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Sumažinto kaloringumo dietos poveikis kai kuriems kūno kompozicijos rodikliams ir kraujo lipidų koncentracijai / The effect of calorie restricted diet on some indexes of body composition and blood lipoprotein concentrationTamašauskaitė, Ugnė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti sumažinto kaloringumo dietos poveikį kai kuriems kūno kompozicijos rodikliams ir lipidų koncentracijai. Tyrime siekta įvertinti kai kuriuos kūno kompozicijos rodiklius (riebalines raukšles, procentinį riebalų kiekį, kūno masės indeksą(KMI)), nustatyti liemens ir klubų apimčių santykį ir įvertinti kraujo lipidų koncentraciją prieš ir po sumažinto kaloringumo dietos.
Tyrime dalyvavo aštuonios sveikos moterys nuo 28 iki 46 metų. Prieš tyrimą visos tiriamosios pildė anketą apie gyvenimo būdą, žalingus įpročius, fizinį aktyvumą. Visos tiriamos moterys buvo sveikos, nerūkančios, nesportuojan��ios bei nevartojusios alkoholio tyrimo metu. Tyrimo metu, pusantro mėnesio tris kartus per savaitę, jos laikėsi sumažinto kaloringumo dietos, kitomis savaitės dienomis maitinosi įprastai. Tyrimo metu moterys registravo savo įprastą mitybos racioną. Kūno kompozicijos rodikliai (KMI, riebalinės raukšlės, liemens, klubų apimtis), bendrojo cholesterolio (Bch), didelio tankio lipoproteinų cholesterolio (DTL-ch) ir triacilglicerolių (TAG) koncentracijos kraujyje buvo išmatuoti prieš tyrimą ir po pusantro mėnesio trukusios sumažinto kaloringumo dietos. Po eksperimento nustatyta, kad dėl sumažinto kaloringumo dietos patikimai sumažėjo moterų KMI, procentinis riebalų kiekis ir riebalinės raukšlės. Taikant sumažinto kaloringumo dietą, per pusantro mėnesio kraujo lipidų (DTL-ch; Bch; TAG) koncentracija nepakito. Liemens ir klubų apimties santykio pokyčiai po sumažinto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this research was to measure the effect of calorie restricted diet on some indexes of body composition and lipoprotein concentration. This research was carried out to estimate indexes of body composition (skinfold thickness, the percentage of body fat, body mass index), waist-to-hip ratio, and the concentration of blood lipoproteins before and after calorie restricted diet.
Eight healthy women aged from 28 to 46 participated in the research. All participants filled in the questionnaire about their life style, harmful habits and physical activity. Participating women were healthy, non-smoking, sedentary and sober during the research. They were on calorie restricted diet for one and a half months, three times a week, the other days they took an usual nourishment. During the research, women registered their usual nutrition ration. The indexes of body composition (body mass index, skinfold thickness, waist-to-hip ratio), serum total cholesterol (Tchol), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), triglyceride (TG) concentration was estimated before the research and after one and a half months lasting calorie restricted diet. It was found that because of calorie restricted diet women‘s body mass index, percentage body fat, and skinfold thickness decreased (p < 0,05). After practising calorie restricted diet for one and a half months, blood lipoprotein (HDL, Tchol, TG) concentration did not change (p > 0,05). Waist-to-hip ratio change after calorie restricted diet was... [to full text]
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14—16 metų pradedančių boksininkų atletinio ir specialaus fizinio parengtumo kaita per metinį rengimo ciklą / Changes in the level of athletic and special physical preparedness of boxers aged 14—16 years during the yearly training cycleSubačius, Vitalijus 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aktualumas. Didžiausia dalis mokslinių, metodinių publikacijų nagrinėja suaugusių boksininkų rengimą ir mažai analizuojama jaunųjų boksininkų atrankos, technikos mokymo, treniravimo, varžybinės veiklos problemos (Cтрелников, 2000; Полиевский и др., 2002; Морозов, 2004). Šiuolaikinė praktika rodo, kad būtent ankstyvojo rengimo etapais (pradinio rengimo, sportinių įgūdžių ugdymo, pradinės specializacijos) būtina formuoti racionalią judesių techniką, atsižvelgiant į jaunųjų boksininkų greitumo, jėgos—greitumo kaitos dėsningumus (Суслов, Холодов, 1997; Новиков, 1999; М��розов, 2004). Mažai nagrinėjama ir aktuali problema jaunųjų boksininkų atletinis ir specialus fizinis parengtumas pradinio rengimo etapu.
Tyrimo tikslas — ištirti 14—16 metų boksininkų atletinio ir specialiojo parengtumo kaitos ypatumus per metinį pradinio rengimo ciklą.
1. Išnagrinėti boksininkų rengimo vyksmo struktūrą ir turinį per pradinio rengimo vienų metų ciklą.
2. Ištirti pradedančių boksininkų kūno sudėjimo rodiklių kaitą per vienų metų rengimo ciklą.
3. Ištirti boksininkų atletinio parengtumo kaitą per vienų metų pradinio rengimo ciklą.
4. Ištirti boksininkų specialiojo parengtumo kaitą per pradinio rengimo metinį ciklą.
Tyrimo metodai: teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo, treniravimo planų analizė, testavimas, matematinė statistika.
Tyrimo organizavimas. Buvo atlikti trys testavimai: pirmas testavimas — 2005 10 14 — 2005 10 25 dienomis; antras testavimas — 2006 01 30 — 2006 02 07 dienomis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicality of the research. The majority of scientific publications and teaching materials devoted to methods of research deal with training of adult boxers. Little attention, however, is given to selection of young boxers, their training and teaching the technique of boxing, problems of competitive activities included (Cтрелников, 2000; Полиевский и др., 2002; Морозов, 2004). Current practice shows that it is in the early stages of training (elementary training, the period of developing sports skills and primary specialization) that the technique of rational movements with respect to the dexterity of boxers and the regularities of changes in force — dexterity complex should be formed (Суслов, ���олодов, 1997; Новиков, 1999; Морозов, 2004). Insufficient attention has also been given so far to the athletic and special physical preparedness of young boxers during the stage of initial training.
The aim of the research — was to study the peculiarities of changes in the athletic and special physical preparedness of young boxers during the yearly cycle of initial training.
The tasks set were as follows:
1. To investigate the structure and content of the training process of boxers during the one—year cycle of initial training.
2. To study the changes in the indices of body composition of beginners boxers during the one—year cycle of initial training.
3. To study the changes in athletic preparedness of boxers during the one—year cycle of initial training.
4. To study the changes... [to full text]
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Comorbidity, body composition and the progression of advanced colorectal cancerLieffers, Jessica Unknown Date
No description available.
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Factors influencing the rates of lipid deposition and withdrawal in growing pigs.Sewjee, Rowena. January 2005 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine the influence of factors on the efficiency of protein
utilization and the rate of lipid deposition and withdrawal in growing pigs. Two
experiments were conducted in total.
The first experiment involved fifty-two crossbred entire Large White x Landrace male
pigs, individually penned, which were used to test the proposition that the efficiency of
protein utilisation is influenced by the body composition of the pig at the start of the trial.
The experiment was divided into two phases: in the first period, starting at 20kg
liveweight, when 3 pigs were slaughtered to determine the initial body composition of the
pigs on the trial, the remaining 48 pigs were divided into three groups, two of which were
fed ad libitum, with 11 pigs being offered a feed high in crude protein (HP, 1979 CP/kg)
and 19 pigs being offered a low CP (LP, 166g/kg) feed. The remaining 19 pigs were fed
HP on a restricted basis; the daily allowance being 0.7 of the mean intake of those pigs fed
HP ad libitum. The objective of this initial period was to create three groups of pigs
differing in body lipid content. As each pig achieved a protein weight of approximately
5.9kg, predicted to occur when the pigs on the three treatments reached live weights of 35,
39 and 34kg respectively, the pig entered phase 2 of the trial. At this stage three pigs from
each treatment (a total of 9 pigs) were slaughtered for carcass analysis, the protein contents
being approximately 5.9kg, and lipid contents being 85,98 and 87g/kg for the 3 treatments
respectively. During phase 2, the 8 pigs fed HP in phase 1 continued to be fed HP in phase
2; 8 pigs were chosen at random from those fed LP in phase 1 and were allocated the high
CP basal feed, while the remaining 8 were given LP; and 8 of the pigs feed-restricted in
phase 1 were randomly chosen and fed HP, while the remaining 8 were given LP. All pigs
were fed ad libitum during phase 2. Four pigs from each treatment in phase 2 were
slaughtered after 1 week and the remaining 4 a week later for analysis of body
composition In the first week of the second phase of the trial protein gain was highest
(264g/d) on the pigs previously restricted and then fed HP, followed by those previously
fed LP and then HP (242g/d), with pigs previously restricted and then fed LP depositing
the least amount of protein (192g/d). Pigs fed LP or HP throughout, had protein gains of
217 and 210g/d, respectively. Efficiencies of utilization of dietary protein did not differ
significantly between treatments, however, the highest being measured in pigs fed LP
throughout (461g/kg), followed in order by those fed LP and then HP (457g/kg), those fed
HP throughout (404g/kg), those previously restricted and then fed LP (394g/kg), with those
previously restricted and then fed HP being the least efficient (372g/kg).
The second experiment involved twenty-six male and twenty-six female crossbred Large
White x Landrace pigs, individually penned, which were used to determine the maximum
rate at which growing pigs can gain lipid. The experiment was divided into three phases: In
the first, starting at 20kg live weight (56 days old), when two males and 2 females were
slaughtered to determine the initial body composition of the pigs on the trial, the remaining
24 males and 24 females were randomly allocated to their various treatments. The
treatments consisted of a feed high in crude protein (H, 197g/kg), a feed low in CP (L,
166g/kg) and three blends, namely 5OH/5OL (180g/kg) (male diet), 30H/70L (167g/kg)
(both male and female diets) and 20H/80L (162g/kg) (female diet). Six pigs from each sex
were allocated to each treatment. The EFG Pig Growth Model was used to determine the
fat contents (lipid index) on the two feeds available and the three blends, to estimate the
best times to sample pigs. It was estimated that phase 1 would terminate at 63 d, phase 2 at
70 d and phase 3 at 77 d of age. At the end of each phase two pigs from each sex and
treatment were slaughtered. The lipid contents differed significantly between treatments at
the end of phase 2 for the male pigs, with the highest being measured in pigs fed L
(108g/kg), followed in order by those fed 70L/30H (86g/kg), those fed 5OL/5OH (74g/kg),
and those fed H (68g/kg) with the least lipid content. The lipid contents of the female pigs
were highly significantly different at the end of phase 3, with the highest being measured
in pigs fed L (147g/kg), followed in order by those fed 80L/20H (124g/kg), those fed
70L/3OH (116g/kg) and the least lipid content from those fed H (115g/kg). As estimated by
the EFG Pig Growth Model, the male and female pigs fed L treatment had the highest lipid
content and those fed H treatment, achieving their target rate of lipid deposition, with the
lowest lipid content.
This study indicates that the response in protein gain and in efficiency of utilization of
protein of pigs to a given feed is dependent on the amount and quality of the feed given to
the animals previously. Also, the maximum rate of lipid deposition can be achieved by
monitoring the changes in lipid deposition over a period of time, which enables an
enhanced understanding of the theory of food intake regulation in a growing pig. As a
result, accurate changes can be made when designing a phase-feeding program for growing
pigs. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.
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The relationship between resting metabolic rate and body composition in adolescents from different ethnicity : the PAHL–Study / Hoops V.L.Hoops, Vicky Louise January 2011 (has links)
Obesity in children and adolescents is on the rise and is a major risk factor for chronic
disease, thus posing one of the greatest public health challenges for the 21st century.
Although adolescent obesity is increasing in all ethnic groups, its prevalence is higher in
non–Caucasian populations. A possible explanation for ethnic differences in the
development of obesity could be ethnic differences in resting metabolic rate (RMR). A
low RMR would pre–dispose an ethnic group to obesity. In South Africa limited research
has been published with regards to body composition (BC) and RMR in adolescents and
the possible association of RMR with BC. The first aim of this study, therefore, was to
determine differences in BC and RMR between 14 year old black and Caucasian South
African adolescents from the Tlokwe municipality of the North West Province, South–
Africa. The second aim was to investigate whether significant relationships between the
body composition characteristics body mass index (BMI), percentage body fat (%BF), fat
free mass (FFM) and RMR exist in this group. The baseline data of participants in the
Physical Activity and Health Longitudinal Study (PAHLS) was used. Anthropometric
measurements included stature, body mass, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, and waist
girth to determine BMI, %BF, FFM and waist–to–height ratio (WHTR). RMR was
measured by the FitMate Pro Indirect Calorimetry (Cosmed). An independent t–test was
used to compare the two groups (black vs. Caucasian, boys and girls respectively) with
regards to body composition and RMR. Pearson correlation coefficients (adjusted for
gender and ethnicity) were calculated, to study the relationship between RMR and body
composition. Significant difference levels were set at p<0.05.
The present cross–sectional results revealed significant differences in BC and RMR in
black and Caucasian adolescents of the Tlokwe municipality, with Caucasian adolescents
of both genders having a higher RMR and FFM compared to their counterpart black
adolescents. The results further indicated that Caucasian adolescents were significantly (p<0.05) taller, heavier and had a higher %BF, WHTR, FFM and RMR than the black
adolescents of both genders. Boys of both ethnicities had a higher RMR than the girls,
with black girls having the lowest RMR. Both underweight and overweight/obesity were
present in both ethnic groups and genders emphasizing the double burden of disease
prevalent in South Africa. The overweight/obese group of both ethnicities had a higher
FFM and RMR than the normal and underweight group. After adjusting for gender and
ethnicity a high non–significant negative relationship was observed between RMR and
FFM in the overweight group. The reasons for these persistent differences in ethnic groups
for RMR in adolescents are not clear. A positive association between anthropometric
indicators of BC and RMR influenced by gender and ethnicity was indicated. Whether the
observed ethnic differences in RMR predict future weight gain and obesity awaits the
results of longitudinal analyses.
It is suggested that intervention programmes be implemented focusing on the prevention
of obesity in adolescents, but especially black adolescent girls, as they are indicated to be
the group more prone to obesity. These results supported the literature findings and
identified the need for longitudinal data regarding RMR and BC in adolescents. The
PAHL–Study will continue to follow–up these adolescents over a period of time as some of
the conclusions made will further be cleared, including whether the observed ethnic
differences in RMR predict future weight gain and obesity. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Biokinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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The relationship between resting metabolic rate and body composition in adolescents from different ethnicity : the PAHL–Study / Hoops V.L.Hoops, Vicky Louise January 2011 (has links)
Obesity in children and adolescents is on the rise and is a major risk factor for chronic
disease, thus posing one of the greatest public health challenges for the 21st century.
Although adolescent obesity is increasing in all ethnic groups, its prevalence is higher in
non–Caucasian populations. A possible explanation for ethnic differences in the
development of obesity could be ethnic differences in resting metabolic rate (RMR). A
low RMR would pre–dispose an ethnic group to obesity. In South Africa limited research
has been published with regards to body composition (BC) and RMR in adolescents and
the possible association of RMR with BC. The first aim of this study, therefore, was to
determine differences in BC and RMR between 14 year old black and Caucasian South
African adolescents from the Tlokwe municipality of the North West Province, South–
Africa. The second aim was to investigate whether significant relationships between the
body composition characteristics body mass index (BMI), percentage body fat (%BF), fat
free mass (FFM) and RMR exist in this group. The baseline data of participants in the
Physical Activity and Health Longitudinal Study (PAHLS) was used. Anthropometric
measurements included stature, body mass, triceps and subscapular skinfolds, and waist
girth to determine BMI, %BF, FFM and waist–to–height ratio (WHTR). RMR was
measured by the FitMate Pro Indirect Calorimetry (Cosmed). An independent t–test was
used to compare the two groups (black vs. Caucasian, boys and girls respectively) with
regards to body composition and RMR. Pearson correlation coefficients (adjusted for
gender and ethnicity) were calculated, to study the relationship between RMR and body
composition. Significant difference levels were set at p<0.05.
The present cross–sectional results revealed significant differences in BC and RMR in
black and Caucasian adolescents of the Tlokwe municipality, with Caucasian adolescents
of both genders having a higher RMR and FFM compared to their counterpart black
adolescents. The results further indicated that Caucasian adolescents were significantly (p<0.05) taller, heavier and had a higher %BF, WHTR, FFM and RMR than the black
adolescents of both genders. Boys of both ethnicities had a higher RMR than the girls,
with black girls having the lowest RMR. Both underweight and overweight/obesity were
present in both ethnic groups and genders emphasizing the double burden of disease
prevalent in South Africa. The overweight/obese group of both ethnicities had a higher
FFM and RMR than the normal and underweight group. After adjusting for gender and
ethnicity a high non–significant negative relationship was observed between RMR and
FFM in the overweight group. The reasons for these persistent differences in ethnic groups
for RMR in adolescents are not clear. A positive association between anthropometric
indicators of BC and RMR influenced by gender and ethnicity was indicated. Whether the
observed ethnic differences in RMR predict future weight gain and obesity awaits the
results of longitudinal analyses.
It is suggested that intervention programmes be implemented focusing on the prevention
of obesity in adolescents, but especially black adolescent girls, as they are indicated to be
the group more prone to obesity. These results supported the literature findings and
identified the need for longitudinal data regarding RMR and BC in adolescents. The
PAHL–Study will continue to follow–up these adolescents over a period of time as some of
the conclusions made will further be cleared, including whether the observed ethnic
differences in RMR predict future weight gain and obesity. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Biokinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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Metabolism and body composition in chronic inflammatory arthritis : prevention and intervention through pharmaceutical and physical meansMetsios, Giorgos S. January 2007 (has links)
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by excessive production of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). This leads to rheumatoid cachexia, a condition characterised by increased resting energy expenditure (REE) and loss of fat-free mass (FFM) leading to functional disability, decreased strength and balance. The aims of this research work was to: a) to develop a new REE equation in order to continuously monitor abnormal changes in REE in the RA population, b) to investigate if smoking further enhances hypermetabolism and c) to examine if the new anti-TNFα medication reverses this metabolic abnormality. Methods: 68 patients with RA were assessed for demographic and anthropometrical characteristics, REE (indirect calorimetry), body composition (bioelectrical impedance), and disease activity [C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), disease activity score 28 (DAS28) and health assessment questionnaire (HAQ)]. 20 of the total 68 patients, about to start anti-TNFα therapy, underwent the exact same aforementioned procedures but on three separate occasions (Baseline: two weeks prior to anti-TNFα treatment, Time-1 and Time-2: two weeks and three months, respectively, after the drug had been introduced. Results: Study 1: Based on FFM and CRP, a new equation was developed which had a prediction power of R2=0.76. The new equation revealed an almost identical mean with measured REE (1645.2±315.2 and 1645.5±363.1 kcal/day, p>0.05), and a correlation coefficient of r=0.87 (p=0.001). Study 2: Smokers with RA demonstrated significantly higher REE (1513.9±263.3 vs. 1718.1±209.2 kcal/day; p=0.000) and worse HAQ (1.0±0.8 vs. 1.7±0.8; p=0.01) compared to age and FFM matched RA non-smokers. The REE difference was significantly predicted by the interaction smoking/gender (p=0.04). Study 3: Significant increases were observed in REE (p=0.002), physical activity (p=0.001) and protein intake (p=0.001) between the three times of assessment. Moreover, disease activity significantly reduced [ESR (p=0.002), DAS28 (p=0.000), HAQ (p=0.000) and TNFα (p=0.024)] while FFM and total body fat did not change (both at p>0.05). Physical activity and protein intake were found to be significant within-subject factors for the observed REE elevation after 12-weeks on anti-TNFα treatment (p=0.001 and p=0.024, respectively). Conclusions: Findings from the first study revealed that the newly developed REE equation provides an accurate prediction of REE in RA patients. Moreover, the results from the second study showed that cigarette smoking further increases REE in patients with RA and has a negative impact on patients’ self-reported functional status. Finally, our data from the third study suggest that REE remains elevated not because of the maintenance of the RA-related hypermetabolism but due to the concomitant significant increases in physical activity and protein intake.
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Jaunų sveikų vyrų vitamino D koncentracijos, kūno sandaros, endokrininės ir psichologinės būklės bei gyvenimo kokybės sąsajos / Associations Between Vitamin D Concentracion, Body Composition, Endocrine and Psychological State and Life Quality in Young Healthy MenGailytė, Ieva 11 June 2013 (has links)
Pastarąjį dešimtmetį nustatyta, kad vitaminas D dalyvauja ne tik skeleto sistemos metaboliniuose procesuose, bet jo trūkumas siejamas ir su įvairiomis kitomis patologinėmis būsenomis, nes daugumoje organizmo ląstelių yra išsidėstę vitamino D receptoriai. Įvertinę šią vitamino D svarbą, epideminio pobūdžio jo trūkumą įvairiose šalyse bei tai, kad iki šiol panašaus pobūdžio mokslinių tyrimų mūsų šalyje neatlikta, nuspendėme įvertinti jaunų vyrų – Lietuvos kariuomenės šauktinių – vitamino D koncentracijos, kūno sandaros, endokrininės, psichologinės būklės ir gyvenimo kokybės rodiklių tarpusavio sąsajas. Daugumai tirtųjų nustatytas ženklus vitamino D trūkumas (95 proc. tyrimo pradžioje ir 96,7 proc. tyrimo pabaigoje). Tyrimo pabaigoje buvo nustatytas didesnis vitamino D trūkumas, kuris sąlygojo reikšmingą prieskydinių liaukų hormono koncentracijos padidėjimą, tačiau osteokalcino koncentracija reikšmingai nesikeitė. Taip pat nustatyta, kad didesnė vitamino D koncentracija teigiamai koreliuoja su didesne raumenų ir liesąja kūno mase, o tiems, kuriems nustatytas ryškus vitamino D trūkumas (≤10 ng/ml), būdinga mažesnė testosterono koncentracija. Be to, nustatyta, kad mažesnė vitamino D koncentracija sąlygoja depresiškumą–liūdesį ir įtampą–nerimą bei blogesnę psichologinę ir fizinę gyvenimo kokybę. Reikšmingų vitamino D koncentracijos ir pažintinių funkcijų tarpusavio ryšių bei sąsajų su tirtais stresiniais hormonais (kortizoliu, prolaktinu, tireotropiniu hormonu) nenustatyta. / Over the last decade it has been established that vitamin D is involved not only in the skeletal system metabolic processes, but its deficiency is associated with a variety of other pathological conditions, because vitamin D receptors are located in most of the body cells. Taking into consideration the importance of vitamin D, epidemic deficiency in different countries worlwide and the fact that similar studies in our country have not been performed yet, we evaluated vitamin D levels, body composition, endocrine, psychological status and quality of life in young men - Lithuanian army conscripts. Vitamin D deficiency was determined in the majority of the studied young men (95% at the beginning and 96.7% at the end of the study). There was a greater vitamin D deficiency determined at the end of the study, which conditioned a significant increase in parathyroid hormone concentration; however, there were no significant changes in the osteocalcin concentration observed. Vitamin D deficiency correlated with a smaller amount of lean body and muscle mass. A significantly smaller testosterone concentration was determined in the group of a lower vitamin D concentration (≤10 ng/mL). It was determined that a lower vitamin D concentration conditioned depression-sadness and tension-anxiety as well as psychological and physical life quality. No significant correlations between vitamin D concentration and cognitive functions, concentrations of cortisol, prolactin and thyreotropic hormone... [to full text]
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Validation of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition Assessment Methodologies in the Obese Pediatric PopulationBreithaupt, Peter G. 08 November 2011 (has links)
Rates of obesity (OB) are escalating among Canadian children and youth and the obesogenic environment is likely to cause further increases. An important aspect in providing clinical care to OB children is to have accurate assessment measures, particularly of their body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. This project entails three interrelated projects aiming to develop novel cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition measurement techniques for an OB pediatric population. The purpose of the first project was to validate a new submaximal fitness protocol specifically geared towards OB children and youth. The second objective of this thesis involved assessing cardiorespiratory efficiency utilizing the Oxygen Uptake efficiency slope. The purpose of the third project was to determine the validity of a half-body scan methodology for measuring body composition in obese children and youth. The goal of developing these novel measurement techniques is improved design and evaluation of interventions aimed at managing pediatric obesity.
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Comorbidity, body composition and the progression of advanced colorectal cancerLieffers, Jessica 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to further understand nutritional status, especially body weight and composition, during colorectal cancer progression. Population-based studies of colorectal cancer patients were conducted using administrative health data (primary and co-morbid diseases, demographics), and computed tomography (CT) imaging (body composition). In cohort 1, administrative health data was used to study comorbidities and nutritional status in 574 colorectal cancer patients referred for chemotherapy. Multivariate Cox regression revealed several comorbidities, performance status and weight loss 20% predicted survival. In cohort 2, a serial CT image analysis assessed longitudinal body composition changes during the last 12 months preceding death from colorectal cancer (n=34). Body composition changes were typified by exponential increases in liver metastases with concurrent accelerations of muscle and fat loss. These results have the potential to make a difference in how colorectal cancer patients are treated and researched by dietitians, oncologists, and health services researchers. / Nutrition and Metabolism
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