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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh termolejového kotle spalujícího dřevní štěpku / Draft of thermal-oil boiler fired with wood chips

Vojtek, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis is dealing with thermal-oil boiler fired with wood chips. In the first part is the conception of the boiler, created on the base of the search of thermal-oil boilers producers and defined fuel. In the next section is the heat-transfer, aerodynamic and hydraulic calculation. In the last part is the design of the boiler technologies. In the appendix is the projection drawing which includes all important information for the construction draft.

Lambdareglering : Installation av lambdareglering på pelletsbrännare / Lambda control : Installation of lambda control on pellet burner

Åkerblom, Hampus, Tennesmed, Roberth January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige finns det mycket skog att tillgå och en del av skogen används som energikälla för uppvärmning av hus. Många hus värms upp av pelletspannor och det finns många omoderna pelletspannor runt om i Sverige. Denna rapport syftar till att bygga om en pelletspanna av modell Ariterm PX21 från år 2009 med hjälp av lambdareglering.Brännaren idag har ingen teknik som kontrollerar förbränningen. Syftet med lambdaregleringen är att en lambdasond, som ska styra matarskruven till pelletsbrännaren, ska installeras och därmed styra förbränningen. Frågeställningen för arbetet är om en installation av lambdareglering förbättrar förbränningen och i sådana fall hur lång tid det tar innan investeringen lönar sig.En lambdasond installerades på rökröret och två Arduinos programmerades och installerades tillsammans med ett relä som är kopplat till matarskruvens strömförsörjning. Mätningar av avgaserna har genomförts både före och efter installationen och en förbättring på värdena NO, NOx och CO2 uppmättes vid lambdareglering. Vidare förbättrades verkningsgraden och bränsleförbrukningen. Förbränningen kan därmed antas vara mer fullständig med lambdareglering jämfört med utan. Efter inköpskostnaderna för installationen och besparingarna på pellets är installationen intjänad på en säsong. / There is a vast amount of forest in Sweden and parts of that is used as an energy source to heat up homes. Many homes are heated with pellet burners and some of these are old and inefficient. The purpose of this report is to rebuild a 2009 Ariterm PX21 pellet burner by installing a lambda controller.Currently, the burner has no built-in technique that controls the combustion. The purpose of the lambda controller is to control the pellet feeder to the burner with a lambda transmitter and by that control the combustion. The report aims to answer if that installation will improve the combustion and how long it will take until the investment is profitable.A lambda transmitter has been installed on the funnel and two Arduinos has been programmed and installed together with a relay connected to the feeder’s electrical supply. Exhaust measurements have been performed both before and after the installations. There was an improvement on NO, NOx, and CO2 after the installation. There was also an improvement of the efficiency and fuel consumption. Therefore, the installation of a lambda controller can be considered to improve the combustion. With the expenses made and the savings on pellet consumption, the installation will be profitable within one season.

Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Assessment of Marine Boiler : Using linear Finite Element Analyses

Alagbada, Adefemi Samuel January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is on fatigue crack growth assessments of a thermomechanical loaded Marine Boiler- Sunrod CPDB12. The installation position of the marine boiler in the ship in relation to its fatigue life under mode 1 loading is investigated. Thermomechanical loading embodies pressures, temperatures, RAO, subjected to the rigid body dynamic of ship in the marine environment.   Linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) method was used is predicting the growth rates of the welding flaws at the joint based on stress range of the Paris law relationship. FEA Numerical simulation delivered better crack growth rate assessments and life predictions of the smallest detectable flaws in the boiler.   The identified smallest detestable flaws at the welding joint diminishing the designed safe life of the boiler significantly.  Also, installation position within the ship do affect the fatigue life of the boiler.

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of co-firing of coal and pretreated biomass

Hye, A S M Abdul January 2014 (has links)
This master thesis describes the co-firing concept, benefits and opportunities of pretreated biomass in pulverized coal boilers for industrial use. Burning fossil fuels, i.e. coal is under immense political pressure as European Union (EU) and other countries are trying to bring down the CO2 emission. Biomass combustion is already a proven technology and it plays a greater role in reducing CO2 emission. The main objective of this thesis is the brief study of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling to examine the co-firing of greater amount of pretreated biomass and pulverized coal in a 200MWe pulverized coal boiler. Here, we exchange around 50 % of existing fuel in pulverized coal boiler with torrefied biomass. Torrefied biomass aids to increase the efficiency of existing coal boiler and cut down the CO2 emission. In this work, two cases of co-firing of pretreated biomass and coal have been investigated by CFD. Firstly, an experimental work was done in a laboratory scale to have few different types of torrefied biomass with different degrees of torrefaction. The devolatilization kinetics and char oxidation kinetics were also determined by experiments and other parameters have been calculated. One important aspect of this work has been to evaluate the performance of torrefaction based co-firing. Therefore, co-firing case has been compared to the 100 % coal feed case to understand the performance of torrefaction based co-firing. Furthermore, fluid flow, particles trajectories, heat transfer, and different emission behaviors have been studied. In addition, mechanisms of corrosion during co-firing have been studied and a guideline has been provided for corrosion model for analyzing the characteristics of alkali metals and their effects in co-firing coal boiler. The outcome from the CFD simulation indicated that boiler efficiency increases and the net CO2 emission reduced with increasing the biomass percentage in the co-firing system.

Techno-Economic Assesment of Parabolic Trough Steam Generation for Hospital

Hagos, Dejene Assefa January 2011 (has links)
Hospitals are one of the most energy consuming centers in which thermal energy is utilized for different medical equipments and others. Sterilizers, laundry and kitchens are the main thermal energy utilizing equipments. In addition, large amount of hot water is utilized mainly for showering and dish washing. The main sources of this thermal energy are fossil fuel for oil fired boilers and solar irradiation for solar thermal steam generation system. This project aims in analyzing the Technical performance of parabolic trough steam generation and oil fired boiler steam generation system for Black lion general specialized hospital which is located in Addis Ababa and to perform economic assessment on both systems so as to make comparison test. The result from technical feasibility study shows the parabolic trough can meet the steam demand of the hospital at the required time, more than 8hour per day, as the hospital currently require steam for different activities during the day time for 8hour per day. During cloudy day the conventional back up steam generation system will meet the daily demand for few days of the year. The economic assessment result shows that although the initial investment of concentrated solar steam generation is high as compared to convention steam generation system, the reverse is observed in operation and maintenance cost, resulting solar thermal steam generation break even (payback) to occur early, after 7 year the system let to operate over the conventional oil fired steam generation. In addition the levelized cost of energy for concentrated solar steam generation is found to be 58% higher than conventional steam generation.   Hence, the result shows that parabolic trough is found to be more economical for steam generation than oil fired boiler. If solar thermal steam generation (parabolic through) is implemented, the fuel consumption and operational cost of the boiler can be reduced appreciably.

Otopná tělesa pro ústřední vytápění / Radiators for central heating

Sabelová, Jolanta January 2012 (has links)
The task of the diploma thesis was the theoretical and experimental design of radiators for the central heating and the prepartion of conceptual design for a pension with a wellness centre in Ostrava. The building is a free-standing three-to five-floor cellarless building. The heating system will be designed for pension rooms and a social base; within the wellness centre, the heating of a fitness centre, whirlpools, and locker rooms will be designed. The heat source will be a gas boiler house. Ventilation in the accommodation part will be natural and forced in the wellness centre with respect to thermal comfort of visitors.

Factors influencing fly ash formation and slag deposit formation (slagging) on combusting a south african pulverised fuel in a 200 MWe boiler

van Alphen, Christopher 24 April 2006 (has links)
Degree: PhD Department: Engineering / 1997, South African’s major power utility, recognised the need to improve the understanding of fly ash formation and slag deposition of South African coals. This requirement is due to the predicted quality changes of power station feedstocks and the limited research into the slagging propensity of South African coals. This research seeks to develop an analytical technique and a fly ash formation model for predicting the slagging propensity of coals. The research will establish if the models based on Carboniferous coals can be applied to South African Permian coals. A water-cooled suction pyrometer with a custom designed slag probe was used to obtain samples of fly ash and slag from within a 200 MWe pulverised fuel boiler. Simultaneously, samples of pulverised fuel feedstock were collected. The mineral attributes in the pulverised fuel and the phases in fly ash and slag deposit were quantified by CCSEM. The analytical procedure, CCSEM, has been developed with a novel procedure for identifying minerals and C-bearing phases. The new fly ash formation model assumes that the mineral attributes of the combusting pulverised fuel particle controls the size and elemental signature of the resultant fly ash particle(s). The new model has shown that the inherent mineral attributes controls the physical and chemical characteristics of the initial fly ash phases. Thereafter, conditions (stoichiometric, temperature and turbulence) within the combustion chamber promote the physical and/or chemical interaction of the initial fly ash particles. Slag deposits are enriched in Ca- and Fe-bearing alumino-silicates. The new slagging propensity index is based on either predicting or measuring the proportion of Ca- and Fe-bearing alumino-silicates. iv The numerous fly ash formation models, based on Carboniferous coals are not necessarily valid for South African coals. It is not the integrity of the actual fly ash formation mechanisms that is questioned, but rather the experimental scale on which the models are based. This research has produced an analytical technique and a fly ash formation model to predict the slagging propensity of coals. This forms a platform for further research into the role that organically bound cations, combustion conditions and boiler configuration has on the formation of Ca- and Fe-bearing alumino-silicates.

Experimentell studie av driftparametrar och deras inverkan på förbränningen hos en avfallseldad rosterpanna / Experimental study of operating parameters and their effect on the combustion of a waste-fired grate boiler

Nordström, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
Energiåtervinning av avfall genom förbränning är en av de dominerande metoderna i Sverige för att reducera mängden avfall. I Sverige förbränns cirka 6 miljoner ton avfall årligen och detta genererade år 2019 16 TWh värme och 2 TWh elektricitet. Värmevärdens värmeverk Källhagsverket i Avesta producerade 185 000 MWh fjärrvärme från avfallsförbränning via deras avfallseldade rosterpanna 2019. Källhagsverket har under de senaste säsongerna haft problem med mängden kolmonoxid (CO) som bildats från avfallsförbränningen, då de har haft överträdelser av dygnsmedelvärdet av kolmonoxid. Projektets syfte var att undersöka hur en stabil förbränning kan uppnås genom att undersöka bidragande orsaker till ofullständig förbränning och projektets mål var att reducera mängden kolmonoxid som bildas från avfallsförbränningen. Vid projektets början bedrevs en litteraturstudie för att skapa bättre förståelse för förbränning och avfallsförbränning i rosterpannor. Resultatet från denna litteraturstudie visade att de faktorer som kunde bidra till höga mängder bildad kolmonoxid var bland annat rosterpannans bränslebädd, luftfördelningen i pannan och pannans tillförda luftmängd. Metoden som applicerades för projektet utgick från arbetssättet för försöksplanering. Försöksplaneringsmetodiken kan sammanfattningsvis beskrivas som ett samlingsbegrepp för ett arbetssätt för metoder som möjliggör att ta fram slutsatser och samband hos en process olika faktorer. Källhagsverkets rosterpanna undersöktes och driftdata från tidigare driftsäsonger analyserades med hjälp av statistiska analyser i form av enkel linjär regressionsanalys och multipel linjär regressionsanalys. Resultatet från de statistiska analyserna visade att luftfaktorer såsom luftflöden och luftfördelning hade signifikans för mängden bildad kolmonoxid av pannan. Flertalet olika försök genomfördes för att identifiera faktorer som påverkade förbränningen, bildningen av kolmonoxid och pannans begränsningar. Försöken utfördes bland annat för att testa olika luftfördelningar hos pannan, ändra mängden tillförd torkluft och rosterhastighetsfördelningar. Efter dessa initiala försök bedrevs två större försök, ett 2-faktorförsök och ett försök där pannans sekundärluft fick reglera på syrehalten i stället för kolmonoxidmängden i rökgaserna. 2-faktorförsöket genomfördes där tre faktorer ändrades från en låg nivå till en hög nivå. Faktorerna var syrehalten i rökgaserna, sekundärluftsfördelningen mellan övre och nedre sekundärluftsregistret och sekundärluftsregleringen mellan främre och bakresekundärluftsregistret. Resultatet från de genomförda försöken visade att de signifikanta faktorerna för den bildade kolmonoxiden var syrehalten i rökgaserna, sekundärluftsfördelningen och primärluftsmängden hos torkzonen (roster 1) och förbränningszonen (roster 3). Resultatet visade även att kolmonoxidmängden och mängden kväveoxid kunde reduceras om sekundärluftsregleringen reglerade på syrehalten i rökgaserna i stället för kolmonoxiden. När sekundärluften reglerade på syrehalten reducerades mängden kolmonoxid med cirka 30 % och mängden kväveoxid reducerades med cirka 15 %. Det som gav mest effekt under projektet var att låta sekundärluften reglera på syrehalten (O2) i stället för kolmonoxiden (CO). Detta gav en kolmonoxid-minskning med cirka 30 % och reducerade även kväveoxid-utsläppen (NOx) med 15 %. Följande rekommendationer gavs för att reducera mängden bildad kolmonoxid: sekundärluftsreglering bör ske via syrehalten för att reducera mängden kolmonoxid och kväveoxid. minska luftöverskottet till nivåer med syrehalt på cirka 5,5 % – 6,0 %. Nyckelord: avfallsförbränning, rosterpanna, försöksplanering. / Energy recovery of waste via waste incineration is one of the dominant methods in Sweden for reducing the amount of waste. In Sweden, approximately 6 million tonnes of waste are incinerated annually and in 2019 this generated 16 TWh of heat and 2 TWh of electricity. Värmevärden’s heating plant Källhagsverket in Avesta produced 185 000 MWh of district heating by waste incineration from their waste-fired grate boiler in 2019. In recent seasons, Källhagsverket has had problems with the amount of carbon monoxide (CO) formed from waste incineration, as they have violated the daily average value of carbon monoxide. The aim of the project was to investigate how a stable combustion can be achieved by investigating contributing causes of incomplete combustion and the project’s goal was to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide formed from the waste incineration. At the beginning of the project, a literature study was conducted to create a better understanding of combustion and waste combustion in grate boilers. The results from this literature study showed that the factors that can contribute to high amounts of carbon monoxide were, among other things, the fuel bed of the boiler, the air distribution in the boiler and the amount of air supplied to the boiler. The method applied to the project was based on the experimental design approach. The experimental planning methodology can in summary be described as a collective concept for a way of working regarding methods that makes it possible to draw conclusions and relationships between different factors in a process. Källhagsverket’s grate boiler was examined and operating data from previous operating seasons were analysed using statistical analyses in the form of simple linear regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the statistical analyses showed that air factors such as air flows and air distribution was significant for the amount of carbon monoxide formed in the boiler. Several different experiments were performed to identify factors that affected the combustion, the formation of carbon monoxide and the limitations of the boiler. Attempts included testing different air distributions at the boiler, changing the amount of drying air supplied and grate speed distributions. After these initial experiments, two larger experiments were conducted, a 2-factor experiment and an experiment where the boiler’s oxygen content operated as a the setpoint for the secondary air instead of the amount of carbon monoxide in the flue gases. The 2-factor experiment was carried out where three factors were changed from a low level to a high level and these factors were the oxygen content in the flue gases, the secondary air distribution between the upper and lower secondary air register and the secondary air distribution between the front and rear secondary air register. The results from the experiments showed that the significant factors for the carbon monoxide formed were the oxygen content in the flue gases, the secondary air distribution and the primary air flow of grate 1 and grate 3. The results also showed that the carbon monoxide content and the amount of nitric oxide could be reduced. When oxygen content operated as the setpoint for the secondary air the amount of carbon monoxide was reduced by about 30 % and the amount of nitric oxide was reduced by about 15 %. What resulted in the best results during the project was to let the oxygen content (O2) operate as the setpoint for the secondary air instead of carbon monoxide (CO). This resulted in a carbon monoxide reduction of about 30 % and also reduced nitric oxide (NOx) emissions by 15 %. The following recommendations that were given to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide formed: secondary air control should be done via the oxygen content to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide and nitric oxide. reduce the excess air to levels with an oxygen content of about 5.5 %. Keywords: waste combustion, grate boiler, design of experiments.

An Advanced Sensor Network to Calculate Net Unit Heat Rate of a Coal-Fired Boiler in Real-Time for use in Dynamic Optimization

Stewart, Keane Christopher 19 December 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Dynamic operation of dispatchable energy sources is crucial for enabling the efficient integration of intermittent renewable energy into the electricity grid. Coal-fired boilers have been required to increase transient operation as renewable energy expands in order to avoid excess renewable energy going to waste. The frequent transient operation required to meet residual energy demand has created a challenge for coal-fired units to operate efficiently. This work utilizes an Advanced Sensor Network (ASN) to calculate Net Unit Heat Rate (NUHR) of a coal-fired boiler in real time through combustion calculations and statistical correlations to provide the tools for optimizing dynamic operation. Real-time heating values that were necessary to determine fuel input energy to calculate accurate NUHR were found using both fundamental and data-driven methods. Real-time NUHR shows distinct shifts that reflect changes in process conditions that improve the ability to optimize transient operation. Data-driven heating value correlations had 24% lower Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) than the fundamental combustion calculation approach when compared to daily retrospective proximate analysis. The data-driven method RMSE improved by 7% with the inclusion of ASN data. The performance of the boiler was statistically compared before and after the inclusion of real-time NUHR. Models were fit to the NUHR results as a function of generation level and confidence bands for the model were used to determine statistical significance in the change in boiler performance. Student's t-tests were also used to compare data at common generation levels. Improvements in NUHR ranging between 0.4% and 1.3% were observed over the typical range of generation levels experienced by the plant. These improvements are estimated to result in yearly savings of about $200,000. The most significant increase in NUHR was at high loads where the plant spends less time at steady operation and was often transient. Overall, the real-time NUHR has enabled dynamic optimization to better control transient operation of the coal-fired boiler.

Zvýšení ročního využití parního práškového kotle K5 ve ŽĎAS, a. s / Increasing the annual use of steam boilers K5 powder in ŽĎAS, a. S

Kubiš, David January 2017 (has links)
This mastes´s thesis deals with higher usage of boiler K5 in CHP plant ŽĎAS, a.s. in temporary season, when due to reduced consumption is overheating hot water return branch and there is need to change to another boiler. Main goal of thesis is reduce changes betwen boiler K5 and boiler K3 and increase usage of boiler K5 in temporary season by ekonomic profitablbe technical solution. At the beginning of thesis is described CHP plant ŽĎAS, a.s. and its equipment. Next are four methods of calculation increase year´s usage of boiler K5. And these are cooling hot water return branch using heat exchanger, condensation of part steam from back pressure, reduce minimal power of boiler K5 and usage with small condensing turbine. Thesis is finished with comparison of mentioned methods and experimental reduce of minimal power boiler K5.

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