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Detection of glass in RDF using NIR spectroscopyHedlund, Philip January 2018 (has links)
Purpose of this study was to investigate the possibilities of using Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to detect glass in refuse derived fuel (RDF) as well as what on-line data of glass content could be used for in terms of boiler operation and performance determination. Sample configurations were done with dried RDF (to prevent mass loss due to moisture and spectroscopic disturbance) and increasing concentrations of colored soda-lime glass, total of 100 samples. Glass was randomly scattered among the RDF by shaking the added glass and RDF in a bucket to generate representative samples of real life conditions. NIR-spectra acquisition was done between 12000 and 4000 cm-1, at 8 cm-1 resolution and average of 32 scans. The determination of boiler performance was done in accordance to Swedish standards for acceptance testing and heat loss due to glass was treated as slag. Resulting performance calculations showed boiler efficiency via indirect method matching efficiency calculated via direct method (deviating at maximum 2 %) which validates the summarized losses (including due to glass). The heat loss due to glass was calculated to 0,068 MW/%glass, which equated to average of 0,16 MW for 2,37 % glass. Total heat loss was amounted to an average of 11,53 MW. The developed models were not satisfactory in their quality of regression prediction. Although some had, through pre-processing, good development of explained variance at increasing factors, but still had a “Not Applicable” coefficient of determination by regression prediction. The poor quality of models can be explained by poor glass detection (poor representation) of the spectroscopic instrument due to a combination of glass being randomly scattered in the background material and sometimes covered by RDF as well as that the NIR-spectroscopy light beam only hits a small area. By increasing the number of samples upwards 300 -500, the effect of random scatter of glass can be mitigated and acceptable models could be acquired. / FUDIPO
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Co-firing animal waste, sludge, residue wood, peat and forest fuels in a 50MWth CFB boiler : ash transformation, availability and process improvementsHagman, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
The direct variable costs for heat and electricity production based on solid biomass fuel combustion is approximately 3-5 times lower than the costs in a fossil fuel-oil based boiler in Sweden. In addition waste derived biomass fuels are typically much cheaper than biomass not classified as waste. The introduction of the waste derived fuels; wastewater treatment sludge, demolition wood, and animal waste in a 50MWth circulating fluidized bed (CFB) biomass boiler located in Perstorp, Sweden, led to rapid deposit buildup in superheaters, heavy ash accumulation in economizers and failing boiler tubes and vortex finders that forced frequent boiler shutdowns. This in turn increased the use of expensive oil (fossil fuel) in backup boilers and the CO2 footprint of the on-site energy conversion system. This work aims to increase the general mechanistic understanding of combustion systems using complex fuels, and includes: A mapping of the boiler failure and preventive maintenance statistics; elemental composition analysis of ash, deposits and fuel fractions; flue-gas composition measurements; chemical speciation analysis; an attempt to describe the overall ash transformation reactions and mass balance throughout the combustion process. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyze the elemental composition of ash and deposits. The SEM-EDS results were used together with data from X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, thermodynamic phase data, and equilibrium calculations in an attempt to quantify the crystalline phases and the overall ash transformation of the process. Based on the findings concerning ash transformation and the failure statistics, it has been possible to identify generic key parameters regarding boiler design and process parameters, enabling major improvements of the CFB boiler availability, a lower overall energy conversion cost and a reduced CO2 footprint. / Den direkta rörliga kostnaden för värme-och elproduktion baserad på fast biobränsle är ungefär 3-5 gånger lägre än kostnaden för fossiloljebaserad produktion. Avfallsklassade fasta biobränslen är vidare oftast betydligt billigare än fasta biobränslen som inte är klassade som avfall. Införandet av de avfallsklassade bränslena; reningsslam, rivningsvirke, och animaliskt avfall i en 50MWth cirkulerande fluidiserad bädd (CFB) -panna, ledde till kraftig beläggningstillväxt i överhettare och ackumulering av aska i ekonomisers, samt haveri av panntuber och centrumrör i cyklonerna, som tvingade fram frekventa pannstopp. Detta ökade i sin tur användningen aveldningsolja (fossilt bränsle) i reservkrafts-pannor vilket resulterade i ett större CO2 utsläpp och en högre kostnad för energiomvandlingen på siten. Detta arbete syftar till att öka den allmänna mekanistiska förståelsen av förbränningssystem som använder komplexa bränslen, och omfattar; haveri- och underhållsstatistik, elementarsammansättningsanalys av aska, beläggningar och bränslefraktioner, rökgasens sammansättning, kemisk specificering av askor och beläggningar, ett försök att beskriva de övergripande askomvandlingsreaktionerna, samt en massbalans för förbränningsprocessen. Svepelektronmikroskop (SEM) utrustat med energidispersiv röntgenspektroskopi (EDS) användes för att analysera den elementära sammansättningen av aska och beläggningar. SEM-EDS-resultaten användes tillsammans med pulverröntgendiffraktionsanalys (XRD), termodynamiska fasdata, och jämviktsberäkningar i ett försök att kvantifiera de kristallina faserna och de övergripande askomvandlingsreaktionerna i processen. Baserat på resultaten rörande askomvandling och haveristatistik, har det varit möjligt att identifiera generiska nyckelparametrar gällande panndesign och processparametrar, som möjliggjort stora förbättringar av CFB pannans tillgänglighet, en lägre totalkostnad för energiomvandlingen på siten samt ett minskat CO2-utsläpp.
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Caldeiras aquatubulares de bagaço : estudo do sistema de recuperação de energia / Aquatubular boilers fueled by bagasse : study of energy recovery systemSosa Arnao, Juan Harold 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvia Azucena Nebra de Perez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T18:40:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: SOSA ARNAO, Juan Harold, Caldeiras Aquatubulares de Bagaço - Estudo do Sistema de Recuperação de Energia, Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2008. 224p. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho termodinâmico da caldeira de bagaço e reduzir o custo do seu sistema de recuperação de energia dos gases de exaustão. Para isso, foi realizada a caracterização do bagaço; após o que se determinou a velocidade terminal e o coeficiente de arrasto. Também, propriedades do bagaço como: o poder calorífico superior, a exergia, a temperatura de início de pico ou step, e a temperatura de auto-ignição foram determinadas. O desempenho da caldeira foi determinado através da aplicação da Primeira e Segunda Leis da Termodinâmica. Na análise de Primeira Lei, a eficiência da caldeira foi determinada através do método: (i) das Entradas e Saídas e (ii) do Balanço de Energia, ambos calculados na base do poder calorífico inferior (PCI) e superior (PCS). Na análise de segunda lei, o método dos insumos e produtos e do balanço de exergia foram aplicados. Uma metodologia do balanço de exergia, específica para caldeiras de combustível úmido, foi desenvolvida e aplicada neste trabalho. Através destas análises, o desempenho de quatro sistemas de geração de vapor foi estudado. Estes sistemas foram compostos por: (i) gerador de vapor, economizador de alta temperatura, pré-aquecedor de ar e economizador de baixa temperatura; (ii) gerador de vapor, pré-aquecedor de ar e economizador; (iii) gerador de vapor, pré-aquecedor de ar e secador de bagaço e (iv) gerador de vapor, economizador, pré-aquecedor de ar e secador de bagaço. Os resultados mostraram que o efeito da umidade do bagaço é o fator mais importante no desempenho da caldeira, o qual pode ser melhorado com a inserção de secadores. Além disso, o sistema de geração de vapor, composto pelo: gerador de vapor, economizador, pré-aquecedor de ar e secador de bagaço apresentou o melhor desempenho termodinâmico e também, o menor custo do sistema de recuperação de energia dos gases de exaustão. / Abstract SOSA ARNAO, Juan Harold, Aquatubular boilers fueled by bagasse - Study of Energy Recovery System, Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecânica, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2008. 224 p. The objective of this work was to evaluate the bagasse boiler thermodynamic performance and reduce the cost of its waste gases energy recovery system. For that, the bagasse characterization was realized; from which, the free-settling velocity and drag coefficient were determined. Also, the bagasse properties, such as, the higher heating value, the exergy, the step or peak initial temperature and ignition spontaneous temperature were determined. The bagasse boiler performance was determined through the application of Thermodynamic First and Second Law. In the first law analysis, the boiler efficiency was determined through (i) Input/Output and (ii) Energy Balance Method, which were calculated based on higher heating value (HHV) and lower heating value (LHV). In the second law analysis, the product/fuel and exergy balance methods were applied. A methodology of exergy balance, specific for wet fuels, was developed and applied in this work. Through these analyses the performance of four steam generation systems was studied. These systems were composed by: (i) steam generator, high temperature economizer, air heater and low temperature economizer; (ii) steam generator, air heater and economizer; (iii) steam generator, air heater and bagasse dryer and (iv) steam generator, economizer, air heater and bagasse dryer. The results showed that the bagasse moisture content effect is the most important factor in boiler performance, which can be improved with the inclusion of bagasse dryers. Besides, the steam generation system composed by: steam generator, economizer, air heater and bagasse dryer presented the best thermodynamic performance and also the lowest cost of the waste gases energy recovery system. Key Words Boiler, bagasse, economizer, air heater, dryer, exergy. / Doutorado / Termica e Fluidos / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
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Thermodynamic Equilibrium Prediction of Corrosion Tendency in Fluidized-Bed Combustion of Solid WasteHosseinian, Aida January 2017 (has links)
Global warming and air pollution are two issues of greatest concerns to human life in recent years. Environmental concerns and econimal/political independency of fossil fuels have been the driving force of developing interest in renewable resources of energy for many countries. Different type of waste-derived fuels such as biomass, municipal solid waste and industrial waste are interesting energy resources for energy producing companies. There are mainly two main paths when it comes to waste-to-energy industry, which are thermal treatment of waste, as well as biochemical treatment. Thermal treatment of waste to produce energy could benefit both for hygienic consideration of waste management and avoiding waste landfill.Heat and power generation through combustion of waste or biomass has several environmental, and economical advantageous over utilization of fossil fuels. Thermal conversion of waste and biomass fuels, however, has some challenges mainly due to their chemical composition and high alkali metals (potassium and sodium) content. Combustion of these fuels usually can result in some operational challenges such as deposition, fouling, bed agglomeration and corrosion in different part of the boiler. The less reactive and non-combustible part of the fuel known as ash-forming matter has a major role in these operational challenges. Ash related problems in waste-to-energy boilers lead to lower efficiency, high maintenance costs and equipment failure. Therefore, investigating the chemical composition of fuel and ash-forming matter is essential prior to thermal conversion of waste-derived fuels. High-temperature corrosion due to formation of corrosive alkali chloride compounds during combustion is one of the main ash-related concerns in boilers.This study investigated high-temperature corrosion in circulating fluidized-bed (CFB) combustion of solid waste. Flue gas composition of solid waste combustion in the CFB boiler was analysed in two cases: combustion of the reference fuel, and combustion of the “same” fuel with a sulphur containing additive (ammonium sulphate), to decrease the corrosive alkali chlorides in the flue gas. Chemical fractionation was carried out for fuel samples to determine the reactive and less-reactive fraction of ash-forming matter. A thermodynamic equilibrium model was developed using Factsage thermochemical software, to predict the chemical composition of the flue-gas with a special focus on corrosive alkali chlorides. The modelling results were evaluated using In-situ Alkali Chloride Monitoring (IACM) results obtained during the full-scale combustion measurements.
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Utmattningsanalys av marin ångpanna : Sunrod CPDB12 / Fatigue analysis of marine boiler : Sunrod CPDB12Castenson, Joacim, Grandics, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Problematik med utmattningsbrott är känt sedan början på 1800-talet och fenomenet har studerats sedan dess. Efter lång tids arbete har man hittat en metodik för att ta fram analytiska beräkningsmodeller samt säkra och noggranna livslängdsberäkningar för stålkonstruktioner. Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka en marin ångpannas utmattningshållfasthet under loppet av dess ekonomiska livslängd. I den här studien har en analytisk beräkning gjorts på en marin ångpannas utmattningslivslängd med hjälp av DNV ́s regler för klassifikation av fartyg samt Europeiska tryckkärlsnormen. I studien har författarna tagit hänsyn till ångpannans tryckvariationer, temperaturvariationer samt den marina ångpannans yttre påverkan från fartygets rörelse i vattnet och de resulterande hävkrafterna. Detta för att med hög tillförlitlighet (konfidens) kunna värna om människoliv, natur och miljö, fysisk egendom (fartyg samt last), operativa tillgänglighet samt lagar och regler. / Problems with fractures due to fatigue have been known since the early 19th century, and the phenomenon has been studied since then. After long periods of work, a methodology has been found to develop analytical fatigue calculation models for steel structures. The purpose of this work has been to investigate the fatigue assessments of marine boilers during it ́s economic lifetime. In this study, an analytical calculation has been made of the marine boiler using DNV's ship classification rules and the European pressure vessel standard. In the study, the authors have taken into account the boilers pressure variations, temperature variations, and the marine boiler's external impact from the vessel's motion in the water and the resulting forces. In order to be able to protect human life, nature and the environment, physical property (ships and cargo), operational availability as well as laws and regulations, with high reliability (confidentiality).
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Vliv provozních parametrů kotle na přítomnost jemných částic ve spalinách / Effect of operating parameters of the boiler on presence of fine particles in flue gasKošťál, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to the issues of the formation of fine particles in dependents on the combustion parameters. The first part of thesis is review, which summarized the information about combustion process and about formation of the gaseous products and fine particles inside them which created during combustion process. The main content of thesis is realization of measurements of fine particles from combustion, in several types of the tested combustion devices. Next part is a description of used measurement devices, which used for measurement. Last chapters are focused on evaluation of results from the measurements, comparison of the measurements between themselves and the finding the existence of the dependence of the formation of fine particles on operational parameters of boiler. And all results are evaluated in the conclusion.
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Roštový kotel na spalování uhlí a bagasy - 200 t/h, 9,3 MPa, 520 °C / Grate Boiler for Coal and Bagasse Combustion - 200 t/h, 9.3 MPa, 520 °CBartůněk, David January 2017 (has links)
The object of the thesis is to design a grate boiler for bagasse and brown coal combustion with a heat output of 160 MW. Calculations of a flue gas stoichiometry are based on known element analyses of each fuel. The crucial part of the thesis includes designs of heat-exchanging surfaces, where the bagasse is considered as the main fuel while the brown coal is the spare one. Overall thermal balance and an actual boiler efficiencies are provided in last chapters. The boiler-outlet flue gas temperature is compared with the dew point temperature at the very end of the thesis. As a part of the thesis there is a design of the boiler attached.
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Návrh roštového kotle s přirozenou cirkulací na spalování RDF / Design of steam boiler with grate firing burning RDFBasov, Mykhailo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with a project of steam boiler to combustion of refused-derived fuel. Considering the required fuel and output parameters of the steam was made the thermal calculation of boiler with it design and an individual calculation of heat exchange surfaces; hydrodynamic and aerodynamic calculations of the steam boiler.
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Výpočet kotle na hnědé uhlí pro aplikaci SCR / Calculation of Brown Coal Boiler for SCR ApplicationMizerovský, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the verification calculation of boiler which burns brown coal for the application of the selective catalytic reduction method. The thesis is divided into several parts. In the first of all is performed the calculation of the furnace chamber which involves stoichiometrics calculations and enthalpy calculations of air and flue gas. In the second part the heat balance of the boiler, the boiler losses and the thermal efficiency are determined. After all the heating surfaces are calculed for the verify the dimensions. In the conclusion of the thesis we looked for the temperature range which is used for the SCR application. Then the improvements for the appropriate temperature range are designed.
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Fluidní kotel na spalování uhlí a biomasy 150t/h / Fluidized bed boiler for burning coal and wood 150t/hPopelka, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focused in calculation and designing of fluid bed boiler for burning coal and wood biomass in the form of wood chips. The uniqueness of fluidized bed boiler is circulating fluidized layer and cyclone ash separator from flue gases beyond the combustion chamber.Work was divided into several parts due to different parameters of the fuel.. Stoichiometry calculations, emissions calculations, enthalpy of combustion and flue gas desulphurization calculations are performed in various parts.Further, calculating of the losses of boiler and its efficiency comparing to the calculation and design of each heat transfer surfaces was also solved so that resulting size and quantity meet the required specifications.Drawn set of this designed boiler based on calculations is included in the annex to this paper.
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