för arbitragehandel gav dem negativa ekonomiska resultat i samtliga fall, oberoende av batteristorlek. Det är dock viktigt att notera att modellen som skapades för denna uppsats är enkel att använda i framtiden. När parametrar ändras är det simpelt att justera modellen för att undersöka precis samma fall i framtiden.
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Terrestrial radio wave propagation at millimeter-wave frequenciesXu, Hao 05 May 2000 (has links)
This research focuses on radio wave propagation at millimeter-wave frequencies. A measurement based channel characterization approach is taken in the investigation.
First, measurement techniques are analyzed. Three types of measurement systems are designed, and implemented in measurement campaigns: a narrowband measurement system, a wideband measurement system based on Vector Network Analyzer, and sliding correlator systems at 5.8+AH4AXA-mbox{GHz}, 38+AH4AXA-mbox{GHz} and 60+AH4AXA-mbox{GHz}. The performances of these measurement systems are carefully compared both analytically and experimentally.
Next, radio wave propagation research is performed at 38+AH4AXA-mbox{GHz} for Local Multipoint Distribution Services (LMDS). Wideband measurements are taken on three cross-campus links at Virginia Tech. The goal is to determine weather effects on the wideband channel properties. The measurement results include multipath dispersion, short-term variation and signal attenuation under different weather conditions. A design technique is developed to estimate multipath characteristics based on antenna patterns and site-specific information.
Finally, indoor propagation channels at 60+AH4AXA-mbox{GHz} are studied for Next Generation Internet (NGI) applications. The research mainly focuses on the characterization of space-time channel structure. Multipath components are resolved both in time of arrival (TOA) and angle of arrival (AOA). Results show an excellent correlation between the propagation environments and the channel multipath structure.
The measurement results and models provide not only guidelines for wireless system design and installation, but also great insights in millimeter-wave propagation. / Ph. D.
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Optimal control of hybrid electric vehicles for real-world driving patternsVagg, Christopher January 2015 (has links)
Optimal control of energy flows in a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) is crucial to maximising the benefits of hybridisation. The problem is complex because the optimal solution depends on future power demands, which are often unknown. Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) is among the most advanced control optimisation algorithms proposed and incorporates a stochastic representation of the future. The potential of a fully developed SDP controller has not yet been demonstrated on a real vehicle; this work presents what is believed to be the most concerted and complete attempt to do so. In characterising typical driving patterns of the target vehicles this work included the development and trial of an eco-driving driver assistance system; this aims to reduce fuel consumption by encouraging reduced rates of acceleration and efficient use of the gears via visual and audible feedback. Field trials were undertaken using 15 light commercial vehicles over four weeks covering a total of 39,300 km. Average fuel savings of 7.6% and up to 12% were demonstrated. Data from the trials were used to assess the degree to which various legislative test cycles represent the vehicles’ real-world use and the LA92 cycle was found to be the closest statistical match. Various practical considerations in SDP controller development are addressed such as the choice of discount factor and how charge sustaining characteristics of the policy can be examined and adjusted. These contributions are collated into a method for robust implementation of the SDP algorithm. Most reported HEV controllers neglect the significant complications resulting from extensive use of the electrical powertrain at high power, such as increased heat generation and battery stress. In this work a novel cost function incorporates the square of battery C-rate as an indicator of electric powertrain stress, with the aim of lessening the affliction of real-world concerns such as temperatures and battery health. Controllers were tested in simulation and then implemented on a test vehicle; the challenges encountered in doing so are discussed. Testing was performed on a chassis dynamometer using the LA92 test cycle and the novel cost function was found to enable the SDP algorithm to reduce electrical powertrain stress by 13% without sacrificing any fuel savings, which is likely to be beneficial to battery health.
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Abstract Purpose: This work presents Internet of Things or IoT in facility management; operation and maintenance. One of the many functions of IoT is making “smart” building components, which can communicate when they break and can be controlled from a distance. Today there are many articles on how you can use IoT in buildings but not as many on how you can use it in operation and maintenance of real estates. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities of IoT in facility management; operation and maintenance work. This is investigated by the questions: (1) How can IoT be used in the facility management; operation andmaintenance work? (2) What are the savings in terms of workhours that can be made by using IoT in facility management; operation and maintenance work? (3) What is the attitude to IoT in the facility management industry? Method: The main strategy for this thesis is a case study in the facility section of the municipality in Jönköping. Approaches include interviews with IoT-consultants and employers at the facility section, document analysis of the workhours for different tasks of a operation technician and a literature study. Findings: The first question is answered by that IoT can be used for almost everything because of the huge amount of sensor types and that new ones are constantly in the making. You can also make unique IoT systems which contributes to the flexibility.The limits today are costs and finding value in the collected data. The second question is answered by that saving possibilities exists. Calculations are made based on attitudes from respondents and what they think are possible savings.This results in savings of about 13 000 workhours/year out of 30 000 workhours/year which equals 40 %. The third question is answered by that both employers at the facility section and IoT-consultants find IoT in facility management interesting. Of the different work-categories, it is interesting to mention that the most positive are the real estate managers and the maintenance engineers and the least positive are the operation technicians. Implications: Conclusions made are that the possibilities of IoT in facility management; operation and maintenance are many. In the future, a lot of savings of workhours can be made by using IoT. Since interest in IoT exists at the facility-section future studies should explore the costs of different IoT-systems. If the municipality of Jönköping chooses to implement IoT in their facilities they can become a role model for other facility managers. Limitations: The limitations in this work are the different costs of IoT-products and how the IoT-systems are built. The work tasks investigated include only supervision-tasks. / Sammanfattning Syfte: Detta arbete behandlar Internet of Things eller IoT inom drift och underhåll i förvaltningsskedet. IoT handlar bl.a. om “smarta” byggnadskomponenter som kan meddela när de går sönder samt att man kan styra dessa på avstånd. Det finns många tidigare undersökningar kring hur man kan använda IoT i byggnader men inte särskilt många undersökningar på hur detta kan användas inom just drift och underhållsarbetet med fastigheter. Därför är målet med detta arbete att utreda möjligheterna till användning av Internet of Things inom drift och underhåll i förvaltningsskedet. Som i sin tur bryts ner i frågeställningarna: (1) Vilka användningsområden finns det för Internet of Things inom fastighetsförvaltning, avseende drift och underhåll? (2) Vilka besparingar i form av arbetstid skulle man kunna åstadkomma genom att tillämpa Internet of Things inom fastighetsförvaltning, avseende drift och underhåll? (3) Hur ser inställningen ut för tillämpning av Internet of Things i förvaltningsbranschen? Metod: Huvudstrategin för detta arbete är en Fallstudie på Fastighetsavdelningen, Jönköpings kommun. Tillvägagångssättet består av intervjuer med IoT-konsulter och med anställda på fastighetsavdelningen, dokumentanalys av enhetstider för olika arbetsuppgifter för drifttekniker i Jönköpings kommun samt litteraturstudie. Resultat: Den första frågeställningen besvaras att det mesta är möjligt med IoT då det finns en enorm mängd olika sensorer och det produceras ständigt nya sensortyper. Man kan även skräddarsy IoT-lösningar vilket bidrar till flexibiliteten i systemen. Det som sätter gränser för IoT i dagsläget är ekonomin samt att hitta värde i insamlade data. Frågeställning två visar att besparingsmöjligheter finns. Beräkningar är baserade på attityder hos respondenterna och vad de anser är rimliga besparingspotential. Detta resulterar i en besparing på ca 13 000 arbetstimmar/år av 30 000 arbetstimmar/år vilket är lika med 40 %. Den tredje frågeställningen ger resultatet att inställningen för att implementera IoT till arbetsuppgifter är överlag positiv hos både anställda på fastighetsavdelningen och IoT-konsulter. Av de olika yrkeskategorierna är det intressant att nämna att störst intresse ligger hos förvaltare och underhållsingenjörer och minst hos drifttekniker. Konsekvenser: Slutsatser dras att IoT kan effektivisera arbetet med drift och underhåll i förvaltningsskedet. Man kan komma att spara in mycket arbetstid genom att använda IoT. Eftersom intresse finns hos avdelningen borde man undersöka vidare vilka kostnader systemet kan komma att kosta om man skulle börja utrusta fastigheterna med sensorer etc. Vid en eventuell implementering kan Jönköpings kommun bli en förebild för andra förvaltare och hamna i framkant i teknikutvecklingen. Begränsningar: Avgränsningarna i detta arbete är kostnader för IoT-produkter och hur systemen i detalj är uppbyggda. De arbetsuppgifter som undersöks i detta arbete är tillsynsuppgifter.
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Monitorovací a ochranný systém baterií / Battery monitoring and protection systemHladík, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with design of battery management system. Requirements for battery management system and its conception is discussed in the first part of the work. System is able to disconnect load or charger from battery using MOS-FET transistors. It measures battery cell's voltages and is capable of passive balancing. Microcontroller is used for data processing and system control. Schematics, printed circuit board layout and control algorithm was designed. Prototype of the battery management system was then manufactured and tested.
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<p> </p>
<p>Many machine learning models exist for battery management systems to utilize. Few have been shown to work. This work focuses on gathering data from cycling battery packs and sending this data directly to machine learning models built off robust datasets for applying the resulting predicted values and outputs directly on top of real-time systems. A parasitic sensor network was created composed of a main microcontroller, a host CPU, and various sensors including resistance temperature detection devices (RTDs), a voltage measurement circuit, current measurement circuit, and an accelerometer/gyroscope. The resulting network was integrated parasitically with a 4-cell 18650 SONY VTC6 battery pack, then tested both on-ground and in-flight with a commercial quadcopter. Real-time data for the battery pack with four cells in series was gathered. This real-time data stream was then integrated with data-driven neural network algorithms trained on various 18650 datasets and a real physical model to finalize the “AI BMS”. Using the power of non-linear models to infer battery health impacts not normally considered in battery management systems, the “AI BMS” was able to use low-fidelity real-time data in conjunction with a powerful multi-faceted model to make predictive decisions about battery health characteristics on top of normal system operations.</p>
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Impact du petit inhibiteur temsavir sur la conformation des glycoprotéines d’enveloppe du VIH-1Boutin, Marianne 05 1900 (has links)
Un obstacle important dans l’éradication du virus de l’immunodéfience humaine (VIH-1) est
l’établissement de réservoirs viraux où le virus reste à l’état latent ainsi que l’absence de vaccin
efficace. Bien que les molécules antivirales actuelles permettent d’augmenter l’espérance de vie
des personnes vivant avec le VIH-1 (PLWH) ainsi que de diminuer la réplication virale chez cellesci,
elles ne contribuent pas à l’élimination de ces réservoirs. La hausse de résistance envers ces
molécules inhibitrices nécessite le développement constant de nouvelles molécules. L’une d’entre
elles, temsavir (BMS-626529), est un nouvel inhibiteur d’attachement approuvé par la FDA depuis
2020. Sa cible, la glycoprotéine d’enveloppe (Env), est le seul antigène viral présent à la surface
des cellules infectées et des virions, représentant donc la cible idéale des anticorps. L’Env mature
se trouve sous forme d’hétérodimère (gp120 et gp41) suite au clivage de son précurseur gp160.
Temsavir lie sous la boucle β20-β21 de la gp120 et prévient donc, par compétition, l’interaction
entre l’Env et le récepteur CD4 de l’hôte. En plus de son rôle en tant qu’inhibiteur d’attachement,
temsavir permet de stabiliser le trimère dans sa conformation dite «fermée». Un ancien analogue
de temsavir, BMS-806, a montré réduire l’addition de glycans ainsi que de diminuer le clivage du
précurseur gp160. Nos études démontrent que temsavir possède également un impact sur ces
mécanismes impliqués dans la maturation et la flexibilité de l’Env de plusieurs souches du VIH-1.
De ce fait, nous avons investigué l’effet de cette altération sur la conformation des différentes Env.
Nos observations montrent que l’effet de temsavir sur le clivage protéolytique est associé à une
diminution de la reconnaissance de l’Env par des anticorps ciblant différentes régions de celle-ci.
Cette modification de la reconnaissance de l’Env est également associée à l’efficacité de la réponse
cytotoxique cellulaire dépendante des anticorps (ADCC) à éliminer les cellules infectées. Les
résultats présentés dans ce mémoire, notamment l’effet de temsavir sur la conformation de l’Env,
devrait être considéré lors du développement d’immunothérapies ciblant le réservoir viral. / An important obstacle in the eradication of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) is the
establishment of viral reservoirs where the virus remains in a latent state and the absence of a potent
vaccine. Although current antiretroviral molecules increase the life expectancy of people living
with HIV-1 (PLWH) as well as reduce viral replication, they do not contribute to the elimination
of these reservoirs. Also, the increase in drugs resistances towards these inhibitory molecules
requires the constant development of new molecules. One of them, temsavir (BMS-626529), is a
new attachment inhibitor approved by the FDA since 2020. Its target, the envelope glycoprotein
(Env), is the only viral antigen present at the surface of infected cells and virions and thus, is also
the main target of antibodies. This mature Env consists of three gp120-gp41 heterodimers after the
proteolytic cleavage of its gp160 precursor. Temsavir binds under the β20-β21 loop of gp120 and
prevents the interaction between Env and the host CD4 receptor. In addition to its role as an
attachment inhibitor, temsavir stabilizes the trimer in its "closed" conformation. A previous analog
of temsavir, BMS-806, has been shown to affect the addition of glycans as well as the cleavage of
the gp160 precursor. Our studies demonstrate that temsavir also has an impact on these mechanisms
involved in the maturation and flexibility of Env of several strains of HIV-1. Therefore, we
investigated the effect of this alteration on the conformation of different Env. Our observations
showed that the effect of temsavir on proteolytic cleavage is associated with a decrease in Env
recognition by antibodies targeting different regions of Env. This modification in Env recognition
also appears to be associated with the efficacy of antibody to mediate potent antibody-dependent
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against infected-cells. The results presented in this master thesis,
should be considered when developing immunotherapies aimed at targeting the viral reservoir in
Fostemsavir-treated individuals.
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Modularized Battery Management Systems for Lithium-Ion Battery Packs in EVsZhang, Yizhou January 2016 (has links)
The (Battery management system)BMS has the task of ensuring that for the individual bat-tery cell parameters such as the allowed operating voltage window or the allowable temperature range are not violated. Since the battery itself is a highly distinct nonlinear electrochemical de-vice it is hard to detect its internal characteristics directly. The requirement of predicting battery packs’ present operating condition will become one of the most important task for the BMS. Therefore, special algorithms for battery monitoring are required.In this thesis, a model based battery state estimation technique using an adaptive filter tech-nology is investigated. Different battery models are studied in terms of complexity and accuracy. Following up with the introduction of different adaptive filter technology, the implementation of these methods into battery management system is decribed. Evaluations on different estimation methods are implemented from the point of view of the dynamic performance, the requirement on the computing power and the accuracy of the estimation. Real test drive data will be used as a reference to compare the result with the estimation value. Characteristics of different moni-toring methods and models are reported in this work. Finally, the trade-offs between different monitor’s performance and their computational complexity are analyzed. / BMS (eng. battery management system) har till uppgift att se till att viktiga parametrar såsom tillspännings- och temperaturintervall upprätthålls för varje individuell battericell. Då en battericells beteende är ickelinjärt är det svårt att bestämma cellens interna karakteristika direkt. Att kunna förutsäga dessa karakteristika för ett komplett batteripack kommer att en mycket viktig funktion hos framtida BMS. I detta examensarbete har en modellbaserad tillståndsestimeringsmetod med användande av adaptiv filtrering undersökts. Olika batterimodeller har studerats med avseende på komplexitet och noggrannhet. Efter introduktionen av olika metoder för adaptiv filtrering har dessa metoder implementerats i en BMS modell. Utvärdering av de olika metoderna för att åstadkomma tillståndsestimering har sedan utförts med avseende på dynamisk prestanda, krav på beräkningskraft och noggrannhet hos de resulterande estimaten. Data från uppmätta kördata från ett fordon har använts som referens för att jämföra de olika estimaten. Slutligen presenteras en jämförelse mellan de olika tillståndsestimeringsmetodernas prestanda när de appliceras på de olika batterimodellerna.
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